RANDY GAUGLER Center for Vector Biology

RANDY GAUGLER Center for Vector Biology RANDY GAUGLER Center for Vector Biology

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Center for Vector Biology


Center for Vector Biology

Who Are We?Center Personnel


New Jersey: a Sentinel State

Extensive coast line

Climatological diversity

Major ports of entry

New & Emerging DISEASES of Public Health Significance


Eastern Equine Encephalitis

New & Emerging DISEASES of Public Health Significance

1964 & 1975

St. Louis Encephalitis

New & Emerging DISEASES of Public Health Significance


Lyme Disease

New & Emerging Diseases of Public Health Significance


West Nile virus

e.g. Aedes albopictus

• Efficient lab vector of >30 arboviruses

• Naturally infected with dengue, Japanese encephalitis, Potosi, KEY, Tensaw, Cache Valley, EEE, chikungunya & West Nile viruses

• Principal vector of dengue virus, dog heartworm, chikungunya virus

New & Emerging VECTORS of Public Health Significance

Degradation of human environmental quality

Where Are We Going?Where Are We Going?

Generate new knowledge on

vectors of public health significance

Generate new knowledge on

vectors of public health significance

Provide research-based education programs

and materials to stakeholders

Provide research-based education programs

and materials to stakeholders

Center for

Vector Biology

Center for

Vector Biology

Provide vector and disease surveillance

Provide vector and disease surveillance

Contribute to academic instruction

Contribute to academic instruction

What is Our Mission?

Re-establish world

class leadership in

public health

through excellence

in insect vector


education, and

surveillance. The

Center predicts,

prevents and

manages vector-

borne diseases


Center for

Vector Biology

Center for

Vector Biology





How Do We Get There?

How Do We Get There?

1. Entitlement to Entrepreneurial

2. Assume Broader Mission

3. Balance between Basic & Applied Research

4. Regional to International

5. Integrate Surveillance and Research

6. Develop New Alliances and Partnerships in Public Health

7. Reinvigorate Old Partnerships

Transitioning from Good to Great

1. Entitlement to Entrepreneurial1. Entitlement to Entrepreneurial

Translation: Develop New Funding Sources

Increase and broaden funding support


Aggressively pursue funding opportunities with emphasis on federal grants

Cutting-edge facilities and faculty to be competitive

Increase and broaden funding support


Aggressively pursue funding opportunities with emphasis on federal grants

Cutting-edge facilities and faculty to be competitive

Funded Pending_____________Hatch (2) Rutgers Capital Fund SMCC (2) Multimedia II PESP NIHDEP Smith FellowshipUSDA/Multistate NJMCA Fellowship USDA/NE-IPM NSF (2)Busch Biomedical USDA/NE-IPM (3)US-Egypt Tech FundNJAES Equip FundNIH-NIADUSDA-ARS____________________________________________ $6.5 million $4.2 million


Proposal Activity (past 12 months)

Proposals not funded: Multimedia I ($70k), Equine Center ($50k), EPA-STAR ($750k)

2. Assume Broader Mission

3. Balance between Basic & Applied Research

Current Research Activity

o Exotic arbovirus discovery

o WNV risk assessment model

o Tick management

o Black fly mating systems

o Insecticide resistance

o Guide to the Mosquitoes of New Jersey

o Avian surveillance

o Trap Studies: NJ light, BGS, resting boxes

o Sand fly biogeography

o Malathion residues & larval competition

o Ae. albopictus suppression

o Avian sentinels

o Dina

4. Integrate Surveillance and Research

Add international facet


• International Grants

• International Students

• President’s Malaria Initiative

5. Regional to International


• Masters in Public Health

• Distinguished Lecture Series in Vector Biology

• Multistate Research Project

• Summit


• Masters in Public Health

• Distinguished Lecture Series in Vector Biology

• Multistate Research Project

• Summit

6. Develop partnerships and alliances in public health

oCountiesoState (NJDHSS)oConnecticut Agricultural Experiment StationoNew York State Health DepartmentoUniversity DelawareoUniversity of FloridaoBrandeis UniversityoRutgers

Marine ScienceExtensionCenter for Remote SensingDIMACS Center

oUSDA-ARS Gainesville Beltsville

oCountiesoState (NJDHSS)oConnecticut Agricultural Experiment StationoNew York State Health DepartmentoUniversity DelawareoUniversity of FloridaoBrandeis UniversityoRutgers

Marine ScienceExtensionCenter for Remote SensingDIMACS Center

oUSDA-ARS Gainesville Beltsville

Bridge Building – developing collaboration

7. Reinvigorate Old Partnerships(our historical base w/ the counties)

7. Reinvigorate Old Partnerships(our historical base w/ the counties)

- Surveys - Research -

- Surveys - Research -Surveillance - Training

Surveillance - Training

• Ae. albopictus area-wide IPM (2)

• Exotic arbovirus discovery (6 counties participating)

• Undergrad Research Internship Program (3)

• BGS trap evaluation (3)

• Sand fly biogeography (13)

• Birds as WNV sentinels (1)

• NJ light trap comparison (12 counties)

• EEE/Parity (1)

• Special relationship w/ Monmouth Ct

Research Partnerships with the Counties - 2007

Publication Activity - 2007 o Shamseldean et al. Immune responses of Anopheles quadrimaculatus. Nematropica


o Shamseldean et al. Role of the surface coat of the mosquito parasite Romanomermis culicivorax. Nematology 9:17-24.

o Bartlett-Healy et al. Phonotaxis in Cx. territans. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. (in press)

o Reed et al. Selected adaptation of crows to West Nile virus. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases (in press)

o Kilpatrick et al. Genetic influences on mosquito feeding behavior. Amer. J. Trop. Med Hyg. (in press).

o Fonseca et al. Population genetics of Culex pipiens pallens. Amer. J. Trop. Med Hyg. (in press).

o Bartlett-Healy et al. Seasonal and temporal heterogeneity in Cx. territans. J. Med. Entomol. (submitted)

o Williams et al. Traps & WNV surveillance. JAMCA (submitted)

o Williges et al. Colonization of Ae. japonicus. JAMCA (submitted)

o Bartlett-Healy et al. Cx. territans and trypanosomes. (in manuscript)

o Farajollahi et al. WNV and NJ 2001-06. (in manuscript)

Improve flow of biologists into counties to promote emphasis on science-based decision making


• Undergraduate Research Internship Program

Improve flow of biologists into counties to promote emphasis on science-based decision making


• Undergraduate Research Internship Program

Beating the buzzerIntern collects specimens to test Sunday, August 19, 2007

Carina Sitkus will never look at a puddle the same way again. Or a tree hole. Or an abandoned mine pit.

Develop new avenues for dissemination of information to county biologists


• Initiate NJ mosquito biologists quarterly meeting

Develop new avenues for dissemination of information to county biologists


• Initiate NJ mosquito biologists quarterly meeting

Become an international training center for mosquito biology and control


• Develop videoconferencing network capability

Become an international training center for mosquito biology and control


• Develop videoconferencing network capability

Initiatives o Center status

o 22 proposals

o MPH in Vector Biology (RU-UMDNJ partnership)

o Experiential learning Undergraduate Research Internship

o JB Smith Commemorative Stamp

o JB Smith Fellowship

o Distinguished Lecturer Series in Vector Biology

o Golf Tournament Fundraiser

o Facilities: renovations, new equipment, additional space

o Multistate Project

o Tire Tax

o Bridge-building visits to premier labs in NE

o Biologists meeting

o New research projects in mosquitoes, sand flies & b’flies

o Summit

o One new faculty hire

Cannot realize our goals without additional faculty


o Virologist?

o Wetlands Ecologist?

o Epidemiologist?

Criteria for new hires:

o Sustainable federal funding available

o Able to link with existing centers & departments

o Meets multiple needs




RG Notes

o Send one pager primer to mod/recorderso Rossi to ‘train’ our moderators (8:30 – 9:15 a.m.) DONEo Have Recorders attend same meeting.

o Coffee Breaks purposefully long to promote informal interaction

o G: renaissance, change and the danger of doing same thing same way, multidisciplinary, springboard.

Paradigm shift

Create sense of community

CVB Goals and the five SEBS impact areas!!!!

Revitalize a program that looks to the future while keeping its feet firmly in its historical strengths with the counties