Leapforce Rater-to-Rater Handbook Congratulations on your new job! Many new raters ask the same questions time and again after getting hired. This informal handbook was written by an active rater for new raters. This document is not official and should not be considered as such. Whoa, I got a work-at-home job! Who are these people anyway? Is this a scam? Leapforce has been in business since 2009, hiring Search Engine Evaluators to complete tasks that help the client refine search algorithms. Several Leapforce raters have been working with the company for more than four years and many have been working with Leapforce for 2+ years. Leapforce works with raters throughout the U.S. and abroad. Although the rating interface has been through various permutations, the goal has always been the same: to improve the quality of search results for Internet users everywhere. You are a Search Engine Evaluator. You are an “independent contractor” for Leapforce, as opposed to an “employee”. You help the client test algorithms before they are launched to the public as a whole. Human input is needed to perfect new search methodologies. When do I get paid? You are paid each month within 30 days of your invoice being submitted and approved. Fortunately, the payment cycles are usually much faster than that. If your invoice is approved, you can expect to be paid anywhere from the 15 th to the 25 th most months. Keep in mind, though, that Leapforce does have the full 30 days in which to pay you—don’t budget for an early paycheck. You will be paid by direct deposit. Each month the process goes like this: 1. You submit your invoice on the My Invoices tab. Remember to select the project type (e.g. “Yukon” or “Orange”) and to abbreviate EXP (Experimental), SxS (Side-by-Side), or RR (Result Review) in the description field. Some tasks are labeled both “Experimental” AND “Side-by- Side”. You should record the task type based on what the text next to the “Acquire if Available” button on the rater homepage read. If you complete multiple task types in one sitting, separate them with a comma. EXAMPLE: SxS, RR, EXP, SxS, EXP

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Leapforce Rater-to-Rater Handbook

Congratulations on your new job! Many new raters ask the same questions time and again after getting

hired. This informal handbook was written by an active rater for new raters. This document is not

official and should not be considered as such.

Whoa, I got a work-at-home job! Who are these people anyway? Is this a


Leapforce has been in business since 2009, hiring Search Engine Evaluators to complete tasks that help

the client refine search algorithms. Several Leapforce raters have been working with the company for

more than four years and many have been working with Leapforce for 2+ years. Leapforce works with

raters throughout the U.S. and abroad. Although the rating interface has been through various

permutations, the goal has always been the same: to improve the quality of search results for Internet

users everywhere.

You are a Search Engine Evaluator. You are an “independent contractor” for Leapforce, as opposed to an

“employee”. You help the client test algorithms before they are launched to the public as a whole.

Human input is needed to perfect new search methodologies.

When do I get paid?

You are paid each month within 30 days of your invoice being submitted and approved. Fortunately, the

payment cycles are usually much faster than that. If your invoice is approved, you can expect to be paid

anywhere from the 15th to the 25th most months. Keep in mind, though, that Leapforce does have the

full 30 days in which to pay you—don’t budget for an early paycheck.

You will be paid by direct deposit. Each month the process goes like this:

1. You submit your invoice on the My Invoices tab. Remember to select the project type (e.g.

“Yukon” or “Orange”) and to abbreviate EXP (Experimental), SxS (Side-by-Side), or RR (Result

Review) in the description field. Some tasks are labeled both “Experimental” AND “Side-by-

Side”. You should record the task type based on what the text next to the “Acquire if Available”

button on the rater homepage read.

If you complete multiple task types in one sitting, separate them with a comma.


2. You receive instant, automated confirmation by email that your invoice was received:

3. Several days later, you will receive either A) an approval email or B) an email stating your invoice

has not been approved and further action is required.


Information Regarding Your Leapforce At Home Invoice

Leapforce Finance Support

to me

Thank you submitting your invoice.

Your invoice has been submitted to the accounts payable team for processing

and review. It will be processed, approved and paid on its terms.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact us by sending an

email to Leapforce Finance Support <finance-

[email protected]>.

Best Regards,

The Leapforce at Home team

Information Regarding Your Leapforce At Home Invoice

Leapforce Finance Support <[email protected]>

Apr 9

to me

Your invoice has been approved for payment.

Your invoice has been placed in the payment queue and will be processed for

payment shortly. You will receive an additional email when payment has

been made.

Payment will be made via direct deposit to the account we have on

file. Please ensure your account information is correct.

Best Regards,

The Leapforce at Home team


4. If your invoice was approved, you will wait for payment. If your invoice was not approved, you

will return to the My Invoices tab, read the Notes left for you by the Finance Department, and

make changes. You will then receive an automated email stating your revised invoice has been

received. At that point, either additional dialogue will occur or you will receive an approval

email anytime between a day and a week or two later.

When you have been paid, your invoice status in the My Invoices section will change to Paid and

you will receive this email:

Information Regarding Your Leapforce At Home Invoice

Leapforce Finance Support

to me

Your invoice has been paid via direct deposit to the account we have on file. Please

allow up to 24-48 hours (on business banking days) for the payment to post to your


Best Regards,

The Leapforce at Home team

Information Regarding Your Leapforce At Home Invoice

Leapforce Finance Support <[email protected]>

to me

Your invoice has been returned for your review.

There is information regarding the reason for returning your invoice on the

Leapforce At Home website.

Please visit the Leapforce At Home website to review your invoice for any

errors, to provide any additional required information and to resubmit your

invoice for review.

Best Regards,

The Leapforce At Home team

5. Normally your money will appear in your bank account sometime during the night after you’ve

received the Paid email.

Are taxes taken out?

As an independent contractor, you are responsible for filing and paying your own taxes. Each year, U.S.

raters will receive a 1099-MISC tax form from Leapforce, mailed to your home address.

How many hours can I work?

Your hours each month are unlimited. Your hours per day also are unlimited. You do not have to work

every day but you must complete 200 tasks total in each 30-day period. This is a rolling 30-day period

not a calendar month. For instance, if you stop working on the 18th of May, and work no more in the

month of May, you must have 200 tasks completed by the 18th of June.

How do I get started working?

Before you start working, you must install the following Add-Ons:

1. User Agent Switcher - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/user-agent-switcher/

2. Leapforce Toolbar – Go to the Project Yukon main page and click the Toolbar tab. There you will

find the link to download the toolbar as well information on which version of Firefox you should

be using.

Additional Add-Ons:

1. RaterAide – This free Add-On is a staple for Leapforce raters. It can open task tabs for you, track

your time per task, track your total time for the day and month, and even automatically fill out

your invoice. http://www.rateraide.com/

2. Multiple Tab Handler – This helpful Add-On is great for tasks like Block Utility and Side-by-Side

when you have several tabs open. You can close them all at once.


Also, you must ensure that your web history is enabled. Go to https://history.google.com/history/ and

click the gear icon in the upper right hand corner. Select “Settings” and turn on web history. When you

are ready to work, go to www.raterhub.com to acquire tasks (for the Yukon project).

Do I just start working or do I practice first?

As a new rater, your hours may be limited, what many raters refer to as a “cap”. You can start working

immediately, but many new raters choose to spend much of their time practicing the Block Utility

Simulator and SXS Simulator on the Project Yukon main page. You can also visit the Quizzes tab and the

PQ Examples tab (PQ is “Page Quality”, a major task type as well as a component of Block Utility tasks).

What kinds of tasks are there?

Tasks types and projects are continually being updated. However, you will find the major project types

and task types below.

Major Projects

1. Yukon – This is Leapforce’s “bread-and-butter” project. Tasks in this project include Block Utility,

Page Quality, Side-by-Side, and Result Review (images and videos).

2. Orange – This project has short, timed tasks that are shopping oriented.

Certain tasks and projects require a “Certification”. Project Orange requires you pass a test, just as most

other new projects require. Image-related tasks also require an image certification. You will randomly

receive the test for this certification in your main task queue.

Common Task Types

1. Experimental (EXP)

a. Block Utility (BU)

b. Page Quality (PQ)

c. News

d. Mobile

e. Needs Met

f. Video

g. Other – There are many types of EXP tasks; new task types are introduced often

2. Side-by-Side (SxS)

a. SxS web

b. SxS shopping

c. SxS image

d. SxS local

3. Result Review (RR)

a. Image short and long

b. Video short and long


There are Guidelines issued for each project and task type. These Guidelines are continually updated

and reissued. You will find links to the appropriate Guidelines in the task Instructions and you can find

them in the Project Home section of Yukon.

How do I track my time?

You should probably have more than one way to track your time. Many raters rely on RaterAide alone,

but you might like to use some combination of the following:

1. Scratch paper – Jot down the task type, the start time (Pacific Standard Time), a hash mark for

each task completed, and the end time for that task type

2. Spreadsheet – It’s easy to make a spreadsheet with your start and stop times, the task type, the

number of tasks completed, your actual minutes for that batch1 of tasks, the AET for that task

and total AET for the task batch, total hours completed, total tasks completed, total normalized

tasks completed, and your earnings.













Minutes Hours AET






Tasks $






5/8/13 1:10 PM

1:11 PM RR 1 1 .02 1.5 1.5 0.02 1 $0.23 0.75 0.75

3. RaterAide – This Add-On will track your time minute-by-minute, daily, and monthly. It can also

populate your invoice automatically. Some raters have lost data by relying on RaterAide alone,

though, so be sure you have a secondary record or enter your time on the invoice daily.

4. Invoice tab – You can’t go wrong if you enter your hours into the My Invoices tab during or after

each work session.

While you are working, make sure you note the Average Estimated Time (AET) at the top of the

task page for each and every task. One batch of Block Utility tasks could have 8-minute, 6-

minute, 10-minute, 12-minute, and 14-minutes tasks back-to-back.

1 A task “batch” is the grouping of tasks you get under a single task type. For instance, you may have a “batch” of several EXP Block Utility tasks followed by a “batch” of SxS tasks.

What if I don’t have any tasks to do?

Often you will find that there are no tasks available on www.raterhub.com. This situation is commonly

referred to as NRT by raters in Chat (No Rating Tasks).

There are several reasons you might not have tasks:

1. No one has any tasks; there just isn’t any work at that time.

2. You are a new rater and Leapforce is waiting to let you work full-time until your quality has been

reviewed and found to be acceptable.

3. Rater queues are allocated individually. You may have tasks when others don’t and vice versa.

4. Your quality has been reviewed and has been found to be lacking. In this case, you may 1) have

received a Quality Ticket by email, 2) have been informally reviewed and judged to have low

quality or low productivity, or 3) have received a low score on a formal review (formal reviews

are issued monthly by email).

You can email Leapforce’s Quality Team [email protected] to address a Quality

Ticket, a low score, or to ask if there is a problem with your quality or productivity. Be sure to

complete any available Simulator tasks as a show of effort in understanding the tasks.

What happens if I get a low score on a review?

If you receive a low review score, be sure to complete all Simulator tasks. Also review your Feedback.

You may email the Leapforce Quality Team to let them know you have reviewed your Feedback and you

understand what you did incorrectly.

Leapforce has no obligation to 1) give you a warning (other than the low review score) before severing

its relationship with you, 2) explain what you are doing wrong, 3) give you more time to learn, or 4)

renew your six-month contract after you have scored poorly on a review or to renew you even if you

have performed well.

However, if you communicate with Leapforce, it is quite possible that all of the above will be done on

their end. The difference many times is you. If you ignore a low review or do not respond to a Quality

Ticket, you may find that your work availability is lowered or you are no longer working with Leapforce.

Do not expect to engage in a detailed discussion of your job performance with the Leapforce Quality

Team. As a rule, they do not get into specifics. They will give you the general information you need to

infer whether you did something wrong and what it might have been. If you feel you have corrected any

mistakes you may have been making, feel free to ask them to look over your recent work.

Why hasn’t Leapforce emailed me back?

Each time you email Leapforce, your email is recorded and given a ticket number. Leapforce receives

many emails each day and sometimes will take a week or more to respond. Sometimes you will not

receive a response. Feel free to email again or to browse the Social pages and Chat for an answer to

your question. Make an effort to be concise and courteous in your correspondence and Leapforce will

do the same.

How is my performance monitored? How do I know if I am doing it right?

Raters are monitored all of the time and both informal and formal reviews are conducted. Sometimes

you may have misapplied a concept for weeks and not known until receipt of your formal review. Be

sure to reread the Guidelines and study the examples given on the Yukon main page.

Be careful about going too slowly on tasks. Even though your productivity for the Yukon project is

measured monthly as an average, going too slowly in a single session can have an impact on your work

availability. *Example: It’s okay if you are five minutes over on a Block Utility with an AET of 8 minutes,

but if you spend 20 minutes for each Block Utility your task load may be reduced.]

Are there prizes, incentives, or promotions?

Leapforce has an advancement system for U.S. Raters called the Preferred Agent Program. You can find

details about it in the News & Updates sidebar on the main Yukon page.

Sometimes Leapforce also will offer cash bonuses or prize drawings. These incentives are normally

based on both productivity (total hours worked and number of tasks completed) and quality.

Summing it up

You now have a great, non-scam, work-at-home job that allows you to work any time you wish. You

don’t have to spend money on gas or “business casual” clothing. The job may seem technical, but it’s

really just common sense. Rate the tasks as if you were the user. Trust your instincts and don’t dwell on

mistakes. No rater is expected to receive perfect scores all the time—all you really have to be is Average,

or around 80% right, most of the time. Do your best and don’t stress the rest!