Radicular Syndrome Darwin Amir Bgn Ilmu Penyakit Saraf Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas

Radicular Syndrome

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Radicular Syndrome. Darwin Amir Bgn Ilmu Penyakit Saraf Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas. Peripheral Nerves and Nerve Plexuses. C 1. C 2. Cervical plexus. C 3. C 4. C 4. C 4. Phrenic nerve. C 4. Brachial plexus. C 4. T 1. T 2. Axillary nerve. T 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Radicular Syndrome

Radicular SyndromeDarwin Amir

Bgn Ilmu Penyakit Saraf Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas

Page 2: Radicular Syndrome

Peripheral Nerves and Nerve Plexuses

Cervical plexus

Brachial plexus






Lumbar plexus

Sacral plexus






Phrenic nerve

Axillary nerve

Musculocutaneous nerve

Thoracic nerves

Radial nerveUlnar nerveMedian nerve

Lateral femoral cutaneous nerveGenitofemoral nerveFemoral nerve

Pudendal nerve

Sciatic nerve

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See ANS lecture

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Definition: a combination of changes usually seen with compromise of a spinal root within the intraspinal canal; these include neck or back pain and, in the affected root distribution dermatomal pain, parasthesia or both decreased deep tendon reflex, occasionally myotomal weakness

Radicular Syndrome

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Radicular SyndromeArises due to compression or herniation of

the nerve roots are branching of the spinal cord that transmits signals throughout the body at every level along the spine

Radicular Syndrome SymptomeLeads to pain and other signs like lack of sensation, tingling and a sense of weakness

felt in the upper or lower regions of the body like the arms or legs

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Sensory-related symptomes are more prevalens as compared to motor-related symptomes, and muscular weakness is generally as indicator of the increased severity of nerve compression

The nature and kind of pain could differ ranging from dulling, throbbing pain and complex to localize , and even sharp-shooting and burning sensation could be felt

Radicular Syndrome Symptomes

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Radicular pain: Less common than somatic pain The hallmark of radiculopathy, any

pathologic condition affecting the nerve roots

Arises from the nerve roots or dorsal root ganglia

Herniated disk is by far the most common cause

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Radicular pain: Lancinating or electric quality Moves in bands and usually radiates down

the limbs Associated symptoms of paresthesias are

very helpful determining the identity of the involved nerve root better than site of pain

Symptoms of weakness and objective findings of sensory loss, weakness and reflex loss may occur

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Radicular pain: Inflammation is important as a pain

mechanism:◦ Phospholipase A and E, NO, TNF, other pro-

inflammatory mediators are released by a herniated disk

◦ The dura surrounding the ventral and dorsal nerve root is bathed in this exudate

◦ Inflammation or prior injury to nerve root is necessary to cause compression to generate continued pain

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Types of peripheral nerve injury: Neurapraxia: Segmental loss of myelin

coating on nerve root/nerve◦ Weakness, but no atrophy

Axonotmesis: Loss of axons and myelin but at least some supporting structures are preserved◦ Weakness and muscle atrophy if severe

Neurotmesis: Loss of axons, myelin, and complete disruption of supporting structures (transection) weakness and atrophy

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Dermatome• Each nerve root

supplies cutaneous sensation to a specific area of skin, known as a dermatome

Overlaps somewhat, so won’t loseAll sensation, but will feel paresthesia

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Myotome• If radicular pain sever

could affect myotome • Each nerve root supplies

motor innervation to certain muscles, known as a myotome

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In the cervical spine:◦ Nerve roots exit above

their named vertebral body◦ I.e., C7 exits below C6 and

above C7-so lateral disk herniation here gets C7

In the lumbar spine:◦ Spinal cord ends at L1 or

L2◦ Nerve roots travel long

distances then exit below their named vertebral body

◦ The lumbosacral nerve roots are susceptible to injury at multiple locations

◦ T11-L1—anterior horn

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1. Cervical Radiculopathy Root Pain (*less

reliable for localization)

Paresthesias/Numbness (*more reliable for localization)

Weakness Reflex loss

C5 Neck, shoulder Lateral arm Shoulder abduction and external rotation, elbow flexion and forearm supination

Biceps, brachioradialis

C6 Neck, shoulder, lateral arm and forearm, lateral hand

Lateral forearm, thumb and index finger

Shoulder abduction and external rotation, elbow flexion and forearm supination and pronation

Biceps, brachioradialis

C7 Neck, shoulder, middle finger, hand

Index and middle fingers, palm

Elbow and wrist extension, forearm pronation, wrist flexion


C8 Shoulder, medial forearm, fourth and fifth digits

Medial forearm and hand, fourth and fifth digits

Finger extension, some wrist extension, distal finger and thumb flexion, finger abduction and adduction


T1 Medial arm and forearm, axillary chest wall

Medial forearm; also sometimes fourth and fifth digits

Thumb abduction most affected; finger abduction and adduction


C7 most common

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Classic presentation is to “wake up with it.” Usually no identifiable factor.◦ Causes painful limitation of neck motion and

symptoms corresponding to the affected nerve root(s)

The majority of cervical herniated discs will catch the nerve root corresponding to the lower vertebral level.◦ Ex: A C6/7 disc herniation will impinge upon the

C7 root.

Cervical HNP

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Just as is the case with Lumbar HNP, conservative therapy is the mainstay of treatment.

Surgery indicated for those that don’t improve with conservative management, or with new/progressive neurologic deficit.

Cervical HNP

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Stenosis – a constriction or narrowing of a duct or passage.◦ Cervical spinal stenosis, thus, is narrowing of the

spinal canal (within which lies the cervical spinal cord). This narrowing can be from any of a multitude of

causes. Usually, though, this is referring to more chronic types of processes, rather than acute or sudden ones.

Cervical Spinal Stenosis (CSS)

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More than half of adults older than 50 yrs. Will show significant degenerative cervical spine disease on radiography (CT/MRI)…◦ (i.e., “Everybody has degenerative disc disease.

And probably their dogs and cats too.”

…however, only a fraction of these patients will actually experience any type of significant neurological symptoms.

Cervical Spinal Stenosis (CSS)

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Radiculopathy – from nerve root compression.◦ The term “radiculopathy” refers to disease of the

nerve roots; LMN signs, pain/parasethesias.

Myelopathy – from spinal cord compression.◦ The term “myelopathy” refers to pathological

changes of the spinal cord itself.

Pain and sensory changes in the back of the head, neck, and shoulders.

CSS – when it causes problems…

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The goal here is to avoid missing patients who are myelopathic, because once stenosis has evolved to the point that it is compressing (and causing damage to) the spinal cord, the progression of symptoms may be variable…but it is going to progress.

CSS - Myelopathy

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Clinical: Low back pain wit associated leg symptoms Positions can induce radicular symptoms Posterolateral disc pathology most common:

Area where anular fibers least protected by PLL

Greatest shear forces occur with forward or lateral bend

Central disc pathology: Usually with LBP only without radicular

symptoms, unless a large defect is present

2. HNP Lumbalis

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low back pain world wide• Common complaint among adults

• Lifetime prevalence in working population up to 80%

• 60% experience functional limitation or disability

• Second most common reason for work disability

• Despite advances in imaging and surgical techniques LBP

prevalence and its cost are relatively unchanged

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intervertebral disc

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vascular supply to the disc space from

the cartilaginous endplate

1. segmental radicular artery

2. interosseous artery

3. capillary tuft4. disc anulus

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Internal disruption

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Back Pain Causes

• de-conditioning• sprain/strain• spondylolithesis• spondylosis• facet syndrome• disc herniation

• disc bulge• spinal stenosis• biomechanical• inflammatory• infection• cancer

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◦Historically Bilateral sciatica

Expanded to include unilateral sciatica Sudden, partial or complete loss of voluntary bladder

function due to massive disc impingement on spinal nerves

The frequency of daily urination is much greater than bowel evacuation, so…

◦Presently Bladder dysfunction with a decrease in perianal


3. Cauda Equina Syndrome

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Symptoms◦ Back pain◦ Radicular pain

Bilateral Unilateral

◦ Motor loss◦ Sensory loss◦ Urinary dysfunction

Overflow incontinence Inability to void Inability to evacuate the bladder completely

◦ Decrease in perianal sensation

3. Cauda Equina Syndrome

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Treatment: Urgent decompression is mandatory for prevention of

irreparable / irreversible bladder damage 12 hours is the maximum time prior to irreversible


3. Cauda Equina Syndrome

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Caude equina: Begins at L2 disc space distal to conus medullare

Cauda equina syndrome occur due to - Acute disc herniation- Epidural hematoma- Tumor

Incomplete Cord SyndromeCauda Equina Syndrome

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Motor- Flaccid lower extremities- Knee and ankle jerk absent

Sensory- Asymmetrical sensory loss- Saddle anasthesia- Loss of sensation arround perineum, anus & genital

Incomplete Cord SyndromeCauda Equina Syndrome

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Autonomic- Loss of bladder and bowel funsction- Urinary retention

Incomplete Cord SyndromeCauda Equina Syndrome

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Clinical: Up to 75 % of involvement of the spine occurs at 2

levels: L5-S1 and L4-L5 Possible factors that contribute to development:

Changes with maturation in: Nutrition Disc chemistry Hormones

Occupational forces Progression of disc narrowing leads to degenerative

changes of bony structures, especially posterior components, leading to spondylosis

4. Spondylosis

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Clinical: Progression of spondylolysis with separation

Grades assigned I-IV for level of translation Most common levels are L5-S1 (70 %) and L4-L5 (25


May be asymptomatic, but can result in Spondylosis DDD Radiculopathy


Medication Physical Therapy Injections Surgery

5. Spondylolisthesis

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Clinical: Results from narrowing of spinal canal and / or neural

foramina (CONGENITAL OR DEGENERATIVE) Most common complaint is leg pain limiting walking Neurogenic / Pseudoclaudication = pain in lower

extremities with gait Relief can occur with:

stopping activity sitting, stooping or bending forward

Common are complaints of weakness and numbness of extremities

Usually becomes symptomatic in 6th decade

6. Spinal Stenosis

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Imaging: Indications Somatic back and neck pain:

◦ Often not helpful and not indicated unless the patient has risk factors for a serious underlying cause of back pain

Incidence of spine abnormalities such as disk bulges/minor herniations is about 25-50% in asymptomatic people!

Current techniques are not helpful in identifying the source of the somatic pain

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Differential diagnosis of radiculopathy:

Root lesion (radiculopathy) vs entrapment neuropathy◦ C6/7 vs carpal tunnel syndrome (med. n. at wrist)◦ C8 vs ulnar neuropathy at the elbow◦ L3/4 vs femoral neuropathy◦ L5 vs peroneal n. at the fibular neck

Bilateral L5-S1 radiculopathy vs early peripheral polyneuropathy

Could be appropriate by EMG/NSV

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Differential diagnosis of radiculopathy:

Please be familiar with the concepts Radiculopathy always must be

distinguished from other peripheral nerve or plexus problems

Root lesion (radiculopathy) vs plexus lesion◦ C5/6 vs Upper trunk◦ C8 vs Lower trunk◦ L3/4 vs Lumbar plexus◦ L5/S1 vs Sacral plexus

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