d 4 V a wbt- a t I I > T FOUR OCALA EVENING STAR SATURDAY OCTOBER 10 1903 4 r I NOW IS THE TIME i 1 r 7 riU- N b U3 y a- f I i o I i r Listen The winter season is now upon us and it is my desire to see one of Kauffrnans suits upon every- man a and boy in this county and in order to see this desire gratified II have made the following reduc- tions ¬ k I 3500 Coat and Pants to your measure only 2750 3000 U u u u Zm c 2250 2500 u u U u ii cc 1950 2000 u u 1C H cc cc 1650 1650 U u u u cc 1250 Now is the time to buy a suit Suits sold on liberal terms 3 down will order you a suit 1 down will order f you a pair of pants- I guarantee a fit and if clothes dont fit we ask no money The above offer backed by me is sufficient guarantee that you will get your moneys worth 500 samples SALE UNTIL OCTOBER 15 BUY NOW t I if AT THE BOSTON STORE- HANDSO1VIE pb T i- i w i Fall Stock of Jewelry- I am getting in one of the handsomest and most complete stocks of Jewelry for the trade this fall and winter that I have ever carried w Many of the goods have already arrived There are man- yH PRETTY THINGSi- n v Watches Chains Jewelry of all kinds Diamonds Cut Glass and Silverware Fine China Novelties etc and many others arriving each week- I am agent for and carry a very i large stock of Edisons Phonographs IRecordsAC RECORDS e will be pleased to have you call and see the goods Respectfully 1 AE Burnett a OCAIA THE JEWELER FLORIDA o v Weak Womenfreq- uently a suffer great pain and misery during the change of life It is at this time that the beneficial effect of taking Cardui is most appreciated by those who find that it relieves their dist- ressTAKECAJ s JI 1 J3 It Will Help You I Mrs Lucinda C Hill of Freeland 0 writes Before I began to take Cardui I suffered so badly- I wan afraid to lie down at night After I began to I take it I felt better in a week Now my pains have 1 gone I can sleep like a girl of 16 and the change- of life has nearly left me Try CarduL 7 i AT ALL DRUG STORES r + Jl Jr 1 i i vf tV JL I p rt < r ypCaAI NO THE PORT OF MISSING MEN Continued from First Page mitage smites to mmseft ana srroiiea onHe I looked down in a moment upon- a pretty estate distinguished by its formal garden but with the broad acres of a practical farm stretch Ing far out into the valley The lawn terraces were green broken only by plots of spring flowers The walks were walled in box and privet The house of the pillared colonial type crowned a series of terraces A long pergola with pillars topped by red urns curved gradually through the garden toward the mansion Armitage followed a side road along the brick partition wall and contemplated the inner landscape The sharp snap of a gardeners shears far up the slope was the only sound that reached him It was a charming place and he yielded s He dropped over the wall and strolled away- to a temptation to explore it He drop ¬ ped over the wall and strolled away through the garden the smell of warm earth moist from the days light show ers and the faint odor of green things growing sweet in his nostrils He walked to the far end of the pergola- sat down on a wooden bench and gave himself up to reverie He had been de ¬ nounced as an impostor He was on Claiborne soil and the situation re quired thought- It was while he thus pondered his affairs that Shirley walking over the soft lawn from a neighboring estate came suddenly upon him I Her head went up wltn surprise and he was surewith disdain She stop ¬ ped abruptly as he jumped to his feet I am caughtin flagrante delicto 1 can only plead guilty and pray for mercy They saidthey said you had gone to Mexico said Shirley question inglyPlague take the newspapers How dare they so misrepresent me he laughed- Yes I read those newspaper articles with a good deal of interest And my brother Yes your brotherhe is the best fellow In the world She mused but a smile of real mirth now played over her face and lighted- her eyes Those are generous words Mr Ar ¬ mitage My brother warned me against- you in quite unequivocal language He told me about your matchbox Oh the cigarette case and he held- it up Its really mine and Im going Shirley came suddenly upon him to keep it It was very damaging evi- dence ¬ It would argue strongly against- me in any court of law Yes I believe that Is true And she looked at the trinket with frank Interest But I particularly do not wish to have to meet that charge in any court- of law Miss Claiborne She met his gaze very steadily and her eyes were grave Then she asked- in much the same tone that she would have used if they had been very old friends and he had excused himself- for not riding that day or for not going upon a hunt or to the theater Why Because I have a pledge to keep and a work to do and If I were forced- to defend myself from the charge of being the false Baron von Kissel every- thing ¬ would be spoiled You see un- ¬ fortunately most unfortunatelyI am not quite without responsibilities and- I have come down into the mountains where I hope not to be shot and tossed over a precipice until I have had time- to watch certain people and certain events for a little while I tried to say as much to Captain Claiborne but- I saw that my story did not impress- him I And now I have said the same thing to you He waited gravely watching her hat In hand And I have stood here and listened- to you and done exactly what Captain Claiborne would not wish me to do un ¬ der any circumstances said Shirley You are infinitely kind and gener ¬ ousNo I do not wish you to think me either of those thingsof course not Her conclusion was abrupt and point- ed ¬ Then Then I will tell youwhat I have not told any one else that I know ASK YOUR NEIGHBORSAn- d t yn t you will generally find that they know of more good those of good sense and dis- cernment ¬ z in your vicinity who have been cured by Dr Pierces Worldkhied Family Medicines than by all other proprietary medicines They have been making these cures right along for over forty years and altogether likely you will easily find people all about you who will be only too glad to say a good word l for them These old reliable curatives are not exploited or urged upon the afflicted by extravagant and false promises but have a record of real genuine cures to sustain them t Among women Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription is truly a favorite by reason of s fl c fJ 9 Its remarkable cures which for over forty years by far exceed those which can be 1 credited to any medicine extant By a little inquiry you will no doubt find some of l these cured and grateful cases in your immediate neighborhood for they are to be 1 met with practically EVERY WHERE They are Dr Pierces best advertisements- Seek a their advice if you are a poor despondent overburdened broken down weak- or painwracked woman suffering from some derangement or weakness incident i- to your sex The Peoples Common Sense Medical Adviser in plain English by R V Pierce M D new fuller re- vised ¬ uptodate edition gives all particulars which women need to know abqut their peculiar functions- and how to correct ordinary derangements and weaknesses Clothbound volume of 1000 pages 31 one cent stamps or in paper covers for 21 cents postpaid Why not send for it NOW The New Edition is almost a household necessity Address Worlds Dispensary Medical Association Dr R Y Plarcs Prssidflut BiffiMY DR PIERCES PLEASANT PELLETS ARE A MILD BUT EFFICIENT PHYSIC THEY MUST KNOW very welt that yqu are not tne person who appeared at Bar Harbor three years ago and palmed himself off a the Baron von Kissel You know Ityou are quite sure of it he asked blankly Certainly I saw that personat- Bar Harbor I had gone up from New ¬ port for a weekI was even at a tea where he was quite the lion and 1 am sure you are not the same person Her direct manner of speech her de ¬ cisive tone in which she placed the matter of his identity on a purely prac- tical ¬ and unsentimental plane gave hum a new impression of her character But Captain Claiborne- He ceased suddenly and she antici- pated ¬ the question at which he had faltered and answered a little icily I do not consider it any of my busi- ness ¬ to meddle in your affairs with my brother He undoubtedly believes you are the impostor who palmed himself- off at Bar Harbor as the Baron von Kissel He was told so By M Chauvenet So he said And of course he Is a capital wit ¬ ness There is no doubt of Chauve nets entire credibility declared Arm tage a little airily- I should say not said Shirley un- responsively UI am quite as sure that he was not the false baron as I am that you were not Armitage laughed That is a little pointed- It was meant to be said Shirley sternly It isshe weighed the word ridiculous that both of you should- be here Thank you for my half I didnt know he was here But I am not exactly herel have a much safer place He swept the blue hilled hori ¬ zon with his hand M Chauvenet- and I will not shoot at each other In the hotel dining room But I am really relieved that he has come We have- an interesting fashion of running Into each other It would positively grieve- me to be obliged to wait long for him He smiled and thrust his hat under his arm The sun was dropping behind the great western barricade and a chill wind crept sharply over the valley- He started to walk beside her as she turned away but she paused abruptly- Oh this wont do at all I cant be seen with you even In the shadow of my own house I must trouble you to take the side gate and she indicated- It by a nod of her head Not if I know myself I am not a fraudulent member of the German no ¬ bilityyou have told me so yourself Your conscience is clear I assure you mine is equally so And I am not a person Miss Claiborne to sneak out by side gates particularly when I came over the fence Its a long way around anyhow and I have a horse over there somewhere by the Inn My brother- Is at Fort Myer of course At about this hour they are having dress parade and he is thoroughly occupied Butthere Is M Chauvenet He has nothing to do but amuse himself They had reached the veranda steps and she ran to the top and turned for u moment to look at him He still car ¬ ried his hat and crop In one hand and had dropped the other Into the side pocket of his coat He was wholly at ease and the wind ruffled his hair and gave him a boyish look that Shirley liked But she had no wish to be found with him and she Instantly nod ¬ ded his dismissal and half turned away- to go into the house when he detained- her for a moment- I am perfectly willing to afford M Chauvenet all imaginable entertain- ment ¬ We are bound to have many meetings I am afraid he reached this charming valley before me but as a rule I prefer to be a little ahead of him Its a whim the merest whim- I assure you He laughed thinking little of what he said but delighting in the picture- she made the tall pillars of the veran- da ¬ framing her against the white wall of the house and the architrave high I above speaking so he thought for the amplitude the breadth of her nature Her green cloth gown afforded the happiest possible contrast with the white background and her hatfor a gown let us remember may express- the dressmaker but a hat expresses- the woman who wears ither hat ArI mitage was aware was a trifle of i black velvet caught up at one side I with snowy plumes Her annoyance at finding herself i I lingering to listen to him was marked I in an almost imperceptible gathering- of her brows It was all the matter of i an instant His heart beat fast in his joy at the sight of her and the tongue j that years of practice had skilled In reserve and evasion was possessed by j a reckless spirit I She nodded carelessly but said noth ¬ ing waiting for him to go on But when I wait fur people they always OLJeen in Sy rrAnse per gold he added daringly Tsop w Geneva not long ago He lost the profile and gained her face as he liked it best though her head was lifted a little high in resent ¬ ment against her own yielding curiosi- ty ¬ He was speaking rapidly and the slight hint of some other tongue than his usually fluent English arrested her ear now as it had at other times- In Geneva when I told a young lady that I was waiting for a very A She instantly nodded his dismissal wicked man to appearit was really the oddest thing in the world that al ¬ most immediately M Jules Chauvenet arrived at mine own Inn It is inevita- ble ¬ it is always sure to be my fate he concluded mournfully- He bowed low restored the shabby- hat to his head with the least bit of a flourish and strolled away through the garden by a broad walk that led to the front gate He would have been Interested to know that when he was out of sight Shirley walked to the veranda rail and bent forward listening to his steps on the gravel after the hedge and shrub ¬ bery had hidden him And she stood thus until the faint click of the gate told her that he had gone She did not know that as the gate closed upon him he met Chauvenet face to face Continued next Saturday MOUNT ZION A A E CHURCH Sunday school 10 a m Preaching 1130 a m Baptism of infants3 p m Preaching 30 p m The church is engaged in a revival which began Sunday night last and ten persons have already been con- verted ¬ to the Lord The meeting will continue during next week The pastor requests every member- of the gospel choir to be present Sun ¬ day evening at 730 to engage in a half hour song service The pastor is being ably assisted in this revival by Revs Gibbs W O Bartley and oth ¬ ersRev Bartley will preach for us at 8 p m All Christians Irrespective of denomination are requested to come and assist in these meetings- Rev D M Baxter D D Pastor- A STEADY DRAIN Sick Kidneys Weaken the Whole Body Make You III Languid and Depressed- Sick kidneys weaken the body through the continual drainage of life giving albumen from the blood into the urine and the substitution of poisonous uric acid that goes board cast through the system sowing the seeds of disease Loss of albumen causes weakness languor depression- Uric poisoning causes rehumatic pain nervousness nausea cricks in the back gravel and kidney stones The proper treatment is a kidney treat ¬ ment and the best remedy is Doans Kidney Pills Oscar Osterman luring in Starke Fla says I give Doans Kidney Pills my highest recommendation as they proved of more benefit to me than any- thing ¬ I had previously used I suf ¬ fered from kidney trouble for some time The kidney secretions were too frequent in action and I was forced to 1 arise from six to eight times during- the night on this account I also suf- fered ¬ from backache and was bothered- by a pain through my loins None of the remedies I used gave me the de ¬ sired relief until I procured Doans Kidney Pills They soon helped me and by the time I had taken the contents of two boxes the backache and pains had entirely passed away The action of the kidney secretions soon became regular and as a result I did not have- to arise during the night as formerly I now feel fifty per cent better than before in a long time and cannot praise Doans Kidney Pills too highly Plenty more proof like this from Ocala people Call at Tydings Cos drug store and ask what their custo ¬ mers report For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents FosterMilburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other V KNIGHT LANGL- eading a Vehicle Dealers of Central FloridaA- n immense stock of Reliable Wagons Buggies Carls and Carriages carried at all times Harness Saddles Lap Robes Whips and all items carried by a firstclass house of tbis bind bought in qaan titles from the factories and always in stock at the very lowest prices We can save YOU money on your purchases they large or small Agents for most of the leading and best makes tf wagons and bug- giesKNIGHT L LANG North Side of Square OCALA FLORID- AThe e t t Kind You Have Always Bought and which has been in use for over 30 years has borne the signature of t and has been made under his per ¬ 1 4r = 7 sonal supervision since its infancy Allow no one to deceive you in this All Counterfeits Imitations and Justasgood are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health t K Infants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment What Is CASTOR1A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare gcric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation- and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates the I Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep i The Childrens PanaceaThe Mothers Friend 4 1 GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 11 Sears the Signature of l 4- I The KM You toe Always Bought- In Use For Over 30 Years TNt CCNTAUK COMMUt TT ClURfUV TUttr NEW YORK CITY r Kodol P For Dyspepsia and Indi estionr If you Suffer from Indigestion Dyspepsia Gat on r i the Stomach Belching Sour Stomach Heartburn- etc a little Kodol will Relieve you almost Instantly Kodol supplies the same digestive Juices that are found in a healthy stomach Being a liquid it starts digestion at once Kodol not only digests your food but helps you enjoy every mouthful you eat You need a sufficient amount of I good wholesome food to maintain strength and health I But this food must be digested thoroughly otherwise the pains of indigestion and dyspepsia are the result When your stomach cannot do its work properly take something to help your stomach Kodol is the only thing that will give the stom- ach ¬ complete rest Why Because Kodol does the same work as a strong stomach sad does it in a natural way So dont neglect your stomach Dont become a chronic dyspeptic Keep your stomach healthy and strong by taking a odol You dont have to take Kodol all the time You only take it when you need it Kodol perfectly harmless Our Guarantee Go to yonrdrngglst today and get a dol 1 lar Then after you baveosed Ike entire contents of the bottle if you can + honestly say that It has not done you aay good return the bottle to the he will refund your money without q seh tlon or delay We will then tile dug gist Dons hesitate all druggists know that our guarantee Is good This oer ap- plies ¬ to the large bottle only asd to but ons a family lane bottle contalas JHU times as much as the fifty cent bottle Kodol prepared at the bbora tai ¬ ies of E C DeWitt Co Chicago I SOLD BY THE ANTIMONOPOLY 1RUGSTORE OCALA FLORUA- i i J c 4 < ilIi l 4 h

R Y THEY MUST KNOWufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00970/0371.pdf · 3500 Coat and Pants to your measure only 2750 3000 U u u u Zm c 2250 2500 u u U u ii cc 1950 2000 u u 1C

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Page 1: R Y THEY MUST KNOWufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00970/0371.pdf · 3500 Coat and Pants to your measure only 2750 3000 U u u u Zm c 2250 2500 u u U u ii cc 1950 2000 u u 1C

d4 V

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r I




N b U 3 ya-


I i





Listen The winter season is nowupon us and it is my desire to seeone of Kauffrnans suits upon every-mana and boy in this county and inorder to see this desire gratified IIhave made the following reduc-tions


k I

3500 Coat and Pants to your measure only 27503000 U u u u Zm c 22502500 u u U u ii cc 19502000 u u 1C H cc cc 16501650 U u u u cc 1250

Now is the time to buy a suit Suits sold on liberal terms3 down will order you a suit 1 down will order

fyou a pair of pants-

I guarantee a fit and if clothes dont fit we ask no moneyThe above offer backed by me is sufficient guarantee that

you will get your moneys worth 500 samples



if AT



T i-




Fall Stock of Jewelry-I am getting in one of the handsomest and most

complete stocks of Jewelry for the trade this fall andwinter that I have ever carried

wMany of the goods

have already arrived There are man-


Watches Chains Jewelry of all kinds DiamondsCut Glass and Silverware Fine China Novelties etc

and many others arriving each week-

I am agent for and carry a veryi large stock of Edisons Phonographs


e will be pleasedto have you call and see the goods


1 A E Burnetta



Weak Womenfreq-uentlya

suffer great pain and misery during thechange of life It is at this time that the beneficialeffect of taking Cardui is most appreciated by thosewho find that it relieves their dist-



JI1 J3

It Will Help YouI

Mrs Lucinda C Hill of Freeland 0 writesBefore I began to take Cardui I suffered so badly-

I wan afraid to lie down at night After I began toI take it I felt better in a week Now my pains have


gone I can sleep like a girl of 16 and the change-of life has nearly left me Try CarduL



+ Jl Jr1 i i vftV JL I p rt < r ypCaAI NO


Continued from First Page

mitage smites to mmseft ana srroiiea

onHe I

looked down in a moment upon-

a pretty estate distinguished by itsformal garden but with the broadacres of a practical farm stretchIng far out into the valley The lawnterraces were green broken only byplots of spring flowers The walkswere walled in box and privet Thehouse of the pillared colonial typecrowned a series of terraces A longpergola with pillars topped by redurns curved gradually through thegarden toward the mansion Armitagefollowed a side road along the brickpartition wall and contemplated theinner landscape The sharp snap of agardeners shears far up the slope wasthe only sound that reached him Itwas a charming place and he yielded


He dropped over the wall and strolledaway-

to a temptation to explore it He drop¬

ped over the wall and strolled awaythrough the garden the smell of warmearth moist from the days light showers and the faint odor of green thingsgrowing sweet in his nostrils Hewalked to the far end of the pergola-sat down on a wooden bench and gavehimself up to reverie He had been de¬

nounced as an impostor He was onClaiborne soil and the situation required thought-

It was while he thus pondered hisaffairs that Shirley walking over thesoft lawn from a neighboring estatecame suddenly upon him


Her head went up wltn surprise andhe was surewith disdain She stop ¬

ped abruptly as he jumped to his feetI am caughtin flagrante delicto

1 can only plead guilty and pray formercy

They saidthey said you had goneto Mexico said Shirley questioninglyPlague

take the newspapers Howdare they so misrepresent me helaughed-

Yes I read those newspaper articleswith a good deal of interest And mybrother

Yes your brotherhe is the bestfellow In the world

She mused but a smile of real mirthnow played over her face and lighted-her eyes

Those are generous words Mr Ar ¬

mitage My brother warned me against-you in quite unequivocal language Hetold me about your matchbox

Oh the cigarette case and he held-

it up Its really mine and Im going

Shirley came suddenly upon himto keep it It was very damaging evi-dence


It would argue strongly against-me in any court of law

Yes I believe that Is true Andshe looked at the trinket with frankInterest

But I particularly do not wish tohave to meet that charge in any court-of law Miss Claiborne

She met his gaze very steadily andher eyes were grave Then she asked-in much the same tone that she wouldhave used if they had been very oldfriends and he had excused himself-for not riding that day or for not goingupon a hunt or to the theater

WhyBecause I have a pledge to keep

and a work to do and If I were forced-to defend myself from the charge ofbeing the false Baron von Kissel every-thing


would be spoiled You see un- ¬

fortunately most unfortunatelyI amnot quite without responsibilities and-I have come down into the mountainswhere I hope not to be shot and tossedover a precipice until I have had time-to watch certain people and certainevents for a little while I tried tosay as much to Captain Claiborne but-I saw that my story did not impress-himI And now I have said the samething to you

He waited gravely watching her hatIn hand

And I have stood here and listened-to you and done exactly what CaptainClaiborne would not wish me to do un ¬

der any circumstances said ShirleyYou are infinitely kind and gener¬

ousNo I do not wish you to think meeither of those thingsof course not

Her conclusion was abrupt and point-ed


ThenThen I will tell youwhat I have

not told any one else that I know


t ynt

you will generally find that they know of more good those of good sense and dis-

cernment¬ z

in your vicinity who have been cured by Dr Pierces Worldkhied Family Medicines than byall other proprietary medicines They have been making these cures right along for over forty yearsand altogether likely you will easily find people all about you who will be only too glad to say a good word lfor them These old reliable curatives are not exploited or urged upon the afflicted by extravagant andfalse promises but have a record of real genuine cures to sustain them t

Among women Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription is truly a favorite by reason ofs



Its remarkable cures which for over forty years by far exceed those which can be1

credited to any medicine extant By a little inquiry you will no doubt find some of lthese cured and grateful cases in your immediate neighborhood for they are to be 1

met with practically EVERY WHERE They are Dr Pierces best advertisements-Seek


their advice if you are a poor despondent overburdened broken down weak-or painwracked woman suffering from some derangement or weakness incident i-

to your sexThe Peoples Common Sense Medical Adviser in plain English by R V Pierce M D new fuller re-


uptodate edition gives all particulars which women need to know abqut their peculiar functions-and how to correct ordinary derangements and weaknesses Clothbound volume of 1000 pages 31 onecent stamps or in paper covers for 21 cents postpaid Why not send for it NOW The New Edition isalmost a household necessity Address Worlds Dispensary Medical Association Dr R Y Plarcs Prssidflut BiffiMY


THEY MUST KNOWvery welt that yqu are not tne personwho appeared at Bar Harbor threeyears ago and palmed himself off athe Baron von Kissel

You know Ityou are quite sure ofit he asked blankly

Certainly I saw that personat-Bar Harbor I had gone up from New ¬

port for a weekI was even at a teawhere he was quite the lion and 1

am sure you are not the same personHer direct manner of speech her de ¬

cisive tone in which she placed thematter of his identity on a purely prac-


and unsentimental plane gavehum a new impression of her character

But Captain Claiborne-He ceased suddenly and she antici-


the question at which he hadfaltered and answered a little icily

I do not consider it any of my busi-


to meddle in your affairs with mybrother He undoubtedly believes youare the impostor who palmed himself-off at Bar Harbor as the Baron vonKissel He was told so

By M ChauvenetSo he saidAnd of course he Is a capital wit¬

ness There is no doubt of Chauvenets entire credibility declared Armtage a little airily-

I should say not said Shirley un-

responsively UI am quite as sure thathe was not the false baron as I amthat you were not

Armitage laughedThat is a little pointed-It was meant to be said Shirley

sternly It isshe weighed the wordridiculous that both of you should-

be hereThank you for my half I didnt

know he was here But I am notexactly herel have a much saferplace He swept the blue hilled hori ¬

zon with his hand M Chauvenet-and I will not shoot at each other Inthe hotel dining room But I am reallyrelieved that he has come We have-an interesting fashion of running Intoeach other It would positively grieve-me to be obliged to wait long for him

He smiled and thrust his hat underhis arm The sun was dropping behindthe great western barricade and a chillwind crept sharply over the valley-

He started to walk beside her as sheturned away but she paused abruptly-

Oh this wont do at all I cant beseen with you even In the shadow ofmy own house I must trouble you totake the side gate and she indicated-It by a nod of her head

Not if I know myself I am not afraudulent member of the German no ¬

bilityyou have told me so yourselfYour conscience is clear I assure youmine is equally so And I am not aperson Miss Claiborne to sneak out byside gates particularly when I cameover the fence Its a long way aroundanyhow and I have a horse over theresomewhere by the Inn

My brother-Is at Fort Myer of course At about

this hour they are having dress paradeand he is thoroughly occupied

Butthere Is M Chauvenet Hehas nothing to do but amuse himself

They had reached the veranda stepsand she ran to the top and turned foru moment to look at him He still car ¬

ried his hat and crop In one hand andhad dropped the other Into the sidepocket of his coat He was wholly atease and the wind ruffled his hair andgave him a boyish look that Shirleyliked But she had no wish to befound with him and she Instantly nod ¬

ded his dismissal and half turned away-to go into the house when he detained-her for a moment-

I am perfectly willing to afford M

Chauvenet all imaginable entertain-ment


We are bound to have manymeetings I am afraid he reached thischarming valley before me but as arule I prefer to be a little ahead ofhim Its a whim the merest whim-I assure you

He laughed thinking little of whathe said but delighting in the picture-she made the tall pillars of the veran-da


framing her against the white wallof the house and the architrave high


above speaking so he thought for theamplitude the breadth of her natureHer green cloth gown afforded thehappiest possible contrast with thewhite background and her hatfor agown let us remember may express-the dressmaker but a hat expresses-the woman who wears ither hat ArImitage was aware was a trifle of i

black velvet caught up at one side I

with snowy plumesHer annoyance at finding herself i

Ilingering to listen to him was marked I

in an almost imperceptible gathering-of her brows It was all the matter of i

an instant His heart beat fast in hisjoy at the sight of her and the tongue j

that years of practice had skilled Inreserve and evasion was possessed by j

a reckless spiritI She nodded carelessly but said noth ¬

ing waiting for him to go onBut when I wait fur people they

always OLJeen in Sy rrAnse per

gold he added daringly Tsop wGeneva not long ago

He lost the profile and gained herface as he liked it best though herhead was lifted a little high in resent ¬

ment against her own yielding curiosi-ty


He was speaking rapidly and theslight hint of some other tongue thanhis usually fluent English arrested herear now as it had at other times-

In Geneva when I told a younglady that I was waiting for a very


She instantly nodded his dismissalwicked man to appearit was reallythe oddest thing in the world that al ¬

most immediately M Jules Chauvenetarrived at mine own Inn It is inevita-ble


it is always sure to be my fatehe concluded mournfully-

He bowed low restored the shabby-hat to his head with the least bit of aflourish and strolled away through thegarden by a broad walk that led to thefront gate

He would have been Interested toknow that when he was out of sightShirley walked to the veranda rail andbent forward listening to his steps onthe gravel after the hedge and shrub ¬

bery had hidden him And she stoodthus until the faint click of the gatetold her that he had gone

She did not know that as the gateclosed upon him he met Chauvenetface to face

Continued next Saturday


Sunday school 10 a mPreaching 1130 a mBaptism of infants3 p mPreaching 30 p mThe church is engaged in a revival

which began Sunday night last andten persons have already been con-verted


to the Lord The meeting willcontinue during next week

The pastor requests every member-of the gospel choir to be present Sun ¬

day evening at 730 to engage in ahalf hour song service The pastor isbeing ably assisted in this revival byRevs Gibbs W O Bartley and oth ¬

ersRev Bartley will preach for us at 8p m All Christians Irrespective ofdenomination are requested to comeand assist in these meetings-

Rev D M Baxter D D Pastor-


Sick Kidneys Weaken the Whole BodyMake You III Languid and


Sick kidneys weaken the bodythrough the continual drainage of lifegiving albumen from the blood intothe urine and the substitution ofpoisonous uric acid that goes boardcast through the system sowing theseeds of disease Loss of albumencauses weakness languor depression-Uric poisoning causes rehumatic painnervousness nausea cricks in theback gravel and kidney stones Theproper treatment is a kidney treat ¬

ment and the best remedy is DoansKidney Pills

Oscar Osterman luring in StarkeFla says I give Doans Kidney Pillsmy highest recommendation as theyproved of more benefit to me than any-thing


I had previously used I suf ¬

fered from kidney trouble for sometime The kidney secretions were toofrequent in action and I was forced to 1

arise from six to eight times during-the night on this account I also suf-fered


from backache and was bothered-by a pain through my loins None ofthe remedies I used gave me the de ¬

sired relief until I procured DoansKidney Pills They soon helped me andby the time I had taken the contents oftwo boxes the backache and pains hadentirely passed away The action ofthe kidney secretions soon becameregular and as a result I did not have-to arise during the night as formerlyI now feel fifty per cent better thanbefore in a long time and cannot praiseDoans Kidney Pills too highly

Plenty more proof like this fromOcala people Call at Tydings Cosdrug store and ask what their custo ¬

mers reportFor sale by all dealers Price 50

cents FosterMilburn Co BuffaloNew York sole agents for the UnitedStates

Remember the name Doans andtake no other





Vehicle Dealersof Central FloridaA-

n immense stock of Reliable Wagons Buggies Carlsand Carriages carried at all times

Harness Saddles Lap Robes Whips and all itemscarried by a firstclass house of tbis bind bought in qaantitles from the factories and always in stock at the verylowest prices

We can save YOU money on your purchases theylarge or small

Agents for most of the leading and best makes tfwagons and bug-

giesKNIGHT L LANGNorth Side of Square OCALA FLORID-



Kind You Have Always Bought and which has beenin use for over 30 years has borne the signature of t

and has been made under his per¬ 1

4r= 7 sonal supervision since its infancyAllow no one to deceive you in this

All Counterfeits Imitations and Justasgood are butExperiments that trifle with and endanger the health tK

Infants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment

What Is CASTOR1ACastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregcric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant Itcontains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcoticsubstance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Wormsand allays Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea and WindColic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation-and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates the I

Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep iThe Childrens PanaceaThe Mothers Friend 4



Sears the Signature of


IThe KM You toe Always Bought-



Kodol P

For Dyspepsia and Indi estionrIf you Suffer from Indigestion Dyspepsia Gat on r

ithe Stomach Belching Sour Stomach Heartburn-etc a little Kodol will Relieve you almost Instantly

Kodol supplies the same digestiveJuices that are found in a healthystomach Being a liquid it startsdigestion at once

Kodol not only digests your foodbut helps you enjoy every mouthfulyou eat

You need a sufficient amount ofI good wholesome food to maintain

strength and healthI

But this food must be digestedthoroughly otherwise the pains ofindigestion and dyspepsia are theresult

When your stomach cannot do itswork properly take something tohelp your stomach Kodol is theonly thing that will give the stom-ach


complete restWhy Because Kodol does the

same work as a strong stomach saddoes it in a natural way

So dont neglect your stomachDont become a chronic dyspepticKeep your stomach healthy andstrong by taking a odolYou dont have to take Kodol allthe time You only take it whenyou need it

Kodol perfectly harmless

Our GuaranteeGo to yonrdrngglst today and get a dol 1

lar Then after you baveosed Ikeentire contents of the bottle if you can +

honestly say that It has not done you aaygood return the bottle to thehe will refund your money without qsehtlon or delay We will then tile duggist Dons hesitate all druggists knowthat our guarantee Is good This oer ap-plies

¬to the large bottle only asd to but onsa family lane bottle contalas JHU

times as much as the fifty cent bottleKodol prepared atthe bboratai ¬

ies of E C DeWitt Co ChicagoI



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