Rachel Hoyes Senior Green Gym & Education Project Officer And Tackling Health Inequalities

Rachel Hoyes Senior Green Gym & Education Project Officer And Tackling Health Inequalities

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Page 1: Rachel Hoyes Senior Green Gym & Education Project Officer And Tackling Health Inequalities

Rachel HoyesSenior Green Gym & Education Project Officer

And Tackling Health Inequalities

Page 2: Rachel Hoyes Senior Green Gym & Education Project Officer And Tackling Health Inequalities


• Established by The Conservation Volunteers in 1997 with Dr Bird, GP

• Programmes of physical activity to improve health and local environment

• Participants referred by health services or self-referral

• > 100 Schemes in UK and 6 in Australia.


Reclaiming green places since 1959

Page 3: Rachel Hoyes Senior Green Gym & Education Project Officer And Tackling Health Inequalities


Warm up exercises to reduce the risk of injuries.

Relaxed atmosphere, everyone works at their own pace and is free to rest whenever they need. Plenty of time for a social tea break.

Green Gym Day Reclaiming green places since 1959

Learning new skills and trying different jobs and tools is encouraged.

Cool Down by stretching exercises at the end of the session.

Activity will be described and tasks explained.

Page 4: Rachel Hoyes Senior Green Gym & Education Project Officer And Tackling Health Inequalities

VersusReclaiming green places since 1959

Page 5: Rachel Hoyes Senior Green Gym & Education Project Officer And Tackling Health Inequalities

Reclaiming green places since 1959

© The Conservation Volunteers 2015

Green Gym Training


• Calisthenics (vigorous effort) = 518 calories

• Bicycling (moderate) = 453 calories

• Swimming (moderate) = 389 calories

• Exercise (general) = 356 calories

• Yoga = = 162 calories

Note: statistics taken fromhttp://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/calories.htm


• Sawing Logs/Carpentry = 486 calories

• Hedge-laying/Fencing = 389 calories

• Shovelling (moderate) = 389 calories

• Wheel-barrowing (moderate) = 324 calories

• General Gardening = 259 calories

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Reclaiming green places since 1959

Social interaction &


Tackling health Inequalities

Mental Health

Skills and Employment

A BetterEnvironment



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Reclaiming green places since 1959

Page 8: Rachel Hoyes Senior Green Gym & Education Project Officer And Tackling Health Inequalities

Lewisham Green Gym


Reclaiming green places since 1959

- Started in partnership with the Lewisham Youth Offending Service (YOS) and TCV.

- Working directly with young people with Court Orders or Conditional Caution orders who are referred by Lewisham YOS.

- Practical food growing sessions are designed to stimulate and support effective participation and learning by young people, and ultimately to prevent and reduce re-offending.

- Participants are encouraged to learn new skills while being active.

- Every Saturday, 10am-12pm at Firhill Allotments in Bellingham.

Page 9: Rachel Hoyes Senior Green Gym & Education Project Officer And Tackling Health Inequalities

What was interesting and what did you learn?

“I learned how potatoes grow and that they grow underground.”

“Today was good I learned how certain things grow. I worked hard, staff was very supportive and helpful.”

“I enjoyed everything because I learned the name of different types of vegetables.”

“I found it interesting because I didn't think that you needed so many tools to grow plants and create compost.”

“It was interesting learning a few new things about food growing.”

Reclaiming green places since 1959FeedbackIn 2014, the young people grow 161.39kg of produce, which is equivalent to 2,017 meals which was donated to a local family centre.

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Referral partnersEarly intervention for PsychosisCrestNHSThe LimesSocial Action for HealthRichmond FellowshipThe Limes Community CentreAsian CentreTurning PointBlack Peoples Mental Health Association

Reclaiming green places since 1959Lloyd Park Green Gym -Lloyd Park Green Gym is run in partnership with Waltham Forest Council.

- High attendance from referrals via the below agencies.

- Participants report feeling healthier, getting fitter and gaining in confidence.

Page 11: Rachel Hoyes Senior Green Gym & Education Project Officer And Tackling Health Inequalities

Stephen was Unemployed and Homeless when he joined the Green Gym. Since volunteering he commented

“The Green Gym has opened my eyes about the environment and I have changed things in my diet and feel I am more active and am starting to get healthier.”

Stephen is now living in the YMCA and doing 6hrs paid work in a local school.

Reclaiming green places since 1959

Warm up

Case studies

Katrina before joining the Green Gym was quite depressed and inactive.

“Since joining the Green Gym I have been more active, had a better routine and feel more positive. I’m more active and social, and feel more positive about the future.”

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“It’s a reason to leave the house and it lifts the depression. You are achieving something and you meet new people”

Charlotte, Green Gym volunteer


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“Before Green Gym I was going through a bad patch, coming out of depression so I was referred to The Green Gym by Social Workers.

Working in Conservational environment has made me feel mentally much better. My Life is back to normal now. I now do more Gardening Jobs in my neighbourhood besides continuing to work at the Green Gym.”

Walter, Volunteer , London in Bloom and Regional Green Hero Award Winner

“My Confidence has increased since joining the Green Gym. It has helped me to get physically and mentally active. It has also kept me motivated whilst actively seeking work that does not require using a computer.

It has also encouraged me to take up short courses such as First Aid and read up on Conservation which will help me when I eventually find employment. ”

Graham, Volunteer Officer


Reclaiming green places since 1959

Page 14: Rachel Hoyes Senior Green Gym & Education Project Officer And Tackling Health Inequalities

Reclaiming green places since 1959

© The Conservation Volunteers 2015

Green Gym Training

Green Gym Testimonials

Wellbeing Comes Naturally, Mind 2011

Haringey Green Gyms, PHT 2014

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• A national evaluation of the Green Gym by Oxford Brookes University showed the programme success including:

• 100% of participants agree that the Green Gym benefited their mental health, boosting self-esteem and confidence

• Working out in green spaces is a great way to relieve stress and depression

• Taking part in the Green Gym improves muscle strength

• Participants report feeling fitter and having more energy

• Almost a third more calories are burnt in an hour of Green Gym activities than in doing a gym class

Taster sessions have also shown that after 4 sessions participants have reported:

• 100% increase in physical activity

• 40% improvement in wellbeing

Oxford Brookes University 2003-2007

Evaluation Findings Reclaiming green places since 1959