1 May 2010 l. NAME : RAFAEL L. BRAS DATE OF BIRTH : October 28, 1950 PLACE OF BIRTH : San Juan, Puerto Rico 2. PAST AND PRESENT POSITIONS : Distinguished Professor and Dean, University of California, Irvine (2008-Present) Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Professor of Earth Systems Science, UCI (2008 – present) Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT (1976-2008) Professor of Earth, Atmosphere, and Planetary Sciences, MIT (1990-2008) 3. DEGREES : B.S., Civil Engineering, MIT, February 1972 M.S., Civil Engineering, MIT, February 1974 Sc.D., (Water Resources and Hydrology), MIT, February 1975 4. OTHER RELATED EXPERIENCES : Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, February 1975 - July 1976 Ad-Honorum Assistant Professor, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, July 1976 - December 1977 Visiting Associate Professor, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela, September 1982 - March 1983 Visiting Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Vienna, Austria, April 1983 - August 1983 Director, MIT's Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science Program (MITES), 1987 Visiting Professor, Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Iowa, July 1989 - June 1990 Director, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT, 1983-1991 Head, Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, 1983-1991 Head, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT, 1992-2001 Served on the MIT’s Engineering Council 1992 – 2001 Visiting Professor, Harvard University, 2001-2002 Chair of the MIT Faculty, 2003 - 2005 Served on the MIT Academic Council, 2003 – 2005 Associate Director, Center of Global Change Science, School of Science, MIT (1991-2008) Director or Co-Director, Terrascope Freshman Alternate Program, MIT (2002-2008) 5. SELECTED CONSULTING ACTIVITIES : Final Design of the Guadiana River Channelization Works, Naranjito, Puerto Rico, for Jose Batlle and Associates, 1975- 1976. Design for Dewatering and Excavation Systems for the Construction of the Pumping Station of the Mayaguez Regional Waste-Water Treatment Plant, for Charles F. Smith Construction Company, 1976. Meta System, Inc., Cambridge, MA, Analyst on Groundwater Problems in Africa, 1974. Consultant to Environmental Research Associates, Acton, MA, on problems of hydrologic forecasting, 1976-1977. Consultant to Development Analysis Associates on groundwater problems on Saudi Arabia, Cambridge, MA 1977-1978. Consultant to CDM/Resource Analysis, Waltham, MA, on short- and long-term hydrologic forecasting surface and groundwater problems, 1976-1981. Consultant to United Engineers on Power Plant Siting, 1980-1982. Consultant to the Town of North Smithfield, Rhode Island, on groundwater contamination by industrial toxic wastes, 1981. Consultant to Environmental Research and Technology, on the design of hydrologic data collection systems, 1981. Consultant and contractor to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers on the design of a national, satellite-based, hydrologic data collection system, 1982. Consultant to COMPROSA (Venezuelan consulting company) and CADAFE (Venezuelan electric utility) on the design of a hydrologic network design system and real time rainfall and streamflow forecasting in the Uribante-Caparo River basin, 1982-1983. Consultant to EDELCA (Venezuelan utility) on the real-time streamflow prediction into the Guri Dam project, 1982-1983.

RAFAEL L. BRAS - facultygovernance.gatech.edu

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May 2010 l. NAME: RAFAEL L. BRAS DATE OF BIRTH: October 28, 1950 PLACE OF BIRTH: San Juan, Puerto Rico 2. PAST AND PRESENT POSITIONS: Distinguished Professor and Dean, University of California, Irvine (2008-Present) Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Professor of Earth Systems Science, UCI (2008 – present) Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT (1976-2008) Professor of Earth, Atmosphere, and Planetary Sciences, MIT (1990-2008) 3. DEGREES: B.S., Civil Engineering, MIT, February 1972 M.S., Civil Engineering, MIT, February 1974 Sc.D., (Water Resources and Hydrology), MIT, February 1975 4. OTHER RELATED EXPERIENCES: Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, February 1975 - July 1976 Ad-Honorum Assistant Professor, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, July 1976 - December 1977 Visiting Associate Professor, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela, September 1982 - March 1983 Visiting Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Vienna, Austria, April 1983 - August 1983 Director, MIT's Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science Program (MITES), 1987 Visiting Professor, Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The
University of Iowa, July 1989 - June 1990 Director, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT, 1983-1991 Head, Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, 1983-1991 Head, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT, 1992-2001 Served on the MIT’s Engineering Council 1992 – 2001 Visiting Professor, Harvard University, 2001-2002 Chair of the MIT Faculty, 2003 - 2005 Served on the MIT Academic Council, 2003 – 2005 Associate Director, Center of Global Change Science, School of Science, MIT (1991-2008) Director or Co-Director, Terrascope Freshman Alternate Program, MIT (2002-2008) 5. SELECTED CONSULTING ACTIVITIES: Final Design of the Guadiana River Channelization Works, Naranjito, Puerto Rico, for Jose Batlle and Associates, 1975-
1976. Design for Dewatering and Excavation Systems for the Construction of the Pumping Station of the Mayaguez Regional
Waste-Water Treatment Plant, for Charles F. Smith Construction Company, 1976. Meta System, Inc., Cambridge, MA, Analyst on Groundwater Problems in Africa, 1974. Consultant to Environmental Research Associates, Acton, MA, on problems of hydrologic forecasting, 1976-1977. Consultant to Development Analysis Associates on groundwater problems on Saudi Arabia, Cambridge, MA 1977-1978. Consultant to CDM/Resource Analysis, Waltham, MA, on short- and long-term hydrologic forecasting surface and
groundwater problems, 1976-1981. Consultant to United Engineers on Power Plant Siting, 1980-1982. Consultant to the Town of North Smithfield, Rhode Island, on groundwater contamination by industrial toxic wastes, 1981. Consultant to Environmental Research and Technology, on the design of hydrologic data collection systems, 1981. Consultant and contractor to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers on the design of a national, satellite-based, hydrologic data
collection system, 1982. Consultant to COMPROSA (Venezuelan consulting company) and CADAFE (Venezuelan electric utility) on the design of a
hydrologic network design system and real time rainfall and streamflow forecasting in the Uribante-Caparo River basin, 1982-1983.
Consultant to EDELCA (Venezuelan utility) on the real-time streamflow prediction into the Guri Dam project, 1982-1983.
Consultant to Southern Pacific Transportation Company on Great Salt Lake flooding, 1984. Consultant to Geotechnical Engineers Inc. (GEI) on salinity contamination of City of Cambridge Water Supply, 1984 to
1985. Consultant to CDM on Hazardous Waste Sampling Strategies, 1987. Consultant to Massachusetts Water Research Authority on Water Supply Issues, 1988. Consultant to Sandia National Laboratories on issues of Radioactive Waste Disposal and Modeling of Repository Sites,
1980-1994. Consultant to Sandia National Laboratories on Probabilistic Assessment of Climate Change, 1988-1994. Consultant to various flood litigation cases in Massachusetts and Puerto Rico, 1988-1994. Consultant, External Review Committee of the Technology and Safety Assessment Division, Los Alamos National
Laboratory, 1994-1999. Consultant, Colombian Engineering Firm, Hydropower development, 2001. Consultant, Delft Hydraulics, - Strategic Directions, 2002. Consultant to Universidad Politecnica de Madrid and Spanish Ministry of the Environment on Spain’s hydrometeorologic monitoring network, 2008 Consultant, South Florida Water Management District, various projects dealing with monitoring network design, modeling and climate change, 2003 – on-going. Consultant and Chair of panel of experts that supervise the development and construction of tidal gates to protect the City of Venice and the Lagoon against flooding, Consorzio Venezia Nuova, Venice, 1995-on-going. 6. STATES IN WHICH REGISTERED AS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER Puerto Rico, P.E. No. C6545 Massachusetts, P.E. No. 29572 7. SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES OF WHICH A MEMBER: Tau Beta Pi Chi Epsilon Sigma Xi American Geophysical Union (Fellow, active) American Society of Civil Engineers (Fellow, active) American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow, active) College of Engineers of Puerto Rico Boston Society of Civil Engineers International Association for Hydraulic Research American Meteorological Society (Fellow, active) National Academy of Engineering (Member, active) 8. HONORS AND AWARDS: National Academy of Arts and Sciences of Puerto Rico, 2009 James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award, MIT, 2008 Simon W. Freese Environmental Engineering Award and Lecture, ASCE, 2008 Honorary Diplomate of Water Resources Engineering, American Academy of Water Resources Engineers, 2007 Horton Medal, AGU, 2007 AGU Hydrology Days Award, March 2006 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2006 Boussinesq-KNAW (Dutch National Academy of Sciences) Hydrology Lecture, Amsterdam, October 2005 MIT Alumni Association highest award, Bronze Beaver Award, September 2005 Edward A. Abdun-Nur Professor, MIT, 2004-2008 Corresponding Member, National Academy of Engineering, Mexico, elected 2003, awarded 2004 Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Award Hall of Fame, 2003 Lorenz Lecturer, AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2003 NASA Public Service Medal, December 2002 Society of Presidential Fellows Lecturer, MIT, 2002
Kisiel Distinguished Lecturer, The University of Arizona, April 2002 National Academy of Engineering, elected 2001 Quality Education for Minorities (QEM) Mathematics, Science and Engineering Network 2001 Giants in Science Award MIT Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Leadership Award, February 2000 William Mong Distinguished Lecture, 1999-2000, The University of Hong Kong Albert Baez Jr. Award and the Outstanding Educator Awards of the
Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Conference, 1999 Horton Lecturer, American Meteorological Society, 1999 The International Water Academy, elected 1999 Clarke Prize Laureate for Outstanding Achievement in Water Science and Technology, 1998 Named Top 100 Most Influential Hispanics, Hispanic Business, 1997 Bacardi and Stockholm Water Foundations Professor, MIT, 1995-2004 Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1994 Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize, ASCE, 1993 Fellow, American Meteorological Society, 1992 Honoris Causa Laurea, Instituto di Idraulica Agraria, Universita Degli Studi di Perugia, Italy, 1992 William E. Leonhard Professorship, MIT, 1989-1995 James B. Macelwane Award, American Geophysical Union, 1982 Fellow, American Geophysical Union, 1982 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship, 1982 Horton Award, American Geophysical Union, 1981 Gilbert Winslow Career Development Chair, MIT, 1979-1982 Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon, Sigma Xi Graduate Fellowship from Puerto Rico's Economic Development Administration 9. OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: Associate Editor, Water Resources Research, 1980-1988 Member, Publications Committee, American Geophysical Union, 1984-1988 Former Member of Sub-Committee on Scale Processes in Hydrology of I.A.H.S. Former Member, Technical Committee on Probabilistic Approach to Hydraulics, ASCE Member and Chairman of various Editor Selection Committees, Geophysical Research Letters, JGR-Atmospheres, Water
Resources Research Chairman, Board of Journal Editors, American Geophysical Union, 1984-1988 Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Hydrology, 1984-1990 Reviewer, Engineering, Guggenheim Foundation through 1988 Straub Award Committee, 1984-1987 Co-convenor U.S.-Japan Hydrology Seminar, January 1987, Hawaii Organizer, Host, BSCE/MIT, Annual Freeman Lecture, 1987-1993 Convenor, Symposium on Geomorphology and Hydrology, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 1987 Convenor, International Workshop on Natural Disasters in European- Mediterranean Countries, Water Resources Research
and Documentation Centre (WARREDOC), Perugia, Italy, June 1988. Convenor, Conference on Mesoscale Precipitation: Analysis, Simulation, and Forecasting, Endicott House, MIT, September
1988. Ad-Hoc Committee on Equal Opportunity and Non-discrimination in Science, AGU, 1988. Space Station Panel, AGU, 1988-1989. Hydrology Committee, American Meteorological Society, 1988-1991. Advisory Board, P.R. Center of Excellence of Tropical and Caribbean Research, NSF Minority Center of Excellence,
University of Puerto Rico, 1988-1990. MIT Delegate, Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR), 1976-2008. Advisory Board, National Science Foundation, Engineering Directorate, 1988-1991. Chairman, Horton Medal Sub-Committee, American Geophysical Union, 1988 - 1990. Fellows Committee, American Geophysical Union, 1988-1990. Member, Board of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, National Research Council, 1989-1993. Budget and Finance Committee, American Geophysical Union, 1988-1994 (Chairman, 1990-1994) Guest Editor, Research in Hydrology, The U.S.-Japan Experience Special Issue, Journal of Hydrology, September 1988. Advisory Subcommittee, Earth Science and Applications Division, NASA, 1990-1994.
Advisory Panel, NSF Geosciences-Continental Hydrology Program, 1990-1992. MIT Council of the Environment, 1991 – 2008. Global Energy & Water Cycle Experiment, GEWEX, Science Steering Group, 1991-1995. Convenor and Co-Chair, NSF The World at Risk: Natural Hazards and Climate Change Conference, January 14-16, 1992,
MIT ASCE - Committee organizing IAHR's Meeting in USA, 1991-1997 Member, Advisory Council for the Committee for the National Institute for the Environment, 1993-2000. Member, Editorial Committee, Ingenieria Hidraulica, Mexico, 1993-2008 Member, Scientific Committee, Summer School on Environmental Dynamics, Instituto Veneto, Italy, 1994. Member, Scientific Committee, Sixth Global Change Forum, Instituto Veneto, Italy, 1994. Chair, Office of Minority Education, MIT, Director Search, 1994. Member, MIT National Advisory Board, Diversity of the Science and Engineering Professoriate, 1995-1997. Member, Fellows Committee, American Meteorological Society, 1995-1997. Editor, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 1996-2000. Advisory Board, Technology and Safety Assessment (TSA) Division, External Review Committee, Los Alamos National
Laboratory, 1994-1999. External Advisory Committee, Minority Research Center of Excellence, Infrastructure Center, University of Puerto Rico,
Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 1995-2000 ASCE Task Committee on CE Education Initiatives, 1996-1997. Member, Advisory Board, Water Planet Initiatives, Stockholm, 1996-1998. Member, Advisory Council of the International Water Academy, Sweden, 1997-2003 NASA, Mission to Planet Earth Review Panel, 1996. Advisory Board, Terrestrial Sciences Program, ARO, 1995. Review Panel, Senior Researchers, Cold Regions Research Laboratory, Army Corps of Engineers, 1995. Convenor, AGU, Fluvial Geomorphology and Models of River Basin and Landscape Evolution, Baltimore, MD, May 1996. Member, Macelwane Medal Committee, AGU, July 1, 1996- June 30, 1998. Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 1996-1998 Nominating Committee, Stockholm Water Prize, 1996-2004. Founding Advisor, Martin Society of Fellows for Sustainability, MIT, 1997-1999. Founding Faculty, MIT Environmental Scholars, 1996 James R. Killian, Jr., Faculty Achievement Award Selection Committee, Chairman, MIT, 1997. Chairman, Earth System Science and Applications Advisory Committee (ESSAAC), NASA, 1998-2002. MIT Alumni Fund Board, July 1998-June 2001. SERRA (Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment), Editorial Advisory Board, 1998-2007 American Geophysical Union, Development Planning Committee, July 1998-June 2002. The Johns Hopkins University, Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering, Advisory Committee, 1998-2006 The Johns Hopkins University, Risk Analysis Program, Advisory Committee, 1998-2000 Molina Fellowship in Environmental Sciences Committee, MIT, 1999-2002. Member, NASA Advisory Committee, 1998-2002 Member, Science Team, Space Radar Topography Mission, 1999-2003 Member, ASCE Education Activities Committee, 1999-2000 Member, Technion, Water Research Institute, International Science Advisory Committee (ISAC), 1999-2002 MIT Press Editorial Board, 1999-2002 MIT Task Force on Minority Student Success, 2000-2002 MIT Council on Faculty Diversity, 2000-2007 MIT Committee on Undergraduate Engineering Practice, 2000 Princeton University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Advisory Council, 1999-present University of Puerto Rico, Junta Editorial de la Revista Internacional de Desastres Naturales, Accidentes e Ingenieria Civil,
1999- present Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Advisory Council, Department of Civil Engineering, 2000 -2002 Fundación Chile, Board Member, 2000 - 2002 Cornell University, Advisory Committee, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2001- present Hugh Hampton Young Memorial Fund Committee, member, 2001-2003 Clarke Prize Executive Committee, 2001- 2004 President-elect, Hydrology Section, American Geophysical Union, July 2002-2004 MIT Alumni Association Board of Directors, Vice President, 2002-2004
MIT Faculty Chair-elect, 2002-03 Member, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, NRC, 2002-2004 AGU, Nominations Committee, 2002-2004 MIT, Chair, Committee Review on Bioengineering Division (BED), 2002-03 Member, Scientific Committee of the Inter Polytechnic Doctoral School, Italy, 2003-2006 MIT Committee on Campus Race Relations, ex-officio member, 2003-2005 Faculty Advisory Committee on the MIT Presidency, 2003-2004 MIT Chair of the Faculty, 2003-2005 MIT Faculty Policy Committee, Chair, 2003-2005 President of the Hydrology Section, AGU, 2004-2006 MIT CEE M.Eng. Committee, 2004-2008 Chair, External Review Committee (ERC), University of California Irvine’s Henry Samueli School of Engineering, January
2005. American Geophysical Union, Section Committee of the AAAS Section on Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences (W),
2004-2007 AGU, Council Representative, Panel on US Vision for Space Exploration, 2005 MIT Excellence Awards Committee, 2005-2006 National Academy of Sciences Committee on New Orleans Regional Hurricane Protection Projects, 2005-2009 MIT Review Panel Chair, Martin Luther King Visiting Professors and Scholars Program, 2006 UCAR University Relations Committee, 2006-2007 AGU, Statutes and Bylaws Committee, 2006-present Member, Scientific Committee, IV International Symposium on Gully Erosion, 2007 Member, Electorate Nominating Committee of the Section on Engineering, American Association for the Advancement of
Science, Feb. 2007-2009 MIT Museum Board of advisors, 2008 – present MIT Travel Program Board of advisors – 2008 -present University of Reykjavic Advisory Committee, 2008 – present American Geophysical Union, Board of Directors, 2010 – present STEM Summit 2010, Beckman Center, Irvine, CA – co-organizer, Feb 2010 10. BOOKS a. Textbooks Bras, R.L. and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, Random Functions and Hydrology, Addison Wesley, 1985; new printing, Dover
Publications, New York, 1994. Bras, R.L., Hydrology: An Introduction to Hydrologic Science, Addison Wesley, 1990. Bras, R.L., Solutions Manual: Hydrology: An Introduction to Hydrologic Science, Addison Wesley, 1990. b. Edited Books/Special Journals Issues Bras, R.L., M. Hino, K. Takeuchi, P.K. Kitanidis, Editors, “Hydrological Research: The U.S.-Japan Experience, “Special
Issue of Journal of Hydrology, 102, 1988. Bras, R.L. and F. Siccardi, Editors, Natural Disasters in European Mediterranean Countries, Selected Papers from Workshop
held in Colombella, Perugia, Italy, June 27-July 1, 1988, National Research Council of Italy.
Bras, R.L. and J.M. Fritsch, Editors, Mesoscale Precipitation: Analysis Simulation, and Forecasting, Special Issue, Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres), 95(D3), February 1990.
Bras, R.L. (Editor), The World at Risk: Natural Hazards and Climate Change, Proceedings, Selected Papers from
Symposium held at MIT, January 14-16, 1992, American Institute of Physics, 1993.
Ubertini, L., F. Castelli, R.L. Bras, Climate Change and Hydrogeological Hazards in the Mediterranean Area, Workshop, Colombella, Perugia, Italy, June 27-28, 1994, 1995.
11. PUBLICATIONS IN REFEREED JOURNALS: 1. Bras, R.L. and Perkins, F.E., “Effects of urbanization on catchment response,” A.S.C.E., Journal of
Hydraulics, March 1975. 2. Bras, R.L. and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “Evaluation of mean square error involved in approximating the areal
average of a rainfall event by a discrete summation,” Water Resources Research, 12(2):181-184, 1976. 3. Bras, R.L. and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “Rainfall generation: a non-stationary time varying multidimensional
model,” Water Resources Research, 12(3):450-456, 1976. 4. Bras, R.L. and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “Network design for the estimation of areal mean of rainfall events,”
Water Resources Research, 12(6):1185-1195, 1976. 5. Bras, R.L. and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “Rainfall network design for runoff prediction,” Water Resources
Research, 12(6):1197-1208, 1976. 6. Bras, R.L. and R. Colon, “Time averaged areal mean of precipitation: estimation and network design,”
Water Resources Research, 14(5): 878-888, 1978. 7. Chan, S.O. and R.L. Bras, “Urban storm water management: distribution of flood volumes,” Water
Resources Research, 15(2): 371-382, 1979. 8. Kitanidis, P.K. and R.L. Bras, “Collinearity and stability in the estimation of rainfall-runoff models’
parameters,” Journal of Hydrology, 42:91-108, 1979. 9. Johnson, E.R. and R.L. Bras, “Real time estimation of velocity and covariance structure of rainfall events
using telemetered raingage data - a comparison of methods,” Journal of Hydrology, 44:97-123, 1979. 10. Bras, R.L., “Sampling of interrelated random fields: the rainfall-runoff case,” Water Resources Research,
15(6): 1767-1780, 1979. 11. Johnson, E.R. and R.L. Bras, “Multivariate short-term rainfall prediction,” Water Resources Research,
16(1): 173-186, 1980. 12. Kitanidis, P.K. and R.L. Bras, “Adaptive filtering through detection of isolated transient errors in rainfall-
runoff models,” Water Resources Research, 16(4): 740-748, 1980. 13. Kitanidis, P.K. and R.L. Bras, “Real time forecasting with a conceptual hydrologic model - Part I: Analysis
of uncertainty,” Water Resources Research, 16(6): 1025-1033, 1980. 14. Kitanidis, P.K. and R.L. Bras, “Real time forecasting with a conceptual hydrologic model - Part II:
Applications and results,” Water Resources Research, 16(6): 1034-1044, 1980. 15. Bras, R.L., K. Curry, and R. Buchanan, “The multivariate broken line revisited: a discussion on capabilities
and limitations,” Journal of Hydrology, 53:31-51, 1981. 16. Cordova, J.R. and R.L. Bras, “Physically-based probabilistic models of infiltration, soil moisture, and
actual evapotranspiration,” Water Resources Research, 17(1): 93-106, 1981. 17. Bras, R.L. and J.R. Cordova, “Intraseasonal water allocation in deficit irrigation,” Water Resources
Research, 17(4): 866-874, 1981. 18. Chua, S.H. and R.L. Bras, “Optimal estimators of mean areal precipitation in regions of orographic
influence,” Journal of Hydrology, 47, 1982.
20. Georgakakos, K.P. and R.L. Bras, “Real-time, statistically linearized, flood routing,” Water Resources
Research, 18(3): 513-524, 1982. 21. Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., M. Gonzalez-Sanabria and R.L. Bras, “A geomorphoclimatic theory of the
instantaneous unit hydrograph,” Water Resources Research, 18(4): 877-886, 1982. 22. Kirshen, D.M. and R.L. Bras, “The linear channel and its effect on the geomorphologic IUH,” Journal of
Hydrology, 65, 1983. 23. Bras, R.L., R. Buchanan and K.C. Curry, “A real-time adaptive closed-loop control of High Aswan Dam,”
Water Resources Research, 19(1): 33-52, 1983. 24. Diaz-Granados, M., J.B. Valdes and R.L. Bras, “A physically based flood frequency distribution for
ungaged catchments,” Water Resources Research, 20(7), 1984. (Also reprinted in Water Resources Journal, UN, ESCAP, June 1985.)
25. Georgakakos, K.P. and R.L. Bras, “A hydrologically useful station precipitation model, l, formulation,”
Water Resources Research, 20(11): 1585-1596, 1984. 26. Georgakakos, K.P. and R.L. Bras, “A hydrologically useful station precipitation model, 2, case studies,”
Water Resources Research, 20(11): 1597-1610, 1984. 27. Ramirez, J. and R.L. Bras, “Conditional distributions of Neyman Scott models for storm arrivals and their
use in irrigation scheduling,” Water Resources Research, 21(3): 317-330, 1985. 28. Bras, R.L., D. Grossman and D. Schafer, “The effect of hydrometeorology on the GOES random data
collection system,” Hydrological Sciences Journal, 30(l), 1985. 29. Restrepo-Posada, P.J. and R.L. Bras, “A view of maximum likelihood estimation with large conceptual
hydrologic models,” Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, Modeling the Environment, 17, 1985.
30. Bras, R.L., D.R. Gaboury, D.S. Grossman and G.J. Vicens, “Spatially varying rainfall and floodrisk
analysis,” Journal of Hydraulics, ASCE, III(5), 1985. 31. Puente, C.E. and R.L. Bras, “Disjunctive kriging, universal kriging or no kriging: small samples results
with simulated fields,” Journal of Mathematical Geology, 18(3): 287-305, 1986. 32. Puente, C.E. and R.L. Bras, “Application of nonlinear filtering in the real time forecasting of river flows,”
Water Resources Research, 23(4): 675-682, 1987. 33. Puente, C.E. and R.L. Bras, “Error identification and decomposition in large state-space stochastic rainfall-
runoff models,” Automatica, 23(5), 1987. 34. Moughamian, M., D. McLaughlin and R.L. Bras, “Estimation of flood frequency: a comparison of
physically based procedures,” Water Resources Research, 23(7): 1309-1319, 1987. 35. Bras, R.L. and P.S. Eagleson, “Hydrology: The forgotten earth science,” EOS, 68(16), 1987. 36. Bras, R.L. and D.J. Seo, “Irrigation control in the presence of salinity: extended linear quadratic approach,”
Water Resources Research, 23(7): 1153-1161, 1987.
37. Protopapas, A.L. and R.L. Bras, “A model for water uptake and development of root systems,” Soil Science, 144(5), 1987.
38. Tarboton, D.G., R.L. Bras and C.E. Puente, “Combined hydrologic sampling criteria for rainfall and
streamflow,” Journal of Hydrology, 95:323-339, 1987. 39. Bras, R.L., D. Tarboton and C. Puente, “Hydrologic sampling: a characterization in terms of rainfall and
basin properties,” Journal of Hydrology, 102, 1988. 40. Islam, S., R.L. Bras and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “Multidimensional modeling of cumulative rainfall: parameter
estimation and model adequacy through a continuum of scales,” Water Resources Research, 24(7): 985- 992, 1988.
41. Tarboton, D.G., R.L. Bras and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “The fractal nature of river networks,” Water Resources
Research, 24(8): 1317-1322, 1988. 42. Protopapas, A.L. and R.L. Bras, “State-space dynamic hydrological modeling of soil-crop-climate
interactions,” Water Resources Research, 24(10): 1765-1779, 1988. 43. Tarboton, D.G., R.L. Bras and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “Scaling and elevation in river networks,” Water
Resources Research, 25(9): 2037-2051, 1989. 44. Wyss, J., E.R. Williams and R.L. Bras, “Hydrologic modeling of New England basins using radar rainfall
data,” Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmospheres, 95(D3): 2143-2152., 1990. 45. Islam, S., D. Entekhabi, R.L. Bras and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “Parameter estimation and sensitivity analysis
for the modified Bartlett-Lewis rectangular pulses model of rainfall,” Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmospheres, 95(D3): 2093-2100, 1990.
46. Ramirez, J.A., R.L. Bras and K.A. Emanuel, “Stabilization functions of unforced cumulus clouds: their
nature and components,” Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 95(D3): 2035-2046, 1990. 47. Ramirez, J.A. and R.L. Bras, “Clustered or regular cumulus cloud fields: the statistical character of
observed and simulated cloud fields,” Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 95(D3): 2047-2060, 1990.
48. Valdes, J.B., M. Diaz-Granados and R.L. Bras, “A derived PDF for the initial soil moisture in a
catchment,” Journal of Hydrology, 113:163-176, 1990. 49. van der Tak, L.D. and R.L. Bras, “Incorporating hillslope effects into the geomorphologic instantaneous
unit hydrograph,” Water Resources Research, 26(10):2393-2400, 1990. 50. Protopapas, A.L. and R.L. Bras, “Uncertainty propagation with numerical models for flow and transport in
the unsaturated zone,” Water Resources Research, 26(10): 2463-2474, 1990. 51. Tarboton, D.G., R.L. Bras and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “Comment on ‘On the fractal dimension of stream
networks’ by Paolo La Barbera and Renzo Rosso,” Water Resources Research, 26(9): 2243-44, 1990. 52. Willgoose, G., R.L. Bras and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “A model of the evolution of river basins,” EOS, 71(47):
1806-07, 1990. 53. Protopapas, A. and R.L. Bras, “Analytical solutions for unsteady multidimensional infiltration in
heterogeneous porous media,” Water Resources Research, 27(6): 1029-1034, 1991. 54. Protopapas, A. and R.L. Bras, “The one dimensional approximation for infiltration in heterogeneous soils,”
Water Resources Research, 27(6): 1019-1027, 1991.
55. Willgoose, G., R.L. Bras and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “Results from a new model of river basin evolution,”
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 16:237-254, 1991. 56. Islam, S., D. Entekhabi, R.L. Bras and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “Reply to Burlando and Rosso,” 96(D5): 9397,
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 1991. 57. Gini, M. and R.L. Bras, “Simulation of water allocation and salt movement in the root zone,” Water
Resources Management, 5(2): 121-148, 1991. 58. Willgoose, G., R.L. Bras and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “A coupled channel network growth and hillslope
evolution model: 1. Theory,” Water Resources Research, 27(7): 1671-84, 1991. 59. Willgoose, G., R.L. Bras and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “A coupled channel network growth and hillslope
evolution model: 2. Non-dimensionalization and applications,” Water Resources Research, 27(7): 1685-96, 1991.
60. Willgoose, G. R.L. Bras and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “A physical explanation of an observed link area-slope
relationship,” Water Resources Research, 27(7): 1697-1702, 1991. 61. Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., D. Entekhabi and R.L. Bras, “Nonlinear dynamics of soil moisture at climate scales:
1. Stochastic analysis,” Water Resources Research, 27(8): 1899-1906, 1991. 62. Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., D. Entekhabi, J-S. Lee and R.L. Bras, “Nonlinear dynamics of soil moisture at climate
scales: 2. Chaotic analysis,” Water Resources Research, 27(8): 1907-1915, 1991. 63. Tarboton, D.G., R.L. Bras and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “On the extraction of channel networks from digital
elevation data,” Hydrologic Processes: An International Journal, 5(1):1-126 1991 and 6(3):253-368, 1992.
64. French, M.N., R.L. Bras and W.F. Krajewski, “A Monte Carlo study of rainfall forecasting with a stochastic model,” Journal of Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, 6:27-45, 1992.
65. Willgoose, G., R.L. Bras and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “The relationship between catchment and hillslope
scales: implications of a catchment evolution model,” special issue on “Fractals in Geomorphology,” Geomorphology, 1992.
66. Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., A. Rinaldo, R. Rigon, R.L. Bras, A. Marani and E. Ijjasz-Vasquez, “Energy
dissipation, runoff production, and the 3-dimensional structure of river basins,” Water Resources Research, 28(4): 1095-1103, 1992.
67. Entekhabi, D., I. Rodriguez-Iturbe and R.L. Bras, “Variability in large-scale water balance with land
surface atmosphere interaction,” Journal of Climate, 1992.
68. Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., E.J. Ijjasz-Vasquez, R.L. Bras and D.G. Tarboton, “Power-law distributions of mass and energy in river basins,” Water Resources Research, 28(4): 1089-1093, 1992.
69. Tarboton, D.G., R.L. Bras and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “A physical basis for drainage density,”
Geomorphology, 5:59-76, 1992. 70. Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., A. Rinaldo, R. Rigon, R.L. Bras, E. Ijjasz-Vasquez and A. Marani, “Fractal structures
as least energy patterns: the case of river networks,” Geophysical Research Letters, 19(9): 889-892, 1992. 71. Rinaldo, A., I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, R. Rigon, R.L. Bras, E. Ijjasz-Vasquez and A. Marani, “Minimum energy
and fractal structures of drainage networks,” Water Resources Research, 28(9): 2183-2195, 1992.
72. Ijjasz-Vasquez, E.J., R.L. Bras and G.E. Moglen, “Sensitivity of a basin evolution model to the nature of runoff production and to initial conditions,” Water Resources Research, 28(10): 2733-2741, 1992.
73. Ijjasz-Vasquez, EJ, I. Rodriguez-Iturbe and R.L. Bras, “On the multifractal characterization of river
basins,” Binghamton Series, Geomorphology, 5: 297-310, 1993. 74. Islam, S., R.L. Bras and K. Emanuel, “Predictability of mesoscale rainfall in the tropics,” Journal of
Applied Meteorology, 32(2): 297-310, 1993. 75. Gutjahr, A. and R.L. Bras, “Spatial variability and its impact on waste disposal,” Reliability Engineering
and System Safety, 42: 293-316, 1993. 76. Islam, S, R.L. Bras and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “A possible explanation for low correlation dimension
estimates for the atmosphere,” Journal of Applied Meteorology, 32(2): 203-208, 1993. 77. Castelli, F., R.L. Bras and K.A. Emanuel, “An analytical approach to the non-linear dynamics of moist
frontogenesis,” Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 50(11): 1504-1518, 1993. 78. Pessoa, M.L., R.L. Bras and E.R. Williams, “Use of weather radar for flood forecasting in the sieve river
basin: a sensitivity analysis,” Journal of Applied Meteorology, 32(3): 462-475, 1993. 79. Cabral, M., L. Garrotte, R.L. Bras and D. Entekhabi, “Kinematic infiltration in vertically heterogeneous,
anistropic and slopes soils,” Advances in Water Resources, 15(5): 311-324, 1993. 80. Eltahir, E.A.B. and R.L. Bras, “Estimation of the fractional coverage of rainfall in climate models,” Journal
of Climate, 6(4): 639-644, 1993. 81. Eltahir, E.A.B. and R.L. Bras, “A description of rainfall interception over large areas,” Journal of Climate,
6(6): 1002-1008, 1993. 82. Rigon, R., A. Rinaldo, I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, R.L. Bras and E. Ijjasz-Vasquez, “Optimal channel networks: a
framework for the study of river basin morphology, Water Resources Research, 29(6): 1635-1646, 1993. 83. Rinaldo, A., I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, R. Rigon, E. Ijjasz-Vasquez and R.L. Bras, “Self-organized fractal river
networks,” Physical Review Letters, 70(6): 822-825, 1993. 84. Ijjasz-Vasquez, R.L. Bras, I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, R. Rigon and A. Rinaldo, “Are river basins optimal channel
networks?” Advances in Water Resources, 16(1): 69-80, 1993. 85. Ijjasz-Vasquez, E.J., R.L. Bras, G. Moglen, I. Rodriguez-Iturbe and L. Reingold, “Implications of minimal
energy expenditure on the shape of river basins,” Geophysical Research Letters, 20(15): 1583-86. 1993. 86. Ijjasz-Vasquez, E.J., R.L. Bras and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “Hack’s relation and optimal channel networks: the
elongation of river basins as a consequence of energy minimization,” Geophysical Research Letters, 20(15): 1583-86, 1993.
87. Protopapas, A.L. and R.L. Bras, “Effects of weather variability and soil parameter uncertainty on the soil-
crop-climate system,” Journal of Climate, 6(4): 645-656, 1993. 88. Eltahir, E.A.B. and R.L. Bras, “On the response of the tropical atmosphere to large-scale deforestation,”
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 119: 779-793, 1993. 89. Bras, R.L., “Fractals forms in hydrology,” American Geophysical Union, EOS, January 1993. 90. Eltahir, E.A.B. and R.L. Bras, “Precipitation recycling in the Amazon Basin,” Quarterly Journal of the
Royal Meteorological Society, 120: 861-880, 1994.
91. Eltahir, E.A.B. and R.L. Bras, “Comments on ‘The parameterization of rainfall interception in GCMs’ by
Dolman and Gregory,” The Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 1994. 92. Ijjasz-Vasquez, E., R.L. Bras, and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “Self-affine scaling of fractal river courses and
basin boundaries,” Physica A, 209(3/4):288-300, 1994. 93. Fan, Y. and R.L. Bras, “On the concept of a representative elementary area (REA) in catchment runoff,”
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal, 9: 821-832, 1994. 94. Eltahir, E.A.B. and R.L. Bras, “Sensitivity of regional climate to deforestation in the Amazon Basin,”
Advances in Water Resources, 17: 101-115, 1994. 95. Garrote, L. and R.L. Bras, “A distributed model for real-time flood forecasting using digital elevation
models,” Journal of Hydrology, 167: 279-306, 1995. 96. Garrote, L. and R.L. Bras, “An integrated software environment for real-time use of a distributed
hydrologic model,” Journal of Hydrology, 167: 307-326, 1995. 97. Moglen, G.E. and R.L. Bras, “The importance of spatially heterogeneous erosivity and the cumulative area
distribution within a basin evolution model,” Geomorphology, 12: 173-185, 1995. 98. Ijjasz-Vasquez, E. and R.L. Bras, “Scaling regimes of local slope versus contributing area in digital
elevation models,” Geomorphology, 12(4): 299-311, 1995. 99. Li, Q., R.L. Bras and S. Islam, “Growth and decay of errors in a numerical cloud model due to small initial
perturbations and parameter changes,” Journal of Applied Meteorology, 34(7): 1622-1632, 1995. 100. Veneziano, D., G.E. Moglen and R.L. Bras “Multifractal analysis: pitfalls of standard procedures and
alternatives,” Physical Review E, 52(2):1387-98, 1995. 101. Moglen, G.E. and R.L. Bras, “The effect of spatial heterogeneities on geomorphic expression in a model of
basin evolution,” Water Resources Research, 31(10):2613-23, 1995. 102. Li, Q., R.L. Bras and D. Veneziano, “Analysis of Darwin rainfall data: implication on sampling strategy,”
Journal of Applied Meteorology, 35(3):372-385, 1996. 103. Bras, R.L., J. Wang and E.A.B. Eltahir, “Stochastic modeling of the thermally induced atmospheric flow,”
Mechanica, 31:15-25, 1996. 104. Eltahir, E.A.B. and R.L. Bras, “Precipitation recycling,” Review of Geophysics, 34(3): 367-378, 1996. 105. Veneziano, D., R.L. Bras and J.D. Niemann, “Nonlinearity and self-similarity of rainfall in time and a
stochastic model,” Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(D21): 26371-26392, 1996. 106. Wang, J., R.L. Bras and E.A.B. Eltahir, “A stochastic linear theory of mesoscale circulation induced by the
thermal heterogeneity of the land surface,” Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 53(22):3349-3366, 1996. 107. Li, Q., R.L. Bras and D. Veneziano, “Passive microwave remote sensing of rainfall considering the effects
of wind and nonprecipitating clouds,” Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(D21):26503-26515, 1996. 108. Wang, J., R.L. Bras and D. Entekhabi, “Structure in fluctuations of large-scale soil moisture climate due to
external random forcing and internal feedbacks,” Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, 11:95-114, 1997. 109. Wang, J. E.A.B. Eltahir and R.L. Bras, “Numerical simulation of nonlinear mesoscale circulations induced
by thermal heterogeneities of land surface,” Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 55: 447-464, 1998.
110. Wang, J. and R.L. Bras, “A new method for estimation of sensible heat flux from air temperature.” Water Resources Research, 34(9): 2281-2288, 1998. 111. Moglen, G.E., E.A.B. Eltahir and R.L. Bras, “On the sensitivity of drainage density to climate change,”
Water Resources Research, 34(4): 855-862, 1998. 112. Wang, J., R.L. Bras and E.A.B. Eltahir, “Estimation of sensible heat flux from air temperature—a new
approach,” Journal of Applied Meteorology, 55(3): 447-464, 1998. 113. Fan, Y. and R.L. Bras, “Analytical solutions to hillslope subsurface storm flow and saturation overland
flow,” Water Resources Research, 34(4): 921-927, 1998. 114. Zimmermanm, D.A., G. de Marsily, C.A. Gotway, M.G. Marietta, C.L. Axness, R.L. Beauheim, R.L. Bras,
J. Carrera, G. Dagan, P.B. Davies, D.P. Gallegos, A. Galli, J. Gomez-Hernandez, P. Grindrod, A.L. Gutjahr, P.K. Kitanidis, A.M. Lavenue, D. McLaughlin, S.P. Neuman, R. Rao, C. Ravenne and Y. Rubin, “A comparison of seven geostatically based inverse approaches to estimate transmissivities for modeling advective transport by groundwater flow,” Water Resources Research, 34(6):1373-1413, 1998.
115. Tucker, G.E. and R.L. Bras, “Hillslope processes, drainage density, and landscape morphology,” Water
Resources Research, 34(10):2751-2764, 1998. 116. Wang, J. and R.L. Bras, “Ground heat flux estimated from surface soil temperature,” Journal of Hydrology,
216:214-226, 1999. 117. Moramarco, T., Y. Fan and R.L. Bras, “Analytical solution for channel routing with uniform lateral
inflow,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 125(7):707-713, 1999. 118. Gasparini, N., G.E. Tucker and R.L. Bras, “Downstream fining through selective particle sorting in an
equilibrium drainage network,” Geology, 27(12): 1079-1082, 1999. 119. Entekhabi, D., G.R. Asrar, A.K. Betts, K.J. Beven, R.L. Bras, C.J. Duffy, T. Dunne, R.D. Koster, D.P.
Lettenmaier, D.B. McLaughlin, W.J. Shuttleworth, M.T. van Genuchten, M-Y Wei and E.F. Wood, “An agenda for land surface hydrology research and a call for the Second International Hydrological Decade,” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 80(10): 2043-2058, 1999.
120. Bras, R.L., “A brief history of hydrology -The Robert E. Horton Lecture,” Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society, 80(6):1151-1164, 1999. 121. Wang, J., R.L. Bras and E.A.B. Eltahir, “The impact of observed deforestation on the mesoscale
distribution of rainfall and clouds in Amazonia,” Journal of Hydrometeorology, 1(3): 267-286, 2000. 122. Tucker, G.E. and R.L. Bras, “A stochastic approach to modeling the role of rainfall variability in drainage
basin evolution,” Water Resources Research, 36(7): 1953-1964, 2000. 123. Beltrami, H., J.F. Wang and R.L. Bras, “Energy balance at the Earth’s surface: Heat flux history in eastern
Canada,” Geophysical Research Letters, 27(20): 3385-3388, 2000. 124. Harleman, D.R.F., R.L. Bras, A. Rinaldo, P. Malanotte and P. Rizzoli, “Blocking the tide,” Civil
Engineering, 70(10):52-57, 2000. 125. Tucker, G.E., F. Catani, A. Rinaldo and R.L. Bras, “Statistical analysis of drainage density from digital
terrain data,” Geomorphology, 36: 187-202, 2001. 126. Niemann, J.D., R.L. Bras, D. Veneziano, and A. Rinaldo, “Impacts of surface elevation on the growth and
scaling properties of simulated river networks,” Geomorphology, 40: 37-55, 2001.
127. Tucker, G.E., S. Lancaster, N. Gasparini, R.L. Bras and S. Rybarczyk, “An object-oriented framework for
distributed hydrologic and geomorphic modeling using triangulated irregular networks,” Computers and Geosciences, 27(8): 959-973, 2001.
128. Wang, J. and R.L. Bras, “Effect of temperature on surface energy balance,” Technical Note, Water
Resources Research, 37(12):3383-3386, 2001. 129. Lancaster, S.T. and R.L. Bras, “A simple model of river meandering and its comparison to natural
channels,” Hydrological Processes, 16(1):1-26, 2002.
130. Niemann, J.D., N.M. Gasparini, G.E. Tucker, and R.L. Bras, “A quantitative evaluation of Playfair’s law and its use in testing long-term stream erosion models,” Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 26(12):1317-1332, 2001.
131. Bras, R.L., D.R.F. Harleman, A. Rinaldo and P. Rizzoli, “Obsolete? No. Necessary? Yes. The gates will
save Venice,” EOS Transactions, AGU, 83(20):217-224, 2002.
132. Niemann, J.D., R.L. Bras and D. Veneziano, “A physically-based interpolation method for fluvially eroded topography,” Water Resources Research, 39(1), 1017, 2003.
133. Ganguly, A.R. and R.L. Bras, “Distributed quantitative precipitation forecasting combining information
from radar and numerical weather prediction model outputs,” Bulletin, American Meteorological Society, 4(6), 1168-1180, 2003.
134. Grimaldi, S., V. Teles and R.L. Bras, “Sensitivity of a physically-based method for terrain interpolation to
initial conditions and its conditioning on stream location,” Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 29(5):587-597, 2004.
135. Collins, D.B.G., R.L. Bras and G.E. Tucker, “Modeling the effects of vegetation–erosion coupling on
landscape evolution,” Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, F03004, doi:10.1029/2003JF000028, 2004.
136. Gasparini, N.M., G.E. Tucker and R.L. Bras, “Network-scale dynamics of grain-size sorting: Implications for downstream fining, stream-profile concavity, and drainage basin morphology,” Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 29(4):401-421, 2004.
137. Vivoni, E.R., V.Y. Ivanov, R.L. Bras and D. Entekhabi, “Generation of triangulated irregular networks
based on hydrological similarity,” Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, 9(4):228-302, 2004.
138. Fitzmaurice, J., J. Wang and R.L. Bras, “Sensible heat flux estimated from one-level air temperature near the land surface,” Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L07102, 2004.
139. Ivanov, V.Y., E.R. Vivoni, R.L. Bras and D. Entekhabi, “Preserving high-resolution surface and rainfall
data in operational-scale basin hydrology: A fully-distributed physically-based approach,” Journal of Hydrology, 298/1-4: 80-111, 2004.
140. Wang, J.F., G. Salvucci and R.L. Bras, “An extremum principle of evaporation,” Water Resources
Research, 40, WO9303, doi:10.1029/2004WR003087, 2004.
141. Vivoni, E.R., S. Grimaldi, F. Nardi, V.Y. Ivanov, F. Castelli, R.L. Bras and L. Ubertini, “Assessing hydrological extreme events with geospatial data and models,” EOS 85(39):370-375, 2004.
142. Ivanov, V.Y., E.R. Vivoni, R.L. Bras and D. Entekhabi, “Catchment hydrologic response with a fully-
distributed triangulated irregular network model,” Water Resources Research, 40, W11102, doi:10.1029/2004WR003218, 2004.
143. Chagnon, F.J.F., R.L. Bras and J. Wang, “Climatic shift in patterns of shallow clouds over the Amazon,” Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L24212, 2004.
144. Falorni, G., V. Teles, E. Vivoni, R.L. Bras and K. Amaratunga, “Analysis and characterization of the
vertical accuracy of digital elevation models from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission,” Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, F02005, doi:10.1029/2003JF000113, 2005.
145. Vivoni, E.R., V.Y. Ivanov, R.L. Bras and D. Entekhabi, “On the effects of triangulated terrain resolution on
distributed hydrologic model response,” Hydrological Processes, 19(11):2101-2122, 2005.
146. Vivoni, E.R., V. Teles, V.Y. Ivanov, R.L. Bras and D. Entekhabi, “Embedding landscape processes into triangulated terrain models,” International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 19(4):429-457, 2005.
147. Hall, O., G. Falorni and R.L. Bras, “Characterization and quantification of data voids in Shuttle Radar
Topography Mission data,” Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE, 2(2):177-181, 2005.
148. Istanbulluoglu, E., R.L. Bras, H. Flores-Cervantes and G.E. Tucker, “Implications of bank failures and fluvial erosion for gully development: field observations and modeling,” Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, F01014, doi:10.1029/2004JF000145, 2005.
149. Grimaldi, S., V. Teles and R.L. Bras, “Preserving first and second moments of the slope area relationship
during the interpolation of digital elevation models,” Advances in Water Resources, 28(6):583-588, 2005.
150. Chagnon, F.J.F. and R.L. Bras, “Contemporary climate change in the Amazon,” Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L13703, 2005.
151. Istanbulluoglu, E. and R.L. Bras, “Vegetation-modulated landscape evolution: Effects of vegetation on
landscape processes, drainage density, and topography,” Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, F02012, doi:10.1029/2004JF000249, 2005.
152. Tucker, G., L. Arnold, R.L. Bras, H. Flores, E. Istanbulluoglu and P. Solyom, “Headwater channel
dynamics in semiarid rangelands, Colorado high plains, USA,” Geological Society of America Bulletin, 118:959-974, 2006.
153. Flores-Cervantes, J. H., E. Istanbulluoglu and R. L. Bras, “Development of gullies on the landscape: A
model of headcut retreat resulting from plunge pool erosion,” Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, F01010, doi:10.1029/2004JF000226, 2006.
154. Istanbulluoglu, E. and R.L. Bras, “On the dynamics of soil moisture, vegetation, and erosion: Implications
of climate variability and change,” Water Resources Research, 42(6), W06418, 2006.
155. Wu, S., R. L. Bras and A. P. Barros, “Sensitivity of channel profiles to precipitation properties in mountain ranges,” Journal of Geophysical Research,, 111, F01024, doi:10.1029/2004JF000164, 2006.
156. Vivoni, E.R., D. Entekhabi, R.L. Bras, V.Y. Ivanov, M. P. Van Horne, C. Grassotti, and R.N. Hoffman,
“Extending the predictability of hydrometeorological flood events using radar rainfall nowcasting,” Journal of Hydrometeorology, 7(4): 660-677, 2006.
157. Clevis, Q., G.E. Tucker, G. Lock, S.T. Lancaster, N. Gasparini, A. Desitter, and R.L. Bras,
“Geoarchaeological simulation of meandering river deposits and settlement distributions; a three- dimensional approach,” Geoarchaeology, 21(8), 2006.
158. Gasparini, N., K. Whipple and R.L. Bras, “Predictions of steady-state and transient landscape morphology
using sediment-flux-dependent river incision models,” Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, 112(F3), F03S09, 2007.
159. Lipson, A., A.W. Epstein, R.L. Bras and K. Hodges, “Students’ perceptions of Terrascope, a project-based
freshman learning community,” Journal of Science Education and Technology, doi: 10.1007/s10956-007- 9046-6, 2007.
160. Grimaldi, S., F. Nardi, F. Di Benedetto, E. Istanbulluoglu, R.L. Bras, “A physically-based method for
removing pits in digital elevation models,” Advances in Water Resources, 30(10): 2151-2158, 2007.
161. Collins, D.B.G. and R.L. Bras, “Plant rooting strategies in water-limited ecosystems,” Water Resources Research, 43(6), W06407, 2007.
162. Vivoni, E.R., D. Entekhabi, R.L. Bras and V.Y. Ivanov, “Controls on runoff generation and scale-
dependence in a distributed hydrologic model,” Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 11(5): 1683-1701, 2007.
163. Ivanov, V.Y, R.L. Bras and D. Curtis, “A weather generator for hydrological, ecological, and agricultural
applications,” Water Resources Research, 43, W10406, 2007.
164. Wang, J.F., R.L. Bras, M. Lerdau and G.D. Salvucci, “A maximum hypothesis of transpiration,” Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, 112, G03010, 2007.
165. Gutierrez-Jurado, H.A., E.R. Vivoni, E. Istanbulluoglu, and R.L. Bras, “Ecohydrological response to a
geomorphically significant flood event in a first-order semiarid basin with contrasting hillslope ecosystems,” Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L24S25, doi:10.1029/2007GL030994, 2007.
166. Bras, R.L., F. Chagnon, E.E. Adams, J. Atkinson, P.S. Eagleson, S. Frankel, H.F. Hemond, O. Madsen,
C.C. Mei, S. Murcott, T.O. Najarian, I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, U. Shamir, P. Shanahan and L. Thatcher, “Donald R.F. Harleman: A life of excellence and an excellent life,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 133(11): 1187-1191, 2007.
167. Ivanov, V.Y., R.L. Bras, and E.R. Vivoni, “Vegetation-hydrology dynamics in complex terrain of semiarid
areas: I. A mechanistic approach to modeling dynamic feedbacks,” Water Resources Research, 44, W03429, doi:10.1029/2006WR005588, 2008.
168. Ivanov, V.Y., R.L. Bras, and E.R. Vivoni, “Vegetation-hydrology dynamics in complex terrain of semiarid
areas: II. Energy-water controls of vegetation spatio-temporal dynamics and topographic niches of favorability,” Water Resources Research, 44, W03430, doi:10.1029/2006WR005595, 2008.
169. Noto, L.V., V.Y. Ivanov, R.L. Bras and E.R. Vivoni, “Effects of initialization on response of a fully-
distributed hydrologic model,” Journal of Hydrology, 352:107-125, 2008.
170. Bennett, W.B., J.F. Wang and R.L. Bras, “Estimation of global ground heat flux,” Journal of Hydrometeorology, 9(4): 744-759, 2008.
171. Istanbulluoglu, E., O. Yetemen, E. R. Vivoni, H. A. Gutiérrez-Jurado, and R. L. Bras, “Eco-geomorphic
implications of hillslope aspect: Inferences from analysis of landscape morphology in central New Mexico,” Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L14403, doi:10.1029/2008GL034477, 2008.
172. Karam, H. and R.L. Bras, “Estimates of net atmospheric moisture flux convergence over the Amazon
Basin: a comparison of reanalysis products,” Journal of Hydrometeorology, 9(5): 1035-1047, 2008.
173. Karam, H. and R.L. Bras, “Climatological basin-scale Amazonian evapotranspiration estimated through a water budget analysis,” Journal of Hydrometeorology, 9(5) 10048-1060, 2008.
174. Collins, D.B.G. and R.L. Bras, “Climatic Control of Sediment Yield in Dry lands Following Climate and
Land Cover Change,” Water Resources Research, 44, W10405, doi:10.1175/2008JHM887.1, 2008.
175. Fitzmaurice, J. and R.L. Bras, “Comparing Reanalyses Using Analysis Increment Statistics,” Journal of
Hydrometeorology, 9(6): 1535-1545, 2008.
176. Wang, J., F.J.F. Chagnon, E. R. Williams, A.K. Betts, N.O. Renno, L.A.T. Machado, G. Bisht, R. Knox, and R.L. Bras, “Impact of deforestation in the Amazon basin on cloud climatology,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 0810156106v1-pnas.0810156106, 2009.
177. Flores, A. N., V. Y. Ivanov, D. Entekhabi, and R. L. Bras, “Impact of hillslope-scale organization of
topography, soil moisture, soil temperature and vegetation on modeling surface microwave radiation emission,” IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol 47, No.8, August 2009
178. Wang, J., and R. L. Bras, A model of surface heat fluxes based on the theory of maximum entropy
production, Water Resour. Res., 45, W11422,doi:10.1029/2009WR007900, 2009
179. Flores, A.N., Entekhabi, D., and Bras, R.L., “Assimilation of SMAP measurements for soil moisture-based military trafficability assessment at tactical scales,” IEEE J-STAR, 2009-00030, 2009.
180. Collins, D. B. G., and Bras, R. L. “Climatic and ecological controls of equilibrium drainage density, relief,
and channel concavity in drylands,” Water Resour. Res., 46, W04508, doi:10.1029/2009WR008615, 2010 181. Wang, J., and R. L. Bras, An extremum solution of the Monin-Obukho similarity equations, J. Atmos. Sci.,
67(2), 485-499, 2010 182. Flores, A.N., Entekhabi, D., and Bras, R.L., “Reproducibility of soil moisture ensembles when representing
soil parameter uncertainty using a Latin Hypercube-based approach with correlation control,” Water Resources Research, doi:10.1029/2009WR008155, 2010.
183. Bisht, G., and Bras, R.L., “Estimation of net radiation from the MODIS data under all sky conditions - A
case study at the Southern Great Plains”, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol 114, Issue 7, pp 1522-1534, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2010.02.007,2010
184. Wang, J, R.L. Bras, G. Sivandran, R.G. Knox, “A simple method for the estimation of thermal inertia”,
Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L05404, doi:10.1029/2009GL041851, 2010
12. REFEREED PAPERS IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOOKS Bras, R.L., “Sampling Network Design in Hydrology and Water Quality: A Review of Linear Estimation Theory
Applications,” Proceedings, American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference on Applications of Kalman Filter to Hydrology, Hydraulics and Water Resources, ed. by Chao-Lin Chiu, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1978.
Kitanidis, P.K. and R.L. Bras, “A Study of Collinearity and Parameter Stability in Rainfall-Runoff Models: Ridge
Regression and Kalman Filtering,” Proceedings of the American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference on Applications of Kalman Filtering to Hydrology, Hydraulics and Water Resources, ed. by Chao-Lin Chiu, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1978.
Kitanidis, P.K. and R.L. Bras, “Error Identification in Conceptual Hydraulic Models,” Proceedings of the American
Geophysical Union Chapman Conference on Applications of Kalman Filtering to Hydrology, Hydraulics and Water Resources, ed. by Chao-Lin Chiu, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pittsburgh Press 1978.
Crumley, A.R., R.L. Bras, L. Rodriguez-Agrait, L.O. Garcia, “Design of Forty-Foot Braced Excavation in Model to Large Basins,” AMS Conference Proceedings, Jan./Feb. 1997.Mayaguez, P. R.,” Journal of the College of Engineers of Puerto Rico, 29(3), 1979.
Bras, R.L. and S.O. Chan, “Theoretical Models of Hydrologic Parameters Using Derived Distribution Techniques,”
Proceedings, International Symposium on Risk and Reliability in Water Resources, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, June 26-28, 1979, Water Resources Publications, 1980.
Bras, R.L., “The Benefits of Uncertainty: Probability in Short- and Long-Term Hydrologic Forecasting, in
Improved Hydrology Forecasting: Why and How,” A.S.C.E., 1980, pp. 141-160. Bras, R.L. and K. Georgakakos, “Real Time Non-Linear Filtering Techniques in Techniques in Streamflow
Forecasting: A Statistical Linearization Approach,” Proceedings of Third International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics, Tokyo, Japan, August 5-7, 1980, ed. by H. Kikkawa and Y. Iwasa.
Bras, R.L. and R. Restrepo, “Real Time, Automatic Parameter Calibration in Conceptual Runoff Forecasting
Models,” Proceedings, Third International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics, Tokyo, Japan, August 507, 1980, ed. by H. Kikkawa and Y. Iwasa.
Bras, R.L., “Short Term Forecasting of Rainfall and Runoff,” Proceedings, “Real Time Forecasting/Control of
Water Resource Systems,” October 1976, ed. by E. F. Wood, Pergamon Press, 1980. Puente, C.E. and R.L. Bras, “Error Identification and Decomposition in Large State-Space Stochastic Rainfall-
Runoff Models,” Proceedings, IFAC/IFORS Symposium on, Identification and System Parameter Identification, York, UK, 3-7 July 1985, published by Pergamon Press.
Diaz-Granados, M. R.L. Bras, and J.B. Valdes, “Incorporation of Channel Losses in the Geomorphologic IUH,” in
Scale Problems in Hydrology, V.K. Gupta, et al. (eds), D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1986. Bonano, E.J., P.A. Davis, R.L. Bras, and P.K. Kitanidis, “Methodology for Estimating Groundwater Travel Times at
a Nuclear Waste Repository Using a Physically- Based Geostatistical Approach,” Third International Geostatistics Congress, 1988.
Bras, R.L. and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “A Review of the Search for the Quantitative Link Between Hydrologic
Response and Fluvial Geomorphology,” New Directions for Surface Water Modeling, Proceedings Baltimore Symposium, May 1989, IAHS, Publ. #181, pp. 149-163, 1989.
Bras, R.L. and E.G. Vomvoris, “Geostatistics in Estimating Chemical Residues at a Site,” Proceedings, 1989
National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, editor, M.A. Ports, New Orleans, LA, pp. 748-753, August 14- 18, 1989.
van der Tak, L. and R.L. Bras, “Incorporating Hillslope Effects into the Geomorphologic Instantaneous Unit
Hydrograph,” Proceedings Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Christchurch, New Zealand, Nov. 28- 30, 1989.
Willgoose, G.R., R.L. Bras, and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “Modeling of the Erosional Impacts of Landuse Change: A
New Approach Using a Physically Based Catchment Evolution Model,” Proceedings Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Christchurch, New Zealand, November 28-30, 1989.
Entekhabi, D. and R.L. Bras, “Hydrologic Sensitivity to Climate Change,” Proceedings, First USA/USSR Joint
Conference on Environmental Hydrology and Hydrogeology, Leningrad, June 1990, Bras, R.L. “Climate, Hydrology and Water Supply: A Preface,” Civil Engineering Practice, BSCES, Freeman
Papers. 1990.
Eltahir, E., J.A. Ramirez, and R.L. Bras, “A Physically-Based Space-Time Hydrologic Rainfall Model,” Proceedings, AMS 8th Conference on Hydrometeorology, Alberta, Canada, October 1990.
McLaughlin, D., S. Islam, M. French, D. Entekhabi, and R.L. Bras, “A Distributed Filtering Approach to Rainfall
Prediction,” Proceedings, AMS 8th Conference on Hydrometeorology, Kananaskis Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada, October 23-26, 1990.
Entekhabi, D. and R.L. Bras, “Hydrologic Sensitivity to Climate Change,” In: J.E. Moore, R.A. Kanivetsky, J.S.
Rosenshein, C. Zenone, and S.C. Csallany (eds), American Institute of Hydrology, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 1991.
Tarboton, D.G., R.L. Bras, and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “On the Extraction of Channel Networks from Digital Elevation
Data,” in Terrain Analysis and Distributed Modeling in Hydrology, edited by K.J. Beven and I.D. Moore, John Wiley and Sons, 1992.
Entekhabi, D., I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, and R.L. Bras, “Preface” MIT Colloquium on Hydroclimatology and Global
Hydrology, April 7-8, Cambridge, MA, 1993. Eltahir, E.A.B. and R.L. Bras, “Spatial Distribution of Precipitation Recycling in the Amazon Basin,” Proceedings
277, The World at Risk: Natural Hazards and Climate Change, American Institute of Physics, 1993. Li, Q., R.L. Bras, and S. Islam, “Effect of Flow Pattern on Meso-scale Predictability,” Proceedings, Fourth
International Conference on Precipitation, Iowa City, April 26-28, 1993, pp. 22-23. Willgoose, G., R.L. Bras, and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “Hydrogeomorphology Modeling with a Physically Based River
Basin Evolution Model,” in Process Models and Theoretical Geomorphology, Kirkby, M. (Ed.), Wiley and Sons, pp. 271-294, 1994.
Niemann, J.D., R.L. Bras, and D. Veneziano, “The Effect of Evolutionary Dynamics on River Basin Morphology,” Workshop on Scale Problems in Hydrology, Vienna, Austria, 1996. Veneziano, D., R.L. Bras, and J.D. Niemann, “Non-Scaling Properties of Rainfall in Time,” Workshop on Scale
Problems in Hydrology, Vienna, Austria, 1996. Veneziano, D., R.L. Bras, and J.D. Niemann, “Scaling and Multiplicative Properties of Rainfall in Time,” Workshop
on Scale Problems in Hydrology, Vienna, Austria, 1996. Ganguly, A.R., L. Garrote, and R.L. Bras, “Application of a Physically Based Distributed Hydrologic Model to
Large Basins,” Workshop on Scale Problems in Hydrology, Vienna, Austria, 1996. Ganguly, A.R., L. Garrote, and R.L. Bras, “Application of a Physically Based Distributed Hydrologic Model to
Large Basins,” AMS Conference Proceedings, Jan./Feb. 1997. Tucker, G.E., S.T. Lancaster, N.M. Gasparini and R.L. Bras, “The Channel-Hillslope Integrated Landscape
Development (CHILD) Model. In Landscape Erosion and Evolution Modeling, edited by R.S. Harmon and W.W.I. Doe, pp. 349-388. Kluwer Academic Press, New York. 2001.
Bras, R.L. and L. Gordon, “Workshop 3 (synthesis): Innovative processes in small scale agricultural production
using water more effectively,” Water Science and Technology, 43(4):129-131, 2001. Falorni, G., E.R. Vivoni, V. Teles, and R.L. Bras, “Analysis of a SRTM-Derived DEM of the Little Washita River
Watershed,” New Frontiers in Hydrology, Proceedings of the 1st CNR-Princeton Workshop, Princeton University, October 23-25, 2002.
Bras, R.L., G.E. Tucker, and V. Teles, “Six Myths about Mathematical Modeling in Geomorphology”, Prediction in
Geomorphology, edited by P. Wilcock and R. Iverson, AGU Geophysical Monograph Series, Vol. 135, March 2003.
Falorni, G., E.R. Vivoni, V. Teles, and R.L. Bras, “Analysis of a SRTM-Derived DEM of the Little Washita River Watershed,” New Frontiers in Hydrology, Proceedings of the 1st CNR-Princeton Workshop held at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 2003. Flores, A.N., E. Istanbulluoglu, R.L. Bras, and D. Eentekhabi, “A Framework for the Prediction of Soil Moisture,” 24th Proceedings of Army Science Conference, Orlando, FL, Nov. 29 – Dec. 2, 2004. Istanbulluoglu, E., H. Flores, and R.L. Bras, “Modeling the Complex Dynamics of Landscape Development:
Applications for Land Management,” 24th Proceedings of Army Science Conference, Orlando, FL, Nov. 29 – Dec. 2, 2004.
Gasparini, N.M., R.L. Bras and K.X. Whipple, “Numerical modeling of non-steady-state river profile evolution
using a sediment-flux-dependent incision model.” In: S.D. Willett, N. Hovius, M.T. Brandon and D.M. Fisher (eds.), Tectonics, Climate and Landscape Evolution, The Geological Society of America Special Paper 398, Penrose Conference Series, Pp. 127-141, doi: 10.1130/2006.2398(08), 2006.
M. Molina and R.L. Bras, “Water and Climate Change.” In: A. Vizcaíno (ed.), Water. America Natural: Mexico, Pp.
22-27, 2006. Epstein, A.W., A. Lipson, R.L. Bras and K. Hodges, “Terrascope: A project-based, team-oriented freshman learning
community with an environmental/Earth system focus.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 2006, paper 2006-435. American Society for Engineering Education: Washington, D.C. Available online at: http://asee.org/conferences/v2search.cfm. 2006.
Epstein, A.W., R. Bras, K. Hodges and A. Lipson, “Team-Oriented, Project-Based Learning as a Path to
Undergraduate Research.” In: K.K. Karukstis and T. Elgren (eds), Developing and Sustaining a Research- Supportive Curriculum: A Compendium of Successful Practices, Council on Undergraduate Research, Washington, D.C., 2007.
Bras, R.L., F. Chagnon, E.E. Adams, J. Atkinson, P.S. Eagleson, S. Frankel, H.F. Hemond, O. Madsen, C.C. Mei,
S. Murcott, T.O. Najarian, I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, U. Shamir, P. Shanahan and L. Thatcher, “Donald R.F. Harleman.” In: National Academy of Engineering, Memorial Tributes, The National Academies Press, Washington, DC, vol. 11, Pp. 142-149, 2007.
Gasparini, N., R.L. Bras and G. Tucker, “Numerical Predictions of the Sensitivity of Grain-Size and Channel Slope
to an Increase in Precipitation.” In: S. Rice, A. Roy and B. Rhodes (eds), River Confluences, Tributaries and the Fluvial Network, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Pp. 367-394, 2008.
13. OTHER MAJOR PUBLICATIONS: Bras, R.L., “Efectos de Urbanizacion en las Cuencas Hydrologicas de Puerto Rico”, Journal of the College of Engineers of
Puerto Rico, April/May, 1974. Crumley, A.R., R.L. Bras, L. Rodriguez-Agrait, L.O. Garcia, “Design of Forty-Foot Braced Excavation in Mayaguez, P. R.,”
Journal of the College of Engineers of Puerto Rico, 29(3), 1979. Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., M. Gonzalez-Sanabria, and R.L. Bras, Una Teoria Geomorfoclimatica del Hidrograma Instantaneo
Unitario, El Agua, Revista Hidraulica, A., No. 6, Julio 1982, Caracas, Venezuela. Ramirez, J.A. and R.L. Bras, “Clearing the Fog from Rainfall Models: Atmospheric Stabilization and the Distribution of
Cumulus Clouds,” in Projects in Scientific Computing, 1988-89, Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center, 1989. Bras, R.L., D.R.F. Harleman, A. Rinaldo and P. Rizzoli, “Rescuing Venice from a watery grave,” Science,
291(5512):2315, 2001. 14. TECHNICAL REPORTS: Evans, D.H., B.M. Harley, and R.L. Bras, “Applications of Linear Routing Systems to Regional Groundwater Problems,”
Technical Report No. 155, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, September 1972.
Collaboration in “Analysis of 'Revelle' Polders Development Scheme and Design for a Long-Range Lake Chad Basin
Study,” Meta Systems, Inc., for U.S.A.I.D., October 1974. Collaboration in “The Effects of Urbanization in the River Systems of Puerto Rico,” Puerto Rico Department of Natural
Resources, Office of Water Resources Research, Department of the Interior, 1974. Bras, R.L. and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “Rainfall-Runoff as Spatial Stochastic Processes: Data Collection and Synthesis,”
Technical Report No. 195, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, February 1975.
Principal author in “Preliminary Report of the Non-Point Pollution Control Study,” presented to the North Metropolitan San
Juan 208 Commission by the University of Puerto Rico, July 1976. Bras, R.L. and R. Colon, “Time Averaged Areal Mean of Precipitation: Estimation of Network Design,” Technical Report
A-050-PR, Water Resources Research Institute, University of Puerto Rico, February 1977. Johnson, E. and R.L. Bras, “Short Term Rainfall Prediction: A Non-Stationary Multivariate Stochastic Model,” Technical
Report No. 233, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, April 1978.
Chan, S.O. and R.L. Bras, “Derived Distribution of Water Volume Above a Given Threshold Discharge,” Technical Report
No. 234, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, May 1978.
Kitanidis, P.K. and R.L. Bras, “Real Time Forecasting of River Flows,” Technical Report No. 235, Ralph M. Parsons
Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, June 1978. Curry, K. and R.L. Bras, “Theory and Applications of the Multivariate Broken Line Disaggregation and Monthly
Autoregressive Streamflow Generators to the Nile River,” Technology Adaptation Program Report No. 78-5, MIT, September 1978.
Cordova, J.R. and R.L. Bras, “Stochastic Control of Irrigation Systems,” Technical Report No. 239, Ralph M. Parsons
Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, March 1979.
Curry, K. and R.L. Bras, “Multivariate Seasonal Time Series Forecast with Application to Adaptive Control,” Technical
Report No. 253, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, March 1980.
Chua, S.H. and R.L. Bras, “Estimation of Stationary and Non-Stationary Random Fields: Kriging in the Analysis of
Orographic Precipitation,” Technical Report No. 255, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, April 1980.
Georgakakos, K.P. and R.L. Bras, “A Statistical Linearization Approach to Real Time Nonlinear Flood Routing,” Technical
Report No. 256, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, June 1980.
Langseth, D.E. and R.L. Bras, “Empirical Temperature Forecasting: Extensions of the Model Output Statistics Methods,”
Technical Report No. 257, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, June 1980.
Kafritsas, J. and R.L. Bras, “The Practice of Kriging,” Technical Report No. 263, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water
Resources and Hydrodynamics, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, January 1981. Buchanan, R.B. and R.L. Bras, “Study of a Real-Time Adaptive Closed-Loop Control Algorithm for Reservoir Operation,”
Technical Report No. 265, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, July 1981. Restrepo Posada, P.J. and R.L. Bras, “Automatic Parameter Estimation of a Large Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Model: A
Maximum Likelihood Approach,” Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, Technical Report No. 267, MIT, Cambridge, MA, March 1982.
Ramirez-Rodriguez, J. and R.L. Bras, “Optimal Irrigation Control Using Stochastic Cluster Point Processes for Rainfall
Modeling and Forecasting,” Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, Technical Report No. 275, MIT, Cambridge, MA, May 1982. Kirshen, D. and R.L. Bras, “A Linear Channel and Its Effect on the Geomorphologic I.U.H.,” Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory,
Technical Report No. 277, MIT, Cambridge, MA, June 1982. Georgakakos, K. and R.L. Bras, “A Precipitation Model and Its Use in Real-Time Flow Forecasting,” Ralph M. Parsons
Laboratory, Technical Report No. 286, MIT, Cambridge, MA, June 1982. Diaz-Granados, M. and R.L. Bras, “Identification and Estimation of a Monthly Multivariate Stochastic Streamflow Model for
the Nile River Basin,” Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, Technical Report No. 283, MIT, Cambridge, MA, July 1982. Puente, C. and R.L. Bras, “A Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Random Fields Estimators,” Ralph M. Parsons
Laboratory, Technical Report No. 287, MIT, Cambridge, MA, November 1982. Diaz-Granados, M., J.B. Valdes and R.L. Bras, “A Derived Flood Frequency Distribution Based on the Geomorphoclimatic
IUH and the Density Functions of Rainfall Excess,” Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, Technical Report No. 292, MIT, Cambridge, MA, August 1983.
Diaz-Granados, M., R.L. Bras, and J.B. Valdes, “Infiltration Aspects in the Geomorphologic IUH,” Ralph M. Parsons
Laboratory, Technical Report No. 293, MIT, Cambridge, MA, August 1983. Puente, C.E. and R.L. Bras, “Nonlinear Filtering, Parameter Estimation and Decomposition of Large Rainfall Runoff
Models,” Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, Technical Report No. 297, MIT, Cambridge, MA, November 1984. Protopapas, A.L., and R.L. Bras, “A Model of Plant Growth and Its Relation to Moisture and Solute Transport in the Soil,”
Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, Technical Report No. 309, MIT, Cambridge, MA, January 1986.
Seo, D-J. and R.L. Bras, “Irrigation Control in the Presence of Salinity-Extended Linear Quadratic Approach,” Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, Technical Report No. 310, MIT, Cambridge, MA, January 1986.
Willgoose, G., R.L. Bras and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “A Physically Based Channel Network and Catchment Evolution Model,”
Technical Report No. 322, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA, June 1989. Tarboton, D., R.L. Bras and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “The Analysis of River Basins and Channel Networks Using Digital Terrain
Data,” Technical Report No. 326, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA, November 1989. Ijjasz-Vasquez, E. and R.L. Bras, “A Channel Network Evolution Model with Subsurface Saturation Mechanism and
Analysis of the Chaotic Behavior of the Model,” Technical Report No. 330, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA, September 1990.
Cabral, M.C., R.L. Bras, D. Tarboton, and D. Entekhabi, “A Distributed, Physically-Based, Rainfall-Runoff Model
Incorporating Topography for Real-Time Flood Forecasting,” Technical Report No. 332, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA, October 1990.
Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., D. Entekhabi, and R.L. Bras, “Non-Linear Dynamics of Soil Moisture at Climate Scales: Stochastic
Analysis,” MIT Center for Global Change Science, Report 5, 1990. Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., D. Entekhabi, J-S. Lee, and R.L. Bras, “Non-Linear Dynamics of Soil Moisture at Climate Scales:
Chaotic Analysis,” MIT Center for Global Change Science, Report 6, 1990. Ijjasz-Vasquez, E. and R.L. Bras, “A Channel Network Evolution Model with Subsurface Saturation Mechanism
and Analysis of the Chaotic Behavior of the Model,” Technical Report No. 330, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA, September 1990.
Garrote, L. and R.L. Bras, “Real-Time Modeling of River Basin Response Using Radar-Generated Rainfall Maps and a
Distributed Hydrologic Database,” Technical Report 337, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 1993. Ijjasz-Vasquez, E.J., R.L. Bras, and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, “Form, Scales and Optimality in the Basin Landscape and its
Channel Network,” Technical Report 339, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 1993. Moglen, G. and R.L. Bras, “Simulation of Observed Topography Using a Physically-Based Basin Evolution Model”,
Technical Report 340, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, MIT, 1994. Li, Q., R.L. Bras, and D. Veneziano, “Sampling Error and Environmental Noises in Passive Microwave Rainfall Retrieval
from Space”, Technical Report 342, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 1996. Niemann, J.D., R.L. Bras, D. Veneziano, “Channel Network Growth and River Basin Morphology”, Report 343, Ralph M.
Parsons Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 1997. 15. INVITED LECTURES, SHORT COURSES, AND SYMPOSIA PRESENTATIONS: Bras, R.L. and F.E. Perkins, “Effects of Urbanization on Catchment Response,” American Society of Civil Engineers,
Hydraulics Specialty Conference, Knoxville, TN, July 31 - August 3, 1974. Bras, R.L., “The Use of Estimation Theory in Rainfall Network Design,” American Geophysical Union, Fall Annual
Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 1975. Bras, R.L., “Short Term Forecasting of Rainfall and Runoff,” International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Workshop
on Recent Developments in Real-Time Forecasting/Control of Water Resources Systems, Laxenberg, Austria, October 1976 (Invited Paper).
Bras, R.L., “Network Design for Precipitation Areal Average Estimation,” International Seminar in Hydrology and Water Resources, Simon Bolivar University, Caracas, Venezuela, March 20-24, 1978 (Invited Paper).
Kitanidis, P.K. and R.L. Bras, “Real Time Forecasting of River Flows,” American Geophysical Union, Spring Annual
Meeting, Miami, FL, April 1978. Bras, R.L., “Sampling of Inter-Related Random Fields: The Rainfall-Runoff Case,” American Geophysical Union, Chapman
Conference on Design of Hydrologic Data Networks, Tucson, AZ, December 11-14, 1978 (Invited Paper). Gaboury, D.R., R.L. Bras, D.S. Grossman, and G.J. Vicens, “Synthetic Rainfall Generation for Large River Basins,”
Chapman Conference on Design of Hydrologic Data Networks, Tucson, AZ, December 11-14, 1978. Cordova, J.R. and R.L. Bras, “Operation of Irrigation Systems Under Stochastic Regimes,” A.S.C.E. Water Resources
Planning and Management Division Specialty Conference, Houston, TX, February 1979. Curry, K. and R.L. Bras, “Practical Aspects of the Multivariate Broken Line Streamflow Generator,” A.S.C.E. Water
Resources Planning and Management Division Speciality Conference, Houston, TX, February 1979. Bras, R.L., “The Benefits of Uncertainty: Probability in Short- and Long-Term Hydrologic Forecasting,” Engineering
Foundation Conference on Improved Hydrologic Forecasting - Why and How, Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA, March 1979 (Invited Paper).
Bras, R.L.and D.H. Marks, “Data Management and Needs in Flood Prediction Studies,” A.S.C.E. National Spring
Convention, Boston, MA, April 1979 (Invited Paper). Bras, R.L., “Hydraulic and Hydrologic Uncertainty: Two Aspects of Reliability,” A.S.C.E. National Convention, Atlanta,
GA, October 1979 (Invited Paper). Bras, R.L., K. Curry, R. Buchanan, “The Multivariate Broken Line, Crossing Theory and the Hurst Phenomena: What Does
It All Mean?”, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, December 5-7, 1979, San Francisco, CA (Invited Paper). Bras, R.L. and S. Chua, “Kriging in the Analysis of Rainfall in Mountainous Areas,” American Geophysical Union, Fall
Meeting, December 5-7, 1979, San Francisco, CA (Invited Paper). Alarcon, L., K. Curry, D.M. Marks, and R.L. Bras, “Reservoir Control Using Real-Time Information,” American
Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, December 5-7, 1979, San Francisco, CA. Kitanidis, P.K. and R.L. Bras, “Innovations Tests in Real-Time Forecasting of River Flows,” American Geophysical Union,
Fall Meeting, December 5-7, 1979, San Francisco, CA. Curry, K., L. Alarcon, R.L. Bras, and D.M. Marks, “Monthly Riverflow Forecast with Application to Reservoir Control,”
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, December 5-7, 1979, San Francisco, CA. Johnson, E.R. and R.L. Bras, “Real-Time Estimation of Mean and Covariance Structure of Rainfall,” American Geophysical
Union, Spring Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 1980 (Invited Paper). Bras, R.L., “Analyzing Flood Risk with Allowance for Spatial Variation of Rainfall,” A.S.C.E., Annual Spring Convention,
Portland, OR, April 14-18, 1980 (Invited Paper). Bras, R.L., “Real-Time River Discharge Forecasting with the National Weather Service Model,” Universidad Simon Bolivar,
Caracas, Venezuela, June 1980 (Invited Series of Lectures). Kirshen, D. and R.L. Bras, “Relation to the Geomorphologic Structure to the Hydrologic Response of River Basins in Arid
Regions,” Conference on Water Resources Management in Egypt, January 11-14, 1981, Cairo, Egypt (Invited Paper).
Buchanan, R., and R.L. Bras, “A Study of a Real Time Adaptive Closed-Loop Reservoir Control,” Conference on Water Resources Management in Egypt, January 11-14, 1981, Cairo, Egypt (Invited Paper).
Bras, R.L., “The Value of Distributed Parameter Rainfall-Runoff Models,” American Geophysical Union Chapman
Conference on Spatial Variability in Hydrologic Modeling, C.S.U., Pingree Park Campus, July 21-23, 1981 (Invited Paper).
Bras, R.L., “Modern Hydrology Practice,” June 29 - July l, 1981, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 1981
(Invited Short Course). Bras, R.L., “Statistical Forecasting Techniques,” (Lecture Series) in Short Course “Statistical Techniques for Data
Generation and Forecasting in Hydrology and Water Resources,” Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 1981.
Cordova, J.R. and R.L. Bras, “Aplicacion de Tecnicas de Programacion Dinamica Estocastica a la Operacion Optima de
Sistemas de Riego,” Congreso Internacional de Sistemas, Caracas, Venezuela, July 7-ll, 1981. Puente, C.E. and R.L. Bras, “Universal Kriging Versus Disjunctive Kriging: What Are the Answers?”, International
Conference on Time Series Methods in Hydrosciences, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, Burlington, Ontario, Canada, October 6-8, 1981 (Invited Paper).
Kirshen, D. and R.L. Bras, “The Linear Channel and Its Effect on the Geomorphologic IUH,” International Symposium on
the Understanding of Processes at Basin Scale, Caracas, Venezuela, January 11-14, 1982 (Invited Paper). Buchanan, R.B. and R.L. Bras, “A Study of a Real Time Adaptive Closed-Loop Reservoir Control Algorithm,” First
Scientific General Assembly, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Exeter, England, July 19-30, 1982. Ramirez, J.A. and R.L. Bras, “Irrigation Control Using Cluster Point Stochastic Modeling of Rainfall Forecasts,” American
Geophysical Union, Spring 1982. Restrepo, P. and R.L. Bras, “Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the NWSRFS Parameters Using Prior Information: Two
Practical Applications,” American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, 1982 (Invited Paper). Bras, R.L., “Estimacion de Sistemas Lineales Estaticos y de Sistemas Hidrologicos Dinamicos,” on “Optimizacion en el
Planemiento y Manejo de los Recursos Hidraulicos,” Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin, Colombia, January 31 - February ll, 1983 (Invited Short Course).
Diaz-Granados, M., R.L. Bras, and J.B. Valdes, “The Effect of Infiltration Channel Losses in a Geomorphologic IUH,”
Conference on Water Resources Development in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt, June 1983 (Invited Paper). Diaz-Granados, M., R.L. Bras, and J.B. Valdes, “A Derived Flood Frequency Distribution Using Geomorphoclimatic Theory
and Density Function of the Rainfall Excess,” Conference on Water Resources Development in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt, June 1983, (Invited Paper).
Bras, R.L. and M.A. DeGuell, “Diseno de la Red de Estaciones de Precipitacion de las Cuencas Uribante-Caparo,” Caracas,
Venezuela, June 1983. Bras, R.L., “Real Time Hydrologic Forecasting,” (Short Course), East China Technical University for Water Resources,
Nanjing, China, June 13-22, 1983 (Invited Short Course). Bras, R.L., “In Search of Scale and Order in Natural Systems: The Geomorphoclimatic Theory of River Basin Response,”
Two Lecture Series, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, July 6-7, 1983 (Invited Lecture).
Bras, R.L, “Geomorphoclimatic Theory of Basin Behavior,” VITUKI, Budapest, Hungary, August 5, 1983 (Invited Paper).
Bras, R.L., “Advances in the Geomorphoclimatic IUH Theory,” International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, XVIII, General Assembly, Hamburg, Germany, August 15-27, 1983 (Invited Lecture).
Bras, R.L., “Workshop on Applications of Stochastic Approaches to Hydraulic Engineering,” National Cheng Kung
University, Taiwan, China, June 12-21, 1984 (Invited Short Course). Bras, R.L., Talk on Geomorphology and Scale at Scale Problems in Hydrology -- Workshop, Princeton University,
Dunwalke, October 31 - November 3, 1984 (Invited Paper). Puente, C.E. and R.L. Bras, “Error Identification and Decomposition in Large State-Space Stochastic Rainfall-Runoff
Models,” Proceedings IFAC/IFORS Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Identification, York, UK, 3-7 July 1985, published by Pergamon Press.
Bras, R.L., Lectures on Hydrologic Network Design, an International Advanced Course on Water Resources Management:
Water for Health, Water for Food, Water for Energy, (Short Course), June 1985, Center for International Studies, Villa La Colombella, Perugia, Italy.
Bras, R.L., M.S. Moughamian, D.B. McLaughlin, “Estimation of Flood Frequency: A Comparison of Physically Based
Procedures,” U.S.-China Bilateral Symposium on the Analysis of Extraordinary Flood Events, Nanjing, P.R.C., October 1985 (Invited Paper).
Puente, C.E. and R.L. Bras, “Nonlinear Filtering in the Real Time Forecasting of River Flows,” AGU Fall Meeting, San
Francisco, CA, December 1985. Ramirez, J.A. and R.L. Bras, “Ideas on the Parameterization of Stochastic Precipitation Models,” AGU Fall Meeting, San
Francisco, CA, December 1985 (Invited Paper). Bras, R.L., Unsaturated Rock/Contaminant Transport Workshop III, University of Arizona, January 6-9, 1986. Ramirez, J.A., and R.L. Bras, “Searching for Consistent Physical and Stochastic Explanations of Clustering Within Storms,”
AGU Chapman Conference on Modeling of Rainfall Fields, Caracas, Venezuela, March 24-27, 1986 (Invited Paper). Bras, R.L., C.E. Puente, and D. Tarboton, “Regionalization of Sampling Criteria in Hydrology,” Second Scientific Assembly
of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, July 2-10, 1986 (Invited Paper). Research Needs Workshop, Hazardous Wastes Treatment and Disposal, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, June 8-10,
1986. Bras, R.L., D. Tarboton, and C.E. Puente, “Hydrologic Sampling: A Characterization in Terms of Rainfall and Basin
Properties,” U.S.-Japan Seminar, Hawaii, co-organizer, January 1987 (Invited Paper). Bras, R.L.and C.E. Puente, “Conceptual vs. Black-Box Soil Models for the Real Time Forecasting of River Flows,” AGU
Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 8-12, 1986 Bras, R.L.and D. Tarboton, “Hydrologic Sampling: A Characterization in Terms of Rainfall and Basin Properties,” AGU
Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 8-12, 1986. Bras, R.L.and A. Protopapas, “The Hydrology of Agriculture: Modeling Crop Growth and Irrigation Scheduling,”
Department of Plant and Soil Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, March 18, 1986 (Invited Lecture). Bras, R.L., “Uncertainty and Hydrology,” Workshop on Mitigation of Hazard Due to Extreme Natural Events in America,
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR, January 20-22, 1987 (Invited Lecture). Bras, R.L., Lectures on Hydrologic Network Design, International Course on Water Resources Management, Villa
Colombella, Perugia, Italy, 1987 (Invited Short Course).
Willgoose, G.R. and