The Peruvian Andes are a hotspot of vulnerabilities to impacts in water resources due to the propensity for water stress, the highly unpredictable weather, the sensitivity of glaciers, and the socio-economic vulnerability of its population. Despite an increasing number of studies investigating these impacts, the physical and human processes that govern them are poorly understood in many regions of the world, including Peru. RAHU PROJECT: Assessing water security and climate change adaptation strategies in the glaciated Vilcanota-Urubamba river basin Pedro Rau 1 , Wouter Buytaert 2 , Fabian Drenkhan 2 , Waldo Lavado 3 , Juan Jimenez 3 , Nilton Montoya 4 , Vivien Bonnesoeur 5 , Gustavo Valdivia 5 , Walescka Cachay 1 , Andrés Goyburo 1 , Eber Risco 1 , Jorge Abad 1 , Jon Mackay 6 , David Hannah 6 , Nicholas Barrand 6 , Martin Siegert 2 , Briggitte Macera 4 , Marcelo Bueno 4 , Carlos Baca 4 , Cecilia Gianella 5 , 1 Water Research Center and Technology CITA, Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología UTEC, Perú 2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London, United Kingdom 3 Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú SENAMHI, Perú 4 Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco UNSAAC, Perú 5 Consortium for the Sustainable Development of the Andean Ecoregion CONDESAN, Peru 6 School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences. University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Acknowledgement This project is being carried out for 34 months (2019-2021) within the framework of the Newton-Paulet Fund with the collaboration of the National Council for Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (CONCYTEC, Peru) and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) of the United Kingdom. New datasets on cryosphere, hydrosphere, water use, and human vulnerability, integrated in relevant local repositories. New modelling algorithms (glacier, hydrology, water use) integrated in operational practice. A locally-relevant methodology to assess human vulnerability to climate change embedded in local policy. Catchment interventions as climate change adaptation pathways integrated in national policy. Contact: [email protected] UNSAAC Introduction Work Packages WP1 CURRENT AND FUTURE GLACIER DYNAMICS Development of an energy balance and glacier mass model. WP2 HYDROLOGICAL MONITORING AND MODELLING Design and implementation of glacio-hydrological monitoring to quantify the (non) glacial contribution. WP3 ASSESSING CURRENT AND FUTURE WATER SECURITY Mapping of population water use to determine current and future water security levels. WP4 HUMAN VULNERABILITY AND ADAPTATION STRATEGIES Integrate data into a glacio-water security assessment model to propose integrated local strategies for adaptation to water risks. Study Area We selected the Vilcanota-Urubamba basin (VUB) in Southern Peru for addressing these challenges within a particular hydrological high-mountain context in the tropical Andes: One of the greater glacier coverage regions, multiple uses of water and impacts of climate change. Activities and Preliminary results Leadership: UNSAAC & U. Birmingham Leadership: SENAMHI & Imperial College London Leadership: UTEC & CONDESAN Leadership: CONDESAN & UNSAAC Expected Results Promote inclusive decision making Empower institutional capacities Prevent social conflicts References Regional Initiative for Hydrological Monitoring of Andean Ecosystems (iMHEA) Célleri, R., Buytaert, W., De Bièvre, B., & Tobón, C. (2009). Understanding the hydrology of tropical Andean ecosystems through an Andean Network of Basins. Stat Persp of Hydro in Small Basins, 33x, 1–5. https://doi.org/10.13140/2.1.4187.3608 Citizen Science Buytaert, W., Zulkafli, Z., Grainger, S., Acosta, L., Alemie, T. C., Bastiaensen, J., … Zhumanova, M. (2014). Citizen science in hydrology and water resources: opportunities for knowledge generation, ecosystem service management, and sustainable development. Front in Earth Sci, 2, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2014.00026 UNSAAC Glaciological project Molina, E., Schauwecker, S., Huggel, C., Haeberli, W., Cochachin, A., Condom, T., … Sikos, F. (2015). Iniciación de un monitoreo del balance de masa en el glaciar Suyuparina, Cordillera Vilcanota, Perú. Clim Cha Trop Andes, 2, 1–14. Citizen science Glaciological balance model Methods, models and basis Participatory monitoring of water resources Understanding the variables and processes involved, their impacts, and implementing science-based adaptation strategies require an interdisciplinary approach. The RAHU Project (WateR security And climate cHange adaptation in PerUvian glacier-fed river basins) proposes to address these challenges by developing an integrated model: Project launch event in Cusco Field visits along VUB Environmental education on Water resources and glaciers for rural communities - Phinaya Participation in UNESCO Workshop: “Towards sustainable water management in Latin America and the Caribbean” Establishment of an experimental catchment in Chicón área (mid-VUB) with a meteorological station, wáter sensors and LSPIV cameras for Urubamba river monitoring in real time. Installation of Hydrological monitoring equipment for water levels in glacier-origin bofedales and creeks. Regional Initiative for Hydrological Monitoring of Andean Ecosystems Up to date 4 months of continuous hydrological monitoring. EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online 4-8 May #shareEGU20 Preliminary results about snow hydrological modelling in the VUB. A lumped hydrological modelling approach at hourly time-step for operational streamflow forecasting in Urubamba river. Fig. (above): WEAP umet water modelling in VUB Fig. (right): Hourly modelled streamflow at Pisac station Ongoing research about glacier mass balance modelling. Preliminary results about historical reconstruction of water use.

RAHU poster EGU - Copernicus.org · Microsoft PowerPoint - RAHU_poster_EGU Author: prau Created Date: 5/2/2020 10:24:02 AM

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Citation preview

  • The Peruvian Andes are a hotspot of vulnerabilities to impacts in waterresources due to the propensity for water stress, the highly unpredictableweather, the sensitivity of glaciers, and the socio-economic vulnerabilityof its population. Despite an increasing number of studies investigatingthese impacts, the physical and human processes that govern them arepoorly understood in many regions of the world, including Peru.

    RAHU PROJECT: Assessing water security and climate changeadaptation strategies in the glaciated Vilcanota-Urubamba river basin

    Pedro Rau1, Wouter Buytaert2, Fabian Drenkhan2, Waldo Lavado3, Juan Jimenez3, Nilton Montoya4, Vivien Bonnesoeur5, Gustavo Valdivia5, Walescka Cachay1, Andrés Goyburo1, Eber Risco1, Jorge Abad1, Jon Mackay6, David Hannah6, Nicholas Barrand6, Martin Siegert2, Briggitte

    Macera4, Marcelo Bueno4, Carlos Baca4, Cecilia Gianella5, 1Water Research Center and Technology CITA, Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología UTEC, Perú 2Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London, United Kingdom

    3Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú SENAMHI, Perú 4Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco UNSAAC, Perú5Consortium for the Sustainable Development of the Andean Ecoregion CONDESAN, Peru 6School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences. University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

    Acknowledgement This project is being carried out for 34 months (2019-2021) within the framework of the Newton-Paulet Fund with thecollaboration of the National Council for Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (CONCYTEC, Peru) and the Natural Environment ResearchCouncil (NERC) of the United Kingdom.

    New datasets on cryosphere, hydrosphere, water use, and humanvulnerability, integrated in relevant local repositories.

    New modelling algorithms (glacier, hydrology, water use) integrated inoperational practice.

    A locally-relevant methodology to assess human vulnerability to climatechange embedded in local policy.

    Catchment interventions as climate change adaptation pathwaysintegrated in national policy.

    Contact: [email protected]



    Work Packages

    WP1• CURRENT AND FUTURE GLACIER DYNAMICS• Development of an energy balance and glacier mass model.


    • HYDROLOGICAL MONITORING AND MODELLING• Design and implementation of glacio-hydrological monitoring to

    quantify the (non) glacial contribution.


    • ASSESSING CURRENT AND FUTURE WATER SECURITY• Mapping of population water use to determine current and future

    water security levels.


    • HUMAN VULNERABILITY AND ADAPTATION STRATEGIES• Integrate data into a glacio-water security assessment model to

    propose integrated local strategies for adaptation to water risks.

    Study AreaWe selected the Vilcanota-Urubamba basin (VUB) in Southern Peru foraddressing these challenges within a particular hydrological high-mountaincontext in the tropical Andes: One of the greater glacier coverage regions,multiple uses of water and impacts of climate change.

    Activities and Preliminary resultsLeadership: UNSAAC & U. Birmingham

    Leadership: SENAMHI & Imperial College London

    Leadership: UTEC & CONDESAN

    Leadership: CONDESAN & UNSAAC

    Expected Results

    Promote inclusive decision making

    Empower institutional capacities

    Prevent social conflicts


    Regional Initiative for Hydrological Monitoring of Andean Ecosystems (iMHEA)Célleri, R., Buytaert, W., De Bièvre, B., & Tobón, C. (2009). Understanding the hydrology of tropical Andeanecosystems through an Andean Network of Basins. Stat Persp of Hydro in Small Basins, 33x, 1–5.https://doi.org/10.13140/2.1.4187.3608

    Citizen ScienceBuytaert, W., Zulkafli, Z., Grainger, S., Acosta, L., Alemie, T. C., Bastiaensen, J., … Zhumanova, M. (2014). Citizenscience in hydrology and water resources: opportunities for knowledge generation, ecosystem servicemanagement, and sustainable development. Front in Earth Sci, 2, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2014.00026

    UNSAAC Glaciological projectMolina, E., Schauwecker, S., Huggel, C., Haeberli, W., Cochachin, A., Condom, T., … Sikos, F. (2015). Iniciación de unmonitoreo del balance de masa en el glaciar Suyuparina, Cordillera Vilcanota, Perú. Clim Cha Trop Andes, 2, 1–14.

    Citizen science

    Glaciological balance model

    Methods, models and basis

    Participatory monitoring of

    water resources

    Understanding the variables and processes involved, their impacts, andimplementing science-based adaptation strategies require aninterdisciplinary approach. The RAHU Project (WateR security And climatecHange adaptation in PerUvian glacier-fed river basins) proposes toaddress these challenges by developing an integrated model:

    Project launch event in Cusco Field visits along VUB

    Environmental education on Water resources and glaciers for rural communities - Phinaya

    Participation in UNESCO Workshop: “Towards sustainable water management in Latin America and the Caribbean”

    Establishment of anexperimental catchment in

    Chicón área (mid-VUB) witha meteorological station, wáter sensors and LSPIV

    cameras for Urubamba rivermonitoring in real time.

    Installation of Hydrologicalmonitoring equipment for water

    levels in glacier-origin bofedales and creeks.

    Regional Initiative for HydrologicalMonitoring of Andean Ecosystems

    • Up to date 4 months of continuous hydrological monitoring.

    EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online 4-8 May #shareEGU20

    • Preliminary results about snow hydrological modelling in the VUB.

    • A lumped hydrological modelling approach at hourly time-step for operational streamflow forecasting in Urubamba river.

    Fig. (above): WEAP umet water modelling in VUB Fig. (right): Hourly modelled streamflow at Pisac station

    • Ongoing research about glacier mass balance modelling.

    • Preliminary results about historical reconstruction of water use.