r THE ONLY AFTERN L . c>--;'H*'.-i ^ ^ /m /i ■ 'I Adtnlhistrluon; & n d b ^ Ls CompromiM'Prowls B( ' . fow President in Hope ( Avierting'Trfflty Deadlock CONTRSVeRSY CENTERS , AROUND ARTICLE 15 Knoz SponBon. Hew QtiaUfioi : tioa to.ftewnt FiirtliBr . it Ext«]u^n -w^out Ooi - grew AotioB' i WA8HiiNQTi0N> «V-Smi hopL .that tho :peac# tM*W.;»fty b« s&v from anothor - deadioek, demoerai •enatora aooffbt .today to la r direc) hetv9 President Wilaon th» la tu t pi - poaala dnaeoaMd aa a ponible eompi miM baaia on artielo ton. Whllo roeonaideratlon o f tho ropo li(mB MBOnratimii proeoodod in t aonato. Senator Hlteboook of tTobraa) tho adminlstratioB leader, waa repo ed to have writtoa tho preaident ai iof; that he aee adminUtratioa aei tora aad jjive them his riewa.aa whother h« wonld accept the eompi miae propoisls sow nnder eo&aidei tion.- , flpaeify Aj^ondMi;' ' Theao proposals.are aaid, to eootc plate a change in- the* repobliean 1 (lelo t«a .reaervatlon .ao that u ilita foree and other apeeifle a^aeles woe be noaed aa moans which the Unit Statea would deelJn» to oae' io p: aorvo .tho iatogrltj, of other leag Jl mombftrsL - ; A BOW reserration dosigBOd to p: ..vent, fitrth^ extenaion of credit foroln ■govomnents. withoat «OBgr sioBol aetion woa introdueod todajr Seaator Ksoz, repoblidui, *Wniu vanla. It provides that the credit the Unitod States ahall not bo pledg until congress bas offinnatlvolv riv authority. A u tlw r Plaak Adoptod The reservation declaring the repo: tiona cohiBiissioB shall not ' -intorf< witb trade between the U&ltod Stai nnd Oormany except with the oons< of thia conntry waa ro-adbpted wi offt jchnngo today by a vote of 41 to : Six democrats, Sonatora Chanborla Oregon; Ooro, Oklahoma: Nugont, I< . ho; Beod, ^hUsaouri; Shielda, Tennoso ^and Bm lth,' Georgia, snpportod it, sain of ono democratle vote over 1 November when the •rosorvntlon v adopted M to 10. Senator Hitchcock mado an off to modify tbe reeer%'atlon so that would deelarp there conld be no c .--serlmination afrolnrt tbe Uaitod Btat but thla anendment was voted doi 23 to 37, the republicans atanding gethcF Against it. iw s lljf BMMilE Offidala Promlae PnbUoati ^ of Latest Sxohange in Adri- atic Sitnation - LONDON, (/PHPnsidenl Wllso nota in reply to tho latest communl tion of tha allied premiers on tbe A atia bnestioa reached tho Ameri ambaasy hew today. It w ill bo do crod to Sari Onrxoa, tho foreign re' tary, this aftenoon. The iastmetioBa aent with tho 1 from Washlngtoa contain.no meni of arrasgeneau for Ita pnblieatioi STATE DEPARTMENT ADVISEfl .... SUMMABT* TO BB PUBLJSr WASHINGTON, (ff)—A anmmnr President Wilson's noto to the miers oa.the Adriatio aitoation la t( , mada pnblle by. the stata departm ■%;,-^robabV J*t* today. >OffieUla I " O^tod that the foll-«a3^ wonld noi ^vea ont at this tim*. HOUSE DIRECTS PROBP 0! SUGAR PRICE FIXINd A WABHINOTON, (/P)—Chlrgini President Wilaon and Attorney Geo ' PalmCT were directly responsible prevailing hljfh eugnr priccs, tho re licans-by a atriet party vote have through the home a rosolutlon aut iring inves'igation by the Jndle committee of the acts cf Attorney ' oral Palmer In roHhoctlon with pi ( . fizrd for LoniBtana sugnr. Democrats charged the republi with an attempt to curb tho "groi • popularity" of a democratic presi tial aspirant. The republleans ro] that Mr. Palmer had no authorlt; recognixe the high* flgurea at w Louisiana sugar sold and that he . failed to press actions against pr •ccra. tN crA rIV 'i-ir, ' sr • M 'E X IC A N S : p '"'~ 7 p O tH i a i; citisen, h u b^en id ^ n iltd Ajf Ijy Ue:dc 6 , w oral^ llll ftom that otty.'' P ^ R E D iM fiN ir oi M ARKSEIETI T dP R IV A T r^N Flnal'Adjustment of Irlnanclal i I .. Ctovemment C 6ntro|;w||l Req - AiitwunoMi-Olalms Rim Into rds. '■ wAS 1 ^ 6 TOlif,\(ffV-RoU adjust .. me&t .o f finanelal,' aad legal questloni aziatiUL-ftpm mTmtnent control oi th'e^ailroada. w ill require VconsldenibK . ' tithe,VDltoctor'Oenoral HIbos said to- ■ping 'daiy: Olaima aff«eting quostions of cap' avm iti^ ezpendltul^’.'iBainteaance ques- r»Io tioBVAnd elains froni shippera on ac- ew y eonnt of losa and damiago w ill run into hnadreds of mllllona of dollars, opro- More than 1,400 officera and em- ployes have been cat o ff the govera Jpnb* mont payroll aa a result of tho ro- <um of the roads to private control port- i.AOK o r WOBK PMMPTS atk- xJLY OTT jtSsoxmomsam BIOHMOND, Va., (ff)— BBM prompted an an- ji I;* nouncemeat by -aouthorn railway ofH- eiala here' tbat HO employes at' the company'a local ahopa would be laid item* next Monday. h-Yj PATBOIX AT XNOrVniB TO BB COT TWttKTT PEB OBOT Stfid KNOXVILLE, Tonn., (ffV^rden laying o ff-300 of tho 1500 riUway em lanu ployes aoQthom - railway ahopa hen have beon poated, offoctivo Saturday Beduction of expenditures waa aold t( ./to parposo. •gw** • - ~ “ ----------------. • 5.K JOHNSON IN TRAIN WRECK it-of . . ---------- . idged O a U fo i^ SasiatoT oo Oampalgn Tom ^voa Has Horel Bkperlenee e io trx FALM , s. D., /ff)—Sonato: Ulrom Jobnaon of California, on rooti 1 *'^ from Tnnkton'to Watertown, S. D., ha' itates tj,, Bovelty of being In a troln wrecl today when tho Great Northern trait which ho waa riding waa stmcl ^ by a Chicago and Northwestern trail nun, Davis, 30 miles south of Sionx Fals Ida* jjg ong ropo.rtod injured. A baggage ear waa derailed. Beaa 7 tor Johnaon, while being somewhat de ‘ last jnypj ^ tj,, wreck will be able t^ reach WatertowB in Ume to ddiver u iffort there''tonight At It — ' ............. "- , dU- -----------------^ ------- : -------------------------------------- - W orld :Ne if .WASraOTdN, I ported in consular adviceB t I to be coa«ideris|: the Isscai K export of hides to the Unit« LONDON, (ff)r« .Itiri5 ' the British West Indies to tl . helping balance the war del 'J*® csssed in the house of conn . probably next Monday. Ison 'a OOPENHAGEN, BoT unica* ed a proposal yesterday to jt Adii- ----- --------- LONDON, {/Ph-A, Bolshe recre- wireless from Moscow repo: of the port of Kem, 180 milei s 1MO White Bea at the enticA Lion- ---------- ES - EXECUTION-OF MEXICAN REBEL LEADER REPORTE 0 pro* 1to be Oirllo Arenaa Meeta Death Before F tmoiit, lag Batiad FollowlBg Oaptare I Indi- . to Pnebla not be --------- MEXICO CITY, (ff)—CIrilo Arenas rebel leader, who was captured l« nc thnn a week ago when ho entered t “ •* oUy waa Puebla diaguised, waa s< A i'T tonced to death by a summary co» '** martial Wodnesday night and exocut yesterdny mofrning in Pupblo, aecoi g that lng to ndvieos rccelvod hero, lenernl - Arcnna, whoso forces n year ago w« >le .Xoi f^ardhtg tho Intoroceanic railway 1 repnb- tw(Hjn Mexico City and Vera Crur, vo pnt voUed ogainst tho government a author- tince that time had been engaged bandit operations. Among tho crin ly Oon- of which he was accused wai the dy: pricea mltlng of a train from PucWa car Ing a number of boy scouts who w blleans atudents In a German school In tl rowing city. eslden- jjlno boya were killod by the b ”tv to ‘»*'Uoved they were soldi* which he ha-1 IDAHO WBATBEB profit- Tonight and Saturday probably r or anow north, fa ir soii>h. !?===r==»-===ss5==aa=!!==s5s yiK iffia 5 KIDNAP Bil^^ERIGAN - BnmiootB, an Amerioan 1 ;^ Xaxiou rebeli at Sallna Ornz, ftat^wiodaj’ to tho (tate dejpartment I I N PAYROLLS rURNO FRAILS .TE OW NERSHIP :lal and Legal Questions Arising froni Require “ Considei^le Time,” Hines Into Enormous Flares . iipttir i TOiffllEB ri IHtiOLLEeN “‘mt . / ______ ^ Second Note Intimates Assur in.d. ance that Close Guarding anc Censorship WIII Be M tu te c ' .ik; al Former Kaiser’s Domicllt » laid r_ . THB HAGUE, (ff)—The Dutch gov enment today for tho aeeond time t foaed to deliver the former Oermaa em v 1 .ni! I here ^ ^ addnsascd to David Hoy- irday. Oeorge, the Britlah premier, howevoi lid to the govenunent ptomlsod to take al aoceasary measures to minimize tb . liberty-of Wilhelm and prevent bit CPIf flndaagering tbo world's peace. C v l\ Tlie tecond eommnnleation from' th Dotch go'venimeat, which was dolivei •Four ed in I^adoa this aomlng, states tba these precantions w ill be taken "o a tb spot." I t is undoratood the Dutei authorities have assured allied ^Iplc wator jmta ^1^ 1 ^ guarding and censoi route ahip instUuted when Wilheli '•» n»d occupies hla estato at Doom. Night and day shifts are- worUn; itmek the kaiser’s new rosldenee at Door, train ^ reported he w ill movo thor . Pais. Amerongen on May IS. While nnprotseted by high walla or Beaa- moat, tbe Doom eatate ia bow in rea at de- ity a 800 aero cago that can be easU )Ie to guarded'and w it^ irhleh the Dnto rer an jfoversment ejects William of Hi henzollem to spend the reat of his dayi lews Events -The Blexiban government is re- ses to the department of commerce soance ot a decree prohibiting the [Jnited States. expected that the proposal to sell to the United States as a means' of r debt of Great ^ ta in w ill be dis- jommons, by P re fe r Lloyd George, -Both chambers nnanimonsly adopt* to join the leagne of nations. Ishevik commnnication received by reports the capture hj soviet forces miles northwest of Archangel. Kem the month of the Kem river. OHlEsiiB' FILLS l i m BH BIEI ire Corporation President Tells t ronas,n OoTirt Oash Assets Less Tl>an»W,000 ^ court CHICAGO, (ff)—The Daniel Ha; xocutod company, n 12,750,000 Idaho eorpo accord- tion, has tan^ble eash assets of 1 than *10.000, Daniel Hnyes, Jr., go wore preaident, ndmltted in Judgo K. ffay bo- Landis' court today. ?rur, ro Creditors of the eompany filed ba nt anl ruptcy nrocoodinga three weekn i ngcd m nnd Judge Lendls la Investlgat I crim.'t Hayea’ dealinga In California landa I 10 dynn- Irrigation projects. Hayca’ only pi a carry- erty, a house at Evanston, wna attt ho wero ed today. In that Tho compivny waa organised in 1 with n capital stock of $250,OOO, wh he ban- was Increased a Uttlo moro thai soldlora. year lator to |2,750,000. * Tho company hns equities In Call nlii lands valued at mnro than t l ,0 000, he aald, but It'ls doubtful whet bly rain theso can bo recovered unless tho c pany Is re-organUcd. St TBIDAT,' ji^E oa’fW : is r o pOilDENHi r EBBOP fSHO i : ypo«iH iiM& Canvass of Situation in! Ne York Discloses Difference i ) Opinion Respeotlng' Gold In _ ports froih England ^ BRITISH TRADE INCREASE -om IS ALREADY BIG FACTC No DonM is Entertatoed In E ___ spoMible (Juarteri OvorPa I ment ot Largs' Fart of Fc I . eign Loan 1 . IiONDOH, —The xvport ea bled from New Tork that largi ahlpmonta ef gold w*n peadini fVom here eaaaed a. m a rt xlse It IB I ^ ezchange maxkat today, eabit IH I tranffers moTlng to 93.60. IIH The report mrprlaed tha mazfcei III considerably, but both bullion brek ■tumor... It waa pointed ont thai thare.ls not acy soeb man u a* anrj reported 1200,000,000 In gold avaU able for shipment vlfebont encxeaeh Ited tog upon the resecvee and tb •• treasorr ia eonaidered as n n llk ^ tlie to ship oa soch a scale. The amouni cemiog from tbe minaa to tbe naxi three months, estdmated a t 10, 000, * . 000 pounda may be absorbed grad f- aany for the United Statea, bui >em- tbia would be hardly coffldent ti caoas a Ug rise to ezdtange. Joyd ---------- oyorl new YOBK, (ff)—Foreign oxchaj 5 all continued to improvo today. Dema sterling opened nt $8.60 to $3.65 Mtn^ared with yesterdAy’s.moximna Oontlnned Improvement in foreign I chango today resulted in demand st roaehlng $3.70 when tho st4 « ?hfl closed. This wns an incr© »..*Tk tho minimum quc lu t^ tion at tho opening and a gain of MPlo* cents since Wednesday. A canvass of tho oxehange sitoat among .leading intematlonnl bank houses today disclosed consldoral rking confusion and difference of opinion >ooru spoctlng tho immoneo gold impc thoro from England and' possiblo Frat ' Bankers, having cloao -folntloas w or a Britain wero not disposed to Atti feal- ®«ch credcneo to overnight repc luUy that an extensive gold movement fi hitoh London to this mnrkot 1a soon to Ho. Inaguratcd. days. BxporU Big Factor. ____ I t Is generally' conceded, howei ----- that aetion may bo neceas to hasiSn further restoration of B Isii and French credits here. Tho pt Is made that tho steady Increaso British exports to this country is I ready a big factor In reducing E land's foreira obllgationa. Tn responslblo quarters it has ne •e ' been doubted that a* largo portion tho Anglo-French $500,000,000 loan, turing next October, would bo t and tho recent strength of that ii in the loeal bond markot haa b ,11 regarded as especially significant, ogainst tho probability o f Immodl gold shipments from England nt 9. tion la called by bdnkers to the creasing tightness of monoy in Lon ®» and tlio extreme probability of early advance in tho discount ratci tho Bank of England. .t- Withdraw Oold Coin. An additional $5,000,000 in gold 1 wan.withdrawn from tbo sub-troai hero for shipment to South Amoi t>y Thla makes a total of $21,.^00,000 m AR drawn this week. Gold coin valued nt approxlma B $3,000,000 has been shipped hero i Canada, U waa r.nnounecd today. ______ molal is sent for tho acconnt of —" - Canadian govommont and is qi II stood to be tho forerunner nf fm f shipments. It is beliovod tbat 1 I ment was mnde for tho purpo«< in T U "tabllltlng Canadian exchange, w lull nuot®'! below par hero '-A ’ddltlonal shipments o f $3,000,0( gold aro expected from Canada. ^ ‘ “ ® Is understood thnt Canadian Intei 3SS and not the British government, responslblo for tho movcmrnt. Hayes \Flour Price Reflects sre; Wheat.Situation Gi k I mKNi;APOLIS, Min»„ W Improvement In tho lotnl whi I bank- situation waa ^rflcctcd In an kn airo vanco In flour of 25 cents a bai itmtlnt? boro today. Flour of standi ids and f prop- OS poond sacks. attach. BP5OTA0TTLAB BLAZE WIPEE In 1015 PAUL PLATH< . which BT. PAUU Minn., yP)-A fl, tban a apectacylar proportions, which tl ened to spi<ead to three small h Cnllfor- destroyed iho Rialto theater earlj $1,000, mornlnt?. Fireman fought tho blai vhothor five hours. Tho temperature was 10 com- degrees bolow ^ero. Loss Is cstlt at $100,000. IRE REPORT, OF THE, m-M itii flSTATMEPA in I Bps PLOT EE jChargies W illfu l Nevi, Threatening to ieof Plague j WASHIKOTOHi (ff)—Off ment say an invasion of PoUu _ the hbcse roles ooasnittee wm in charge of the department's TOR oommittee is considering an a] land, A n s t^ and Armexda.. Hr. Oaat«l alfo dMlazvd t»t tba Be For- oome the nMitact placo* to Ustorr. <*Thar BdahevlsU*'. ha .jald, loading their typhus vtotitna toto anna ed motor can^ and tsktoff tbam to « ^ Poliah border aad 'forctoc tiw PolM ^ Sf* *‘Sirt£*M win 94 Pdlttd li »bff« ^ tog honlWy l» m tha l« k of food ai Lr niel, te.-8al« redttug oondlttona v TMOad by advicei of Amarlcaa dipl ^ matlo r<j t eaaotatiT$a ^ almiad. I ILEFTIN IKEOE I BCGOLD iV I t to ____^ Storm Spreads East and Soul emaad from-Mlddle West with Freezing. Temperature iPh llSed » i MisslMtp pttex- ' .• WABHtHOTOir.'UV-TUlbnib icroase blixxard, w bldi ovnsjpfead ths mid* cmoS ^ yeatardar with anow aad of SI low tamperatares, w ill reach tha A t tiantic ooaat tonlghW the weather nation butsao predicted today.' The inkinz attength of tha bUiatard, It was said, erable tliwetnlnafrt to part aad lon ro al^ n g b tha rato falling aloog the nporta eaatcm seaboard today w ill tore to V^eo >«>«• tbe faU w ill be light It wlU Trith be foUowed by mnch colder weather ?po“r'li CmOAaO,(/I>)—Tho cold wave uhl. t from yesterday ewept Into the mlddlo wei to bo preceded by rain and sloot nnd accoi panled by snow, today sprend castwa and southward, but left behind - ti WI.V driving snows that charocti irod Its initial swoop from tbo mou easar) , , . 4., > staloa. ' „ ^ r Weather forecasts Indieated tho ce ’ V ; tral western and Rocky mounta la nl would have some roliof fro p xero temperatures’ tomorrow, w^h fi I tag- ^ut freeting temperatni reaching aa far south as Mlsslssip nt d snow and rains in tho uppor 01 vnlley ond tho lako regions. . ^«ili The struck Chicago alx hoi «??... W3>cad of tho timo forecast by t weather bureau. . oeen city^ gt. Xx>uls, Omaha, I ,^ 1 . ^ Moines nnd St. Paul reported tho ato had crippled wiro communications s h>.i Ir. impodod stroot car sorvico. Officials of -mllroads operatlag of an western and northern states announi -♦a. crows with-rotary snow plows bad gun clearing tracks of drifts and was probablo traina woold be’ run , schedule tomorrow. Id coin .. morlcn. SENATE TAKES MORE TIM FOR ACTION UPON COLI imatcly '0 from - '. This Case of Noadnee fo r Seeretaiy of SI of the B*sts to Oommittee Pending Bee QBder- ' ommandatlott further ---------- it ship- WASHINGTON, <ff)—Action on 3080 of nomination of BainbHdgo to bo 1 . which retary of state again was deferred ero for the senate foreign relations comt tee today after members had objee 0,000 in to taking nny vote until they da. It more Informntion. nterests, Senators who wero In the meei snt, are said thnt whilo no definite chai had boon filed, and no formal invi - gation decided on, it waa tbe gen opinion that certain matters should ^ ^ cleared up bofore tho committee a Gain recommendation. ifc CONSULTATION W ON TURKISH TRE indard -------- to) In WASHlNpTON, (ff>—Tho TJt States, In tho opinion of officials 1 will bo consulted as. to terms of rBOUSB virtually completed Turkish treaty firo 3 f f^’ro thff document Is handed to rt threat- sentatives of tbe Constantlnoplo 1 hototii, ernment for signature, arly this The United States is con^ereO Dlate for the allied governments to possess a iras fivo clal interest in tho solution of ths T stlmated Isb pi-oblem as a potential membe tbe letigUB cf nations. ITSOF SOV IETS tl Sjpre^ of Typhus to Becotne Greatest iin History Official adflo^a to ihe atate depart- Dland by the BohdUTikl la isunlnent, mu told today ^ Wm..B; Oartel, Jr., it’i oentral Xniopean diviMon. The a appropriation fot food reUef .ia Po- llPByyiiHiiEs ’ ^UNO iis ^ INNEPHT ION , I . Demands that R ^ iw Qoishe- I • r VlWrEnter ; Proposed iPeao? 4 I Parleys without; a^^ f tion of Hostilities WAB8AW,-.(;n^^3emattds' tbAt'the Busslatt Volshev^ eater into peaee ae< I I I * gotiations without agreeiog to an ar* [Ill miacice are embodied in the Utest.pro-; Ilr possls made-to tbe soviet geremmeiit- ilL by-Marvto Oates 8 perry,nat!onaIpre*^i - Poles that if an amisUee ia agreed .'A to the bolshevikl-wUl take advantage ' ' the time to eoncentrate troops and v in il. reinforce rariou polntt;aloa£ the ^ .g . where they'are i^ ^ le now.; to aiaaa lirECis I TflUTlSSi Th* I laid. Tirei Detadiinent of Troops to. ^ Leave Siberia with Last of . nto I OteohO'Slovaks ^ . ; V': i ther - HONOLULU,.. (ff>—The, .‘ Japanese., ^ nvemment-bas deolded-to libaiideB the whieh Siberian expedition to line witb Amor- - west, leaa policy, accp'rdlng.to a-.eable mea- iceom- sage from TokiortMUved by ehtoBn,'a itward Japanese language uwspaper, biero 1o>.‘ ! tbo day; . ' . : ' 5^ raeter* xho first dotaehmemt of Ja^ese^ ' .: moun troops w ill leave VladivostoV M archs: 20 simultaneously with tbe depai^re 0 cc»- of the last Cseeho-Slovak troops, the untain message said. fwm Bovltt government'* peaee offer .' b fair xq Japaa, according to the caMegram, ■ ature* recognition of LealBe'e de facto - uiPP.>> goversmoBt and resnmptioa ot A ill f diplomatic relations, promislBg to Mid . terrorism slonltaneonsly with nllied *i acoaiacence with the offer,and lo rM- y ognUo Japan's q^eial rights ia PI- pe. ' _ L.’ ‘ =0 "• «ild oil troop, in Blb«ri« would be withdrawn “ upon tho accom- pliahment of the malB pumoso for ind be ^Wch they , were disptttcW, lo Rus- ftod it “I**" ‘occordlBg to a "fundotnental ^ Slberim poliej” p™mnl8.lod Iiy the Japanese Imperial diplomatic eoimclL ... __ DESIBE FOB BUFFBB STATE . .. IME 18 ATTRIBUTED TO JAPANESE WASHINGTON, (ff)—Deeply eon- DLBY corned over the rapid westward spread of Bolshevism Japan is nndorsto^ to desire the creation of a buffer state )f State between it and. soviet eontrDlled Bua- Beo- sia. It is believed bere that the erec- tion of sneh a state may be made one of tbe first eonsideratioBs ia any. fn- on the taro relations between Japan and Bua- be aeo aio. To wbat extent tbia baa deter- rred by mined the policy of Japan to withdraw :ommit- its troops from Siberia, however, offl- ibjeeted cials here are unable to say. ey had Establlahment ef an abtonomoua beriaa state centered about Irkutsk meeting hos been contemplated recently by the chargos Bolsheviki, accdrding to official dis* investi- patches received here. Such a. stsjt^.. general wotild ^ssess a sufficiently independ- ould ho ent character to satisfy any Japanese se made desire for a buffer betweoa Japan asd Bolshovik eontrollod Bussla. ' WITH UNITED STATES 1EATY TERMS EXPECTED United Doring the ne^tiations of tb*. <ter- sis here, snd Austrian treaties, tbe eatnate of thn 'opresontatives made a nomber of ef* . . forts to engage th* American commi*- “ ty slonera In diseussiotts of Turkish prob- o ropro- )oa^ partletilarfy'as.to th*. diepoaitlon plo gov- of Constantinople. Inasmneh os the United States never doelared war on ered by Turkey, this government is nnderstood M a spe- to have been firm ia its stand that it hs Tnrk- was not interested in the Turkish quc*- ; mber of tion exeept throngh the Isaco* of an- tions, '' V

r THE ONLY AFTERN IRE REPORT, OF THE,m-M tN crA yiKiffia i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · tora aad jjive them his riewa.aa whother h« wonld accept the eompi

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Page 1: r THE ONLY AFTERN IRE REPORT, OF THE,m-M tN crA yiKiffia i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · tora aad jjive them his riewa.aa whother h« wonld accept the eompi

r T H E O N LY A F T E R NL .

c>--;'H*'.-i ^ ^ / m / i ■ ' I

Adtnlhistrluon; & n d b ^ Ls CompromiM'Prowls B(

' . fow President in Hope ( Avierting'Trfflty Deadlock


K noz SponBon. Hew QtiaUfioi : tio a to . f te w n t F iir tliB r . i t E x t« ]u ^ n -w ^ o u t Ooi

- g rew A o tioB '

i WA8HiiNQTi0N> « V - S m i hopL . th a t tho :peac# tM *W .;» fty b« s&v from anothor - deadioek, demoerai •enatora aooffbt .today to la r direc) hetv9 President Wilaon th» la t u t pi

- poaala dnaeoaMd aa a pon ib le eompi m iM baaia on artielo ton.

W hllo roeonaideratlon o f tho ropo li(mB MBOnratimii proeoodod in t aonato. Senator Hlteboook o f tTobraa) tho adminlstratioB leader, waa repo ed to have w rittoa tho preaident ai io f; tha t he aee adminUtratioa aei tora aad jjive them his r iew a .aa whother h« wonld accept the eompi miae propoisls sow nnder eo&aidei tion.- • ,

flpaeify Aj^ondMi;' 'Theao proposals.are aaid, to eootc

plate a change in- the* repobliean 1 (lelo t«a .reaervatlon .ao tha t u i l i ta foree and other apeeifle a^ae les woe be noaed aa moans which the U n it Statea would deelJn» to oae' io p: aorvo .tho ia to g r lt j, o f other leag

Jl mombftrsL - ;A BOW reserration dosigBOd to p:

..vent, f i t r t h ^ extenaion o f cred it f o ro ln ■govomnents. w ith o a t «OBgr sioBol aetion woa introdueod todajr Seaator Ksoz, repoblidui, *W n iu vanla. I t provides tha t the credit the Unitod States ahall not bo pledg u n til congress bas o ffin n a tlvo lv r iv

■ authority.A u t lw r Plaak Adoptod

The reservation declaring the repo: tiona cohiBiissioB shall no t ' -intorf< w itb trade between the U&ltod Stai nnd Oormany except w ith the oons< o f thia conntry waa ro-adbpted w i offt jchnngo today by a vote o f 41 to : S ix democrats, Sonatora Chanborla Oregon; Ooro, Oklahoma: Nugont, I<

. ho; Beod, ^hUsaouri; Shielda, Tennoso ^and B m lth ,' Georgia, snpportod i t , sa in o f ono democratle vote over 1 November when the •rosorvntlon v adopted M to 10 .

Senator Hitchcock mado an o f f to m odify tbe reeer%'atlon so tha t would deelarp there conld be no c

.--serlmination afrolnrt tbe Uaitod Btat but thla anendment was voted doi 23 to 37, the republicans atanding gethcF Against i t .

iw s lljfBMMilE

O ffida la Promlae PnbUoati ^ o f Latest Sxohange in A d r i­

a tic S itnation -

LONDON, (/P H P ns iden l Wllso nota in reply to tho latest communl tion o f tha allied premiers on tbe A atia bnestioa reached tho Ameri ambaasy hew today. I t w i l l bo do crod to Sari Onrxoa, tho foreign re' ta ry , th is aftenoon.

The iastmetioBa aent w ith tho 1 from Washlngtoa con ta in .no meni o f arrasgeneau fo r Ita pnblieatioi


W ASHINGTON, ( ff)—A anmmnr President W ilson's noto to the miers oa.the A dria tio aitoation la t(

, mada pnblle by . the stata departm ■%;,-^robabV J *t* today. > O ffie U la I " O^tod tha t the foll-«a3^ wonld noi

^v e a ont a t th is tim *.


WABHINOTON, (/P)—C h lrg in i President Wilaon and A tto rney Geo

' PalmCT were directly responsible prevailing hljfh eugnr priccs, tho re licans-by a atriet party vote have through the home a rosolutlon aut ir in g inves'igation by the Jndle committee o f the acts c f A tto rney ' oral Palmer In roHhoctlon w ith pi

( . f iz rd fo r LoniBtana sugnr.Democrats charged the republi

w ith an attempt to curb tho "g ro i • popu la rity " o f a democratic presi

tia l aspirant. The republleans ro] that M r. Palmer had no authorlt; recognixe the high* flgurea a t w Louisiana sugar sold and tha t he

. failed to press actions against pr •ccra.

tN cr ArIV 'i- ir , ' sr ■ ■ ■

• M 'E X IC A N S :p ' " ' ~ 7 p O t H ia i ;

c i t is e n , h u b ^ e n i d ^ n i l t d A jf I j y U e :d c 6 , w o r a l ^ l l l l f t o m t h a t o t ty . ' ' P

^ R E D i M f i N i r

oi M A R K S E I E T I

T d P R I V A T

r^N Flnal'Adjustment of Irlnanclal i I .. Ctovemment C6ntro|;w||l Req

- AiitwunoMi-Olalms Rim Intord s . '■ w A S 1 6 T O lif , \ ( f fV -R o U adjust

.. me&t .o f finanelal,' aad legal questloni aziatiUL-ftpm m T m tn e n t control oi th'e^ailroada. w il l require VconsldenibK

. ' t ith e ,V D ltoc to r'O en o ra l HIbos said to- ■ping 'daiy: Olaima a ff«e ting quostions o f cap' a vm i t i ^ e z p e n d ltu l^ ’.'iBainteaance ques- r» Io tioBVAnd e la ins fron i shippera on ac- e w y eonnt o f losa and damiago w il l run into

hnadreds o f m llllona o f dollars, opro- More than 1,400 officera and em­

ployes have been cat o f f the govera Jpnb* mont payroll aa a result o f tho ro-

<um o f the roads to priva te control

port- i.A O K o r W O BK P M M P T S atk- xJLY OTT jtSsoxmomsamBIOHMOND, Va., (ff)—

BBM prompted an an-j i I ; * nouncemeat b y -aouthorn railway ofH-

eiala here' tb a t HO employes at' the company'a local ahopa would be laid

item* next Monday.

h -Y j P A T B O IX A T X N O r V n iB TOB B COT TW ttK T T P E B OBOT

Stfid K N O X V IL L E , Tonn., ( f fV ^ rd e n laying o f f -300 o f tho 1500 riU w ay em

la n u ployes aoQthom - ra ilw ay ahopa hen have beon poated, o ffoctivo Saturday Beduction o f expenditures waa aold t(

. / t o parposo.•gw** • - ~ “ ----------------. •5.K JOHNSON IN TRAIN WRECKi t - o f . . ---------- ■.idged O a U fo i^ SasiatoT oo Oampalgn Tom ^voa Has H o re l Bkperlenee

e io t r x F A L M , s . D., / f f ) —Sonato: U lrom Jobnaon o f California, on rooti

1” * '^ from T nnkton 'to W atertown, S. D., ha' itates t j , , Bovelty o f being In a tro ln wrecl

today when tho Great Northern tra it which ho waa r id ing waa stmcl

^ by a Chicago and Northwestern tra il n u n , Davis, 30 miles south o f Sionx Fals Ida* j jg ong ropo.rtod injured.

A baggage ear waa derailed. Beaa 7 to r Johnaon, while being somewhat de

‘ last jn y p j ^ t j , , wreck w il l be able t reach WatertowB in Ume to dd ive r u

if fo r t the re ''ton igh tAt I t — ' ............. " -, d U - ------------------------:-------------------------------------- -

W o r ld :Nei f .W A S ra O T d N ,I ported in consular adviceB tI to be coa« ideris|: the Isscai

K export o f hides to the Unit«

LONDON, ( f f ) r « . I t i r i 5 ' the B r it is h W est Indies to tl

. help ing balance the w a r del 'J*® ’ csssed in the house o f conn

. p robab ly next Monday.

Ison 'a OOPENHAGEN, BoT unica* ed a proposa l yesterday to j tA d ii- ----- ---------

LONDON, {/Ph-A, Bolshe recre- wireless fro m Moscow repo:

of the p o rt o f Kem, 180 milei s 1 MO W hite Bea a t theenticALion- ----------


0 pro*1 to be O irllo Arenaa Meeta Death Before F tm o iit, la g Batiad FollowlBg OaptareI Indi- . to Pneblanot be ---------

M EXICO C ITY, ( f f)—CIrilo Arenas • rebel leader, who was captured l«

n c thnn a week ago when ho entered t “ •* oUy waa Puebla diaguised, waa s<

A i 'T tonced to death by a summary co»• ' * * m artia l Wodnesday night and exocut

yesterdny mofrning in Pupblo, aecoi g tha t lng to ndvieos rccelvod hero, lenernl - Arcnna, whoso forces n year ago w« >le .Xoi f^a rd h tg tho Intoroceanic railway 1 repnb- tw(Hjn Mexico C ity and Vera Crur, vo pn t voUed ogainst tho government a author- tince tha t time had been engaged

bandit operations. Among tho crin ly Oon- o f which he was accused w ai the dy: pricea m ltlng o f a tra in from PucWa car

Ing a number o f boy scouts who w blleans atudents In a German school In tl row ing city.eslden- j jln o boya were k illod by the b ” tv to ‘»*'Uoved they were soldi*which

he ha-1 ID A H O W BA TB E Bp ro fit- Tonight and Saturday probably r

or anow north, fa ir soii>h.

!? = = = r= = » -= = = s s 5 = = a a = !!= = s 5 s

y iK iffia5 KIDNAPB il^^E R IG A N- BnmiootB, an Amerioan1 ; ^ X a x io u re b e li a t Sa llna Ornz, fta t^w io d a j’ to tho ( ta te dejpartment


r U R N O F R A I L S

. T E O W N E R S H I P:lal and Legal Questions Arising froni Require “ Considei^le Time,” Hines Into Enormous Flares .iipttiri TOiffllEB ri IHtiOLLEeN“ ‘ m t . / ______

^ Second Note Intimates Assur in.d. ance that Close Guarding anc

Censorship WIII Be M tu te c ' .ik; al Former Kaiser’s Domicllt» la id r_ .

T H B HAGUE, (ff)—The Dutch gov enment today fo r tho aeeond time t foaed to deliver the former Oermaa em

v 1 .ni!I here ^ ^ addnsascd to D avid Hoy- irday. Oeorge, the B ritlah premier, howevoi l id to the govenunent ptomlsod to take al

aoceasary measures to minimize tb . l ib e r ty -o f W ilhelm and prevent b it

C P I f flndaagering tbo w orld 's peace.C v l \ T lie tecond eommnnleation from ' th

Dotch go'venimeat, which was dolivei •Four ed in I^adoa th is aom lng , states tba

these precantions w ill be taken " o a tb s p o t." I t is undoratood the Dutei authorities have assured allied ^Iplc

w ator jm ta ^1 1 guarding and censoi route ahip instUuted when W ilhe li

'•» n»d occupies hla estato a t Doom.N ig h t and day shifts are- worUn;

itm e k the ka iser’s new rosldenee a t Door, tra in ^ reported he w il l movo thor

. Pais. Amerongen on May IS.W hile nnprotseted by high walla or

Beaa- moat, tbe Doom eatate ia bow in rea a t de- i t y a 800 aero cago tha t can be easU )Ie to guarded'and w i t ^ irh leh the Dnto rer an jfoversment e je c ts W illiam o f H i

henzollem to spend the reat o f h is dayi

lew s E ve n ts-T h e Blexiban government is re - ses to the departm ent of commerce soance ot a decree proh ib iting the [Jnited States.

expected th a t the proposal to sell to the U n ited States as a means' o f r debt o f Great ^ t a i n w i ll be dis- jommons, b y P r e f e r L loyd George,

-Both chambers nnanimonsly adopt* to jo in the leagne o f nations.

Ishevik commnnication received by reports the capture h j soviet forces miles northw est o f Archangel. Kem the m onth o f the Kem r ive r.



Corporation President Tells t ronas,n OoTirt Oash Assets Less

T l> a n » W ,000

^ court CHICAGO, (ff)—The Daniel Ha; xocutod company, n 12,750,000 Idaho eorpo accord- tion, has tan^b le eash assets o f 1

than *10.000, Daniel Hnyes, Jr., go wore preaident, ndmltted in Judgo K. ffay bo- Landis ' court today.?rur, ro Creditors o f the eompany filed ba nt a n l ruptcy nrocoodinga three weekn i ngcd m nnd Judge Lendls la Investlgat I crim .'t Hayea’ dealinga In C a lifo rn ia landa I 10 dynn- Irrigation projects. H ayca’ only pi a carry- erty, a house a t Evanston, wna a ttt ho wero ed today.In that Tho compivny waa organised in 1

w ith n capital stock o f $250,OOO, wh he ban- was Increased a U ttlo moro tha i soldlora. year la to r to |2 ,750,000.

* Tho company hns equities In Call n lii lands valued a t mnro than t l ,0 000, he aald, but I t ' ls doubtfu l whet

bly ra in theso can bo recovered unless tho c pany Is re-organUcd.

St T B ID A T ,' j i ^ E o a ’ f W :

i s r opOilDENHi r EBBOPfSHOi: ypo«iHiiM&

Canvass of Situation in! Ne York Discloses Difference i

) Opinion Respeotlng' Gold In _ ports froih England


No DonM is Enterta toed In E___ spoMible (Juarte ri O vorPaI ment o t Largs' F a r t o f Fc I . eign Loan

1 . IiONDOH, —The xvport ea bled from New T o rk th a t largi ahlpmonta e f gold w*n peadini

fVom here eaaaed a. m a r t xlse I t I B I ^ ezchange maxkat today, eabit I H I tranffers moTlng to 93.60.I I H The report mrprlaed tha mazfcei I I I considerably, but both bullion brek

■ tumor... I t waa pointed ont thai thare .ls no t acy soeb man u a*

a n r j reported 1200,000,000 In gold avaU able fo r shipment vlfebont encxeaeh

I te d tog upon the resecvee and t b •• treasorr ia eonaidered as n n l lk ^

t l i e to ship oa soch a scale. The amouni cemiog from tbe minaa to tbe naxi three months, estdmated a t 10 ,000,

* . 000 pounda may be absorbed grad I® f- aany fo r the U n ited Statea, bui > em- tb ia would be hard ly c o ff ld e n t ti

caoas a U g rise to ezdtange.Joyd ----------oyorl n e w YOBK, ( ff)—Foreign oxchaj 5 a ll continued to improvo today. Dema

sterling opened n t $8.60 to $3.65 Mtn^ared w ith yesterdAy’s.m oxim na

Oontlnned Improvement in foreignI chango today resulted in demand st

roaehlng $3.70 when tho st4 « ?hfl closed. This wns an incr©»..*Tk tho m inimum qucl u t ^ tion a t tho opening and a gain o f MPlo* cents since Wednesday.

A canvass o f tho oxehange sitoat among .leading in tem atlonnl bank houses today disclosed consldoral

rking confusion and difference o f opinion >ooru spoctlng tho immoneo gold impc thoro from England and' possiblo Frat

' Bankers, having cloao -fo ln tloas w or a B rita in wero not disposed to Atti feal- ®«ch credcneo to overnight repc lu U y that an extensive gold movement f i h itoh London to this mnrkot 1a soon to

H o . Inaguratcd. • days. BxporU B ig Factor.____ I t Is generally' conceded, howei----- tha t aetion may bo neceas

to hasiSn further restoration o f B Isii and French credits here. Tho pt Is made that tho steady Increaso British exports to th is country is

I ready a b ig factor In reducing E land's fo re ira obllgationa.

Tn responslblo quarters i t has ne •e ' been doubted tha t a* largo portion

■ tho Anglo-French $500,000,000 loan, turing next October, would bo t and tho recent strength o f tha t ii in the loeal bond m arkot haa b

,11 regarded as especially sign ificant, ogainst tho probability o f Immodl gold shipments from England n t

9 . tion la called by bdnkers to the creasing tightness o f monoy in Lon

®» and tlio extreme p robab ility of early advance in tho discount ratci tho Bank o f England.

. t - W ithdraw Oold Coin.An additional $5,000,000 in gold 1

wan.withdrawn from tbo sub-troai hero fo r shipment to South Amoi

t>y Thla makes a to ta l o f $21,.^00,000 m AR drawn this week.

Gold coin valued n t approxlma B $3,000,000 has been shipped hero i

Canada, U waa r.nnounecd today. ‘______ molal is sent fo r tho acconnt o f—" - Canadian govommont and is qiI I stood to be tho forerunner n f fm f shipments. I t is beliovod tba t 1 I ment was mnde fo r tho purpo«<

i n T U "ta b llltln g Canadian exchange, w l u l l nuot®'! below par hero

' - A ’ddltlonal shipments o f $3,000,0( gold aro expected from Canada.

^ ‘ “ ® Is understood thn t Canadian Intei 3SS and not the B ritish government,

responslblo fo r tho movcmrnt.

H ayes \ F lou r P rice Reflects s re ; W heat.S ituation Gik I m K N i;A P O L IS , M in » „ W

Improvement In tho lo tn l whi I bank- situation waa ^rflcc tcd In an kn airo vanco In flour o f 25 cents a bai itmtlnt? boro today. Flour o f standi ids andf prop- OS poond sacks. ■

attach. BP5OTA0TTLAB B LA Z E WIPEE In 1015 P A U L PLATH<. which BT. PAUU Minn., y P ) - A fl, tban a apectacylar proportions, which tl

ened to spi<ead to three small h Cnllfor- destroyed iho R ialto theater earlj $1,000, mornlnt?. Fireman fought tho blai vhothor five hours. Tho temperature was 10 com- degrees bolow ^ero. Loss Is cstlt

a t $100,000.


m-Mi t i iflSTATMEPAin I Bps PLOTEE jChargies W i l l f u lNevi, T h re a te n in g t o

ieof P lague jW ASHIKOTOHi ( ff)— O ff

ment say an invasion o f PoUu _ the hbcse roles ooasnittee w m

in charge o f the department's TOR oommittee is considering an a]

land, A n s t ^ and Armexda..Hr. Oaat«l alfo dMlazvd t»t tba Be

For- oome the nMitact placo* to Ustorr. <*Thar BdahevlsU*'. ha .jald,

loading their typhus vtotitna toto anna ed motor can and tsktoff tbam to «

^ Poliah border aad 'forctoc tiw PolM ^

S f* * ‘S i r t £ * M w in 94 P d lt td l i »bff« ^ tog honlWy l» m tha l« k of food ai L r niel, te.-8al« redttug oondlttona v

TMOad by advicei of Amarlcaa dipl ^ matlo r<j t eaaotatiT$a almiad. I


Storm Spreads East and Soulemaad from-Mlddle West with

“ Freezing. Temperature iPh llS e d » i MisslMtp

pttex- • ' .•W A B H tH O T O ir . 'U V -T U lb n ib

icroase blixxard, w b ld i ovnsjpfead ths mid* cmoS ^ yeatardar w ith anow aad o f SI low tamperatares, w il l reach tha A t

tiantic ooaat tonlghW the weather nation butsao predicted to d a y .' The ink inz attength o f tha bUiatard, I t was said, erable tliw e tn lna frt to pa rt aadlon ro al^ n g b tha rato fa llin g aloog the nporta eaatcm seaboard today w i l l to re to V ^e o >«>«• tbe faU w il l be l ig h t I t wlU

Trith be foUowed by mnch colder weather

?po“r 'li CmOAaO,(/I>)—Tho cold wave uhl. t from yesterday ewept Into the mlddlo wei to bo preceded by ra in and sloot nnd accoi

panled by snow, today sprend castwa and southward, but le ft behind - ti

WI.V driv ing snows that charoctiirod Its in itia l swoop from tbo mou easar) , , . 4. ,> staloa.

' „ r Weather forecasts Indieated tho ce ’ V ; tra l western and Rocky mounta la nl would have some roliof frop ■ xero temperatures’ tomorrow, w^h f i

I ta g - ^u t freeting temperatnireaching aa fa r south as Mlsslssip

nt “ d snow and rains in tho uppor 01 „ vnlley ond tho lako regions.

. ^« ili The struck Chicago alx hoi► «??... W3>cad o f tho timo forecast by t

weather bureau. . oeen city^ g t. Xx>uls, Omaha, I

, ^ 1. ^ Moines nnd St. Paul reported tho ato had crippled w iro communications s

h>.i Ir. impodod stroot car sorvico.O ffic ia ls o f -m llroads operatlag

of an western and northern states announi -♦a. crows w ith -ro ta ry snow plows bad

gun clearing tracks o f d r ifts and was probablo traina woold be’ run

, schedule tomorrow.Id coin ..


imatcly ■'0 from -'. This Case o f Noadnee fo r Seeretaiy o f SIo f the B*sts to Oommittee Pending BeeQBder- ' ommandatlott

fu rthe r • ----------i t ship- W ASHINGTON, <ff)—Action on 3080 o f nomination o f BainbHdgo to bo 1 . which retary o f state again was deferred ero fo r the senate foreign relations comt

tee today a fte r members had objee 0,000 in to taking nny vote u n til they da. I t more Informntion. nterests, Senators who wero In the meei snt, are said thnt whilo no defin ite chai

had boon filed , and no form al invi - gation decided on, i t waa tbe gen

opinion tha t certain matters should ^ ^ cleared up bofore tho committee a G a in recommendation.


indard --------to ) In W ASH lN pTO N , (ff>—Tho TJt

States, In tho opinion o f o ffic ia ls 1 w ill bo consulted as. to terms o f

rBOUSB v irtua lly completed Turkish treaty f iro 3f f ’ ro thff document Is handed to rt threat- sentatives o f tbe Constantlnoplo

1 hototii, ernment fo r signature, arly this The United States is con^ereO Dlate for the allied governments to possess a iras fivo clal interest in tho solution o f ths T stlmated Isb pi-oblem as a potentia l membe

tbe letigUB c f nations.

ITS OF SOVIETStl S jp re ^ o f T y p h u s to Becotne G reatest i i n H is to ryOfficial adflo^a to ihe atate depart- Dland by the BohdUTikl la isunlnent, mu told today ^ Wm..B; Oartel, Jr., i t ’i oentral Xniopean diviMon. The a appropriation fo t food reUef .ia Po- •

llPByyiiHiiEs ’ UNO iis INNEPHTION,

I . D e m a n d s t h a t R ^ i w Q o is h e -

I • r V lW r E n te r ; P ro p o s e d iP e a o ? 4

I P a r le y s w i t h o u t ; a ^ ^

f t io n o f H o s t i l i t ie s

W AB8AW ,-.(;n^^3em attds' tb A t 'th e Busslatt V o lsh e v^ eater in to peaee ae<

I I I * gotiations w ithou t agreeiog to an ar*[ I l l miacice are embodied in the U tes t.p ro -; I l r possls m ade-to tbe soviet g e re m m e iit- i l L by-M arv to Oates 8 perry ,na t!ona Ip re*^ i -

Poles tha t i f an amisUee ia agreed .'A to the bolshevik l-w U l take advantage ' '

the time to eoncentrate troops and v in i l . reinforce ra r io u po ln tt;a loa£ the ^ . g . where th e y 'a re i ^ ^ l e now.; to aiaaa

lirEC isI TflU TlSSiTh* ■ Ilaid. T ire i D e tad iinen t o f Troops to.^ Leave S iberia w ith L a s t o f . n to I O te o h O 'S lo v a k s^ . ; V': i •ther - HONOLULU,.. (ff>—The, .‘ Japanese.,

nvem m ent-bas deolded-to libaiideB the whieh Siberian expedition to line w itb Amor- - west, leaa policy, accp'rdlng.to a-.eable mea-

iceom- sage from Tokio rtM U ved b y ehtoBn,'a itward Japanese language uwspaper, biero 1o>.‘! tbo day; . ' . : '5^raeter* xho f i r s t dotaehmemt o f J a ^ e s e ^ ' .: moun troops w il l leave V ladivostoV M a rc h s :

20 simultaneously w ith tbe d e p a i^ re 0 cc»- o f the last Cseeho-Slovak troops, the untain message said.

fw m Bovltt government'* peaee o ffe r . 'b fa ir xq Japaa, according to the caMegram, ■ ature* recognition o f LealBe'e de fa c to - uiPP.>> goversmoBt and resnmptioa o t A i l l f diplomatic relations, promislBg to Mid . terrorism slonltaneonsly w ith n llied

*i acoaiacence w ith the o ffe r,a n d lo rM - y ognUo Japan's q ^e ia l righ ts ia PI-

p e . ' _

L.’ ‘ =0" • « ild o il troop, in B lb«ri«

would be w ithdrawn “ upon tho accom- pliahment o f the malB pumoso fo r

ind be ^W ch they , were d isp tttcW , lo Rus- ftod i t “ I * * " ‘ occordlBg to a " fu ndo tnen ta l ^ S lberim p o lie j” p™mnl8. lo d Iiy the

Japanese Imperial diplomatic eoimclL


D L B Y corned over the rapid westward spread o f Bolshevism Japan is n n d o rs to ^ to desire the creation o f a b u ffe r state

)f State between i t and. soviet eontrDlled Bua- Beo- sia. I t is believed bere tha t the erec­

tion o f sneh a state may be made one o f tbe f ir s t eonsideratioBs ia any. fn -

on the taro relations between Japan and Bua- be aeo aio. To wbat extent tbia baa deter- rred by mined the policy o f Japan to w ithdraw :ommit- its troops from Siberia, however, o ff l- ibjeeted cials here are unable to say. ey had Establlahment e f an abtonomoua

beriaa state centered about Irk u ts k meeting hos been contemplated recently b y the chargos Bolsheviki, accdrding to o ff ic ia l dis* investi- patches received here. Such a. stsjt^.. general wotild ^ssess a su ffic ien tly independ- ould ho ent character to satisfy any Japanese se made desire fo r a bu ffe r betweoa Japan asd

Bolshovik eontrollod Bussla. '


U nited Doring the n e ^ tia tio n s o f tb*. <ter-sis here, snd Austrian treaties, tbe eatnate

o f thn 'opresontatives made a nomber o f ef*. . fo rts to engage th * Am erican commi*-

“ ty slonera In diseussiotts o f Turkish prob-o ropro- )o a ^ p a rtle tila rfy 'as .to th*. diepoaitlonplo gov- o f Constantinople. Inasmneh os the

United States never doelared w ar onered by Turkey, th is government is nnderstoodM a spe- to have been f irm ia its stand th a t i t hs Tn rk - was not interested in the Tu rk ish quc*- ;mber o f tion exeept throngh the Isaco* o f an-

tions, '' V

Page 2: r THE ONLY AFTERN IRE REPORT, OF THE,m-M tN crA yiKiffia i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · tora aad jjive them his riewa.aa whother h« wonld accept the eompi

iBSi[ Files S&it In Supreme Court to t ;: Have ProhIt>!tion Amendment

Declared Unconstitutional aiid Vblsted'Aot Repealed .

W ASHINOTON, (ff>~Tho flU to o< Now JerBoj through Its attomejr ma*

' orikl, Thomas F. MeOrao, Thnradft]^ filed In ths Unitod S tate i eopreme court a •u lt le o k ls^ to liavo the "pro liib ltion

' unendmont deelnrod' uaeonftltutioiuil and to prevent tho onforeomoat o f tho Volatead n e t Tho su it ia diroetod,

. aga iub A tto ra o j Oeneral Palmer and ; ' Ite&iol C. Roper, conunUsionor o f in*

' ternnl reTdnse.Tbo b il l iota fo rth tha t the amend-

most w a i improporl7 d ra m , th a t in 21 statei tbp loglslaturos havo not ratified It as provldod by Iho lr itn to constitTi'

' tions and that tHero is no power In eongrosa to propose a eonstitntional amendment regulating th o 'hab its and tnorol* o f tho people. I t ro d to i fu r­ther th a t tho nmondment' is .a legisla* tive and not a eonstltational matter

- and th a t as suoh i t was improperly passed.

OhargM' V io la tion o f B ights I t is ehargod tha t tho amendment

eeatralices an thority w ithont. tho, eoa*- sont o f-th e peoplo o f Now Jen syW id

tha t i t Is n vio lation o f the ir Boveroigu righta. Tho Volstoad oot, haviog beea enaoted undor au thority o f tha amend* ment, .the petition says, is s o i l . and

• void. ’ ' ; 'I t is dftlm od tba t the VoTstead aet is

illega l boeatiso b y ' * depreeiating and la . a larg« meAsuro destroying tho tax**

Me vu a o o f roal and personal property w ith in tho stato I t iis de itnuU ve o f tho s ta te ’a ireo and Indqpendeqt govern* meat, because i t deprives tho sUte of rovennea'from licenses, whieh in IBIS amouatad to 18,442,899, and becanse I t iatarforos w ith tho interna] govemment b f tbe poopio and operates to punish then b y heavy fines, imprisonment oud forfeitares, ihua prevonting application fo r lleensos fo r tno salo o r non>lntoxi* ea lisg boverages wUeh Is anthoTised

fo rOomplalat is made th a t tho aet re-

' striots tb e : proetieo o f phr>lclm s o f the state and the .operation o f its vf- nal, corroetlonal and ehnritnble in ititt i* tions; th a t tho ita to lius net eoncurrci' in tbe amendmmt ;iud t lu t i f the .i>sl

" IT enforced i t w il l im J iifr the ^ ig i.t o f the state :o ro<;>ilato Its intcrnat a ffa irs.’ I t Is oU tm ol tho ac* is n.}l appropriate to <)nfui-ij th>i fro h ib iiicn eontained In the whJeh isexpressly confinod n 'intos.icotiu‘{. U* quors.^ , . . , - - . i . ' •

. - lo oonolasion tno coinunius •Irrlarci. tha t i f tho ameudma^t v.'tlid tho rig h t o f ,congrMS to uudftt i t |is rieat^otod to matters relating tu " th e oxtem al eontteras. o f tho United 6 ta t ^ aad .wlthlh pocuUftr damuln o f the fe d o r^ ^<)v6hanont to regu- Iato Dommeroe unoag tho sta tos," und tha t tho atato alone has tho power tc

' enforce the aot w ith in ilx o\Mt not ders. ' ■ ■ ________


BcltU h ITcwfpaper is O oarart to M’a t lo a tiia» la n a x BttHdlsga V x j Be

ImpioTemant '-T ------ I

LONDON, (iiP)— " i t is time tha t U n doB l^ow up,’^ declares tho Londoi E renm g News, a now' convert lo fh' idea th a t i t is timo fo r London author ities to eonsidor sorioualy whether tall or balldinga would not-bo nn improve ment on an over-widening r ing o i sub urbs.

“ WeU-buiU skydcrapor fla ts and of fico buildings would bo a boon to Lon donors and thorn ia no roason whj WB should not be ns happy in then as New Yorkers are in theirs,” ndd tho,p%pcr. ■*


J tlA B E Z . lio x . , < f f^ T h e chambe of eommoree - a t Snlina Cmz, Oaxaca Moiieo, rocoatly ostablished, is seek ing to promote commoreial relation lik'ith Amorieaa morchnnta and manufae turers, according to inform ation recoiv cd horo by Amorican. Coninl Edward A Dow from L loyd Burllngham, Amori eoa consul a t Balina Cdoz.

Pnblic domonstraUon Tw in Palls D * hydrating Company Ever-ready Prod uflta, Idaho Power Company, Maret 6th and Oth.—adv. ,


Mechanical DrawingS I ‘> A N P = r -

Drafting SuppliesWo havo the la test


COUNTYSee them in onr W indow.

& aew snpply of




EBDDINO, Oal., ( f fU u n c le Ind ian wards are troablcd by the high n cost o f liv la g , according to Ik e JacK- son,'lambassador" o f :the P it Blver,

y tribe, whose reservation is in the moua* ’ .ta ins.-a few miles to the nbrtbeosi o f ®

Jackson baa Jost retumed from Wtwhr . Ingtoa, D. 0., where.he sst fo r th some o f tbe problems « f his'tribesmen^ Attd

Wo f northern Califdm la Ind iasji in gen* « eral, before Ugh o ffle la ls .' Ee. was oe* ^ . a ’ compaaled on the tr ip b y .'Charles d

IL Green o f Oleabora, sometimes knows tf, al a s ‘ *Ohlef Grindstone.” ] ^ t h are fu ll* t l " Wooded In a ia tti. v r .

The P i t - B lv e r - la d ^ eaotend tba t n ’ the govenunent-.owes them about r ' 15,600,000 fo r - th e loads they> coded

in a trea ty signed. In 1861. News dis* patches from Washiogtoa atates th n t I sBO^cb was being-taiade .in the a rch lvo i g

“ o f the W hite Honse ^ o r tho treaty, e which, t h o ^ sighed,'was never ra il- A fied. The Indians hold tha t i t is none e tho less bind ing in honor. . o

O'*. “ Wo want monoy,” Jackson insistsj o »u “ bu t we won’ t keep i t -very long s: “ • i f w fr got i t . W hito man soon have ^ i t n il, fo r ,Indian's hands bave boles .|

21 The rod man declared tha t ho was listened to w ith attention b y ihe au* -

’I*’ thorities l i t tho capital, and ;troatod « ^ k in d ly /inrl conaldorately by them. " B u t

r hnd to groaso tho wheels .for them,” ho added.. Jackson, whoao home is in K lamath Palis reservation, mndo a tr ip through Modor, Lnasen, Plumas and Bhasta R

■IJ’ couatlo*, California, v is iting ovory P it B lver Indian and s iting up the ir needs » Iteforo ho net ont fo r Washington. '

n t want tj,(, Great Father (headof govommont) to holp the starving n

uu n a j nbodv rod men,” ho snid when F S'* quostionod in an interview, aided by 8 ^ an In te rp re te r.' He deeiarod the In -

dlans on alU>lm«aU aie not able tft * A" make tho ir own liv in g nnd. tho gov- t

ernmont does not help them.J** '.‘ Wo havo lots o f monoy in Wash*^ ington,” Jackson said, w ith roference J ^ to' tho procoeds from the salo o f tim * > ■t? bor nnd g m iln g land, “ but th a t docs " 0* not do tno hungry Indinns in Losaon, «

Plumas, Uodoo and Shast/i countlci t ,?Q any good I t does not satisfy tho lr j t l i hanger o r keep tho lr bodies warm.” t

JaeksoB carries w ith him tho skin lu t o f a moose;. He says ho visltod thu!||

cabin o f Chief Backskin Jaek on Hat creek.' Buekakln Jaek is liv in g a t tho age o f 00 years, but his food is so

* '* scanty, avers Jackson, thn t tbo mouse jj a t h is cab in died. _________


BO U E, < f l^ L a te s t advices coneern- , ing snbserlptions abroad to tho sixth Ita lia n loan are most satisfactory, es- pociaily w ith regard to the Ltain-Amer- , icon countries. . *

’*1 Signor Sohanzor, m inister o f tho trea* sury'expressed-the hope tha t tho to tn l . subscriptions in South America would I reach ono b illion lire before tbo lists close. Tfa<i.figares stand aow a t 800,- , 0«y,00 1irs . . , .. .


8ACBEM ENT0, Oal., (/p>--Patrol- , man Howard S ltton camo in to tho po* ] Ueo station hero w ith a small pig

* J nnd a gallon jng o f brandy undor eno arm and w ith » e other ho was lead-

,,,r. ing A l Bentley, a rancher.Bontioy had boon try ing to sell th«* ;

p ig fo r 110 and as a premium had ‘ . offered to includo the ju g o f “ home

brew ,’ ' S ltton said.-On the b lo tte r a fte r Bontley'a namo

i n the o ffice r w rote “ blind p ig p n g .” .

M'A. ^ Tua are a l it t le oneertoia aboot i t . read tbe a4a.


S :»ve- .................... ............ I...................

at- . ij* . II,

fh y M f ^ Mlem - V

w i m ' A

[OA • g z L ciberwa,

iH E L !S The Q uali

S t e t s o n ^

Hah a s b e e n h e l d u p b y t h

p e r i o d o f t i m e . H o n (

c o m b i n e d w i t h a s t e a

t h e i r p r o d u c t h a s m a

■ G O R D O N H A T S t h e

a n d q u a l i t y .

■ W h y n o t b u y a k n o w

i a l l y w h e n t H e p r i c e is

Alco Clot^ The Store

C TWIN FALLS DA!A N W A R D & A R E : D OV E R 8 0 m fN ^M S > W S


^ IS EXECUTlEpEn^ Bo( O U tf'- 'O ifia iia t' t f ' i lm 'i irS i'. t im ift 1

,h, r ■ _ <

U .. .LOMSOir, d^KhnuadUU:- K n iv , i> ta. ^ e f o rgam er o f .'th e liU n t' Bustiaw tx le . ievolnUon, has.'been :(u C (^ t« a .- ;^ 'o i>Ies der o f the* soviet authorities'OMoose it ITB t f f his outhorablp o f- '* ' pamphlet od ol 111. the entitled “ H ow T r o t i^ > M ld Bos-

. sia,” a c t a r ^ to »: llM sow . irlTelesa l i M t which says news ;o f th ig /m eotloD w u f i )u t received from .K ie v : . '; . - ' v '. • t i lo j . , ■ — ’ , : aUs- K hm sia le ff. N o ^ . was arresUd .la Jl l i t Petrograd in I d o O o r oe tiv lties in a U ires general, strike: H e was seatenced to pi ty , exile in S ib e r li la Jannary, IM S.: In si it l- AprU, 1907, i t was leamed bo had es-' t< tne capod from'Biberla. Ho was next M r d '

o f in September 1017 .when he pWfllaim. t l itSf od complete autonomy o f thO-?woya* a: ng Slav district o f L it t le B ^ ia . ' : »,ve • pi


IU- • ■ •• _____;• ■ EWsaHog to W oitaM n V M to Leave ^

‘' j ; OonatzT XDClndsa B ts t o t Hsnaca. ?.

Jh WJISHIKOTON, (/R—The llfe ilc o il ,tft government has threatened to prevent h. Pit tho exodus o f workmen to tho^UoUed u .jg 'S ta tes, according, to advices rocoivod ti

from itoxico C ity. Governors aro said » in,I to havo been no tified by the depart- T

ment n f agrienlturo tha t unless they i, len prevented workmca. from leaving tho p by government would use tho m ilita ry . • t] In . Tho workmen oro reported*to.bo ro*. y

fusing verbal offers oif ranch .owners . ov. to pay thom bottor' wages thaa they ,

couhl got in the United States.. ' r ah. Tho Moxiean government recently ., jce warned .tlie workmen not to leave Mex* Im. ieo, - slating that thoy woald -reeelva . QU no protection from tho Americaxxygov- * cn, ornmcnt, tbat justico wou1d-.be denied \ ](>, thom and that thoy wonld beeome vie- - o ir i tims o f mob vlolcace i f they* .went to » jth e United States. . J


A m m e ia Pxodnct X a t t i . A n tfo t SdentLflo BMreh fo r -

Taborcolosls O e m ; ■ g

J J P H ILA D E LP H IA , <ff)—Medical re- e ' search litra ries In th is couatry in their

search fo r a tuborcolosis specific oi t curo ,for any other diseabe, nro no f longer dependent upon Oermaa made f

rea* Am erica” dyos are oItn l being nsed. They glvo os good

, . results as d id . Imported dyes used be* ] foro tbo war.

Iq This, announcement was made a t tho ’ Henr^, Phipps institu te where labprji-. s ' tory' oxporimonts developed tbn t cer- a

tu in dyes localized thomsolves in tu- <] borculosis tissue.' E ffo rts , are bolng j

^ mndo to m odify these dyes w ith other i « l - fhcmical agents tha t w ill k i l l tho tu- i po* borculosis germ's. tp ig Trvpan rod dyes have been fonnd one to glvo the best results. As manv Ok »ad- 75 modifications o f this dyo have been ,

used in oxperlmeatatioo. ' Olher reds * tn^ nnd aomo blues hnvo also boon usod. ■ had Tho staining qualUles act aa guide ome to tho locairzntion.

!*“ " ....... B ig 'Nsfhe; Tiniest PIsnt.There is a plant called volvox fIo>

I I t . ta to r so. minute tha t ollUoos o f tb e a senld b f plaeed In a small wine glasfc

D UPi l i t y o f O u r

i & Q o r d o nlats(T t h e m a k e r s o v e r a l o n g

o n e s t b u s i n e s s m e t h o d s

t e a d y e f f o r t t o i m p r o v e

m a d e S T E T S O N A N D

h e l e a d e r s b o t h i n s t y l e

l o w n m a k e o f h a t , e s p e c -

e i s n o h i g h e r ?

ithes Shop• r e of V a l u e s

3A lLy N EW S,-TV l^^iR ^

[ Ke^. Oorporatlos i« : l ‘Ongied in ; jj'iim doB to Der^Uip Oniiiie' 7

/ T ta d e P p l^ , '. . lO K D 0 » , w m p a ijr.liM

7 fonned to ftnftngB tlie mtufatse. a Of Ameriean gj>oda in Oreat 'Bri>> -tain fo r B r itis h .iaad iempire markets.• i t ls-^tated ib r 'ih e -Ameneaa-ebamber D o f eommerce In Leaden.h W ith the grow th o f the movemont « l» r preferentSal t ta U ls and otber pre- J fereatia l «rraagemeat«'among tbe coun- ' tries up, the ■ B ritish empire,

■ m anjr.Aaerrean aaann&Cturers already a hare-xoasidered' i t desirable to estaib. a lilb i:factories i t t OtBodo.' The now com-0 pany Is workiag, however, on the prJi- n sumption that, the adTSAtsgBs o f a fac- i.' t o ^ - in Qxeat B r i t ^ iuee greater.d ' The AmerieaiL' ’e h » b e r ' understands I. th a t' tho aew company wiU^efieburagtf i. u d assist Amerieaa maanfaietarers of : s ^ e s s ftd . oo.mmodiUes ' to > . establish

plaato in - G re a t.-B r ita ia , ..but' tbe American m onofM turer is n o t interest- ed In, d obg so aad ,1» w U lip g '*o j s l l

1 i b Jtha m i . oooP ^ y w in undertake to f in d B ritish o< French mantifaeLorera; who w in ' take

. pver-thes0;; rightsv ^ l a r i y . J t - wiU introduce in to . Ameriea goods, whieh have proved saeeessful Tin ; O r«a t'B rlt*

_ t t i ^ M KVanefc -tt H i new. company is understood to \ have reeeiVed many inqu iries from man- d n ^ tu re rs . pn.'borth sides .fif the Atlanv 5 tie w hq -o re . anxioua to hnve . their 4 m d s prodneed la the othcv eonntry, ^ The ftinetlon o f tbe now-tt«npiugt la. to J bring, such aanofaetnrors together, its* p ro fits aris ing out o f a percentage of

the rO j^ tijr o r n lump sum payable fo rH the-patent;or the prftcess.; . . .

FINNIDENY ATTEMPT TO J AiSSASSiNAl^R^ TfaZt fn f f lw O lipa te li. B la iD n Bza«ger-4 . . aUpn Of 8«ox7 o f K lD o r XnddsQtj. ' ' 1 — .;o . ■WASHINQ'PON> ( f f ) —The Finnish

legation has reedved' an o ffic ia l dis- p a t ^ from • Helsingfors, the Finnish

‘ eapital, sta ting tb a t thero ia no foua- dation fo r recent reports o f . an at-

e tempt to assassinate Lo rd Aetion, B rit­ish minister to F inland. . Tbo reports, it appears, grew out o f na iacldont in

“ the regulation o f street t ra f f ic a t nel- singfors. W ben oa o i ie r to ha lt was given by a tra f f ic o f llc e r, i t was aut heeded by a ^ a r ty o f d lplom tic offi-

e- clals.ir N o f being aware o f the presence of >i the diplomatists and in ordor to ea- 10 forco his orders, a w arning shot was i«s fired ia tho a ir. JJxplanations lod to re a speedy adjastment o f tho incident.


>0 PABId, Bela Kun, fo m e r com- fi*. muniat d icta tor o f Hungary, w il l be sot r- at liberty ia Vienna, according to a u- (lispatcli to the Havaa agency from the >g Austriaa capital. Tho Hungarian com­er munUU interned n l K aris to la w ill ba u* transferred to u sanltorlum in Viennji, , tho dispatch says,

id - f -Have you tr ie d those Popcom Cris

5 ..................................................................adv.


: IB S



M o u n ta in and i I c ra w lin g o ve r th e t

th e y b ro u g h t h is bA f te r th a t he w

he fo u n d h is man,Then a s trange

band, seeking— andThe end o f the

w ith W il l ia m S. Ha


^L lg , IDAHO, FRIDAY,L m er^the P n « Cati.

.ailjr-Mlghbor .KOI. ID aotM poMfM. :Htxir w dlnoer. .' Neither of 4

Jt.^^:of, eoqrs«- U romaln#d j

la rtia ffe .ca ii;: WdK aa 1 ^;V tt.to^^:tli•iarba*tfsaaah•.e^ .1

iM -ac« i;.p roU bij :to art ^ ]

m b a rra w n iw i, .■r. B j i i t? { S ? ir t ;W a a " th # *

i 'tl^W-fHsads.aad.nelgfabors'Tt tor'th^-ldBdii^ aAd: tbe^.l^ ..= i lo ia l o ffe rings during the sickness and

daatk o f oor beloved sea and brotherlV TTOKR ond'Fanilt;

m- / r:-, r ■: ~ -

I WOMI S H O E0. ,. . .

^ 1 0 0 P a i r s o f W o m e a 's

“ ■ : D r e s s S b e e s 'to .



risdv. | l -■ --- ----- ' ^

LLI A M S. H A R T /Jwa'j^on. TA .A E rC C A rtP « to

1 p la in an d h is horses, aw : t r a i l . Such h a d been his b ro th e r hom e— m urderedw iis H a m ilto n th e Avenge

1, he- fo u n d th e b ro th e r oJ?e o rd e a l o f th e desert, a id ta k in g — an eye fo r a n €he t r a i l? Y o u w ou ld ne l a r t in th is p o w e rfu l rom ;

»THEATRie Newa and One Reel Coi

• B M pW tba t V M o t Il ls r a ^ t s M t a ^

rs ... U IIH |M |j|j|j|H M

lEN’S1 S A L E

These ahoea conoat o(

blacks and browns w ith

m ilita ry and I^ n is heels,

to be dosed ont a t pricea in , reach bt every one’s pnrse.

Styles and l a ^ th a t arc eare to please yvn. Sizes ' from 2 1-2 to 8 l--2-. S4.46 ^

'LAIR’St P a ys

"j ■

L T r a c i s

in d long , w agon t ra in s his l ife , u n t i l one day e d i:iger. B u t w hen a t la s t o f a wom an he loved.a nd a ro v in g In d ia n

a eye. . 1never guess. F ind - i t j m ance o f hum an souls.

3 p T o d ay 'an d T o m o rro w


Page 3: r THE ONLY AFTERN IRE REPORT, OF THE,m-M tN crA yiKiffia i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · tora aad jjive them his riewa.aa whother h« wonld accept the eompi

;; 8 8 A r r a ^ W a S ® ^ B w t r i # 0 e < 6 n o U ro * ,' 4 M ^ 1 ^ ?5nrreo|i; g fijB irtfH . fa . fo rv tb e i, £mi1tune priU#if ■trria«'o»er- th < e e a iv lUvl- •IOB « f U b-O hlMffo, M U ^ o k re ibc] 8 t :Tb« .ColuBibisLii. tb<e o a p ii^ »• t r * lB /w i* t h t ' fiA1to le in rO C ft0m V ‘><L-^B 0« it; ead,: tw

,.. U n d ^ i l^ o e t r le loeoinotiva. ' v ' .' n< B lM R U leatian o f the e o u t d lv iilo a

wMeb'eicteada rota Taeomjto OtheUaI ‘e«Btral'. W M U B B ^n |-« iaka

• fc to tia o f.«47.B jflW -'O T« w U fh th* ' U ilw a n kM Une opentoa electrie 1oc»

no tlT e t.' The U oatsiu i u d Bork^ H o a n ttiB d lT liio u , from H arlofrtowa Hent~ to Aytrj, Id u o . yiw o lpc tritio j ia 1918 and 19l6.'^8te ius loootnotivci

■ are aUll naed oa a eap J>otweea Otheltc and Ayexy. BleetrifleaUoa o f th ia gai ia beinsr ruslMd.•.: Vo helping., eaginaa .w ill be oaed, il ' WM ABBoaseedi - to aaaUt the eleotrit loeembtiTca pa l tbe tro ia up the 2.. per eent eout) ^diTislon crradcfi, the fie a v iu t on the ayatem. Ttae ^eetri>

' enginea, it - w u , eatimated, wiH. maki ' the gtadea a t about 2S m ile* aa hear

,. Whea the Avery-Otbe^o gap' i». e!6a od, the Milwaukee w ill^have 860 n ile i o f ita weateni Uaea eleetrified. Fron 90 to 05 eleetHe loeobiotirea w i l l ' bi doiag the work tha t about 250.ateas

' loeomotivea w rfonned before the elee tr if le a tio n .. Snbatitatlan o f w ater pow er fo r ateam oTer'the ..860 milea w fi aave approzlmatelT’ 800,000 tona o f eoa Aad iOflOOjm g& llou o f fu e l oU an noa l]/, the eompanj eatimate^ .' O lM la l atrc|ina o f Mount Boinfoi

■ w i l l anppljr aome.,of the power w h id w il l b e . used to drive the osginea. Oi the w M t r^d -.the power w il l comi from 'th e W hite, Puyallup and Bna qualmie pTonta o f the Pugent Soum Tractioo, l ig h t and Power company On the eaat oad i t w il l be fumiahet b / the- Long Lake plant o f tho Waah ington Waterpoffor company. Thi W hite and Poyallup • plaata are. oi atreama fed b y the glaelora.

B loctric traina w ill not m ? In to Seat tie n n tll a atrotch o f 12 mllea loni from . Benton Junction ia rigged w itl polea and tro lley, wiroa. Tho worl w in a ta ri u aoon aa the eompaay ai ranges fo r a long timo leaao on tb Uno. __________

E M II fD I I IT I i l lFKmniSH!T h r a c ia n E m lflB a r ie a O iT e P o s i

t io n o f G re e k s in S n r r e n d e r - e d A r e a

P U IL A D E L P H U , (ff)~ T h ro o emii aarioa from Thraeo are tou ring . thi country to oaaiat in tho oxplanatioa o tho poaition o f tho Greek inhabitant o f Thracian te rrito ry anrrendorod ut dor. tho-poace treaty by B u lgaria an Turkey. Thoy ato ihe iA e r* o f th

■ 'Thracian commiaalbn tV th e ' U a ite Stales. . . '

Tho mombers o f the miaslon aro A i golos Conilantiliorja, aeerolary, 8 m r na; Dr. PanayoUa Nicolopaulo, TTn

. voraity o f Pariaj Nicholas K a llcha - Conatantinople; Dr. Paleologis Georf

iau, National UniToraitr o f Or eeci In . Philodelphia thoy apoko i

churchea o f varioua donominatioaa ao a t iunehoona. arranged in tho lr hono

. TO O O m S O L EG O XANOB. .'t;Hog.reange ia apreid m ain ly by dIro< ’ bodily contact,- a c c o rd ^ . to Invcatigi

tiona rccently-eoodueted by tho Unite States dopartment o f ag rico ltu ro .' Tl: diaoase ia 'Contiaeted moat rapldl .among hogs o f low v lta lity i eapeeiall those kept ia amalleaeloBarea.lt apreai moro slowly among Tlgorous anima kept In pu tu res or in eloan,' w olM lgh ed, roomy peaa or bnildlsgs. F a ilu re 1: awino ownera to eontrol bog mange r suits in heavy lassos from ahrlnkaf na well oa from a higb death rate. T l department atatoa tha t tbe diaeaae ei ba eradicated by four dipplnga in

. Umo-sulphur or arsenical aoltftioa wli intervnla o f 0 or 7 dnya botwoon* di plnga. _________ __________

BoltB M id« o f tk ln a o f S nakn .la ICadras tba tanning o f snake

■kin* f o t t!M maDtifRcturo o f women’ b d ts haa become q tilte a profitab le Ie dttatry.

Laundry Uriea F r u it ' in y ln g fnU t« and vcgetnblca la do'

a laundry by*pruduct. Tho m erhonia ■irleni ^ thna made uao o f when d<

' I o tbenftao employe*!.----- «

Utvea tne Old aentletnait Away, Panay Pyetin objecta ttro n g ly to tt

way fa ther uaea the Engliah langaat Hia erammar la ao UDifonnly corre aa to 'atiow ihot he doesn't so to the tera o r cflbareta or any placa. -

FORISALE!5 room modern boaae; eloae la .

Oood rarage. Easy tem a.




Phono f l l l r W M S e t k A l» . B .

j r v m fv F A L l4 & f iA 3

Real EstMe t r m le r s

^ 0 . h ; M u ll e f .1,h e L iw i aub. ,S S f f i w w w A . O..Thompion,S t W I b U ^ i ^ : , ' E « s t ' L i u n > a u b r ’ , Q /^ B w l « o w 'e t a l to W. A . Clapdio^. . ; « l^ - I o t r ^ U o e k 1, Lineobi Sehool a< - ■

i i t ^ John .Meyer, Jr.,«U,8pWKBeJ&Bd.v •• . . . ■! I,/m m K ^ to Ia A: Wab, ^2S0, lo t

iv ll 10;btoSt 73, T . F . ' »md H I Yoosg to H . H . Hoover, »«8>, , tho 238.2B, lota 1, 2, E.1-2 NW 1 ^ 31.&.17, ■; ii^ t l i . S. Sjuraon-to B. B.-WertzbaugboKber 11, lo t.U bloek 67, T .P . . ' j . Koel-Kilkiaon*8>ronk lA m b iw ' Oi>.' to en, a P. AnderMn,'«4250, I6 i {», bieek. S lj ' ■ma T. P. ; ijkca .'Pocatello So«nri^y;1?r«8t 'Co. to J . D. the Pence, *1650, Iota 45; t«i b loU i M ,.B lug ICO. XAkoB add. . ■ !:•ky H. H. Thiome to S. P.- Steolamitb, «n, <15,600, SB 1 ^ BS 1 ^ lo t 8, aee. 23; iod lo t 2, aee. 24-10-19. _ . . vpa ' V r ' * '


T0imH Boxtteattilm a B O M Oallad In- i : t o l M t o a i lM iM w Q M r t t o

- Ib oH or to p re rvn t the entranee o f a nmhber ( if p l ia t diaouea aad injurious inaeeU f i ^ the .O rie n t the United Statea departmeai io f'agrieu lture pro* poaea to p ro U b it-n b e ' importation of f m i t atoeka, enttisga, aebns, and buds

^ f r o m . A ^ Japra, the PhiUppino Isl- ^ onda,- and • Oceanian • The aecrotory of

agrieulture h u ealled a hearing to be ^ held in the offlcea o f the fodoral ho^ ^ Henltoral tward in Waahington a t 10

o ’elock March 0, a t which intcrostoa persona'may be hoard, oithor in peraon

ito r flltoraey.Tbe diaeaaoa and iasocta that the do-

Q - partment aoeka to oxeludo by the qu8^ aatino include Jopaneao appio cankera, bOater b llg h ^ and rusts, the oriontai f ro lt moth, th'o poar f r u it boro^* asd

_ the apple moth.

“ ENTENTE TO STAND FIRM ’ n AGAINST HAPSBURG HOUSE»at- Memben o f Snpniae aihw«< Oomidl ong Deal m th U ixq r aad Serlooa W ond rith Problema _ 'o rk ; ---------- .ar- LONDON, (ff — Members o f tbo au- the premo allied council are determined to

adboro to tho rofunal to allow the Haps- burgs restored in either Austria or Hun­gary, i t is stated In conforonco circle^ liomanlaas footed tho appointmeat ot Adm iral H orthy u I lu n ^ r la n regent

l l 'n means the i« tu m o f tho formor rulers N l | o f- tk a t country.i I l l Beeognitlon o f tho aoviot govenunent

in Buasla h u boen diacussod but 'no ,.z ■ definite-cdnclusion has boon roachoil. '®*“ I t is reeognlaod o il tho allies hove an

option o f beginning trado w ith soviet Itosaia i f they wish.

The council is bolie%’od to oppose any plan to maintain a Turkish armed force larger than 25,000 nnd mny in s ift that tho a m y bo eondderably loss than this

antM Somo momlMra aro said to fa-vor refusing Turkey a standing army

“ ■ in any form oxcopt a -goadarmerio un- “ J dor o ffie era appointed by tho allies.

CADETS OF CHAPULTEPECnyr- SWEAR FAITH TO MEXICO'CJni. -----haa; Katlonal u m ta z y Academ r la B«op> org- ' eoad v i t h flolamn Onmnooy a fter leco. Tes T e a n

in — .and E L . PASO, Tox-, (ff> -C adcte o f tho aor. M ilita ry School o f Ohapultepec, drawn

up oa the driU fie ld o f Mexieo’a West Point, .solemnly swore allegiance to,

ro<«t tho fhtg o f Mexieo, held a lo ft by PrcR- iga- ident Venustiono Carnvnaa, u part-’o f itod tho ceremonies in honor o f tho open- The ing o f tho ins titu tion , hold in Mexico ild ly C ity recently, aeeordlng to Excelsior, ia lly Tho sehool had beon closed fo r tcn oada yoara.mala Tho outh o f allogianco waa admlnis- Ight- tored as tho cannoniof tho oitodol firnd e by a aalute o f *21- gu in in honor o f the t ro- anniversary , o f tho constitutions o f tage 1857 and 1917, which occurred tho same The day.can - »- ■ " ■

i * . Dr. Johnaen*a Dictionary.° D r. Johnaon la commonly . reckoned

P' u a •QcceufDl author, yet he receired . fe r raeoy p f hia compoaitlops a'coaH

paratively amall aom. R ia m ^ l^ iro f it* able uhdertakirig wan tbe dictionary,

ik f r fo r which he aaked $7,875. The taak Ba'* occupied hia tliue fo r aeven year*.in-

D o n ’t N e e i. . s a y s t h e C

W h yg o in s

thea* i s f a d

^ II V « II II Y W ( 1ta. w il l t

P a t Up InU B IG H T C U T is a sh ort. ^ W -B C U T i

) A I L Y , N E W S T W I N ' I ’A I

r - : AA»ouacW ^:ir a ii'lth e o f' • tha ekjr.

‘ A rrlTM the aaew. a a i «r(vtai o'er i '»«». the-aeXda,'’’.„-.

8«ema nowber* to a lightv the jpa,' w h tte 4 .e lr ' imd m d w hiua ..’a a d ’,w«o«a, and u>e

. ■ keavea.:. i Aad relle. t t l * fara.,kouae a t th t • * . , ■ *rd *a '* ;*o « ., - i ; - ,

ion, • ' .• '. . . Q O O D T H IN O a r O R T H r F A M IL Y 'aS? . ■ ' • !

Wbea a 4iab la botb food imd «co> ! -I nom leaV 'it' U 'boaad to b« popolar. ;

V L iv e r l^la^ -C u t calves'- < . . i , . Uver In to atrlpa naln t

r poaad, itarbQU flva iheri .nUoQtea in boiiing watei

<.-'ta> '.iWEMX'' in 'f lo u r . F ry two alicea . .o f bacon o n tll crisp, re*/ . move and cook the live r

Iq the fa t nn tll brown.' ' Carefuity . a rn u g e the liviar in a

Cfliwerole. add tw o cnpfolB.'of bolting 23 ; water ond a tIr o n tll w ell blended. Oat

tho bacon Into mnall atripa and-lay ^ over tbe live r. P u t Are medlura'-slsed'

potatoes and one small onion throogh WU chopper and mix, w ith threeJaw tablcFpoonfula b f u lL 8 p i« d thla

over tho live r, ponring the water and In* fa t over I t Coyer and bake,In n hot

oven q/)UL the Uver and poiato are well cooked. I f dedred the potatoea

?5 . ! tuay be cooked, mashed and browsed on ih»s<ll> o f i l i s a iih .

pro. fira n O o m a ^M lz together one cop* of fu l o f floor; .tw o copfola o f bran, two

)uda teaspoonfola e f baking powder, then la l’ add tw o tablespoonfals o f slnnrtenlng.

’ two la ftle sp b o n W s 't^ ftjg a r. or molaa- ' “ aea, one.tcaspooiifn l o f . ia l t on& and

onihhaU w p f t ls o f m ilk and a h a lf cnpftiV^bf d i o p ^ ralalna. Place In

rn a gfeased gem pans and bake In a moderate]/ h o t oven fo r twenty m ln

de- otes., '.U8^ Lstnon Apple P ie ^ T a k e two cup-

fn t* o f chopped apple, one copfol o f sogar, the jn ice and rind o f a lemon, one egg w e ll beaten, h a lf a copfol each o f w ater and . rolled cracker crumbs.

I Bake In a tw o crost pie In a modorate * ovett. :IS E JAarshmallow Sauee.—This saoce

may be used on any baked pudding mcH Ilka cottace padding, but ja nice 14 .with steamed cake. M ix one cupful o f

-dork brown augar w ith three inhle- Rpoottfnls o f floor, add one and one*

»«■ h a lf cupfuls o f bolUnR wnter, and cook ? ^ un til smooth; add tw o tablearoonfula Im ! bntter, o r Ieaa. and twelve. mursh* cle^ mallows cut lo qoartprs. Serve h o t

fu™ I f y L ^ v r t i B .nent •t 'noihoi}. Showoau and Weighlno Machine.0 an Chiefly fo r restaorant oae Is a TC: •viet cently invented combined sbowcaw

«nd w e ld in g machine.,any ^

Waahlng 'Em In a Claaa New. this -What Una liecome o f the old*faalH

> fa- lo n ^ belle who used to manicure irmy teetb w itb a anufrstickt—Dallaa Ne &

ea. W hat are thoao Popcorn OrispotteaT —adv.

C -- -IC O

" HIPES’ tbe rawn •

g TWIN fAUS1 H I D E C a

2 4 8 4 t h Avenue S o .

P ^ O N E 9 8


I H m> e d to T e U Y o u ^e G o o d J u d g e

H i y s o m a n y m e n a r o s i n g t o t h e • m o f f chew o f

l i s g o o d t o b a c c o .

o u g e t r e a l t o b a c c o s a t -

l a c t i o n o n t o f t h i s s m a l l b le w . T h e r i c h t a s t e

i s t s a n d l a s t s . Y o u d p n ’ t

e e d a f r e s h c h e w s o ( t e n . A n y m a n w h o n s e a

i e S e a l i T o b a c o o C h e w

r i l l t e a y o u t h a t .

I In Two Styles ■ ■ Il o r t - c n t t o b a c c o

O T i s a l o n g £ l n e - c n t t o b a c c o

!V IJ iS .ID A jg O ; F R ID A Y .

tlilic H ii fiCONDlN

Says Indigestion Sesults froman Excess oUiydrochlorio

TTndlgaated food d o l le d la the atom* M b decays, or rather, fenneats the eamo u food lo t t is the opea a ir, aaya a not-

Y ’ ed au thority. Ho a lM te lla tu tb a t In- digeatioa la eauaed b y HyI>c^aeidity, meanlog, there ia aa exeeaa o f hydro-

^ chloride acid ia tbo atomaeh which pre- ^ veata complete dlgeatlon and atarta lood

fermentation. Thus evei7 th ing eaten tf. sours ia tbo atomaeh much like garbage !• aoura ia a eaa, form ing acrid fltuda and r , g S M jrh ieh laflate the atomaeh lik e a

toy balloott. Thea we fee l a heavy _ lum py m i ^ in tbe cheat, wo belch UI

gaa, -we enietate aour food o r hav< ^ hoartbnm , flatuleaee, water-braah oi

nausea. .c r He tella na to lay aalde a ll digeativi n. aids and .iaatead, get from any phnr a macy four ouaeea o f Jad Salta and taki

)g a tableapoonfnl in a, g la n o f water be 3t fore breakfaat and d rin k whUe i t ia c f i . forveaoiag and forthermore, to eontinui

th ia fo r a week. WbUe re lie f fo llow i tbe f lra t dose, i t ia Important to nou

’ t r a l iu the acidity, remove the gu -m ak » in g maaa, atart tbe live r, atimulate th i " kidneys aa8 thna promote a free flov id o f pure digestive fulces.Dt Jad Salta ia iaezpeu lve and ia mad< re from , tbe acid o f m p e s and lemon ju ie i n combined w ith Utbia and aodinm phoa ^ phate. Thla harmleu aalta ia used b]

thouaaada o f people fo r atomaeh troubli p . w ith excoUeat re s n lta .~ ^v , ro , ^ ’en Object e t th * T ruest Artists.‘g. * I t wonld appear to tw the object el » tbe truest srtla ts to g ive permanenci id to tmagts sncb u we ahoold alwayi i l f desire to behold, and m ight behold la w lth o n t 'lu lta t lo a ; while the In fe rio i a branches o f design are concerned vrith

Ik tbe sco te r passions whlcb depend on tbe to rn o f a narrative, or the co o ru

p- e f an emotloa—Auakln.


IS. « A f iB c N t f fte

iw W Aot^ fmm I ■ t f vmK V j Vkm a)k i | q i S 3 mis ' I H k iMh* ' j s a i i

M n A - e t f l E B r

■0: ^ ■ V->W

- Days 4a.

fv! friday and SatuFCF or Two bays


A tth e Remark)

$2I 3?his w i l l p r o b ^ I

. to buy a n a ll-w o o l, ’— anywhere n ea r th is

A l l W o o l A l l M o d e ls

A l l B lSizes 33 to 44 in I

(3reys and F an cy I snappy, y o u n g m ei conserva tive busin taken fro m o u r re g

Watch the W indoi

|D/uio n* ■ U P -T O -D A T E

g , M M t^ H 6,1920 ■ ' V o b b x g n ' t m• SYDNEY, N. a ; W r,’• for the Davia'eup tonnb ehaniidaablp;

.; h u the United t3t&tcs m ebU ao^^n tb A fr ie a ' lh 'tho tiM '-^ round.(''iBoUand

I I h U ' beoa’ added tb the - l ia t l o ehul- n i longera and w ill nieet Great B rita in IV . i t t lho- f ira t round.

'W B £ 8 T L IN G >m CEDAE J U P n > 8 , ( ff)— Jack Boy-

aol^a, wolterwelght wrestling eham- ploa, drfeated w il l lo ' 'H a lia i, o f Can- tonj^^Ohio, two a & a lg h t'fftU i bere Uat

S '; BEAD THB D U L Y l l i T O .

ity, I ---------------- --- ------- . . i ,Iro*'

1 Have You a.0 a

Plioto of Ultivebnr-V The l i t t l e ones gn

good p la n to have th e m o fte n .

thelow„ao These P h o to s are

. .1in th e ye a rs to cor“ W «i 1 .

FLOWER f•n F IR S T N A T ’Irtor ■ ■


2 Daysrday, March 5 and 61/8 Only We O ffe r

55i SUITS■kably Low P rice ' ......

I t eb ly be y o u r la s t chance l,^h a n d -ta ilo re d S u it a t is f ig u re .

>1, A l l S iz e s J I s , A l l C o lo r s 1 B a r g a in sI B row ns, Greens, B lues,

M ix tu re s m ade up in .en’s models as w e ll as liness sacks. A l l su its j ^ l a r stock. ^

0W8 Thursday E ven ing .^ T H E G R E A TE R .Iepartment

T W IN F A L L S . I D A H O

ain -a U iy ; # . H■ 'toya-iaU g o o d V g r i^ f e 'H•:berc^dar.los6d►^•^^■,^./A^'l,r;^iV

I Glean Frm ip a o ^ K S U B ^ T , ' . 4 I

a Good I the Baby?prow so fa s t th a t i t ’s a re a new P h o to ta ke n o f

re a che rished m em ento 5oma >


5H 0N E ST.

------------- : ---------- V

Store, Ltd.PR O O RKSBIVE .

Page 4: r THE ONLY AFTERN IRE REPORT, OF THE,m-M tN crA yiKiffia i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · tora aad jjive them his riewa.aa whother h« wonld accept the eompi

^ ( . ^ . ^ a t a o U o o i t o B k lv a t lo id i t . ;, ^ n e t U ’lM T e ; . , .' ’ . i t ; i$Ott«.>oe- tbe -eUef > IneMeatsl-foatnrei

' ii ' MMteated ‘w ith tonorrow 'fl Salvatlo: r - i J ^ b ttag « t,fa a d 'd rive w ill be tbi

f". r • b t • iBoaB^er la y e r ‘dak*i;. j:v doa«t»d to tha «ftnp*ign by one v.

\ t ie Tw ia Palls bokcrio*. Speelal cerr monies w il l aeeompany this aaetlon

::A' the eake going to the highoit bidder Uuty In te re itlag Iw tu m .a re plaa

‘ Red in eonaeetlon w ith-t^iB 'd rivQ foi f ^ d s ia the eommerelal d is tr ic t to morrow afteraoon, oso o f the p rlnci pa! attraotlons being tho operation o: hnto by young ladies o f: th is ''e ity rep resenting S a lv a t io n 'J u s ^ ' 'Throo 'o : thoso buildiags w il l be^.set. up n street intorsections wtheino they wIH catoh thn bu lk o f pedoneoui tra ff ic

, Tbe young ladles w ill s^Il donghnutu ' I the money dorivod, from , thia soutc<

j boing appUod on the budget fund. Th< f huts aro to bo embollished in fanei

fu l taste, w lth jr^resenta tions^o f. th< hotlvities o f tho Salvation Army d iii in s tho war poriod aorbss aoas. 1 w il l bo a t 'ono o f theso huts that

-j i^ e monster cako w ill bo auetionnl ' ;i ;i Tomorrow’s drive w ill bring to i

ooneluslon' a two'day camjiaign fo funds b establish the'Salvation Arm:

I bn a working basis in Tw in Falls. Thi ‘ ;sum o f 13,500 is requirod to. finaaC'

'^p6r4.tton* o t th is corps ia Tw in T o ll ,ovBE the eight monllia ronialnlng o tho present year. Arrangomonts fo r th push bavo-oeea.mado b y M ndvisot,

; -board-of .Susineu men, w l t i i ; A ttohio: Taylor 'Cummins*^ tho chairman.'; Th i (lommittbe w ill bo aided . i i i nrosecul isg. the eampaign endeavor by T w i

post, A m o rio a n le g io n . Wa Mothers and young women o f tne c it j

This aftomoon a eommitteo o f t '■ c ' members o f the Amorican Ioglon;pos

' d ivided in to many snb-eommittees, i operating in the rosidoneo distrie: These m inor bodies havo beon instruct ed-tO'-make t ^ canvass intensive an

J no t miss a. residence, anywhere. T« morrow 4 l l forees. w ill cdneontrato i

f thVT>lisa M B ^ B e tttn i;" - - - - ' • -

f RiMscnnEj ; ;: -ilDOra[OBIIIEE]R u p e r t ip la y a B u h l ^ d T w i i

A g a ^ t J e ro m e T h ia A i t e m o o n

J ^ llo w is g Is tho. basketball sehe'd ole fb r the eouth-contral Idaho toumo ment, opening this afternoon a t th' high sehool:

2230 o ’elock, Bupert against Buh* Tw in Falls agaiast Jeromo. '

' 8 o ’eloek, Ooodisg ogainst Ileybarn ' 'i Barley against Tw in Falls soconi ' ^ team; Afternoon winners w ill Ui

, matehod.j Saturday 9;30 a. m.—Winners o f F r l

m. day n igh t eoatests. No games in a f tomooa.

. J 9 p. m.—Ohamplonsbip finals.I. Coach Boboy, ,o f the .w/ostUng am : boxing classes, has word' from NIol > Collins o f tho Boise A th lo tie assoeiA

tion saying-Bolse woald'send, six .amn ; tour boxers to meet Tw in Falls, ama I tours next F riday night.

'-i liim ita Memberahip to F u ll Fledged Citizen

: ' C0LDM BD8, Oblo, Horo-a fte r a declaration o f c ltltonship b v a foreigner w ill aot be s u ^ clent to fu t it le him to member­ship la th^-U a lted Mine Workers o f Ohio. S o must aetually. beeotae a' eltUen. Ohio'm inors in session

t here amended tho lr eonstltotlon, making eitlsenship eompulstfry oa a ll members o f tho organization.

. A M n s B B E i r r B |^ A B O —*W in i*m .8 . H a rt in ^‘ Wagoi

T zM ks j’ * also P lithe News aad Com

O m ^EEnru^AdVentures o f Elmo th i " M ig h ty ; Homey D e a n lr tte JoUy Fol

low;. M e r r i^ n aud Vnee, Oomedy A ct f. Carmel M ^ r s ia ‘ ' W to ^ U l'M a rT ^

OEM— '<Tbe Cap o f F a ry ,” p f Bobert i H aghes;'ts^>e^ orehestra masle.

I L ' ' • '

O N €B e s t W arehouse I

One L a rg e

:j I ' • — T—

F i r s t P r e s b y l8UXn>AT B

" S O M E N E E D E D R E F <

An aonest Attempt to A n a l^ la » Kindly bot Plain V

TfaleM loeal o f fk M s ftre w ilfo Fa lls needs to pu t on as improves

I BBd street paving. A re the sk irts' w i l t Tbou ^ v e me to -d o f"

IfflMBiflliaii ’ ' mn MEEie

IJ S a lT a t io n A r m y C o rp s W i l l B e ,• iD B ta lle d i n T w in T a l l t o n ' >

te r S a t u r d a y ^ I g h i . J

' BUborate' plaas have "been •deyiso'l ’ = fo r tho Inan^ra tlon -of the T w in FnU l ‘. Salvotloa Arm y corps tomorrow even* ,

ires ing. A program o f espoelal- appropri- loa ateness and m erit has Men p re p m a th fl fo r tho ocdssibn.' . 'ike. The iasogu rs l-m ae tlng '*IU be'coar,

o f dueted ia-Parish ha ll beginniag a t S sriv o ’eloek w ith Commandant Oonge f lf ion, Boiso in chsfM. Various m ltils te riu l ler. 0^ eommereUlvpersonages ofi tb js c ity i»a. w ill have-jw^.kctlve ■part';fi»'.the cero: fo r monlaL . ^he Boise baod be bere ^ to aid in the work; bo th -a t the 'm eot. gel. ing hall and In the open a ir sessions. Q* I t Is planned to ra lly forees is th^

■ep. c ity . busMsess d is tr ie t tb ro n ib ''a baud •f,f coneert and>mareh' lmme(nat»ly p rio r

to the indoor setitoni-r ‘ ' r j t l ' Following Is the ''p ro^am fb r the fic . opening eeremonlal:

Commandant Oonge from Boise w IU

rha ° ^ P rn y o jS £ v ;.A . 'G . B e flno tt.ff. & Grant, soerotary and troasuret^ tho the.advisory board, w il l speak.

T«^yIor Cummins, chairman ox tho ad­i t vlstory board w ill spoak. ' ' .

k „ f Jobn E. .Davies, w il l welcome the ,M Salvation Army on behalf o f tho c ity.

Paul B. Tabor w ill welcome tho Sul- ^ votlon Arm y on behalf o f tho Amori-

can Logio ii.' ' . ■Ensign nnd Mrs. John Naton w il l

speak, ood sing.- Annouitcomohts-^EBslgn Naton.

“ ‘5 O fforlng—Commanaaut Oonge..? Bolso band w ill-p la y .

Mrs, M. J. Swooloy ^ l " spook ou W behalf o f tho-women o f the c ity .

' ;Tho Bov. Cpniad L . Owob w i l l wel- come tho-SalvatioiI A rm y i)n b ^ a L t o f tho churches.

'-‘ A m erica " by the audioneo. BeriedleUon. •

iO _________ __________________________

S ( l o o a i g r e v i t i e Juct- ' - ■ . ] •aa-l -• - ■■ : -

. Have Ooog to L o i A sg« lM -rM rt. & a ..H am phr«y.« id ‘;d«og}iter E m ily .M & Marian le ft W e d s e s ^ fo r Los Angeles, Cal., where they w il l r o n ^ a fo r some time.

‘ ' To Bee W indy C ity K r . oad Mrs. r y H . F ; Allen aro leaving th is evoniflg fo r ^ 1 'Chicago where tbey w ill spend two or

three weeks on a business and pleas<

r i n " • ^1 w m ' V M t Salt Lake — M r. and Mrs.

Asher B. Wilson and daughter, JPatri- cls; are leaving th is evening fo r Salt 1 ^ 6 on a eombiaed business and pleas-

led* tr ip . -■ -'no* 1tho o o io j to O o ir t -D r . T. 0 . Boyd l l

leaving thla evening fo r Los Angeles, lh*: OaL, who}«. ho w lirre m a in fo r a short

time :on a, bosiaassVand pleasure tr ip , irn ; HIS lit t le grandson Boyd Keogh w ill oad accompany him.

Uo •Ladles* A i l Mooting — Tbo Ladles'

^ { . A id o f the church o f tho Brothrcn mot 1 . a t the homo of Mrs. Oharles W . Bonk,

711 Third avenne north 'Thursday fo r an a ll day meetinig. A nice lo t o f sow-

, lng/ was done. Luneh was served o t “ “ “ •noon.Iok — «, „ ■

PortmMter B am U uU om —Tho c iv il service commission anjtounees' having arranged fo r examinations .of - candi­dates fo r tho postmastorsblp a t Berger.• .fou rt class office. The tests w ill

} be given In Tw in Fa lls on Mareh 13.Compensation o f the b ffico fo r tho last i l l fisca l yoar was »252. .

S t Pa trick 's Celebxatlon — Local Q E nlgh is o f Columbus have artm&gftd' to 1- hold a St. Patrick 's dance in OotUUon

ha ll on the. night o f Mareh 17.^

s TO Z&cms* Capital Btock^-OaU has A been Issued fo r a moeting o f stobkhold- I, ers In the Twin. Fa lls D e b yd n tin g oom- a pony to be held on - A p r il 6. . A t tha t

meeting a vo te -'w ill be taken on in ­creasing tlie company's daplUlixation.

s ta in O oU Ktm i Plod^ea—TodBT S r.' I John B. W hite b e ^ eoUeotion o f sub*

aeriptloaa to th« M ehdale p lan co-op- - 4 erative store. A u thority to make theso

«QUectlons was ^ v o n a t a mooting o f ion the Tw in Falls M n n ty Faraers* asao- >m* elation last n ig h t S r. W hite bss o f­

fices In tho Corbett fu rn itu re store. Tbe tho to ta l sum' subscribed to dato is (21,ODO. rol* A ll eoUeetlons w ilt bo'deposited to the .ct; credit o f the fanners'Assoelation.rry " • ■■ ' '■

Beat located s tr ic t ly modem five- « r t room bungalow in c ity fo r sale. Prico

*4,750. Call or seo T. J . Woods.—*d v .

S A L EL o t s o n N e w S w i t c h .

:e W a r e h o u s e .

— T . J . W O O D S .

r t e r i a n C h u r c hBVBMDTO, 7:30 '

F O R M S m • T W I N F A L L S ' '

ra» Oondltlons and Speak tbe T m th W ay. I

IfoUy misrepreBenting eondltlons Tw in I rement program in addition to bu ild ing I ts o f the churches cleanT “ Lord, wbat I

-------------------- ---------------------------------------------

B d avenue eltib Wednesday. T e n n m b e ra | I - responded to roU call w ith a disensalon <

on the high eost o f Uvingi ',The:reinai;i^ f der o f the a f t ^ o o a was a p u t aociai- \ ly M d dainty refroiriuseoa^eTe serred. ^

' Mrs. George F. Spragob'eBteitained i the Episcopal Qoila n t ' her' ihoma on : ^os^oRo avenne ; ^ e r d a y A b r ia f j

“ •'> biKlKoa m o e tli, w u h 'e^ « i r u t® * St. Pat»iek»a,tWL on ]

Mareh 18. A soeial hour fbUotod and ; * 4 lig h t r r f r . . h m „ ^ ' ^ . i ,

The Woman'« Mlasiaaary .aodety o f ‘ the Presbyterian met .Jn,. tbe '

. - chareh parlors yesterday afternoon; Tbe program given, was a synopsis o f tbe ‘

” , work fe r the past 3 a r along spiritual, sodal and finanela l lines. .M 's. Gt, t f . 1 Bimpson aad M rs .. J . . C.. Beauehamp were hostoHea and seiyed lig h t refresh* j ments. j

M n . yr. M . F ld io r w u b o itm to the j Kim berly Boad club Wodnesday a fter*

; noon'. A business session was' held and offieers installed fo r tbe e o i^ g year a fte r wbieh a short program, was gxvon au4 refreshments served. Thosb.proseat .

,d . Wore MoKliunos O. P. S lr jb M li-p io d ; > Wagner, Chalrles Boso, I v ^ ’Price’, H . : the Boxreat, T itus,. C. A . A lvord. W. Cra­

f ty . ham, £ . J. Finch, M . H . Baylor, H . A. Su(. Leo, V. J . Steams, A . 0 . Cobum, J. C.. lerl- Porterfield, H . 0. Alexander and Q. B.

. Lud lom .. I w il l ^ ---

A t hor bome on Fonrth aventie oast,' M rs.'J. L*'Tayo gavo a '*kltohen show­

e r** 'In honor o f Mrs. H . B . D av is yos­torday. Tho aTternoon was greatly on-

ou Joyed. Miss Irene Oarlson sang do* '■ llgb tfu lly . A threo-courso'lunehoon was

wel- served nnd many usoful g ifts reeolvod. f o f Those present wore Mosdames .B . . .‘G.

Brown, Edna Bracken, J.. 0. Bates, Ar* thur (H tes,.F. H . Hlgbee, L . C. Peter* son. O. T. Phipps, W . M . Stack, B ..E . Webster; the MJUsos Jane Anderson, Ireufr Carlson, A rso lla Sawyer, Olara Campbell, V iv ta Buchanan, LUIIan John*

i son. Miss. B u th Tubbs o f.Id a h o Falls , who is spending the week w ith M rs. R.

0 . Brown, waa also fro se n t ,

^ A 'delightfu l O r ie n t^ masquerade “ was given- by -the B lue 'T riaag lo ' elub «*«•» Wednesday ovening, a t the h igh /choo l >ome auditorium. M any charinlng costumot

wore worn. Tho p r ls woro lontortainbd ^ Oriental danees given by Miss Hazel Heartflu ld and Miss M arm crito Grady l^ fo ro tho.Sultanas M iss.lrono W arner

p or oad-M iss Dorothy E rw in .. T h^ stage leas- grid auditorium wero boautifu llv doj-

oratod Ln colorod ribbons, Orisntah p i l­lows, .ngs and palms. The plaees o f

Mrs. amusement were) tho fortuno to llin g a tri* and ta tto lng booths. Befreshments Salt were served in Oriental stylo a l tno leas* Ohlneso and Egyptian booths. ■ ^ iz o s

fo r tho best eostumcs wore given, Misa Zuma Shennlborgen roeolving f irs t, on

d is inconse bum or: Miss Margarot Bocbc, oles, second, on OrientA] doll, aod Miss h o rt Dorothy Henwortby th ird , also an Orl- t r ip . o n ta lJ o lir . Tho romalador b f tho ovcn- wlH ing was spent socially.

Publie demonstration Tw in Falls De* Uos hydrating Company Ever-ready Prod- met ucts, Idaho Power Company, Maroh onk, 6 th and 6 tb.~*adv. fo r ,

sow* i ' —i ' I II

^ Q l a . a a i f i G d .

t lv l l ------------------ ftring (TOO L & Z B FO B GLASSXFXaATION)

■g«f> W A N I ^ ' — M iddl^aged woman w ill w ithoat children as housekeeper bn 13. nuieb. 0 . E. Heady, Buhl, Idaho, phone

I « t 318B1. .

WxI jL g ive ^ o d country hotr.e th is ocal spring to elean orphan fi^rl not La J I to school. U g h t servlees expeetod In i^e*l tUon to rn fo r my kindness. Prefer abo 'itj

14 -years o f age. G, eare New^. . ||

baa SA LB —Threo-room modera'I lold- house well b u ilt ; good bargnln; easy | jom* terms. W ill take eowa and chickens no . tha t pa^t payment. Call 744 Second avunue '

in . w est __________________ • I'FOB SALE—^Eitchem table - and I

X>r. beneb wringer. Phone M U . '

W ANTED—Men. b y Murtait;;U fa * 1,^*^ nal company, a t M ilner. Phono JOoW.

C o f 'TO R BALE—B y owner, some j»*>od ‘■•J* buys ia rsjieyes i f sold soon. This land

is located in Canyon aad 0 w>-h9o eoun* ties; ‘ adapted fo r a lfa lfa and spu<1s. ^V ith .» Satisfactory payment down

tno terms w ill be" made to suit purchssiir. W ill tako L ib e rty bonds or otbor se* curities fo r f i r s t p inrn jent Address D. G. Buby, CaldwoU, Idaho^

idv . FOB S A L E ^T w e acres, house and bam i: threo blocks from , school. Phono 451 or 018M.

T H E G tR U P E R

J f . T H B OABT:^ ^ w a n fn ra ir trr.w w w mraTW= n Bavldge ________ B o ckd lffa P«

1 N icky __________________ F rankLady C lifton W ya tt, Claxlssa Sail

Lsdy W e b lln g __________ XCata ]S ir Joseph Webliog, Herbert Sta P olly W lddlcom be^-JTlotence L M a jor Widdlcombe.~!>wlgbt C r lt t Veixlnder ■■ Sydney A lnsJ a k e ______ _____________H . A . M

Abble ________________ M arion <L s rry _________________ Wade BU es. P rotbezo______ ^ E lin o r Ha;


Lh M r. and Mrs. A Ai. 8 k«sm b,: « 6W B. „ ^ e d b y Mrs. aad Mlsa Snyder o f m OUnton, lowa, who are t h e i r . house ^ fpiests, motored over from B u h l ^m ter* J . day and visited a t the bome o f Mrs.' J . M .j;.-S w ee loy . V V

0. B . Lewis o f Poeatello^ ia txaasaot* Bd in g business in T w ln T U ls .. in M r i M . K . Shaw,'of. Bogerabi^ was a f an a rr iva l in Twin F i l la yesterday, aa. .W ; E. Lake was" ambag t te Boise ar* » riva ls in T w in FaUs yesterday. ,, .

J . 6 . W ya tt is i n ' . t i ^ ' Fa lls from S a lt Lake meeting frieads and looking

- 2 a i t w bnsiness In^resta. be ' - W illiam M. HodVei^- m o to ^d . over 2,Q from Haselton ye tte r& y and w il l trans* be aet-bnsiness here fo r . a short tim e.' , al, ' E rnest Fraser Is in the e iW -'irom U . B o ise 'bn business.Bp F . 'A . Boiu, o f Three Creok^-4a'spend- >h* ing a ' few days In T w in XU la lookbg

a fte r bnslness affairs.’ • . - ••:- r ' .• 0 . 'V. Myers o f K im berly is ,*:.Tisitox he ia T w in F iJls. . .9r* ... ^ . ' Ag.*...*; ■^ ■ D AUO HJBB ,18 U B A D - ^ John F . Hansen, deputy county elerk

to d a y received word o f . th e death ol his daughter, Ifrs . Carl J . Domrose,.nl

JT Boek Creek.. M r. Haasen.has gone U Book .Crook.

0 N o t "h o w cheap,'" b u t.h o w g o o i— g l' Adv. . • • - ^

• D l i L C O . U G t f r

t*"* • A n eleetrie fan b r in ^ summer rM com fort to tbo country homo.

lm*^ D . 0 . W A T S O N 0 0 .“ ■ r m n P A L M , I DAHO

o f ■g7 - rM iT iO ira in in a r> a r ia r i^ r 3i.o _ t] i ing v r f e A A A i i u C K T e a l f t P e P e P uate ^tne

iiASIioe^ ^ 1 O n e H i

- | H i g

»> 9 M

an ! |

ne p t '

S . / V . S i I

- Yx m^ B lao £ ' ■■ \


T * . ; . ■L ' ' rOd 5ndm* V lls. l l ' ' ■ •

H : . : : m <

nd V 'nc S ! r i , | - i ,n i n i T i i r i r i n n i - i n r i

iE M T H Et .T H U G H

m Theta Leater ^Standing

e Z>eshonir i t ta ^ e n A B i jLinswcrtb f r. M organ P r O Q ln Oolvln „ _ „ v» Bote ler IT lO n iCH..C.C1C

---------- S P E C IA L M U S

• ; ;K b iia V im w i» tra tlo « T w i n ^ ^ ^ i •' h y d r a ^ .^ !0»»Pm r '

iai.;o f ..

z[rs; '•

iras . .

in g -■ ■'

r New SprBp-top h a tl lo t Tap.not<^ c

dBg faaUdloiu men.; n aa e w S p) 1 , nation of '

. $3.00, $5.0,.n t

M EN’S A N D i

S Iwits:#. Don’t get exdted over repo

otoUies. We oan s t i l l seQ y i o ^ su it as low as |8 6 . T

' bave from |2 0 up. I f you .suits o f the finest fabrics, 14 liiiings-^iiXTiriouB suits a t i

f THE TCa ,132 M A IN A V

I Men’a C loth ing, Fu,

! Sale Wortlundred Pairs oi igh Grade Dress St

$6.C onsis ting o f S te ts o n ,' J u s t W r ig h t to be clos f ig u re . The above l i i and la s t th a t w i l l p lea also th e conservative d

J to f in d a shoe here th a l i t t le money. Sizes f n

■ choice o f any shoe in t sum o f ^ S 5 .


i:ATRE"’=’;lE iS ’ F & m o

Cup ol3ig; P o w e rfu l, Seven-Parl d uctioh . A M asterp iece y nb^r.3ray C a rtoon—Topics o f t


M l mtM,


ring Hatsih d reners. n t ^ . o r o ^ to r S p r in t it]4es are.p'^aetmniU^^^^ id V^ne. , ■ .

.00 to $21.50[Y V V N fG M E N ’S

Sf S pritiggp(^B o f h igh ^ o e s to r .H sn ’i .1 you a good,' re liab le , s a t ia tu -

T 6 pay. less ii^ nnw iae,'ye t we ron; v a n t to pay m ore hero are , hlgbest grade ta ilo r in g and sSk »t reasonable prloee.

50 to $65


7umiahinga and Shoea' I

i @ 0 © ^ © © e e @ B 0 ^

thW hi9f Wen’s Sliqes

.95B, Thom pson B ros, and i 5 • osed o u t a t a v e ry lo w f lin e s cons is t o f s ty les | eaM th e y o u n g fe llo w , . a (dresser. Y o u a re su re | h a t w i l l p lease yo u fo r E f ro m 5 1 -2 to 12. Y o u r a ~ 1 th e lo ts f o r th e sm a ll j r

’ 3 f l» S T I

lay and Tom orrowM a t i n e e a n d N i g h t

3US S to ry

f Furya r t F o to p la y '! you w i l l re -

E th e D a y

J A L IT Y F O T O P L A Y S ' '

Page 5: r THE ONLY AFTERN IRE REPORT, OF THE,m-M tN crA yiKiffia i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · tora aad jjive them his riewa.aa whother h« wonld accept the eompi

e m d w : H k S i t a ' J ? ? S i i r , sopi,:,-r

J t e m in r ‘i r o n U ^ . topic, ■ o n , 'l l t I (C -a . 'n . •J E a T e a lffi •a r r ic . i, topU. V t H* BUa

a J o .p . a _____

' OtBtetUa Clmzeh• - . W. A . U ooM i m ltditar.

9tiS n.m^ Bibto -»1»MS7 • . .11:00 a. m.— . •

Commuaioa'Mio, M .O a lvvT '*^B o d& e' . -■ v T ,.B .- l& r t l i» li

Aatbem,H a lt O h e i^ ^ « a w o e t B a rlo r-U io« (*'- .....— ..... ; M ..•■.•■■.;.............M .-Uu-ruimw

StStK-^Toang. People*' w e ia l J ieor.' 6i80T~1TeaBf-Peowea'deroUoBA) hoa .7180' Uea' e' Ni gf ai

B o lo - - W M t« d ^ U in . Irene OwIm Q uarte t,'<6 weet 6 abbath-Ero"~JPark ^ W . A . P a trie l^ U i« i Edith Oree v L lo y i Patrick, ’ Bobert -Wmiaaa. AatheiA^ ''E v e ry Voiee Shalt pYaiae

Male Choraa, '*BTe«lng ’ '_ J V i in k Ab 8 enaott,-.^“ . i “ Pla7 in jj a Safe Qmne?

. W ;^ Mooro

n ia « O bm d i o f O hrltt Sdaatlst Soadny serVieo, 11 :0 0 a. m., Parial

hall. ■ Sahiect o f ..Icsaon fo r , M a ith 1

. Siinday achool, 10 a. ja'-, Pariah hall The Chrietlaa Beionco reading rooo i

134 M oin avenue north.The 'Wednesday toatlinonlal moetjni

eontinoes 'a t tho Pariah hall a t i o ’clock.

• l i»ithint n~Ohnrch ‘ T i l r d avenuo-weat an J F if th atreet John Q lhrio«; ^ a to r .

Bnnday. achool, 9:15.#. a». . . . yBmicct, 1 0 s3 0 i; m.. Tbe B o ria B ib le elaaa meet Wodnrt

4ay;at 7:30 p.

■Tint B a p tis t CBmrcb . . Conrad L . Owen, paator.

&:4S a. m.. B iblo achoo).11:00. a. m., Worahip,' thomo, “ T h

t l f o T h a t Goonta.”6:00-p ; m., B.* P . P. U . devotiona

honr.7i80 p . n . , Evenibg worahip, aubjoc

“ The Fablo o f 'a ii Bncmy.'” ’ ' Momina— .

P/eludo— ^ 'A t Sunrlao” ...........B. DiggltOffertory—''S w oo lo r Tlmn AH tho,

Bosea” -------------------------H . C. VcnnoAntbom— ‘ ‘ I W ill E x to l Theo” Adam Ladlea T rio—'Tho Angel’ Rcubonatoi:Postlude—I^a a le .-----------JJ. H. Bogor

EroningV o ln n ta rf—“ May N ig h t” H . B. War< Bocponao^—Seloetod.

. O ffortory—"SwootiBr . Tbnn A ll thoE o a e a "_________ ______ H. C. Veno

Anthem— “ T hy-W o rd la a

J P o B t lo d e ^ in S r Z .Z i r i . ' - J . '^ Bogor

Haiunn Ohareh , p . J I.M o n n ia g , Paator.

10 a. n ., Sundny aehool. lie x t Sur day ia tho day fo r ' ‘ every member pre« o n t." ‘W ill you bo'therof

11 a. ni., worahip. Thome, “ A Chrii tian Conneionco.’ '

7:30 p. m., worship. A atudy o f ‘ Th U fo o f Chriat.'**

BalvatJon Arm y Enalgn and M rs. John Naton,

Commanding OffieorK Mootlnf^s in Pariah hall.Inaugu r^ scaaion 8 p, m. .Saturday. Spociai meeting Sunflay, evening,

o ’clock.

F i ia t M ethodist Bplaeopal Alexander O. Bonnett, Pastor.

“ Tho Oreat Watchword fo r tho No' Day,” m orning snbjoet, 11 o ’clock Snt

'Woman’a Proposal; Should Young Man Bojeet o r A ccoptf” dii eonrse a t 7:30 p. m.

Sunday Bchool, 0:45 a. m.Young people’s mcetinga; Baroc

youiig men V lunehoon, 6 p. m.; Epwort Leagno devotional meeting, 6:30 p. it

Muaie fo r m orning worship: Instrom entij preludo by Mrs. Stovoi Anthem, “ Thy U g h t la Como" (W l

• Bfllo b y Leonard Wood, “ Tho l<ord I My L ig h t ’ ’ (Speaka).

Instromental o ffe rto ry and postlod by Mra. S tove r.'

Evening musical program:Voluntnry by tho orcheatra; I>r..J’ni

rott, leader.Anthem, “ Tho Lord Is K in g ” (Coii

der).J ' O tfortory, orchoatra, “ Seronadc’’ (D rlgo). .

Duet, “ korovcr with tho Lord ((Jouhod', Mrs. M o tt nnd M r. Wood.

Postlude, b y tho orchestra.

Ohorch o f the Brethren. Chvloa W, Bonk, pnstor.

Blblo echooU 10:00 al m.Cbriatian Workera meeting, 7:00 p. p Junior Workers meeting, 7:00 p. n

V r t O A N lZ I N O T O E N S T H E TK IO K L

Now tires coat raoro now thnn over 1 foro in the history o f the automob

- indostry.* I t behooves you to sftvo yc pl old tiros and mako ihem go' aa fa r

' poiilb lo . Our vuleanlting w ill do for you. OIvos old tlrea new lease Ufo.

GEM STATE VULCANIZING Gl- 1 2 6 aad ATfc w . -

•• , • ■ — V. ' ....... ■ : ■

■ r - , H o ra ln * woMWfc',whle«t, ‘ ‘M aa B 6b Ooa/»^ I I o M o i t : ‘ -

Sf '.. Prayer, m petisgr Wodnaaday a t 7:30Pi „ < ■ ',v: f- ... ; ,

S o itd^r 10 a; m'.Uad “ ttrie,

, P r o e e a r i^ , t * ‘ 8 a ^ r , Bleaaed 8 a v ._• lo f* * __________________ Morlev

Ia tM |t Anthem^ “ The Boseato Hue* '

v ^? v^a ^S £ ;;s -5 rs i;iS !!:''[ u y r """-'.... Mil I........— ------ Oroteh

la'er ■'

»• * ________________ - . . .lonr I — ■!

F i ^f "AnotherAbc


s fromIn? ' ■ , .

vBOOtft'S”aca- .

: The Lo[oct ^

'i'° . - H o w m a inorima ’ ■ ' 1 •

t a k e n g a r m e n tard , , • ' • , ■

t r e a t is i n s to renor

rter ' ~

[,' a - ®’

au* ' , b

vor. ^

i Xa“• Who WouldPar-

Like the Drrd ” , -

S m a r t - l b o k i n g - d r e s i

g e o r g e t t e a n d s a t i n ,

v a n c i n g p r i c e o f s i l l

; £ : c e e d e d b e t t e r t h a n ^

k e e p i n g p r i c e s d o w i

^ l o o k a t t h e m . T r y 1

► a r e s o d i f f e r e n t a n (

L p r e t t y .

I W h y S p r in g i

“AWotyour ^ar as N <lo i t ae o f

CO ,

IL • BeBo^eit«,«'<PralM'pa.ud UagBi.' • ' ^ ..... ,• ...MUtthewareat Beaedletnf, l*3lMMd-Be. th«seal Ood” _)— ;..... . ' . V . i , ..,.-„„.'QroftL B Litaay B^s,-- With .^Trembling

■ Hoart” , Slvan7:30 OtfertoiT-

• lig h t” , .....,, , ,P.-A. achao&orPreaeaUtloa, “ Eraiao OodV* __-

----- - ^ . , ^ v-,;:..,^„ M, i;... ii '.Botir80oiaBaeeaaloailt <« The den' dod Oota

See. F o r t h . . . s C n U e rr. ;■

orie, Aaher EarW Braad, miaiater.MonUagMvorahto; Jl.^otekiek. Thb

Saeraaicat .ef tha X«rd'a3iu|p«r. .>rley Evaiang'woraUp, . 7:8oT^el6el(: Ber­ea moB th c m a > '< < 6 o » e N e e d e .1 rvoy ia Twia P*dla.''

Btt>Ia aebool 10 o’dde& a./ m; oteh ■ ■ Jnnior Badaavor 3 p. .

■»— J— — . —

1 Mill Ik■ < ? = =

ttvclicst, Pl a n y , m a n y l a d i e s 1

; r i t s o f f t h e r a c k s t o

a r e f o r y o u , a n d i t

The New Suits Are Wond

W ith f la re coats and so E to n ja cke ts an d eVen t l show some new e ffe c ts . m odels in n a v y a re v e ry ( — w e ll, ju s t lo o k a t them th e m on. L o o k a ro u n d ai be convinced th a t i t s m ore ic a l to b u y y o u r s u it here.


J)resses ;2rressy, in ta f fe ta , t in . W ith th e ad- v s i lk we have sue- M in w e expected in v l^| awn. ' D on’t ju s t . I ry th e m on—-they la n d su rp r is in g ly ,

; i s r e a l l y h e r e , a n c

m a r n m o t h s

ther Pa(B O O T H

T. p .;k a B , «ao.p. SI. - - i* " Muale m oralag — ; C

Pwlade, ^ ‘ Pretode:w#.’ 17.'5:-i.Chopia ” P a jk i

Oomnuaioa aolo, “ Omao Unto M o’.’

P » 5 K 5 ; r - -----------,qU _ Evaniag moaio— .g Preiode, “ O o a ^ lle r i ..................K ovittier A a then, '< 0 Lord, Jhoa A r t M y

e tre a ^ h ” — i---------Oodari

860 8rdAT».N. Twin Pim. 3J«to

f c y n ' ^ R i L ^ r i A

AU 1 liiF * A ' j ^ l f ’ I lUI

V w ' 4»l I

h S w j m ' 1 w

Newest ■5 h a v e e x c l a i m e d

to . s h o w t h e m , h

t v d j l b e o u r p le a s

: s . .

iderful ^some w ith / n f fth e s k ir ts ' / f l i / I

. T a ilo re dy good an d ’ I j W ^im and t r y § ^arid yo u ’ l l ' 'r V ^

ireeconom - ' re.

fw Prett111 \W So r ie h 'vIlf p re t ty sl

l i J l■V 4 them ex

' M A n d the !' have the

I J l " ^ N ew one

a d y o u ’ f l t h i n k i t i

s t o c k o f p r e t t y f S

ckagc f1 M E .R C A N '

O tfe rt«nr, « * lb .a W ild Boaa-MeDowan Bolo, Lord la ' Mlto<Ual '« f

H ia Own ^

S E E U S A B£ rd ' • ■ A T . r t T . y t j

I— i » 8 * ^

a t m m S KK D B ID

T H E . F I L E ]PH0NE92 - - .

g M lW m I kI ^ L

[ | | o l r a f f l I l y v * ^ n a ' | u

l l ' ' " ' ,' Wm F'§ . . . / ^ J\ *.

Things t(I t h ^ s e w o r d s w l

H a v e y o u s e e n th ^

a s u r e a n d o u r t r e a l

Coals 0 ^ Distinc

The u n u s u a l-

I k /S one — som eth

\ \ r » o u t h a v in g to fo r i t . I s th a t

fo r? T he n C( ■ you f in d • t b

e h o o s e fro m a

be pleased.

id thetiest New SkirtiI w e n e ve r dream ed o f sue s k ir ts — m ade o f th e rie l: js t lu s tro u s s ilk s —some o ix t re m e ly b r ig h t in coloi ley a re so p r e t t i ly made. W lie b louses to go w ith then aes— classy ones.

i s w h e n y o u l o o l

S p r i n g c l o t h e s .

From BeIT IL E , CO.

i B X ' . a x A B B ia :

m P A O K A Q K O B B V U E j l

L R S E ^ E D G O . I‘ • - - • FIUB, IDftHO II


0 Wearvhen we have hem? If not a

of ■ . ■ 'V -: ctionl l— ^not l ik e eve ry o th e r

t h in g in d iv id u a l w i th ­

to p a y a sm a ll fo r tu n e

a t w h a t you 're lo o k in g

come r ig h t in . H e re the la rg e s t s tock to

1 a n d you c e rta in ly can


; o f i|||i|

ok through this


Page 6: r THE ONLY AFTERN IRE REPORT, OF THE,m-M tN crA yiKiffia i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · tora aad jjive them his riewa.aa whother h« wonld accept the eompi



. .'. Bntered'fc»- ^ n d -c M i..n a tf l- iM t t y: ■ « , u T . . ; u " “u ; r K r ' f f & S ' S

SUBSCRIPTION R A T M ,'.. : ; : : ; : ; : : : ; : - . ; - . : ; : . ; : ; ; ; ; : ; ; : lSV? ;■ r s g . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ; : : : : : : : : : : r ‘ :S

i . MEafBBB - o r A ^eoaA iig iD p r b s s‘ . Tb« A M o o lA tf td 'P n n u « i d w im r « - i ■ ti l le d lo tbe UM fp r reptiblloattaa ct u

newa < Ilip» tehM ‘ creOltsd to It. « * no t •tberw J*e c re a itflft In .to te paper. « n i a M

I ^ t a of t^uW oatSm of cpoolat <lhpatrti- M h««ln arp a ^ nsaerYed,

f No racpcmatbUitr l i aMtimed fo r tha «ar« of unaoUcited maawHrtpL ^oto>u S m '■ ^ n lU o d p u b U a a ^ «m b« uaM o r no t a t Iho olacra tloo e f tUa ed itor and no m a n tu c riv t wtU bo ratu rsed un> low oeootnpanied by tba aaoa«anr poet* ««a. ________________________ ____________

BAW BRN BBPRBBBNTATnraS: O«orn B. IMTid Co.. Inc., m UadUon

Av«h now Torfc; A. B. Koator. 1411 HArt- j ford BnPdtn t. Chicago. ' ______I Audit P u n *» <c C lit^ t lo n a

I B U T n m o K B T H o raI - A paraphraM o f > » «Mteii«Bt b»tr* i leg npoa iB tona tloaa l r«UUoB«kipt

lAt«l7 deUTored by a r fp re a « U t ln .o ( • forelga naUan a t a gatiiietieg a t promtaeak A a a i i t m wighfe m l M M * tv tn y Uka t u / i

*'Twe alt«matlTO eoan«i are aaw opaa fo r Jogt-81ora ld* ta Uka, aithar

^ te e f fM t aa e a r if setUearat a f tfae ^ea tlosa raiaod a t tke fOMe eeofer- CBOe, er to leave tfae ( le k tla a vaad jta t' ed and peadiog fo r aa iadefla ite leagtk

'r ' o f time.i i “ Tn a&7 eaae I ta ly knowa her re^en-r libUlUea ta Jago-aUvakU aad t * f lM lj lisaUoa. She g» a n flr tr r .

la g ly aleog' tha p t t tw a f * a b» UeTea leada ta ia te n u lta u l feaee m i ftab iU ty . m a t dU fifi«ltifl% t k M ^ ^ tbere poaalblf arlae. b e tw e n tha V a M e u te s aad IU l| r ■irlth re ^e o t U tk t T inm t probleMat

• * l t shoald be bome la mUd tk a t Jap i an haa in the A d rla tie a ^ e e la l peat

tion wfaieh la aot Bhar& by the Vaite^ etatea or by any other Boropean peW' er. E er fa ta re deeUay ta elaaely ia terweren w ith th a t e f the A dria tio aaj her own aaUoaal aafety aad T ita lr in teresti are ia taony eaaea dJreetly in volved ia A dria tio probleau whlob A n erica oad other aatieaa eaa a ffo rd t i approach fra n purely aeatlmeatol o eeonomIe po iat o f r ie ir .* '

Keedleaa te e i^ ao aoeh atatflaieat i to be a ttribu ted t« a repreaeatatlTe • I ta ly la tfae TTrited Statea. ta po lat » faet; exeept where nba tltaU ea la outd<

, o f I fn ly fo r Japan and o f JoRO-Slova k ia fo r Ohiaa, the forc«eiag ia a vet > a t in qnotatlaa from the f lra t jw b ll :atteraaee before a large gatheripg iaad< ,1 the newly ' ^ r t a t o t '■^tf^M»ado: p o m ToUe.

Tbe faeta addaeed, howeveri aeea per tinea t to tfae contrereray aow n « la |

I over the A dria tie qtieatiea', aad then ' ia no rcoeon except one, »o fa r aa th'

average Amedeaa ia able te dlaeen wby the aU toouat aa paraphraaed n ig h so t aerve aa w a ll 'fe r bk Americaa ea preaaioa w ith refereaee to the A d rii tie aa th e ' o rig ina l atateibent tn u aerve ia aota* qnartera fe r v iadleatio o f tfae peace tre a ty aettlenent ia th Orient.

TggBg v.Tftyw i oj f a M tm w a v rrp w a T .

Bo-ftdoption b y the aenate y e a te ^ o f the o rlg iaat -foreign reUtioaa eoc niitteA ra in rra tio n te Ajaecteaa aeeep anee o f the Bhantoag provision o f tJ peaee t re a ^ , beaidM. vladleatlag t l v a lid ity o f the reaertatlaa ite e lf a i tfae grow ing Anerleaa appredatioa i tfae -wroag eonm itted b y the ao-eaIl< Shantnsg award niay weU 'be ezpeeU to reaaaore - thoae atoteanea o f t l great O riental repnUle o t the alaeeril o f tfao Amerleaa proteat aad b rla g aboi the ir rea ffirm atlea o f determinatio aa la te ly atated b y Preaaier (% ia Ttu 'feng in wolsoning Admiral Qleave commander o f the United SUtea Aaia

I le flee t:“ We believe tha t aar eonntry

haa in late years auds eome prog*I reaa a« a rcpobUe; b« t we r ^ l t e

tha t from yeti, a repabUe o f riper

f Expert Battery and

Ignilion -Service

I b a t te r y O harg in^f &hdI W in te r S to ra g e ' •'

A n to B O tlT e E le o tr io a l '^peo la lie ts


D/crmTSONCO.—H o t to Port o m » — Tw in F a ll* , Idabo


I ^ d a ^ s S p o r

rt ■ :

3 , V gV o m e r B a s e b a S S ^ w d H an* ”

^ -ager is A t Ease-iand Through * ^ w ith Nattonal Game 'tte ---------- . * t iw ^ B y t B. aAMBOEW a^ L 0 6 ANGBLE8 , C a U ^N e x t time n

yeu read about: T M k lia roy Chaode eomlng back in to baaoball «a p a rt own* P er o f one o f 'th e m iilbn dollar elnba d

? in the majera, don't get a ll het'np aboat ei i t Tako i t fo r granted another eo&at T

— eeribo haa>atUBg a aewapapor' fo r -ft p o* b it o f . aoft mone/. - * 1«

K o t tha t the fonner peerleaa leader r< o f the Cuba can’t afford to indulge la o the gamble o f big loagao ejub owner* a ahip, ba t bo doean't vmnt to, aad p

ip* neither would yon i f you bad to give tl ot up wbat bo would have to, fo r a large e:

> part o f the year, i f he earoe baek. I ^ te a : , . »

la* We motored oat frbm Loa. Angalea e to Glendora tha .other day—an honr'a t: t r ip that made, the beat pa rt o f 6 h W b

•w dan road aeem fo il'o f* 'h iuunoeka ti jg , eompariaon—«nd anrririae the fdrtner C

p ilo t o f tbe great Cab maehlne in hia I * 0 r<offlce’ ’ figu ilBg up tbe 1919 pro fita er^ from hia orange grove, pre lim iaary to ^ to lling Unele Sam how much income t

tax to eipoot from tha t twenty-one i t * " aerea. <

Some Office, J lb ls 'P rank ’a “ o ffie e " haa no tw in , ao fa r 1

en* oa known- I t 'a a cosy comer, glaaa t ivl^ partitioned o ff the back poreh o f hia <

bungalow, and every timo he looka up 1 from a column of figarea he reata his <

b** oyea on j i amooth green lawn, nrofuae* < M i ly Bplnahed w ith reae buahea aoa flower >

Sb e d t'- ft aort o f al freaeo patio, aur* * rounded on threo aidea by b u n ^ o w . / In tho baekgronnd o f tho open aide Ta a l i fe aixed reproduction o f one o t <

” thoao old Holland wlndmllla. Frank ' hod tha t b u ilt aronnd tho water tank ■

^p. and pump on whieh he depended fo r ’ ^ moiature W o re California went ao d ry < * * * th a t he had to got wnler fo r hia ranch ' ted from 'tho e ity 'a water irapply. Tho Infer*

io r o f the m ill now makea > do - luxe quartera fo r the Jap help,

la - That'a a heap aight fine r placo from whieh to beaa things than the moat luxurioualy equipped.baseball o ffico in

in- •oxperienee, we may le lra many profitable Icaaona. We hopo to ao-

^ euro ftom you contnnl advieo and o* ooitnael ae that we may eo-operate

to maintain the-permanent peace . ^ o f tfae Pacific. Tfaia la tfae aincere

wlab o f the Chlneae people.' ’ ') Certainly i t ia no amall contraet’ i ot whleb China looka to America to f u l f i l l •de aa a eounaellor and exemplar, but i t ia iva* one whieh America ought to undertake

gladly, and w ith fu l l appreeiatiim o f tbe fae t tha t I t ia not aomething that would bo vouchaafed to handa th a t were atainad w ith participation in the de- apoilatlon o t a fa ith fu l fr ie n d and ally.

w * - ______________ •^ ......... ....... •Are I th«sr*. ■

s Aboutria* ■ •________ _________

S : ' ^ ^»m - / I \ \ . A

r . ( m f !

- \ M 1 ' ■ M ’ « 'oied n y Ieted J III ’the / /Jl

>rity (_H|boot A l

I f l :I I //I

: , ■ C g*£0er___ A lthough, a

___ _ _ vm l, ye t a liis provided practiciL l ga

4 ■ 1


L W E s t v


m i Y N E W S ; T W lN iF A E I■ i " • ' \ i ' Wll

□ rtin g fje w s |I— . J... ' l l l l • ■■■i.T i w i i W ': an

------- ‘ ■ • ■' w

f the world, w o '11 aay. , . . ‘ i - As to the bungaloir l'uw l^,:a 'T«at es* «

tato pub lic ity guy, .eolM>oratlng‘ 'w ith Jr the preai agent o f a f n o i ' ia ta r , 'a l^ t ^ ^ e le a e t i l t * deae rlpU ov^b it-e ren

I:' th(7 ..would havo to leave a 1pt‘.te...lh« lm#giaation. —

I \ *f l ncroaa tb e > h e le -fro s t^o £ .iV w ltb :4 U e L vrtndowa. epenifig o n tt^ v ^ / it i 'U m .fro p t ' |1 poreh' and the other 'w io ^ ^ ih o 'p a t io ,U fram ing a eolorfnl j ile tu re i l l e ither di«

reetios. O a e .ir ia g eanto ina'-'d in ing _ roomi kitehen, and a tnn iq r bnak faa t "

A* room;; 7 fa«,othw ,4i«a two n e a t rooB9)I w ith hatha, and a eonblnation aun Fa^ '

lo r and dea, one a ld e 'o f which conaUta " o f a real, old faahloned-fireplace. Over ^ tho Ilvb ig room'a'aeeond etory contalna ** a apaeioasi 'BanBy .dreaaing room, bed-. >

me room, bath and aleoplng [«reh. id« The orig inal airebiteet . waa . K ra . ^ rn* Prank L . OhoAce hnd aho waa tbe boaa ' iba decorator, too j aome o f tbe furalahloita ^ >at eoming from ' aa fa r away its' O hica^. u t There are aovoral' w ildea t aklna aup- _ -ft plied by F rank 's r i f lo i and the den J

is fu ll o f pietures and trophlea whieh le r reeall the^ day when pennaata Inatead la o f orangea engrooaed the master po ilt's

e>* attention. Tho whole in te rio r i^ aim­ed p ly exquisite and in dointy'-eoatroat to lve the gorgeoua coloring o t the ^ te m a l ^ rge environment.. / . -ck. This gem o f a domleile is In the

middle o f tha o ra n n grove add a t ihe lies end o f a palm 'bordered' driveway, en* r 's trance lo which ^ made nader a. atone ir i- Breh aupported b y tw o Ooba and bear- ^ in g the legend, ‘ ‘ Cab Baneh, P rank L . ^ tie r Chaaoe.’ * ' Bo i t - w i l l bo your ew^ fa u lt , bia i f - you miaa i t . ;nta Bad. T e a r; O nly $12,000. {

to Although last yea r Was a eompara- ' )mo live ly poor one, Chonee-found tHe.com- { one fortable balance o f nn re tha ii t l 2,000 '

on tho righ t aide o f hia booka the day we aurprised him. And recently bo re- ;

fa r plainted one-third o f hia orchard w ith , laaa treea whieh w il l bear th e ir f i r s t erop . hia th is year. Leas than a month ago. ho \ up laughed a t a man who offered him his <100,000 fo r the place. Beaidea, ne

use. owna the Froak <%anee-building, the . wer moat desirable boaineaa block in :01eB< i Bur* dora, ^nd. bas to go on ly three*qBar> low. tors o t a m llo Xo colteet h b tents.* ' ilde “ W ouldn 't I bo a m u tt to q t ilt thla I Qi fo r anything baseball can o t fe ry " . ank aakod the form or diamond horo. “ I 'd ante n blame aight ra ther nurse a-alck orange : foP trco baek to health than try to,coddle : d ry & modern ball p layer in to signing a net) contract fo r leaa than - >15,000. And : ter* — .. ' — . . . . ■ „ — luxo

rom ' Starting Mon”d T H E T W IN F A L I

C O M P A N Y w i l l ente " tra c ts f o r 1920 Seasoira e t’

S tockh o ld e rs w i l l 1 1.1, up to M a rc h 15th. TI of C o n tra c ts w i l l p.lea^ie

O ffice ."a" E- H . G I

t th e N ewOn the whole i t m ay be said tha

coat varie ty , w h ich harmonize

skirts. The cu t o f th is ia fu ll, so

loose and roomy, easy to get in a i

to crush f lu f f y th ing s beneath,

is ju d ic ia lly restra ined in one wa

o r outside belt, p la it in g o r gather

remains q u ite s lim and w e ll defi

A rm Holes, in general, o f tl

mona-sleeve sorts, ro p e a ^ g th

preaaed above. The shoulder tends to a a

teriala are o f the dolightfta lly fo s ^ , woe

oral u t i l i ty wear, w h ile Introdnction o f

a lly in combination, ia made fo r mere el

:h, as has been said, the short coat i a longer model, a f te r the order o f t ded fo r the use o f those who particuII gairment o f th a t s o r t

Range o f Price $19.50 to $97.5

ELS, I P A H O , E g g P A 3 f ; 3

wheti - I want va rie ty I ean 71m - t ip : ^ - the dn ik-e lub , a m ile ^ d a 1ia lf<away, ‘ any. day, in the w iatar,-opJ can.poi.oyct thfr-monntnihs fo r a woek'a fla hjng . in ■ the aprins e r.bun ting in tha fa lL>A nd the b rig h t w e - r e n l r = ^ - ' ^ away, bo t I aeldom go to

- W bat ehanee haa basebaU w ith .O lu iiw f:

; P hilade lph ia Laas S Breaks Sw im m ing ' Reeord OneSeeoM H a rle Hmegas in Breast S t r ^

• Oontest W ins A . A .’ U ; ..Championship - 'I

P m L A I« !I.P H IA , ( /n —M lu M «rio H II Io p i, P h iU d o lfliU ,' brok. tho 100 y i l? ^ breast atroke. swimmiiis rocord

Z 'fo r women here laat n igh t tn w inning , the-' mldaie A tlaa tle A . 'A . 1 7 .-cham*, plonahip. He time waa one minute, 2"), aeconda. The old time wna 1:29.I. . In w inn ing lhe 60 yards national

5nnior eha^onsMp.'Oeeirge Odttha, the , fo m e r Paeofie coast aad Hawaiian ^sw lu M n e r,.b ro ke the : middle A tlaa tle- record in th a t event, covering the dia- J; tknee in - fe51.g aeconda. .


m o A L J u m o R S0 . ■ . "i. —■ — •. ' ■

Tw iii' rana Btm nd Hoop rUp- ,, : pen Defeat Bnbntban .Ha- >0 U o n 46 to IS1* ■■ ___ ■.

On the h l ^ sehool floor, jresterday , a ltem eon the Kim berly hoop toam was

defeated 1^ the Tw in Palte seeoo.l qu in te t in an easy game, 46 to 16. The locals took the lead a t the s ta rt and

. h e ld - i t eontinaoualy thronghout, the ^ game. AU tho local men did good wor<

and oomplotely ontcloaaod the v ia ito rt. The ilncBups were: K im berly—Grajr

l r and Boblnaoni guards? Wilaon, SulH- »K van and K in g , fdrwarda: Ham, center.

T w in Falla—Decker, center,; Paulaon, K in g and F ix , forwafda; Thometx, BlieV

1 " by, Bailey and Stems, guards.™ ^ tw e e n the two periods o f p lay I r h* w in o t T w in Falls engaged Bnah of

K im berly a t w restling and pinned th« " la tte r to the. m at, 11. minutos, 85 aec'

lU ' •" .r>> CZJ3TOBB8 TZTLB'd ■ M IT O H E LL , ^ D., ( / I^ D a k o t f t Wen ge loyan nniveralty laat n ight oatabllnliod lie iU claim to tho Bouth W e t o collcg( a basketball chompienah^ by dofeatin,

nd Huron college w ith a seore o f SS to 27

nday, March 8LLS D E H Y D R A T I N G

i t e r i n t o P r o d u c e C o n -

s o n .

11 b e g i v e n f i r s t c h a n c e

T h o s e w i s h i n g t o s i g n

t^ ie c a l l a t t h e C o m p a n y

a U T H I E R , M a n a g e r . -

V Coatstha t coats are o f the top-,

ze w e ll w ith the shorter

, so th a t the w rap may be

I ^ d ou t o f and no t like ly

1. The fu llnes^j^ow ever,

w ay o r another, by inside

bers, so tha t the silhouette


f the set-in, rag lan o r k i-

the idea ot com fort ex-I a slender, drooping effect. Ma-

woolly sorta fo r aporta and gen-

o f smooth fin ished clolha, uan-

re elegant garments.

a t se^ms to pro- ’)f the Ecdingote,. ic u la r ly desire a


- Eddie M 'G oortu.^ n A m eH cm B o i^ .! { J i « e d ^ e W a a p f - r t i * t o ‘ V ; : S a o e im b s t o A t t a c k o f :

t l o f a bont bald In Holbom stadiom > y J Ooddard, E n ^ .V eavyw tigh i

* M oG oortr -rhad b ^ n ao badly pun­n e d . - th a t . the -teferee stopped- tbe

. n g b t . . . I

io Brfef Bits U Sport |rd 8 t * P ’ZtCK»*ko,^bIg...btetber. ..of . the ^ mueh flopped tTOadek-y ia j^ he v r ill bb

flfeefcef 'a fte r- b e :ba i 2<) reduced hia p e n n d i^ 80 ^u n d s . >

m l ^ on a lo t o f h e ^w h ile Ungeriag ia 'Bussla doring the

h adn 't an o p p o rto ^ ty fof? t ic ‘ I’®. ^ 8** “ r t o f e x e ^ e . ove r-th e r*,[Ij,. sb he a a ^ ’. r ... i, ^ ^

Woll, there’a a 1>tineh o f huaky bear* tlea on this aide the b ig d ria k who eai^ help tho Ponderous Polo redoee 'aome. ;

: A l Gould, Bee plteher, has vrired b it e lob he w lll-n o t be able tb .report f o t jp r in g tra in ing. A I tersely aaya be haa M en i l l and w ill not be in any ^ r t o f

Ip. physical condition fo r weeks.

B a ll p l ie r s o f eaatem repuU tton are , b d n g algned fo r the Bahl elub.

lay Same old spring fever th ing. •TM>0.1 ' I n Twin IV lls thore is no evidonce o f file l e v e i ^ haste to cop a elub. Batherm d i------ -the !

ri I Every Day Brings

Style to our WoiIr»^of Surely no season ever offe use. a rliis tic diraigns . sn d m e te r

every e ipress b riiig s to UB representatiTe co llection o f i

M w i l l be d ftligh led w ith ,'the m ii»< t i f n l showing oC brigh t^ o i i j

= I t Means S a tis fac tio i T tions

m U e \ ' shown, t

I | 1 suits.I iD f u l garn


Spring DreA n a rra y o f w onderfu l

Dresses o f P rin te d Georgi P rin ted V o ile , Crei>e de -C tine and m any fa vo rite mi o f in d iv idua l ta ilo r in g , no

• Priced down to


New Coats are made qu i around the bottom b u t do o an im portan t.p lace , and u rics, in c lud ing the rough trimm ed in h igh colors. 0 down to .

$2E very U n ited S ti

In d iv


The Friend

s a S S S S S S S H S H S H S ^ ^ ^ ^ M ^ ^ ^ H - , .

“? 4 li. .0li« t a«y: & l» :M4 Boei .; W S 'B o lp Ia^or l in s i j l t l.0 littlo pin

a ,not; » o l ; t o o ,Bbi Bmiley. 'iigebhidi'sae^aaya;

. <*Beaten all.they ia-left in'itEto-.aosii- - try w l' a JOek in i t ia Ui,* Aawi<aa

t i .,*>« Maybe Bari .Caddo^eonJd-nae ieniB

of tbat exeesa poondage Stan Zyaako ia - toting aroun'd.. , - -

. Poor old Bddie MeGobHyt The Hm- toe „aad fighter in Ua 4sy ,«et the beat

the' riag afforded and staeked op with the tolghUeat. - - . ' •. • . ' .

Then he wient’dowa and .out before ^ aa-/Bagliah f ig h t a ^ :

The Ohieage Jriboaa’s sports ’oMtorwaru the dear people not to kiU Jaek Demps^ witb eriticiam.' Bomoioir'iri don’t th lx i BaltJaek would lo o i, natoral la 111 coUln , ,pnt ottt-in that fashion. ' '

llOkraAKA BB A T8 XDAHOMIfleOUliA, (ffV—Montana univemi-

ty baseketball 28, TTnlverrity of Idaho,; 20. Played S - minutes. overtime to . br<ak 2« to W tie. •

) of:her (Oontlnned on P ^e i. Bevw)

gs New Creations o f 'omen’s Wear Oep’ l>(tered a broader range o f h igh ly, teiiahs than th is Spring. M os t’ us now a dd itions 'to ^ ^ re fld y o f Suits, Dresses atiS Coats. Tou a many, clever fashionfl M d beau- t i i y fabrics. .

ion To M ake Your Selee- ns E a rly

i r i n g Suitsli le there are many lig h t colora 1, the general trend jls to Navy in

W e are showing znany beauti- orments, no tw o alike, a t prices oable, down to

$34- 5

esses ffl•ul values in '■>rgette C rep j, ' -! Chine, Tric(»- i f f / A m ateria ls, a l! I ' /Hno two alike. ' 11 \

50 M ;oatsqu ito fn ll, aud have a wide sweep0 no t flare. T he Sport Coat holds1 is shown in many beautifu l fah- gb f a c ^ materials w ith Angoru

O ur line is extensiTe and priced

24-50stores Garment Shows liv id u a lityi STORESI FALLS, IDAHO

nd o f the People

Page 7: r THE ONLY AFTERN IRE REPORT, OF THE,m-M tN crA yiKiffia i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · tora aad jjive them his riewa.aa whother h« wonld accept the eompi


- coy. LOWDENIIDtwh Exeeutive CarriN Pn>|Mt

- to Success After OthersFalL


ImprPVMnant W V t » t . Im ptrtano* «•M lMlMipi»i V a l l ^ and N vrthw M t ‘- - ^ 1 B a r* r to . Actual C fiH 1

- - atrucUoft jnvm ovtd; .

€ ^ ' a t tba oa tttand ios achlarm cBta -••.of Got. Pmnlc O. .L«wden‘a admiola- ' tra tlob ia llU nala was th e 'p a tt ia v

thw ush.K f Ibe U U ooii w a to n ra rt ect WlU cos t . I20.000.00& aad

. prorlde ' w ater codneetldD b«twe«Q~t2ie Oreat L ^ e « aod ttae MlssJailpp) r ir« r. Tbe project b M been undor discus* slOQ- fo r more tbao 20 jears,- aad

^ .M veral state adaln la tm tteos tuire ■ ■truffxied la yatn-.w lth tb i* unpo run t

' .problem. I t remained fo r Goreraor , U w d ^ te ca rry the frc a t UuproTe- ment tbroagb to saccieAs.

The last bar to tbe project waa re- moved Ja qua r; 16 w ith tbe UNUace

o f a perm it by tbe^secretary e f w a t a u th e rtd o r tbe s ta tis ' te proceed a t oace wtth.tbe.lm proTem eot...The. be f in a la c o f actual coDstmctloB w ork Is BOW bn t a m atte r o f a short U n ^ and eempletlon o f tb e 'w a te r )lak a t last-becomes a Tlslb le coaL Tremeo* doos beoeflts w il l be realUed by a ll

. classes o f busloess Interests in the- Uisstsslppl Talley as tbe reso lt o f

. the opening o f tbe w ater roots."Tbe waterway w ll l be o f Immeoae

-value to farm ers o f the great-prt>dac> Ing region o f 'Q ie en tire UUyilaslppl Talley and-the''’ Northwest," Governor IrfWrten said.. “ T he .niJnols project w ill be In accord w ith tbe improve* ment o f the Mississippi. Ohio tnd Uls* eourl rlviers by tbe federal govern* m eotfopnarlga tlon . Locks w ill be GOO

-------- feet long. UO fee t wide, .nccommodut-Ing fleets o f barges carrying 6AX) to

.'8,000 tons o f fre ig h t; tbe e^nlvalent o f a lx te eight average' tra in loads.

“ Before the w a r and the Increase o f ra il fre ig h t rates a .ton o f fre ight was carried a thousand-miles by wa<‘ ter as cheaply as f lf ty miles by ra il. This is a fa ir Indication o f tbe b«oe lt to be afforded the public by tbe work

^ when I t Is completed. Ita value la now enhanced .by tbe governmeat re- 4uiremeot o f Interchange o f fre igh t b j m llread a t suitab le water tenalnal poiats thraogbout the ceuntry.**

Tbe w aterway w il l fo llow the drainage canol trom Gblc«go te Leek* port from wblcb the connection w ill be mltde w ith tbe Hlinols rive r a t Utica by a barge canal eight feet deep, which may la te r be deepeaed to 14

.feet, as conditions re^iulie. Ia addi* tlon te tbe great advaotages to com­merce, w ater power vaiued a t approxi­mately fl.000,000 a yea r w ill be devel­oped which w ill effect a saving o f ap­proximately 500,000 tons o t coal an­nually;

Tbe surveys and engineering work fo r the Improvement have beeo under the direction o f IL O. ^ m e s who, dnring \he Rooeevelt adDUnUtratien. dcfllgned fe r the g o v e r^ e n t the struc* tnre e f the Panama canal. Construe* tlon work w il l be supervised by Prank X. Benaett, 'd ire c to r o f tbe -depart­ment ef' pub lic w orks and bnlldlngs, and W illiam L . Sackett, superintend* eat o f tbe d iv is ion o f waterways. These offleera state tha t much o f the prelim inary w ork bas already beon ac­complished. Funds fo r carrying on the construction were ffev lded throngh the action o f the Is i t legisla­ture authorizing the Issu a n t^a f 000,OUO bond^ which b n v e l^ a af* flrmet! bj a vote o f (be people.

^ H a ir OII Old Stuff,f ' U a lr o il wofl unod In tho timo o f th e

Ecypilans. 400 B . a A ha ir tonic fo r 90 KcTI'itan q u « n wns “ dogs’ paw, «Rsee* beofs, boiled In oU w ith dates.”

Cheering H im Up.He (tfe jected)y)—Is tbla flnal? I f

there oo hope fo r m efShe—Oh. my, yoa I There ore lo tr

t t g ir ls who are n o t ao particu lar ob 1 am.

------------------------------- .wC* .1ahould Be Remembered.

: Many peo;>le should remember that servlcc. not self-service, was one srvbi lesson o f the w a r..

Pnblle d e m o n a tra tlo n '^ ln PaJlt De hydrnllDR Company Evor-ready. Prod ucta, Idaho Power Company, M arcl Cth and 6th.—ndv. • •• -

Tou ean sell th a t 'to t or p lo t ol gronnd—a t a 'e m a il advertising eo s t- tbrongh the classified.

PHILLEOHas lo r Sale

Ground Alfalfa

P H O N E 8 7 2

______ F A I J J S D A ]

D m P S E m M R N 8 ~ C O M BIN ATIO N O UT

ONp ^ ^O N D SH g l i t e r a a d 'K a s a g e r S e rv e d

J v t t h W a n m t i o n F e d e ra l 1 - - I n d lo t in e i i t ■

V LOB, . J u i d E I ^ V a i , « P )-J a o t

rtD « n p H rf h(«.yTrelght ehnmplon o f th.> world, aad his maaager, Jaek Ke&ma, yesterday. fnralBhed .11^00 bdndi eaen before a U nited SUtes commiaaioner

■ here, to a p ^a ^ in the Unitod Stated dU trle t e o u rt.in San Franclaco Mareh 20, to plead - to* an indictment eharg-

.■Warmnta were aervod upon Demp- ‘ ta aey and Kearns in the eommluloner^s < eoort room by a deputy United States ‘ . maahaL The attoraoy fo r the aceusfld

men waived a hearing on the ir be­ha lf. .

The amount o f the bonds. w asU xo d « ita by the commissionor. . \I*-ag BASKETBALL •: .oJ* ST. JOSEPH, Mo., < ^ T h e Loa A i ' Bd Rolcfl A th lo tle club baskotiball team, K , ehamplons e f tho- Amatonr - AtbloHo .

un ion ,. defoatod. the . H illya rd . f iv e n f St. JoBoph laat .n ight by a score o / 41 to 86. I t was a game o f tenin. • p lay and short posaes ngaiast long

ve ghota and the form er wen. Ooal shoot* , n t Inc by Bwana, a Los Angelos for- o r ward, was one o f the' features o f the 1

gbSno. IVom hero the L6a Angelos ' team w il l g ft to A tlnnU , Oo. ]

J HBD8 STABT SOUTH ' ,” C IN C IN N A T I, 0 :, ( /^ M a n a g e r Pnt <^ M oran 'w lth-a .aquad o f playora o f tho j

ehampioa .Cincinaall National leaguo <^ baseball e lnb ’boarded a 'tra in hero thia \f k morning fo r M loa ii, Fla^ whore Bprin,^ -I t , tra in ing w i l l noxt Monday.. A lia t tho' playoW w ill lo in tho team at camp cto- early next week,-somo going thoro '!l l ) direoUy .ifrom 'the ir, homes. i

^ - -Booat dur atorea to yonr friends. Le t .®* your prids la loeal eaterpnse aad j ^ aebleToment become coatsgioos. ^

" • ' KO TIO B TO O O H TK iO IO aa { . Sealed proposoTs w ill be roceivod ut ■

the o ffico of^ tbe Tw ia Falla Highway D is tric t, 7 Power BuUdlag, Tw in Fnll% i Idaho, up un til 2 o ’elock, March IS, i

Is* 1&20, fo r tbe construction o f npprozl- ■ -n* mately 27.5 miloa o f bltuailnoaB maea Ob dam pavement, culverts and btidgea [

'm posed w ork w il l be lot in two con- | traets, approximately as follows: *

~ CONTBACT NO. 3 <- . Itoads—m s Mllea <26,800 eu. yds. earth excavation.

»e 115,000 sq. yds. 5-inch macadam base/ h t eonrse. ^ ,a*' 115,000 sq. yds. 2-ineh penetration mas | 11. - adam top course. j• t Oulretts .

703 en, yds. concrete culverts.,* 50,700 lbs. relaforelng steel.“ 880 f t ; 12-lneh eaat iroa pipe euivert. ,

1,270 f L 18-Inch cormgated Iron p ip* j ®7 enlvert.a l J50 f t . 24-ineh corrugated Iron pipe

culvert. ,he 33,500 Iba. atruetural steel.•k. 12,000 feet B. M . timber floor.

CONTBACT NO. 4 “ E oads-lBJO UU«a

86,200 cti- yds. earth excavatioa.•P* 144,000 sq. yds. 6-lneh' macadam baot

courso. ]11* 144,000 aq. yds. 2-inch penetration mac* . m- adam top course, cl. Onlrerts iMl. 700 ou. yda concroto enlverts._ 55,800 Iba. reinforcing steeL 11 000 fee t 12-lnch caat Iron pipe cul* ,

v e r t 1660 f t . 18-lnch corrugated iron pipe ,

« culvort. 1t r _ 00 f t . 24.inch corrugated Iron pipe , >0 , culvert.>n, 1,000 Iba atruetural ateel.

i r 2 75 f t . span ^ - f t , road way.^ 23,200 Iba. structural ateel, per 76 f t ■

5*4*21? lbs. rcinforcing steel per T5 f t . C*- span.id* 82.5 en. yda concrete.ra 9,720 f t , B. M. lumber, alternate b id 'he on laminated wood floor.IC. (Separate bids w ll l bo entertained on

A lternate bida fo r 2-lnoh asphaltic , concrete lop courBo w ill bo received on

both contractB.Crushod rock, cast iron pipe, relnrorc-

■f* ing ateel and cement w ill bo fumiahed to tho contraetor by the H ighway Dia-

• tr ic t, rock nnd steel f .o. b. T w in Pnlla, cement nnd cast Iron plpo f. o. b. sear- cat shipping point.

Complete set o f plana and spoeifica- tlona may bo Boon a t tho o ffico o f the Tw iik Fa lls Highway Diatrict, or a set fo r p riva te nae w ill bo furnished, upon

•*' application, by making deposit o f «15.00,110.00 o f which w lll be refunded upon roturn o f the plans and speeifiea* tions' w ith in 10 dnys a fter le tt in g of

" con trac t*.'Proposals shall be snbmltted upen

>tr blimlc forms provided fo r the purpose QB by tho undorsignod and shall be accom-

pnnlcd by certified cheek, payable to 1 Stuart H . Taylor, Treasurer o f the Tw in

“ ‘ Falls H iphwoy D is tric t, in the sum o f & nor ccnt o f tho amount o f the contract.

i,it The Board o f CommlBsIoners reserves I tho r ig h t to reject any or a li bids.

T W IN P A LL9 m o n W A Y D ISTBIOT, By C. B. CHANNEL, President.

STU.ABT H. TAYLOB, Secrot4H7. De. W. L . JOHNRON Chiof Eneincer. od* « = =rch «>, , ..I .1 - — '■ ■— .* * ■ ■ ■ ■ >


W atch fo r tho hat on Btreot— In , the meantime, i f you neod tbe services o f a Chlmnoy Sweep to cloan your furnace,


TOWNW ork guaranteed sntisfnctory

o r no pa.v. Farm work so lid tcd — provided patties furnish trans­portation both ways.

)AP .Y isnaws, TW IN FAX

foAltSfNa c t ■' Itho p ' I— — I.z . a a a ' T , ; . : ■

M l Per w o rd per fauerUoB lo

TO Per woird per week Sothe -

Per v o rd 'p e r month - I f io

X ■

v ; m S S l F I E I i ^ A T E S. Dm ' Insertion, pec wonx...___ _ ic ■

ced O M W M i; (D a lly and W eekly)______ lie .' O n i month (DaUy aad W e e ^ ) ^ ___15c

lO B lD im e h a ^ fo r aaoh Inssrtlon ':i Of anjr classified sd, 15 cants. AUs

^ mnst m n fox a stated period o f t in e . ' lun. —ra O M B 32—etlo — I II .11 -.I.. II I. .

a F O R $ A L E — R E A C E S T A T E ,

aOOSB lA K E V A I.tJ iY , OroBoo. j 30t* improved' (water r ig h t) . ,fgp. Stock, implements, furn iture. Low the •l“ ‘ck aale. <2000 w ill hon- iilbs hnlnnee terms to s u it - App ly i

ownor, W. A ..Bailey,'Lakoview, Oregon. (FOB SALE—B y owner: Large farma,

^ amall farms, ^ 0 to |75 per acre; center 1 o f D rain ' dJstrlet No. 2 and famous ,it* fa lfa seed and beet belt; eloso Ins feae-

fn»e 0(1; somo improvementa Prank H lnek i •bi'' loy, Deaeret, Utnh. . ' . • I

-------- ■ . ■ - ■— ------------ ‘A ll FOB B A LB on easy terms—20 aerea m p o f improved land adjoining the c ity u f i oru Twlo F ^ ls . For partleolars inquire or :

w rite 0 . F..Brodersen, Payetto, Idaho. ■

Let O ILLAHO M A O IL LEASES fo r sale, i u j from 6 aerea up, a t,$2.50 per ncro up .to I

15 per aere, acording to dlstaneo from • . d iffe re n t w ildcat welU. Ono special IflO. ,

acres as 010. I>. J. Perry, Edmoad, 1 Okla.

ut ' — ■ . ------------ . I .ray FO B 8A LB —Ono o f tbe best aix- ill% room bungalows in tho r ity . See owno', la, 350 Eleventh nvo. E. ^

FO B SA LE OR B E N T ^ x e o ilo n t SO 1Mg on N orth .Side; 40 acres in cu ltlva tlou , JOQ. balnnce almost ready fo r plow. . Smalt ‘

house and bam. W lll sell on easy termsto a desirablo neighbor. A d d ro u 'owner, 0 . 0 . Ohnor, Jerome. Phon>) *78S31. ___________ V . ' .

“ • FOB BALE—«0, a ll Improved: fenc ’ ed; smnll house; barn 18x120; rock c ii- J tem nnd collar; chnrcli, school nnd aid­ing w ith in one-quarter m ile; mnln ean.i1 one-half m ile ; can glvo immediate m i - ' aesalon; S 1-2 miles southeast o f Jer- omo. Por fu rthe r Infonnntion nddresB , Ernest Hoepe, 1030 N. Robed atxeet, , Chlcngo. I t l.___________ • - :

-fx>B 8 A L & ^E » 0 M r 4 rooms, both , nnd sleeping porch. Phone 744-M. ,

POB SA LE —6 room bungalow. Im * mediate possesaloa. Terms. 601 6tb Ave. N . '

FOB SA LE — Fine residence lo t in East Law n. Phone 1200. lae* ^

FOB S A L E ^O va e ro farm . Only <1,000 caah payment dowa reqnired. Easy terms. Close to school. Oood bolldlnga. Near Castleford. O nly .s ix

enU milea Sahi. Tt,is ia a bargain and bettor than renting. Would nccept a

>ip« clear proporty i f deslmble, o f one lo fivo thousand in value as payment

'*P* down. W rlto E, Dammaa, 205 7th A.vo. N., or phono 534-J.

FOR SALE—Aere tract, 5 room plas­tered bouse, c ity water and ligh ts , or

f t trado fo r 5 acre trac t improved. ^ P. O. Box 1002.

FOB SALE—Oood Mountain Banch w ith unexcelled summer range- fo r cnt-

b id lie or shoop. This Is a good bny. For fn ll particulars address B . V ., caro

1 oa Nowa

atic FOB SA LE —House oa lo t w ith 82 1-2 1 on feet fro n t by 800 foet deop. Fine ahnde

and f r u i t treea Price nnd torma te ore- suit. Phono 884-R.

POB SALE—Choice rosldonco. D o n 't alia, your time unleis you aro looking

fo r the best. 053 2d N. ' Enquiro after* noons,

lea- ~ ■the Ne Rent to Pay.set There Is a c ity on the const o t south*

ipon cm c n llfo ro la which is w ho lly b u ilt ided where' no reut Is paid.:iea* ------------------------------.■“ o f Preventive.

*T>OQ’t to ll me tbat worry doesn't do 'P^'i any good." aaid Urs. F re t t ‘*1 know po*® better. Tho things 1 worry nbout

(flO 't happen.” —Boston T ra n sc rip t ^ n ' . . . . . .


i Pecan Weekary.

^ . A T



' ' Pecan BarShelled Pecans Pecan Caramel R o ll Salted Pecans Pecan Cakes Pecan Goodies



ID A H O . F R ID A Y ,


I F YO U D O N T TH lN h T R Y A F E W P I


^ house, fnmlsbed o r unfnralshed. No QQ children. Address J . S., eare News.

' WAMTED—1 to 0 roon ‘ /u n jilie d '* bouse by fam ily o f three. References.

Address; P. O. Box 218, C ity.

r W ANTED TO BUY—F if t y bead of young grade Merino owes, bred to Iamb

~ in March. Bobbs A G il le t t CasUeford, Idaho.

«). II ■ 11 ■ ■ I I I . 11w WANTED—laform ntlon eenoernlaj n* the whereabouts o f Mrs. B. A. Barli ly w ill be approelated by The Mlnldokn a. .(^anty News, Bupert.

Is, W ANTED — PU in sewing. Phone er J>£0*W.l l . — l:----------- --------------------------------------p .-ic- W ANTED—Y oor raaur blades >o k Bharpea. Werner's Repair .Shop, 244

Socond sreet E.— " . ' . ‘

0d W ANTED — L ig h t bousekeeplag •jf rooma No children. B . S . W., caro or Nows. ■

L W iN T E D TO E E N T .^ J.r 6 ro(m10, modem house fo r 1st- o f A p rlL Phone to 550-Jl.

m. W ANTED—Evetybodjr n i tr jr tbMe d, Popcom Crlapettoa

- . ' FOR RENTFOB RENT—40 acres one milo nortti

_ o f Hollister; five-room houae; well im- B'J proved; >5 per acre. P. B . Oross, Stock ,u, Exchange bnilding, Portlnnd, Oro.

FOB BENIU-Boom fo r le t lL Fbos,J »B -H .uo TYPEW BITEBS—I 'o r Bent o r f i j« _ —See Hoovor a t Business Collego, or [g, w rite Bichey “ Tho Typew riter M an ,"

Bupert, Idaho.

'Jj TOB IIE N T-N .-^I. f n m eloepiB,room, 6.17 Third wost

" f o b BENT—Furnished d T e p i^ room; gentleman preferred. Phono 902.1; 240 Seventh nve. E.

"T TO BENT—160 acres on Salmon " (m et; renter fo pny maintenance and

receive three-fourths crop; mbblt-proof ^ fenccd. P. H. Smith, telephone 520E.

FOB BENT-w-Board b y day or week. 460 3rd Avo. N .

^ FOE BENT—F ro n t bedroom,, mod- em. 730 Sad Ave. N .

11. I'OR BENT—Furnished room for od rent, bath la coaneotlon. Apply 930 rix 3rd W.nd ■■■— ■ I I—.

a FOB RENT—Good ranch. Phone 10 61DW, Tw ia F a lls .__________________

FOR EEN T — Fumishod room for ront. Use o f pbone and bath. Tale-

. . phono 321-M.

Z LOST ~5d, . ----------------------•

LOST—In Gem theater Prldny night, 'T pa ir o f glasses In case. Leave a t News o't" ______________________________

HELP WANTED—. WANTED—■Joung men fo r ratlway 1-2 m all clerks. |110 month. Experience ide unnecessary. For froo pnrtlcalars, ex- te aminations, w rite J . Leonard (formet

government examiner), 480 Equitable— Bldg., Washington, D. 0.

ng WANTED—Woman by tho hour to er* do washing nnd donning. Apply 810

Bluo Lakes B lvd. North.

* * ***U1IIL W ANTED a t Varney’s,

•*** WANTED—Stenographer servicos fo i l i t tiTo or throe hours afternoons. Brown- Id. ing Automobilo Co.

WANTED—M arried man w ith fam' . ily wants job on rnnch. Address Buh!

I . E. O., Box 875.5W -------------------------------- ---------------------------Jilt WANTED— An experienced g ro ^ o

salesman nt onoe. A pp ly n t C ity M ur keting Co.

» FORJ.ALE—AUTOM{)BiLESFOR 8ALF>-1010 »u ick 6 ig Six, i i

fino condition; or w ill trado fo r llghtei car. Phone 975J

FOB 8A LI^-S nap ,. Haynes car, gooi condition. Would conaider lighter ca as part payment. 147 Quincy street.

FOB SALE—Ford touring ear in ex cellent condtiibn. Phono .1;i4W or 003.

• FOB SALE—Dodgo car, 1016 model jin pood condition. 147 Quincjf street.

! FOR SALE—Grant Six touring cai Overhauled, good shape. <300 cash Owner leaving. Address P. 0. Box 167

i IF YOU W A N T IT SOLD—LU t i iw ith us. Wo hnvo tho buyers fo r cit;

I ond farm property. jD. W. Parka I Son, Real Estate, 223 Shoshono !?t t O ffico Phono 72; BcBldence Phono 1201

Keep Rats Out o f Houso.I A ll ra t holes should be stopped u j ' w ith roctal o r plaster mixed w ltl broken gloss.' ^ e houso should b( bum so tha t rats cnnnot goin on en. trance, and no rubbish should bo Icf)

^ about

f ,M A R C H S , 1920


is FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS•om FOB SA li& -P lrst-e la88 (b ird .CQttlo,{. No hayj dollversd. Phono. 081-W.

FOB SALE-^lOO tons bay, $20 por bed too. Phone fiOSB3ees.......... — ■

. FOB SALE—1 team msrea, 8200; a— w a ^ n , 3 l*4 ilneb; 1 set ito rk bamesB.’ o f H . u Hnmmbnd, eare.Newa

ird. FOB SALE—Pine regular m ilk gonts,' gentle, w e ll broke. Phone' 650-B. P. 0

— Sox im.I n j I .............. I Iir i l FOB S A LB -ahod fl laland Bed eoek- tkn «rels, eastern itoek.-th roe to f iv e dol-

lars each. - Phone 6C0-B^j^ x 754. .

- FOB BALE—McCormick mower aad rake, P . and 0. plow. Obeap. O all 606W.

to FOB BALB—(Soda fountain a t V a r- 244 ney*s. ■ . .

r ~ K ) B S A L B -P o it C « d E acki- ‘ a i « « Vam oy's.aro ■ ,1 ■ , ................. ■. I

__ FO B S A L B -N e w PoUr Schuttler^ wagon. E . 0. Gain, 220. Sih A v e . N .

POB 8 A LB — One eet iro n beneb— planes, good at new, cheap. OalJ Frank ose feate, fflm berly, Idaho. P .O . Box 144.

» FOB S A L I^J ja rg e w iektr baby hug* gy. Phone 441*11.

— ID A H O O B O ^ NUBSERY STOCK, rtn K l m ^ r l j N nnerls i, K im berly, Idaho.

)Si ” W B 8 A L E -3 0 re w e s , 1 t o 4 years old. w i l l lamb in February. Lute an'l

— I Boberts, Boom G Baugh building.

FO B 8AL&-43oed eoal range: roa- ._ sonable. See I t a 510 4th A t * . N ., o t ole pbone 087*B.

FOB SALE—90 ra llon steel ^ n ^' B ro w n ^g Aatonaoblle Oo.

log FOB S A L E -3 good work teama 8 1-4 miles west of town. Chti. B . Flower-

: - dew, B . 3, Tw in Palls, ing , . —

FOB SALE—■Loenat jo iH 40. W l . 1 1-2 m iles north o f Washiafftoa-sehool,

' “ ■J FOE SALE— 1 U b J o rn r . coir, gooJ ereomor, 6 yenrs eld; 1 No. 2. low n

^ croam soMrator In good ihnpe. See J. ' A . Cnmpboll a t Home Plumbing and

H eating Co. offiee.

“ iXJB BALE— Dining room fum itu ro . '**“ • Phono 1206W. 360 U th avo. E.

7 ** JO BDAN V A JiliB Y , Oregon, irriga t- od lands. Oo and seo nn irriga ted pro- Jcct w ith more water than land. Tho greatest stock proposition in the north-

'■ wcat; froo^nmRo. Good land covered w ith largo uf^obmsh ami free from a lka li. For further information see S. a A ll, 241 B lith nve. N ., or phono 7411.

FOR SALE— Registered Hereford cattlo. SO two-year-old bulls; 50 one- year-old bulle; 50 two- and three-year old heifers; SO cne-yenr olil belfers.

- t- . The very beat of breeding, very ffht, strong in Anxiety 4th blood. These OWS eattle have i;oo<l bone, gond eolqr, w ith

p len ty o f «)uality and size. A lt mlsed on our fnnn here in Idnlio.*

Our herd woa ciitabllsbed over twen* ty -s ix yenri ago in eaatem Nebraska and we havo- been continually In the business since. Wo now bavo probably the Inrgest pare bred bord o f Hore- fords west of tbe Rocky m ountains

W rito or eome and *eo* ua Our ible prices' aro reasonablo and our eattle

glvo satisfnellon. '“T M ID LA N D BBBBDINO P A B M , e,\t L. I x Young & Sons,

Kampa, Idafio.


cent, 34 years to pay. Sco J. W . Me ' Dowoll, seeretary.trenautor, at Farm

w Bureau Saturdays between 2 and 3 p. )uhl ni- -Phono No. 5a7Jl.

^ NOTIOB TO OONTBACTOBa Jar- W cndoll Indopendent Sehool DIst. No.

35 w il l receive acalod bids up to and un til 8 :0 0 p. m . on tho 22nd day o f March, 1D20, f o r the construction nnd com pletlon-ef—a-briek.-eoncroU , an'l

• in wowl H igh Bchoel-Bmlding to be‘ boHt hter n t Wendell, Idnho. Sciiirate proposals

w ill bo reeclved on the plumbing and— ---heating, all to bo as sot fo r th in ntnoB food and speei/ieatioDS prepared thenifure ' car by Wayland 4 Feuncll, Arcblteeta, 51. Boiso, Idaho. A ll -bidti nhall bo accom- ------ paniod by, eertified checks, payable to

®* Cecil Bo tt, Clerk. . Certified ehecka '5- shall bo glvea ns a guarnritco tha t chos-

ch bidder* w i l l enter Into contractu ’ fo rth w ith w ith tbo nbovo -D is tric t foe

_ ' tho completion of tho work contomplat- car. ed. Tho chocks fo r general construc-

>aah* tion s lia ll bo in the amount o f 2 pei 1C7. cent o f tho b id , fo r plumbing $200.00.

K eating $500.00. Bidders checks w ill . , ho held until contracts are signed oi ‘ bids rejected.

P lans mny be aoon at tb e o ffico ol* * tho Superintendent o f Sebools, Wendell

Idaho, or had from the srchltecta upon ‘-01- depositing twonty f iv o ($25.00) dollan

as nn enrneit that b ld i w l l l bo filoO w ith tho elerk on o r beforo the above

up date. Baid chocks w il l be retumod^ on vith tho rotum of the p lan i and speclfica-

jjQ tions to tho clerk o r arcbltocts.Tho bonrd roJervcs tfco right to ac-

1 cept any or re jeet a ll bids submitted.E . D. POHD, Chairman. OEOIL BOIT> Clerk.

_section|^2 I t y o a w u i t o b a y , l e l ] , '

, 1 . , e x o h a n g e , b a r t e r , , d i i-S { p o ie o f o r a o q » l« A B Y .

THOIO ' t r y Q a i iy R e w i I 0 1 & 8 8 'a a i. - --.'I

- J i L - _______- i

I S f - r ' ■ - 7 '

BUSINIiSS DIRECTORY'» .■ ■ ■ I • I. .— » . » . - i . , . » ,

_ . BUSINESS OABD R&TEB - One iBssrtion, por » " * •

Oae woek, per lino .....One mooth. per U u e _____________ ,.7&s

—PH 0O T83— . , ,

0‘ W .A R ft .

- - W IN D O W O lA a ft-W la d shields; cab Ek- • inet work; Moon's BhOp. Phono 6.

_ ” T ltA N S F ^ ” ■-

OBOZIBS T B A N a m ^ 'o o is M S T f .Pbono 348. ..• /

" PIANO TTOmra“ P IA N O T U N IH Q -^ . ' 0.-. H ull. Phon* ‘

84,.;Bo«>rson Hotel.. . ,

” P I A l ^ TU N lN G -^Phon*' 108. L o ^. Music Co. . .. . . . * .

L | ^ r o f © i j i j i i o i i a l 1

>«■ A i r ' o f t i i E ^ .

A t ih h a B . W nMir-;>X<awyer.

0- H O M B B f t MTTiTJ iBoyd B n i l d i n g

"•! T A Y L O lt O in iE M lX ^ B a ^ k B l^ . P ro l^ e u d i clyU .

Z‘ 8W E B L B 7 ik B V t lU U O T ^ A t to ru n . a t Law. Praetiee ia all. Oourts, Tw ia

ra iis ,,idahp ,., : . .

“ B . M . W Q LFB-^Lav^er, Booma~5'aad ^ oyer ld4hb'Depaitment SteiM .'Twia

— ^< ^ > Id a h o .^ - ..• • •

J . H . WZSB—l^awyer.. P a lly nrganla- . ed OoUeetlon D e p ^ tm e a t OtClee*—

Booms 6 and 7, over T kAb Fa lls Bank— fc ■trnst Oo., Tw in B>Ua. Idaho.

ool, D O N J . H B M O T -B . * » . B ld g : Ool- toetlons and OemmerellJ Law .' ‘

ood . ABOEdTBOTiwn , ------ --------------------- ----------------I J. O HABLES B. 'EAU TBtAN , s reh ltee t

Babcock building, d t r . _____________

“ A N OPPOBTDH IT Y* ^ 0 cen tra l' offiee e f the Westera

— D ls W t ; loeaiod 'a t Boom 800, Flood pit- bn ild ing, Baa Fran cisco, .(U ., is aetlag >ro- as a eloaring. honse, o r m ^ n m through rho which prospJ^vo employers may get rth- in toueh w ith ez-servlce mea o f teehai- red cnl r t iU ly . :ein This offiee haa porsoaally ia te rrlew - I S- ed theso men to determine,their experi*.IT . OQOQ and rives yon below a b r ie f stato —• moat o f the qualifications o f somo ap' ord pllcnats fo r agiteultural positions, me- You have the liborty o f ehooaing onr iHT: o f titeae applleants, ndvislag tho War

Departmeat a t the above address o f ery thoso selected and tho men w il Imme- leso d ia te ly .be referred t« yoo fe r your fur- rith the r eonsideration. sed 1. (MANAGER RANOH) B. B .

nge 28 yoars, single. Graduate Agri- 'en* cultural College. 26 mes. Slboriaa ska forces. Intorprotcr. Exporienco: Hor* the ticu ltu m l commission o f Inyn county- .bly manngor Hillside Water Co. orchards; ore- manager Fred Hess dairy; jnstroCtor s. agrioulturo, Inglewood, GnUf.— Speaks Our Russian. Know* implemont game, ttie 2. (M ANAOEB o r SUPERINTEND­

EN T OF FARM, o f COUNTRY E8 TA TE .) I I . O. II., ago 30 wears, mar-

s. ried. Cornell University Agriculture. aho. 1st L t., Army. Bupt. gonoral farm and— country estate, handling cattle, horses,

Inndscnpo gardening, developing Innd.__ 3, (RANOH WORK, TE A M IN G .)

W , 0 . L ., ngo 20 years, single. High P®' school. 1 year wngonor, U. S. Arm y. 8

ycarH oxporienco on ranch.^ 4. (CATTLE or SEED BUSINESS.)J P* W. R. L., 25 years, single. Throo and

one-hnlf yenrs, eollogo. 2nd L t., Field----- - A rtille ry . Opportunity to manago cattle

or seed business. Oonaidcmblo experi­ence along thoae lines.

No. 5. (RANCH HAND W IT H D F ^IR B ond TO O AIN MECHANICAL FAR M E.’C- • o f PBRIBNOE.) M. M .,,ngo 31 yoors. and Ornmmar school, i l jo a r , F io ld A rtll- bfiVl lo ry . Cbnsiderablo busineoo experience, lud t 0. (RANCH FOREMAN, IIAN D - „a ls ^-*^N0 OA’TTLE.) '.P . & , ngo 2.*! yonr^

ninrrled.' Experience, S year* foreman tooB “ “ ‘1 2 years ranch work. 2 year forfeta ' ^ “ le c ^ ^ y ^ LUMJIEBo " ! CO.) A . U .S ., 22‘ years, married. Uni- j lo voreity o f Minnesota. 1st L t , A ir Ber-

vice, L.mding manager, Land and Lumber Co.'

8. (RANOH WORK.) A . W . S., 24 Public school. Oook, V. S.

■Aut Shipping Bonrd on tho U. a T . 8. Ir is . '2 years, Mooro Shipbuilding Co., Oak- land, C illf ,

}.00. ---------------------------w il l OAZ.L FOB 0 0 U N T 7 W A B B A m S 1 o r The foDowlag Countv W arraats vrlH

bo paid npon prsaentatma a t the Coun-3 o f ty Troasnr^*B O ffice, Tw in Falls, Ida-, dell, b i:ipnn Current Expense 'Warrants, Nos. 1 to llnra i24, Ine., 1020 SeriM.(ilod Couaty Hospital Wanraats, Nos. 669 love to. 603, hid., 1010 8erle& ‘1 on A grieu ltara l Fa ir W arrants, Nos. 60 Cica- to 61, in « , 1910 Borles.

Interest on tha above warrants esasss ac- Mareh 20th, 1020.

ed. Dated and posted Maroh 1st, 1020. n. . B . L . W ARREN,

_______________ O ew ^y T reascrer.

Page 8: r THE ONLY AFTERN IRE REPORT, OF THE,m-M tN crA yiKiffia i ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · tora aad jjive them his riewa.aa whother h« wonld accept the eompi

> Q tarto iljr bteigmeat Show* Ob- , Iy "Oomfortiible B u e m ; a ^ p V t o B l o o k

; Wool hoidinga on Doeombn Al, 1919. >re«'«a4,000,000 poundi, gToaw o q u lw Ic B t oc ;06,(KK)Mo ponadi less t h u ob

^ Beptm bor 30, lf i l0 , .ftoftordlns to tiio goa rto rlr atoek ‘report .ro1eaa«d Tabra*

" nry 12 by tho boroau o f aarkoU, U n it­ed Btatos department o f iM^rlcultart. That tho oonuacroUl .aapply U oren lr diBtribut«)d ia Indieatod by Uie faot tha t on Deeenbor SI, 1919, m fta a fie tu im roportod holdings o f 844,000,000 pounda and dealers 80,000,000 p o n a ^ (p-ooa oqulralent. This ahould'not be Ukon to iodieato tba t doalors owned tbo quan> tity-Toportod by th«n, fo r whilo they held praetieally. OBO'balf o f the stoek opoa whieh thero were no reatrletlons, i t is evident tha t a eonalderable propor* -tion o f i t was belnff storod by them and iMlag^ held fo r shipping inatruetiona.

A lthough tho wool supply aoems rath* er large, ^ o n referring to tbo to ta l flgores, i t is aot considered more tbaa a comfortable roaervo supply, .whieii shottid be carried In thia country « t alt times to moot any emergeaey in ' ease

^ th« regular importattona o f wool were " bitomsptod, a an th0 bureau's wool spo*

. eJalistOOT«nnil«tt E o ld lB fl.O M XM M d

Tlie ooTomment's ho ld ing o f wool havo deeroaaed ' materially, aia'ee Iaat year, n o wool'purohaslng qoartermaa-

■ te r reported that on Deeombor 8 8 ,19l8, tbe to U l atoek o f wool in the poues- Bion o f the government, spot and la transit, was 313,740,008 pounds, and os* timatod tho quantity o f wool in dealers’ bands not ye t b illed to the (nTommen' aa 70,000,000 pounda, making in al 888,746,602. uounda, compared w ith 9 V862.000 pounda pn December 81, 1919. 3%Js eleorJy ahowa, i t ia claimed, that tbe gOTommentr'roloaaod Jta-irool bold* J n n aa quickly as possible in such quan* tltios as tbo markot would readily ab­sorb through publio . auetiona throogh* ont tho year.

Tho, B ritish government in carrying on t Ita propoaed plan to liquidate ita wool h o ld in g aent to thia country 18,*930.000 pounda o f grease wool and. 731,* 643 pounds o f scoured wool, whieh waa reported by tho representative o f-th e B ritiah govemment aa bolnf^ h e !^ in th is eouatry aa o f Doeember 3 I , .1 | | | .

Tbo to ta l holdings, o f doalera. fa c to re d and tbe United Stntos and B r it is h ' goversmeata aeording to eon* dltiona were; Qreaae wool, 894,556,320 poonda: scoured wool, 00,770344 pounds; pulled wool, 34,907,099 pounda; top i, 19,802,008 pounda; nofla, 11,209,597 pounda. ^

Tha manufaeturera’ atoeka aeeordiag to geographical d istribution were aa follows: Hasaaehusetta, 02,603,533 poDBds; Bbode Island, £9,490,704 poonda; - Tennayliraala, 88,145,024 pounda; N'ew Jersey, 80,654,583 pounds: New York, 18,837,85« pounds, ^ l lo w ^ b y Now Uampshire, Ohio, Coaneoticut and Maiae.

Tbo dcalora’ holdtngi o f a ll ‘grades, cnditions and elassos aeeording to cities wore aa .follows: Boaton, 120,685,-

: 021 pounds; .Fhiladelpbia, h,706,684 pounds; New York, 12,896,488 pounda; Chicajp), 12,059,106 pounds; 0 t. Loula, 9,114,067 pounds; Portland, 2,947,759 pounds

W H IT T A K H B TO BPEAKOa Sunday afternoon labor unions o f

Tw in FaUa w ill hold a maaa aasombly in Lavering theater whon mattera nt general importaneo w ill be dlaeuaaed. Tho meeting w ill be addrosaod by M ay­or 'W hittakor o f Pocatello, and tbu

•Kev. W. A . Mooro, o f tho Tw in Palis Chriatian chareh, aa the principal speak­ers- Beproscntatlves o f varioua coun* clls and labor lodges w ill bo callcd upon fo r abort talks.



BIG SH(E n tire stock o f

and C h M ren ’i

Saturday, M art

—vtUue giving-


We Aak Your Cot and


Weathgjr M aker j j . Opena c tK iA ttiK k I .?

; on N o r th ^ n E nd ^ iA oMBBODY in 'fh o north ^ o f tho state must .have on*S ''-g n n d e rfld » tli« :ilI*w U l> 'o f;*h e .'. ' : p woather-tnakoa. He has, shifted , v»

v h is peraieloua A ttantlon,-tsnpor' .a r ily .-a t least,’..ffo « :^ tlf# ;a o u th ‘ ■aootlon tm the panhandle end;i.

Ju s t'w by the contiiioed attaek I agninst the.lowor t ie ro f eouatiea'

-haa boen '^iseoatinoed . f o r tho , tim e ia not known, bu t tho fa c t . remains-that lh o weather hasn 't > “ • beon ‘so bad today; and fa ire r ; . conditions aro 'o ffo red fo r to* ^— . morrow, w h ilo -ld lre .Jh inga. are X)

f threatened fo r tho north tonight ® , I • and .S a tu rday.-— ' „ , PoUowing is .th e day's roport,- ' fo r t h i i end! ‘ ^Tonight and Bat- " f ' . • orday fa ir io o th portion .'’; ; B ut concatenated . w ith that

atatomont Is thia fo r tbo upper a t y te rr ito ry ; “ Probably rain or k snow north .” noI Both high and low io r tbe pastr! . 24 b'our poriod topped tbe poinU tha o f the day prevloua. Yeaterday la

the mercury roachod 44, and only- dc.. ' dropped baek 14 dogreoa dnrlog coII tho nocturnal period. Tbere was tb a a trace o f precipitation. nc

E lB I I I F D i lO I i.. 1 ID E III11 IIII11S I

E. L . Sobettler T iikes Up b ; ^J: S h e riff pn FngitlTe W arran t {,la fo r Vale, Oregon "» . ---------- “»’ n L. Sclnlllor, who l l laid to bi n t employed b y the Oasla O il company,

was arrosted a t noon today on a fngi- nIff- tive warrant. Schottler was arreatel ,

b y S heriff A . N . Bpraguo and w il l bo °hold a t tho county Joil nendlog or- *

4’ r iv a l o f authorities from Vale, Oregon, *'A* wbonee orders fo r arreat were rocoivod. P b- According to local authorltiea, Bchot*," :h- t ie r is accused by a Bolso man giv-

in g the name o f Moyer o f grand laf- <=ae dony. I t is aaid aa o il drTlIIng out- ^ t* f i t belong to Meyer la lost nnd Bcbet-B,* t ie r Is aecuaod o f being implicated In *1>* the loss. Scbettlor is an o il woll .u d r il le r by oceupation. obe • * — ii“ d e I b c r a t s a s s e m b l e t o ‘

»i P IC K C O N V E N T IO N C IT IE S ;

fg Idaho Btata Central Oommittee Meets _ la Koteow to Diapateh Im pettaot ^

>■» ' uMOSCOW. Idaho, yP)~To aeleet tho ^

date and placo o f holding tbo demo- .. ^ oratlo state oonvontion fo r chooaing “ delpgatos to the national convention, ® ^ y ie democratic s t ^ central commltteo fi « m et hore tbU afternoon. Tho placo i ' - * fo r holding tbe atato nominating con- ®

vention in-^Vuguat to aolect candidate# e ” fo r aUto and couaty offlcoa, alao w ill u t bo deeidod upon.

OS, ] > t the ad i help yoo to deelde where to to buy t t.'5.-84 , ' '


S n crispetteso f •

B e tte r than oandy andJd. '

cheaper, on ly So package.

l i AU stores.jl _ ■ ■ .

)R E , D A Y


OE SALE!t f M eria , Women’a

\’a ahoea redtued.

rc h 6, the laa t day .

g—atock reducing.


ompariaon o f Valifea i Pricea


CSsK P r i ^ . * a r l e ^ ^

. p e t i t i y e K S Q h o b l - ' t l J v e r i t s

; A p r i l 4 ^ T ^ i " 5 ’a l l s ' B u i

P l a n a n d ^ ^ e m i c A u i

A l a it ln u la tlo K medium fo r bettor a jw lling a contest ^sflbedole has been devlaed b y high sehool executives o i ^ Tw in Palls to bo.held here during th» month 'o f A pril.

The competitive -featuro- is open Uo entrants from th e . IV th grade to the senior elaaa-of thd t ig h sehool inclo- slvo.

E lim ination contests w il l :be 'hold ht about A p ril 19 to 23 by room, elass ni nnd b iu ld ing .' Pitaal contesls w il l b9 pt held abont A p ril 20. ,

TUe prime mover in b ring ing about £ th is eompotltlve spelling arrangement Is Asher B.' Wllaooj lawyer and probl- ^ dent o f the Tw in P a lls ' chamber o f ■" commerce. M r. Wilson has authorized

. the presentation o f cash prizes to win* nors In the contests.

I t Js tbo plan o f the general com* « • mittee in charge lo d ivide the school

grade classea Into throe groups. The i f lra t w in comprise, ineluslvoly, tho t,

.. f i f th and sixth p ^ o s . Mlsa E . M . ^ f l Bhotwell, supervisor o f. tho e le m en ta l S grades, w il l have charge o f th is group. ^ .w iTio second group, eomprising tbe sev- ^

enth aud eighth gradea, Inclusive, w il l ( be in eharge o t L . £ . Bear, princl- j

^ pal o f 'th e intermediate schools. tM nel- pal M . 0 . M itchell, o f tho high BChool w ill took a fter, the elasaes from nine , to twelve. . . . .

be Tho cash prlze4‘o ffe re d .t f f f *10 fo r * HY the f lra t -|>Iaeo w innen in . each group,

and 15 fo r- th e seeond place winners, ‘g l A t the'proaont time thc, throo group bo directors . aro preparing apoUIng llsU a>. and the general fie ld o f subjoot mat OQ te r w ill be mimeographod so tb a t eaeh od pupil in tbo sovoral departments may ot- l>e Btipplied w lth a lis t o f '60 words on iv- each Monday morning. Thia a ffords Uf. coDtetotnnta n ayatem o f fam illa riz *- ut- w ith worda to bo found In tho fin a l Qt. testa. Thero w ill bo aovoral hundred Jn words in tho total, oil . I t is- not intondod th a t th is contest

or preparatorr atudy ahall in any way in terfere- w ith , or take tbo p lu o of tbe regular * aenditeio w ork, bu t on caoh F riday pnpils may bave an oral

* 8 spelling lesson ebve'rlng tbe f ie ld sur*" veyed.

This exeroiae w ill consume tho SO ” minutes o f the regular school spelling ’ recita tion ; or approximatoly 20 m in­

utes per week o f elaas-room time may be oaed in this work.

’ Buies governing tbe eonteat provide , ' tha t words may be pronounced but „ * once, unleaa tho pnpll pronounces i t in- , ’ correctly or failuro to hoar i t read- leu ^ apparent. Fnplls mnst pronounce ijjj eaeh word before spelling. Pailuro tcs r il l

^ _______________________* _____ , , I,

/ i l i a

Towels[ T U B E IB H

50c qnaUty, 20x40........ . 42c90c q u a lity ----- 1----------- V5c


20c Talae ........ ....... I lk37 l-2c v a lu e — ........... 34<

Infant-WearTU E K N IT SETS

Toweia, Ubs, wash­cloths ......... ............. $2.21

Booties ........... .. 86c to $1,21

Infants’ Hoso, s ilk and . •wool ................. .......... 6a

Crib Blankets ............... 75i

Baby Sot Packages..... $2.01

> d f o r J V i n r i e r s ^ 1 ’

i t s ' t o - B e H e l d - “ H « r e - ' ^

B u s i n e s s M a n P r o i n o t ^ ^ - 1

L U t h o r i t i e s ^ i v e - A i d >r f j ' i

‘ to do tbis w il'.ba eooatbd aa. a o 't r ro r j againat tbe contestant ‘ ' f ' :

5 : Words muat.-.b«-apelW . rea««al*ly ]‘ soon a fte r being pronooneod, bnt they •> shall not b e - ju d g e d -r ig h t-o r -wrong .

an tiH In iihed . , . ■ . !* SinaJ ao tborlty on pronooneiation . ’ and spelling o f a ll wojda aball be Web- • ‘ ater'a N ew -lo tem ationa l d letionaiy.

, Wben atudy Usta shall have..been,«x*I hausted in o lim lnatlon contests, or f i*I na! contests, supor lis ts , Ko . w hieh'no ) pupil.lias had aceosa lw nsed.

; EVIDENCE SEARCI) FAILURE; IC n t i t t t Bmployod b r Z -W . W . O m .I not oonnect O ^ m ^ t h A U ig id

MONTESANO, Wash.;. . ( / ^ T . T. Edmonds, a Presbyterian minfster at

* preaent w itbou t charge, bu t recently employed.by tho defenae as as inves*

j? tiga to r In the tr ia l ' o f tea alleged I . W. H W . eharged w ith tbe murder o f WaN J ren 0 . Qrimm, v irtu B lly ., a d m ittr f ia

a letter, according to the proseeotloo* he had found no evidenee eonneeting

{‘ Orimm w ith any alleged ra id -o n tb« I ' I . W. W. hall.

A few sisea lo f t o f >85 all-wool n e s 's soiU a t £ ld r id ^ 's .~ *« d r.

or ! " __ ' ■ = =



ill I " I ru'iiiiLSin I

A C O O ^

R e a d y -■Women w h o e n jo y w e a r in g t

o u ts e t o f th e season, a re i i

T h ere is a s a tis fb c tip n in ha

^ these b m d s o m e g arm en ts a r

tb b« d u p lic a te d here th is 1

/-■ Neuf ) N o m a t te r w h a t yo u in te n d ;

^ in o u r s to c k . T h e y range f r

f ■ cT h e t^ re e -q n a r te r le n g th in

son. P r ic c s range fro m $35

S prinW e a re h e a r in g considerable

in g o f dresses a t $35.00.

MORNIN76c mi

These ite in s w i l l be on sal o n ly f ro m 9 t i l l 1 o 'c lock.

Ckalliea16c A l l n ow stock, In many 34^ now a nd a ttra c t iv e de-

Ripms ................................ 27c

Devonahire\ A l l o f th e su b s ta n tia l co l­

o rs th a t w ash eo woll....56<:

CambricNo, fiO B e rk le y C am bric

2.25 45c ( p m l i t y .................... 38(4 No. 100 B e rk le y C a m b ric 1-25 65c q u a l i t y ......... ............ 49<

G in ff Kama68c N o w p a tte rn s a nd designs

35c q u a l i t y .................... 29<75c N e w A p r o n G ingham s,

2.00 ........................

I; A aa^-J 'J IeeU ni o f ,Trftienial ls-Hddri4?lans.Ma4e I

I ;

^ 'W | i - U a 'f . ^ l^ t }3 M le o ^ ’p H n ^ o ffice r o f T w ln :X U li ' ?/ J o d g ^ ^ iP . . d T E ., a t aa annual;®!#**' .

* ' H..BL Orant.'Iead- I

i< W - O. T ly lo r tPMtwi fo t

_ A » w g m o n U been mad® b y tno I ;tw» r"' ' .


m Under dat^ o f Fpateh to th® C ^ UeomptroHer © n S ® .

X thoAsod th® ,P ir« tm . Tw ia. Palla, .Idaho,^ w ith » capita l o f <

, rin® U pr«dd®st» I>“ . - F®iia®at, and J . Kng

Exactly three weeks after u jo u n c e d , the H rs t N ati

«'• -€01 Its doors w ith JStrJrTA which i t has grown in to the i

^ p loys: ^M r. J . Ml,. Maxwell, cashier.

‘ M r. !W. E.; Nixon, assistant' M iu £ . B. Fox, teller.M r. H . B . Grant, te lle r . 'M r. H a r ^ ,M a :n ^ r sssistan M r. O. L . Laraby, jan itor. M r. Ernest Stettler, auditor M r. D orinw Johnson, assisti M r. Howard Johnson, teller. M r. Eoy 'Weaver, bookkeepei Miss Sibyl Herts, bookkeepei M r. Eobert P. Nare, bookkec M r. H arry Hunt, te llw . M iss Charlotte Stewart, rem M r. Maser Bydalch, bodkke« M r. Eobert inw ards, bookk< M iss Ora Peters, stenograph }dr. Oscar Newman, bookkeej

O f these employees seven Fa lls SGgh School


^ - t o - W e a rg the new smart styles a t the very I invited to make' selections now. having the firs t pick, for many of are exclusive fashions that are not s season.

ew S u itaid paying fo r a suit you can find i t from $35.00 to $115.00.

Coatain b right colors is popular thi? pcu- ^5.00 to $75.00.

ing Frockable favorable comment on onr shf.w-

MG SALESmorning to.save a fow dollars? sale this week in the mornings

T ick ingmy Heavy quality ticking, 60c3e- qua lity ........................ B4cI7c

P illo w Tubing45 inch beavy Tubing, 65c q u a lity ........................ 49c


■ Good quality Mohawk Sheeting, 85a quality....69c

™; Bed Spreads■ , A ttractive designs. Regu­

la r $2.95..................$2.67

Canton F lanne l32 inch unbleached, beavy

23c quality, ^ c ............ ^ c

^ ^ --------------g r -------------- -

l l 'p ianU^^y^^,-''k,»;,' K

A. O ity and yenr aam rhaa.aot b®®a taken

'■» T U . U • e ltto a o tr you owe Ton;| d t 7 . ,..T Ii« ,lIW W *^ 'X O l| l-® M » b w o f

I i- Oommofoo oigo yo i» ,5^no S S S S B SSSSSSSSSSSSS ^SS m S

VfABlSMO ,ywfAust F®b. !« , 1905, a d ii* 4r i U l N ® ^ ® W .'*T h ® . Pth®:eorr®ney today: an*I r s t . N a tio a a l. bank o f kho, to begin boalniDas >f *25,000. I n t a Per* t , PhiUp W®isaar, vie®, f .. H . K a x ^ eaAiw.»»

t ^ . the g ra t in g of the'charter fation^ .Bank of Twin Falls op- rM TM axwell as wshier. le present institution, which_ em­

ir. ' at cashier.

tan t oaihicr.

to r . 'tistant cashier.ler.per.per.keeper. ‘

emittances.keeper.kkeeper.ipher.Keeper.ren are graduates of the Tw in

Spring FabricsFOOBS

New stock___ MIc to $1,60

B A i n n z

New shades, y a rd ....... $1.50

OINOHAMBB right new patterns ,

..................... 23c to 60c

Royal SocietyNightgown ....$1.85 to $2.50

Chemise .......$185 to $2.G0

Boudoir Caps............... 60c

Centerpieces .._$1.00 to $2.00

Shirt W a is ts ...............$2.00

_ Eompera...... ............... $2.00