Deans, S.R. “Radon and Abel Transforms.” The Transforms and Applications Handbook: Second Edition. Ed. Alexander D. Poularikas Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 2000

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Deans, S.R. “Radon and Abel Transforms.”The Transforms and Applications Handbook: Second Edition.Ed. Alexander D. PoularikasBoca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 2000

Page 2: Radon and Abel Transforms

8Radon and Abel


8.1 Introduction Organization of the Chapter • Remarks about Notations

8.2 Definitions Two Dimensions • Three Dimensions • Higher Dimensions • Probes, Structures, and Transforms • Transforms between Spaces, Central-Slice Theorem

8.3 Basic Properties Linearity • Similarity • Symmetry • Shifting • Differentiation • Convolution

8.4 Linear Transformations 8.5 Finding Transforms8.6 More on Derivatives

Transform of Derivatives • Derivatives of the Transform

8.7 Hermite Polynomials8.8 Laguerre Polynomials8.9 Inversion

Two Dimensions • Three Dimensions

8.10 Abel Transforms Singular Integral Equations, Abel Type • Some Abel Transform Pairs • Fractional Integrals • Some Useful Examples

8.11 Related Transforms and Symmetry, Abel and HankelAbel Transform • Hankel Transform • Spherical Symmetry, Three Dimensions

8.12 Methods of InversionBackprojection • Backprojection of the Filtered Projections • Filter of the Backprojections • Direct Fourier Method • Iterative and Algebraic Reconstruction Techniques

8.13 SeriesCircular Harmonic Decomposition • Orthogonal Functions on the Unit Disk

8.14 Parseval Relation 8.15 Generalizations and Wavelets8.16 Discrete Periodic Radon Transform

The Discrete Version of the Image • A Discrete Transform • The Inverse Transform • Good News and Bad News

Appendix A: Functions and Formulas Appendix B: Short List of Abel and Radon Transforms

Stanley R. DeansUniversity of South Florida

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8.1 Introduction

The Austrian mathematician Johann Radon (l887-1956) wrote a classic paper in 1917, “Über die Bestim-mung von Funktionen durch ihre Integralwerte längs gewisser Mannigfaltigkeiten” (on the determinationof functions from their integrals along certain manifolds) [Radon, 1917]. This work forms the foundationfor what we now call the Radon transform. English translations are available in the monograph by Deans[1983, 1993] and the translation by Parks [1986]. The problem of determining a function f (x, y) fromknowledge of its line integrals (the two-dimensional case), or a function f (x, y, z) from integrals overplanes the (three-dimensional case) arises in widely diverse fields. These include medical imaging,astronomy, crystallography, electron microscopy, geophysics, optics, and material science. In these appli-cations the central aim is to obtain certain informaton about the internal structure of an object eitherby passing some probe (such as x-rays) through the object or by using information from the source itselfwhen it is self-emitting, such as an organ in the body that contains a radioactive isotope, or perhaps theinterior of the Earth when motions occur. Comprehensive reviews of these and other applications arecontained in Brooks and Di Chiro [1976], Scudder [1978], Barrett [1984], Chapman [1987], and Deans[1983, 1993].

The general problem of unfolding internal structure of an object by observations of projections isknown as the problem of reconstruction from projections. Many situations arise when it is possible todetermine (reconstruct) various structural properties of an object or substance by methods that utilizeprojected information and leave the object in an essentially undamaged state. The Radon transform andit inversion forms the mathematical framework common to a large class of these problems. This problemof reconstructing a function from knowledge of its projections emerges naturally in fields so diverse thatthose working in one area seldom communicate with their counterparts in the other areas. This wasespecially true prior to the advent of computerized tomography in the 1970s. As a consequence, there isan interesting history of the independent development of applications of the Radon transform by indi-viduals who were not aware of the original work by Radon in 1917, or of contemporary work in otherfields. Those interested in pursuing these historical matters can consult Cormack [1973, 1982, 1984],Barrett, Hawkins, and Joy [1983], and Deans [1985, 1993].

Also, the Radon transform has varying degrees of relevance in three Nobel prizes: (Medicine 1979,Allan M. Cormack and Godfrey N. Hounsfield) [DiChiro and Brooks, 1979, 1980], [Cormack, 1980],and [Hounsfield, 1980]; (Chemistry 1982, Aaron Klug) [Caspar and DeRosier, 1982]; (Chemistry 1991,Richard R. Ernst) [Amato, 1991].

As short a time as a decade ago, the Radon transform was known by very few engineers and scientsits.Only those working directly on reconstruction from projections in one of the major areas of applicationhad knowledge of this transform.Today, the Radon transform is widely known by working scientists inmedicine, engineering, physical science and mathematics. It has made its way into the image processingtexts [Kak, 1984, 1985], [Kak and Slaney, 1988], [Jain, 1989,], [Jähne, 1993], and is widely appreciatedin many diverse areas; among the best known include: medical imaging [Herman, 1980], [Macovski,1983], [Natterer, 1986], [Swindell and Webb, 1988], [Parker, 1990], [Russ, 1991], [Cho, Jones, and Singh,1993]; optics and holographic interferometry [Vest, 1979]; geophysics [Claerbout, 1985], [Chapman,1987], [Ruff, 1987], [Bregman, Bailey, and Chapman, 1989]; radio astronomy [Bracewell,1979]; and puremathematics [Grinberg and Quinto, 1990], [Gindikin and Michor, 1994].

The purpose of this chapter is to review (and illustrate with examples) important properties of Radonand Abel transforms and indicate some of the applications, along with important sources for applications.Because the Abel transform is a special case of the Radon transform, most of the discussion is for themore general transform. This is especially important to keep in mind for applications where the Abeltransform can be used. Section 8.10 is devoted to Abel integral equations and Abel transforms. Theformal connection between Abel and Radon transforms is made in Section 8.11; the reader primarilyinterest in Abel transforms may want to look at those two sections first.

The overall goal is to provide the reader with basic material that can be used as a foundation forunderstanding current research that makes use of the transforms. A conscientious attempt is made to

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present essential mathematical material in a way that is easily understood by anyone having a basicknowledge of Fourier transforms. In keeping with this goal, the emphasis will be on the two-dimensionaland three-dimensional cases. The extension to higher dimensions will be mentioned at various times,especially when the extension is rather obvious. For the most part, derivations are kept as simple andintuitive as possible. Reference is made to more rigorous discussions and abstract applications. The samepolicy is followed for highly technical problems related to sampling and numerical implementation ofinversion algorithms. These are ongoing research problems that lie a level above the basic treatmentpresented here. Section 8.1.1 contains a brief summary of how the chapter is organized. An attempt ismade to cross reference the various sections, so the reader interested in a given topic can go directly tothat topic without having to read everything that precedes. Finally, it is to be noted that liberal use ismade of material contained in books by the author on the same subject [Deans, 1983,1993].

8.1.1 Organization of the Chapter

Section 8.2 is devoted mainly to fundamental definitions, concepts, and spaces. The definitions are givenseveral ways and for various dimensions to make it easier for the reader to make connection with usagein the current literature. The section on probes, structure, and transforms outlines the connection of theRadon transform to physical applications. A very important theorem known as the central-slice theoremserves to relate three spaces of special importance: feature space, Radon space and Fourier space. A proofis provided for the two-dimensional case and an example is given to illustrate how a function transformsamong the three spaces.

Some of the most basic properties of the Radon transform are presented in Section 8.3 and comparedwith the corresponding properties for the Fourier transform. These properties are used many timesthroughout the sections that follow.

A brief, but important, discussion of the Radon transform of a linear transformation is in Section 8.4.This provides the foundation for powerful methods to calculate transforms of various functions. InSection 8.5 this idea is combined with the basic properties to illustrate, by several examples, just howthe Radon transform works when applied to certain special functions. These examples are selected tobring out subtle points that emerge when actually computing a transform.

More advanced topics on derivatives and the transform are in Section 8.6. This work serves asbackground for transforms involving Hermite polynomials in Section 8.7 and Laguerre polynomials inSection 8.8.

The important problem of inversion is initiated in Section 8.9. Details are given for two and threedimensions, and the foundation is provided for some of the currently utilized inversion methods outlinedin sections that follow.

Abel transforms and Abel-type integral equations are discussed in Section 8.10. Four different typesof Abel transforms are defined along with the corresponding inverses. Interrelationships among thetransforms are illustrated along with several useful examples. A rule is given to establish a method forfinding Abel transforms from extensive tables of Riemann-Liouville and Weyl (fractional) integrals. Theway the Radon and Fourier transforms relate to the Abel and Hankel transforms is developed inSection 8.11. An important observation is that the Abel transform is a special case of the Radon transform.Examples are given to demonstrate the connection for specific cases.

The earlier work on inversion is supplemented in Section 8.12 by some methods that form the basisfor modern algorithms for numerical inversion of discrete data using backprojection and convolutionmethods. Diagrams that clearly illustrate the various options are included in this section.

Series methods for inversion are discussed in Section 8.13, with emphasis on two and three dimensions.Special attention is given to functions defined on the unit disk in feature space. Several examples areprovided to illustrate both techniques and the connection with earlier sections.

The Parseval relation for the Radon transform is given in Section 8.14 for the general n-dimensionalcase. A useful example in two dimensions serves to highlight the difference between the Fourier andRadon cases.

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Extensions and emerging concepts are mentioned briefly in Section 8.15. An especially exciting areainvolves the use of the wavelet transform to facilitate inversion of the Radon transform.

Finally, Appendix A contains a compilation of formulas and special functions used throughout thechapter, and a list of selected Radon and Abel transforms appears in Appendix B .

8.1.2 Remarks about Notation

The Radon transform is defined on real Euclidean space for two and higher dimensions. Many resultsare just as easy to obtain for the n-dimensional transform as for the two-dimensional transform. However,most illustrations (and applications) of the transform are easier in two or three dimensions. Consequently,several equivalent notations are appropriate for vectors. Various notations are given here and the policythroughout the entire discussion is to change freely from one notation to the other with absolutely noapology.

Both component and matrix notations will be used. In component notation, all of the followingexpressions are used,


In matrix notation these would be:


Similar notations are used for three dimensions by appending z or x3 or y3. For the n-dimensionalcase we use:


or the equivalent matrix form. When there is no confusion about which variables are being integrated,the abbreviated notation

will be used for integration over all space.

8.2 Definitions

In a discussion of the Radon transform it is convenient to identify three spaces. These spaces are designatedby feature space, Radon space, and Fourier space.

Feature space is just Euclidean space in two, three, or n dimensions, designated by 2D,3D, or nD. Thisis where the spatial distribution f of some physical property is defined. Radon space and Fourier spacedesignate the spaces for the corresponding transforms of this distribution. Functions in feature spacethat represent the distribution are designated by f (x, y), f (x, y, z), and f (x1,...,xn), depending on thedimension of the transform. For the purposes of this presentation, these functions f are selected fromsome nice class of functions, such as the class of infinitely differentiable (C∞) functions with compactsupport or rapidly decreasing C∞ functions [Schwartz, 1966]. This assumption serves well for the currentdiscussion; however, it can be relaxed in more general treatments (Gel’fand, Graev, and Vilenkin, 1966],

x r x y= =( ) = ( ) = ( )x y x x y y, , ,1 2 1 2

x r x y= =








y 1




x y= …( ) = …( )x x y yn n1 1, , , ,

f d f x x dx dxn nx x( ) ≡ …( ) …∫ ∫ ∫∞


L 1 1, ,

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[Lax and Phillips, 1970, 1979], [Helgason, 1980], [Grinberg and Quinto, 1990], [Mikusinski and Zayed,1993], [Gindikin and Michor, 1994].

The transformation from one space to another can be represented symbolically as a mapping operation.Let � be the operator that transforms f to Radon space. If the corresponding function in Radon spaceis designated by f, the mapping operation is expressed by:

f = � f. (8.2.1)

In a similar way, the transformation to Fourier space is written:

f = � f. (8.2.2)

These operations will be made more precise in the next sections where explicit definitions are given forvarious dimensions.

8.2.1 Two Dimensions

The Radon transform of the function f (x, y) is defined as the line integral of f for all lines l defined bythe parameters φ and p, illustrated in Figure 8.1. There are several ways this can be expressed. In termsof integrals along l,

f , (8.2.3)

where r = (x, y) is a general position vector. Another way to write this is to define the unit vector ξξξξ =(cos φ, sin φ) and the perpendicular vector ξξξξ′ = (–sin φ, cos φ), then the position vector is given by r =p ξ + t ξ′ and (note that r2 = p2 + t2)

FIGURE 8.1 Cordinates in feature space used to define the Radon transform. The equation of the line is given byp = x cos φ + y sin φ.

p f d, φ( ) = ( )−∞

∫ r l

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f . (8.2.4)

An equivalent definition making use of the delta function (see Chap[ter 1) is most convenient for thecurrent discussion,

f . (8.2.5)

Note that due to the property of the delta function and the fact that the normal form for the equationof the line l is given by p = x cos φ + y sin φ, the integral over the plane reduces to a line integral inagreement with the previous definitions. A slightly different form proves especially useful for generali-zation to higher dimensions. In terms of the vectors r and ξξξξ,

f , (8.2.6)

where ξξξξ · r = ξ1x + ξ2y = x cos φ + y sin φ.It is important to understand that f is not defined on a circular polar coordinate system. The appro-

priate space is on the surface of a half-cylinder. Consider an infinite cylinder of radius unity. Let theparameter p measure length along the cylinder from –∞ to +∞, and let the angle φ measure the angle ofrotation with respect to an arbitrary reference position. A point on an arbitrary cross section of thecylinder is represented by (p, φ) as illustrated in Figure 8.2.

Observe that from the definition of the transform, if f is known for –∞ < p < ∞, then only values ofφ in the range 0 ≤ φ < π are needed. To verify this, recall that the delta function is even δ(x) = δ(–x),and the change φ → φ + π corresponds to ξξξξ → – ξξξξ. Hence, the coordinates (–p, φ) and (p, φ + π) denotethe same point in Radon space. Likewise, the function f is completely defined for 0 ≤ p < ∞ and 0 ≤ φ < 2π.More will be said about properties of f in Section 8.3.

FIGURE 8.2 Coordinates in Radon space on the surface of a cylinder.

p f p t dt, ξξ( ) = + ′( )−∞

∫ ξξ ξξ

p f x y p x y dx dy, , cos sinφ δ φ φ( ) = ( ) − −( )−∞



p f p dx dy, ξ δ( ) = ( ) − ⋅( )−∞


∫∫ r rξξ

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Now, suppose we unroll the half-cylinder in Figure 8.2. The resulting surface is a plane with pointsrepresented by (p, φ) on a rectangular grid. It is convenient to let p vary along the vertical axis and φalong the horizontal axis, restricted to the range 0 to π. This construction is especially useful forillustrations because the values of f can be represented as a surface in the third dimension perpendicularto this plane. Also, note that for most practical applications the object of interest in feature space doesnot extend to infinity. Suppose f (r) = 0 for �r� > R, where R is finite. It follows that f = 0 for �p� > R, andp varies on a finite interval.

To help interpret (8.2.6) let f (x, y) represent the density (in 2D) for some finite mass distributedthroughout the plane. (Here we are considering a special case of the more general result in nD discussedby Gel’fand, Graev, and Vilenkin [1966]. If �(p, ξξξξ) denotes the total mass in the region ξξξξ · r < p, then


where �(·) denotes the unit step function. Now from the relation = δ(p) for generalized functions,the above equation becomes

. (8.2.7)

This result shows that if f (x, y) denotes a density with which a finite mass is distributed throughoutspace, its Radon transform is

f .

where �(p, ξξξξ ) is the mass in the half-space ξξξξ · r < p, and the derivative with respect to p is assumed toexist. It is important to observe that to have complete knowledge of the Radon transform one must knowthe mass distribution for all values of the variables p and ξξξξ. If the transform is found for only selectedvalues of these variables, we may call the result a sample of the Radon transform. The next exampleillustrates this idea.

Example 1

Find a sample of the Radon transform for the case shown in Figure 8.3, for the case where the mass inproportional to the area. For simplicity, let the proportionality constant be unity. The equation of theline specified in the figure is x = p and the angle is φ = 0. The required sample is found from

f ,

where A is the area in the neighborhood of the line x = p. This example is simple enough to yield, bysimple calculus for finding areas, an explicit expression for A as a function of p,


It follows that f = .

� �p f x y dx dy f x y p dx dyp

, , ,ξξ ξξξξ

( ) = ( ) = ( ) − ⋅( )⋅ <∫∫ ∫∫r


∂∂�( )p


∂ ( )∂

= ( ) − ⋅( ) = ( ){ }−∞




pf p dx dy f x y


ξξξξr rδ




ξξ( ) = ∂ ( )∂

= ∂∂A


A p x dxp( ) = −∫2 1 2


2 1 2− p

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In this example, it is worth noting that although a sample of the Radon transform is found, the resulthas relevance to the entire Radon transform for circular symmetry. More will be said about this in severalof the sections that follow. Also, observe that f depends on how A changes with p where the derivativeis taken, and not on how much area lies to the left or right of the line x = p.

From (8.2.3) the Radon transform can also be defined by

f , (8.2.8)

where the integration is taken along the line ξξξξ · r = p and ds is an infinitesimal element on the line.Observe specifically that each line can be uniquely specified by the two coordinates φ and p.

In terms of rotated coordinates of Figure 8.4, Equations (8.2.5) and (8.2.8) can be expressed in theform (with x = p cos φ – t sin φ, y = p sin φ + t cos φ)

f . (8.2.9)

This reflects a rotation of the coordinate axes by φ such that the p axis is perpendicular to the originalline ξξξξ · r = p. The above equation can also be interpreted as follows: if fφ (p, t) is the representation off (x, y) with respect to the rotated coordinate system, then fφ (p) is the integral of fφ (p, t) with respectto t for fixed φ. That is

fφ , (8.2.10)

where fφ (p, t) = f (p cos φ – t sin φ, p sin φ + t cos φ). The interpretation given here covers those caseswhere the Radon transform is treated as a function of a single variable p with the angle φ = Φ viewed

FIGURE 8.3 A semicircle of unit radius. The equation of the line is x = p.

p f x y dsp

, ,φ( ) = ( )⋅ =∫ξξ r

p f p t p t dt, cos sin , sin cosφ φ φ φ φ( ) = − +( )−∞

p f p t dt( ) = ( )−∞

∫ φ ,

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as a parameter. In this case the functions of p for various values of Φ are called the projections of f (x, y)at angle Φ.

8.2.2 Three Dimensions

The definition given by (8.2.6) is easy to extend to three dimensions. Let the line l be replaced by a plane,and let the vector ξξξξ be a unit vector from the origin such that the vector pξξξξ is perpendicular to the plane.That is, the perpendicular distance from the origin to the plane is p and the vector ξξξξ defines the direction.Now, the equation of the plane is given by p = ξξξξ · r, where the position vector is extended to threedimensions, r = (x, y, z). The Radon transform of this function is given by

f . (8.2.11)

Here, it is understood that the integral is over all planes defined by the equation p = ξξξξ · r.

8.2.3 Higher Dimensions

The extension to higher dimensions is accomplished by defining the position vector r = (x1,...,xn),extending the unit vector ξξξξ to n dimensions, and integrating over all hyperplanes with equation givenby p = ξξξξ · r,

f . (8.2.12)

Although we do not emphasize use of the transform in higher dimensions in this discussion, it shouldbe noted that the nD version is just a natural extension of the 3D transform. And, as might be expected,most of the major properties and theorems are just logical extensions of the corresponding results fortwo and three dimensions [Ludwig, 1966], [Helgason,1980].

FIGURE 8.4 Rotated coordinates so the line of integration (dashed) is perpendicular to the p axis.

p f p dx dy dz, ξξ ξξ( ) = ( ) − ⋅( )−∞



∫∫∫ r rδ

p f p dx dxn, ξξ ξξ( ) = ( ) − ⋅( ) …−∞


∫ ∫L r rδ 1

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8.2.4 Probes, Structure, and Transforms

The Radon transform encompasses the appropriate mathematical formalism for solving a large class ofpractical problems related to reconstruction from projections. This is easy to see by the followingconsiderations. Suppose there exists some physical probe that is capable of producing a projection(profile) that approximates a cumulative measurement of some property of the internal structure of anobject. For a fixed angle φ this corresponds to knowledge of f at each point along a line on the cylinderof Figure 8.2. We say that the distribution (represented by f) of some physical property of the object ismeasured by the probe to produce the indicated profile. The corrrespondence is that:

[physical probe] acting on (Distribution) → Profile

corresponds to:

[Radon transform] acting on ( f ) → fΦ

for a fixed value of the angle φ = Φ. Here, the notation fΦ is used to emphasize that a single profile servesonly to determine a sample of the function f. A complete determination of f requires the measurementof the profiles for all angles 0 ≤ φ < π.

In applications, typical probes include x-rays, gamma rays, visible light, microwaves, electrons, protons,heavy ions, sound waves, and magnetic resonance signals. These probes are used to obtain informationabout a wide variety of internal distributions: various types of attenuation coefficients, various densities,isotope distributions, index of refraction distributions, solar microwave distributions, radar brightnessdistributions, synthetic seismograms, and electron momentum in solids. References for applications andreviews of applications are given in Section 8.1.

8.2.5 Transforms between Spaces, Central-Slice Theorem

The general result is that the nD Fourier transform �n of f (r) is equivalent to the Radon transform off (r) followed by a 1D Fourier transform �1 on the variable p. This can be represented by the diagram

Or, in operator equation form

�1 � f = �1 f = �n f = f. (8.2.13)

This result is important enough to have a special name. It is known as the central-slice theorem, verynicely illustrated and discussed by Swindell and Barrett [1977]. This designation follows from the observa-tion that the 1D Fourier transform of a projection of f for a fixed angle is a slice of the nD Fourier transformof f for the same fixed angle. A proof is given for n = 2. The extension to higher dimensions is not difficult.

Start with the 2D Fourier transform.

. (8.2.14)

Feature space Radon space

Fourier space

� �

n 1

˜ , ,f u v f x y e dx dyi ux vy( ) = ( ) − π +( )



∫∫ 2

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By using the delta function, this can be rewritten as


Next, interchange the order of integration and let s = qp with q > 0. This gives


In Fourier space, let u = q cos φ and v = q sin φ. Then the variable q can be factored from the deltafunction by use of the general property (see Chapter 1, Section 2) δ(ax) = δ(x)/�a�,


The integral over the (x, y) plane is just the Radon transform of f from (8.2.5), and the desired resultfollows easily


It is interesting to observe the simple result obtained if the coordinates are selected such that the angleφ is fixed and equal to zero, Φ = 0, then

. (8.2.16)

By thinking about what the last two equations mean it should be clear that the 1D Fourier transformof a projection of f for fixed angle φ = Φ is a slice of the 2D Fourier transform of f, and this slice inFourier space is defined by the angle Φ. One further remark is in order here. This result is sometimesreferred to as the projection-slice theorem; however, for higher dimensions this designation may havea slightly different meaning as used by Mersereau and Oppenheim [1974]. To avoid confusion, in thecurrent presentation (8.2.13) is called the nD form of the central-slice theorem.

For historical purposes, it is to be noted that Bracewell [1956] derived and used this theorem withoutprior knowledge of the theory of the Radon transform.

Example 2

A simple example is useful to illustrate the use of transforms between spaces. Suppose the feature spacefunction is the two-dimensional Gaussian


First, compute the Fourier transform. Let x = r cos θ and y = r sin θ, then the polar form of (8.2.14) isgiven by


˜ , ,f u v dx dy ds f x y e s ux vyi s( ) = ( ) − −( )−∞

∞− π



∫ ∫∫ 2 δ

˜ , ,f u v q dp dx dy f x y e qp ux vyi qp( ) = ( ) − −( )−∞

∞− π



∫ ∫∫ 2 δ

˜ , , cos sinf u v dp e dx dy f x y p x yi qp( ) = ( ) − −( )− π




∫ ∫∫ 2 δ φ φ

˜ cos , sin ˘ ,f q q f p e dpi qpφ φ φ π( ) = ( ) −


∫ 2

˜ , ˘ ,f q f p e dpi qp0 0 2( ) = ( ) −


∫ π

f x y e x y,( ) = − −2 2

˜ ,cos

f u v dr r e d er i q r( ) = −∞ − −( )[ ]∫ ∫2





θπ θ φπ

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with u = q cos φ and v = q sin φ. The integral over θ is given by 2π J0 (2π qr), where J0 is a Bessel functionof order zero (see Chapter 1, Section 5.6). The remaining integral is a Hankel transform of order zero.It follows that


Now use (8.2.12) in the form

f ,

to obtain (see Appendix A)

f . (8.2.17)

In this example the path from feature space to Radon space was taken through Fourier space forpurposes of illustration. Actually, in this case, it is easier to compute the Radon transform directly; seeExample 1 in Section 8.5.

8.3 Basic Properties

Important properties of the Radon transform follow directly from the definition. These properties canbe compared with the corresponding properties of the Fourier transform discussed in detail by Bracewell[1986]. In this section these basic properties (theorems) are given for the 2D case, along with thecorresponding results for the Fourier transform. The slight loss is generality suffered by using 2Dillustrations is compensated for by being able to show details that are familiar from a knowledge ofelementary calculus. It proves useful to keep the notation for the components of the unit vector ξξξξ assimple as possible. Rather than always using (cos φ, sin φ) for these components, the notation (ξ1, ξ2) isoften convenient, where it is understood that

. (8.3.1)

This means that for the discussion in this section (8.2.5) may be modified to read

f . (8.3.2)

The 2D Fourier transform is still given by (8.2.14). Also, in the following discussion it is always assumedthat the transforms actually exist. The reader interested in examples can look ahead to Section 8.5 whereseveral of these basic properties are used to illustrate ways to find transforms. The reader should alsoconsult Chapter 2 for detail exposition of the Fourier transform properties.

8.3.1 Linearity

The Radon and Fourier transforms are both linear. If f (x, y) and g (x, y) are functions in feature space,then for any constants a and b,

f r e J qr dr er q= ( ) =−∞

−∫2 22 2 2


π π π π

= −� 1 f

p e e dq eq i qp p, ξξ( ) = =−


∞−∫π ππ π2 2 22

ξ φ ξ φ ξ ξ1 2 12

22 1= = + =cos , sin , and

p f x y p x y dx dy, , ,ξ ξ δ ξ ξ1 2 1 2( ) = ( ) − −( )−∞



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. (8.3.4)

8.3.2 Similarity

If � f (x, y) = f (p, ξ1, ξ2), then for arbitrary constants a and b the Radon transform of f (ax, by) is given by

. (8.3.5)

This follows iommediately by making the change of variable x ′ = ax and y ′ = by in the expression


The corresponding scaling equation for Fourier transforms: If � f (x, y) = f (u, v) then

. (8.3.6)

8.3.3 Symmetry

A similar technique can be applied to give an important symmetry property. Examine the expression


The constant a can be factored from the delta function to yield

. (8.3.7)

If a = –1 this demonstrates that the Radon transform is an even homogeneous function of degree –1,

. (8.3.8)

Another useful form for the symmetry property is

. (8.3.9)

� af bg a f bg+[ ] = +˘ ˘

� af bg a f b g+[ ] = +˜ ˜

� f ax byab

f pa b

, ˘ , ,( ) =

1 1 2ξ ξ

f ax by p x y dx dy,( ) − −( )−∞


∫∫ δ ξ ξ1 2

� f ax byab




b, ˜ ,( ) =


˘ , ,f ap a f x y ap ax ay dx dyξξ( ) = ( ) − −( )−∞


∫∫ δ ξ ξ1 2

˘ , ˘ ,f ap a a f pξξ ξξ( ) = ( )−1

˘ , ˘ ,f p f p− −( ) = ( )ξξ ξξ

˘ , ˘ ,f p s s fp

sξξ ξξ( ) =


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8.3.4 Shifting

Given that � f (x, y) = f (p, ξ), then for arbitrary constants a and b the Radon transform of f (x – a, y – b)is found by

. (8.3.10)

As in the previous case, the proof follows immediately by introducing a change of variables. Let x ′ = x –a and y ′ = y – b in the expression


The corresponding theorem for the Fourier transform is a little different, involving a phase change

. (8.3.11)

8.3.5 Differentiation

Details of the derivation are given for the Radon transform of ∂ f/∂x. Other results follow directly byusing the same method. First note that

Now take the Radon transform of both sides and apply (8.3.10) with a = –�/ξ1 and b = 0 to get


By definition of a partial derivative it follows that


Likewise, differentiation with respect to y yields


Using the same approach, the second derivatives are given by


� f x a y b f p a b− −( ) = − −( ), ˘ ,ξ ξ1 2 ξξ

f x a y b p x y dx dy− −( ) − −( )−∞


∫∫ , δ ξ ξ1 2

� f x a y b e f u vi au bv− −( ) = ( )− +( ), ˜ ,2π


=+( )[ ] − ( )



f x y f x ylim

, ,







=+( )− ( )



f p f pξ1


˘ , ˘ ,

ξξ ξξ


=∂ ( )



f p


˘ , ξξ


=∂ ( )



f p


˘ , ξξ


=∂ ( )


2 12





f p

˘ , ξξ

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The derivative theorems for the 2D Fourier transform are




8.3.6 Convolution

The convultion of two functions f and g is commonly designated by f ∗ g, regardless of the dimension.Here, this convention is modified slightly to emphasize the distinction between convolution in one andtwo dimensions. We write two-dimensional convolution as

. (8.3.16)

The Fourier convolution theorem is very simple, yielding a simple product in Fourier space,

. (8.3.17)

The corresponding theorem for the Radon transform is considerably more complicated. If f = g ∗ ∗ h,then the Radon transform of f is given by a one-dimensional convolution in Radon space, rather than asimple product as in the Fourier case,

. (8.3.18)

The proof follows by applying the definition followed by some tricky manipulations with double integralsand delta functions. The details are given by Deans [1983, 1993].

∂∂ ∂

=∂ ( )


=∂ ( )


1 2




2 22




x y

f p




f p


ξ ξ


˘ ,

˘ ,.



� �∂∂

= ( ) ∂∂

= ( )f

xiu f u v


yiv f u v2 2π π˜ , , ˜ , ,


= − ( )∂∂ ∂

= − ( )∂∂

= − ( )



2 2




2 2





xu f u v


x yuv f u v


yv f u v




˜ ,

˜ ,

˜ , .

f g f x y g x x y y dx dy∗∗ = ′ ′( ) − ′ − ′( ) ′ ′−∞


∫∫ , ,

� f g f u v g u v∗∗( ) = ( ) ( )˜ , ˜ ,

˘ , ˘ ˘ ˘ , ˘ ,f p g h g h g h p dξξ ξξ ξξ( ) = ∗∗( ) = ∗ = ( ) −( )−∞

∫� τ τ τ

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8.4 Linear Transformations

A practical method for finding Radon transforms involves making a change of variables. This approachcan be related to the Radon transform of a function of a linear transformation of coordinates. Here,inner products are designated by

. (8.4.1)

Or, in matrix notation

, (8.4.2)

where T means transpose.Let A be a nonsingular n × n matrix with real elements, then a change of coordinates follows by matrix


y = A x. (8.4.3)

An important identity, in matrix notation, is


and the same identity in the “dot” notation is

. (8.4.5)

Because A is nonsingular, the inverse exists. For convenience, let B = A–1, then x = By.The Radon transform of f (A x) follows:


The term �detB � appears because the Jacobian of the transformation is just the magnitude of the deter-minant of the matrix B. Because A = B–1, an equivalent result is

. (8.4.7)

ξξ⋅ = + + +x ξ ξ ξ1 1 2 2x x xn nL

ξξTx = ( )

= + + +ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ1 2


21 1 2 2 L



n n




x x x

ξξ ξξ ξξT T TT

y x x= =( )A A

ξξ ξξ ξξ⋅ = ⋅ = ⋅y x xA AT

� f f p d

f p d

f p d

f p


det B B

det B B

det B B

x x x x

y y y

y y y

( ) = ( ) − ⋅( )= ( ) − ⋅( )= ( ) − ⋅( )= ( )










T˘ , .

� f f pB det B B−( ) = ( )1x ˘ , Tξξ

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A word of caution is in order here. It may be that BTξξξξ is not a unit vector. In such case, it is a good ideato define s equal to the magnitude of the vector BTξξξξ and observe that


is a uinit vector. Now from the results of Section 8.3.3 the right side of (8.4.7) becomes

. (8.4.9)

Finally, we have the useful result that

. (8.4.10)

There are two important special cases that deserve attention. First, suppose B is orthogonal. ThenB–1 = BT = A, with �det B � = 1, and


where Aξξξξ is a unit vector. The other special case is for A equal to a multiple of the identity. If A = cIwith c real, then B = A–1 = c–1 I, and

. (8.4.12)

8.5 Finding Transforms

In this section some simple examples are worked out in detail to illustrate the use of the various formulasdeveloped in the previous sections. These examples demonstrate how to find transforms and point outpitfalls that sometimes occur during a calculation. The definite integrals that occur in the calculationsare tabulated in Appendix A.

Example 1

Recall from Example 2 in Section 8.2 that the Radon transform of

was found by going through Fourier space to yield


In this example the Radon transform is calculated directly. Suppose the matrix A from Section 8.4 isgiven in terms of the components of the unit vector ξξξξ = (cos φ , sin φ),

µµ ξξ= BT


det B B det Bdet B

˘ , ˘ , ˘ ,f p f p ss


Tξξ µµ µµ( ) = ( ) =

� fs



det Bwith B−( ) =

=1x ˘ , , µµ ξξT

� f f pA Ax( ) = ( )˘ , ξξ

� f cc

f pc c

f cpn n

x( ) =

= ( )−

1 11

˘ , ˘ ,ξξ ξξ

f x y e x y,( ) = − −2 2

˘ ,f p e pξξ( ) = −π2

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Now define the components of the transformed vector by


Observe that A is orthogonal and (8.4.11) applies. Also, note that u2 + v2 = x2 + y2 and u = ξ1x + ξ2 y .It follows that


Because this result is not dependent on ξξξξ , or equivalently φ, it follows that


The lack of dependence on φ is certainly expected because the Gaussian is symmetric and centered atthe origin.

Example 2

Extend the result in the previous example to three dimensions. Let the orthogonal transformation matrixbe selected as

where s = (ξ12 + ξ3

2)1/2 and � ξξξξ � = 1. If the components of the transformed vector are given by (u, v, w),then after the substitutions are made in (8.4.11) the transform is given by the integral


The final result above is obtained by use of the delta function and the evaluation of the two remainingGaussian integrals over v and w. Once again by the invariance argument it follows that

. (8.5.2)

Example 3

If the results of the previous example are extended to n dimensions, then

. (8.5.3)

A =−

ξ ξξ ξ1 2

2 1





x y

x y



+− +


ξ ξξ ξ1 2

2 1

� �f f u v e p u du dv e e dv eu v p v pA x( ) = ( ) = −( ) = =− − −





∞−∫∫ ∫,

2 2 2 2 2

δ π

� e ex y p− − −{ } =2 2 2


A =− −

ξ ξ ξξ ξ ξ ξ

ξ ξ

1 2 3

1 2 2 3

3 10

s s s

s s

e p u du dv dw eu v w p− − −




∞−−( ) =∫∫∫ 2 2 2 2

δ π

� e ex y z p− − − −{ } =2 2 2 2


� exp − − −( ){ } = ( ) −−x x en


12 2


L π

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Example 4

Start with f (x, y) = exp(–x2 – y2) and apply (8.4.12) with n = 2 and c = 1/σ . This yields the Radontransform of the symmetric Gaussian probability density function. Note that



An overall division by 2πσ 2 yields the standard form,


Example 5

The problem here is to find the Radon transform of

with both a and b real. Again, the starting function is selected to be


Now we use (8.4.10) with


In this example

is not a unit vector, having magnitude



fx y

A x( ) = − −





22 2σ σ


2 22

cf cp e p˘ , ξξ( ) = −σ π σ


2 2 2


2 22






2πσ σ σ σ π σexp exp− −

= −

x y p

exp −





2 2

f x y e x y,( ) = − −2 2

B B B=








1 0

0 11, , det

BT ξξ =






s a b= +( )2 2 2 21 2

cos sinφ φ

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With these observations, (8.4.10) yields

. (8.5.5)

Note that once the symmetry is lost in feature space the angle φ appears in the transform.

Example 6

Use the similarity theorem to obtain (8.5.5). Application of (8.3.5) with


This is not in the desired form, so we let µµµµ = (aξ1/s, bξ2/s) with s defined as in the previous example soµµµµ is a unit vector. Now the right side of the above equation becomes


as in the previous example.

Example 7

Find the Radon transform of the characteristic function of a unit disk, sometimes called the cylinderfunction, cyl(r). This function is given by


By inspection, the transform is given by the length of a chord at a distance p from the center and isindependent of the angle φ,


Example 8

Find the Radon transform of the characteristic function of an ellipse where f is given by


� exp exp−

= −









2 2 2



f x y e f p ex y p, ˘ ,( ) = ( ) =− − −2 2 2

and ξξ π

� fx



bab f p

a b, ˘ , ,


ξ ξ1 2

ab f p sab







s˘ , ˘ , expµµ( ) =

= −


π 2


f x yx y

x y,


, .( ) = + ≤

+ >

1 1

0 1

2 2

2 2



˘ ,,

, .f p

p p

pφ( ) = −( ) ≤


2 1 1

0 1

21 2



f x yx a y b

x a y b,


, .( ) = ( ) + ( ) ≤

( ) + ( ) >

1 1

0 1

2 2

2 2



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If the matrix B is selected as in Example 5 above, then from the result in Example 7 it follows immediatelythat


where s = (a2 cos2 φ + b2 sin2 φ)1/2.

Example 9

Use the method of Example 1 to find a general expression for the Radon transform of a function definedon the unit disk, and zero outside the unit disk. From the matrix in A Example 1, it follows that (seeFigure 8.4 with (p, t) → (u, v))



After the integration over u,

. (8.5.9)

Example 10

Find the Radon transform over the unit square, situated as indicated in Figure 8.5. It is adequate toconsider the transform for 0 < φ ≤ π/4.


By symmetry, for π/4 ≤ φ < π/2,


˘ ,,


f p







φ( ) =−( )



1 2

1 1

0 1



x u v y u v= − = +cos sin sin cosφ φ φ φand

˘ , , cos sin

cos sin , sin cos .

f p f x y p x y dx dy

f u v u v p u du dv

φ δ φ φ

φ φ φ φ δ

( ) = ( ) − −( )= − +( ) −( )∫∫



˘ , cos sin , sin cosf p f p v p v dvp


φ φ φ φ φ( ) = − +( )− −

∫ 1




˘ ,

sin cossin

sec sin cos

sin cos

sin coscos sin cos .

f p




φφ φ


φ φ φφ φ

φ φφ φ φ

( ) =< <

< <+ −

< < +

for region 1, 0

for region 2,

for region 3,

˘ ,sin cos


csc sinsin cos

sin cossin sin cos .

f p




φφ φ


φ φ φφ φ

φ φφ φ φ

( ) =< <

< <+ − < < +

for region 1, 0

for region 2, cos

for region 3,

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Example 11

The shift theorem from Section 8.3.4 can be written as


Apply this equation with

to the result of Example 4 above. This gives the transform of a 2D Gaussian density function

. (8.5.11)

Again, note that the loss of rotational symmetry about the origin in feature space causes the function inRadon space to have explicit dependence on the angle φ.

Example 12

In the previous example, if the limit σ → +0 is taken, both sides are convergent δ sequences.

, (8.5.12)

with p0 = a cos φ + b sin φ. This result also follows easily by substitution of

into the definition of the Radon transform, Section 8.2.5. This example has some special significancebecause it demonstrates how an impulse function centered at (a, b) in feature space transforms to Radon

FIGURE 8.5 Coordinates for unit square with regions defined as p varies along dotted line.

� f f p p px a a−( ) = −( ) = ⋅˘ , , 0 0ξξ ξξwith

a = ( ) = +a b p a b, cos sinand 0 φ φ


2 2 2


2 22







2πσ σ σ σ π σexp exp−

−( )−

−( )

= −

−( )

x a y b p p

� δ δ δx a y b p p−( ) −( ){ } = −( )0

f x y x a y b x a y b, ,( ) = −( ) −( ) ≡ − −( )δ δ δ

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space. In Radon space (p, φ) there is an impulse function everywhere along a sinusoidal curve with theequation of the curve given by

. (8.5.13)

An illustration is given in Figure 8.6 for p = 2 cos φ + sin φ.

Example 13

Another way to approach the transform of the delta function is to observe that for the delta functioncentered at the origin δ (x, y) = δ (p, t). Then, in the rotated system (see Figure 8.4) it follows that

This result can be used to obtain the transform of the shifted delta function. By use of Section 8.3.4 it

follows that (8.5.12) holds. If φ0 = tan–1 and r0 = , then p0 = r0 cos (φ0 – φ) and


As with the example in Figure 8.6, the region of support for the delta function is a sinusoidal curve inRadon space.

Example 14

Find the Radon transform of a finite-extended delta function (see Figure 8.7a),

FIGURE 8.6 The impulse function maps to a sinusoidal curve.

p a b= +cos sinφ φ

δ δp t dt p, .( ) = ( )−∞

ba a b2 2+

� δ δ φ φx a y b p r− −( ){ } = − −( )[ ], cos0 0

f x yx p y L

y L,


, .( ) = −( ) <

δ 0 2

0 2



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We write

However, if the angle φ is different from a multiple of π, then we obtain (see Chapter 1, Section 2)

FIGURE 8.7 Radon transform of finite-extended delta function.

˘ , cos sin,

, .f p p t p dt

L p p n

L p p nL


φ δ φ φδ φ πδ φ π( ) = − −( ) =

−( ) =+( ) = +( )

−∫ 00


2 2

2 1



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The inequality can be deduced from the geometry of Figure 8.7b. The region of support is shown inFigure 8.7c and the transform is illustrated in Figure 8.7d.

This example illustrates a useful property of the Radon transform; namely, its ability to serve as aninstrument for the detection of line segments in images. A slightly more general version of this exampleis given by Deans [1985].

Example 15

Find the Radon transform of the cylinder function defined in Example 7 displaced at the point (x0, y0)as shown in Figure 8.8a. The solution follows immediately from the solution of Example 7 combinedwith the shifting property in Section 8.3.4. Also, the solution can be deduced from the geometry in

FIGURE 8.8 Displaced cylinder function and region of support of the transform.

˘ , sin , cos sin

,f p p p L

φ φ φ φ( ) = − ≤


0 2




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Figure 8.8a. When d = 1, the length t = 0; also, for p such that the line of integration passes through thecylinder,


Further, when φ varies, the values p can assume follow from the geometry. The transform is

Figure 8.8b shows the (sinusoidal) region of support of the transform.

Example 16

Suppose the points in feature space lie along a line defined by parameters p0 and φ0 as indicated inFigure 8.9. All of these collinear points map to sinusoidal curves in Radon space; moreover, these curvesall intersect at the same point (p0, φ0) in Radon space. By selecting an appropriate threshold and onlyplotting values of f above the threshold it follows that a single point in Radon space serves to identify aline of collinear points in feature space. It is in this sense that the Radon transform is sometimes regardedas a line-to-point transformation. This ideas has been used by various authors interested in detectinglines in digital images: [Duda and Hart, 1972], [Shapiro and Iannino, 1979]. When the Radon transformis used in this fashion, it is often referred to as the Hough transform after the work of Hough [1962].

8.6 More on Derivatives

In Section 8.3.5 basic equations were given for the Radon transform of derivatives in two dimensions.Clearly, these results can be generalized and it is useful to do that, especially in connection with usingthe Radon transform in connection with partial differential equations and series expansions. Anotheruse of derivatives is related to the derivatives of the Radon transform. Both of these cases are covered inthis section.

FIGURE 8.9 After thresholding, a single point in Radon space corresponds to a line in feature space.

t p r= − − −( )[ ]2 1 0 0


cos φ φ

˘ , cos , cos cos

,f p p r r p rφ φ φ φ φ φ φ( ) = − − −( )[ ] − + −( ) ≤ ≤ + −( )

2 1 1 1


0 0


0 0 0 0


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8.6.1 Transform of Derivatives

Let f (x) = f (x1, . . . , xn). The generalization of (8.3.12) is


where ξk is the kth component of the unit vector ξξξξ. The linearity property (8.3.3) can be used to findthe transform of the sum

for arbitrary constants ak . If the constants are components of the vector a, then

. (8.6.2)

Example 1

Let n = 3, and let ∇ be the gradient operator (∂/∂x1, ∂/∂x2, ∂/∂x3). Now (8.6.2) is interpreted as the Radontransform of a directional derivative.

. (8.6.3)

Another obvious generalization from Section 8.3.5 is

. (8.6.4)

Consequently, for arbitrary constant vectors a and b,


Example 2

There is a very important special case of the last equation. Suppose the product albk reduces to theKronecker delta,

Now the operator is just the Laplacian operator



∂ ( )∂



f p


kξ˘ , ξξ







� af


f p




= ⋅( ) ∂ ( )



a ξξξξ˘ ,

� a a⋅ ∇{ } = ⋅( ) ∂ ( )∂

ff p


ξξ˘ ,


∂ ∂


∂ ( )∂

2 2



x x

f p

pl kl kξ ξ

˘ , ξξ

� a bf

x x

f p

pl k

l kk



n ∂∂ ∂

= ⋅( ) ⋅( ) ∂ ( )





2a bξξ ξξ

ξξ˘ ,

a bl k

l kl k lk= =


δ 1



, .



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. (8.6.6)

Note that �ξξξξ � = 1 has been used.Results of this type have been used by John [1955] in applications of the Radon transform to partial

differential equations.

Example 3

Suppose f is a function of both time and space variables. For example, if n = 3, then f = f (x, y, z ; t). Thewave equation in three dimensions is given by

. (8.6.7)

Because the operator � does not involve time, it must commute with the time derivative operator ∂/∂t.Thus, the Radon transform of the wave equation yields


where it is understood that f now depends on time, f = f (p, ξξξξ ; t) = � f (x, y, z ; t). The importantsignificance is that the wave equation in three spatial dimensions has been reduced to a wave equationin one spatial dimension.

8.6.2 Derivatives of the Transform

Here we investigatge what happens when f is differentiated with respect to one of the components of theunit vector ξξξξ. To facilitate this, an identity related to derivatives of the delta function is needed. First,note that

and if y is replaced by ay,


In n dimensions


∇ = ∂∂

+ + ∂∂




2x xn


� ∇ ( ){ } =∂ ( )


∂ ( )∂






f p


f p

px ξξ

ξξ ξξ˘ , ˘ ,


+ ∂∂

+ ∂∂

= ∂∂


















= ∂∂





˘ ˘f





−( ) = − ∂∂

−( )y

x yx

x yδ δ

∂∂( ) −( ) = ∂

∂−( ) = − ∂

∂−( )

ayx ay

a yx ay

xx ayδ δ δ1


−( ) = − ∂∂

−( )y xj j

δ δx y x y

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From these equations it is easy to see that

. (8.6.9)

This identity is in terms of ηηηη · x where ηηηη must not be restricted to being a unit vector; however, thedesired derivatives are in terms of components of the unit vector ξξξξ . The way to deal with this is to takederivatives with respect to components of ηηηη and then evaluate the results at ηηηη = ξξξξ . This prescription isfollowed starting with


This gives the desired formula,

. (8.6.10)

Convention — Whenever the transformed function f is differentiated with respect to a component of theunit vector ξξξξ , it is understood that

. (8.6.11)

The following example clearly illustrates the need for caution when taking derivatives of f.

Example 4

Start with


Apply the scaling relation (8.3.9) with


to obtain



− ⋅( ) = − ∂∂

− ⋅( )ηδ δ

jjp x

ppηη ηηx x

˘ ,f p f p dηη ηη( ) = ( ) − ⋅( )∫ x x xδ


=∂ ( )

= ( ) ∂∂

− ⋅( )

= − ∂∂ ( ) − ⋅( )

= =∫

˘ ˘ ,f f pf p d

px f p d

k k k


ξ η ηδ




ηη ξξ ηη ξξ

x x x

x x x .


= ∂∂ ( ){ }

= − ∂

∂ ( ){ }=


px f

k kkξ η

� �x xηη ξξ

∂ ( )∂

≡∂ ( )


˘ , ˘ ,f p f p

k k

ξξ ηη

ηη ξξξ η

f x y e f p ex y p, ˘ ,( ) = ( ) =− − −2 2 2

and ξξ π

ηη ξξ= = +( )s s and η η12


1 2

˘ , ˘ ,f p f p ss

e p sηη ξξ( ) = ( ) = −π 2 2

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Now use


to get

The desired derivative is found when this expression is evaluated at ηηηη = ξξξξ , or equivalently for s = 1,


The significance of this result becomes more apparent when compared with Example 3 in Section 8.7.

Example 5

In Example 5 of Section 8.13 it is shown that the Radon transform of x2 + y2 confined to the unit diskand zero outside the disk is given by


and in Example 7 of the same section


It is left as an exercise for the reader to demonstrate that (8.6.10) is satisfied by this pair of transforms.That is, verify that




This can be done by showing that both sides reduce to



= ∂∂


=( )η ηk k


sk, ,1 2


= ∂∂

= −( )

− −




s ss e

sp s e


k p s

k p s

ηπ η

π η



2 2

2 2

2 2



= −( ) −fp e



ξπ ξ 2 12 2

� x y p p2 2 2 22

31 1 2+{ } = − +( )

� x x y p p p2 2 2 22

31 1 2+( ){ } = − +( ) cos φ

η1 2 2


f p

s px x y

∂ ( )∂

= − ∂∂

+( ){ }=

˘ , ηη

ηη ξξ�

˘ ,f p s s p s pηη( ) = − +( )−2

324 2 2 2 2


31 8 4 12

1 24 2cosφ −( ) − −( )−

p p p

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There are some rather obvious generalizations for derivatives of higher order. These results followimmediately by differentiating (8.6.10); it is understood that the convention (8.6.11) always applies. Forsecond derivatives

. (8.6.13)

For higher derivatives the procedure is to differentiate this expression. For example, one of the thirdderivatives is given by

. (8.6.14)

Note that there is an alternating sign, + for even derivatives and – for odd derivatives. One final exampleis given here. Additional examples involving derivatives are given in Section 8.7.

Example 6

If f = f (x, y) is a 2D function, a generalization of (8.6.14) to arbitrarily high derivatives provides a methodfor finding many additional transforms of functions in two dimensions,

. (8.6.15)

8.7 Hermite Polynomials

In this section the discussion is confined to two dimensions, and the components of ξξξξ are written as (ξ1,

ξ2) = (cosφ, sinφ) to emphasize the dependence of the transform on φ. The extension to higher dimen-sions does not involve complications except that the formulas contain more variables. The previoussection on derivatives can be used to find transforms of functions of the form

where Hl and Hk are Hermite polynomials of order l and k, respectively. More information on thesepolynomials is contained in Appendix A of this chapter and in Chapter 1, Section 5.

We start with the Rodrigues formula for Hermite polynomials [Rainville (1960],

. (8.7.1)

A similar formula holds for the variable y. When these are combined, the joint formula is

. (8.7.2)

From the methods developed in Section 8.6, we deduce that

∂ ( )∂ ∂

= ∂∂

( ){ }2 2


˘ ,f p

px x f

l k

l k


ξ ξ� x

∂ ( )∂ ∂

= ∂∂

( ){ }3





˘ ,f p

px x f

l k

l k


ξ ξ� x

∂ ( )∂ ∂

= − ∂∂

( ){ }

+ +l k

l k

l k

l kf p

px y f x y

˘ ,,


ξ ξ1 2

H x H y el kx y( ) ( ) − −2 2

e H xx



x− −( ) = −( ) ∂∂

2 2


H x H y ex y

el kx y

l kl k

x y( ) ( ) = −( ) ∂∂


− − + − −2 2 2 2


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By using this derivative relation, it follows that the Radon transform of the Rodrigues formula gives


By application of the Rodrigues formula in one variable to the right side of this equation, the basicformula for transforms of Hermite polynomials is

. (8.7.3)

The importance of the last equation becomes more apparent after observing that members of thesequence


can be expressed in terms of Hermite polynomials. Some examples are given to illustrate the waytransforms of members of this sequence are found.

Example 1

Find the Radon transform of x y2 e – x2–y2. From Appendix A,


It follows immediately from the fundamental relation (8.7.3) that

. (8.7.4)

This result can be modified by using explicit expressions for the Hermite polynomials, from Appendix A,

. (8.7.5)

Example 2

The method used for the previous example can be applied to obtain some basic results; then othertheorems can be applied to get easy extensions. The linear property is especially useful. Given that

. (8.7.6)

By just changing x to y and cos φ to sin φ it follows that



( )

= ( ) ( ) ∂

( )


x yf x y

pf p

l kl k

l k

, cos sin ˘ ,φ φ ξξ

� H x H y ep

el kx y l k l k

l k

p( ) ( ){ } = −( ) ( ) ( ) ∂∂

− − ++

−2 2 2

1 cos sinφ φ π

� H x H y e e H pl kx y

l kp

l k( ) ( ){ } = ( ) ( ) ( )− − −+

2 2 2

π φ φcos sin

1 2 2, , , , , , , ,x y x xy y x yl k… …

xy H x H y H x H y21 2 1 0




4= ( ) ( ) + ( ) ( )

� xy e H p H p ex y p2 23 1

2 2 2

82− − −{ } = ( )+ ( )[ ]π φ φ φcos sin cos

� xy e e p px y p2 3 2 22 2 2

22 1 3− − −{ } = + −( )[ ]π φ φ φ φcos sin cos sin

� x e p ex y p− − −{ } =2 2 2

π φcos

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. (8.7.7)

Now, by linearity

. (8.7.8)

The same technique can be applied to obtain:

; (8.7.9)

; (8.7.10)

. (8.7.11)

Example 3

It is instructive to relate the transforms in the last example to earlier results. We focus attention onformula (8.7.6),


From Example 4 of Section 8.6.2 with k = 1,


Now, from formula (8.6.10) it should be true that this is the same as


and, of course, the consistency is verified by doing the differentiation. This explicitly demonstrates that


Example 4

It is easy to find the extension of (8.7.3) for scaled variables. By use of (8.3.5) with a = b = c,

. (8.7.12)

� y e p ex y p− − −{ } =2 2 2

π φsin

� x y e p ex y p+( ){ } = +( )− − −2 2 2

π φ φcos sin

� x e p ex y p2 2 2 22 2 2

22− − −{ } = +( )π φ φcos sin

� y e p ex y p2 2 2 22 2 2

22− − −{ } = +( )π φ φsin cos

� x y e p ex y p2 2 22 2 2

22 1+( ){ } = +( )− − −π

� x e p ex y p− − −{ } =2 2 2

π φcos


= −( ) −˘


p e p

ξπ φ


22 12

− ∂∂

{ }−

pp e pπ



= − ∂∂

{ }− −f

px e x y


2 2

� H cx H cy ec

e H cpl kc x y

l kc p

l k( ) ( ){ } = ( ) ( ) ( )− +( ) −+

2 2 2 2 2π φ φcos sin

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8.8 Laguerre Polynomials

Here, a very brief introduction to transforms of Laguerre polynomials is given. A much more extensivetreatment is given by Deans [1983, 1993], where several examples and applications are provided. Addi-tional applications are contained in the work by Maldonado and Olsen [1966] and Louis [1985]. As inthe previous section, the discussion is confined to two dimensions and the angle φ appears explicitly inthe transform. The approach is the same as with the Hermite polynomials. We start with the Rodriguesformula for the Laguerre polynomials [Szegö, 1939] [Rainville, 1960],

, (8.8.1)

and derive a generalized expression that accomodates the Radon transform,

. (8.8.2)

From the two previous sections, the Radon transform of the left side is


leading to the expression

. (8.8.3)

A more standard form is obtained by making substitutions,


and defining a normalization constant by

. (8.8.4)

These changes lead to the standard form for the transform of expressions that involve Laguerre polynomials,

. (8.8.5)

e t L tk t

e tt lkl


t l k− − +( ) = ∂∂




± ∂∂


+ ∂∂

= −( ) ±( ) +( )− − + + − −


y x ye k x iy e L x y

l k

x yl k

k ll

x ykl





2 2 22 2 2 2

1 2 !


± ∂∂


+ ∂∂

= −( ) ( )− − + ± −


y x ye e e H p

l k

x y k l i l pl k







2 2 2

1 π φ

� −( ) ±( ) +( ){ } = ( )+ − − ± −+1 22 2 2


2 2 2k k l l x ykl i l p

l kk x iy e L x y e e H p! π φ

x y r x iy x y ey


l li l2 2 2 2 2

21+ = ±( ) = +( ) =

± −, tanθ θwith

Nk l k


k l=

+( )





1 2

! !

� −( )+( )

( )

= ( )± ± −


1 2


2k l i lkl

kl i l p

l k


l kr e L r N e e H p


!θ φ

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8.9 Inversion

Inversion of the Radon transform is especially important because it yields information about an objectin feature space when some probe has been used to produce projection data. This inversion is the solutionof the problem of “reconstruction from projections” when the projections can be interpreted as theRadon transform of some function in feature space.

There are several routes that can be followed to go from Radon space to feature space. The direct routeillustrated by the diagram

is probably the most difficult to derive and certainly the most difficult to implement in practical situations;however, see the alternative method used by Nievergelt [1986]. The direct method is discussed in somedetail by John [1955] and Deans [1983, 1993].

For those already familiar with Fourier transforms, the route through Fourier space pioneered byBracewell [1956] may be easier. Other important early references include Helgason [1965] and Ludwig[1966]. The route from feature space to Fourier space and the route from Radon space to Fourier spaceis discussed in Section 8.2.5. The basic ideas presented there can be used to derive formulas for the inverseRadon trasform.

It turns out that there is a fundamental difference between inversion in even dimension and inversionin odd dimension. Although this may seem a bit strange at first, it is something that is quite commonin the study of partial differential equations and Green’s function for the wave equation: [Morse andFeshbach, 1953] and [Wolf, 1979]. This difference is discussed in connection with the Radon transformby Shepp [1980], Barrett [1984], Berenstein and Walnut [1994], and Olson and DeStefano [1994]. Theimportant observation is that the operations required for the inverse in two dimensions are global; thetransform must be known over all of Radon space. By contrast, in three dimensions, because derivativesare required, the inversion operations are local. Hence, the procedure here is to give separate derivationsfor two and three dimensions. It is not very much more difficult to do the derivation for general evenand odd dimensions; however, it is a bit easier to follow the specific cases. And, after all, these are themost important for applications anyway. The method used is patterned after that used by Barrett [1984]and Deans [1985].

8.9.1 Two Dimensions

The notation is the same as used previously for vectors, x = (x, y) and ξξξξ = (cos φ, sin φ). The coordinatesin Fourier space are designated by (u,v) = (q cos φ, q sin φ) = q ξξξξ . The starting point is (8.2.15),


along with the observation that f is given by the inverse two-dimensional Fourier transform,


In polar form,


Feature space Radon space �−←


˜ ,f q f x yξξ( ) = ( )� �1

f x y f u v, ˜ ,( ) = ( )−�21

f x y dq q d f q e

d dq q f q e

i q

i q p


, ˜


( ) = ( )

= ( )




= ⋅

∫ ∫

















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Now the term in square brackets is the inverse one-dimensional Fourier transform of the product �q � fand this is to be evaluated at p = ξξξξ · x. The convolution theorem for Fourier transforms can be used toobtain


From Section 8.2.5 the last term on the right is just the Radon transform f (p, ξξξξ ). This observation leads to

. (8.9.3)

The inverse Fourier transform in this equation is interpreted in terms of generalized functions to give[Lighthill, 1962], [Bracewell, 1986]


Here, we have written




The methods needed to work with these inverse Fourier transforms is given by Lighthill [1962] andBracewell [1986]. By use of the derivative theorem


where the prime denotes first order derivative with respect to variable p. The other transform is givenin terms of a Cauchy principal value,


It follows that


� � �− − −( ){ } = { } ∗ ( ){ }1 1 1q f q q f q˜ ˜ξξ ξξ

f x y d f p qp

, ˘ ,( ) = ( ) ∗ { }

= ⋅∫ φπ


� 1

0 x

� � �− − −{ } = { } ∗

1 1 122

q i qq


q q q iqq

i= =sgn






, .





=+ >

=− <

1 0

0 0

1 0




�− { } = ′ ( )1 2π δiq p

� �−






1sgn q

i pπ π

� �− { } = ′ ( ) ∗





1q p


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Now, (8.9.3) becomes

. (8.9.5)

By using the derivative theorem for convolution and the properties of the delta function,


It is convenient to use the subscript notation for partial derivatives and write


Now the term in square brackets in (8.9.5) can be written as


Note that t is a dummy variable in the last integral, and can be replaced by p to agree with earlier notation.The final formula follows by substituting this result in (8.9.5) to get

. (8.9.6)

Here, the Cauchy principal value is related to the integral over p. It has been placed outside for conve-nience. Sometimes the � is dropped altogether; in this case it is “understood” that the singular integralis interpreted in terms of the Cauchy principal value.

The inversion formula (8.9.6) can be expressed in terms of a Hilbert transform (see also Chapter 7).The Hilbert transform of f (t) is defined by Sneddon [1972] and Bracewell [1986],

, (8.9.7)

where the Cauchy principal value is understood. Thus, the inversion formula can be written as

. (8.9.8)

For reasons that will become apparent in the subsequent discussion it is extremely desirable to makethe following definition for the Hilbert transform of the derivative of some function, say g,

f x y d f p pp


, ˘ ,( ) = ( ) ∗ ′ ( ) ∗

= ⋅




0πφ δ




˘ ,˘ , ˘ ,

f p pf p


f p


ξξ ξξ( ) ∗ ′ ( ) = ( )∂

∗ ( ) = ( )∂

δ δ

˘ ,˘ ,

f pf p

pp ξξξξ( ) ≡ ( )

˘ ,˘ , ˘ ,

f pp

f t

p t

f t





tξξξξ ξξ

ξξξξ ξξ

( ) ∗

=( )−

= −( )− ⋅

= ⋅−∞

= ⋅−∞

∫ ∫� � �1

x xx

f x y df p



˘ ,( ) = − ( )− ⋅∫ ∫−∞


2 20π



ξξ x

� i f t t xf t dt

t x( ) →[ ] = ( )




f x y f p p dp, ˘ , ;( ) = − ( ) → ⋅[ ]∫1

2 0πφ

π� i ξξ ξξ x

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. (8.9.9)

If this is done, the inversion formula for n = 2, is given by

. (8.9.10)

8.9.2 Three Dimensions

The inversion formula in three dimensions is actually easier to derive because no Hilbert transformsemerge. The path through Fourier space is used again with the unit vector ξξξξ given in terms of the polarangle θ and azimuthal angle φ,


The feature space function f (x) = f (x, y, z) is found from the inverse 3D Fourier transform,

. (8.9.11)

Here, the integral over the unit sphere is indicated by


Now recall that f is given by the 1D Fourier transform of f, and from the symmetry properties of f theintegral over q from 0 to ∞ can be replaced by one-half the integral from –∞ to ∞.

Now from the inverse of the 1D derivative theorem

one form of the inversion formula is

. (8.9.12)

Another form for (8.9.12) comes from the observation that for any function of ξξξξ · x

g t g p p t np( ) = − ( ) →[ ] =1


π� i for ;

f x y d f tt

, ˘ ,( ) = ( )[ ]= ⋅



ξξξξ x

ξξ = ( )sin cos , sin sin , cosθ φ θ φ θ

f f q dq q d f q ei qx x( ) = ( ) = ( )−∞

=∫ ∫�31 2




˜ ˜ξξ ξξ ξξ ξξ



d d dξξξξ

= ∫ ∫∫ =φ θ θ

π π





f d dq q f q e

d q f q

i q p





( ) = ( )

= ( )[ ]= −∞

= ⋅


= ⋅

∫ ∫






2 2


1 2

ξξ ξξ

ξξ ξξ

ξξ ξξ

ξξ ξξ


˜ .


�− [ ] = − ∂∂

= −1 22





4q f


pf pp


˘ ,π π

f d f pppp


( ) = − ( )[ ]= = ⋅∫1

8 21π

ξξ ξξξξ ξξ

˘ ,

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The last equality follows because ξξξξ is a unit vector. These observations lead to the inversion formula

. (8.9.13)

8.10 Abel Transforms

In this section we focus attention on a particular class of singular integral equations and how transformsknown as Abel transforms emerge. Actually, it is convenient to define four different Abel transforms.Although all of these transforms are called Abel transforms at various places in the literature, there is noagreement regarding the numbering. Consequently, an arbitrary decision is made here in that respect.There is an intimate connection with the Radon transform; however, that discussion is delayed untilSection 8.11. There are some very good recent references devoted primarily to Abel integral equations,Abel transforms, and applications. The monograph by Gorenflo and Vessella [1991] is especially recom-mended for both theory and applications. Also, the chapter by Anderssen and de Hoog [1990] containsmany applications along with an excellent list of references. A recent book by Srivastava and Bushman[1992] is valuable for convolution integral equations in general. Other general references include Kanwal[1971], Widder [1971], Churchill [1972], Doetsch [1974], and Knill [1994]. Another valuable resourceis the review by Lonseth [1977]. His remarks on page 247 regarding Abel’s contributions “back in thespringtime of analysis” are required reading for those who appreciate the history of mathematics. Otherreferences to Abel transforms and relevant resource material are contained in Section 8.11 and in thefollowing discussion.

8.10.1 Singular Integral Equations, Abel Type

An integral equation is called singular if either the range of integration is infinite or the kernel hassingularities within the range of integration. Singular integral equations of Volterra type of the first kindare of the form [Tricomi, 1985]


where the kernel satisfies the condition k(x,y) ≡ 0 if y > x. If k(x,y) = k(x–y), then the equation is ofconvolution type. The type of kernel of interest here is

This leads to an integral equation of Abel type,


∇ ⋅( ) = ( )[ ] = ( )[ ]= ⋅ = ⋅


ψ ψ ψξξ ξξξξ ξξ

xx x



p p

f f dx x( ) = − ∇ ⋅( )=∫1

8 2


1π˘ ,ξξ ξξ ξξ


g x k x y f y dy xx( ) = ( ) ( ) >∫ , ,



k x yx y

−( ) =−( )

< <10 1

αα .

g xf y

x ydy f x


x( ) = ( )−( )

= ( ) ∗ > < <∫ α αα1

0 0 10

, , .

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Integral equations of the type in (8.10.2) were studied by the Norwegian mathematician Niels H. Abel(1802-1829) with particular attention to the connection with the tautochrone problem. This work byAbel [1823, 1826a,b] served to introduce the subject of integral equations. The connection with thetautochrone problem emerges when α = 1/2 in the integral equation. This is the problem of determininga curve through the origin in a vertical plane such that the time required for a massive particle to slidewithout friction down the curve to the origin is independent of the starting position. It is assumed thatthe particle slides freely from rest under the action of its weight and the reaction of the curve (smoothwire) that constrains its movement. Details of this problem are discussed by Churchill [1972] and Widder[1971].

One way to solve (8.10.1) when k(x,y) = k(x–y) is by use of the Laplace transform (see Chapter 5);this yields


The solution for F(s) can be written in two forms,


The second form is used when the inverse Laplace transform of 1/K(s) does not exist.

Example 1

Solve Equation (8.10.2) for f (x). From (8.10.3) and Laplace transform tables (Chapter 5),

To find F(s) we must invert the equation

The inversion yields

By invoking the property df(x)/dx = �–1 {s�{f(x)}} the above equation becomes


G s F s K s( ) = ( ) ( ).

F sG s

K ssG s

s K s( ) = ( )

( ) = ( )[ ] ( )


G s f xx

F s s( ) = ( ){ }

= ( ) −( )−� �


αα αΓ .

F ss

s G s( ) = ( ) −( ) ( ) ( )[ ]−


α αα α


f xs

s G s

sx y g y dy


( ) = ( ) −( ) ( ) ( )[ ]

= ( ) −( ) −( ) ( )

− −

− −

� �








α αα

α α



f xd

dxx y g y dy

x( ) = −( ) ( )−



α 1


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Here, use is made of the gamma function identity

Another form of (8.10.4) can be found if g(y) is differentiable. One way to find this other solution isto use integration by parts, ∫ u dv = uv – ∫ v du, with u = g (y) and dv = (x – y)α–1dy ,

When this expression is multiplied by sin α π/π and differentiated with respect to x the alternativeexpression for (8.10.5) follows,


RemarkIt is tempting to take a quick look at (8.10.2) and assume that g (0) = 0. This is wrong! The properinterpretation is to do the integral first and then take the limit as x → 0 through positive values. This iswhy we have written g(+0) in (8.10.6).

The above equation (8.10.6) also follows by taking into consideration the convolution properties andderivatives for the Laplace transform. We observe that (8.10.4) can be written in two alternative forms,

where H (s) is defined by

The inversion gives




The previous equations can be used to solve an integral equation of the form


Γ Γα α παπ( ) −( ) =1


x y g y dyg x

x y g y dyx x

−( ) ( ) =+( )

+ −( ) ′ ( )−

∫ ∫α


α α1

0 0

0 1.

f xg


g y

x ydy

x( ) = +( )+

′ ( )−( )

− −∫sin.

αππ α α


1 10

F s s G s H s sG s H s( ) = ( ) ( )[ ] = ( )[ ] ( )[ ] ,

H ss K s

( ) = ( )1


f xd

dxg y h x y dy

x( ) = ( ) −( )∫ ,0

f x g h x g y h x y dyx( ) = ( ) ( )+ ′ ( ) −( )∫0



g x f y k x y dyx( ) = ( ) −( )∫ 2 2



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After making the substitutions,

Equation (8.10.8) becomes


This equation is identical to (8.10.1) with k(x,y) = k(x–y) and the solution is given by (8.10.7) with kreplaced by h,

where h(x) = �–1{1/sK(s) }. Using the substitutions in reverse gives



and if the derivative of g exists,


Example 2

Find the solution of (8.10.8) if the kernel is k(x) = x –α and 0 < α < 1. With this kernel the equation tobe solved is


We need the inverse Laplace transform of H (s) = 1/sK(s). From

it follows that

x u y v f v f v v g u g u= = ( ) =

( ) =






1 1


2, , , ,

g u f v k u v dvu

1 10

( ) = ( ) −( )∫ .

f ud

dug v h u v dv

g h u g v h u v dv



1 10

1 10


( ) = ( ) −( )

= ( ) ( )+ ′ ( ) −( )∫

∫ ,

f x

x x


dxg y h x y y dy

x( )= ( ) −( )∫2


222 2



f xd

dxy g y h x y dy

x( ) = ( ) −( )∫2 2 2



f x xg h x x g y h x y dyx( ) = ( ) ( )+ ′ ( ) −( )∫2 0 22 2 2



g xf y dy

x y

x( ) = ( )−( )∫

2 20α


K s e x dx ssx( ) = = −( )− −∞

−∫ α αα0

11Γ ,

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Now the solution follows directly from (8.10.10a),


Example 3

Apply (8.10.10b) to find an alternative expression for the inverse (8.10.11b). Note that

follows from Example 2. Consequently, the desired equation is


There are other integral equations similar to the one in Example 2 that are of particular interest here.The relevant results are given without proof. The derivations are very similar to the procedures usedabove. A transform pair related to the pair of (8.10.11a,b) is




Another pair of interest is




h xs

x x( ) =−( )

= ( ) −( ) =− − −� 1 1 11


1 1

1Γ Γ Γα α ααππα

α αsin.

f xd


y g y dy

x y

x( ) = ( )−( ) −∫2

2 21



αππ α

h x x2 2 2( ) = −sin αππ


f x g x xg y dy

x y

x( ) = ( ) +′ ( )−( )


0 2 1

2 21





g xf y dy

y x


( ) = ( )−( )

< < ∞( ) =∞

∫2 2

0 1 0α

α, , ,

f xd


y g y dy

y xx( ) = −

( )−( ) −


2 21


αππ α

g xy f y dy

y x


( ) = ( )−( )

< < ∞( ) =∞

∫2 0 1 02 2

αα , ,

f xg y dy

y xx( ) = −

′ ( )−( ) −


αππ α

2 21

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8.10.2 Some Abel Transform Pairs

If the choice α = is made in Equations (8.10.11), (8.10.12), and (8.10.13) the resulting transforms areknown as Abel transforms. In order, these are designated by 1{f}, 2{f}, and 3{f}. The numericaldesignation is not standard, and some authors leave α in the equations. With the exception of a constantfactor, Sneddon [1972] uses the same notation for 1{f} and 2{f}. Bracewell [1986] introduces only3{f}, and uses the notation {f}. This is the transform most directly related to the Radon transform.It is discussed in much more detail in Section 8.11. Also, for completeness we add a fourth transform.It is related to Riemann-Liouville (fractional) integrals of order 1/2, discussed in Section 8.10.3.

Explicitly, the transforms are designated by





Note the change from y → r to agree with the short tables of transforms given in Appendix B. Also notethe change g → f, and the use of subscripts to keep track of which transform is being applied.

The corresponding inversion expressions are





ˆ ; , f x f r xf r dr

x r


1 1 1


2 2012

0( ) ≡ ( ){ } =( )−( )


ˆ ; , f x f r xf r dr

r x


2 2 2


2 212

0( ) ≡ ( ){ } =( )−( )


ˆ ; , f x f r xr f r dr

r x


3 3 3


2 2

2 012

( ) ≡ ( ){ } =( )−( )


ˆ ; , .f x f r xr f r dr

x r


4 4 4


2 20

2 012

( ) ≡ ( ){ } =( )−( )


f rd


x f x dx

r x




2 20


( ) = ( )−( )∫π


f rd


x f x dx

x rr2


2 2


( ) = −( )−( )



f rr



x f x dx

x rr3


2 2


( ) = −( )−( )



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There are alternative ways to write the above inverses. The results can be verified by integrating byparts before taking the derivative with respect to r:





In these equations it is assumed that the transform vanishes at infinity, f(∞) � 0, and the prime meansderivative with respect to x.

There is yet another form that is useful for f 3. The result comes from a study of the Radon transform[Deans, 1983, 1993]:


To verify that this indeed reduces to (8.10.16c), let the integration by parts be done in (8.10.17) with

After doing the integration by parts, take the derivative with respect to r to get (8.10.16c).

Some important observations

From the definitions of the transforms i , it follows that


f rr



x f x dx

r x




2 20


( ) =( )−( )∫π


f rf r f x dx

r x



1 1

2 20

2 0 212

( ) = ( )+

′ ( )−( )∫

ˆ ˆ

π π

f rr f x dx

x rr



2 2


( ) = −′ ( )−( )



f rf x dx

x rr



2 2


( ) = −′ ( )−( )



f rf


f x dx

r x



4 4

2 20

0 112

( ) = ( )+

′ ( )−( )∫

ˆ ˆ.

π π

f rd


r f x dx

x x rr



2 2


( ) = −( )−( )



u r f x du r f x dx vr




x x r

= ( ) = ′ ( ) = =−( )

−ˆ , ˆ , cos , .31

2 2


3 22f r r f r( ){ } = ( ){ }

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These equations (along with obvious variations) can be used to find transforms and inverse transforms.A few samples are provided in the examples of Section 8.10.4.

8.10.3 Fractional Integrals

The Abel transforms are related to the Riemann-Liouville and Weyl (fractional) integrals of order 1/2;these are discussed along with an extensive tabulation in Chapter 13 of Erdélyi et al. [1954]. In thenotation of this reference, the Riemann-Liouville integral is given by


and the Weyl integral is given by


Now in (8.10.19) let µ = 1/2, make the replacement y → x2, and change the variable of integration x =r2 to obtain.

Clearly, this form of the Riemann-Liouville integral can be converted to (8.10.14d) by the appropriatereplacements. By a similar argument, the Weyl integral (8.10.20) can be converted to (8.10.14c). Thisleads to the following useful rule for finding Abel transforms 3 and 4 from the tables in Chapter 13of Erdélyi et al. [1954].


1. Replace: µ → 2. Replace: x → r2 (column on left).3. Replace: y → x2 and multiply the transform by (column on right).

4 12f r r f r( ){ } = ( ){ } 4

11 12r f r f x− ( ){ } = ( )ˆ


2 22r f r f x− ( ){ } = ( )ˆ

f r f xd

drx f x1 1

11 1 1

2( ) ≡ ( ){ } = ( ){ }− ˆ ˆπ

f r f xd

drx f x2 2

12 2 2

2( ) ≡ ( ){ } = − ( ){ }− ˆ ˆ .π

g y f x y x dxy

; ,µµ

µ( ) = ( ) ( ) −( ) −

∫1 1

h y f x x y dxy

; .µµ

µ( ) = ( ) ( ) −( ) −∞

∫1 1


π g xr f r dr

x r



2 20




, .


( )−( )∫



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It is easy to verify that this rule works by its application to cases that yield results quoted in Appendix Bfor 3. Verification of the rule for 4 follows immediately from the use of standard integral tables.Although the rule works most directly for the 3 and 4 transforms, it can be extended to apply tofinding 1 and 2 transforms by use of the formulas in Equation (8.10.18). Finally, it is interesting tonote that these integrals lead to an interpretation for fractional differentiation and fractional integration.A good resource for details on this concept is the monograph by Gorenflo and Vessella [1991].

8.10.4 Some Useful Examples

We close this section with a few useful examples. These are especially valuable for those concerned withthe analytic computation of Abel transforms or inverse Abel transforms.

Example 4

Consider the Abel transform

This is a simple case where f1(x) is not zero at x = 0; here, f1(0) = πa/2 and f ′1 (x) = –1. If (8.10.16a) isused to verify the transform, the calculation is

Verification of this inverse for (8.10.15a) follows by using the appropriate integral formulas from Appen-dix A, and application of the derivative with respect to r :

From (8.10.18c) we know the transform

Inversion formulas (8.10.15d) and (8.10.16d) apply for this case.

Example 5

It is instructive to apply inversion formulas (8.10.15c), (8.10.16c), and (8.10.17) to the same problem.From Appendix B, we use

Application of (8.10.15c) gives

ˆ .f x a ra

x1 1 2( ) = −{ } = −


f ra r dx

r x

a rr

12 20




( ) = + −

−( )= −∫π



2 12


2 2012π



ax x

r x

dx a rr −

−( )= −∫ .

41 2r a r a x− −( ){ } = −π .

32 22

12χ χr a a x x a( ){ } = −( ) ( ).

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Application of (8.10.16c) gives

Application of (8.10.17) gives

Evaluation of the various integrals above follows from material in Appendix A.

Example 6

The following Bessel function identities are used in this example.



It follows from the formulas

−−( )−( )

= −−( )

−( ) −( )= −

−( ) −( )+

−( )

∫ ∫

1 2 2



2 2

2 2

2 2

2 2 2 2


2 2 2 2


2 2








π π






x a x dx

x rr



x a x dx

a x x r




a x dx

a x x r




x dx

a x








122 2

22 22



40 1 1

x r







dra r



−( )= −

+ +( ) = + =




− −

−( ) −( )=

−( ) −( )=∫ ∫1 2 2

12 2 2 2 2 2 2 2




12π π

x dx

a x x r

x dx

a x x rr





−−( )−( )

= −−( )

−( ) −( )= −

−( ) −( )+

−( )

∫ ∫

1 2 2



2 2

2 2

2 2

2 2 2 2


2 2 2 2

2 2 2








π π





r a x dx

x x r



r a x dx

x a x x r



ra dx

x a x x r



rx dx

a x x







−−( )= − ( )


= + =



dra r













20 1 1




∂∂ ( ){ } = ( )−x

x J bx bx J bxvv

vv 1 .

∂∂ ( ){ } = − ( )− −

+xx J bx bx J bxv


v 1 .

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for the Bessel function J0 that


Differentiation of the previous two expressions with respect to the parameter b yields the formulas


From formula (8.10.18e) with f1(x) = sin bx,

This means that

or equivalently

And by the same technique, from (8.10.18f)

From (8.10.18f) with f2(x) = x–1 sin bx,

π π2 20

2 200

2 212


J bxbr dr

x r

J bxbr dr

r x


x( ) =

−( )( ) =

−( )∫ ∫∞cos

, sin


1 02cos ,br J bx{ } = ( )π

2 02sin .br J bx{ } = ( )π

1 12r br

xJ bxsin{ } = ( )π

2 12r br

xJ bxcos .{ } = − ( )π

2 2 1

21 1 0π ππd

dtx bx


dtt J bt bt J bt sin .{ } = ( )

= ( )


0− { } = ( )sin ,bx bt J bt

1 0r J brbx

b( ){ } = sin


2 0r J brbx

b( ){ } = cos


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From the formulas developed above for the 2 transforms and (8.10.18a),


Additional formulas similar to those in the previous example are contained in Sneddon [1972] andGorenflo and Vessella [1991]. These authors also make use of the formulas of this example to make theconnection between the Abel transform and the Hankel transform. This connection is also discussed inSection 8.11 in the more general context of the Radon transform.

Example 7

Use the rule in Section 8.10.3 to compute

From item (7) of Table 13.1, Riemann-Liouville fractional integrals, of Erdélyi et al. [1954]

A special case is provided by v = 2. This leads to the expression

21 1

2 0 1

2 2 1

2− −{ } = − { } = − ( )

= ( )x bx




dtJ bt b J btsin sin

π ππ

2 1J brbx

bx( ){ } = sin


3 1cos ,br x J bx{ } = − ( )π


0r br J bx−{ } = ( )sin ,π

3 0

2J br


b( ){ } = cos




2r J br


bx− ( ){ } = sin


42 2r v−{ } .

42 2


2 1rv

vxv v− −{ } =

( )+( )

π Γ





2 2



r dr

x r


−( )=∫ .

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8.11 Related Transforms and Symmetry, Abel and Hankel

The direct connection of the Radon transform and the Fourier transform is used extensively throughoutearlier sections of this chapter. Several other transforms are also related to the Radon transform. Someof these are related by circumstances that involve some type of symmetry. The Abel and Hankel transformsemerge naturally in this context. Other related transforms follow more naturally from considerations oforthogonal function series expansions. In this section some of these relations are explored and examplesprovided to help illustrate the connections.

8.11.1 Abel Transform

The Abel transform is closely connected with a generalization of the tautochrone problem. This is theproblem of determining a curve through the origin in a vertical plane such that the time required for aparticle to slide without friction down the curve to the origin is independent of the starting position. Itwas the generalization of this problem that led Abel to introduce the subject of integral equations (seeSection 8.10). More recent applications of Abel transforms in the area of holography and interferometrywith phase objects (of practical importance in aerodynamics, heat and mass transfer, and plasma diag-nostics) are discussed by Vest [1979], Schumann, Zürcher, and Cuche [1985] and Ladouceur and Adiga[1987]. A very good description of the relation of the Abel and Radon transform to the problem ofdetermining the refractive index from knowledge of a holographic interferogram is provided by Vest[1979]; in particular, see Chapter 6, where many references to original work are cited. Minerbo and Levy[1969], Sneddon [1972], and Bracewell [1986] also contain useful material on the Abel transform. Manyother references are contained in Section 8.10.

Suppose the feature space function f (x,y) is rotationally symmetric and depends only on (x2 + y2)1/2.Now, knowledge of one set of projections, for any angle φ, serves to define the Radon transform for allangles. For simplicity, let φ = 0 in the definition (8.2.5). Then f (p, φ) = f (p, 0); because there is nodependence on angle there is no loss of generality by writing this as f (p). With these modifications takeninto account, the definition becomes

Clearly, because p appears only as p2, the function f (p) is even and it is sufficient to always choose p >0. A change of variable r 2 = (p 2 + y 2) yields

This equation is just the defining equation for the Abel transform [Bracewell, 1986], designated by




f p f x y p x dx dy

f p y dy

f p y dy

( ) = +

−( )

= +

= +





2 2

2 2

2 2




˘ .f pr f r

r pdr

p( ) = ( )

−( )∞

∫22 2

1 2

f p f rr f r

r pdrA

p( ) = ( ){ } =

( )−( )

∫ 22 2

1 2.

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The absolute value can be removed if p is restricted to p > 0 and fA(p) = fA(–p).

Remark about notation The Abel transform used here is 3 of Section 8.10; that is, � 3.

The Abel transform can be inverted by using the Laplace transform, Section 8.10, or by using theFourier transform [Bracewell, 1986]. For purposes of illustration, the method employed by Barrett [1984]is used here. Equation (8.2.13), with n = 2, coupled with the observation that the Radon transformoperator � = when f(x,y) has rotational symmetry, becomes


Moreover, for rotationally symmetric functions, the �2 operator is just the Hankel transform operatorof order zero, �0. (More on the Hankel transform appears in Section 8.12 and in Chapter 9.) This meansthat

From the observation that �2 = �0, and from the reciprocal property of the Hankel transform, �0 =�0

–1, we have


It follows that the inverse Abel transform operator is given by


From (8.11.3) the first step in finding the inverse Abel transform is to determine the Fourier transformof fA,

The last step follows because fA(p) is an even function. Integration by parts gives

where it is assumed that fA(p) → 0 as p → 0. The prime means differentiation with respect to p. Nowthe inverse of (8.11.1) is given by

or, after simplification and interchanging the order of integration,

� �1 2 f f= .

�2 00

2 2f f q f r J qr r drH= ( ) = ( ) ( )∞

∫π π .

� �0 1f f A=

f f fA A= =−� � � �01

1 0 1 .

− =10 1� � .

� f f p e dp f p q p dpA Ai q p

A= ( ) = ( ) ( )−


∞ ∞

∫ ∫2


2 2π πcos .

� fq

f p q p dpA A= − ′ ( ) ( )∞


0ππsin ,

f r dq q J qrq

f p q p dpA( ) = ( ) −

′ ( ) ( )∞ ∞

∫ ∫2 21

200 0

π ππ


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The integral over q is tabulated [Gradshteyn, Ryzhik, and Jeffrey, 1994]; it vanishes for 0 < p < r and gives

Hence, the inverse is found from


This equation and (8.11.1) are an Abel transform pair. Other forms for the inversion are given in Section8.10. It may be useful to observe that, for rotationally symmetric functions, if the angle φ in the Radontransform is chosen φ = 0, then the p that appears in these formulas is just the same as x, the projectionof the radius r on the horizontal axis. For this reason, in many discussions of the Abel transform thevariable p used here is replaced by the variable x. This notation is used in Section 8.10 and in Appendix B.

Because the Abel transform is a special case of the Radon transform, all of the various basic theoremsfor the Radon transform apply to the Abel transform. One way to make use of this is to apply the theoryof the Radon transform to obtain general results. Then observe that for all rotationally symmetricfunctions the same results apply to the Abel transform. Some examples of Radon transforms alreadyworked out illustrate the idea.

Example 1

Consider Example 1 in Section 8.5. The feature space function has the required rotational symmetry, soit follows immediately that the corresponding Abel transform is


From Example 7 of that same section, if χ (r) represents the characteristic function of a unit disk, then


Another rotationally symmetric case worked out for the Radon transform is from the last part of Example2 in Section 8.7. The corresponding Abel transform is


Example 2

In some cases it is just as easy to apply the definition of the Abel directly; for example, the transform of(a2 + r2)–1 is given by

f r dp f p dq q p J qrA( ) = − ′ ( ) ( ) ( )∞ ∞

∫ ∫2 2 20


sin .π π


202 2

1 2

πp r r p−( ) < <

− .for

f r f p p r dpAr

( ) = − ′ ( ) −( )−∞

∫1 2 21 2


e er p− −{ } =2 2

π .

χ rp p

p( ){ } = −( ) <


2 1 1

0 1

21 2


, .



r e p er p2 22 2

22 1− −{ } = +( )π


a rr dr

r p r ap

2 21

2 21 2

2 2

2+( )


−( ) +( )− ∞

∫ .

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The change of variables z2 = r2 + a2 leads to a form that is easy to evaluate; see Appendix A,


Example 3

Suppose the desired transform is of (1 – r2)1/2 restricted to the unit disk or

One way to do this is to find the Radon transform of this function and identify the result with the Abeltransform. From the definition of the Radon transform, taking φ = 0, and restricting the integral to theunit disk D,

The integral over x is easy using the delta function, and the remaining integral over y is accomplishedby observing that over the unit disk y2 + p2 = 1, thus

This integral can be evaluated by use of trigonometric substitution or from integral tables (Appendix A).The result is the Abel transform


Now suppose it is desired to scale this result to a disk of radius a. The scaling can be accomplished byapplication of Section 8.3.2 in the form

The scaled Abel transform follows, with r → r/a,



a r

p a

2 21

2 21 2

+( )


+( )− π


f r r r( ) = −( ) ( )1 21 2

χ .

˘ , .f r x y p x dx dyD

φ δ( ) = − −( ) −( )∫ 1 2 21 2

˘ .f p y dyp


= −( )−[ ]− −

∫ 1 2 21 2





˘ .f r r p p= −( ) ( )

= −( ) ( ) 1


1 22χ π χ

� fx



aa f p a a f


a, ˘ , ˘ , .

= ( ) =

2 ξξ ξξ




1 2 2


= −





a p



π χ

a rr

aa p


a2 2

1 22 2

2−( )

= −( )

χ π χ .

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By following the approach used in the last example, it is possible to find a whole class of Abel transforms.These are listed in Appendix B. More results for Abel transforms appear in sections that follow, especiallyin the section on transforms restricted to the unit disk.

8.11.2 Hankel Transform

See Chapter 9 for details about Hankel transforms. By using an approach similar to that in Section 8.11.1it is possible to find the connection between the Hankel transform of order v and the Radon transform.Note that throughout this discussion, if v = 0 the results here correspond to results for the Abel transform.Let the feature space function be given by a rotationally symmetric function multiplied by eivθ,

The polar form of the two-dimensional Fourier transform is given by

Now, after the change of variables β = θ – φ, followed by an interchange of the order of integration,

The integral over β can be related to a Bessel function identity from Appendix A to yield

This is where the Hankel transform of order v comes in, by definition,




This equation can be related to the Radon transform by first finding the Radon transform of f, andthen applying the Fourier transform as indicated in (8.2.13). In polar form,

Once again, the change of variables β = θ – φ is employed to obtain

f x y f r eiv, .( ) = ( ) θ

˜ , .cos

f q e e r f r dr div i qrφ θθ π θ φπ( ) = ( )− −( )∞

∫∫ 2



˜ , .cos

f q e dr r f r d eiv i v qrφ βθ β π βπ

( ) = ( )∞

−( )∫ ∫0




˜ , .f q e e f r J qr r driv ivvφ π πφ π( ) = ( ) ( )−

∫2 22


� v vf r f r J qr r dr( ){ } = ( ) ( )∞

∫2 20

π π .

˜ , .f q i e f rv

ivvφ φ( ) = −( ) ( ){ }�

˘ , cos .f p e f r p r r dr divφ δ θ φ θθπ( ) = ( ) − −( )[ ]∞

∫∫ 00


˘ , cos .f p e dr r f r d e p riv ivφ β δ βφ βπ

( ) = ( ) −( )∞

∫ ∫0 0


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The integration over β in this expression has been discussed by many authors, including Cormack [1963,1964] and Barrett [1984], where details can be found leading to


Some of the more useful properties of the Tchebycheff polynomials of the first kind Tv are given inAppendix A. For more details, see the summary by Arfken [1985] and the interesting discussion by Vander Pol and Weijers [1934].

It is useful to identify a Tchebycheff transform by



The Fourier transform of (8.11.13) must be equal to (8.11.12). It follows that the Hankel transform isgiven in terms of the Radon transform by


Or, in terms of the Tchebycheff transform, because the eivφ term cancels,


Note that an operator identity follows immediately,


This relation between the Hankel transform and the Fourier transform of the Radon transform is a usefulexpression because it serves as the starting point for finding Hankel transforms without having to dointegrals over Bessel functions. Several authors have made contributions in this area. For applicationsand references to the literature see Hansen [1985], Higgins and Munson [1987, 1988], and Suter [1991].

In this section we have concentrated on how the Hankel transform relates to the Radon transform. Alogical extension of some of the ideas presented in this discussion appear in Section 8.13 on circularharmonic decomposition.

8.11.3 Spherical Symmetry, Three Dimensions

An interesting generalization of the above cases arises when the function f (x, y, z) has spherical symmetry.In this case, the Radon transform of f can be found by letting both the polar angle θ and the azimuthalangle φ be zero. Now the unit vector ξ = (0,0,1), and formula (8.2.7) is given by

˘ , .f p e f r Tp





φ φ( ) = ( )

∫2 12


1 2

v vp

f r f r Tp



rdr( ){ } = ( )

∫2 12


1 2


˘ , .f p e f rivvφ φ( ) = ( ){ }

−( ) ( ){ } = = ( ){ }i e f r f e f rv



φ φ� �� .

� �vv

vf r i f r( ){ } = ( ){ } .

� �vv

vi= .

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In these equations the transformation x = ρ cos φ, y = ρ cos φ is used. One more transformation,ρ 2 + p2 = r 2, leads to


Note that the lower limit follows from r = (p2)1/2 when ρ = 0. The interesting point is that for this highlysymmetric case, the original function f can be found by differentiation,

In this equation, the variable p is actually a dummy variable and it can be replaced by r,


This same result can be found directly from the inversion methods of Section 8.9.2. Also, Barrett[1984] does the same derivation and he makes the interesting observation that (8.11.19) was given inthe optics literature by Vest and Steel [1978], but was actually known much earlier by Du Mond [1929]in connection with Compton scattering, and by Stewart [1957] and Mijnarends [1967] in connectionwith positron annihilation.

8.12 Methods of Inversion

The inversion formulas given by Radon [1917] and the formulas given in Section 8.9 serve only as abeginning for an applied problem. This point is emphasized by Shepp and Kruskal [1978]. The mainproblem is that these formulas are rigorously valid for an infinite number of projections, and in practicalsituations the projections are a discrete set. This discrete nature of the projections gives rise to subtleand difficult questions. Most of these are related in some way to the “Indeterminacy Theorem” by Smith,Solmon, and Wagner [1977]. After a little rephrasing, the theorem establishes that: a function f (x, y)with compact support is uniquely determined by an infinite set of projections, but not by any finiteset of projections. This clearly means that uniqueness must be sacrificed in applications. Experience withknown images shows that this is not so serious if one can come close to the actual f and then apply anapproximate reconstruction algorithm. Moreover, some encouragement comes from another theoremby Hamaker, Smith, Solmon, and Wagner [1980]. The main thrust of this theorem is that arbitrarily



f p f x y z p z dx dy dz

f x y p dx dy

f p d d

f p d

( ) = + +

−( )

= + +

= +

= +









2 2 2

2 2 2

2 2



2 2




ρ ρ ρ φ

π ρ ρ ρ


˘ , .f p f r r dr pp

( ) = ( ) >∞

∫2 0π

d f p

dpp f p


( )= − ( )2π

f rr

f r( ) = − ′ ( )1

2π˘ .

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good approximations to f can be found by utilization of an arbitrarily large number of projections.Perhaps the way to express all of this is to say: even though you can’t win you must never give up!

There are several other considerations about inversion. The inverse Radon transform is technically anill-posed problem. Small errors in knowledge of the function f can lead to very large errors in thereconstructed function f. Hence, problems of stability, ill-posedness, accuracy, resolution, and optimalmethods of sampling must be addressed when working with experimental data. These are obviously veryimportant problems, and the subject of ongoing research. A thorough discussion would have to be highlytechnical and inappropriate for inclusion here. For those concerned with these matters, the papers byLindgren and Rattey [1981], Rattey and Lindgren [1981], Louis [1984], Madych and Nelson [1986],Hawkins and Barrett [1986], Hawkins, Leichner, and Yang [1988], Kruse [1989], Madych [1990], Faridani[1991], Faridani, Ritman, and Smith [1992], Maass [1992], Desbat [1993], Natterer [1993], Olson andDeStefano [1994], and the books by Herman [1980] and Natterer [1986] are good starting points formethods and references to other important work. Good examples illustrating many of the difficultiesencountered when dealing with real data along with defects in the reconstructed image associated withthe performance of various algorithms are given in Chapter 7 of the book by Russ [1992].

There are several methods that serve as the basis for the development of algorithms that can be viewedas discrete implementations of the inversion formula. Our purpose here is to present several of thesealong with reference to their implementation. Those interested in more detail and other flow charts maywant to see Barrett and Swindell [1977] and Deans [1983, 1993]. The first topic below, the operation ofbackprojection, is an essential step in some of the reconstruction algorithms. Also, this operation isclosely related to the adjoint of the Radon transform, discussed in Section 8.14. More on inversionmethods is contained in Section 8.13 on series.

8.12.1 Backprojection

Let G (p, φ) be an arbitrary function of a radial variable p and angle φ. The backprojection operation isdefined by replacing p by x cosφ + y sin φ and integrating over the angle φ, to obtain a function of x and y,


Note: From the definition of the backprojection operator it follows that the inversion formula (8.9.10)can be written as


8.12.2 Backprojection of the Filtered Projections

The algorithm known as the filtered backprojection algorithm is presently the optimum computationalmethod for reconstructing a function from knowledge of its projections. This algorithm can be consideredas an approximate method for computer implementation of the inversion formula for the Radon trans-form. Unfortunately, there is come confusion associated with the name, because the filtering of theprojections is done before the backprojection operation. Hence, a better name is the one chosen for thetitle of this section. There are several ways to derive the basic formula for this algorithm. Because wewant to emphasize its relation to the inversion formula, the starting point is (8.12.2). First, rewrite thatequation as


g x y G p G x y d, , cos sin , .( ) = ( ) = +( )∫� φ φ φ φ φπ


f x y f t, ˘ , .( ) = ( )−

2 � φ

f f= −−

2 1�� � ˘ .

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Here, the identity operator for the 1D Fourier transform is used. Now, making use of various operationsfrom Section 8.9.1, we obtain


The inverse Fourier transform operation converts a function of k to a function of some other radialvariable, say s. This observation leads to a natural definition; for convenience of notation, define


Now the feature space function is recovered by backprojection of F,


The beautiful part of this formula is that the need to use the Hilbert transform has been eliminated.From a computational viewpoint this is a real plus. For additional information on computationallyefficient algorithms based on these equations, see Rowland [1979] and Lewitt [1983].

Convolution methods

Due to the presence of the �k � in (8.12.5) the story is not over. This causes a problem with numericalimplementation due to the behavior for large values of k. It would be desirable to have a well-behavedfunction, say g, such that �g = � k � . Then (8.12.5) could be modified to read

And, by the convolution theorem,


A function g such that �g = �k � can be found, but is not well behaved. In fact, it is a singular distribution[Lighthill, 1962]. In view of these difficulties a slight compromise is in order. Rather than looking for afunction whose Fourier transform equals �k �, try to find a well-behaved function with a Fourier transformthat approximates �k �. The usual approach is to define a filter function in terms of a window function;that is, let

fp p

f p

i kp

f p

i k i k f p

= ∂∂

∗ ( )

= ( )

( )[ ]

= ( ) ( )













�� �

�� � �

�� �


ππ φ

ππ π

˘ ,

˘ ,

sgn ˘ ,,

˘ , .



( ){ }= ( ){ }−�� �1 k f p

F s k f p k f k, ˘ , ˘ , .~

φ φ φ( ) = ( ){ } = ( ){ }− −� � �1 1

f x y F s F x y d, , cos sin , .( ) = ( ) = +( )∫� φ φ φ φ φπ


F s g f, ˘ .φ( ) = ( ) ( )[ ]−� � �1

F s f g f p g s p dp, ˘ ˘ , .φ φ( ) = ∗ = ( ) −( )−∞

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Then (8.12.7) can be used to find the function F used in the backprojection equation. One advantage ofthis approach is that there is no need to find the Fourier transform of the projection data f ; however, itis necessary to compute the convolver function


before implementing (8.12.7). This signal space convolution approach is discussed in some detail byRowland [1979]. An approach directly aimed toward computer implementation is in Rosenfeld and Kak[1982]. Excellent practical discussions of windows and filters are given by Harris [1978] and by Embreeand Kimble [1991].

Frequency space implementation

It should be noted that there are times when it is desirable to implement the filter in Fourier space anduse (8.12.5) in the form


to approximate F before backprojecting. This has been emphasized by Budinger, Gullberg, and Huesman[1979] for data where noise is an important consideration.

A diagram of the options associated with the algorithm for backprojection of the filtered projectionsis given in Figure 8.10.

FIGURE 8.10 Filtered backprojection, convolution.

� g k w k= ( ).

g s k w k( ) = ( ){ }−� 1

F s k w k f p k w k f k, ˘ , ˘ , ,~

φ φ φ( ) = ( ) ( ){ } = ( ) ( ){ }− −� � �1 1

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8.12.3 Filter of the Backprojections

In this approach to reconstruction, the backprojection operation is applied first and the filtering orconvolution comes last. When the backprojection operator is applied to the projections, the result is ablurred image that is related to the true image by a two-dimensional convolution with 1/r. Let this blurredimage of the backprojected projections be designated by


The true image is related by b by


This is not an obvious result; it can be deduced by considering (8.2.13) in the form

Apply the backprojection operator to obtain


(In this section, subscripts on the Fourier transform operator are shown explicitly to avoid any possibleconfusion.) There is a subtle point lurking in this equation. Suppose the 2D Fourier transform of fproduces f (u, v). The inverse 1D operator �1

–1 is understood to operate on a radial variable in Fourierspace. This means f (u, v) must be converted to polar form, say f (q, φ) before doing the inverse 1DFourier transform. The variable q is the radial variable in Fourier space, q2 = u2 + v2. If we designate theinverse 1D Fourier transform of f (q, φ) by f (s, φ), then

Explicitly, the backprojection operation with s → x cos φ + y sin φ gives

where the replacements x = r cos θ and y = r sin θ have been made, and the radical integral is overpositive values of q. We observe that the expression on the right is just the inverse 2D Fourier transform,

b x y f p

f x y d

, ˘ ,

˘ cos sin , .

( ) = ( )= +( )∫

� φ

φ φ φ φπ


b x y f x yr

f x y dx dy

x x y y

, ,,

.( ) = ( ) ∗ ∗ =′ ′( ) ′ ′

− ′( ) + − ′( )




2 21 2

˘ .f f= −� �11


b f f= = −� ˘ .�� �11


b x y f s f q e dqi sq, , ˜ , .( ) = ( ) = ( )−∞

∫� �φ φ π2

b x y dq f q e

q f q e q dq d

i q x y

i qr

, ˜ ,

˜ , ,

cos sin


( ) = ( )= ( )

+( )−∞

− −( )−∞



φ φ

π φ φπ

π θ φπ



1 2



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and from the convolution theorem


The last term on the right is just the Hankel transform of �q �–1 that gives �r �–1, and the other term yieldsf (x, y). These substitutions immediately verify (8.12.12).

The desired algorithm follows by taking the 2D Fourier transform of (8.12.14),


Application of �2–1 to both sides of this equation, along with the replacement b = �f , yields the basic

reconstruction formula for filter of the backprojected projections.


Just as in the previous section a window function can be introduced, but this time it must be a 2Dfunction. Let

Now (8.12.16) becomes


Once the window function is selected, g can be found in advance by calculating the inverse 2D Fouriertransform, and the reconstruction is accomplished by a 2D convolution with the backprojection of theprojections.

Options for implementation of these results are illustrated in Figure 8.11. Important references forapplications and numerical implementation of this algorithm are Bates and Peters [1971], Smith, Peters,and Bates [1973], Gullberg [1979], and Budinger, Gullberg, and Huesman [1979].

8.12.4 Direct Fourier Method

The direct Fourier method follows immediately from the central-slice theorem, Section 8.2.5, in the form


b x y q f, ˜ ,( ) = { }− −�2

1 1

b x y f q, ˜ .( ) = { }[ ] ∗∗ { }

− − −� �2


1 1


1b x y q f u v, ˜ ,( ) = ( )−

˜ , .f u v q b( ) = �2

f x y q f, ˘ .( ) = { }−� � �21


˜ , , .g u v q w u v( ) = ( )

f x y g f

g f

g x y b x y

, ˜ ˘

˜ ˘

, , .

( ) = { }= { }[ ] ∗∗ [ ]= ( ) ∗∗ ( )

� � �

� �




f f= −� �21

1˘ .

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The important point is that the 1D Fourier transform of the projections produces f (q, φ) defined on apolar grid in Fourier space. An interpolation is needed to get f (u, v) and then apply �2

–1 to recoverf (x, y). The procedure is illustrated in Figure 8.12. Although this appears to be the simplest inversionalgorithm, it turns out that there are computational problems associated with the interpolation and thereis a need to do a 2D inverse Fourier transform. For a detailed discussion see: Mersereau [1976], Start,Woods, Paul, and Hingorani [1981], and Sezan and Stark [1984].

8.12.5 Iterative and Algebraic Reconstruction Techniques

The so-called algebraic reconstruction techniques (ART) form a large family of reconstruction algorithms.They are iterative procedures that vary depending on how the discretization is performed. There is ahigh computational cost associated with ART, but there are some advantages, too. Standard numericalanalysis techniques can be applied to a wide range of problems and ray configurations, and a prioriinformation can be incorporated in the solution. Details about various methods, the history, and extensivereference to original work is provided by Herman [1980], Rosenfeld and Kak [1982], and Natterer [1986].Also, the discrete Radon transform and its inversion is described by Beylkin [1987] and Kelly andMadisetti [1993], where both the forward and inverse transforms are implemented using standardmethods of linear algebra.

8.13 Series

There are many series approaches to finding an approximation to the original feature space function fwhen given sufficient information about the corresponding function in Radon space. The particularmethod selected usually depends on the physical situation and the quality of the data. The purpose ofthis section is to present some of the more useful approaches and observe that the basic ideas developedhere carry over to other series techniques not discussed.

FIGURE 8.11 Filter of backprojections and convolution, q = .x2 v2+


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The approach is to give details for some of the 2D cases and quote results and references for higherdimensional cases. The first method discussed, the circular harmonic expansion, is the method used byCormack [1963, 1964] in his now famous work that many regard as the beginning of modern computedtomography.

8.13.1 Circular Harmonic Decomposition

The basic ideas developed in Section 8.11.2 can be extended to obtain the major results. First, note thatin polar coordinates in feature space, functions that represent physical situations are periodic with period2π. This immediately leads to a consideration of expanding the function in a Fourier series. If f (x, y) iswritten for f (r, θ), then the decomposition is


The sum is understood to be from –∞ to ∞, and the Fourier coefficient hl is given by


The Radon transform of f can also be expanded in a Fourier series of the same form,


FIGURE 8.12 Direct Fourier method.

f r h r eli l


, .θ θ( ) = ( )∑

h r f r e dli l( ) = ( ) −∫1

2 0


πθ θθ

π, .

˘ , ˘ ,f p h p eli l


φ φ( ) = ( )∑

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The connection between the Fourier coefficients in the two spaces can be determined by taking theRadon transform of f, as given by (8.13.1). The polar form of the transform gives

Now, the change of variables β = θ – φ leads to an expression similar to one obtained in Section 8.11.2,


From the linear independence of the functions eilφ, it follows by comparison of (8.13.3) and (8.13.5) that

From (8.11.13) this gives the connection between the Fourier coefficients in terms of a Tchebychefftransform,


One form of the inverse is


Here the prime means derivative with respect to p.The inverse (8.13.6b) can be found by various techniques. These include use of the Mellin transform,

contour integration, and orthogonality properties of the Tchebycheff polynomials of the first and secondkinds. The method used by Barrett [1984] is easy to follow, and he provides extensive reference to otherderivations and some of the subtleties related to the stability and uniqueness of the inverse. The problemwith this expression for the inverse is that Tl increases exponentially as l → ∞ and hl is a rapidly oscillatingfunction. The integration of the product of these two functions leads to severe cancellations and numericalinstability. For a further discussion of stability, uniqueness, and other forms for the inverse, see Hansen

˘ ˘ , , ,h p f p e d plil( ) = ( ) ≥−∫1




πφ φφ


˘ ˘ .h p h pl


l−( ) = −( ) ( )1

˘ , cos .f p e h r p r r dr dill


φ δ θ φ θθπ

( ) = ( ) − −( )[ ]∞



˘ , cos .f p e dr rh r d e p rill

i l


φ β δ βφ βπ

( ) = ( ) −( )∞

∫ ∫∑0 0


˘ cos .h p dr rh r d e p rl li l( ) = ( ) −( )

∫ ∫0 0


β δ ββπ

˘ , .h p h r Tp



rdr pl l l

p( ) = ( )


∫2 1 02


1 2

h rr

h p Tp



rdp rl l l

r( ) = − ′( )



∫11 0



1 2

π˘ , .

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[1981], Hawkins and Barrett [1986], and Natterer [1986]. Additional details on the circular harmonicRadon transform are given by Chapman and Cary [1986].

Extension to Higher Dimensions

The extension to higher dimensions is presented in detail by Ludwig [1966]. Other relevant referencesinclude Deans [1978, 1979] and Barrett [1984]. The nD counterpart of the transform pair is given by(8.13.6) is a Gegenbauer transform pair for the radial functions,




In these equations, r ≥ 0, p ≥ 0, h l(2v+1) = (d/dp)(2v+1) hl(p), hl(–p) = (–1)l hl(p), and v is related to the

dimension n by v = (n – 2)/2.The Gegenbauer polynomials C v

l are orthogonal over the interval [–1, +1] [Rainville, 1960] and [Szegö,1939]. This leads to questions about the integration in (8.13.7b). And, just as mentioned in connectionwith (8.13.6b), this formula is not practical for numerical implementation. However, the integral can beunderstood because it is possible to define Gegenbauer functions Gv

l (z) analytic in the complez z planecut from –1 to –∞. For a discussion and proofs, see Durand, Fishbane, and Simmons [1976].

Three Dimensions

The 3D version of the expansion (8.13.1) is in terms of the real orthonormal spherical harmonics Slm(ω),discussed by Hochstadt [1971],


The Alm are real constants and ω is a 3D unit vector,

The corresponding expansion in Radon space is


It follows from the orthogonality of the spherical harmonics that


˘ ,h pl v

l vr h r C






vl l



p( ) = ( ) +( ) ( )

+( ) ( )


∫4 1




12π Γ Γ


h rl v

l v rh p C






v l




r( ) = −( ) +( ) ( )

+( ) ( )


++( )


∫1 1

2 21

2 1


2 12


12Γ Γ

Γπ˘ .

f r A h r Slm l lm

l m

, .,

ωω ωω( ) = ( ) ( )∑

ωω = ( )sin cos , sin sin , cos .θ φ θ φ θ

˘ , ˘ .,

f p A h r Slm l lm

l m

ξξ ξξ( ) = ( ) ( )∑

A h p f p S dlm l lm˘ ˘ , ,( ) = ( ) ( )

=∫ ξξ ξξ ξξξξ 1

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where dξξξξ is the surface element on a unit sphere. The Gegenbauer transform Equation (8.13.7) reducesto a Legendre transform for n = 3, v = , and the radial functions satisfy



The spherical harmonics Ylm(θ, φ), discussed by Arfken [1985], are probably more familiar to engineersand physicists. These can be used in place of the Slm suggested here. However, various properties (real,orthonormal, symmetry) of the Slm make them more suitable for use in connection with problemsinvolving the general nD Radon transform [Ludwig, 1966].

For the 3D case, one possible connection is given by

where Yl,–m = (–1)mY *lm . Note that under the parity operation

the well known result Ylm → (–1)lYlm carries over to the Slm(ωωωω), giving

8.13.2 Orthogonal Functions on the Unit Disk

In most practical reconstruction problems the function in feature space is confined to a finite region.This region can always be scaled to fit inside a unit disk. Hence, the development of an orthogonalfunction expansion on the unit disk holds promise as a useful approach for inversion using series methods.(In this connection, note that when the problem is confined to the unit disk the infinite upper limit onall integrals in the previous section can be replaced by unity.) Orthogonal polynomials that have beenused for many years in optics are especially good candidates. These are the Zernike polynomials; astandard reference is Born and Wolf [1975]; also see Chapter 1. A more recent reference, Kim and Shannon[1987], contains a graphic library of 37 selected Zernike expansion terms. One reason why these functionsare desirable is that their transforms (� and �) lead to orthogonal function expansions in both Radonand Fourier space. This choice for basis functions in reconstruction has been discussed by Cormack[1964], Marr [1974], Zeitler [1974], and Hawkins and Barrett [1986], and examples similar to thosegiven here are given by Deans [1983, 1993].

The approach is to assume that f (x,y) can be approximated by a sum of monomials of the form xkyj.Then xkyj can be written as rk+ j multiplied by some function of sinθ and cosθ . This leads to theconsideration of an expansion of the form


˘ ,h p rh r Pp

rdrl l l

p( ) = ( )


h rr

h p Pp

rdpl l l

r( ) = ′′( )


2π˘ .


Y Ym l

Y m


im l


lm lm


lm lm


+ = …

=− = − − … −



, , , ,


, , , , ,

21 2


21 2





x x y y z z→ − → − → −( ), , ,

S Slm


lm−( ) = −( ) ( )ωω ωω1 .

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in terms of complex constants Als and Zernike polynomials Z lm(r), with m = � l � + 2s. The Radon transform

of this expression can be found exactly, and it contains the same constants. These constants are evaluatedin Radon space, and the feature space function is found by the expansion (8.13.12). There are severalsubtle points associated with this process, and it is useful to break the problem into separate parts. First,we discuss relevant properties of the Zernike polynomials, and give some simple examples. This is followedwith the transform to Radon space, and more examples. Next, the expression for the constants Als isfound in terms of f, which is assumed known from experiment. Finally, to emphasize that this applicationalso extends to Fourier space, the transform to Fourier space is illustrated, along with some observationsregarding three different orthonormal basis sets.

Zernike Polynomials

The Zernike polynomials (see Chapter 1, Section 5) can be found by orthogonalizing the powers

with weight function r over the interval [0,1]. The exponent l is a nonnegative integer. The resultingpolynomial Zl

m (r) is a degree m = l + 2s and it contains no powers of r less than l. The polynomials areeven if l is even and odd if l is odd. This leads to an important symmetry relation,


The orthogonality condition is given by


It follows that the expansion coefficients are given by


In this equation l ≥ 0. To find the expansion coefficient for negative values of l, use the complex conjugate,


Some simple examples are useful to gain an understanding of just how the expansion works. A shorttable of Zernike polynomials is given in Appendix A. Methods for extending the table and many otherproperties are given by Born and Wolf [1975].

Example 1

Let the feature space function be given by f(x,y) = y in the unit circle and zero outside the circle. Thus,in terms of r,

f r h r e A Z r eli l


ls l s

l i l


, ,θ θ θ( ) = ( ) = ( )=−∞



∑ ∑∑ 2


r r rl l l, , ,+ +2 4 L

Z r Z rml


ml−( ) = −( ) ( )1 .

Z r Z r r drl s

l sl

l tl

st+ +( ) ( ) =+ +( )∫ 2 2


1 1

2 2 1δ .

Al s

f r r Z r e r dr dls l sl i l=

+ +( ) ( ) ( )+−∫∫

2 2 1

2 20




πθ φ θθ

πcos , sin .

A Al s ls− =,* .

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Here, the degree is 1 and � l � + 2s ≤ 1. The series expansion (8.13.12) reduces to

This case is easy enough to do by inspection of the table of Zernike polynomials in Appendix A. Thecoefficients are A00 = 0, A10 = , A–10 = – . This choice gives

Example 2

This time let f (x,y) = xy, so f (r,θ) = r2 cos θ sin θ. It follows immediately from the angular part of theintegral in (8.13.15a) that the only nonzero coefficients are given by A20 = and A–20 = – . This leadsto the expansion


Example 3

Let f (x, y) = x (x2 + y2). Now, changing to r and θ gives f(r,θ) = r3 cos θ. It is tempting to take a quicklook at the table and say the expansion must contain A30 and Z 3

3 because this polynomial is equal to r3.This is not the correct thing to do! A quick inspection of the angular part of (8.13.15a) reveals that A30

vanishes. The nonzero constants are A11 = A–11 = , and A10 = A –10 = . This gives the correct expansion

Transform of the Zernike Polynomials

We need to find the Radon transform of a function of the form

It is adequate to consider l ≥ 0, because the negative case follows by complex conjugation. The angularpart transforms to e i l φ and the radial part must satisfy (8.13.6a) with upper limit 1,


f x y r, sin .( ) = θ

f x y A Z A Z e A Z ei i, .( ) = + + −−

00 00

10 11

10 11θ θ



f x y re e

iZ r

i i

, sin .( ) = − = ( )−θ θ

θ2 1




f x y A e A e Z ri i,( ) = +( ) ( )−−



22θ θ

f x y re e


i i

, cos sin .( ) = − =−

22 2



θ θ

θ θ



f x y Z r Z r r, cos cos cos .( ) = ( ) + ( ) =1




11 3θ θ θ

f x y Z r eml i l, .( ) = ( ) θ

˘ , .h p Z r Tp



rdr pl m


p( ) = ( )

∫2 1 02


1 21

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There are various ways to evaluate this integral, and the details are not shown here. The method usedby Zeitler [1974] and Deans [1983, 1993] makes use of the path through Fourier space to find thetransformed function in Radon space. The important result is that the orthogonal set of Zernike poly-nomials transforms to the orthogonal set of Tchebycheff polynomials of the second kind,


with m = l + 2s. Basic properties of the Um are given in Appendix A, and summaries are given by Arfken[1985] and Erdélyi et al. [1953].

The Radon transform of (8.13.12) follows immediately by use of (8.13.17),


Some more examples serve to illustrate how the method developed here relates to transforms foundin earlier sections when the function is confined to the unit disk. Also, these examples are designed topoint out ways certain pitfalls can be avoided.

Example 4

If f (x, y) = 1 on the unit disk and zero elsewhere, the expansion in terms of Zernike polynomials is justf = Z0

0 , with A00 = 1. From (8.13.18), f = 2 , because U0 = 1. Note that this is just another way ofdoing Example 7 in Section 8.5.

Example 5

If f (x, y) = x2 = r2 cos2 θ = r2(1 + cos 2θ) on the unit disk, then

This serves to identify the coefficients Als and by use of (8.13.18)

After simplification,

Now note that if f (x, y) = y2 = r2(1 – cos 2θ), the change is (cosφ ↔ sinφ) in the equation for �{x2}, and

Finally, by linearity, the transform of f (x, y) = x2 + y2 is given by the sum of the above transforms

� Z r em

p U p eml il

mil( ){ } =

+− ( )θ φ2

11 2 ,

˘ , .f p Al s

p U p els l sil


φ φ( ) = + +− ( )+



∑∑ 2

2 11 2



1 p2–


f x y Z Z Z, cos .( ) = +( )+1





22 θ

˘ cos .f p U U U= − +








0 2 2 φ

� x p p p2 2 2 2 2 21 22

31{ } = − + −( )

cos sin .φ φ


� y p p p2 2 2 2 2 21 22

31{ } = − + −( )

sin cos .φ φ

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Example 6

Let f (x, y) = 1 – r2 on the unit disk. By using the methods of the earlier examples in this section

From (8.13.18)

Or, after substitution for U0 and U2 from Appendix A,

Another way to obtain this is to use Examples 4 and 5 and linearity.

Example 7

For f (x, y) = x(x2 + y2) as in Example 3, it follows from knowing that Als that

Example 8

It may be worthwhile to emphasize that there are certain transforms that cannot be found by a naiveapplication of the Zernike polynomials. To illustrate, suppose f (x, y) = x . Although this has theform f = xr = Z2

2 cos θ, it is not a simple sum over monomials x k y j, and the method of this section doesnot apply. The transform can be found by use of the technique in Example 9 of Section 8.5. The solution is

Clearly, this does not follow by Zernike decomposition of xr.

Evaluation in Radon Space

In the previous section, (8.13.18) was used to find Radon transforms when the constants Als can bedetermined by knowing the feature space function. Here the idea is to determine the same constants byknowledge of the Radon space function f. It is easy to solve for the constants directly from (8.13.18).Multiply both sides by e –il ′φUl′ +2t and integrate over p and φ. Then use the orthogonality equation forthe Um in Appendix A to find the constants,

� x y p p2 2 2 22

31 2 1+{ } = − +( ).

f Z Z Z Z Z= − +( ) = −00










˘ .f p U p U= − − −1

22 1







˘ .f p p= −( ) −4

31 12 2

˘ cos

cos .

f p U U

p p p

= − +

= +( ) −






32 1 1

23 1

2 2



x2 y2+

˘ , cos log .f p p pp p

pφ φ( ) = − +

+ −




1 122 2

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Example 9

The simplest test of (8.13.19) is for the inverse of the problem of Example 4. We assume that f = 2with l = s = 0, then f = 1 on the unit disk

Transform to Fourier Space

The Radon transform of the basis set given in (8.13.17) transformed one orthogonal set to anotherorthogonal set. It is interesting to examine the Fourier transform of the basis set. It turns out that thisalso leads to another orthogonal set. Details are given by Zeitler [1974] and Deans [1983, 1993]. Theimportant result is that


This equation is obtained using the symmetric form of the Fourier transform (see [8.2.14]). These Besselfunctions are orthogonal with respect to weight function q–1, and have been studied by Wilkins [1948],

The Fourier space version of (8.13.12) is


Example 10

The Fourier transform of the characteristic function of the unit disk, Example 4, with A00 = 1 and l =s = 0, is given by J1(2πq)/q.

Example 11

For the function in Example 6, the expansion (8.13.21), with A00 = and A01 = – , yields

The last equality follows from the Bessel function identity

Al s

f p e U dp dlsil

l s=+ + ( ) −


2 1

2 2 21




πφ φφ

π˘ , .

1 p2–

A p dp d

p dp

00 2










22 1

21 1

= −

= − =






�2 2

2 11

2Z r e i e

J q

ql sl il

l sil l s

++ +( ){ } = −( ) −( ) ( )θ φ


J q J q q dql s

l s l tst

+ + + +−

∞ ( ) ( ) =+ +( )∫ 2 1 2 1


0 2 2 1


˜ , .f q i A eJ q


l s

lsil l s



φ( ) = −( ) −( ) ( )+ +



∑∑ 12

2 1




�22 1 3 2






2−{ } =

( )+

( )=

( )r

J q


J q


J q


π π π


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with n = 2 and z =2πq.

Example 12

Repeat Example 5 with transforms to Fourier space using (8.13.21).

The last part follows from the identify in Example 11. Also, note that the result for x2 + y2 follows directlyfrom Examples 10 and 11 and linearity.

Some Final Observations

It is possible to find orthogonal function expansions that transform to each other in all three spaces. Infeature space the Zernike polynomials, defined on the unit disk, are orthogonal with weight function rover the interval 0 ≤ r ≤ 1. In Radon space the Tchebycheff polynomials of the second kind emerge,orthogonal on the interval –1 ≤ p ≤ 1 with weight function . These are both defined on finiteintervals and consequently, as is to be expected, in Fourier space the interval is infinite, 0 ≤ q ≤ ∞. Theorthogonal functions are no longer polynomials, they are orthogonal Bessel functions with weightfunction q–1. The orthogonality integrals over the three spaces, including the angles, are given by




8.14 Parseval Relation

In the notation of Section 8.1.2, let inner products in nD be designated by

If the nD Fourier transforms of f and g are designated by f and g , the Parseval relation for the Fouriertransform is given by

J z J zn

zJ zn n n− +( )+ ( ) = ( )1 1


22 1 3 3

22 1 3 3

22 2 1 3 1


















xJ q


J q


J q


yJ q


J q


J q


x yJ q


J q


J q


{ } =( )

−( )

−( )

{ } =( )

−( )

+( )

+{ } =( )

−( )

=( )

π π πφ

π π πφ

π π π



JJ q




2ππ( )


1 p2–

Z r e Z r e r dr dl sl s

l i l

l s

l i ll l s s+ ′ + ′

′ ′′ ′( )[ ] ( ) =

+ +∫∫ 20




2 2 1θ

πθ θ π δ δ*


U p e U p e p dp dl s

l i l

l s

l i ll l s s+

−′ + ′′ ′

′ ′( )[ ] ( ) − =∫∫ 21




22 21φ

πφ φ π δ δ*


J q e J q e q dq dl sl s

i ll s

i ll l s s+ +

′ + ′+′ −

′ ′( )[ ] ( ) =+ +∫∫ 2 1



2 11

2 1φ

πφ φ π δ δ*


f g f g d, .*= ( ) ( )∫ x x x

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The integral on the right is over all Fourier space. If g = f, then the integrals are normalization integrals.This guarantees that if f is normalized to unity, then its Fourier transform is also normalized to unity.

The corresponding expression for the Radon transform is considerably more complicated, and weneed to extend some of the previous work in order to give a general result. First, define the adjoint forthe Radon transform. If inner products in Radon space are designated by square brackets, then �† is theadjoint in the sense that


Here, G is a function of the variables in Radon space, G = G(p, ξξξξ), and the adjoint operator �† convertsG to a function of x, designated by g(x) = �†G(p, ξξξξ). For example, in 2D the adjoint is just two timesthe backprojection operator, �† = 2�.

Example 1

It is instructive to see how (8.14.2) comes from the definitions,

The significance of this result is more apparent after making a generalization of Section 8.9 to includethe nD inversion formula. Define the operator ϒ to cover both the even and odd dimension cases [Ludwig,1966], [Deans, 1983, 1993]:


where Nn = (2πi)1–n. This reduces to (8.9.9) for n = 2 and to (8.9.12) for n = 3.With this definition the inversion formula for the Radon transform is given by

f g f g, ˜, ˜ .=

f g f G, , .†� �=[ ]

f g d f g

d f d G

d f d dp G p p

d dp d f p G p

d dp f p





˘ ,

†� = ( ) ( )= ( ) ⋅( )

= ( ) ( ) − ⋅( )

= ( ) − ⋅( ) ( )

= (

∫∫ ∫

∫ ∫ ∫

∫ ∫ ∫


= −∞

= −∞


x x x

x x x

x x x

x x x

ξξ ξξ ξξ

ξξ ξξ ξξ

ξξ ξξ ξξ

ξξ ξξ











)) ( )= [ ]


∫ G p

f G


, .


g t g


g p n


i pg p n



p t



p t

( ) = =


( )


( )








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This leads to the operator identity operating in feature space,


By starting with

it follows that the identity operating on functions in Radon space is given by


When Equations (8.14.2) and (8.14.6) are combined, we obtain the desired form for the Parsevalrelation for the Radon transform,


An important special case is for g = f, then


Example 2

Verify the Parseval relation (8.14.8) explicitly in all three spaces for f (x, y) = e –x2 – y2. This looks simple,but it demonstrates the difficulty of dealing with Radon space compared with feature space and Fourierspace.

Feature space:

f f f R f= = =−

� � �† † †˘ ˘ .� �

I = � �† .�

� � ��† † † ,G g I g G= = = �

I = ���†.

f g f G

f I G

f G

f g

f g

, ,




˘, ˘


=[ ]= [ ]= [ ]= [ ]

� ��

� �

f f f f, ˘ , ˘ .=[ ]�

f f e e dx dy

e dx dy

x y x y

x y





= =

− − − −



− −




2 2 2 2

2 22 2

2 2 2

π π π

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Fourier space: Note that q2 = u2 + v2. Then

Radon space: Verification in Radon space is not as easy as the other two cases due to the presence of theHilbert transform. The entire calculation is shown in detail, because there are some tricky parts. Firstnote that ∂ f /∂p = –2 p e –p2. Then (8.14.8) is

Because there is no angle dependence, the integral ∫ �ξξξξ � dξξξξ = 2π. Hence, the last inner product becomes

Now the problem is to demonstrate that this double integral yields π/2. Change the order of integrationto get

From page 227 of Davis and Rabinowitz [1984], this becomes

Another change in the order of integration followed by evaluation of the definite integrals (Appendix A)yields the desired result,

˜, ˜


f f e e du dv

e e du dv

u v u v

u v



= =

− +( ) − +( )−∞


− −





π π


π π





π π

π π

2 2 2 2 2 2

2 2 2 22 2 2


2 22 2 2


˘ , ˘ ,˘


, .

f f ef


e p e

e p e


p p

p p

�[ ] = − ∂∂

= −


− −

− −





2 2

2 2










˘ , ˘


f f dp e dsse

s p

dp e dsse

s p



�[ ] = −



∞ −



∞ −


∫ ∫

∫ ∫






˘ , ˘ .f f ds se dpe

s ps


�[ ] = −−


∞ −


∫ ∫22

˘ , ˘ .f f ds se se dpes s s p�[ ] = −



−∫ ∫2 2 2 2




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8.15 Generalizations and Wavelets

Mathematical generalizations of the Radon transform and some of the more technical applications arediscussed in the recent publications edited by Grinberg and Quinto [1990] and Gindikin and Michor[1994]. There are many other references and the reader interested in some of the more abstract treatmentswill find these two books good entry points to the literature.

A generalization that has important applicability in the area of image reconstruction in nuclearmedicine is known as the attenuated Radon transform. One way to define this transform is to modify(8.2.4) to read


If the attenuation term µ is a constant, say µ0, that vanishes outside a finite region, then this equationreduces to what is often referred to as the exponential Radon transform,


These transforms are fundamental in single photon emission tomography (SPECT), and to a lesser degreein positron emission tomograph (PET) where corrections can be introduced to compensate for attenu-ation [Budinger, Gullberg, and Huesman, 1979]. For details see Natterer [1979, 1986], Tretiak and Metz[1980], Clough and Barrett [1983], Hawkins, Leichner, and Yang [1988], Hazou and Solman [1989], andNievergelt [1991].

One of the most recent and certainly one of the most exciting new developments is the use of thewavelet transform in connection with the Radon transform. The application of wavelets to inversion ofthe Radon transform has been investigated by Kaiser and Streater [1992]. They make use of a change ofvariables to connect a generalized version of the Radon transform to a continuous wavelet transform.Work along related lines was done by Holschneider [1991] where the inverse wavelet transform is usedto obtain a pointwise and uniformly convergent inversion formula for the Radon transform.

Berenstein and Walnut [1994] use the theory of the continuous wavelet transform to derive inversionformulas for the Radon transform. The inversion formula they obtain is “local” in even dimensions inthe following sense (stated for 2D): to recover f to a given accuracy in a circle of radius r about a point(x0 , y0) it is sufficient to know only those projections through a circle of radius r + α about (x0, y0) forsome α > 0. The accuracy increases as α increases. In a related paper, Walnut [1992] demonstrates how

˘ , ˘


f f dp ds s e





p s�[ ] =

=−( )

=−( )


− −( )−∞

∫ ∫


π π




12 2

23 2



23 2



2 2

2 2



˘ , exp .f p f p t p s ds dtt

µ φ µ( ) = + ′( ) − + ′( )


∫∫ ξξ ξξ ξξ ξξ

˘ , .f p e f p t dttµ


0( ) = + ′( )−∞

∫ ξξ ξξ

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the Gabor and wavelet transforms relate to the Radon transform. He finds inversion formulas for f basedon Gabor and wavelet expansions by a direct method and by the filtered backprojection method.

More work on wavelet localization of the Radon transform is in the papers by Olson and DeStefano[1994], and Olson [1995]. As mentioned in Section 8.9, they emphasize that one problem with the Radontransform in two dimensions (most relevant in medical imaging) is that the inversion formula is globallydependent upon the line integral of the object function f. A fundamental important aspect of their workis that they are able to develop a stable algorithm that uses properties of wavelets to “essentially localize”the Radon transform. This means collect line integrals which pass through the region of interest, plus asmall number of integrals not through the region. Recent work by Rashid-Farrokhi, Liu, Berenstein, andWalnut [1997] makes use of the properties of wavelets with many vanishing moments to reconstructlocal regions of a cross section using almost completely local data. A comprehensive discussion of theRadon transform and local tomography is given in the book by Ramm and Katsevich [1966].

The work by Donoho [1992] on nonlinear solution of linear inverse problems by wavelet-vaguelettedecomposition is relevant to the inversion of Abel-type transforms and Radon transforms. This methodserves as a substitute for the singular value decomposition of an inverse problem, and applies to a largeclass of ill-posed inverse problems.

Another important applied generalization is related to fan beam and cone beam tomography. Recentwork in these areas can be found in papers by Natterer [1993], Kudo and Saito [1990, 1991], Rizo et al.[1991], Gullberg et al. [1991], and in the book by Natterer [1986].

In recent work by Wood and Barry [1994], the Wigner distribution is combined with the Radontransform to facilitate the analysis of multicomponent linear FM signals. These authors provide severalreferences to other applications of this combined transform, now known as the Radon-Wigner transform.

8.16 Discrete Periodic Radon Transform

A natural extension of the continuous Radon transform that can be used for discrete data sets has beendeveloped by Gertner [1988]. Further work by Hsung, Lun, and Siu [1996] demonstrates many detailsregarding both the forward and inverse discrete periodic Radon transform (DPRT). The application of thistransform to N × N sets of data when N is prime will be demonstrated here. This is the simplest case;however, further generalizations are possible and for these we refer the reader to Hsung, Lun, and Siu [1996].

Clearly, a prime factor algorithm is not greatly restrictive since there are primes just a little greaterthan any power of two and zeros can be added with absolutely no consequence of importance. Thepurpose here is to make as much contact with the continuous transform as possible, while defining adiscrete transform and its inverse. The extension here is applied directly to the continuous transformdefined in Section 8.2.1 for two dimensions.

8.16.1 The Discrete Version of the Image

The function f defines the image in terms of coordinates (x,y). Here we let x and y be discrete and varyfrom 0 to P – 1, where P is prime. Moreover, for values of x and y greater than or equal to P we definethe periodic extension of f such that for positive integers l, n

This means that knowledge of f (x, y) for x and y in the set {0,1,2,..., P – 1} serves to define f everywhere.For example, suppose P = 3, then f(4,1) = f(1,1) and f(6,8) = f(0,2). To make this more precise, if theresidue of a modulo P is designated by

f x l P y n P f x y+ +( ) = ( ), , .

a P aP

mod , ≡ [ ] Definition

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This square bracket notation is especially useful for some of the formulas. In terms of an image, thisamounts to reproducing the image over and over again in both the vertical and horizontal directions.This will be illustrated when interpreting the discrete transform.

8.16.2 A Discrete Transform

The prime factor discrete periodic Radon transform is defined by three equations:

In all of these equations b = 0,1,..., P – 1. Note that for computational and coding purposes the last twoequations can be combined by letting m vary from 0 to P – 1. At this point, an example followed by ageneralization will be especially valuable.

Example 1

Suppose P = 5 and we wish to calculate f (1,2). Set b = 1 and m = 2, then

The graphical interpretation is shown in Figure 8.13, where the periodic extension is shown explicitlyon the right. Also, note that for this P = 5 case:

FIGURE 8.13 Use of the periodic property.

f x y f x yP P

, , .( ) = [ ] [ ]( )

˘ , ,

˘ , ˘ , ,

˘ , , , , , .

f b f b y

f b f b f x b

f b m f x b mx m P







b( ) = ( )

( ) ≡ ↔( ) = ( )

( ) = +[ ]( ) = … −











1 2 1



˘ , , , , , , .f f f f f f1 2 0 1 1 3 2 0 3 2 4 4( ) = ( )+ ( )+ ( )+ ( )+ ( )

tan , tan , .θ θ= = = − =m m m P m for and for 1 2 3 4

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The generalization of the previous example to arbitrary values of P follows by induction. The slopevariable takes on the values

The angles θ (slope angle) and φ (used in continuous case) are related by

A Word of CautionThe equations apply to a function f (x, y) where x is horizontal and y is vertical as indicated in Figure 8.13.If you are using a matrix of numbers M (i, j) where i designates rows and j designates columns, you willhave to make some changes, since x actually labels columns and y labels rows. Also, (x,y) = (0,0) is inthe lower left corner and often M(0,0) is in the upper left corner.

8.16.3 The Inverse Transform

The inverse transform is given by

This can be derived by using a discrete version of the projection-slice theorem in Section 8.2.5 alongwith the discrete two-dimensional Fourier transform. It is important to realize that this result is exact.See Hsung, Lun, and Siu [1996] for more details and extensions.

Example 2

We illustrate the transform with a 5 × 5 matrix of data f (x, y)

mP P

P= … − + … −1 21



21, , , , , , .

tan , , , ,

tan , , , .

θ θ π φ π θ

θ π θ π φ θ π

= ≤ ≤ − < < = − −

= − + ≤ ≤ − < < = −

m mP

m PP

m P



2 2



2 2

f x yP

f y mx P mP

f bP

f xP





, ˘ , ˘ , ˘ , .( ) = − +[ ]

− ( )+ ( )



∑ ∑1 1 12





b b



4 1 2 1 4 5

3 6 0 1 9 3

2 4 5 8 0 1

1 0 3 4 7 6

0 0 1 2 3 8

0 1 2 3 4

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The transform f (b, m) is given by

8.16.4 Good New and Bad News

The discrete transform and inversion algorithm given here represents a natural evolution from thecontinuous case to the discrete case. It yields exact results, is simple and very fast (the inverse is free ofmultiplications). It is completely different from algorithms used in commercial machines designed fortomography. Those algorithms are usually based on filtered backprojection, convolution techniques, andutilize projections at equal angle increments, Huesman, Gullberg, Greenberg, and Budinger [1977],Brooks and Di Chiro [1976], Rosenfeld and Kak [1982]. The prime factor discrete algorithm here requiresspecific slopes that translate to an irregular sampling with respect to angle. This results in a tradeoff.Although this algorithm is exact and fast, it may not be easy to implement in an experimental setting.Also, if the prime factor P is large (greater than about 13) the angles are very closely spaced as the slopeparameter m approaches the vertical. Moreover, the algorithm requires the use of periodicity and inexperimental situations this is likely to be a problem.

Appendix A: Functions and Formulas

Various functions and formulas are recorded here for the convenience of the reader. (Also, see Chapter 1and Appendices.) The information here can be found in standard sources. In particular, those used hereinclude Abramowitz and Stegun [1972], Arfken [1985], Born and Wolf [1975], Erdélyi et al. [1953],Gradshteyn et al. [1994], Lide [1993], Rainville [1960], and Szegö [1939].

A.1 Tchebycheff Polynomials: First Kind: Tl(x)




4 9 12 16 23 24

3 9 16 18 18 23

11 11 16 23 23

2 16 7 27 25 9

1 25 18 14 18 9

14 20 18 19 13

0 1 2 3 4


T x l x x

T x l x x

T x x x x x x




l l

( ) = ( ) < <

( ) = ( ) < < ∞

( ) = + −

+ − −

< < ∞

cos arccos ,

cosh cosh ,


0 1





21 0


2 2

T Tl

T x T xl l l


l1 1 02

1( ) = ( ) = −( ) = −( ) ( ), cos , π

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Recurrence and Derivatives

First Few

Useful Integrals

T x T x x dx

l m

l m

l ml m( ) ( ) −( ) =

≠= ≠= =

−∫ 1




21 2












T xT T

x T lT l xT

x T xT l T

l l l

l l l

l l l

+ −

= −

−( ) ′= −

−( ) ′′− ′+ =

1 1


2 2



1 0


T x

T x

T x x






2 1

4 3



= −

= −

T x a T x b dx

x b x x aab


x b x x aab

x dx

b x x a

x dx

b x x a

l l









( ) ( )−( ) −( )


−( ) −( )=

−( ) −( )=

−( ) −( )=

2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2


2 2 2 2
















2 2a b+( )

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A.2 Tchebycheff Polynomials: Second Kind: Ul(x)



Recurrence and Derivatives

First Few

U xl x


U xl x


U xx x x x

xx x

U x U x




l l




( ) = ( )−

< <

( ) = ( )−

< < ∞

( ) =+ −

− − −

−< < ∞ ≠

−( ) = −( )






2 2


10 1


1 1

2 10 1


cos arccos,

sinh cosh,

, ,

(( ) ( ) = + ( ) =, , cosU l Ul

l l1 1 02


U x U x x dxl m lm( ) ( ) −( ) =−∫ 1


1 2


1 π δ

U xU U

x U l U l xU

x U xU l l U

l l l

l l l

l l l

+ −

= −

−( ) ′ = +( ) −

−( ) ′′− ′ + +( ) =

1 1




1 1

1 3 2 0


U x

U x

U x x

U x x





44 2



4 1

8 4

16 12 1



= −

= −

= − +

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Miscellaneous Connections

A.3 Hermite Polynomials: Hl(x)

Generating Function


Recurrence and Derivatives

Special Values

First Few

UlT l

T U xU l

x U xT T



x x


x x


l l

l l l

l l l


l l

+ +

= ′ ≥

= − ≥

−( ) = −

−− =

− −


+ −




21 2

















eH x t

lxt t l







=( )∑ !

H x H x e dx ll mx l

lm( ) ( ) =−


∫ 2

2π δ

H x H l H

H l H

H x H l H

l l l

l l

l l l

+ −

= −

′ =

′′− ′ + =

1 1


2 2


2 2 0

H x H x










( ) = −( ) −( )

( ) = −( ) ( )

( ) =+


0 12

0 0


2 1




H x

H x

H x x

H x x





44 2



4 2

8 12

16 48 12



= −

= −

= − +

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Reverse Expansions

A.4 Zernike Polynomials: Z lm (r)

DefinitionThe Zernike polynomials can be defined in terms of the more general Jacobi polynomials Pn

(α,β) (z) by

An extensive discussion of the Zernike polynomials is given by Born and Wolf [1975]. Jacobi polynomialsare discussed by the other references cited at the beginning of this appendix.

First Few

A.5 Selected Integral Formulas

x H

x H

x H H

x H H

x H H H



22 0

33 1

44 2 0








1612 12



= +( )= +( )= + +( )

Z r r P rl sl l



+( )( ) = −( )2

0 22 1,



Z r

Z r

Z r

Z r r

Z r

Z r r

Z r r

Z r



20 2

22 2

31 3

33 3

40 4 2

42 4 2

44 4


2 1

3 2

6 6 1

4 3



= −


= −


= − +

= −


e dxx−


∫ =α πα


x e dxx2 2 1



∫ =α


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a x dxa


a2 2

2− =


x dx

a xa x

2 2

2 2

−= − −∫


x ax x a

2 2

2 2

±= + ±

∫ log


x x a a


x2 2



∫ −cos


x x a

x a

a x2 2 2

2 2


= −∫


a x


a a x2 23 2 2 2 2

−( )=



a x


a2 2



∫ −sin

x dx

a x

xa x

a x



2 2

2 22


2 2−= − − +

∫ −sin

x dx

a xa x a a x


2 2

2 23

2 2 21

3−= −( ) − −∫


x a x

a x

a x2 2 2

2 2


= − −∫

a x dx


a x




2 2


2 21− = − − −

∫ −sin

cos , n x dxn



2 1 3 5 1

2 4 6 8 2

π π∫ =⋅ ⋅ −( )⋅ ⋅ ⋅


Lfor even integer

cos , n x dxn



2 2 4 6 1

1 3 5 7


∫ =⋅ ⋅ −( )⋅ ⋅ ⋅


Lfor odd integer

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Appendix B: Short List of Abel and Radon Transforms

The list of transforms recorded here is by no means complete. It contains some of the more commonand useful transforms that can be found in closed form. Other Radon and Abel transforms are scatteredthroughout this chapter. The notation for the Abel transforms is the same as in Section 8.10.2, and thenotation for the 2D Radon transform is the same as in other parts of the chapter.

Also, just to remind the user of these tables, the sinc function is defined by

and the characteristic function for the unit disk, designated by χ(r) is defined by

The complete elliptic integral of the first kind is designated by F( π,t) and the complete elliptic integralof the second kind is designated by E( π,t). A good source for these is the tabulation by Gradshteyn etal. [1994]. The constant C(n) in the table for 3 is C(n) = 2 ∫0

π/2 cosn x dx, with n ≥ 1; it can be calculatedfrom Appendix A. Bessel functions of the first kind Jv , and second kind Nv (Neumann functions) conformto the standard definitions in Arfken [1985] and Gradshteyn et al. [1994]. In these tables, a > 0 and b > 0.

sinc xx

x= sin


χ rr

r( ) = ≤ ≤


1 0 1

0 1


, .





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