Ranking as tool for creation diverse and competitive higher education landscape in Russia Prof. Evgeny Knyazev Director, Center for University Management, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow, Russian Federation

Ranking as tool for creation diverse and competitive higher … · 2011-10-14 · Yakutsk 100 Interfax Krasnoyarsk 20 Interfax Rostov 250 TIMES Russian federal universities to2020

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Page 1: Ranking as tool for creation diverse and competitive higher … · 2011-10-14 · Yakutsk 100 Interfax Krasnoyarsk 20 Interfax Rostov 250 TIMES Russian federal universities to2020

Ranking as tool for creation diverse and competitive higher education landscape in Russia

Prof. Evgeny KnyazevDirector, Center for University Management, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow, Russian Federation

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Structural problems of Russian Education


Colleges and HEIsColleges and HEIs

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Structure of System of the HE Institutions

Number of HEIs

Yearly enrollment

( Number of students)

Number of students

Graduates in 2007

Total 658 1 384 018 6 208 410 1 108 938

Academies 166 207 645 903 247 161 162

Universities 346 1 002 086 4 571 234 821 107

Institutes 133 139 925 598 881 106 154

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Russian universities

Number EnrollmentTotal number of

studentsGraduated in


Technical/technological 136 407018 1831822 331894

Agricultural 22 49218 218667 39827

Pedagogical 63 146081 687414 133544

Medical 18 17216 87040 13575

Humanitarian 49 183020 826264 147249

Others 58 199533 920027 155018

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Researarch at the HEIs



Удельный вес средств, полученныхот проведения научных


Удельный вес бюджетного

финансирования фундаментальных

и прикладных исследований в

общем объеме бюджетного


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Allocation of the HE Institutions








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14.10.2011 Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO 7

• LLL as ideology– На практике – отказ от жесткого государственного регулирования «образования для

взрослых» + мягкое стимулирование в важных для общества секторах (например, курсыпереобучения для безработных или корпоративные университеты в госкомпаниях)

• Increasing selectiveness of the tertiary education content

• Development of the Education program Market

• Selection and support of talents («future innovators»)

– В том числе, создание бизнес-инкубаторов, инвестиции в студенческие старт-апы иподдержка перспективных выпускников на рынке труда

– создание для них особых условий, позволяющих реализовать свойпотенциал и найти ему применение на практике

Towards new Model of Education: some basic principals

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14.10.2011 Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO 8

• New requirements for staff:– Professor as a navigator for student– Стимулирование создания свободного рынка кадров профессорского-

преподавательского состава (эффективный контракт – как основа)– Attractive financial conditions for staff (average level in economics) – Inclusiveness of staff members in practical activity (2020) as a norm (по крайней мере, для

ведущих вузов)

• Modernization of management in education:– Less state control on quality– Main regulators are professional society and families– New legal status (more autonomy) – More professionalism– More outcome orientation

Towards new Model of Education: : staff and management

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Budget funding: structural dynamics (2006 – 2009)(I.V.Abankina)


<100 100 - 250 250 - 500 >1000












177 82



119 72 28




500 - 1000





Average - 222Mediana - 176

Average - 472Mediana - 320

M. rub .

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State policy implementation: tools for differentiation in HE

• Priority national project “Education”– short termsinvestments изменения, вне регулярных механизмов финансирования, в сжатые сроки и по

ограниченному набору приоритеных направлений развития

• Federal programs – 5-years, targeted system changes программы для общесистемных изменений, их осуществления и закрепления

• Governmental grants – involvement of universities into the National economy innovative development (кооперация с предприятиями, развитие инновационной инфраструктуры вузов и т.д.)

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Priority national project “Education” for Higher Education

• National competition of the HE institutions implementing innovative educational programs of new generation ( 57 HEIs, up to 40 M USD)

• Creation the System of Federal universities (2007-2011: 9 HEIs, 400 M USD)

• Development of the System of National Research Universities (2009-2010: 29 HEIs, up to 70 M USD)

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Siberian FU Southern FU ... 9

…MIPhI ... 29

Other HEIs

Fundamental investments in Russian HE

Geopolitical tasks,Regional socio-economic development

Intellectual investments in Hi-Tech-Sectors

Accessibility and quality

Current Institutional Landscape of Russian Higher Education

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Network of National research universities

• Purpose – advanced R&D at universities– 50% of budget funding – contracts for R&D

(now – only 15%)– Funding of international research centers at

universities– Infrastructure for support of graduates (till


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Geography of leaders








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Leading Russian Universities Network







Kazan (3)

S-Petersburg (4)



Perm (2)


Tomsk (2)







- MSU, SPSU - Federal university - National research university




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Ranking as tool for creation diverse and competitive higher education landscape in

Russia (1)

Special set of indicators for federal universities: «National and international recognition»

• Business reputation• Public opinion• Positions in rankings

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FU Position in ranking


Archangelsk 250 TIMES

Kazan 350 TIMES

Ekaterinburg 300 QS

Yakutsk 100 Interfax

Krasnoyarsk 20 Interfax

Rostov 250 TIMES

Russian federal universities to 2020

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Independent ranking (sponsored by «Interfax»)

6 sets of indicators:• education• research• social servises• International activity• brand• Innovation and commercialization of intellectual property

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• Wrong motivation (on federal political level – national task, on regional political level – source of pressure, on institutional level -positive reports) «Внешняя, но не внутренняя адресность» на всех уровнях

• Difficulties of measurement (MSU, SPSU МГУ и СПГУ забивают всех).

• Weaknesses of methodology and statistics

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Ranking as tool for creation diverse and competitive higher education landscape in

Russia (3)

• Competition of HEIs implementing educational programs of new generation

• Competitive selection of National research universities• Competitive selection of HEIs for state support for

creation of Hi-Tech-enterprises and innovative infrastructure development

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Model of selection

Two sets of the measurable criterias :

– Quality of project– Quality of potential

Three stages of selection procedure– Quality of project => ranking 1=> semifinalists

– Evaluation of the HEI potential => ranking 2=> short list

– Debates of independent selection juries => winners

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Thank you for attention

Prof. Evgeny KnyazevTel. 7- 495-531-00-19

E-mail: [email protected]