Random Story 1st Chapter Page 16 to 20

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  • 8/6/2019 Random Story 1st Chapter Page 16 to 20


    John was surprised to see that everyone was waiting outside the meeting room, maybe he got

    out of the hook by some strange coincidence but it was strange since Marcus called him.

    -Marcus his waiting for you inside. A middle aged woman said to him, she was Marcus

    secretary and she had the look of someone who was all about work.

    -Im in that big of a trouble? John asked half joking.

    -I was only told to welcome you inside. She said.

    That deemed no good, and the stares from the other people around didnt give him a better

    perspective, he hadnt much time to think about it as Marcus secretary opened the door for

    him. Marcus wasnt alone and unfortunately he knew the other man that was there.

    -What gives the honor of having you here? The jovial tone of Johns voice dropped.

    -You are hard to find John.

    -If it was easy I would have to hear your babbler every day and I dont have the patience.

    -Anyway you cant run forever.

    -Since when Im running?

    -Why dont you join us?

    -I dont have the patience to explain it to fanatics, and besides you already know why, now

    leave before I kick your ass out.

    -Very well I cant go against you, but we will be back.

    -We As if one wasnt already enough

    -I apologize Marcus and we will try to not disturb you the best we can, now if you excuse me.

    Oh, I almost forgot to introduce me Im.

    -I know who you are, actually theres none of you that I dont know off, Simon.

    -Seems that you are very well informed.

    Simon left and closed the door behind him.

    -Im sorry John I couldnt lie to them.

    -Dont worry about it I was expecting to meet them sooner than later. So are we still having

    the meeting? John asked as his normal tone returned to his voice.

    -Its better if you do, they already have a bad idea about you, making them wait will only make

    it worse.

    -I seem to bring that kind of impression wherever I go.

    -Thats not true, and dont joke about it.

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    -Yes, sir. John answered with a military posture.

    -You are impossible. Marcus reached for his phone and pressed a button Maria tell them to

    come in.

    The group quickly came in, all of them were looking at John, they were all curious about the

    relationship between them and the mysterious man that hadnt anything to do with thehospital.

    -Is there any problem with the hospital? A blond woman who should have around fifty years

    but was still in good shape.

    -None that you dont know already Marta. As you all know I have convoked this reunion so I

    could introduce you the new director, as the previous you will direct all your problems to him

    and he will resolve them as he deems better, any questions?

    -What did that man want? A short old man with not much gray air still in is head asked.

    -He was trying to recruit me, and I quickly refused him Mister Fred. I wont ask you to give meyour introduction as I have read your Curriculums, I look forward to work with you all and you

    know where to find me if you need to. Now if you dont need anything else I will excuse


    John left the room, while there was no one that wasnt surprised by his behavior, he didnt

    care, they could think whatever they wanted of him, that would be still better than the reality,

    still he had to take some precautions, he didnt want Simon and the likes of him to find their

    home so he would need to be careful when leaving home to not be followed, he also needed

    to warn Helen about it but that could wait until dinner since she was shopping with Joana, also

    they must be monitoring Marcus 24 hours a day, it was the only way he would be found so fast

    that could prove to be troublesome. He was pressed to make countermeasures sooner than heexpected, he was hoping to find some of the followers before being exposed, so he could

    control their steps but it was the other way around, at least he had the time to make sure Jane

    wasnt one of them.


    -You actually have good taste, I thought you were that kind of girl that didnt care what they

    dressed. said Helen.

    -I will take that as a compliment. Jane

    -Oh, sorry that wasnt my intent.

    -I know, I always tend to neglect a little a bit of it after I get the job. Well Im lazy but it also

    helps when the people wives whom I work for are a pain.

    -You dont need to worry about that with the new one, he is quite the catch actually, but I

    never have seen him in a relationship so to speak.

    -Really!? He sounds like quite a playboy.

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    -And he is, but I had never met a woman who you could call his girlfriend. I sometimes wonder

    if its because of me, my mom somehow was able to impose me on him.

    -Have your parents passed away? That is if you dont mind me asking.

    -My mom passed away when I was 2, I dont know anything about my father, I have met my

    grandparents though but it was awkward, since they didnt knew they had a granddaughteruntil John took me to meet them in the USA.

    -So you are American?

    -No Im French, and I cant even speak a word of it.

    -You have quite a story.

    -How about you?

    -I dont have nothing much going on, I was born and raised near here, I have a sister and a

    brother whom are both married and have children already, and I still go visit my parents quite

    frequently since they leave here.

    -Are they nice?

    -Yea I guess, although they keep nagging me about getting a boyfriend and getting married,

    they are quite old school about that. Helen smiled.

    -That seems nice; John only bothers me about sex and the precautions about it.

    -Well is right though you are at that age.

    -Oh really? When was your first time?

    -Hum, I was 18 at the time.

    -Who was the lucky guy?

    -Someone whom I met at a party and was as drunk as I was, It was a beautiful romantic story.

    they both laughed And you dont even want to know where.


    -I said you didnt want to know

    -But now Im curious.

    -Sorry I will tell you when you are 18.


    -To make up for it do you want to know my family, I have 3 nieces who are about your age and

    they are coming next weekend and are going to attend the same school as you, and anyways

    you will be a nice distraction for me.

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    -That would beawesome, we can even convince John to pose as your boyfriend for your

    parents, that should be a lot of fun. Jane stopped and stared at Helens back while she kept

    walking, then after having pictured her family faces and what they would look like if she

    presented john as her new boyfriend, she burst into laugher, at which point Helen realized she

    was going ahead.

    -That would be really hilarious. Jane said while trying to control her laugher.

    -Then its settled.

    -You were being serious!?

    -Of course I am.

    -Well we would still need him to want to go with us. She was expecting john to refuse such


    -Leave that to me, I still have some cards to play around, but I even wonder if Im going to

    need to use them.

    -What do you mean by that?

    -I mean, he might just accept just for the fun of it. Jane turned pale Common dont fret hes

    quite the actor.

    -But I dont have that much experience on that department.

    -No need to worry, it will be fine.

    -Im starting to regret having invited you.

    -Im not letting you retrieve it now though.

    The both got into a cab and headed for the hospital.


    John was the talk of the hospital after the episode at the beginning of the afternoon and the

    short presentation to the board only helped to fuel the masses. He seemed unaffected by it

    and work kept him busy no notice much. When he got off, the girls were already waiting for

    him outside the hospital talking quite happily.

    -Hey john I got us a schedule for this weekend, we are going to meet Jane family. Helen said

    -Oh, thats a surprise.

    -And the best of it is that you are going as Jane boyfriend, quite the blast isnt it?

    -Really!? John turned to Jane inquiring for an answer.

    -You dont have to, is just something she though up I dont approve it.

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    -You dont approve but you havent denied it, by boyfriend youmean I can kiss and


    -Well I.

    -Common John you are spooking her, you can be her boyfriend with her for a day without the

    chemistry part.

    -But its all based on that!

    - John dont push it. Helen shouted.

    -Ok, ok but our lady here didnt approve it yet.

    -Well I would love to see my sisters face.

    -So you want to show me off, you are quite daring.

    -O sir I didnt mean.

    -Jeez relax woman Im just messing with you, I show off all the time.

    -Thats so true. Helen reaffirmed.

    -So Jane do you want to have dinner with us.

    -I cant impose on you again.

    -Dont bother about it, the more the merrier, lets try another place.

    They ended going to an Italian restaurant and sharing a pizza. John was happy to see that

    Helen had a friend in Jane and that they seemed to had a great time during that afternoon

    since they passed most of the dinner time trying to recreate the best moments they had to


    They ended leaving late from the restaurant, and after getting Jane into a cab they got

    themselves into another one to get home and for a nights sleep.

    On the next morning, when john arrived, Jane was already there and seems for quite some

    time since she was actively going from cabinet to cabinet grabbing files.

    -You are early. John said.

    -I wanted to make a bit from skipping yesterdays afternoon.

    -Quite the workaholic?

    -You may say so.

    -So ready for tonight?