Radioactivity Uitm

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  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm



    Group Members:1. AIZAM AZLIM MOHD NOR (2011270912)2. HAZIZAN MOHD SHAFAI (20112077!)". SAIF#DDIN ISMAIL ( 2011!0!$!)!.ZAMRI % MOHAM&D NOR (2011'9'0)$. MOHAMAD M#ZAIDI %INLAINI(2011'10')


  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


    Definition of radioactivity

    • Radioactivity defined as the spontaneous

    emission of particles (alpha, beta, neutron)

    or radiation (gamma, K capture), or both atthe same time, from the decay of certain

    nuclides that these particles are, due to an

    adjustment of their internal structure.

  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


    • Radioactivity can be natural or artificial. Innatural radioactivity, the substance already

    has radioactivity in the natural state. In

    artificial radioactivity, the radioactivity has been induced by irradiation.

  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


    • A radionuclide is all the radioactive cores of the

    same ind. All radioactive cores forming a

    radionuclide have a !ell"defined radioactivity,!hich is common to all of them and that identifies

    them# the same !ay that a type of chemical

    reaction identifies the elements involved.

  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


    $rigin of radioactivity

    • In %&'

    • Antoine"enri *ec+uerel discovered

    radioactivity. e observed that, in studies on

    the phosphorescence of substances, a

    mineral of uranium !as able to gloss

     photographic plates, !hich !ere ept at his


  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


    hat is an Atom-

    • Atoms are the basicunits of matter and

    the defining structure

    of elements.• Atoms are made up

    of three particles

     protons, neutrons and


  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm



    hat1s an isotope-

    /!o or more varieties of an element

    having the same number of protons but

    different number of neutrons. 2ertain

    isotopes are 3unstable4 and decay to

    lighter isotopes or elements.

    5euterium and tritium are isotopes of

    hydrogen. In addition to the % proton,

    they have % and 6 additional neutrons inthe nucleus respectively7.

    Another prime example is Uranium

    238 or !ust 238U.

  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm



    By the end of the 1800s, it was known that certainisotopes emit penetrating rays. Three types of radiationwere known:

    1) Alpha particles (α)

    2) Beta particles (β)

    ) !amma"rays (γ)

    By the end of the 1800s, it was known that certainisotopes emit penetrating rays. Three types of radiationwere known:

    1) Alpha particles (α)

    2) Beta particles (β)

    ) !amma"rays (γ)

  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


    #here do these particles comefrom $

    These particles generally comefrom the n%clei of atomic isotopes 

    which are not sta&le.

     The decay chain of 'rani%mprod%ces all three of these formsof radiation.

     (ets look at them in more detail*

  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


    Alpha 8articles (α)



    88 protons18 ne%trons



    -ote: This is theatomic weight, whichis the n%m&er of

    protons pl%s ne%trons

    8 protons1 ne%trons

    n np


    α (4/e)

    2 protons2 ne%trons

    The alpha-particle (α) is a Helium nucleus.

    ts the same as the element /eli%m, with the

    electrons stripped off 

  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


    :amma particles (γ )n m%ch the same way that electrons in atoms can &e in an

    e:cited state , so can a n%cle%s.


    10 protons10 ne%trons

    5in ecited state)

    10 protons10 ne%trons

    5lowest energy state)



    A gamma  is a high energy light particle .

    t is -;T 7isi&le &y yo%r naked eye &eca%se it is not in

    the 7isi&le part of the

  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


    o! do these particles differ -

    8article >ass7(>e?

  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


    Rate of 5ecay*eyond no!ing the types of particles !hich are emitted

    !hen an isotope decays, !e also are interested in how frequentlyone of the atoms emits this radiation.

     A very important point here is that !e cannot predict when a

     particular entity will decay.

     e do no! though, that if !e had a large sample of a radioactive

    substance, some number !ill decay after a given amount of time.

     Gome radioactive substances have a very high 3rate of decay4,

    !hile others have a very lo! decay rate.

     /o differentiate different radioactive substances, !e loo to

    "uantify this idea of 3decay rate4

  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


    alf"Hife /he #half$life% &h' is the time it taes for half the atoms of a

    radioactive substance to decay.

     or eJample, suppose !e had 6@,@@@ atoms of a radioactive

    substance. If the half"life is % hour, ho! many atoms of that

    substance !ould be left after

    ()))) &*)+'

     *))) &2*+'

     2*)) &(2.*+'

    ( hour &one lifetime' ,

    2 hours &two lifetimes' ,

    3 hours &three lifetimes' ,



    L of atoms


  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


    Hifetime (τ) /he #lifetime% of a particle is an alternate definition of 

    the rate of decay, one !hich !e prefer.

     It is just another !ay of eJpressing ho! fast the substance


     It is simply (.-- x h and one often associates the

    letter #τ% to it.

     he lifetime of a #free% neutron is (-. minutes0τ neutron)1(-. min.

     et4s use this a 5it to 5ecome comforta5le with it6

     /he #lifetime% of a particle is an alternate definition of 

    the rate of decay, one !hich !e prefer.

     It is just another !ay of eJpressing ho! fast the substance


     It is simply (.-- x h and one often associates the

    letter #τ% to it.

     he lifetime of a #free% neutron is (-. minutes

    0τ neutron)1(-. min.

     et4s use this a 5it to 5ecome comforta5le with it6

  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


    Hifetime (I)

     The lifetime of a free ne%tron is 13.4 min%tes.

     f had 1000 free ne%trons in a &o, after 13.4min%tes some n%m&er of them will ha7e decayed.

     The number remaining after some time is gi7en &y theradioacti7e decay law



    t  N N e

      τ  −

    =  <


    t  N N e

      τ  −


     N 0 = starting number of


      = particle’s lifetime

    /his is the 3eJponential4. It1s

    value is 6.D%&, and is a very useful

    number. 2an you find it on your 


  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


    Hifetime (II)<


    t  N N e

      τ  −

    =-ote &y slight rearrangement of this form%la:

    >raction of particles which did not decay  N / N 0 = e-t/ τ  




    raction ofremainingneutrons

    @τ @ %.@

    %τ %M.D @.C&

    6τ 6'.M @.%CBCτ MM.% @.@B@

    Mτ B&.& @.@%&

    Bτ DC.B @.@@D








    0 2 4 6 8 10


       F  r  a  c   t   i  o  n    S

      u  r  v   i  v  e   d








    0 2 4 6 8 10


       F  r  a  c   t   i  o  n    S

      u  r  v   i  v  e   d

    After 3"? lifetimes, almost all of the

    %nsta&le particles ha7e decayed awayAfter 3"? lifetimes, almost all of the%nsta&le particles ha7e decayed away

  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


    Hifetime (I?)

     !i7en a &atch of 1 species of particles, some will decay

    within 1 lifetime (%τ), some within 2τ, some within τ, andso on*

     #e A--;T say 6Carticle 33 will decay att

    D22 min .Eo% 9%st cant

     All we can say is that:

     After 1 lifetime, there will &e 54F) remaining After 2 lifetimes, there will &e 513F) remaining After lifetimes, there will &e 5?F) remaining After 3 lifetimes, there will &e 52F) remaining, etc

  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


    Hifetime (?)

     f the particles lifetime is 7ery short, the particlesdecay away 7ery G%ickly.

     #hen we get to s%&atomic particles, the lifetimesare typically only a small fraction of a second

     f the lifetime is long 5like 28') it will hang aro%ndfor a 7ery long time

     f the particles lifetime is 7ery short, the particlesdecay away 7ery G%ickly.

     #hen we get to s%&atomic particles, the lifetimesare typically only a small fraction of a second

     f the lifetime is long 5like 28') it will hang aro%ndfor a 7ery long time

    if i ( )

  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


    Hifetime (I?)#hat if we only ha7e 1 particle &efore %s$ #hat can we saya&o%t it$

    Gurvival 8robability F   N / N 0 = e-t/ 


    Decay 7ro5a5ility 1 (.) &9urvival 7ro5a5ility'

    lifetimes 9urvival 7ro5a5ility 


    Decay 7ro5a5ility F%.@ N Gurvival 8robability


    % CDL CL6 %ML &L

    C BL 'BL

    M 6L '&L

    B @.DL ''.CL

  • 8/19/2019 Radioactivity Uitm


    Gummary 2ertain particles are radioactive and undergo decay.

     Radiation in nuclear decay consists of α, β, and γ  particles

     /he rate of decay is give by the radioactive decay la!

    Gurvival 8robability F (O