7 Book I: “The Rage of Achilles”

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7Book I: “The Rage of Achilles”

Writing Activity (Choose One)

Discussion Questions

4. Study Achilles in book 1. In what ways is he perhaps being inappropriate? Is he excessive? Hybristic? Specifically, how does he show this?

5. How does the quarrel which results in the "rage" develop? Are any peaceable overtures made (and ignored) on either side during it? Are these guys "in control?

6. Consider the opening lines of the Iliad. What will the epic be about?

7. By looking at this episode what are the Greeks saying are the origins of human suffering?

8. What predictions can you make about the outcomes of the different men introduced?

9. How are the gods portrayed? In what ways do they compare/contrast with humans?

10. What elements of the epic do you see introduced?

11. From this excerpt what values do you see the Greeks have?