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  • 8/9/2019 R111040_REPORT



    Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree

    Bachelor of Technology



    Submitted by


    ID No: R111040

    Under the esteemed guidance of

    Mr. Dheeraj Chandra


  • 8/9/2019 R111040_REPORT



    In this MODULAR WIND TURBINE process is one of the alternative process

    of producing electricit! This s the process that converts "inetic energ into #echanicalenerg and after electrical energ! In this t$o tpes of process is follo$a%le! In this discuss

    the topics& tpes'process'advantages'disadvantages'future scope'i#pacts!


    Wind po$er ' (olar energ ')eother#al heat 'Tur%ine '*dro+electricit 'Bio+fuels '

    Rotor ')ear %o, ')enerator 'To$er!



    The definition of a wind turbine

    is a machine that converts the winds kinetic energy intorotary mechanical energy and this rotary mechanicalenergy is then converted by the generator into electricity.

    HITOR!:%ind mills were used in !ersia as early as "## B.$.

    %le&andria makes one of the first known instances of windpowering a machine in the history. The first electricity'generating wind turbine was a battery charging machine

    installed in (uly )**+ by Scottish academic (ames Blyth to light his holiday home in,arykirk- Scotland. Some months later %merican inventor $harles . Brush built the firstautomatically operated wind turbine for electricity production in $leveland /hio. %forerunner of modern hori0ontal'a&is wind generators was in service at 1alta- USS2 in

    )34). and 5anish company 6estas is the world biggest wind turbine manufacturer as of


    Thousands of $ind tur%ines are %eing invested and installed

    ever$here $orld$ide! Thus' #an -uestions arise! What is a $ind tur%ine. What arethe different tpes of design. What are the advantages and disadvantages.And $hat are i#pacts of $ind tur%ine in our environ#ent. These are the-uestions that I $ill atte#pt to ans$er!

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    OBJECTIVE:%The purpose of $ind tur%ine is $e have heard #ore and #ore a%out the need

    of rene$a%le clean energ' %ut not #uch has %een done! Toda' pollution and greenhousegases are at its pea" all over the $orld and the price of oil is higher than ever! Our earth isgetting ver sic"' and it is ti#e that $e start contri%uting in fighting pollution % e,ploiting

    rene$a%le clean energ! These clean energ consist of solar energ' $ind po$er'geother#al heat' hdroelectricit' Bio+fuels' and #ore! /urrentl' the $ind po$er energ isthe #ost popular of all of these green technologies!



    01 ROTOR:%The rotor ta"es the $ind and aerodna#icall converts its energ into#echanical energ through a connected shaft!

    '( GEARBO):%The gear%o, increases the rotational velocit of the shaft for thegenerator! In so#e tur%ines' the gear%o, is not needed %ecause the rotational velocitor the tor-ue fro# the shaft high enough!

    *( GENERATOR:%The generator is a device that produces electricit $hen#echanical $or" is given to the sste#!

    4( CONTROL AND &ROTECTION !TEM:%The protection sste# is li"e asafet feature that #a"es sure that the tur%ine $ill not %e $or"ing under dangerouscondition!

    +( TO$ER:%The to$er is the #ain shaft that connects rotor to the foundation! It alsoraises the rotor high in the air $here $e can find stronger $inds!

    ,( "OUNDATION:%The foundation or the %ase supports the entire $ind tur%ine and#a"e sure that it is $ell fi,ed onto the ground!

    T!&E O" $IND TURBINE:%There are #ainl t$o tpes of $ind tur%ine& hori2ontal a,is and vertical

    a,is! The hori2ontal a,is $ind tur%ine 3*AWT1 and the vertical a,is $ind tur%ine 34AWT1

    are classified or differentiated % the a,is of rotation the rotor shafts!

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    The- are:%

    a( *ori2ontal A,is Wind Tur%ine

    (4ertical A,is Wind Tur%ine

    a( HORI/ONTAL A)I $IND TURBINEHA$T(:%The $ind tur%inesho$n in figure %elo$ is a hori2ontal a,is $ind tur%ine! It is the #ostpopular $ind tur%ine used and it can %e seen all around the $orld %ecauseof its higher efficienc than vertical a,is tur%ines! The *AWT usuall havetheir generator place on the top and the have a propeller+tpe rotor!

    ( VERTICAL A)I $IND TURBINEVA$T(:%The vertical a,is$ind tur%ine ho$ever isn5t as popular as *AWT' %ut %ecause the a,is of

    rotation is vertical' it allo$s a %etter originalit or creativit in the design ofthe configuration of the %lades! There are #an 4AWT su%+tpes&Darrius 3sho$n in figure %elo$1' Neo+aerodna#ic' Novel' (avonius'6ephr' etc! These su%+tpes all have different %lade configuration!

    The 4AWT have their gear%o, near the ground!

    $OR#ING &ROCE:%

    Wind tur%ines operate on a si#ple principle! The energ in the $indturns t$o or three propeller+li"e %lades around a rotor! The rotor isconnected to the #ain shaft' $hich spins a generator to create

    electricit!The #a7orit of $ind tur%ines consist of three %lades

    #ounted to a to$er #ade fro# tu%ular steel! There are less co##on varieties $ith t$o%lades' or $ith concrete or steel lattice to$ers! At 088 feet or #ore a%ove the ground' the

    to$er allo$s the tur%ine to ta"e advantage of faster $ind speeds found at higher altitudes!

    Tur%ines catch the $ind9s energ $ith their propeller+li"e%lades' $hich act #uch li"e an airplane $ing! When the $ind %lo$s' a poc"et of lo$+pressure air for#s on one side of the %lade! The lo$+pressure air poc"et then pulls the %lade

    to$ard it' causing the rotor to turn! This is called lift! The force of the lift is #uch strongerthan the $ind9s force against the front side of the %lade' $hich is called drag! Theco#%ination of lift and drag causes the rotor to spin li"e a propeller!

    A series of gears increase the rotation of the rotor fro#a%out 0: revolutions a #inute to roughl 0':88 revolutions per #inute a speed that allo$s

  • 8/9/2019 R111040_REPORT


    the tur%ine5s generator to produce A/ electricit!

    A strea#lined enclosure called a nacelle houses "etur%ine co#ponents ++ usuall including the gears' rotor and generator are found $ithin a

    housing called the nacelle! (itting atop the tur%ine to$er' so#e nacelles are large enough fora helicopter to land on!

    Another "e co#ponent is the tur%ine5s controller' that"eeps the rotor speeds fro# e,ceeding ;; #ph to avoid da#age % high $inds! Anane#o#eter continuousl #easures $ind speed and trans#its the data to the controller! A

    %ra"e' also housed in the nacelle' stops the rotor #echanicall' electricall or hdraulicallin e#ergencies! E,plore the interactive graphic a%ove to learn #ore a%out the #echanics of$ind tur%ines!



    An advantage that #ost *AWT have is a $ind vane attached on the

    rotor %lades $hich $ould orient the %lades to$ards the $ind' allo$ing thus the %est angle ofattac" for the %lades! In doing so' this $ould give the $ind tur%ine the #a,i#u# a#ount of$ind energ possi%le! Another advantage is the to$ers of *AWT are relativel taller than

    4AWT' $hich allo$s the %lades to face #uch higher velocit $inds in high altitude! Inso#e places' the po$er output of the $ind tur%ine could increase up to ever ten

    #eters in altitude %ecause the $ind speed is increased % ?8>! Taller to$ers $ind tur%inecan also %e placed on uneven land or in offshore sites! (o#e financial %enefits of *AWT isthat it %eco#es cheaper at high production volu#es and larger si2es! The are also #ore

    efficient and have higher capacit factors than 4AWT!


    The advantage of 4AWT is that it doesn5t need to al$as %e faced against the

    $ind5s direction li"e the *AWT! The %lades of the vertical a,is $ind tur%ine can intercept

    the $ind fro# an directions %ecause of the %lade design! The 4AWT are usuall ofs#aller scale tur%ine than #ost *AWT and therefore it is easier to %e transported andinstalled! The 4AWT can also %e use in residential area on roofs %ecause of its s#aller si2e!It is also easier to repair 4AWT %ecause the gear%o, and generator are placed at the %otto#of the tur%ine!


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    @or the disadvantages of the *AWT' #ost tur%ines are not efficient

    $hen it is installed close to the ground $here there isn5t #uch $ind! Also' the tall to$erand long %lades are ver e,pensive and difficult to transport and install! Another

    disadvantage of *AWT is that it is difficult to perfor# repairing operations to *AWT%ecause the gear%o,' generator and the rotor are all placed at the top of the to$er!


    The disadvantage of the vertical $ind tur%ine co#parativel to the

    hori2ontal $ind tur%ine is the efficienc! In so#e cases' the efficienc of the energ

    produced of a 4AWT can %e less than the half of the production of a *AWT! The 4AWTdesigns are also li#ited in height %ecause of the s$eep area availa%le! The 4AWT can onl

    %e installed on flat surfaces! Man 4AWT tpes need to %e started #anuall % giving aninitial #o#entu# or % an auto#atic starting #echanis# %ecause the have lo$ starting




    Wind po$er is the $orld5s fastest+gro$ing energ source and has an average

    annual gro$th rate of ?> over the last decade! There are #an thousand of $ind tur%ines

    operating in different parts of the $orld!


    This green energ has no negative effects on our environ#ent in short or in

    long ter# since it is a rene$a%le and pollution+free for# of energ! When the $ind hits the$ind tur%ine' a part of its "inetic energ is transfor#ed into #echanical and electricalenerg! This energ is environ#ent+friendl %ecause the fuel it uses to produces electricit'the $ind' is produced fro# the sun! A%out 0 to of the sun energ that hits the earth isconverted into $ind energ and this energ is replenished everda! It also doesn5t need to

    %e #ined' treated' transported or %urned to the at#osphere!


    a( AIR IM&ACT:%In short ter#' $ind energ has a positive effect on the air %ecause itdoes not produce an air pollutants or greenhouse gases li"e other energ sources such as

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    fossil fuel' coal' natural gas and oil! Wind po$er can therefore help attaint and #eet the

    goals of oto Crotocol! oto Crotocol is an international agree#ent a#ongindustriali2ed countries to reduce greenhouse gas e#issions negotiated in oto' apan inDece#%er 0! /anada is co##itted to reduce its greenhouse gas e#issions % F percent

    of 08 levels %et$een ?88: and ?80?! In long ter#' the environ#ent i#pacts it can haveon the air are slo$ing do$n of cli#ate change and glo%al $ar#ing or even co#pletelreduce the greenhouse gas e#issions!

    ($ATER IM&ACT:%Man $ind tur%ines are sited offshore %ecause of potent $indsand the cannot %e seen fro# shore and therefore do not contri%ute to visual pollution!Even though' offshore $ind tur%ines are installed on $ater' it does not have anenviron#ental effect in short or in long ter#s on $ater!

    (NOIE &OLLUTION:%Another pro%le# that $ind tur%ines create is sound pollution!This sound pollution co#es fro# the generator and the gear%o, $hich produces #echanicalnoises %ut #ost i#portantl it co#es fro# the

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    and (" Wind+Co$er are tring to #a"e these air%orne tur%ines availa%le on the #ar"et!


    In conclusion' a $ind tur%ine is a #achine that converts the $ind "ineticenerg into electricit! The #a7or co#ponents of a $ind tur%ine are& the rotor' the gear%o,'the generator' the control and protection sste#' the to$er and the foundation! Wind

    tur%ines are classified into t$o tpes of categor& hori2ontal a,is $ind tur%ine and verticala,is $ind tur%ine! The #a7or advantage for a *AWT is the high efficienc it has thedisadvantage is the #aintenance and repair at high altitude! The advantage of a 4AWT isthat the $ind can co#e fro# an direction the disadvantage is the height li#itations!

    Aerodna#icall' the $ind turns the rotor %lades of the *AWT %ecause of the pressuredifferential %et$een the top and the %otto# of the airfoil! @or the 4AWT' it is the drag thatacts on the %lades and turns the rotor %lades! Toda' $ind po$er is econo#icall

    co#petitive co#pared to traditional energ %ecause the cost of $ind tur%ines is gettingcheaper %ecause of technolog advance#ent and govern#ent incentives! It also creates 7o%s

    and generates e,tra personal and ta, inco#e! Wind energ is also a rene$a%le andpollution+free energ $hich can help us reduce the e#issions of greenhouse gases! I %elievethat $ind energ can %eco#e an i#portant asset to solve cli#ate change and glo%al$ar#ing issues in the future!