Greatest Research of This World By Vikram Singh Gehlot Mahabharata, Ramayana, Vedas, Purana’s, Bible are having earth destruction prophecies. Which I will prove to you in this research. And it will be updated by me from time to time. All stories in those books are telling about some astrological signs and pointing to some possible planet alignments or destruction of earth at some astrological planet position. From Bible:- Matthew 13:10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables (Short Stories)? Matthew 13:11 He answered and said unto them, because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. Remember every constellation has different name according to situation. Brahamana's are super duper humans which wrote Rigveda and Mahabharata and Ramayana and Purana’s. Now with this key you can decode any books of Brahaman’s. I decoded the main theme of all books. First you should know Chaldean alphabet, which Abraham of Bible created. Which is Brahama of Hindus, he created these Chaldean alphabets around 2180 B.C. Every alphabet has one numeric number - which you can use any where in name. But it can become different name as well. List & numbers of Chaldean Alphabet’s A = 1 G = 3 M = 4 S = 3 Y=1 B = 2 H = 5 N = 5 T = 4 Z=7 C = 3 I = 1 O = 7 U = 6

Rama Krishna

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Page 1: Rama Krishna

Greatest Research of This World By Vikram Singh Gehlot

Mahabharata, Ramayana, Vedas, Purana’s, Bible are having earth destruction prophecies.

Which I will prove to you in this research. And it will be updated by me from time to time. All stories in those books are telling about some astrological signs and pointing to some possible planet alignments or destruction of earth at some astrological planet position.

From Bible:-Matthew 13:10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest

thou unto them in parables (Short Stories)? Matthew 13:11 He answered and said unto them, because it is given unto

you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

Remember every constellation has different name according to situation.

Brahamana's are super duper humans which wrote Rigveda and Mahabharata and Ramayana and Purana’s.

Now with this key you can decode any books of Brahaman’s. I decoded the main theme of all books.

First you should know Chaldean alphabet, which Abraham of Bible created. Which is Brahama of Hindus, he created these Chaldean alphabets around 2180 B.C. Every alphabet has one numeric number - which you can use any where in name. But it can become different name as well.

List & numbers of Chaldean Alphabet’sA = 1 G = 3 M = 4 S = 3 Y=1B = 2 H = 5 N = 5 T = 4 Z=7C = 3 I = 1 O = 7 U = 6D = 4 J = 1 P = 8 V = 6E = 5 K = 2 Q = 1 W = 6F = 8 L = 3 R = 2 X = 5

Babylon (2121375) = Vikram(612215) only 2215 is there.

Bible (21235) = Karsn (21235) - Mahabharata other name Kaarsney(21123551) -from Last Chapter of Mahabharata) or moved letters to that it becomes "Krsna(21235)", Christ(352134), Babli (21231 – My Childhood Name) , Bably(from Babylon)(21231)

Abraham (1221514) = Brahama (2215141), Brama (22141), Ram (214), Vikram (612214), Bikram (212214)

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Nineveh (5155655) City from Bible = Naveen (516555) My Younger Brother.Seeta(35541) = Seema (35541) My Elder Sister

Bible means "Babli", an Indian name and "Babylon" is still saying "Bably". “Hitherto” from Bible is called Hister(513452) by Nostradamus which is Hitler(514352) - ‘S(3)’ becomes 'L(3)'. Means Nostradamus was also using Chaldean alphabet while decoding Bible prophecies.

Why are they using same number while naming there names?Now you understand - Names are prophecies of future events.

Paarvati has two friends Jaya And Vijaya(which also Mahabharata other names)

Mahabharata other names are Jay, Vijay, Kaarshney

Some decoded possible same name from stories not from Chaldean alphabet’s, it is from the proper meaning of stories - Gitapress from Gorakhpur had releases Mahabharata, Ramayana and all 18 Purana’s in Hindi -->

Cancer Constellation = Krishna, Kaarshne(Other Name of Mahabharata), Krsna, Bible Arjuna kills Takshak snake wife using arrow(cancer constellation) and Takshak wife is Hydra constellation. Arjuna hit on the mouth of hydra. Then fire starts destroy that Khandav forest, Paandva made there city at Cancer Constellation. ‘Indraprastha’ was name of that city. It was near to Unicorn (Indra). So it was name as Indraprastha. Then Hydra constellation (wife of Takshak snake) swallow his son Ashwasen which is Unicorn (Ashwasen) upto her tail which is The Centaur (Ashwasen with Menkent Star). This is how Ashwasen saved by hydra. Ashwasen then came to kill Arjuna at the time of Mahabharata, but he only destroyed Arjuna’s Helmet. Indra(Unicorn) always save Khandav forest – because it is near to khandav(Hydra constellation) forest. Indra told Takshaka that he will not gonna be killed while staying with Indra. Then Takshaka Snake (Hydra) stays at near to Indra’s(The Unicorn) home. Agnideva tried 7 times to destroy khandav forest but he was failed every time. Cancer is sign of tree (wherever tree comes in story it is cancer sign or tree without leaves or tree with fruits). Sukanya destroys chayavana muni eyes by her two fingers of (cancer) destroying hydra snake eyes with two fingers of cancer.Like This:-


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Babylon = Bably, Bible, Krishna, Krittika, Kaartikye

Taurus Constellation = King Vrashparva

Hale- Bopp Comet = I think it is Ghatotkacha(comet) son of bhim. When pandva will come - Hale-Bopp will also come with them and hit into the earth and broke into 21 pieces before hitting the earth.

Krittika = Krishna, Vikram (Vikram born under this krittika Nakshatra) that's why they called me Christ (Jesus) or Krishna. Vikram born in Krittika Nakshatra, Kaartikye(when he comes from Krittika and then Taarkasur(comet from Cancer(pushya) – it has three cities sun,moon,Jupiter like the tarkasur story says) will be killed – Rama also shoots arrows to collection of seven tarka trees while killing Baali).

5 pandvaas = 5 stars of Hydra Constellation – The Mouth of Hydra below Cancer – There Pandavaas created there city after killing takshak wife and made there city named ‘IndraPrastha’. Indra(The Unicorn) and Prastha(is partha The Arjuna or Parthians).

Orion - The Hunter = Pyramid is shown on the top of Orion the Hunter. See pictureRudra is Ardra Nakshatra. So it is Shiva whom Egyptian depicted as pyramid which is sacred to Egyptians. See Middle top of pyramid has one more star ahead - which is depicted as Sphinx by Egyptians. Vamana had injury in his leg from which Eridanus(ganga) River is flowing exactly like purana told.

Sphinx of Egypt = Narsimsha or Leo or five Pandavaas. Sirius Star in Canis Major – The Big Dog Constellation.

Baali = Liba, Libra (I am Libran - Oh my god what is this, my childhood name is Babli)

Black Hole near to Sagittarius Constellation = Kaal(Death, Mrityu) of Mahabharata in one story. When Bhim reach there Hanumaan stops Bhima now don't go further there death awaits you - you should pick flower from here and go back.

Sagittarius Constellation = When Abhimanyu died vyasa came to yudhistra and told him the story of birth of mrityu(death), Brahama gave birth to mrityu(death) and told him to give death to every people of this universe, but mrityu(death) didn't do what Bramaha told her, she went to do tapasya at Dhenuka(Dhanu Rashi - Sagittarius) Ashram and become Black Hole(it destroy every thing which come in contact with her, like any star any planets etc).

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Hanumaan = HumanRama(vikram) came to earth as Human(Hanumaan) to save the world.

Aquila Eagle constellation = Garuda - Mahabharata says Garuda has only one wing.

Vulpecula - The Fox constellation = Lomesh rishi or Lomdi of Mahabharata & Puranas.Pegasus - The winged Horse constellation = IndraLittle horse = Arjuna (Mahabharata says that Lomesh rishi saw that Arjun sitted on Indra’s half chair.)Unicorn Constellation = Indra , Ashwasen(Son of Takshak) who will Destroy arjun’s helmet.The Centaur = Indra or Ashwasen Son of Takshak

Hydra - The Water serpent = Hidimba rakshashi of Mahabharata from that Bhim got his son Ghatotkacha(Comet) and Mahabharata says it was broken into 21 pieces before hitting the earth. Hydra is wife of Takshak snake (Mahabharata) which will swallow her son Ashwsen from mouth (The Unicorn) upto her tail (The Centaur Constellation). Mahabharata says that Bhim with Hidimba will be shown only in night - while Pandavaas were in forest. Linear – Swift Turtle – Halley these three comets come from this constellation. They will gonna come with Pandwaas during Mahabharata war. Takshak (Now Takshak is hydra) came to indra to save himself from the yagya of janmejay(jay is name of Mahabharata). Indra is Unicorn

Canis Major Big Dog = The Dog Which goes with Yudhistra in Heaven near to Unicorn

Parshurama was also killed earth 21 times. So Parshurama is also Comet. This was broken into 21 pieces. This is not done yet. Ghatotkacha of 600B.C (of Mahabharata story and Parshram is same person)

King Cyrus (Krishna) wrote Mahabharata after his victory of Jerusalem City. There Daniel already told the future to his king that his death is coming. Just Like “Kansa” future was already told by one rishi or by Devtaas. After that Mahabharata was fought between Medes and Parthian’s (Pandavaas) where Parthian’s won that battle there linage was ruled unto 200B.C. Again Parthian’s wrote there victory as Mahabharata with future hitting of Comet of Ghatotkacha. Parshurama and Rama and Ghatotkacha never hit the earth in history they will going to hit in the future. Bible’s Lot (gehlot) city will gonna be destroyed. And this time is now. Because the 7 planets alignment has done in 3-may- 2000. The Mrityu(death) is coming to kill the planet Earth. And Vyasa said all people who will be killed in this Mahabharata will be going to Swarga (Heaven). Bhishma also said before the first day of war, that the door to Heaven (Swarga) is open, all person killed in this Mahabharata War will go to Heaven (Swarga).

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Shaula Star in Scorpio = Shalye king of Mahabharata

Sargas = King Sagara - his 60,000 sons were killed by Black Hole.

Beehive cluster in Cancer constellation = Behde Tree (Mahabharata), Uttank muni got fruits from this beehive cluster that time earth had a quake. Then Indra came near by Uttank muni – The Unicorn from Mahabharata. Indra told Uttank muni that you did this several times. It means in every Yuga Uttank muni do this (got fruit from this Beehive cluster). What happen in any time will be happen in every Yuga by same person at same place.

Andromeda Galaxy (Chained prices) = Medes or Median’s, Rajsvalaa (Periods, Menstruate), Ritumati, Mainaak mountain, Gandhmadan Mountain, Mandrachal mountain, Draupadi(dromede – from one sight of her eyes earth can be destroyed - from Mahabharat), on the first day of going to forest Draupadi was Rajsvala means having periods – Andromeda galaxy – See Andromeda – The Chained Princes is showing as having periods in the form of Andromeda Galaxy – Galaxy is at the Vagina of Andromeda and on that first day while going to forest Draupadi wore only one cloth and was crying like king Nal wife Damyanti from Mahabharata), Andromeda picture with stars on her body is looks like that Andromeda constellation is crying, Mandodri, King Nal wife without cloth or with half cloth, king Maandhataa(There was one king which born out of man not from women I think that was Maandhataa – I do not remember – Maandhata name is similar to dromede) , King Drupad(Mahabharata), Madyanti, King Nal wife Damyanti, King Ashmak (Ashmak was born after 7 years living in Madyanti’s womb), Malyachal Mountain, Jesus in Chains(Next coming Jesus will be from andromeda galaxy , King Mulak (Naarikavach, he was saved by women's without cloth when PershuRama came to kill him, after that he was called Naarikavach). Comet will come from andromeda galaxy after 7 years (can be after 7000 years (from 4173B.C) or when the 7th person will be born Vikram(612214 = 16 =7), Dravid's civilization, Druids civilization. All adopted name of Andromeda. Indian’s Start there astrological calculation from Aries (Andromeda Galaxy) (0 degree start from Andromeda Galaxy of Indians not from Aries 0 degree actual point) (That’s why Indian astrology starts 1 charan before western astrology) because India is 5.30 hours behind GMT. So if conjunction appears in India 2nd Charan - that conjunction will be calculated as 1st Charan conjunction in western world. Moon cover’s 1 Charan in 5.30 hours. That’s why we are 1 Charan behind western world. So the prophecy of Vishnu Purana is - Satyuga Starting with conjunction of three planets Sun, Moon, and Jupiter in Pushya in 1st Charan of Pushya in Egypt and it is calculated in India as 2nd Charana and western world as 1 Charan in Pushya. So The Satyuga will definitely start in 27-july-2014 in 2nd Charan of Pushya from India point of view.(Every Mahabharata story and Bible stories pointing to andromeda galaxy)

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100 Kaurvaas are from Pisces River. Some says there is collection of 100 stars in Pisces. Piyoshni River is also Pisces - Mahabharata says it is the Number one (means most important) pure River in this whole world. This Pisces sign is also Matsye (Fish) country of Mahabharata where Pandvaas hide them selves before coming to earth and they hide there weapons in Cancer sign.(so they will come from Pisces and they will collect there weapons from Beehive cluster in Cancer).

Corvus constellation = Kaurav, Durvasa Rishi, Ravana

Uluk(Mahabharata) = Owl galaxy

Our all Brahaman's literature is work of Egyptians Purohit’s. There were no Brahman’s in our India or may be very less population. There were all Jain’s in India. All sculptures found of ancient India are of Jain's. As Egyptians started vanishing from Egypt around 1000B.C, When Chandravansha gets there (Egypt) around 600 B.C, there was Cyrus king which is originally Krishna (when you say Cyrus in Hindi it become Krish), that time Suryevansh washed by Chandravansha, that time Brahaman's came here in India, Rameses III is Rama, Rameses II is Dashratha(they called him Tushratha) – his wife “Teye” was “Seeta”, and Egyptian king "Ay" is "Aj" or "Aja" before Dashratha. Rameses III time was around 1155 B.C. Suryevansh is Egyptian line of Kings and Chandravansh were Medes or Median line of Kings. Ramayana and Mahabharata is still not done yet, they are stories of Rama(Comet), Hanumaan(Comet) and Mahabharata Krishna is Comet. And they will come between the time 26-jan-2009 and 27-jul-2014. They will destroy the earth and moon. Then Satyuga will start in 27-jul-2014 A.D. Mahabharata other name is Kaarshne or you can call it Cancer or Krishna or Cyrus. Greek’s and Brahamna now forget there literature now very less persons know this now.

There is other version of Ramayana in tibet which says "Sita" was sister of Rama not wife. which is true. Do you know Chaldean alphabet when you convert "Seeta" to it also becomes "Seema" ‘T4’ converts to ‘M4’

King David of Jews is Dvid is son of Vibhishana - which will be killed by Krishna's son Saamb in future date which I already told you. Ram will then kill himself in "Saryu" River where Arjuna will also through his bow and arrow in red sea in Egypt. "Red Sea" other name is Yomsurp(I don’t remember actual spelling) - Brahaman's write it Saryu and Mahabharata write it "Red Sea". Ramayana and Mahabharata - Both stories are telling same ending. Moon is Abhimanyu will be killed Jaydrath(means Mahabharata’s Chariot) and Drona will dive into Jupiter according to Mahabharata.

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My Name is Vikram means "bRam" speaks which as "BiRam" or Brahama my childhood name is Babli which is name of all books of Jewish literature Old Testament and new Testament together they called Bible. "Bible" name also converts "Krsna" according to Chaldean alphabet. So Babli is Vikram, Vikram is Krsna and Rama and Abrahama of Bible and Brahama of hindu's. Only this person will going to save the world and no body else - this is there super duper mind. They know everything of future.

I had four brothers just like Rama. Rama years of reigns are 11,000 years which should be divided by 360 days of one year which becomes 30.5. I am the second one. My first brother exactly died at 30.5 years and my younger brother also died 2 years ago. So 2 brothers died and 2 left before destruction and I have one sister which is "Seema" convert it to "Seeta" Chaldean alphabet is same for 't' = 4 and 'm' = 4. Understand it!! so Tibetians are right Rama had 3 more brothers and one sister sita. But Ramayana story is not mine it is of Comets.

In Mahabharata Bhim told to Hanumaan that you have helped Rama I salute you. You are only enough to kill Rama, but you helped Rama to kill ravana. So Vikram or Babli is only decoder which they predicted who will decode there prophecy before destruction - a helper - ravana & Kauravaa's will come and Rama and Hanumaan, Bhim, Pandvaas, Krishna will fight together in the sky before destruction.

Manu or Manyu or Abhimanyu = yuman or human. So all humans are son of first born person named Manu. So abhimanyu(moon) will gonna be killed. So all human’s will going to be killed in this last war.

Ravana = Ra (sun) + Vana (forest) this name is Egyptian version Ravana was king of sea whom Rameses III killed. “Teye” was Rama wife also can be called as Seeta. Ramayana is account of sky fight with Rama(Comet) and ravana with 10 heads(10 planets) and with land fight of human Ravana (Rameses III had fight with sea king at that time so he wrote his victory in the form of Ramayana with mixture of future destruction of earth by Comet Rama - which will die in Red Sea).The Sun (Ra) moving in the forest (vana) had 10 planets (10 heads) and Comet (Rama) will kill all 10 planets at the end of kalyug era. And sita(Comet) will also hit the earth there will be great destruction. Rama while killing Baali (when vernal equinox in Libra) will hit all 7 planets (Sun, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon) then Rama’s shoots arrow in the womb of every planets with one arrow(Rama Comet) Like 3-may-2000 – Taurus Constellation alignment . Now how they know that sun has 10 planets – all worlds’ knows that sun has 10 planets only after 1900 A.D and they know already from 4000B.C. How that happens? – They have contact with super duper civilization of outer world.

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And you know the dead body which was hang at the Tree in Mahabharata where Arjuna and other Paandvaas hide there weapons.Dead body which looks like this or like this (this is sign of Cancer in the sky)

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*This sign is only Cancer, it is only this rashi looks likes in the sky.

5 Pandvaas also called Leo or pisces means Panchala or paanch or paanchali(draupadi).

Why 2009?

Now wonder how Destruction will occur at our time. Brahaman's say's there are 200 years more to be added after 5000 years. So after 3102B.C + 2009A.D = 5111 - which cannot be added more. because conjunction is only occurring at this date 26-jan-2009 and 27-jul-2014 .

Becuase there is a conjunction of Moon, Jupiter, Sun in shravana at 26-jan-2009 and on 27-jul-2014 Moon, Jupiter, Sun in Cancer - according to Purana only two dates possible to start Satyuga in first Charan of Cancer and one Purana says about Shravana first Charan. First Charan of Pushya from Egypt is 2nd charan of Pushya in India, why ? Because moon takes 5.30 hours to go into second charan. India is 5.30 hours back from GMT. So 1st charan of egypt is second charan of india.

why this date - 26-jan-2009 and 27-jul-2014. because nostradamus told that Christ(Jesus) was born after 4173 years of Bible creation of world. So when you see what happend around that date there was same conjunctions which happend in 6 years. at 30-may-4167B.c in Cancer and 29-nov-4173B.C.

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No body knows exact date of date of birth of Christ(Jesus), so says 4173 years before 1A.d. Some says Christ(Jesus) born at 25-dec-4A.D. Jesus birth date is 25-dec-9A.D. Tell me how-how! - Now listen Christ(Jesus) was son of virgin marry. Virgin marry took her child at her chest. Now decode the date from this picture, there was only 25-dec-9A.D moon was at Virgo at virgin Marry's chest. So Virgin Marry is Virgo. He was not a child of any women. He was a Comet which Jews killed at 33A.D or 43A.D. and Bible says he will born again after 3 days. Now decode what is three days and from which date to count. It is from 1000B.c to count 3000 years. Now say why!! Because David is the only king Jews had and he will be born after 3000 years which is “Dvid” son of Vibhishana which Saamb(son of Krishna) will kill. I am very sorry to say that my girlfriend name is Vidhu (61456) again "David(41614)" is there. This all story is going around me - I will become mad. They know me that I will born and decode all this they have written. They called me Brahama and Jews called me Abrahama.

This conjunction is repeating at our time. Oh No!!! Is there anybody to call Prime Minister. or Aajtak, Discovery, National Geographic Channel.

The shoemaker levy 9 struck jupiter which broke into 19 pieces. No body understands why this happen in around 1997. It's hale-bopp Comet who helped other stones to go with him to come across our solar system after every 2500 years. It is he help other Comets, he comes after every 2525 years, in 1997 he helped shoemaker levy 9 to come across our solar system and other comets will be seen in 2009 and 2014 - destruction of earth which no one can stop. It was also come at these dates 3053B.C and 528B.C also. 3053 B.C is very near to 3102B.C when kalyuga starts. Some says that around 1908 A.D at Tunguska River in russia someone destroyed Comet in the sky by using Atomic bomb, Atomic Bomb was not created before 1940AD. Now say who saved us by using Atomic Bomb. I challange you tell it to anybody first no one will say it is true, and if you research it will gonna take one or two years only 4 years left from now. I challange you - not any one of you is understand this and can stop this. tell it to american president or Indian president. No body seriously understands Rigveda, Ramayana, Mahabharata, and 18 Puranas, Bible.Why I am telling - he or him to Comets, because ancient one's also told them as persons.

One famous Astrologer says I could not find out future god name in Bible. Ha - Ha !! - Bible is "Babli" means "Krsna" Ha - HA!! mujhe bahut hansi aa rahi hai. kya sab ke sab budhu hein kya is world mein - that I think all persons are mad in this world and still they think that they are for more ahead then the anceint ones or egyptians.

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***********************And one Famous Indian astrologer Bhrigumuni in the Nadi Granth, as reported by Acharya Kakayyar Bhujander Tatwacharya in the Kak Nadi. Says ->While Jupiter is in Pisces a great Yogi will reincarnate on the Earth. By 1970 itwill have become quite evident to many people that a new era will have started.Kaliyuga will end and Kritayuga will start. The axis of the Earth will depress andthe Earth’s orbit will come closer and closer to the Sun. Human life will undergoa complete revolution. A great Yogi will incarnate at this time.

(it is only in 1975 and 1963 while jupiter is in Pisces my friends. so again this is me. In 1975 at my birth – Jupiter was in pisces)

Until this time a yogi or devotee could achieve the bliss of Moksha and find the ultimate meaning of his life only by following the path of devotion, knowledge and Patanjali Yoga, but he would have to go through severe penance in order to awaken the sleeping powers of various chakras of his body and finally enlighten the Kundalini Power.By the new method of yoga devised by the great Yogi, human beings will be able to attain the joy of Moksha within one lifetime. It would no longer be necessary to sacrifice one’s body or to die in order to achieve Moksha. The Brahmananda, which so far only great saints had Been able to experience, and then only by entering into the Samadhi state at the point of death, due to this new type of yoga could be achieved by ordinary human beings without entering Samadhi state while dying. In the beginning it would be possible for one person among millions to attain thisYoga and Moksha, however, after some time the whole human race, with the help of this yoga, can overcome death. People won’t have to worry about food, shelter or clothing. While living ordinary lives, people will achieve Yoga – Union with God. There will be no necessity for hospitals as there will be no diseases. In the beginning, the great Yogi will be able to heal diseases with a mere touch. Old age, with its destruction of the body, will not exist and people will possess heavenly bodies.***********************Some investigations lead to the knowledge that by the use of ancient calendar cycles based on the Cosmos, the Mayas understand that the spring equinox of 1995 is the completion of a Mayan prophecy that marks the end of two cycles of K'altun –two cycles of 260 years-, bringing us to the time when ancient and lost knowledge is to be reawakened. The Mayas understand it is the end of the 'age of belief' and the beginning of 'the age of knowledge.' The Mayas called it the Itza Age, or, as our Western World says, the Age of Aquarius. A Great Soul must come in this era to give correction to the old spiritual paths given to humanity in the past and to reestablish the correct Yugadharma - Spiritual Law of this era-, giving us the opportunity to attain spiritual liberation at tremendous speed like never before. We will be able to understand all that has been forgotten.

The End