1 Introduction to Aboriginal Ramadan for Indigenous Moors-Muslims ‘Inti Rayma’ Festival of the Sun Amaru Namaa Taga Xi-Aly © 15096 Sons of the Shrine - Daughters of the Shrine of the Order of the Mahdi ©

Ramadan Instructions

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Ramadan Instructions

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Page 1: Ramadan Instructions


Introduction to

Aboriginal Ramadan for

Indigenous Moors-Muslims

‘Inti Rayma’ Festival of the Sun

Amaru Namaa Taga Xi-Aly © 15096

Sons of the Shrine - Daughters of the Shrine of


Order of the Mahdi ©

Page 2: Ramadan Instructions


Table of Contents

Summary of Facts……………………………………………………………………………..Page 3

The Call…………………………………………………………………………………………Page 4

The Language of Qur’an……………………………………………………………………...Page 5

The Lineage of the Language of Qur’an…………………………………………………....Page 5

Who Prepared this Message…………………………………………………………………Page 5

The Black Star Return of the Nomos………………………………………………………..Page 6

The Name of the Language is Qar’aa not Arabic………………………………………….Page 6

The Lineage……………………………………………………………………………………Page 8

The New Book…………………………………………………………………………………Page 9

Ramadan Time and Calendar Keeping……………………………………………………..Page 13

The Science of Revelation and How it is Achieved………………………………………..Page 14

An Example in Isa Ibn Maryam………………………………………………………………Page 14

Open Your Book…………………………………………………………………………….....Page 16

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Salaam (Peace) to All

This short reading has been drafted to give an Introduction to our participation in this years Aboriginal Ramadan according to our ancient Indigenous and Moorish calendar systems and practices. It is an opportunity for unity, growth, reflection, and honoring our Nation and lineage, thus the Creator. After doing a thorough research on Ancient Islamic Calendar Systems and the source calendars from which these calendars sprang, we have found out the following:

Summary of Facts 1) The current practice of Ramadan by nearly 1.6 billion adherents to the Qur’an whereby the

time of Ramadan has been calculated by an exclusively lunar calendar is against the ayat of the Qur’an, the original Islamic and Pre-Islamic Calendars of the Indigenous Muslims (Moors), and thus is in need of correction. We must wake our Lineage up from these spells of Ignorance, which adversely impact every aspect of their decision making; spiritual, economic, political, dietary, etc…and return this wealth (Human Energy) back home to Ourselves.

2) We have traced the Cosmology of Islam to its root in the Americas springing forth from the Indigenous Cosmology of the Xi people who are called by the misnomers Olmecs-Mayans.

3) This Xi lineage is discussed in the Qur’an as the Shi’ati literally meaning ‘lineal family’. We are the first people of the earth. The word Xi (Pronounced Shi) is the etymological root of the use of the word Shi’ati and thus the common use of the word Asiat(ic) [pronounced Ashi’at(ic)]

4) The Qur’an was not authored by the Prophet Muhammad. According to its own text it was Authored by an assembly of men who consider themselves the most advanced civilization in existence.

5) The Xi Cosmology which has been reimplemented via our Aboriginal Cosmology system in ISIS is the original curriculum of the Prophets and sages of the past and is discussed as The Umm –al Kitaab (Source Book) from which all other prophetic scriptures spring and the science of prophecy itself. We have reconstructed this system via psychological techniques made to enhance the natural ability to see as these wise ones of old. We have accomplished this by reconstructing the 13 symbol 4 elemental phase System of our Aboriginal American (Xi) Ancestors. There are only 2 Books on Earth that mark out the 90 + 1 spreads that are generated from these original Tarot images and from our discourse with the authors or holders of the Books none of them know how to create the 90 Magnetic spreads which give one the template for the ability to read any persons, groups, societies, nations, past ,present, and future. We are ready to re-teach this system. Ultimately the act of doing so will repair the wobbles we find in the nature and cosmological realities of all those who participate. In this manner so we can become the Creators we have the potential to be.

6) Ramadan this year will take place from November 25th to December 25th . 7) During this time fully healthy adherents (Those on the Aboriginal living foods Diet) will be

asked to abstain from food and liquids during the daylight hours. Their focus will be the upper elements of the Cosmological thamaniya an’am (8 powers or ancestral energies), which consist of (Air) breathing exercises and (Light) sunlight. Further discussion will be provided. Adherents under the title Mariydan (not in optimal health of the Aboriginal Diet) will be asked to abstain from nonliving foods during the day and to take only liquids such

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as water and or juiced organic fruits and or vegetables only. The original guidance of the Qur’an prohibits the eating of that which is dead (Al Maut Surah 5:3) and the fluids of animals (Al dam Surah 5:3) and any foul forms of flesh (al khanziyr Surah 5:3). Reservations are made for those is desperate conditions who cannot get to prescribed foods. Today’s pesticide ridden genetically modified foods are totally unacceptable. For those on the clean fresh waters of the earth who have access to prescribed water animals in the wild they are permitted (only for those in those occupations). For those traveling it is permitted for you to partake in food. Abstaining from foods is for adults. Children and women who are with child or nursing should not fast. Assisting those in need should be given greater focus in this period.

8) During this time meditation times as specifically prescribed by our Ancestors who Authored the Qur’an are given and the Qur’an sources are cited. These prescriptions are based on our Indigenous Cosmological system (Original religion) and prove that the foreigners have attempted to make us a bunch of non-rhythmical praying idiots by flat out making falsehoods to the people about what the Qur’an says about this heritage based meditation system called As-Salaawt. The Qur’an prescribes three times of meditation based on solar progressions and a non-obligatory 4th meditation at night.

9) Groups should work together in this area to serve those who are in need. We will give further guidance in writing and explanation on this subject. This time should be used for cultivation in the following areas: spiritual, political, economic, dietary, scientific, mathematical, social, governmental, family, martial arts and defense systems, technological, etc… so that one can tap into their divine potential and purpose.

10) The International Indigenous Society will be offering daily Qur’an lessons, radio broadcasts twice a week via www.blogtalkradio.com/aboriginal-radio on Wednesdays and Sundays at 10pm call in number 646-381-4991. We will also do one of those broadcasts via livestream and notices will be posted via all streams of media. At the end of this Ramadan we will have a celebration and public discussion on our heritage as Aboriginal Americans and Moors (Xi-Amaru) and its significance to approaching every aspect of our engagement in Society. That presentation and celebration will be in Shaykhamaxum (Philadelphia) on December 29th Location TBA.

For the first time the adherents to the ancient system of Islam will learn about this system and its derivation from the earths oldest people, the earths oldest calendar system, the earths oldest cosmology, and ultimately what is meant in the ayat of the Qur’an in respect to this sacred period of Ramadan. Ultimately what is termed the yaum al qiyamah (literally the period of standing upright) which is generally called the resurrection will be discussed and made clear. That time (Yaum Al Qiyamah) is now.

THE CALL We are calling on all Indigenous peoples (Indigenous Moors/Muslims) to participate in the great opportunity to ignite a Renaissance in learning, sharing, building, focusing on goals and executing the vision of removing ignorance from all phases of our heritage as a people. We will be practicing Ramadan this year from November 25 2011 until December 25th 2011. We are doing this to rectify our Heritage. We desire to undo the acts committed by Foreigners made to distort our ancient calendar system, in some ways through ignorance and in other ways through intentional tampering with the heritage of the Indigenous Moors/Muslims.

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The Language of Qur’an It is a common error for both so-called scholars and laymen to call the language of the Qur’an ‘ARABIC”. This distortion goes along with an attempt to destroy the truth of the Identity of the Progenitors of this system called Islam. They (The Progenitors of this System) are certainly a ‘They’ as taught and verified within the text of the Qur’an. The name of the language is Qar’aa. This word simply means to ‘read or recite’. It is derived from the lineage of ancient Afro-asiatic Languages.

Lineage of Qur’an Language These languages (And all languages) are a product of the Cosmology of an ancient people who were recounting global events specifying the rise and fall of civilizations and cyclical earth cataclysms. Some of these Cataclysms in ancient times extended beyond earth. This discussionin the Qur’an is about a lineage of people who survived each cataclysm and other non-Indigenous lineages who became the bi-product of being adversely effected by these earth cataclysms. The ultimate picture painted in this stream of traditions is that a resolution would come to this rise and fall of civilizations and that these cataclysms would end.

Who Prepared this Message? The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught his students that a group of what he termed Wise Black scientists were the actual preparers of the Qur’an and all ancient scriptures. He stated this group of wise scientists would pass this science down to their sons. They engaged in the science of predicting the future through a sacred and secret method. Simply put, they were the seers and the common population were not fully aware of them and their work. The Qur’an calls these men ‘mala’ikat’ which literally means Kings. An example of direct ayat that speak of this group and their work of preparing this Qur’an and thus their knowledge of the name of language is clear throughout the Qur’an. An example of this is made clear in Surah 75 Al Qiyamah (The Resurrection) ayat 16-19. My translation of these ayat reads,

“(16) Do not make spoken opinions in respect to it (Qur’an) to make haste in respect to it

(17) Certainly on Us is the responsibility of collecting of it (Qur’an) and its reading (recitation)

(18) So when we recite it follow our recitation

(19) And Surely on Us rests the explanation (bayaanah) of it

Now the Original Qar’aa

(Ayah 16) Laa Tukarik bihi lisaanaka lita'jala bi hi

(Ayah 17) inna 'alayna jam'ah wa qur'aanah

(Ayah 18) fa idhaa qaraanaahu faatabi'a qur'aanah

(Ayah 19) thumma inna ‘alayna bayaanah

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The above simple verses are associated with other verses throughout the text of the Qur’an with the words We and Us. An example is shown in verse 19 in the word ‘alayna’. It is composed of the 2 words ’alay’ and ‘na’. The word ‘alay’ is a preposition and means ‘upon’. The word ‘na’ means ‘Us’.

This Us takes the position and stance that no one should: 1) take a position in respect to the Book 2) recite it without being guided by Them, 3) that they will be the Ones collecting its parts together into a whole book 4) and lastly they take the responsibility of explaining it.

This perspective beats the brains out of the falsehoods perpetrated by many of the so-called learned men of Islam, particularly amongst the Pale Arabs/Aravs who have taken the position that they themselves or others (besides this exalted assembly) had this responsibility.

When if we continue to read we become aware that this group is discussed in other ayat and the importance of highlighting their Identity and actions in light of the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad on this subject are paramount.

In Surah 38 ayah 69 Muhammad is instructed to say ‘qul’…that he (Muhammad) has no knowledge of these ‘mala’i al a’aly’ (exalted assembly) when they ‘yakhtasimuna’ contend. What are these exalted scientists contending about? And why would a Prophet of Allah state that he has no authority in respect to their deliberations? Most students of Islam are generally taught that Prophet is supposedly given absolute authority from Allah, yet these ‘exalted beings’ who are described as men (Surah 6:9) take the position that they are the Authority. They state that they are in the presence of Allah. They state that it is their responsibility to be the collectors of the Qur’an. They state what they state not speaking via Muhammad, but in the first person throughout the Qur’an. In fact the language of Qur’an ONLY allows Muhammad to speak upon instruction from this group, in all instances starting with the Qar’aa word ‘qul’ or a variant, which means to ‘say’.

The Black Star and New Planet in Our Solar System

Return of the Nomos Our simple point here is that this same group predicts that they will at the end of a specific time fully intervene into the affairs of humanity. They even go so far as to describe how they would intervene in Surah 2:210 and 89:22. They depict their arrival as a noted appearance in the Heavens (sky), and this prediction in Qur’an is substantiated by several Aboriginal traditions among the Dogon (Return of the Nomos [See Pale Fox Griaule & Dieterlen]) among the Xi (Olmec-Mayans) with the return of the Bulun Ti’k’u (The 9 Gods of Destiny [See [Torteguro Monument Translation Scele & Freidel]) and the Hopi who discuss the return of beings from the stars witnessed by the manifestation of the Blue Star Kachina. We are in that time. We have pointed out those objects, a star and a full planet that is now between the orbits of earth and Venus (View our Aboriginal Radio presentations on this New Binary Black Star via www.blogtalkradio.com/aboriginal-radio). We now live in a binary star system. Besides the ancient texts from this group of scientists that predicted these events, the only man in the modern age to have first and specific conversations on these events and their meanings was the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, which is why we say He is the Messenger . He laid the base for the return and resurrection of the Original Nation and to provide humanity with a knowledge of its past and

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destiny. It was this same man who taught us to abstain from foods and observe Ramadan in December. It is our responsibility to further explain these things to make them clear in light of Aboriginal Heritage.

The Name of the Language is Qar’aa not Arabic The previous ayat from Surah 75 Al Qiyamah (The Resurrection) speak clearly of the process of explaining, collecting, and reading/reciting this Book (Qur’an). That is left to this exalted group of scientists or angels. The word used in ayat 16-19 for the language of the book is the root word Qar’aa. It means to read. However this teaching carried out by this group of exalted men also included writing. In fact the very first verses unveiled to Muhammad say just this. Surah 96 Al Alaq provides the following first words from this assembly to Muhammad, “Iqr’aa”, which means Read. ‘Iqr’aa’ is a variant of the root Qar’aa which means to read or recite. This group goes on to say to Muhammad that they teach men by the ‘qalam’, which means pen (ayah 4 of Surah 96). Simply put the qalam or pen is the instrument of writing. Thus Muhammad was very literate.

For those who believe that Arabic is the name of the language we will prove to the contrary using the Qur’an itself and the history of this area. The two words used to allegedly substantiate the use of the word Arab (as a People of the Community of the Prophet Muhammad) and thus an Arabic language are:

Al A’araabi (Surah 9)

Arabiyyan (Here Surah 43 it appears in other Surah)

On Face value to a neophyte in this language these two words look like the same word or a variant of one another. Nothing could be further from the truth.

An example of this apparent similarity yet completely different word use is in the word for ‘town’ and the word for ‘read’. They appear to have the same lineage as words

Quraa= town

Qar’aa=read recite

Though the words both have qaf (q) and ra (r) as standard consonants the vowel use and placement give them completely different meanings.

The first use of a word that has been associated with an alleged Arabic language is the Qar’aa word ‘arabiyyan’. This word is used in ayah 3 of Surah 43 Al Zukhruf. It is clear from the words use, the context of words, and how this word is used in other places, that this word means to make things clear, understandable, and comprehensible.

Verse 3 of Surah 43 states,

“ Certainly We made our recitations clear so that you may understand”

The concept given here is that if this group of powerful Scientists is about to bring about major change they desired the people understand before that major change. They are revealing the knowledge to a particular people. This community first receiving this revelation of wisdom were

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NOT Arabs. The recitations are legal arguments for people to return to a natural way of life with respect for their Creator. The call is to return to common practices of morality void of corruption. So in essence an incomprehensible message would have been unjust and this group of Exalted Scientists takes the position that justice is a paramount natural law of the Creator that they abide by. It (justice) is imbedded into the universe and the actions of those living in accord with the practices of peace are just. For translators to suggest that the Book is discussing a people called Arabs who are the primary community receiving this teaching and who allegedly spoke a language called Arabic is inaccurate. To then suggest that Arabic is the name of the language of the Book is deceptive as this group (Arabs) will be proven through our analysis of Qur’an to be an enemy of the community receiving this Book (Qur’an). According to its own text this book was initially revealed to a group of people called Muhajirin, Al Aansaar and Muslims not Arabs.

It is our second word that describes to us who this group of people called Arabs-Aravs were and are. In Surah 9 ayah 90 we get the use of the word ‘al Aa’arabi’. It is translated into the word ‘dwellers of the desert’ in Yusef Ali’s translation and many others. In fact the nomadic ‘dwellers of the desert’ (Arabs-Aravs) were considered by this group of Qur’anic authors to be the worst people, steeped in disbelief and hypocrisy (ayah 97 Surah 9), liars (ayah 90 Surah 9), and the community of the Prophet is told that this elevated group of angels/scientists is aware of these Arab hypocrites (Surah 9 verse 101) and that the community is unaware of them (the hypocrites).

Essentially what is occurring in this text is that this group who are the author of the texts are assisting and protecting the Muhajirin, Aansaar, or Muslims from these other groups (the Arabs included) who are considered outsiders and adversaries to the Prophet and his mission. So how is it that the native language of these people (Muhajriin, Aansaar, Muslims) is being called Arabic? How is it that Muhammad is being styled today as an Arab? The simple answer is that the Arabs, who were the early enemies of the doctrine, later after the Prophet passed joined onto the system and then attempted to alter the system (Styled as the classic move of a heterotroph-parasite). Through internal war the direction of the movement was heisted by specific groups calling themselves the ‘learned’ scholars (ulima) and imams (Leaders) who deified the pale Arabs-Aravs and even turned the identity of the Prophet and the original community from their original identity into Arabs. That is what you call deception and falsehood. However the Authors of the Qur’an are clear that any Imams (Leaders) are assigned by them and guided by them. The meaning and interpretation ‘bayannah’ of Qur’an comes from this ‘exalted assembly’ NOT from the suggestions of self styled Imams or from sources other than the Book (Qur’an) and its authors.

The Lineage Surah 32:24 best describes this command. It state’s,

“And We ASSIGNED (ja’al-na) from among them some Imams (Leaders) who GUIDE (yahduna) by Our authority (amr-na) because they were patient and believed firmly in Our Signs." (Quran 32:24)

The Authors of the Qur’an go further to describe this lineage of communities under their guidance under an interesting name. In Our Original language we call this family Xi (Pronounced Shi/She). The Origins of the antiquity of this family lineage rests geographically in the Americas. There were several later dispersals to what became Asia and Africa after certain cataclysms. Our later lessons will point out these population dispersals as related to cataclysms, however for now we will simply state that the chronology of these population dispersals of the Xi (Shi) people started from the

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Americas under something called in ancient scriptures the ‘remaking of the ‘al aard’ (meaning land) and the ‘samawat’ (meaning atmosphere sometimes translated as heavens or firmaments) and also under the ‘great flood’ (their existing lesser floods as well). The global magnetic field was disturbed in these cataclysms thus the Qur’ans focus on ‘fixing’ these seven firmaments or heavens (Surah 41 ayat 11-12). We call it polar shift or magnetic field disturbance in modern science.

This lineage is mentioned by name in Surah 37 ayah 83. They are called Shi’a. In conventional Islamic histories the Shi’a are the followers of Ali ibn Talib. They (Shi’a) take the position that lineage dominated the lawful succession after the Prophet Muhammad passed. We take no position on this specific history at this point. We take the position that this word Shi’a is the same as the American (Xi) and the African Ashi (Axi), and the Asian (Xi’an),all having a common linguistic origin stemming from the Americas. There is only one civilization proven to have this level of geographical influence in architectural monuments, statues, linguistics, and culture. This lineage of people are the civilization who gave a thorough record of and study of the Earths Magnetic fields and the corresponding geomagnetic upheavals and cataclysms. We call them the Olmec-Mayans in modern anthropology. They are the apparent ‘Negroid’ civilization shrouded in mystery who allegedly disappeared. Their original name is the Xi (shi) People. Arguments for their existence in Africa and Asia have been substantiated (Winters- Atlantis in Mexico). What we do know and have proven is that they have the oldest mathematics, pyramids and mounds, glyph writing and calendars, and that their descendants did not disappear, unless of course the inquisition of the Europeans was the eraser. They are the so-called negro races of the Americas who were already in America and reported as such by all exploring Europeans groups, all mural art the Xi (Olmec-Mayans) left, all of the humungous stone heads, artifacts, and lastly the earths oldest cosmology and cosmogony.

This lineage was considered special because they were the family of and interface of choice of this exalted assembly of scientists. This lineage is outfitted in Surah 37 ayah 83 and Surah 3 ayat 33-34.

The word Shi’a is used in Surah 37 ayah 83. It reads in the original Qar’aa Language,

“Wa inna min Shi’ati-hi librahiym”

Translation: “ And Certainly of his Family lineage (Noah) was Abraham”.

This word used ‘Shi’ati’ is the origin of the use of the term Asiat-ic (pronounced Ashiat-ics) as used by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Noble Drew Ali, and many adept scholars and writers of the past who were astute to this lineage.

This family lineage is linking Nuh (Noah) and Abraham by way of the word ‘Shi’a’.

Surah 3 ayat 33-34 does the same. It reads in the original Qar’aa,

(33) “Inna Allah aastafaa Aadam wa Nuuh wa Al ibrahiym wa Al ‘Amr’an ‘alaa Al ‘alamiyn”

(34) “Dhurriyyaan ba’duha min ba’dan wa Allah samiy’u ‘aliym

Translation: (33) Certainly Allah choose Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham and the Family of Amr’an above the nations

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(34) Descendants in an unbroken chain And Allah is hearing knowing

This lineage is a lineage of people who are genetically tied together and are considered the original people. Once again the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s words resonate in perfect harmony with the Authors of the Qur’an. He stated in Message to the Blackman that the Lost Negros (Now being raised according to the Guidance given to him from one he entitled the Mahdi) were indeed the LAST MEMBERS of the original nation (Message to the Blackman page 297). They are the reservoir of the genetic memory of earth’s first nation and the chosen gateway of this exalted assembly to communicate their specific messages of warning to the rest of humanity. The Messenger was given the name Shabazz for this ancient klan. It is interesting to note that a native area in Mexico is called Xi’apas (Shi’apas). This area holds some of the earths oldest calendars and famous Meso-American cities.

The New Book The most important and specific aspects of these messages deal with what are called revelation. This revelation provided in various means to this lineage of people becomes very important at the period called yaum al qiyamah (the day of resurrection). The science and mathematics of prophecy, how it is attained, and the actual curriculum of this system has been retained by this exalted assembly of scientists. At specific times this knowledge was/is imparted to this lineage and thus spread to other lineages. This science of prophecy, mathematics, and adept teaching has spread through many schools of thought becoming much altered from its original format. At the time of the yaum al qiyamah the Authors of the Qur’an predict that the knowledge of this system would return to the public. Essentially this knowledge deals with the fact that everything, every event, every person can be understood and measured through a specific system of natural laws, mathematics, and science. Thus the prediction that when this system returns it would bring everyone face to face with absolute reality or a complete knowledge of self and others.

The Qur’an speaks of this Book and calls it ‘Umm-il Kitaab’ or the Mother Book or Source Book. The verses make it clear that the Qur’an is an extraction of that Source Book and that both the Qur’an and this Source Book are with this exalted assembly of scientists.

The actual Surah of reference is Surah 43 ayah 3 and 4. They read in the original Qar’aa,

(ayah 4) “Inna ja’alnahu Qur’an arabiyyan la’alakum ta’qiluna”

(ayah 5) “Wa innah fiy Umm-il Kitaab ladaynaa la’alaa hakiym”

Translation: (ayah 4) Certainly We made our Recitations clear so that you can understand

(ayah 5) And certainly it is in the Mother Book that is with Us of elevated wisdom (la’alaa hakiym implies making a judgment of the highest degree thus the meaning ‘or for the highest level of interpretations’ is closer to the meaning of the Qar’aa words)

This Mother Book is actually a book that perfectly measures the mental frequencies and thus behavioral dynamics of humanity as groups and individuals. This paradigm of study thus becomes the best psychological study available. Why? Because the measuring tools in order to make a judgement about any particular thing are the very root powers and laws of the universe. This field we call Aboriginal Psychology, which is a subset of our Aboriginal Cosmological model. Literally

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every person, society, nation, and events springing forth from them are a Book and can be read if the sight and system is available to the viewer. This system is NOT astrology which is just as dysfunctional as corrupted religion. This is best expressed in Surah 17 ayah 71 where this exalted assembly of Qur’an Authors speaks of this book. It states in the original Qar’aa,

(71) “Yaum nad’u kulla ina’aasin bi-imaamihim faman utiya kitaabahu biyamiynahi fa-ulayka yaqr’una kitaabahum wa laa yuzlamuna fatiylaan

(72) “Wa man kaana fiy hadhihi a’maa fahuwa fiy al aakhirati aa’maa wa aadallu sabiylan”

Translation: (ayah 71) “A period when we call every people with their leaders, then whoever is given his Book (records of revelation) on the Right, these will recite their Book (records of revelation) and they will not be engrossed in darkness (ignorance).

(ayah 72) And whoever is blind in respect to this (Unveiling of the Master Book), then he will be Blind in the Period after this and off of the path

These verses make it clear that some people will have access to their ‘Book’ and others will be blind to it. The Truly significant point is the use of the word Right (yaman) in respect to the unveiling of this book. As we shall see that the actual opening and unveiling of this Book of Self-Revelation actually deals with accessing the right side of the human Brain, which is the source or immediate observable access point and stimulus region of the brain when dealing with this divine record, all of which is very significant to the revelation of Qur’an and revelation of all things in general.

Surah 17 verses 13 and 14 shed further light on this Book and the amazing anatomical knowledge of the Authors of Qur’an.

(13) And we have made the actions of all people to be stored in their ‘necks’ and We she bring him forth in the period of resurrection a Book, that they will encounter, which is fully exposed

(14) Read your Book. Your own mind is sufficient as proof (by computation) against you during this period.

These verses lay out three amongst many important factors

1) That everyone’s Books will be exposed at some point in time and taking that some of these people were described as blind to their Books this unveiling must be done by those who can read these Books of self-revelation.

2) Ayah 13 speaks very interestingly about how the actions of the people are stored in their necks. As an anatomist and physiologist of human biology I must concede to the great knowledge the Authors of the text. For them to have such knowledge about what we consider to be modern anatomy is astounding. Also its correlation to our Xi Cosmology as it pertains to anatomy and physiology is astounding. The ’unuqihi’ literally ‘his neck’ being a place where actions and records of them are stored (according to the Qur’an) can only pertain to the brain stem which rests in the neck. This area is an area of the following organs: the pons, medulla, midbrain, the base of the 4th ventricle and the 12 melanated centers called the locus coerulus and substantia nigra. At the top of the brain stem rests the pineal gland and hippocampus, which are surrounded by the temporal-occipital lobes.

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This area, which runs from the neck to the base of the skull is the area that stores memory, operates automatic functions of the body, and deals with sleep REM dreams, and sensitivity to light (pineal gland). For the Authors of the Qur’an to have the knowledge of this storage facility says a lot about our erroneous concepts of evolution. The Muslim scientists later proved their superior knowledge of anatomy and physiology, which is well rooted in ayat of the Qur’an, and their later literature proves this knowledge of anatomy and physiology (See-Canon of Medicine by Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Sīnā). Our Cosmology amongst our Xi ancestors as expressed on the Izapa Stelae corresponds to this anatomical reality as well. I have discussed the anatomical correspondences in another writing. However I can state here that this symbolic tree of life is related to the brain in that it (The Izapa Tree) has 12 roots 8 branches and a trunk that is being blown into on the RIGHT side by a priest. The 12 roots represent the 12-melanin centers of the brain stem and 12 cranial nerves. The Trunk represents this stem as it proceeds to the hippocampus and pineal gland at the crest of the stem and blowing into the right side (right temporal-occipital lobes and hippocampus) is synonymous to the Book being given to the right side in the ayat mentioned within the Qur’an. The 8 branches are the 4 lobes of the brain which are in two hemispheres thus 8 total lobes at the top of the brain stem (tree). Our ancestors had exquisite knowledge of neuro-anatomy and physiology of the human body and how it corresponded to synthesizing and initiating what we call in the Qur’an ‘wahy’ or ‘nazala’ which is revelation.

3) Our last point is that this Book is called a ‘hasiyban’ of nafsi or something that can compute or be used as a computational mechanism for nafsi, which is the mind. We do know that when we say mind we mean waves (magnetic fields). Waves are considered the feature condition of electromagetism, being composed of the smallest particles, so small that they appear invisible and can pass through more dense materialized waves. Thus the brain when active resonates various wave frequencies that we call thoughts. According to the Authors of the Qur’an this Book is connected to a system designed to accomplish the act of reading minds and thoughts. When correlated to the subject of prophecy we can now paint a clear picture of just how it is possible to successfully observe what is unseen to others and predict with mathematical accuracy events connected to individuals, societies, and nations if we have access to the right computational mathematics.

According to the Qur‘an’s own ayat, it is a book that is not only ‘(nazala’) revealed to Muhammad. It according to its own ayat is also ‘nazala’ revealed to the community of Muhammad. Surah 17 ayah 82 states,

(ayah 82)“ Wa nu-nazilu min-al Qur’an maa huwa shifaa wa rahmat lil mu’minniyn wa laa yaziydu l-zaalimiyna”

Translation: (ayah 82) And We reveal of Qur’an (Our Recitations) that which is a healing and perfect perception and to those we have a covenant with and it does not make those in darkness (ignorance) any greater.

The use of the word ‘nazilu’ the root of which is ‘nazala’ begs the question how does one receive nazala ‘revelation’. The Authors of the Qur’an and some of our own experiences in Aboriginal Psychology answer this question, which will lead us into our Ramadan discussion.

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The 3 ways The Creator (Allah) is said to communicate to humanity are discussed in Surah 42 Al Shuuraa The Counsel ayah 51. These three methods are:

1) by inspiration ‘wahy’ 2) by use of a veiling mechanism waraa hijaab (behind a Veil) 3) by sending a messenger

What we will learn from this is that the message given specifically by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Ancients clearly discusses the interaction of this advanced exalted group and their familial members whom they have interfaced with in past times. This last period, which we are now in is the culmination of all of these interfacings.

In Surah 53 Al Najm, we get the first encounter between Jabriyl and Muhammad recounted to Us. The Authors of the Qur’an say this period is called Ramadan when the revelations to Muhammad began.

The Word Ramadan has been erroneously associated with ‘ramz’, which means to burn allegedly because the Revelations started when it was very hot.

The word Ramadan is actually a compound noun composed of the roots ‘ra’ and ‘mada’ or ‘madn’. The Qar’aa word ‘ra’ means ‘to see’. As used in Surah 53 ayah 11 it reads,

(ayah 11) “Maa kadhaba l’fu’adu maa raa”

Translation: “The inner mind (of Muhammad) did not lie about what was seen (raa)”

The root mada/madan means ‘something penetrating and keen’, so the implication in the passage is that the insight being experienced was of very keen and accurate nature. The word used is ‘awhay’ the root being ‘wahy’ meaning inspiration. According to historical accounts Muhammad was meditating in a cave and while we have nothing left for us except the preserved ayat of Qur’an, the traditions left, and the hard history of the religious patterns of his people we can accurately deduce that the events that occurred were by ‘wahy’ inspiration. Muhammad came into contact with this exalted assembly through one of its members and at that point of contact a certain teaching was initiated that changed the scope of the known world. The use of the term ‘wahy’, historical records in Qur’an, and former scriptures leads us to the determination that with certainty the inspiration came in ‘prayers’ and ‘meditations’ as well as physical interfaces between Jabriyl and Muhammad.

Ramadan Time and Calendar Keeping Ramadan is the 9th month of a solar-tropical year of the original Islamic Calendar

Proper Names & Order of Islamic Months Based on Solar Tropical Calendar

1. Dhul-Hijjah ("The month of Hajj - this is the month of the annual pilgrimage Sacred Period 1 Vernal Equinox (Al Sayf or Spring) 2. Rajab ("To postpone) 3. Sha'ban ("The Branching") 4. Rabia Awal Sacred Period 2 Summer Solstice or Qayz ("First fourth")

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5. Rabia Thani (Second Fourth) 6. Shawwal ("To Rise") 7. Originally Safar Al Awwal Muharram Sacred Period 3 Vernal Equinox or Rabi (Forbidden) 8. Originally Safi Al- Akhar now Safar ("Yellow") 9. Ramadan("Keen Sight" - this is the month of daytime fasting) 10. Jumaada Awal ("First freeze")Shawwal Sacred period 4 Winter Solstice or Shita("To Rise") 11. Jumaada Thani ("Second freeze") 12. Dhul-Qi'dah (To Rest) The actual words from the Qur’an state that time of the year for Ramadan was sighted by ‘the hawaa’ of a star, not by the sighting of the moon. This star is later mentioned as Al Shiraa, the Sirius star system. We have already provided an in depth discussion on the sidereal luni-solar calendar of our lineage and its use in the time of Muhammad. Muhammad was directed to the use of this sidereal calendar as it was the most ancient Astronomical calendar system devised by his lineage and it was this group of scientists who reimplemented this system via the advent of Islam and Muhammad. A solar-tropical aspect was reinstituted with four (4) seasons ( See Surah 9:36) (traditionally called by the Muhajirrin…spring=Al sayf, summer=Qayz, autumn=Rabi, winter=Al-Shita). Understanding the interface between the Manzil lunar-sidereal calendar and the Solar-Tropical calendar of four (4) seasons both advocated by the Authors of the Qur’an and how they interplayed is the key to understanding the origin of this calendar as specified in its associations with its earlier derivatives. Those sources are the so called Paris Codex of our Xi (Olmec Mayan) ancestors in America, the Ica Stone Calendar of this same American Xi (Amaru) lineage, and the general calendar keeping of the oldest lineage on Earth. What we will show from Glyphs, that prove based their geography, to be over 50,000 fifty-thousand years old (This 50K year time period is mentioned in Qur’an Surah 70 ayah 4) is that this calendar system and time of the year (Ramadan) is from a very old tradition initiating in America and spreading into Africa and Asia. It is also at the root of understanding this new Book that is the Umm-il Kitaab (Source Book), which we have expressed through a Cosmological system of 13 sign cards in 4 sets according to there Cosmological elements, which when mathematically formulated using a 13:20 tarot system make 91 spreads which can be used to ‘read’ anything and anyone. Every person, group, nation, event, planet, star, element etc… has a symbol and thus can be tracked and explained based on this calendar system. It is the oldest Spiritual System on Earth and it is with Us.

The manzil system is accurately accounted for in the Qur’an in Surah 10 ayat 5. Its states,

(ayah 5)“ He is the One who made the Sun a light giving object and the Moon a reflecting light and measured for it (manaazil) stages so that you will know a count (‘adad) for the computing (al hisaab) of the year (al siniyna from root sana). And Allah created this only in truth, and he makes the verses clear for the knowledgable people.

The manzils are 28 in number and come every 13 days. Essentially the Moon (Al Qamar) is stationed in one of these fixed stations based on sidereal science or using the fixed stars for measurement. After 7 periods of 13 days, the seasons are beginning to change. This seven periods of thirteen equals 91 days a season (4 of which make up the solar-tropical year-See Surah 9:36). This 91 number is also the number of Tzulkin Xi Tarot spreads needed to measure for prophetic sciences. I have found only 2 Books on earth that cite these spreads and have found no one except myself who can lay all 90 out from the what I call the Magnetic Book, spread by spread.

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According to the closed circles I have had discussion with, this science was apart of an ancient curriculum of sciences taught to these people call Al-Aanbiyaa (The Prophets or Governors). I would agree from using it.

The use of the 12-month 4 season tropical year was used in conjunction with the lunar stellar 28 mansion 13 day manzil system to compute time. The erroneous discussion of the Nasi and intercalation of months amongst the pale Arabs-Aravs is a production of these pale Arabs (aravs) who are descendants of the Sassanians Lakmids Ghassinids Harranians and other groups of pale Arabs-Aravs who were nomadic Bedouins (Of Aryan Hindu origin). They have erroneously attempted to make additions of ignorance to our Indigenous Systems. Others are simply practicing intentional deception. It matters not for the time to know these things is present.

The Science of ‘Wahy’ Revelation & How it is Achieved An Example in Isa Ibn Maryam also known as

Senmut the son of Mary Hatshepsut The science of Divine Inspiration is not restricted to a Rasul or Nabi. They have the Primary responsibility of warning the people as instructed by this exalted assembly of scientists, the head of which is the personification of Allah or the Halah K’ahba according to the Cosmology of our Xi ancestors. Although some confused Muslims would call this ‘shirk’ (which is associating partners with Allah) the act of saying that a being with a basharan sawiyaan (perfect body) is Allah in person is very supported by the Authors of the Qur’an. This group’s interface with Mary Hatshepsut is recorded in the Qur’an. Mary Hatshepsut is also known as Mary-am the mother of Isa (Senmut), the Sister of Harun (Prophet Aaron Qur’an Surah 19:28) and the daughter of Amr’aan (Qur’an 66:12, Bible - Numbers 26:59). As we can see the Authors of Qur’an (And 1st Five Books of the Bible) do not place Maryam (Miriam) and Isa (Yashua) as figures living approximately 2000 years ago but well back into antiquity into Ancient Egypt, specifically the 18th Dynasty also called the Amarna (same as Amr’an) Dynasty.

Our point here is that in Surah 19 ayah 17, Maryam receives a visitor who is described as one amongst the ‘We’ (exalted assembly) and thus a member of the lineal family who say they are the Authors of the Qur’an and all scriptures. This is definitely a man, however the language is clear that He is special. It states,

“Then We sent her Our (Ruh) Spirit and he appeared before for her as a ‘basharan sawiyyan’ (perfect body).”

The use of the word ‘sawiyyan’ along with ‘bashar’ speaks volumes. First let us consider in several other places in the Qur’an Prophets get revelation through ‘wahy’ or inspiration yet in this case ‘wahy’ is not sufficient. Maryam has to interface not through a vision but face to face. Why? The language answers the question. The words of Surah 19 ayah 19 state,

(ayah 19) “ li-ahaba laki ghulaaman zakiyyan”

which translate to; li which means ‘that or for’; ahaba which means ‘to start or put into motion’; ‘Habb’ which is the root word for ‘ahaba’ and also means ‘seed’ and also ‘love’ as in the common name Habibah. It (ahaba root habb) is a verb meaning to seed, to set in motion, to love); laki means ‘for you’; ghulaaman means ‘boy’; zakiyyan means pure.

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Translation: (ayah 19) “That I will seed you with a pure son”.

Yes this member of this sacred order was the father of Maryam Hatshepsut’s (Also Called Nefer-Re) child Isa. The reason why this is important because this Senmut known in the Qur’an as Isa became the most renowned scientist of astronomy, calendars, and even architecture of the 18th Dynasty and serves as a sign according to the Qur’an of a future Man and People. In the Journal ISIS the October 1930 edition Volume 14 No.2 author A. Pogo published an Article entitled ‘The Astronomical Ceiling-Decoration in the Tomb of Senmut”. In the article the full Northern Panel of Senmut’s Astronomical record depicts what we call the solar cycle in the exact symmetry as it is shown on the Gateway of the Sun in Tiahuanco, Bolivia. The system in use ( by Senmut) records on the walls the use of the 12 Magnetic/Stellar stations (In Circles) of the Solar ecliptic (later named Zodiac’s by the Greeks) and a mathematical model that lays out 24 substations of each of the 12 major stations (Circles). Essentially 12 circles divided into 24 parts. Also depicted are the circumpolar stars for the specific time and the star, which stood as the pole star 3600 years ago during Senmuts time in the 18th Dynasty. This (displaying of the Polar Star) was important to the astronomer Senmut and his assistants. They desired to communicate that the calendric depictions were dealing with the solar cycle of approximately (25k) twenty five thousand years. The 24 parts of each of the 12 circles each equal 90 years thus each of the 12 ages equals 2160 years. Multiply 2160 by 12 and we get (25,920) twenty five thousand nine-hundred twenty years which is the time it takes the Sun to circle around the Sirius Constellation (which is depicted on the walls of Senmut as well). Modern scientist attempt to discuss this same subject in what we call ‘local standard of rest’, which is the rate of progression of the Sun and our entire solar system around the Center of the Milky Way. The Gateway of the Sun in South America has 12 Chiefs surrounded by 24 beams of light and the symbolism is displaying the exact same astronomical cycles and math as the tomb of Senmut. There are a total of 288 of these beams of light which represent a measure of 90 years totaling exactly 25,920 years. How could two worlds over 6,990 miles apart have such similarities? Perhaps Senmut took a ride over to South America to study astronomy in what is today called Bolivia? Perhaps the Ancients of Egypt had a foreign correspondence program to study calendars? If we remain in the mindset that they were primitive in the general meaning of that word as used today then we remain lost. The Proof is in the now extinct animals on the Gateway of the Sun. The now extinct Toxodon and an ancestor of today’s modern elephant are depicted on the gateway of the Sun. Sorry Egypt, you got your calendars from America, after an evacuation of the knowledge due to cataclysms.

This son Isa (Senmut) was said to be strengthened with this same (Ruh) of his father (See Surah Al Baqarah 2:87 & 2:253). This ‘Ruh al Quduus’ is clear when understood in respect to science anatomy and physiology as depicted by these ancients. For instance Mary Hatshepsut the mother of Senmut (Isa) is depicted in 18th dynasty glyphs with an ankh or nikah to her nose. The ankh extends from the Aten Disc. Its shape stands out to an anatomist because it is an exact replica of the circle of willis in the brain. This organ with its loop and cross formation brings circulating air into the brain. The word ‘Ruh’ and its variants means ‘breathe’ or ‘wind’. It is the breathe that stimulates the now found 13th cranial nerve and neural crests of the brain bringing charged particles into the brains neural receptors, which are located in the nose. This said anomaly explains why anatomists are intrigued by the origin of GnRh (gonadotropin releasing hormone) cycles and their point of origination. They admit they have no knowledge of its origination. Just ask our Moorish ancestors in Egypt. They have 3,600 years of advancement on the best medical and anatomical sciences of today. This GnRH cycle actually starts in the nose and is based on breathing cycles. Our ancestors

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were aware of this anatomical and physiological process, in our American systems, and in the language of Qur’an. They were also aware of the impact of the atmosphere on the range and functioning Human Consciousness and understood that the charge of the atmosphere was paramount to the quality of life itself and the ability to physically reproduce (GnRh is a precursor to FSH [follicle stimulating hormone] and LH [Luteinizing Hormone] which serve as testosterone and estrogen catalysts). This gives credence to why Our Ancestors and the Authors of these Scriptures placed so much Cosmological symbolism on the samawati ‘heavens’ or ‘firmaments’ the layers ‘sab’a which means ‘seven’ and the times when these atmospheric firmaments were adversely impacted. This is discussed in detail in Surah 41 of the Qur’an which we have explained in another writing.

Open Your Book The discussion of this information is for the purpose of displaying to you that you must begin the process of OPENING your Book and then reading it. In this is your power and success and thus the power and success of all those on that same mission. There is nothing greater than the discovery and active engaging of ones purpose and thus actively engaging a group purpose of peace by way of activating perpetual group success is the greatest success. Our work then as outlined by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad is to build a universal government of peace however we need the proper art science and math for such a masterful creation.

In order to accomplish this we can take note from the ancients and upgrade whatever aspects are in need of an upgrade. Accessing ones divinity is laid out in formulas by the Authors of Qur’an and in our Indigenous Xi Cosmology. In our Xi Cosmology the ultimate aim was to use the knowledge of Cosmology to access the KHAM. Kham or the power of Halah K’ahba dealt with access the Creator and Creative powers. Scientists call it the Unified Field. The word Kham literally meant zero however this zero was infinite, full, and the substance and base of all animated life. Everything was born from the Kham in a creative act (Halah). This was/is done by understanding that the primal conscious sometimes called the sub-conscious mind was the ‘bab’ or gate to this KHAM root frequency. One of the most effective methods to access the Creative power or divine revelation by way of this practice was by what we called in our Qar’aa language al-salaawt, which translates to meditational prayer. The Authors gave the best times for meditations based on Cosmological influences and thus Astronomical timing. At its root Meditation removes the relative filth many of our people find themselves engaging in. It settles the mind and creates and atmosphere of peace.

The times for meditations are mentioned in Surah 17 ayat 78-79.

The Original Qar’aa reads,

(ayah 78) “ Aqimi as-salaawt li-duluuka ash-shamsi ilaa ghasaqi al-layl wa Qur’an al fajri inna Qur’an alfajri kaana mashhudan

(ayah 79)“Wa min-al layl fatahajjad bihi nafilatan laka ‘asaa an yab’athka rabbuka maqaman mahmuudan

Translation: (78) “Establish meditational prayer at the height of the Sun (Noon), then upon the start of the night (Sunset), and the sunrise recitations, certainly the sunrise recitations are witnessed”

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(79) “And during the night you should stay awake for a part of it in prayer, going beyond your regular duty. Perhaps your Sustainer will raise you to a position of honorable praise”

In these ayat we get 3 regular meditational prayers prescribed for the community during the day and an opportunity at night for extra meditation.

The common names for these are

Dawn Meditation – Al Fajr

Noon Meditation – Al Zhuhr – here described by solar position li-duluuka ash-shamsi or the height of the Sun

Sunset Meditation Maghrib or Asr - described herein as ‘ilaa ghasaqi al-layl’ until the start of the night

Lastly a non-obligatory meditation is set at night called tahajjad

This fact is supported by Surah 24 ayah 58. It states,

(Ayah 58)Yayuuha al-ladhiynuu amanuu liysta dhinkum al ladhiyna malakat aymaanukum wa al-ladhiyna lam yablu’ghuu al hulum minkum thalaatha marraatin, min qali salaawti al fajri wa hiyna tada’una thiyaanakum min-izhahiyrati wa min ba’di salaawti al ‘ashaa, thalathu ‘awraatin lakum

(Ayah 58) “Oh Those of you who are the ones who take the covenant you must allow those whom you maintain and those who have not reached puberty to ask permission (of being in your presence) from you at three time periods; from the sunrise meditation, and until you complete your bowing praises of midday meditation and after the sunset prayer, Three private times for you.”

The 5 prayers discussion as embellished in Hadith is erroneous and its origin in from Sassinid literature from the east. Once the pale Aravs (Arabs) took over some of the jurisdictions and began to advance hadith these false stories appear. Their sources are from the traditions of the Hindu god Kalki and his winged horse he rides. This is why it is important for adherents to the text (Qur’an) to understand the Roman, Byzantine, and Sassinid (Arav-Arab) infiltrations into Islam via the hadith of the pale Aravs-Arabs.

The Cosmic and anatomical/physiological reasons for entering meditation during these three specific and sacred periods deal with the circadian rhythms of the brains master gland, the pineal gland. This small light sensitive gland is sometimes called the third eye. It has been proven to act as a modulation point for light based on its behavior in respect to day and night cycles. During the day the gland secretes serotonin an active neuro-hormone that acts as a catalyst from all frequencies above 13 cycles per second, which is considered the wake cycle. Once the earth moves into night phase this gland modulates a different frequency in the lower cycles per second allowing waves (magnetic fields) of the body to resonate on longer frequencies thus branching out their receptivity and interaction with distant waves (magnetic fields). There is information stored in these waves (magnetic fields) and thus the person who is sleep can pull up images in their mind, which is now synching with the larger magnetic fields within which it oscillates. Thus we can retrieve data literally from any point in time depending upon the power of our minds.

The Qur’an supports this scientific point in the ayah in Surah 39 Al Zumar ayah 42

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Which states,

“Allah takes (yatawaffa) the mind waves (al-aanfusi) upon its death and those that do not die during sleep. Then he withholds those (mind waves) upon whom the decree of death occurs and sends the others (mind waves) back till an appointed term. Certainly there are signs in this for a people reflect.”

This one verse explains why sometimes when you lay down to sleep you have what is generally called déjà vu where your brain can image events that have not become apart of the earth grids time operation yet. Astral traveling is a real science.

As-salaawt (meditational prayer) is for the purpose of calming the mind so that we can harmonize our personal frequencies with what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad called the total darkness (Unified Field) the first Self, that created itself the Original Nation. The Messenger taught that space was filled with what he called the righteous mind (waves), which was an infinite space of total blackness. Why Black? Because it is the indication that this root frequency could and does contain all radiating frequencies thus it is infinite and has no entropy as a system which makes it perfect and eternal according to Physics. Simply put we learn W.R.O.Y.G.B.I.V. in kindergarten, which covers the color spectrum. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad also stated in Our Saviour Has Arrived that we would one day return to our ‘Original Color’. The root resonance is black and is the source of all other radiating frequencies. The Authors of the Qur’an teach that the Creator (Allah) has a Sibghata (Qur’an 2:138), which means color or hue.

The question is asked in this ayah “Wa Man ahsan min Allah sibghatin”

Translation: And what is better than Allah’s color (frequency).

The Authors go on to say “ Wa nahnu lahu ‘abiduna”.

Translation; “And We are servants of it (The All Encompassing Infinite Black Frequency…Allah).

So the object of this doctrine is to understand that the Original Nation of people are a perfect imaged simulation of this infinite Black Creator and thus are Allah in Person when they practice their natural system of natural laws called Islam or the making of peace, which makes them and ensures them a perpetual existence as an infinite people.

The Operation of Ramadan is a period when reading this heritage makes the lineage aware of the past warners and warnings from their lineage. Ultimately this last warning is given to move us into what is called Al-Aakhirah or the hereafter. That time has started. Ramadan is used as a tune up for spiritual frequencies and thus we endeavor to begin discussion on all of our ancient systems which are one.

Amaru Namaa Taga Xi-Aly also known as Dr Aly Muhammad © 15096 A.C. 11-23-2011

International Indigenous Society ©