Raúl synopsis

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  • 7/25/2019 Ral synopsis


    synopsis for steve:

    Stuff Ral knows:

    magic:If there were no Pact altars, using magic would draw from the users life force and mana.

    This would make powerful magic deadly. w/ Pact altars however, this is not the case.

    Pact altar => spells use Mana, not life.

    If an altar is broken or there is none, a shard of the altar can be kept on ones person to

    enable casting without bodily harm.

    The pact altars were supposedly placed on the planet by the creator, to give the

    survivors of the great calamity a means to mend a broken world. Thats the basis of the

    Churchs belief.

    For most, magic must be manipulated by symbols. Most casters sign glyphs into the

    air spelling out magic that way. Few know how to speak the language, spoken casting is

    rare, but not unheard of. Those with the greatest understanding of magic can cast with

    their thoughts, with no intermediary between their will and the magic. This is a

    legendary skill. A few grandmasters have been known to do this, but generally not with

    very complex spells.

    Glyphs for known spells can be combined to make new/hybrid spells. These spells aremore complicated to cast, though.

    Runes/glyphs can be carved onto certain surfaces and can be used later, without mana

    cost. generic runes (e.g. fire runes) can be used to supply mana for/ add power to

    spells of the rune type.

    Some know how to sign spells onto surfaces for different effects. Missile ward glyph is

    an example.

    Summoning vs. calling sprits

    Making "mirror images" of extra planar creatures is distinct from using undead servants.

    Calling undead is more like gating, where caster bridges living and dead worlds for a

    spirit, soul, or dead denizen. Once in the land of the living, the dead need input of mana

  • 7/25/2019 Ral synopsis


    from caster to remain in the land of the living (they are like mirror images in this sense).


    Napoleon and Vortigern:

    NapoleonHes the emperor of Marsais, and has spread the borders of marsais to encompass

    Esperanto, Is allied w/ Galea. His attempt to take volgorod was thwarted by General

    Winter (ohoho!) He means to try again w/ an army that doesnt balk from cold, so hes

    having Vortigern get him an army of undead with which to assault volgorod.


    controls the demons that will command the dead armies of Napoleon. Because who

    can even control all those dead guys? not one man!

    If he dies while gated demons under his control are in this world, willy nilly demons. Ifthey are bound to him, and he dies, they are then bound to no one, but still hang



    How do ya get rid of the demons? Their physical forms can be compromised by

    removal/evisceration of the "heart" (gelatinous crystal within their bodies). A skilled

    wyvern rider might help with that. That doesn't remove them from this plane, however.

    As for a more permanent solution, Someone with extraplanar experience might be able

    to help.

    Places youve been and people youve met, mostly complete:





    the village (name not remembered)

    Edward (rescued you from the fat man)

    Jorge Gutierrez (head of militia in the village)

    Liutenant Jane Nelson



    Angus Podgorny (Horse)

  • 7/25/2019 Ral synopsis


    Kelton arial corp headquarters

    Masutatsu Oyama (now in Margots care)

    Capt. Abrahms



    Jess (aprehended in Malaga)


    Nachtstahl fortress

    ? nachtstahl spirit w/ his soul anchor?


    Lord Byron Nelson


    Margots estate


    Diego de la Vega

    Knurla (dwarven smith)

    Catherine (old healer lady)Al Khoarisimi


    1st precinct


    2nd precinct

    ? (armor)



    Grandpa Bushman

    Grandma Bushman (the tree)

    Francois Mihov

  • 7/25/2019 Ral synopsis



    The City

    the Late Prince Ali (fabulous he, hitting on arianna)

    Ana (church healer, treated Arianna)

    Vasily (now with Margot)Baron Razumovsky

    Emeror Ivan (in the fur!)

    Army captain (apprehended Ral in Gorova)

    Ivana, the Game Changer

    Mr. Tevyev - the man with the mausoleum

    Under Volgorod, Catacombs

    FaridThe Black Beast

    Skeleton captain.

    Rumors of the UnderKing?

    Onyx Brotherhood

    Taruskin (functional leader)

    Karajan (grandmaster)



    Albert (archaeologist, shared interest in Nachtstahl)

    Gorova (Zenkas village)


    Yuri (Zenkas father)

    Babushka (village elder)

    Mary (innkeep)
