Issue 03/14 Childrens Health & Lifestyle FREE PUBLICATION 02 RAISING KIDS NATURALLY


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Raising Kids Naturally Magazine is 100% dedicated to raising kids naturally.

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Issue 03/14 Children’s Health & Lifestyle FR









J R ORGANIC COTTON TEETHING RATTLE DOLL $22.00 A Simple and pure baby toy for first cuddles and teething - easy to grasp and quick to dry!! Keptin Jr dolls have no pre-shaped facial expression, so that whether a baby smiles, sings or cries this doll is always their best friend, and allows baby's imagination to develop gently without overstimulation. Available at: http://www.honeybeetoys.com.au  

ALLERGY BRACELETS Epic Earth and Floral Butterfly Surgical grade Stainless Steel Medical Emblem supports visibility Personalised engraving Epic Earth $39.99 Floral Butterfly $29.99 Available from www.universalmedicalid.com.au  

ORGANIC BADGER NIGHT NIGHT BALM $22.95 A great gift for expectant parents! Great for a pre-sleep massage! Rub a little onto temples, neck, belly, wrists or anywhere that will help to diffuse the wonderful aroma into the air around the child. Made from certified organic materials & not tested on our cute fury creatures. Available at: http://www.greenorganics.com.au  

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EDITORIAL  CONTRIBUTORS  Dr  Adam  Smith  &  Laura  McCosker    FRONT  COVER:  Location:  Long  Tan  Park  Currumbin  Valley    Photography  by:  Rachel  Lee    Models:    Juliana  Prosser  Kiara  Arnold  Mia  Arnold    Inside  Back  Cover:  Lennox  Avery  




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this month

06 a thirsty planet 10 nanna’s kitchen 14 celebrate your awesomness 16 did you know 18 going paleo 21 kids in the kitchen 24 whats app’ening 25 books 30 vibrant healthy living  




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hen  my  daughters  were  much  younger,  I  asked  them  what  they  wanted  to  be  when  they  grew  up,  one  replied  a  Doctor  and  the  other  a  dancer.  Time  will  tell!    And  it  will  be  fascinating  to  see  the  paths  they  choose.      This  month  I  have  had  lots  of  conversations  with  people  about  what  they  do  and  how  they  got  there.  Many  of  them  have  been  guided  by  childhood  experiences,  both  good  and  bad.    March  10  saw  International  Celebrate  you’re  awesomeness  day.  If  we  all  took  time  to  recognise  and  encourage  our  childrens  ‘awesomeness’  maybe  their  childhood  dreams  of  what  they  want  to  be  when  they  grow  up  will  come  into  fruitation.    In  today’s  society,  we  are  so  busy  and  so  focused  on  getting  ahead  that  too  often  we  leave  our  dreams  behind.        This  edition  we  have  focused  on  features  that  inspire  us  and  remind  us  that  each  and  everyone  of  us  are  unique  and  yes  ‘awesome’.    Yours  in  health  &  happiness    

Deb Connect with us www.raisingkidsnaturally.com.au


Editorial   advice   is   non   specific   and   readers   are   advised   to   seek  professional  advice   for  personal  problems  and  situations.  No  part  of   the  book  shall  be  copied   or   reproduced   in   any   form  or  by   any  means  without  the  written  consent  of  the  publisher.    The  opinions  expressed   by   individual   writers,   contributors,   editor,   and  advertisers  are  not  those  necessarily  of  the  publishers.  The   publishers   believe   all   information   in   this   book   is   true   and  correct   at   the   time   of   printing.   The   publisher   cannot   be   held  responsible   for   any   errors   or   omissions   relating   to   any  advertisements,   the   responsibility   is  on   the   advertisers   to   supply  correct  details.  IMPORTANT:  This  magazine  is  intended  as  a  reference  only,  not  as  a   medical   manual.     While   the   information   is   based   on   material  provided   by   researchers,   the  magazine   does   not   presume   to   give  medical  advice.  Be  sure  to  consult  your  physician  before  beginning  any  alternative  therapy  program.  

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A THIRSTY PLANET your water footprint

WORDS Lauren McCosker

Water is essential to life on earth, and is a prerequisite for human existence. However, water is a finite resource – of all the water on earth, less than 1% is easily accessible freshwater safe for human consumption [1]. Global pressure on our shared freshwater supplies – both through overuse and pollution – is increasing daily and, unlike the crude oil that powers our society, water has no substitute. With close to 50% of Queensland drought-declared in the first quarter of 2014 [2], it has again become important to think carefully about our water usage. The new buzz term in water conservation is the ‘water footprint’ – defined as the total volume of freshwater that a person uses each year [4]. The average annual water footprint of a person in Australia is an astounding 1400m3, over half of an Olympic-sized swimming pool [3]! Nonsense, you might be thinking, there is no way that each member of my family could use that much water! But it is important to remember that your water footprint includes both the water you use directly (that is, when showering, washing clothes, flushing the toilet, etc.) and the water you use indirectly (that is, the water embedded in the products you purchase) [4]. Interestingly, it is this embedded water – essentially, ‘hidden’ water – that makes up the vast majority of your water footprint.  

The agricultural and manufacturing industries are both water-intensive, using a significant amount of freshwater at all stages of product creation. Consider the hidden amounts of water in the following staple foods and household items [5, 6]: So, what can you do to minimise the amount of embedded water in your water footprint? This is not as straightforward as traditional methods of conserving water – such as turning off taps, fixing leaks and installing water-efficient devices, etc. However, there a number of practical things you can do today. When purchasing foods and other products, swap those with high amounts of embedded water (refer to the list above) with alternatives. Lobby food manufacturers to declare how much water is embedded in the products they sell. And demand that our leaders make the efficient use of water in agriculture and manufacturing a priority. Calculate your water footprint! Visit: http://www.savewater.com.au/research-and-resources/why-save-water/embodied-water  

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• 1 sheet of A4 paper requires 10 litres of water. • • 1 slice of bread requires 40 litres of water. • • 1 apple requires 70 litres of water. • • 1 egg requires 200 litres of water. • • 0.5 litres of potatoes require 450 litres of water. • • 0.5 litres of wheat requires 500 litres of water. • • 1 litre of coffee requires 877 litres of water. • • 0.5 kilograms of rice requires 1700 litres of water. • • 2 litres of milk requires 1753 litres of water. • • 2 litres of wine requires 2008 litres of water. • • 0.5 kilograms of cheese requires 2273 litres of water. • . • 1 standard cotton t-shirt requires 2700 litres of water. • • 0.5 kilograms of beef requires 6810 litres of water. • • 0.5 kilograms of chocolate requires 12 000 litres of water. • • 1 kilogram of leather requires 16 600 litres of water.


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Farmers Markets are an enjoyable and educational way to source fresh and locally grown produce.        The family will love spending the morning sampling new fruits, listening to live music and will enjoy the sense of a local community.  For hundred’s of years every town around the world enjoyed shopping from local markets on the side’s of the street. Then supermarkets took over.

It is so important to eat seasonal, locally grown fruit and vegetables. There is something quite special about eating an apple with a leaf still attached, knowing it was only picked that morning. Take the family this weekend to your local farmers markets and enjoy local, fresh, organic fruit and vegetables. Most markets also have organic butchers, organic bread, cheese, olives and much more.

Tips  v Do  a  loop  of  the  market  before  you  start  buying  to  

compere  prices.  v Ask  lots  of  questions.    Farmers  love  to  explain  how  

something  should  be  stored  or  prepared.  v Get  the  kids  involved.  Let  them  help  pick  out  fruit  

and  vegetables,  this  not  only  teaches  them  about  different  foods  but  also  excites  them  into  eating  it.  

v Make  a  list.  v Early  shopping  will  ensure  quality,  later  shopping  

you  can  pick  up  bargains.    8  RKN  raising kids naturally  



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A report from Harvard University

notes, "According to American College of

Chest Physicians guidelines, many of

the active ingredients in over-the-counter cough remedies are




3 tbs fresh squeezed lemon juice 1/4 cup local raw honey

2 tbs coconut oil

Mix all the ingredients together in a small saucepan and heat over low until coconut oil is


Take warm syrup by the spoonful as desired. You can also mix the syrup into hot water or tea.

Once the syrup is cooled the coconut oil will harden. Gently warm the syrup up before using.

Store in refrigerator for up to a month.

“soothes sore throats and coughs, relieves allergies, boosts immune system”

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  0808  08

boost your immune system

honey and lemon  

plant herbs

Strengthen your immune system naturally with immune-boosting foods and nutritional supplements.  

Cleanses the stomach and lymphatic system, boosts your energy and improves

your mood.

Medicinal herbs are very effective in healing the allergies, and raising and renewing the bodies vitality.  

Pack the sleeping bags and the tent, head off for a weekend.

The kids will love it.    

go camping

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read a book clean the house

play outside sleep

Autumn is an ideal time to expand your horizons, or simply just catch up on your

reading list!

Finding natural cleaning products to clean your home is easier than you think.

Kids need to get outside for exercise, sun and fresh air especially in the cooler months.

Don’t underestimate it! World Sleep Day, Friday March 14.

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you’re worth it WORDS Lauren McCosker


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“Awesome” (adjective): extremely impressive, inspiring awe. March 10 was the International Day of Awesomeness – and we thought we’d take a moment to reflect on what it really means to be awesome. Ultimately, ‘awesomeness’ is a highly individual concept – that is, we each have a different idea of what awesomeness is. For some, it’s donating to charity, being a community leader, or being professionally successful; for others, it may involve mastering a hobby, spending time with an aged relative, or simply getting the kids to school on time each day! People who do all of these things are awesome in their own unique way. Regardless of our definition of awesomeness, being awesome is as much about who we are as it is about what we do. Awesomeness is underpinned by the attitude with which we approach the world. We would all agree that a stay-at-home mother who goes through each day with compassion, patience and empathy is infinitely more awesome than a movie star who, though she may be wealthy and famous, is

inconsiderate, egotistical and lavish. Because awesomeness is all about attitude, then, we all have the capacity to be awesome each and every day in our own lives. Being awesome quite literally means to inspire the awe of others. Allowing oneself to be awed by something, and particularly by another person, is not something we do often nowadays. Whilst many people are truly awesome every day, we don’t frequently realise it – and we celebrate it even less frequently. Often, the most awesome people aren’t even aware of their awesomeness! So, awesomeness starts with realising that you are awesome – and embracing it. There are a number of ways you can do this:

• Make a list of the things you think make you awesome – from your smallest character traits, to your greatest life achievements. Pin this list in a prominent place so that you can read it daily, and be sure to add to it frequently.

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• Before you go to sleep each night, say to yourself, “Today I was awesome because…”. List everything you did that day that you think made you an awesome person – and then ask yourself what you can do tomorrow to make yourself even more awesome.

• Create an ‘awesomeness album’ – a scrapbook collection of memorabilia which demonstrates your awesomeness. Include quotes from others, narratives of events, drawings and photographs, certificates, newspaper clippings and notes – anything that appeals to you.

These are also important activities to complete with your children – celebrating their unique identities, fostering socio-emotional development and enhancing self-esteem.   The International Day of Awesomeness on March 10 is a time to recognise and celebrate awesomeness – both in ourselves, and in those around us. But why not extend this idea and make every day a day of awesomeness?

did you know…… …………………..


Pigs  are  smarter  than  3  year  olds.  Pigs  are  able  to  focus  with  intensity.  Mother  pigs  sing  to  their  piglets  when  nursing.  Have  a  very  wide  angle  of  vision  –  310  degrees  –  and  are  therefore  easily  distracted.  Can’t  sweat  because  they  have  no  sweat  glands.  Can’t  lift  their  heads  to  look  up  at  the  sky  


Tooth  enamel  is  the  hardest  substance  in  the  human  body.  The  plaque  found  on  your  teeth  is  home  to  more  than  300  different  species  of  bacteria.  The  average  person  spends  about  48  seconds  per  day  brushing  their  teeth.  A  snail’s  mouth  is  no  larger  than  the  head  of  a  pin,  but  can  contain  over  25,000  teeth!  

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Do Germs Cause Disease?

How do you “catch” a cold? How do you “get the bug” that’s going around?

Our culture has a backwards way of looking at disease. In the same way the ancients looked skyward and ascertained the sun revolves around the earth, many people today see their periodic head cold or flu as an “attack” by some unseen microbe.

Since the microscope, many have been led to believe that germs cause disease. But germs only manifest in disease when the circumstances are just right. That usually means our immune system is compromised.

Our immune system (working hand in hand with our nervous system), successfully fends off germs and other pathogens 24/7. In fact, in your mouth right now are over 300 different bacteria and viruses! It’s only when our immune system is unsuccessful at holding these microbes in check that we give it much thought.

So, consider the circumstances when our immune system is inadequate, and symptoms appear. What are we doing (or thinking) that compromises our immune system? Yes, our mental and emotional health are common culprits!

If you want to remain disease-free, instead of focusing on germs, attend to ways to boost the effectiveness of your immune system. A good place to start is by regularly removing stress to your nervous system with periodic chiropractic care and ensure your daily nutrients and supplements are adequate.  


Dr. You

Regardless of a particular doctor’s specialty, the prestige of the school they graduated from, the years of experience they have or area of expertise, doctors can’t cure headaches, mend broken bones or heal a wound. Only you can do that. If your healing ability isn’t impaired.

Healing a cut is like repairing a part of your machinery. All animals have some ability to repair damaged parts, and this is so common that the repairing has a special name: regeneration.

In some of the simpler animals, regeneration is remarkable. A starfish can rebuild a new tentacle that is cut off, an earthworm can replace much of its body that is lost, a crab can rebuild a new claw when one is lost. In larger and more complicated animals, regeneration is more limited. You cannot grow a new arm or leg, but you do have some important repairing ability, especially for damaged skin.

Your skin is a special and important part of your body that people seldom think about. The outer layer of skin is made from the tough pieces of cells that are no longer alive. Underneath there is a layer of cells that is always multiplying and making new cells, which are pushed toward the surface. When you have a cut or break in your skin, the growing skin layer pushes new cells sidewise and these slowly close up the break.

Our bones and muscles and even some of our nerve fibers can grow more to repair themselves. Our bodies cannot repair everything, but that they can do so much. Think of your body as a fine piece of machinery--so good that it can even make its own repairs.







a stone age diet for space age people                        

WORDS Lauren McCosker              


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 CAVEMEN could not go to the local convenience store or be lured by the “golden arches.”

Somehow, they managed quite well without counting fats and carbohydrates.    

 The paleo diet is one of the most popular diets of modern times – but unlike most other ‘fad’ diets, it has significant and lasting health benefits. Recent research has shown the paleo diet is capable of regulating blood sugar levels [4, 5], reducing hypertension [3, 5], lowering blood cholesterol [3], and decreasing total body fat [5]. Ultimately, it has the effect of remedying many of the negative physical symptoms of our unhealthy modern diet. The paleo diet is, in simple terms, the same diet that was consumed by our ancestors in the pre-agricultural period, from the dawn of humankind to around 12 000 BC. Humans of this time were migratory hunter-gatherers. They consumed a diet rich in fibrous, non-starchy wild plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, roots, nuts and seeds (70%), as well as lean red and white meats and fish (30%) – but with no processed cereal grains, refined sugars, or dairy [1, 6]. These ‘paleo foods’ are, in essence, also the basis of the modern paleo diet. The benefits of ‘wholefoods’ – that is, foods that are unrefined and additive-free – are well recognised, but the paleo diet is much more than a wholefoods diet. Humans have consumed the paleo diet in some form for over two and a half million years [2]. Over this time, our bodies – particularly, the structure and function of our gastrointestinal tracts – evolved to suit paleo foods, and we became specialists at digesting and

metabolising them. Our bodies also became dependent on the specific proportions of nutrients contained within paleo foods for healthy functioning. [1] In a little over ten thousand years, however, humans have shifted from eating paleo diet-type foods to foods that are intensively-farmed and highly-processed, packed with starchy carbohydrates, sugars and saturated fats – not to

mention a myriad of artificial chemicals [2]. It is well known that the consumption of such foods has resulted in the alarming epidemic of obesity, diabetes and heart diseases in modern Western society. – foods which are so radically different from those eaten by our ancient hunter-gatherer ancestors [1]. The primary example of this lies with wheat, now a key staple in Western diets. Cereal grains such as wheat were not consumed by our hunter-gatherer

ancestors, but wheat was one of the first wild grains to be domesticated by humans at the beginning of the agricultural revolution in around 12 000 BC. As our bodies are unable to digest whole wheat grains, our ancestors ground wheat into crude flour and cooked it into breads – however, this increases the glycemic effect of the grain, leading to a significantly heightened risk of diabetes, weight gain and heart disease in people who ate wheat-based products. [1] Interestingly, this effect has been further complicated by the intensive selective breeding of wheat, which has resulted in changes in its genetic

The  paleo  diet  theory  explains  that  such  

‘lifestyle  diseases’  occur  because  our  bodies  are  simply  not  suited  to  the  types  of  foods  we  now  


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structure – including tripling of the number of chromosomes it contains – believed to underpin the high rates of gluten (wheat starch) intolerance in Western society. Paleo foods are those that the human body has evolved for, and is dependent on for health. Why not try the simple, tasty and nutritious paleo recipes featured below? RECOMMENDED READING: We have included a recipe feature of paleo food below. For more paleo diet recipe ideas, check out these books: “The Paleo Diet Cookbook: More Than 150 Recipes for Paleo Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinners, Snacks and Beverages” By Loren Cordain and Nell Stephenson (2013). “Practical Paleo: A Customized Approach to Health and a Whole Foods Lifestyle” by Dianne Sanfilippo (2013). “40 Top Paleo Recipes – Quick and Easy Paleo Diet Recipes for Weight Loss and Optimum Health” by Jenny Allan (2013). “500 Paleo Recipes” by Dana Carpender (2012).

REFERENCES: [1] Challem, J. (2013). Is the paleo diet for you? Better Nutrition, 27(4), 48-50. [2] Cordain, L. (2011). The Paleo Diet Revised: Lose Weight and Get Healthy by Eating the Foods You Were Designed to Eat. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., NJ: Hoboken. [3] Frassetto, L.A., Schloetter, M., Mietus-Snyder, M., Morris, R.C. & Sebastian, A. (2009). Metabolic and physiologic improvements from consuming a paleolithic, hunter-gatherer type diet. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 68(8), 947-955. [4] Jonsson, T., Granfeldt, Y., Erlanson-Albertsson, C., Ahren, B. & Lindeberg, S. (2010). A paleolithic diet is more satiating per calorie than a mediterranean-like diet in individuals with ischemic heart disease. Nutrition and Metabolism, 7(85). [5] Martin, C.A. & Akers, J. (2013). Paleo diet versus modified paleo diet: a randomized control trial of weight loss and biochemical benefit. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 113(s9), A35.


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Chicken Veggie Meatballs with Pesto Zucchini “Noodles”

Chicken Veggie Meatballs

1 cup zucchini, chopped (about 1 zucchini) 1 cup carrots, chopped (about 2 medium carrots) ½ cup parsley, coarsely chopped 3 medium garlic cloves, minced ¼ cup blanched almond flour 1 egg 750g boneless skinless chicken breasts 1 teaspoon sea salt ½ teaspoon ground pepper ¼ teaspoon chili powder (optional) Preheat oven to 180 In a food processor, pulse together the zucchini, carrots, parsley and garlic. Add almond flour, egg, chicken and pulse. Then add salt, pepper and chili powder and process until thoroughly combined. Drop tablespoon size balls of the chicken mixture onto a parchment lined baking sheet. Bake 23 to 28 minutes.

Paleo Spinach Pesto

2 cups fresh spinach 1 cup fresh basil 2 teaspoons garlic, minced 3 to 4 tablespoons olive oil Salt and pepper to taste In a food processor, add spinach, basil, garlic, salt and pepper. Turn food processor on and add olive oil while processing. Pulse until blended thoroughly. If you need to add more olive oil add 1 tablespoon at a time. Zucchini Noodles 1 to 2 large zucchini’s 1 tablespoons coconut oil 1 garlic clove, minced Salt and pepper to taste Cut zucchini with a mandolin into “noodles”. In a skillet heat 1 tablespoons coconut oil, sauté zucchini with minced garlic and salt and pepper to taste until soft or resembles noodles. Toss noodles with spinach pesto and heat for about 1 minute.

First off, start with a perfectly ripe watermelon. As watermelon is such a subtle flavor, you want to get the most out of it! First you go are going to blend the watermelon, then strain it to remove the pulp. Now you have fresh watermelon juice! I find that the best way to mix up a lump free batch of grass fed gelatin for homemade gummies is like this:Measure out the gelatin powder you will need.Add half of the juice you are using to a bowl and sprinkle the gelatin over the juice.Leave the juice & gelatin mixture alone for a few minutes: the gelatin will dissolve (or if we’re getting fancy, “bloom”)Take the remaining fruit juice and warm it gently. Warm it, don’t let it get hot or simmer. Slide the grass fed gelatin & juice mixture into the pan with the rest of the warm juice on the stovetop. Whisk until everything is combined and smooth – there shouldn’t be any visible bits of gelatin.Stir in any extra ingredients – in this recipe those will be raw honey and fresh lemon juice.Now your homemade gummies are ready to pour into molds (I used these cute gingerbread shapes) so that they can actually be gummies once they have refrigerated and set!

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 1 cup walnuts 1/3 cup chia seeds 1/3 cup ground flax seeds 1/3 cup hemp seeds 1/4 cup cacao nibs 1/4 cup coconut flakes 3/4 cup pumpkin seeds 1/2 cup raisins 1 cup dates 1-2 tablespoons melted coconut oil, if needed Throw the dry ingredients (keep a little bit of each ingredient to add in a second) in your food processor, and then add the dates and raisins and process until everything it starts to stick together. If too dry, add more dates or coconut oil. Put in the remaining dry ingredients you left out and mix in with your hands. Press into a lined pan and set in the fridge for an hour or more. Cut into bars and store for up to one week. If you have extra, shape them into cupcakes and top off with raw chocolate.  

raw energy bars

key Lime coconut energy

bites 1/2 cup almonds 1/2 cup cashews 11/2 cups Medjool dates, pitted zest and juice from 3 key limes 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut

Add the almonds and cashews to the bowl of a food processor. Pulse until nuts are finely chopped (but do not pulse too long, you do not want the nuts to turn into a paste). Add the dates, lime juice and zest. Pulse until the dates are finely chopped and the mixture starts to clump. Shape the mixture into 2 cm balls. Roll in coconut to coat outside of the balls. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.  

key lime coconut energy bites

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raw energy bars

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 Pat  the  Bunny  By  Random  House  Digital,  Inc.    $3.99      Hop  into  spring  with  a  special  update  to  this  classic  children’s  app.  Designed  especially  for  toddlers  and  preschoolers,  the  app  features  14  fully  interactive  scenes  your  kids  can  tap,  swipe,  and  explore.  And  now,  for  a  limited  time  only,  kids  can  go  on  an  egg  hunt  on  every  page.  Find  the  hidden  egg  and  watch  for  a  special  surprise  from  Bunny!          




 The  Jungle  Book,    By  Random  House  Digital,  Inc.    $7.99      Go  on  a  journey  with  Mowgli’s  as  he  is  raised  by  wolves  in  the  Indian  Jungle,  searches  for  acceptance,  and  ultimately  must  come  face-­‐to-­‐face  with  his  fate  and  Shere  Khan.  Choose  to  get  lost  in  the  timeless  or  share  the  picture-­‐book  version  with  the  children  in  your  family.  Each  tale  includes  breath-­‐taking  original  artwork,  beautiful  interactive  scenes,  and  rich  sound  effects  all  designed  to  pull  you  deeper  into  the  story.    



 The  Little  Red  Hen  -­‐  A  Little  Golden  Book  App  By  Random  House  Digital,  Inc.    $3.99    The  classic  Little  Golden  Book  that  you  loved  as  a  child  is  even  sillier  and  more  stunning  in  this  magically  interactive  storybook  app.  Open  the  cover  to  reveal  the  whimsical  story,  with  funny  interactive  illustrations  on  every  pagethat  will  get  your  kids  giggling.  Plus,  encourage  your  child’s  reading  comprehension  and  reinforce  core  preschool  concepts  with  the  Little  Golden  Book  Hide  &  Seek  Challenge.  


what’s ‘app’ening ……………………………

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books TITLE  I  Can  Fly    AUTHOR  Ruth  Krauss              I  can  fly  captures  the  imagination,  self-­‐importance,  earnestness,  ambition  and  delightful  approach  of  toddlers,  with  simply  rhyming  couplets.  

TITLE  Giraffes  Can’t  Dance    AUTHOR  Giles  Andreae   Giraffes  Can't  Dance  is  a  touching  tale  of  Gerald  the  giraffe,  who  wants  nothing  more  than  to  dance.  With  crooked  knees  and  thin  legs,  it's  harder  for  a  giraffe  than  you  would  think.  Gerald  is  finally  able  to  dance  to  his  own  tune  when  he  gets  some  encouraging  words  from  an  unlikely  friend.    With  light-­‐footed  rhymes  and  high-­‐stepping  illustrations,  this  tale  is  gentle  inspiration  for  every  child  with  dreams  of  greatness.  


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Preparing  quality  food  is  among  the  most  caring  things  we  can  do  for  ourselves  and  the  people  we  love.  That's  why  Well  Fed:  Paleo  Recipes  For  People  Who  Love  To  Eat  is  packed  with  recipes  for  food  that  you  can  eat  every  day,  along  with  easy  tips  to  make  sure  it  takes  as  little  time  as  possible  to  get  healthy,  delicious  food  into  your  well-­‐deserving  mouth.  

   TITLE      Well  Fed        AUTHOR      Melissa  Joulwan    



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Did you k now • Grapes were first cultivated over 8000 years ago • Hieroglyphics (picture and symbols used in early forms of communication) show that the ancient Egyptians were involved in grape and wine production • Grape growing is known as viticulture. • We grow in some form in most parts of the world. The Australian native grape produces its fruit in autumn. They are fairly sour, although their high pectin content means they make a good grape jelly. • Grapes with black skins are dried to make raisins, whereas sultanas are dried from small seedless green grapes. Americans call all dried grapes ‘raisins’.




Super Foods

Few fruits have garnered as much attention in the health research literature as grapes. Part of the reason may be their widespread presence in diets worldwide. With the exception of Antarctica, grapes are cultivated on all of the earth's continents, and researchers from many different countries have been especially interested in this food. But an even greater part of the reason involves the amazing nutrient composition of grapes themselves. Every year, it seems like the list of health-supportive grape nutrients grows longer, and it can be challenging just to keep up with the many phytonutrients provided by this popular food.

Organized according to science-based categories, the list below will give you a general idea of the phytonutrient richness of grapes. While a single grape variety is unlikely to contain all of the phytonutrients listed below, grapes as a group have been shown to provide us with the following health-supportive nutrients.

In addition to the listed nutrients, grapes have also been shown to contain the hormone and antioxidant melatonin as well as unique oligopeptides (small protein-like molecules) that have anti-bacterial and other properties.

With their overwhelming number of health-supportive phytonutrients, it is not surprising that grapes have been shown to provide many of our body systems with predictable benefits. Areas of benefit in grape research include the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, immune system, inflammatory system, blood

sugar egulating system, and nervous system. another area of special benefit is cancer prevention, with risk of breast, prostate, and colon cancer emerging as the most likely areas of grape anti-cancer benefits.

Principle Nutrient Value

Percentage of RDA

Energy 69 Kcal 3.5% Carbohydrates 18 g 14% Protein 0.72 g 1% Total Fat 0.16 g 0.5% Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Dietary Fiber 0.9 g 2%

Vitamins Folates 2 µg 0.5% Niacin 0.188 mg 1% Pantothenic acid 0.050 mg 1% Pyridoxine 0.086 mg 7.5% Riboflavin 0.070 mg 5% Thiamin 0.069 mg 6% Vitamin A 66 IU 3% Vitamin C 10.8 mg 18% Vitamin E 0.19 mg 1% Vitamin K 14.6 µg 12%

Electrolytes Sodium 0% 1 mg Potassium 191 mg 4%

Minerals Calcium 10 mg 1% Copper 0.127 mg 14% Iron 0.36 mg 4.5% Magnesium 7 mg 2% Manganese 0.071 mg 3% Zinc 0.07 mg 0.5% Phyto-nutrients

Carotene-α 1 µg -- Carotene-ß 39 µg -- Crypto-xanthin-ß 0 µg -- Lutein-zeaxanthin 72 µg --

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‘To lose one’s health renders science null, art inglorious, strength

unavailing, wealth useless, and eloquence


Herophilus C. 300BC

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VIBRANT HEALTHY LIVING   By Dr Adam L. Smith – Holistic

Chiropractor, and CAAQLD Board Member

Not a lot has changed in over 2300 years! Currently, millions of people around the world are doing something specifically directed toward improving their health. Unfortunately millions more than that aren’t. The overall health scores of not just Australia, but the whole world are declining, rapidly. Why? Someone once said “Happiness is an inside job"!” well, so is health! Your health is your responsibility and no one else’s. Current science tells us that your genetic code does not pre-determine your health. Let me just repeat that…. The science of Epigenetics, tells us that your genetic code DOES NOT pre-determine your health. Remember the old debate of ‘Nature versus Nurture’, well guess what? It’s over and nurture kicked natures butt! While it is true that your genes control how you look, what race you are, and stuff like whether you can roll your tongue over in two, they do not control your health. Your whole life is an outward presentation of the genes that you either turn on or off. Much like a recipe book gives you the directions of what ingredients to use and how to bake a cake, your gene sequence will tell your cells what ingredients to use and how to make a specific cell. The trick is which recipe book gets picked? And do you have a choice of which book to use? YES! You do have a choice. Vibrant Healthy Living is more than just a catchy title for an article; it is a recipe for a wonderful life. It goes like this:

Let’s break it down to useable bits. The most important thing to do in determining how to live your version of a vibrant healthy life is determine

WHY you want to live at all. You need a reason to get up each day and go for it. Your WHY is like your very own personal mission statement. Your WHY is your catalyzing statement. Your WHY is YOURS! Take a few minutes right now to stop reading this and work on your very own WHY statement. Here is a few pointers: Keep it current, speak in the present tense e.g. I have a vibrant healthy life because I ….. Be specific, talk about people who matter, and those you love. Make it dynamic e.g. I love being able to play with my grand kids on the trampoline.

Keep it concise and focused. Aim for less than 100 words. e.g. My life is vibrant and healthy because I am an example of fitness and wellbeing to my family, and friends, and I lead the way to a long a loving life. 106 years of purpose is my aim, and I am always living each day openly, honestly and with the goal of learning. I chose this life so that I may be of value to others, and live richly rewarded with experiences unlike

any other. My why is my family, my why is my community, my hope is that each is a little better each day. Stop reading now and work on YOUR why for 5 minutes….

No really… stop! Now that you have a first draft (many more will surely follow) of your why statement, you can begin to make some S.M.A.R.T. goals to help you move toward that Vibrant Healthy Life you want. S.M.A.R.T. goals stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely Goals.

Specific – Should include numbers and dates wherever possible e.g. I will eat 1 apple per day for the next 30 days Measurable – if you can’t measure your progress how do you know you are winning. Use the apple example above, 1 per day for 30 days = measurable. If you had said “I will eat more apple” how would you judge your success? Achievable – This is a big one. Too many people set goals and have too many, or they are simply too huge to get your head around. If your goal is weight loss for example, stating your overall goal of losing 24kg might be your target, but if you break it down into achievable portions of say 4kg increments it is much easier for your

Vibrant = Full of Life Healthy = Optimal Function + Optimal

Feeling Living = Lifestyle + Habits  

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brain to comprehend. E.g. I will lose 4kg of body fat in the next 6 weeks. Realistic – See the point above. This also goes for other things like “I will run the City to Surf race this year”, that’s great, but are you a runner? Do you even like running? How long has it been since you ran more than the length of the car-park to stop getting a parking ticket? Keep it real, and you will get there. Timely – Let’s stay on the running thing for a moment. A timely goal may be to complete a 20km run in the next year. A less timely option would be to do a 20km run next week. Other examples include stuff that is inappropriate for the season or even inappropriate for your age. An example of a S.M.A.R.T. goal would be: “I am determined to be 6kg lighter by my next birthday, and 21kg lighter by the next. I will look and feel fantastic, and I will have trained each week toward completing my goal of walking a full, non-stop lap around the local lake within one year of today!” To achieve the “Healthy” part of Vibrant Healthy Living, you must address both how you “Feel” and how you “Function”. As a Chiropractor I see people everyday who are solely concerned with the way their body feels, but pay little (if any) heed to how their body is functioning.

Remember, real healthy is

Feeling + Function. There is only a very small percentage of the nerves that run your body devoted to feeling anything. Your sensory nerves make up about 10% of your whole nervous system. This ranks ‘Feeling’ last on the list of importance behind 2 – moving your muscles, and 1 – running your organ systems.

from an evolution/design standpoint. The organs are most important because they keep you alive. Your muscles are next because they move you away from danger, and you feeling pain/hot/cold/anything is last. Your senses are not unimportant; they are just last on a short list. So, how do you know if your nerves (and hence your body) are working optimally if you can’t rely on just how you feel? The short answer is – ask an expert, and they can teach you what to do. A good place to start would be your local Chiropractor. As frontline healthcare providers in Australia, Chiropractors are well trained and experienced in assessing the state of your nervous system, and then working with you to correct any interference to you expressing your optimal, vibrant, healthy life. In an effort to bring this all together in as few words as possible, I offer you this advice. Work out your WHY, set some S.M.A.R.T. goals, get your nervous system function checked (and corrected if necessary), and develop new lifestyle habits that promote health (use your goals and your WHY statement to do that too). Vibrant Healthy Living will then be expressed by your body as it will choose the right genes from your library of recipes, and cook up the best possible version of you there ever was. Each day is a new chance to make better choices than yesterday, to make smarter goals than yesterday, to learn new skills, and experience new things.

Live Vibrant Live Healthy

Live Life!  

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Images and recipe courtesy of www.imaginationtree.com

It is bright white and smells just wonderful, like

a fresh coconut, and makes for really fantastic

sensory play time!

Include an invitation to play for the children to discover and explore with added extras, with an emphasis on exploring texture and pattern.

Included in this invitation to play:

A dish of desiccated coconut shavings

Some pine cones

A jar of wooden beads in various tones, shapes and patterns

A rolling pin

Ingredients needed:

1 cup cornflour (cornstarch)  

5 tbsps coconut hair conditioner


Simply tip 1 cup of cornflour into a bowl then add 5 tablespoons of hair conditioner.

Make sure to mix each spoonful in one at a time until the final one, and then put your hands in to knead it into a ball. It shouldn’t be sticky but if it is for some reason, then take it out and continue to roll and knead it on a surface with cornflour sprinkled onto it, until it is right.

If it is too dry then dip your fingertips into some conditioner and knead again.

When it is ready it will be wonderfully smooth, soft and squishy, like a ball of the softest play dough ever!




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Organic Cosmetic Shopping Look for the logo

When shopping for certified organic cosmetics look for these three things – the Bud Logo, ACO acronym and a unique number. If you see these three things of food or cosmetic products, you can be assured the product contains minimum of 95% certified organic ingredients, with all remaining 5% ingredients naturally derived and approved by ACO.


In the news……….

Pesticides punish biodiversity   Researchers gathered date on 16 streams in France, 23 streams in Germany and 24 streams in Victoria. According to pesticide levels, the streams were classified as uncontaminated, slighty contaminated or highly contaminated. In Europe, biodiveristy was reduced by as much as 42 per cent in areas of high contamination whild in Australia is was reduced only by 27 per cent. These changes are occuring at levels of pesticide use that are deemed ‘safe’ by current legislation. The main organisims affected were found to be stoneflies, caddisflies, mayflies and dragonflies. These flies are important memebrs of the food chain that leads to fish and birds. The researchers make the point that pesitcides currently gain approval for use based in the laboratory and artifical ecosystem tests. It would seem that “real world” testing should be the least that is demanded or we may not have much real world left. Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  

Sweet news for

Chocolate lovers  

Dark chocolate is the perfect accompaniment to a rich cup of coffee – and the treat could be good for you, according to new research. Medical researchers from University of Adelaide have now taken a step towards proving cocoa reduces blood pressure by combining the results of 20 studies into the effects of sustained digestiion of cocoa on blood pressure.





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Chemical exposure in food and water is a

direct result of human activity, thus

it is a preventable risk factor.

Parents play a critical role in this prevention

by introducing organic foods to

babies and children.