I X THE SUN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 1015. 4 i7 ADVERTISING GOLF WOW KNICKERBOCKER COUNTRY CLUB HOUSE WILL LOOK NEW CLUB ORGANIZED WtNTlIK Itl'.SOHTS trtNTRR ItKSOnTS. ENDS AT PINEHURST 7 BY TENAFLY GOLFERS E.I. .Miiimhi Ileitis Ills KM low Knickcrlmckcr Country Club Is tSuotoiiitiii in Final Hound Nnmc Chosen Donnld Hoss for Tlllc. Lnys Out Course. r" SI.ATKH LOW IX IIANDKWI' Hi 1" r t. lo- - f., 0 fo In .i M- V I I. r M M M' r i . Inn. If. Tl.i' 'ilr'y-- 1 ,i r i h Hi ml- .outrun of l.t i f Vdve'tdne, - , !.,nl :! ! ' 'we i. Kr .. mi Krjin mn toun ; -- , t nuttoii nf the , i nil, two M.ntnhU.- - t.n . , mill. .il.l 1 ll IVr loin in v 'ion til . uiiiMri hv l up mill - , . i. Mir, vv uevett'ielesii tlii twilf"i hole of till' fi.i.n wnlih point the , ii Kulf i drew ew i r.iltl'.y lUlt nroii .ill t'M n . ' H."f .ll! WU If. .11 III!" '""I t, ...ii tout il l"'oi I' ,,iot .,tn In! IHIIli'li. ""I l"r" ,.., ' ti'iith w.n i! 1" I Mi- - iifxt twit hnlf. halved the I tHik Hi M 'i01'''' i,2 th. iiinti'h iitl.in won i.i ine uniii-- n l v i.vir Wre i iiiiiii or I . h.1 Ill I ..At tlll''eil mm' n.iiiiii. in.. I tlllllllll IM'IPl'.S .CIHM1 A II CI ., ... ..id .it-- . hit lull mull'. ..1..I . ohMilitllolt llivifiini rt i .in'i II l: Mii.llfUMin of I'urttut Hill.: ... . .... ....nrl1..1t. ' i i i..'i.ii in I'n'n i"i i ...i ....... 'i fi'l-'i- l qualify It. O. Ilaulwlil of s. ork inn l Will C Iror of Sulls- - j , i..iin ll i"..iti of I'lmvy riiuic. ji v i..,-ii!- i ,.f Atbritli City. J. I. I'luni-- 1 r.f si.riiiRtlriil. M . ' ' Miirtln n' II ii,iii.rJ..ii V.ilK'. . ' 1'itru'ii ui ,asl .I'i'l llirnm lirron of ItllfTiito r,,. t'.. UiniiTN of Hie Down anil Out . jl Sunt. i of Itrne Iliirti ntnl Jo'' II i'l.ii' "f Clicvy l 'hue ern the .il- - , imiii'tition winner' ntnl II. I. M'lh .'l.in.l of I'lttntnirK won u tip pliO-f- f r. iMi p x:v.lftli nu.illllrntlon prize r,,.i. i II II. inn. l of ClfVplntitl iitid A. i h i ,.r i'ioi :iii Iii Imti-,- 1 ,,, it r ., M.itu'. l'o I It In. rfc.mlMl ii t... rr,. th.iti' (i.im trntihv III (hms '! It Mimlok of Ko IIIIIh won thc!'ulil rrt r th hi II. To In Clam r won for Mr It. a.'mlner of HunwofKlle unil Co ll II Tr. .nlwell. hi" club mate, lied iv'mttillf Izor of Sullnhur). The caril tfa l in I' '' foi I'linwn.iilli. player, unil Hft IS, 75 for hi opponent. In Ike n "IT Ir.or won The li'iullnc : ' i is A W i ' Kfeimin. SH -- 10. ' Jnlin Hi. ,ii !- M. M I I, nn tZ i.i ii 1.1. A :i. Ill 7. l IMrKer l.nrrnro I)imiII". :H I."'. 7: V. 'it 17. 0. i' A Spp.iUm.in. t I llil"n '71. t, llarolil ii m it Ii liuilfr. Mi II.. iinn 7 1: .1 l l"nnim. - . I: Itlrtrnnv. 4 11. HI, W.iliei ii f ilnirgi Wrlcht. 9 H. i Miiiiln. 100 11 - It w K Smith. 101- - :i. ii.. Mr. I (Urclnrr, ! 1. ill; II It It'eil. . Th i'. V Yiltiif. l. 7". K. It. It m". i. 7. i. T KiiMeil. s .i. lUri.er White. Violet 'renin Will flit- - Trnnlly, still Kolf MM' took the the the the such the This the the York that was the Karl the piodiucd the the beeli than any ' I lajoie. if mo :o. II n MiAlpln. nnd II- 'hen 111 -- 37. 'I: I' s i i a I. vi.ir,.,i m.. j.i. n.: u uk ! 10- 1- .t tlitflntt Viltatiiu HOME won llnn-lnil- l He een often Ohio quick acquittal announced that the cnsii I IMS dav ' Manager until cord announced Kohl, only inges l',1. examined, the' ... have been liliulc. ,,,nln rrpresentoil '! with able, A .1 West cuds after of Iii. S.i. :'i. IV. ile farm spite attructlons It it Vnrl. il for ii. ....... 1.. win ih'. Hie his was was won the for was by fur the was two ch list !nlJ two tl.'l tho but Vw ........... 'n V', that ..f, appearance the time muni on the home grounds, so that the iMij ihould have n most successful wajni, in the financial department. Tho March Army West Point. April 3. Lafayette at Knston ; 7. Hum-tita- n at New York; Columbia Columbia. 14. John't at. New York: 17 Stevent New York Mlddlebury t New York. 24. ftutgers at New York: !, at Hobokcn. I. Trinity Hartford: 5, Con- nect! nt Aggies New York f. Ilutgers at New llrunswlck : 1 1. Wesley-Jl- i 13. C. C. New York: U. It P Troy: Mount Saint Jueph at New York 22, Crescent A.' C. it Juno o. Swarthmore at York. THE DOORS. !teT itrL Llev May for l"n-i- ii llnllfnx Cricket AsMi nnon. but definitely iiitil the exefuuve DAY WITH THAPSHOOTEItS. Vnrk anninl Auierlea Isl.inil 'rips itlon Vprll Witurdav, .Inn eun.esls flub hundl-- n iteuson's IIS.-- In Illoomlleld Hun lloh.' tied ijoli ,rl-,- . s I port nb Thompson SI! mU .i clultl hclnK 111 fur new Knickerbocker toiintrj- - Club which Imvr iiIiip of conrnr mill)' In (hp prlnK. PLATT ADAMS CASE IS NOT YET DECIDED ?;j 111 Mill"- - Session mill I'lenty of Onilot'v. ACriTTAL IS lMlOliAltliK After hearlliR another hatch of evi- dence ycMterd.iy lu the eharKCs made ! Ad.urm oxplnlned ylniply off defence champion Jumper, the reRlitrailon eornmitlee .Metro- politan Association A. Its deiisioii lis whether or not Adams hypothecated prizes until time as in, of evidence lie ar.i Tile second this drama "The Amateur and I'rlnes" nln Red In the Milldlnc American Impress Compan Assoclnllon at Madison ave- nue formerly home New Yacht and In the room tried that the New Yolk Yacht Club discredited the ehaiKos made tuitir.ivcti jcalnut handlers of Pcfendcr, which America's i up In lx'i". Tlie .Hhlillonut evidence served to strengthen the spectators the first hearlnK last Wcdnes-day- , that charges bad Irumpetl up prosecuted mine private spite ibsiie to purify athletics. At no time any tilted ' v 5 n'p,mer,rii!r'; i- - yTi"rw: ',,I'",ir,Ire"i,?.Viat change phases vo. Jl. j contra- - t itrtiltthml li fttul other matters imrlmlnate In cirtum- - ilrcc( I.IUInic ....... Imnortaiit NINE GAMES FOR N. Y. U. trophies the champion were pro- - oueeii tne so there some surprlfo among the spectators who made their minds mi I'lclil. a verdict of when Tt,. vr.i-1-- ii,,i,r,iM. hinAi.li tbc committee for yetter- - w,,uld go over In""-- Jrtr' .""lf" V .md Hwartlunore cn Held- - Adams the ad games with Seton i,"""51" " . , ',.," ill,' iiuiiiii iiuii- - The veai-o- opens on March .11 r,lt HHuatlon In an manner, the of the counsel n - Point the e'OM the iiiiiui-i- i wlthHwanhinore frei.nent.y time with of features He iViir tho intercollegiates l.L.r" V. first of mem ithMiiln 31 nt 10, nt : 22, Stevens Mm nt at : at N. Y. nt I ut 13. : n.iy Itldgc New QUAKERS OPEN cn on a Cup. trophy. to to Adams reithed at vv"iu committee, that hnd and born the N'W York C. tin One Itohort Stoll, the John stren: Jeweller, who the Hetherlngton, the well known nnm-tc- ikioI pl.iir, Martin T Waterman, who Is by, Ailnnus friends for the rge.t. Waterman was baiull'd without gloves .lore Mahoney. both In summing attacked tho credibility the and Insisted that tho deep engi- neered Waterman In following out hit iUterinuiutlon to get even with Adams because of some fnncled business grievance. The lawyer Adams did not mince words, and nfter adjourn- ment vvns taken thero talk legal proceedings the wlt- - nessea by Waterman honey for the tongue lashing received ill tlio summing ii,.i,i. oi.tlm that Adams had sold rings to and Schenek made at the Philadelphia, the stronghohl of cricket .,'i ishIoii. it eh.irc.il yesterday Amsrlrn, will the dom- - credited to open trlt ip j,aj t,Vl1 prize cups h mittdde of town m.c(iunt with Htoll. here that 'earns to famous cup com- - ;cw York A. C. men crinio into mi .'Inn. and New York probably will nnjight. Waterman testified that reiiresfnted In the series this year. This , , i...v!,ii,, i.een on a commlt- - lnc erles Hen us Cricket rr exhibition not he of ! Sen .in, 'ind " Cluh .Vllivoe I.u.l... ore of ltd nt Hit of of of A. lie net of A7 was of of by for anil ny wa.t up vi.. of te.ttl- - for the Iluril. I.iri for for of A. of by his of by He plot b'cn for his whs of by .Ma- -' up tlie was was he i.u,i gave opening M.uonirome 1012 not prlzet for' competition management them exchange them they witncii. .vinnne i.,ii one hooka. pi'monnl AduniH when Mahouev "'i,w. he Any rtmr other .Aftv. my-- p.- - Architect' ilrnvvlnu; iliiltr bore HtuUnient lie ilenleil uhwlutrly the nllrKi-i- l ronverKiitlon with Ktoll reKuril to nieilalu that Olytilt had tentllleil to been leal' who did not illnn KIRIIt. AdaniM fald that wax willing to iidnill that w. with hint on oi.e or oco.ihUiiiii that vlnlted Sjoll. The wrltlnit mi the "tub of the check by (llynn, "Itlnc I ," he tliTWht. not been made lit time check drawn. AhIjciI why ho Klven preienln pair IIiiUh iIiib illynn tho nth. that at time he Imlcbteil to him what he the leather trade. order Hhow Ail imw wax the nthletlc hu Is Kiid to Thorn llHWtlouril til ai to bin wcutiliK Kliikeil In loiniH'tltloii tho Church lloufo anivn, where Kplkex were not ullowed. then iiIiIIIIiik In huff. rfCHliivt Adanm also llvtrnlm; that he ciimliieil onlv sp'kes when untitled, toW prnc In which he sllppiil hlmcclf and wltlidrew for that There was Hash of humor on the pari of the nccu'cil athlete when Thorn Kently askul him If did do (Ulte hiKlncxs selling thlm;s. 'It tcplleil Adams. "You aulnnii'blleV" iiuerled the i.ouuel, referrltiK to tho one that Schenrk's father Isuiirht. hut not paid for. "No. 1 Jul dlspoM.il of that," wilt the reply of Adams. In summlni; up Thorn cave connlder-ulil- e ttttenth'ti to tho Incident the tilp.t Insisted Hint In the main illviin. Scheiick and Thehner was Mitltliil to cred. Mahoney'.t male.' strok" wot tho paintlliK of the Klorlous cane" of as an athlete In kIowIiu; words Then he sahl the committee: "You believe that Incomparable athlete would hit pat, present futuie (jlorlet In athletlci for the sum of $fi " nap 114 direct Piny wltmsse.t on that might rlrrnn Hull I'Ibt to for I'lilliulelphin ut....tll Ik. ludnc'sub-- 1 I Adamt throw f.'.v.; Jump Adnnw When Connie purchased Nil l.ajolc from the Nnp.t recently to the vacancy cieatcd by the sale of Collins the White fox, con- ferred great f.ivcr upon vtiran bringing to IV mi's ton for which I.arty liking ever since ho been playing Idc; league hall. present I.ajulo's home in uhurb .,1... l,.rd I...U r.il-- . .....- - many acres the ettute of John I ltockcfeller. When basohall season It Lurry retires tlie swluslon of Unil him defending his own) his nnd spends hit ids witnesses. the new whs homes. good farmer. In of these would I the i St at of witnesses. was called nnd admit out ,,,' about not surprising If he moved Phlla dolphin, for he always displayed liking for the town In which ho committee, others icorso playitl In fact. Larry sal.l In iinswer ho liked K. Instigation of witnesses to Halifax nt to to to question as to which city hi st "Writ. have travelled considerably 1he that have been tho leagues have In many cities, but the I like best of Is Philadelphia. people there seem to bo easy to get with. Some of my best friends live there at home every time our club visits the city. "1'nless happens to change my mind, when the emirs for to the baseball uniform nnd from is my Intention to open gends store In Phila- delphia, because I realize that can gvod that city above all ut LONG TRIES TO DO ALL. llrnsniiis C'npliilii llnrelj lit Vlitnlcliilr Svv limiiera. Montc'laiii. N. Jan. 16. Moutclair School swimmers triumphed the Krasmus Halt amphibians Hrooklyn this afternoon In the closest dual meet iras announced at inn annum ineeunii oi te(J ju ,urrhnsii cup ior i,o scholastic fleason, winning by (h- - New York Veteran Cricketers Asio. cll.,taln of the Tuesday Night ling f )nBiP ,mnt. The score was 27 to 26 hid at the Hotel Hermltago (,,u)) of ,he jj. A. C. They went to T1)c niatched. but too iniRv n Invitation was recflved from st.JI or purchased a cup for ,VJS expected of dipt. Hubert synney voung, secrctao me .fso- - nrcordlng to vvaierman. niuu sum of i;r!1inu. elated Cricket Clubs of Philadelphia, ..too,i jdm" lfc. which had allowed; rnit. Long won events besides uuig the willingness of the Quaker ()r ,.r,.,iiti to Adams's account. The two swimming as anchor on tlie relay commiiiie to admit New York eleven, ,a,i KOrK to Stoll Wednesd.iv which he again tin tight the h,eh although will b In every sense (.0nllrm the conversation, after .;n,,ius colors homo llrst. As much thoroughly representative team from ,i0iB so still ritalned tho Idea that the perilled upon the final event, the 100 'hi vicinity, must play under the nus- - cu,, i,fcI1 credited to Adams. HWlm, Capt. Long consented to enter, but plret of the Veteran Association com- - . slmnle explanation was made this xv ,.t,,n for premier honors by four mlitee was appointed to handle the mat- - (.r(.Uinstnuce when AduniH went on tho f,,f.l t)V Talor, the crack swlmimr of ter stand He said tho ui so'" ne .Moutclair. Taylor Had the turrit of the P t pot Kr tint the veterans . had lieen received nun i.mk well In hand, vvua decided rr.v tho h.i'iiplnnshlp of i w,n nnother for his brother a. iie York New Jersey ,. Un which they this will tiled tout incctl"C tho oimiriitlee. THE four of AHIIIMITIIN (lie had nnd and cha and had and New at the of the Newark In were tho for ,iiij I two Bald the felt not the nnd not claimed," even the l'reiichm.in William has has t near over venr once the ; the : I time fed i something time me sporting others." ; yes- - $S.t two I ( last , ( of ndvuntnce. prevlmmly the In the fifty Wkiiincitos', 16. The in the cillery rifle ,,.,,i reeelviil four Uir oniietltlona to iletertnine. the club In hit ..hamplonahlp ..f the vvearliiK he vvun of Willi ,..,,. r.tn,urk.ihln l.v IhoKo miill vu. . ... i, i.t.- - . , ill, .tt I,... I l?len li Vi un HUllie , ,o. f.n in nh il'it.i V'.?.; rpfuHlnir 12 offeied lo him It. burn expertH. With the total poiHlblo 'Hie m.irnpnlltan mi ,,,,,,, wc,,t tu Hrotlier lien. aeiire nix BCiiren nor. ii, nfu reported Ii. i .i.nt the cups thnn 95U points, two of them i' , tur mi'i learn ehmn. i pr'.o wit Hiaienieni ,, ,,in rini, nf r'lovoii.n.i tf .1 i 'm !" PI i' t 'iKil II broki. l.t - ii I M l. '' "am of of lege a Tits fnr an exhlhltlull '' the lURh RftM en II. Marin .. fr0ni I.. V. Ppper"'. lropri- - ijhln, the urh 'JrldKiPort. - t fn-- ehen. , lllin, and ;inin. ni.imnK ": ' Hn o .he prim ufier .i .hoorollt' "r' from II. Ilobert- - CI tiff. 991. the Club of '!.. !;,.r.r,....:K ,,r,lho,u,!uh'9!," "ml th" n'8,r,ct "f ro,uml"a The .inmr .oodnied In 'If .Imntort h.ippeneil to bo In lib' ".iiahi Htriny aber-- i hlilaliv ,,!,. 0r BlvlnR teKtlniony until lho ' lr. Th nn ni. won I,r,,.,.iilon ntlenip'"'! to eapltai out llinii- - IV Hiiriia'a - ",V" """" "' U' "'Of utter. r:?,lS..i,m,S,rt' .In... l.-(le- orKe Hurn. out- - A'lllell I'tab't Trav.Mi - l. . . UCI'ier IH llie .sew nun '.innin, nun ir. I,.. idKh prim not R.'t eanetlon as the. i vvuh Jill- - ( ,n f, r ear,, M out of j i.th-- r in-- et hnwever rWeled P"-,- e rcnKVa, of Krovvth the rh" i I in- -. lull hold the exhibition. iimi.in nr hla imae The hnd i;.,!lu"p ir.,,!h. defence H" "tate.l mslti v.'l th .,''! vvlth hl breathlPB. In to be In lnu.i,tlon of New Verk liad never bouirht '' J ' , Uno for HPrllic itriiLtlen decldiil If '' h n r ... 'Vi' ., ,t i,ii. 1 ,. r I 1. hold ihe nth .imiteur lop if nt rlty birds over of rhe .lots and on l HI ,l HI l'.'inr uinnir In ..unil who'll .l'. - the fthnotnlf for Die Iltcemlu.e won tiin ink in monthly prlae i ec mi thifc polm I ei,.nl' ' Mi J , a CO ii "il on Hu- - l' 'hi- - afternoon between I'ruii I'er ,' I l.i,.. - .... 4" ii larael ahont I'olllns 21 e,vh. i'v on lln him handlr.in 11,1 ll - le.l 'usiie a 90 I. oui of n of 18 is lest uf aied I, Thorhpsou in ti Ii 'he traps nf ihe Wiiih. this afternoon. I'litt V. ins In hit it r.v by the opinion Vdinlt. cnccxcii s C was T. blamed the up. by Adams against nnd against 'Glynn her he 10i ugust These they could n'.'n ritlek plnH, A u t' in it n a .... ll a ii. I,.. rf ll", is lr It m It It A i" Cliibi lllvli fourth match Stntet tdiovv.t In. dUtrict turned .n gunnei. better i,.l, ml aiTBteh nitlont! reoeivcu Polern KIukm Mill, 'I'iiUcii .Vote, ,t- .eri'idi )oi,i() hulnir from Iturn. crnwth n, order .it I'oonlrv Hhr.ier ou nd.n, H to liolcei these tP(lmi ahontllnr or excliiiliKOU any exi e,,, "' lo the Humeon'" knife. Tlio me.illon.d. thu 'I vvua comfortably that th wm (ne ,,,,, f(,r S(,V(.ra ired had be.'.i rnli . Mr. Thorn wanted m on Tint the pain thai iney were property that lie loimhlered bin word had tever.il in atnre he look Ihe rd.uul and here Is. nun I'.in in io ut,cvi,, examination eleineiitury to U. Villi n.v llllll lllin mo "'"1 .I.Jan H th nr.. was In nart ,1.1- - e ' o ' I ' r v I Ja i . I . i . . I for the been for a his "'""v tllynn adinltled the ttti run till In thl.i had made i even know ho Olymi he clveii him the the had cuff and u to lote for had told Ill Ihut Idol thcxH a llronx and it mid tlcc reason. a a In "So had quick and nee to are asked to sell and paltry I.oiik serve Hint world Mack no-Ic- till IMdle a the by him had a At a , nl n iti .h, ... , ' tho One Jan. to has n ball and were and laid n I playing In j big and I all Tlie more and they tire 1 I cast aside, retire the game It a I make In ii IT . High over a miiviun, u f a Hoiv Nation w,,rP nuu. Long man I a in and h a yard also ,. iKjw'lers which a reenter and linir led to ynrd nivlin. .tlx Hide llul.e Seiuet. J.in ncrlea tihoob Ii Ho yeHter- - - v,.. ax .... ni,' virlou. foi eterdi ...v.,.. ,.. elllbn ' were I .i " " ' oi ,ind I . John k...r .1 .'lull rilin iiuinn mu 1(.nt W. if rir th t'TCA. L a n )t n , .i i.,.. on He. a hony "" A I in Iron. " and i. iho A h- - fettle h II .1 " i'i nr M.iy VVUi:, V 'i in II T N mi, il, J lldwaril with ll P a Club, vt u ll (11 finish I, kui,n"r m.ilie could ' " aubinlt to AlnM hud ' ' patient rotl..K vvlib him and whatever J i ,.,, nt nthleli' had puri'li for i linn i.riiniii r JewolliT Inn and eiioiich. urprlne mild wait played sociable Taylor Ait.tni.Ma Hnalern lllatrlel IIiijh liiiniet, I'.ml.rn IHelilit IllRli Hi'hool will hnl 1 I ItH nIxiIi .i.uiual Inihinr meet next Hntur- afternoon nt the Km-t- seventll Ilearl Arinorv. nrooitiyn rne teiitiiru iifk him any itientio.i relation wm tlp ,nP Mey relay rave open I ainnteiir iMreer.'' In direct ,( .,ljnir an.l prlvnto hlKh and prep Mild that ihn rlnu which I. ytin letdl-- , rhooIll, Thero also he two fpeelal lied hnunlit for $11 had been Riven lt,U)11 for tw nchool hoye. linn i N At f, i i ..I.I.I. illinii hnd K.ild !,., n...r.1..,. "111." '. elns i ami hud pair of which mid hud him be he nell of of this he be city along and .1 of y. and lie ny told of 1,000, lll- - '7 In da) nt he will he had i t I l. I ' - . lilliKle Itollt I'lCSbV I'Vl.l.H, N p II I it frnrr. .1 Jan IB, Tho add willed oeen in eviiieiiL'ti mono rivnuui uo ...it. uu in , ,o ilnmt H.ild he een It before, the y Kyinrmrliitn. Trcnml.io and ilo howcvi'r, Mold n anlltolrx rlnp to of Kinijbley (cored Bchenck for1 a. friend, Henry Hohwlnd, who point. . r5& HIGH SCORES IN ARMORY. Nov lei- - Mitrksitipn Hit nt Welt nn MlinritsliiinterM nn Mevrltth ItntiKe. At the, weekly meeting of the Seventh lleglment ltllle Club helfl on Krldly even-tu- g mi the armory ranger high murks were made In nil cs matches. In the novice class cup contest the were the same nt In the sharpshooter class. II. ll. Hutchinson of Company H led In tho slinrpfhoDler cl.tts with 66, nnd II. W. Ilurniught of Company G In the novice olats with tho same score. Considerable Interest shown In the opining match of the fire clnss cup cnntet. A. It. Icavllt of Company I) and I'. 17 l,.mgwnrthy of Company O have ! P. W. Allison of Company A Is one point behind. The match la more of nn exiwrlmeul In the tournament, but from all accounts It will bo popular. A challenge lias gone In from Company, K for the Abeel trophy. The match will ho held during the of January 28. The scores : liM.ert 'la- r- V. 15. I.nn iiMhy, C'omrnv fl, JJ 31 . !.. C Itutler. Cunipiiiy K, 33, 3J 81, A. II. I.esvltt. Company L, 33. 3u . Stntrptliootor- - II. ll, Ittitchlnsoii, Company 11, 37. 34 -- c, W II. Taller. Cnnipnny K, 30. 3f. i: VV II llnrlun. I'ompunv A, 2i. 35--- N'n Iri' China--- It VV. llurrnughs, Compnny C. 31. jr. S. I' lirrnen. cnmiuny O, .11, 31 l.i. M. K Crnmer. Cnaipany M. Jo, Wlnnera of I'lral r.ntry Prices IZtpert elnna. P. 17. I.iingworthy. Company (!, 3.1, h'irt9hiiittcr. It. n, lliitchlann, Cotirptny II. 30, nnvlre rlaaa, it. E. I'Hniir, Ciimpinv ,M. J". 34 SI Leading Seoret In Tlilied l'lre Clan Cup Match No. I Unpen clam. A II. Leavltt, Company P. 35. SI--- 4: P R. Company O, St, 24 4J; P. W Allison, Com- pany A. 34, !l -- 4. Hhnrpahontr--- It. Itarton, Company A. 24, 2.. 41, II. (i. Itutehlimon, Company It, SI. JJ 17. W II Taller. Company F. 21. M 47 Novice clas n V. Ilurrouxh, Company C. 70. 2144. IImioIIIoii llusbey Crltlcnlly III. SriiiNnriKU), (ihlo, Jan. 16. Hamilton rtiishev. a well known turf writer. It crltl- - eallv III at the home of his brother, Mayor T. A. Iliisbey of South Vienna, this county .Mr. Ituabey. who has been wintering here, attended the meeting of stewards of the Crnnil Circuit at Detroit on Tuesday nnd contracted pneumonia. Ho Is 75 yearn old. WINTKIt ItKOKT!1. HWf '!' M. ri.OIHIIA. 'Ihe llespland I'rlnre lieorue ISO ihe Austin Seville The COTTAGES Hit East Coast." Located holts, col cotirsps in tne anuini, sen rininr, nuomei Information, Hin vvay.r. resorts raitlm lahles Open Ilry, daliihrloua cllmatei weekly. I cxtra.l "(ini.l'Kllr)' he t from reuuru lvltiRKie rietiooi minuet n.iii fMUHBTt lM7 to alH eayiiHt virtorv y win JLAU ff jiiari'ii usitivu. had never bad, I r.fly.three I scoret limed each. week Hotel PAIlt ri.A. Open, tlolf Turf l'uttln. Par Infonnnllon. TO BEGIN WITH NINK I10LKS The Knickerbocker Club Is a new golf recently organized Vlth' ft course In Tonafly, N. .1. Thin lies near the Tenneck llldge ami nt sluts of holes In n sltti' n;ri lyitifr between Knickerbocker nnd Tennfly road, of tho course Is hilly and part Is Hut. It laid out Donald ltbss, thfc well profeslonal nrchltcct. Thote arc nt present Ihnn 100 members, and If tho ex. Is expected nil nddltlonM trnct of sixty-si- x acres to the west of tho Knickerbocker road will bo employed to enl.irgn the eourso to eighteen holes. Tho leading spirit formation of 11- .- - 11 .1 I . O M. t..l.nA nil" vniii in ii,iii unil . . , .iiiii.iit ntiwi.il i miner, me imp ijoiihki was president of Stock Hxchango and a prominent philanthropist In Kngle-woo- d, llis son l.t proceeding on some- what the same llne.s, as ho has ilrrnnged to make the possession of the property nn easy nnd Inexpensive nmlti the It puis us he expects. The olllcers of the club are Daniel W. Kvnns, president : P. ter K. !uryet, P. II. treasurer, nnd CJIlbert tf. These .mil eight other men re trusties. They arc Mnl colm S. .Mnekny. V. II. Noyet. J. H. V. Lnnsllig, J. Hugh Peters, William Kver-del- l, Jr., fleorge A. Zabrlskle, Herbert Coppell and Krederlck Snare Tho nine holes nt present laid out make a course 3, til yard. The Hint hole Is varils long and Is to the south of the clubhousii through .1 fairly narrow fair- way, with rough vn right nnd traps to the lert to a built up green, The second holo Is down 3n yards, a second nhot tieross a brook to n well trapped green. A taige tiee "lands di rectly In tho line of third hole, which i It 365 yards long. Thin calls an uivurntely placed hooked tee shit and an second to hold u green whera the slopes sharply to the I. ft. The fourth hole Is u teverely tmppod I nfTnlr of 136 vanls. The Jlflli Is 360' yards long, apaln down hill, with cross bunker iiIkjuI IK0 out and tha j nhott ncrost the brook. The sixth holo Is one or the on tho It Is 166 yards long, hut It crosses a, dry ditch and u brook, while I to the ft of the green Is tho main brook, which nms prnrtlcilly through the whole . .. ,HU t ,1,,. I course. ini'-- i nun n tart UiO yards make the seventh hole, which Is .isr. yards long, n two shot hole. Tho eighth l.t tho longest. 475 yards, cftlllng for ft mighty loo shot down grade toward Hie brook, nnd a long and dtmcnlt second to u green sur- rounded by nnd The ninth i.. iA ir.n vnr.la toin?. crosses brook onco more nnd npproaches a built up green, rne ciuonoiiK- - is tho corner of the course. Stnyvcsnnl llenls Tim iiseml Stuyvetant High Sclifwd defeatitl Town-sen- d Hall yesterday In n P. S. A I luifcknllMll game at C. C N. V. by a score of 25 to 15. Kpecht and lierglind starred Stuyvesant "of tVlNTKK Just think of it! No snow, No frost none of that danip,dTirwln thillinea that we ao often yiperienc. ,. i .h. . nir.ti. euiduiio Florida offers you bright aun- - anuie. niuo axy ana an inn rmicrnimi u. uiiiihci . THE LAND Or OUT O' DOOR SPORT firnatrj Golf links and Prrfrct Trnnrs AND Special program for the aaaaon. Surf Bithiiti! SaUisi! flstlatl Rltlinf I Re. TO STAT : St. Ancnatlnei PoncedeLeon and Alraiar Hotel Onnond Pnlm Brealieraand Itoyal Polnclana Mlnml ItoyalPalm Itahniiiua i The Lone Ken - .An Ideal fiahlnr ramp Havana. Cuba I Via Key Weat & V. A O. S. 3. Co. EAST COAST Flagler Byatem 243 Fifth Ava., N. Y. 1M W. AdamiSt. Chicaca su r la. '. , 1VM 1 UlNA.r rflk1 1 lar V1 a4IJ 1 W I Lirft 'i i a mi MMftmON THE BEAUTIFUL RIVER "'Hi" i I Constant Sunshine? 17L0RIDA FLORIDA HALIFAX The Prettiest Winter Resort World ' The Movt delightful Spot In Horlda IMvtona'a natural beauties areuneipialcd In a of iincndlnir altractivencjs, inu i unift'c is i;t)unuic never too mm im. i.,.". .. liumlillty enmnion to winter Hi re nut. ddiir lite mav hnenioved alike liv the old and younc, the In valid or ihe must strenuously Inclined, 'l In Mate othrr I rcr u.mu ciinccris iwicc uauy nu me uiver ironi The llalltax Itlv er and ll trlbutarlea abound In Hull, unit both l.vme and kmoll came mai be found In plenty wltlilu a nf (cw miles. The Mlantle Is leit than mile away The Surf llathlnr It evccllent. and the Celehratcd Dnytona llrach n ouartrr mile wide. 30 miles lonii and aa bard as macadam, Is unturpasscil formntiirlnr New Trolley Line to Uracil Coif I Inks Modern and kept hotels idler accommodations to meet nil conditions, from the eonv enlences of tho nandsomrly unpointed M rtropolttnn lintel to the more atmosphere of the family bouse. Prices nre vlltnln the reach of all, . or runner iiirnrniauon, nonuicxs, etc.. aunrrsa Capacity :VI lis) Ihe U ihe I'olinetlii a'l Hotel hrhiilldt MJ Ihe llnirard 73 the 1 6 Hamilton ;ii l.jndhiirtl U) liourht without rhniicr. titop-o- ll privilrireinay had. desired, without additional "On Sim on M.il.ilnr llorlda'i Only rirrcrsel Brsorl Hotel Hotel Clarendon Senbreezc, Daylona Station, direclljonlbe OceanandinetarnoniBcacu. Golf(0 ineuest Tennls.Mnlnrlnr.Horaebnekltidinf, MAGNOLIA SPRINGS HOTEL Maunnlla Npr'nut I'lorlda. from t. Uolf, Tennis, KUIilnr. HFlm-min- e manly .sports, nanrlnt, Hates Ul-U- a Private baths HRAVBV HOt'Tlir.ItN PAltAIIISK." boils'' Adam. UTIIIj1! rlcheneli iioukui H'lBll Ii'jfT Klligab lli:I,t, IIKHIHTH, Now Tim Courses wllb (ireens. Ao., SAXTON, SIVK Country club present nine trnct road Part known golf club .vincKav, a former r golf club lliirdett, secretary. with excellent ground away n yards second hardest dinicult reach trees tni. uphill putting northwest llnrrla, Harris I.DIllllA. ConrU, ttc, WHEIIE Ilenehi Colonial Ausuauns, The tiitulnc a (Icenn quirt homrime Hotel ItfdBevvood Hotel Tourist Moriian llennet Oaks Lane Hotel Windsor I'lnes Prosper! Maunnlla HlllUins LA. Caparltj Delictum railroad be throuzh Ilaytona he . s free and all P. ilaj In leuiu ivou hid Hie rlnu he luid Mini or wnen ll'i nnu was booklet. KddrrM 11, II. con-- i was by mor pands nn In the the for If out Nnyes. Dr. of .1?r. the hill the for the tn In for rum, nnd well and ihe i i The i he Ihe ihe Iry Inn Ihe The ihe ihe i.iii in .no ni i IS TO nu M fill 40 """'"US i. ft i any may to or It com O li HOLT II CAIIOI.ISA. soutTTcarolina's PAJIOPS IlKSOHT The Kirkwood CAMHKN, H V. I.onc Leaf Pine Hell Completely appointed connected with Hotel and entirely cared for by hotel, T KHMPNIJ KUU.MIIHOI,., THE CAROLINA IITMMRIIVII.I.K, S. C. I'rltate balks; bestial s;stemi t practice holes far colters on pur own (Itrtis. Toorlne cars. Attractlss f:noods, Inrlung siirruuadliiis TllOlUfl It, UOOHR. UKUItCilA. Hotel Bon Air AUGUSTA. GA. Nor open. Why not spend your holidays ther T Two fln rolf courses, beau, ilful clubhouse, aacallant drlvlns and motor-In- c. abootlnf and, all nutdoor sports. Address C. C. TRUSS ELL, Manager. ST f.Y.tk lal.,fen-1Sa.,-7 HOTEL FRASCATI- - , III'.IIMUIIA Location Ideal Write for llluatrated book- let and trm A, PKNlflTON, Mnnantng Dlreetor. HOTEL BELIVtONT OVKItl.tlllKl.Ml HAMILTON 11 AltnOn. TUB MIIHT nni.ioiiTri'LLY HITL'ATI'.l) PA.MILY HOTEL IN TUB COI.ONT. TWKNTV At'HKH OP IlltUPVllfl. Large rooms, twin beds. Mnsle or In ult of private parlor, hulroom and bath Private telephonea, electrlo light and run-nln- i water throjghout Plnrat clay ten-nl- a courn In Itermuda PIHVATB PL'TTI.Vn ClttRnNS. Table supplied nllh freah Vfsetablea. poultry and eca from Ihn home farm, i:. II, 'AltI.1SI.I7. I'rnlirlrlor. ANo proprietor of The LP.IOIITON at Tolnt Pleaaant. N. J. AMERICAN HOUSE, new elran bin: roomn. central location. UluUTnu even nioJcrn Imnrnvement. uamiLiun n, t)(,,t culalno In all ltrmnrt.v. ror more thnn 21 years the American Ilniian management hta kept apate of the lilaheat Ideals and beat efntlency of Amar-Ira- n Hntela th tho revutt that tho Amer l''n Houje I the mod highly recom-Mienu- nioderala priced family lintel In Itermuda. It It a, centre of colony and offera an Idial realdence for winter tourliti. lte.rvatlon now for any part of the '"tcr A. PA.Mt'HAL. Proprietor. ISLE OF WHITE in Tilt: HAItllOIt OK HAMILTON Plrtt I'laea lintel. American Plan Ideally located on an Inland of sit aerea. thren minutes' rid by Private motor bo.Ua from the city of Hamilton Private bathing beach with the flneat all ibe-ve- bathing In llerintida Connerted to the bote' are a number of tmall prlvnto ImnfraioHa aet among the redar treea th which th lelaml l thickly entered. Thete nre tn be had by vleltora at the aame ratea as room. Ni (i. Hlt.Mll.r.V, Proprietor. 'Jt'HT I.IKK IHIMK" Thai t what natrons eay of THE ARGYLE , ItrrmudA'p nftml romfnrtabU and bt lorftt'tl e!rt lio(l Hpln'll1 room. iun-n- y )(rAndn, with frontici- - on Victor! Park, ii n up u ally fine rulstnr nnd restful nurmunilltiftii. 1Ut frnni so a Hay. I. (1. l'IKUC'K. Ilnmlllon. VICTORIA LODGE, Hamilton. MtUfttfil In Hu own (trouinln overlook. nc Miioria r.ric. While In close proximity tn tho Huilnet nml Hotel ner Hon. VI' toriA lolre I Icntlj- retired ro ennur quifi ami reit If. (.OltlHtN t Tr.HllItinGC. Pmprtetnr. Onble AdflresK! Ixlne, Ilermudn. Al,1,i;.VlIl UST IIUTUI.. Hamilton, cen tr&Uv loonted. heautlfiil lew. .ill Imrrovf rnenttt, Horn cjtnfortF. no br $13,00 up per wer k, tnpiruy bv. W II HlUMtai:, Prop. GOTO AT MM lit w I n l . . . I l ,.t- - '. I at B- -l l' A uwi o . v.. i. 1 a of N. cast n NFAV JKItSKV City. beach wilh iheery ncc the f and EuratK at 13.00 110.00 up plan etoani heated baths, tnbl. or J P rol'IT. CITY. N Jj & HO.NB HOTEL Una table, tor rates, mid pencil JJth 3t0 A K MAIIION MAV J. lu the trtnvea, well kept drives, rrrens tennis courts. Is hole coif ronrsr and teas. l' II II of New Mgr. 1 A i..i,. UJL K. K, isl'AMIK.NIIKIIO. Mir NKW ljke Zaks T.rk. THE BERMUDA A Flrst-Clmi- s Family Hotel vnlk wharf of S. S. Livery in Connection. A. McNICOL, Prop POINT Pl.HASANT Ilnmlllon, llermmla Surrounded on threa alilea th wltera of Hamilton Harbor, anacloua jnd auu only three nilnutea walk from wharf Kucellent table, all convenlcncea, Iloatlnr and at the door, tl.OO to 14.00 per day, Hend for booklet. JIIIIN I. ri'TTKII. Proprlelor. NEW Eagles Hotel a Acre of Land Hathlnt, Aak lor at Dock Write for Only European Hotel in Bermuda If you not acquainted with Itermuda and Itermuda hniele. aund your trunk, to tho M:V vVlMiMHt and inaka tha hotel headi)uartrra you have nvar tho ltireo of uttractlve plan huu.cn and have a hotel Centrally located lu the heat realdenlliil .rrtlon of Hamilton. A. Mlioltf:, Proprietor. of The Nanlatket Maka, "CKKAnHLItST" llnnillton, llermuda. rKDAnill'ltMT la Park, within walk from Landing, Pot Ofnc and llutldlnK. The home ha. Improvementa. olTerlnir every coin, fori and com enlenco to Ita cueata, lofethar Hlth a II mt claaa table. K. C. Proprietor. INVERURIE HOTEL Mont atlrartlvoly located on Hamilton ll.in evtry and con- venience to h In lln...t American hotel, lleet table In Ml larre, outalde rooma with .plrndld of land and eea Conducted bv nn American lor Americana. and C. M Hamilton. MARCHMONT HAMILTON, IIKKML'IIA. "THE AltlHTOC'HAT OP IIUUMUDA'S WOULD," Itatea on Management of r.IKH ,lll .VU'HTEn (formerly of New York BERMUDA Restful Iile of lovclineii. oflcring all outdoor tportJ. .'fll 'll in ?l iv fend lor brautituiiy iiiuitraiea uermuaa uov louruu uuiae e7 and Circular ihowin Induiive Tourj Rates, TWIN Fmi A W SCREW JUP JLu JLA-J- L' JL JLJkiT JlltS rVCIV YOHK aVEftY WCDNCSDAV faslest.M'HVSt ancf only Steamer hiding passengers witfout transfer IlellehtfBl crnl.ei. about .ew S.S. "CUIANA'J Wcol IINUlCO .all. from New Vork I'eli. Mh. Apply to A. tlnlerbrldite Co At cnu, Uuebrc h. M. :., l.ldM n H'wayJ. Y. ni,I UOK Ml, it.i. ft ii way w n... iurnni level AVer I 17 M C Beauty Spot VILLL, 11 L.The Land of Sky On vast plateau in the Dluc Ridge Mountains Western C. Delightful climate (driest of Rockies) with tonic that red blood in your veins vigor, vitality in your body. Purest from 11,000-acr- e city-owne- d wi.tershed 20 miles away. Sparkling sunshine, blue skies; motor with National Highway; horseback trails; every form indoor and outdoor sports, including Golf on sportiest 18-ho- all-tu- course In South. Stop-ove- r privileges on all-ye- tourist tickets to all points south. For write GROVE PARK INN, finest tourist hotel in the world; BATTERY PARK HOTEL, C. K. Railing, Prop'r, formerly with Plaza, City; THE MANOR, in large pnrk; tho LANGREN, fireproof; MARCO TERRACE, delightfully homelike. For illustrated Ashevllle booklet "A" write N. Buckner, Sec. Board of Trade; or to SOUTHERN Premier Carrier of the South. ALEX S. THWEATT, E. P. A., Fifth Ave., Cor. 29th St. NEW YORK Vtlanllo Open all .ear Providing ever modern appointment t.iK"thar Unit eoinfurt unary In thorough enlortalnment Winter spring up dally, weekly, Amerhftii 100 front roomn. private nun parlora, t evenlne dlnnera. Uiestrn lUvoklet mailed "iffiSlborousb- - ATI.ANTIO JOSIAI1 VVIUTU COMPANT. BOSCOBEL TuXr"' llaths, tlavator, Writ aperUI booklets, menu touvrnlr aeason. Papiulty JKItMKV laikeviood. Laurel-in-The-Pin- es LAKEWOOD, N. Ieatisl terldcutlal fectlon. Surrounded by pine lake-sld- o walks nnd M'l'KHIOIt fPl.SlM! Prlvato piittlnir and Pally eoncerts Ilrnrhcd by Jersey Fr.ink F. Sliuto, BARTLETT INIVI PRICES. PLAN H UflLWOOO, MODERN HOTEL With a homelike atmorpherc. i..t,,D VOUK lleorg. JTOIIT WILLIAM HR.VnV HOTEL, Ww KENWOOD HOTEL HAMILTON, Three minutes' from New York Lines. 1IOTF.I. by veranrlaa. parlora, ateamera bathtnr Kate. Nest H.hlnn. Tennle, Onlf BERMUDA $15.00 Week Purler booklet. New Windsor Plan are your until looked number Amer- ican eelected per- manent A. .VI. ormcrly Horkljnd llouir, altuated oppoait vic- toria live nilnutea' Hleamer f'hurchea, all Public all modern (iUKNT. Harbor. romfort found llermuda. vlewa Itatea boukleta from JOIl.NBOS, 1IOTKL application American JEAN flty). Lowcit "OTTOlrVf FROM Sudan. COlC'tni America's AOOti the mountain-circle- d puts vim, water ronds connecting hotel rates New York RAILWAY 264 ALBEMARLE elevator, SBtenMm Oaorc. HKIIMPDA. Now Open Hamilton Hotel Bermuda Larcest and Leading Hotel l ine ii Hour Hall from Now Tork. New York Office, 389 Fifth Ave. Tslcphaa U.rrsj Hltl I M0 WESTMEATH Pembroke, neur Prlneeaa Hotel and half way between that and the (iolf l.lnkai 10 mln. walk from dock. 7 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dlntnr-room- . ele, elec lUht, hot water, flower cardans, tennis I'ourt vcrnndas. Purnlahed nswly, with good beds, rattan furniture, complete outtlt of silver, sluts, china, linen, blanketa and kitchen ware. MIIS. HltOSVKNOK TI'CKKU. HAJIIXTON. HONCT IIOUHKH I'llll 1IKNT. Situated nn shore nf Hamilton Harbor, larce house and 3 cot- - i sues in crnunas, name, tin-nl- cardens; elecplnj porrt and hnthttis; house PALM It I lie, I: rnarinlnitly loratril on harbor flinre: 4 master and 1 lied room a; tsielva nilnutea drive from tovov brautltiil views: Ideal so. bathlnc iLi:.MI1lt Altraetlvr modern 5 or a master and 2 servants verandas: near Prln ccsn Hotel, comfortably fur- nished. Post of coltae-re- larire and small for rent, MILS tiHCWVr.NOIl TUCKKH. Hamilton. Cable, Tcucro, llermuda fOll IIKNT HEIlMUnA. Spacious two-stor- y dwolllnK I.ar draw. Inn room, dlnlnir room, sltilns room, rn tries, kitchen five lire- - bedroom,, bath- room, servant1 rooms, Ac stables tennl court. Facing Hamilton Harbor, with wharf and boat liuuso u mln fmnl. 1C nlnat; ' rtrlv to town. Tor terms apply I. B. II UOSI.I.NU, lUinllton. Jleim 'da. Tslspnous U J'atst er t: Hamlltoo. .I 9f '.i i ' ', '! I ' I,

r m U .i THE KENWOOD - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1915-01-17/ed-1/seq-17.pdf · i x the sun, sunday, january 17, 1015. 4 i7 advertising golf

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THE SUN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 1015. 4 i7



E.I. .Miiimhi Ileitis Ills KM low Knickcrlmckcr Country Club Is

tSuotoiiitiii in Final Hound Nnmc Chosen Donnld Hoss

for Tlllc. Lnys Out Course.r"


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'i fi'l-'i- l qualify It. O. Ilaulwlilof s. ork inn l Will C Iror of Sulls- - j

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tlitflntt Viltatiiu

HOME won

llnn-lnil- l He eenoften Ohio quick acquittal

announced that the cnsiiI IMS

dav ' Manageruntil cordannounced

Kohl, only inges l',1. examined,the'... have been liliulc. ,,,nln rrpresentoil


with able,A .1 West cuds after








spite attructlons Itit Vnrl.

il for









won the




thewastwo ch



tho but



'n V', that ..f, appearance the timemuni on the home grounds, so that the

iMij ihould have n most successfulwajni, in the financial department. Tho

March Army West Point.April 3. Lafayette at Knston ; 7. Hum-tita- n

at New York; ColumbiaColumbia. 14. John't at. New York:17 Stevent New York Mlddlebury

t New York. 24. ftutgers at New York:!, at Hobokcn.

I. Trinity Hartford: 5, Con-nect! nt Aggies New York f. Ilutgersat New llrunswlck : 1 1. Wesley-Jl- i

13. C. C. New York:U. It P Troy: Mount SaintJueph at New York 22, Crescent A.' C.it

Juno o. Swarthmore at York.


!teT itrL Llev May for l"n-i- ii

llnllfnx Cricket

AsMi nnon. but definitelyiiitil the





Isl.inil 'rips itlonVprll Witurdav,



hundl-- n


IIS.-- In

Illoomlleld Hun



,rl-,- .



portnb Thompson

SI! m U .i

clultl hclnK 1 1 1 fur new Knickerbocker toiintrj- - Clubwhich Imvr iiIiip of conrnr mill)' In (hp prlnK.




Mill"- - Session mill I'lentyof Onilot'v.

ACriTTAL IS lMlOliAltliK

After hearlliR another hatch of evi-dence ycMterd.iy lu the eharKCs made

! Ad.urm oxplnlned ylniply offdefence champion Jumper,

the reRlitrailon eornmitlee .Metro-politan Association A.

Its deiisioii lis whether ornot Adams hypothecated prizesuntil time as in, of evidence

liear.i Tile secondthis drama "The Amateur andI'rlnes" nln Red In the Milldlnc

American Impress CompanAssoclnllon at Madison ave-

nue formerly homeNew Yacht and In the

room tried that theNew Yolk Yacht Club discredited theehaiKos made tuitir.ivctijcalnut handlers of Pcfendcr,which America's i up In lx'i".

Tlie .Hhlillonut evidenceserved to strengthen the

spectators the first hearlnK lastWcdnes-day- , that charges badIrumpetl up prosecuted mineprivate spite ibsiie to purifyathletics. At no time any tilted

'v 5 n'p,mer,rii!r'; i-- yTi"rw: ',,I'",ir,Ire"i,?.Viat change phases

vo. Jl. jcontra- -

t itrtiltthml li fttulother matters

imrlmlnate In cirtum- - ilrcc( I.IUInic....... ImnortaiitNINE GAMES FOR N. Y. U. trophies the champion were pro- -

oueeii tne sothere some surprlfo among the

spectators who made their mindsmi I'lclil. a verdict of when

Tt,. vr.i-1-- ii,,i,r,iM. hinAi.li tbc committeefor yetter- - w,,uld go over

In""--Jrtr' .""lf"

V .md Hwartlunorecn Held- -

Adams thead games with Seton i,"""51" " . , ',.,"ill,' iiuiiiii iiuii- -

The veai-o- opens on March .11 r,lt HHuatlon In an manner, theof the counseln - Point the

e'OM the

iiiiiui-i- i

wlthHwanhinore frei.nent.y time withof features He

iViir tho intercollegiatesl.L.r" V. first of mem

ithMiiln31 nt

10, nt

: 22,

StevensMm nt

at :

atN. Y. nt

I ut 13.:

n.iy ItldgcNew


cnon a Cup.










born the N'W York C. tinOne Itohort Stoll, the Johnstren: Jeweller, who the

Hetherlngton, the well known nnm-tc-

ikioI pl.iir, Martin TWaterman, who Is by, Ailnnus

friends for therge.t.

Waterman was baiull'd without gloves.lore Mahoney. both In

summing attacked thocredibility the and Insistedthat tho deep engi-

neered Waterman In following outhit iUterinuiutlon to get even withAdams because of some fnncled businessgrievance. The lawyer Adams didnot mince words, and nfter adjourn-ment vvns taken thero talk legalproceedings the wlt- -

nessea by Watermanhoney for the tongue lashing received illtlio summing

ii,.i,i. oi.tlm that Adams had soldrings to and Schenek made at the

Philadelphia, the stronghohl of cricket .,'i ishIoii. it eh.irc.il yesterdayAmsrlrn, will the dom- - credited toopen trlt ip j,aj t,Vl1 prize cups

h mittdde of town m.c(iunt with Htoll. here that'earns to famous cup com- - ;cw York A. C. men crinio intomi .'Inn. and New York probably will nnjight. Waterman testified thatreiiresfnted In the series this year. This , , i...v!,ii,, i.een on a commlt- -


erles Hen usCricket rr exhibition

not heof









of ltd ntHit


of A.




was of




anil nywa.t


vi.. of te.ttl- -

for theIluril. I.iri


forof A.of


his of


plot b'cn


whs ofby

.Ma- -'





gaveopening M.uonirome

1012 not prlzetfor' competition management

them exchange themthey witncii. .vinnnei.,ii one


AduniHwhen Mahouev

"'i,w. he Any


.Aftv. my-- p.- -

Architect' ilrnvvlnu;

iliiltr bore HtuUnient lie ilenleiluhwlutrly the nllrKi-i- l ronverKiitlon withKtoll reKuril to nieilalu that Olytilt hadtentllleil to been leal'

who did not illnnKIRIIt.

AdaniM fald thatwax willing to iidnill that w.

with hint on oi.e or oco.ihUiiiii thatvlnlted Sjoll. The wrltlnit mi the "tub

of the check by (llynn, "ItlncI ," he tliTWht. not been madelit time check drawn. AhIjciIwhy ho Klven preienln pair

IIiiUh iIiib illynn tho nth.that at time he Imlcbteil

to him what hethe leather trade.

order Hhow Ail imw waxthe nthletlc hu Is Kiid to Thorn

llHWtlouril til ai to bin wcutiliK KliikeilIn loiniH'tltloii tho

Church lloufo anivn, where Kplkex werenot ullowed. then iiIiIIIIiik In huff.

rfCHliivt Adanm also llvtrnlm; that he



sp'kes when untitled, toW prncIn which he sllppiil

hlmcclf and wltlidrew for thatThere was Hash of humor

on the pari of the nccu'cil athlete whenThorn Kently askul him If diddo (Ulte hiKlncxs selling thlm;s.

'It tcplleil Adams."You aulnnii'blleV" iiuerled

the i.ouuel, referrltiK to tho one thatSchenrk's father Isuiirht. hut notpaid for. "No. 1 Jul dlspoM.il of that,"wilt the reply of Adams.

In summlni; up Thorn cave connlder-ulil- e

ttttenth'ti to tho Incident the tilp.tInsisted Hint In the main

illviin. Scheiick and Thehnerwas Mitltliil to cred. Mahoney'.tmale.' strok" wot tho paintlliK of theKlorlous cane" of as an athleteIn kIowIiu; words Then he sahl thecommittee: "You believethat Incomparable athlete wouldhit pat, present futuie (jlorlet In

athletlci for the sum of $fi "

nap114 direct


wltmsse.t on that might rlrrnn Hull I'Ibtto for I'lilliulelphinut....tll Ik.

ludnc'sub-- 1







When Connie purchased Nill.ajolc from the Nnp.t recently to

the vacancy cieatcd by the sale ofCollins the White fox, con-

ferred great f.ivcr upon vtiranbringing to

IV mi's ton for which I.artyliking ever since ho been playingIdc; league hall.

present I.ajulo's home in uhurb.,1... l,.rd I...U r.il-- ......- -

many acres the ettute of John I

ltockcfeller. When basohall seasonIt Lurry retires tlie swluslon of

Unil him defending his own) his nnd spends hit idswitnesses. the new whs homes. good farmer.

In of these would Ithe





was called


admit out,,,'


not surprising If he moved Phlladolphin, for he always displayedliking for the town In which ho

committee, others icorso playitl In fact. Larry sal.l In iinswerho liked



of witnesses






to question as to which cityhi st

"Writ. have travelled considerably1he that have been tho

leagues have In manycities, but the I like best of IsPhiladelphia. people there seem tobo easy to get

with. Some of my best friendslive there at home every timeour club visits the city.

"1'nless happens to changemy mind, when the emirs forto the baseball uniform nnd

from is my Intentionto open gends store In Phila-delphia, because I realize that cangvod that city above all



llrnsniiis C'npliilii llnreljlit Vlitnlcliilr Svv limiiera.

Montc'laiii. N. Jan. 16. MoutclairSchool swimmers triumphed

the Krasmus Halt amphibians Hrooklynthis afternoon In the closest dual meet

iras announced at inn annum ineeunii oi te(J ju ,urrhnsii cup ior i,o scholastic fleason, winning by(h- - New York Veteran Cricketers Asio. cll.,taln of the Tuesday Night ling f )nBiP ,mnt. The score was 27 to 26

hid at the Hotel Hermltago (,,u)) of ,he jj. A. C. They went to T1)c niatched. but tooiniRv n Invitation was recflved from st.JI or purchased a cup for ,VJS expected of dipt. Hubertsynney voung, secrctao me .fso- - nrcordlng to vvaierman. niuu sum of i;r!1inu.elated Cricket Clubs of Philadelphia, ..too,i jdm" lfc. which had allowed; rnit. Long won events besidesuuig the willingness of the Quaker ()r ,.r,.,iiti to Adams's account. The two swimming as anchor on tlie relay

commiiiie to admit New York eleven, ,a,i KOrK to Stoll Wednesd.iv which he again tin tight theh,eh although will b In every sense (.0nllrm the conversation, after .;n,,ius colors homo llrst. As much

thoroughly representative team from ,i0iB so still ritalned tho Idea that the perilled upon the final event, the 100'hi vicinity, must play under the nus- - cu,, i,fcI1 credited to Adams. HWlm, Capt. Long consented to enter, butplret of the Veteran Association com- - . slmnle explanation was made this xv ,.t,,n for premier honors by fourmlitee was appointed to handle the mat- - (.r(.Uinstnuce when AduniH went on tho f,,f.l t)V Talor, the crack swlmimr ofter stand He said tho ui so'" ne .Moutclair. Taylor Had the turrit of the

P t pot Kr tint the veterans . had lieen received nun i.mk well In hand, vvua decidedrr.v tho h.i'iiplnnshlp of i w,n nnother for his brother a.

iie York New Jersey ,. Un which theythis will

tiled tout incctl"C thooimiriitlee.













at the of the NewarkIn were





Bald the felt






l'reiichm.in Williamhas





oncethe ;




fed i

somethingtime me




yes- -$S.t

two I





ndvuntnce. prevlmmlythe In the fifty

Wkiiincitos', 16. Thein the cillery rifle

,,.,,i reeelviil four Uir oniietltlona to iletertnine. the clubIn hit ..hamplonahlp ..f thevvearliiKhe vvunof Willi ,..,,. r.tn,urk.ihln l.v IhoKo miillvu. . ... i, i.t.- - . , ill, .tt I,... I l?len li Vi un HUllie

, ,o. f.n in nh il'it.i V'.?.; rpfuHlnir 12 offeied lo him It. burn expertH. With the total poiHlblo'Hie m.irnpnlltan mi ,,,,,,, wc,,t tu Hrotlier lien. aeiire nix BCiiren

nor. ii, nfu reported Ii. i .i.nt the cups thnn 95U points, two of themi' , tur mi'i learn ehmn. i pr'.o wit Hiaienieni ,, ,,in rini, nf r'lovoii.n.itf .1

i 'm!"












'' "am

of of

lege a

Tits fnr an exhlhltlull ''the lURh RftMen II. Marin .. fr0ni I.. V. Ppper"'. lropri- - ijhln, the urh 'JrldKiPort.

- t fn-- ehen. , lllin, and ;inin. ni.imnK ": 'Hn o .he prim ufier .i .hoorollt' "r' from II. Ilobert- - CI tiff. 991. the Club of

'!.. !;,.r.r,....:K ,,r,lho,u,!uh'9!," "ml th" n'8,r,ct "f ro,uml"aThe .inmr .oodnied In 'If .Imntort h.ippeneil to bo In lib'

".iiahi Htriny aber-- i hlilaliv ,,!,. 0r BlvlnR teKtlniony until lho' lr. Th nn ni. won I,r,,.,.iilon ntlenip'"'! to eapltai out llinii- - IV Hiiriia'a

- ",V" """" "' U' "'Of utter. r:?,lS..i,m,S,rt' .In... l.-(le- orKe Hurn. out- -

A'lllell I'tab't Trav.Mi- l. . . UCI'ier IH llie .sew nun '.innin, nun ir.I,.. idKh prim not R.'t eanetlon as the. i vvuh Jill- -( ,n f,

r ear,, M out of j i.th-- r in-- et hnwever rWeled P"-,- ercnKVa, of Krovvth therh" i I in- -. lull hold the exhibition. iimi.in nr hla imae The hnd

i;.,!lu"p ir.,,!h. defence H" "tate.l mslti v.'l th .,''! vvlth hl breathlPB. In to be Inlnu.i,tlon of New Verk liad never bouirht '' J ' , Uno for HPrllic itriiLtlen decldiil

If '' hnr ...










hold ihe nth .imiteurlop if nt rlty birds over

of rhe .lotsand on l

HI ,l HI l'.'inruinnir In

..unil who'll .l'.- the fthnotnlf for Die Iltcemlu.ewon tiin ink

in monthly prlaei ec mi thifc polm

I ei,.nl'' Mi J , a CO

ii "il on Hu- -

l' 'hi- - afternoon between I'ruiiI'er ,' I l.i,.. - ....

4" ii larael ahontI'olllns 21 e,vh.

i'von lln him handlr.in 11,1

ll - le.l'usiie a 90

I.oui of n of 18 is lestuf aied I, Thorhpsou in ti

Ii 'he traps nf ihe Wiiih.this afternoon.

















Adams againstnnd against




ugust These

they couldn'.'n

ritlek plnH,











I,.. rfll",








Cliibi lllvlifourth


Stntet tdiovv.t


dUtrict turned .ngunnei. betteri,.l,



nitlont! reoeivcuPolern KIukm Mill,

'I'iiUcii .Vote,

,t- .eri'idi )oi,i()hulnir fromIturn. crnwth

n, order




H to





or excliiiliKOU any exi e,,, "' lo the Humeon'" knife. Tliome.illon.d. thu 'I vvua comfortably

that th wm (ne ,,,,, f(,r S(,V(.raired had be.'.i rnli .

Mr. Thorn wanted m onTint the pain thai iney

were property that lieloimhlered bin word

had tever.il in atnrehe look Ihe rd.uul and

here Is. nun I'.inin io ut,cvi,,


eleineiituryto U. Villi n.v llllll lllin mo "'"1.I.Jan H th nr.. was In nart

,1.1- - e 'o '

I' r

v I Ja i .I



. .


for the been for a

his "'""v tllynn adinltled the


run till

Inthl.i had made i

even know

ho Olymi

heclveii him

the thehad

cuff and u tolote

for had told

Ill IhutIdol

thcxH a llronx

and itmid


reason. a

a In"So





toare asked to



I.oiikserve Hint


Mack no-Ic-


a theby him

had a

At a, nl niti .h, ... ,'




tohas n

balland were




I playing In j

big and I


more and they tire



cast aside,retire the game It

aI make





High over

a miiviun, u f aHoiv

Nation w,,rPnuu. Long

man I

a inand h

a yard

also ,. iKjw'lers which areenter

andlinir led

to ynrd nivlin.

.tlx Hide llul.e Seiuet.J.in

ncrlea tihoob

Ii Ho yeHter- --v,.. ax ....

ni,' virlou. foieterdi ...v.,.. ,.. elllbn

' were I

.i " " 'oi ,ind I.John k...r.1 .'lull rilin iiuinn mu

1(.nt W.


th t'TCA.

L a n )t n ,

.i i.,.. on He. a hony"" A I in Iron.

" andi. iho A h- - fettle h






VVUi:, V'i




mi, il,J lldwaril












' " aubinlt toAlnM hud ' ' patient rotl..K

vvlib him and whatever J i ,.,, ntnthleli' had puri'li for i

linn i.riiniii rJewolliT

Inn andeiioiich.








Hnalern lllatrlel IIiijh liiiniet,I'.ml.rn IHelilit IllRli Hi'hool will hnl 1


ItH nIxiIi .i.uiual Inihinr meet next Hntur-afternoon nt the Km-t- seventll Ilearl

Arinorv. nrooitiyn rne teiitiiruiifk him any itientio.i relation wm tlp ,nP Mey relay rave open I

ainnteiir iMreer.'' In direct ,( .,ljnir an.l prlvnto hlKh and prepMild that ihn rlnu which I. ytin letdl-- ,

rhooIll, Thero also he two fpeelallied hnunlit for $11 had been Riven lt,U)11 for tw nchool hoye.

linn i

N At f, i i ..I.I.I. illinii hnd K.ild!,., n...r.1..,. "111." '.

elns i


hud pairof which



















told of

1,000,lll- -




he willhe had

i t





. lilliKle ItolltI'lCSbV I'Vl.l.H, N

p II I it frnrr..1 Jan IB, Tho

add willed oeen in eviiieiiL'ti mono rivnuui uo ...it. uu in , ,oilnmt H.ild he een It before, the y Kyinrmrliitn. Trcnml.io and

ilo howcvi'r, Mold n anlltolrx rlnp to of Kinijbley (coredBchenck for1 a. friend, Henry Hohwlnd, who point. .



Nov lei- - Mitrksitipn Hit nt Welt nnMlinritsliiinterM nn Mevrltth ItntiKe.At the, weekly meeting of the Seventh

lleglment ltllle Club helfl on Krldly even-tu- g

mi the armory ranger high murkswere made In nil cs matches. In thenovice class cup contest the werethe same nt In the sharpshooter class. II.ll. Hutchinson of Company H led In thoslinrpfhoDler cl.tts with 66, nnd II. W.Ilurniught of Company G In the noviceolats with tho same score.

Considerable Interest shown In theopining match of the fire clnss cupcnntet. A. It. Icavllt of Company I)and I'. 17 l,.mgwnrthy of Company Ohave ! P. W. Allison of CompanyA Is one point behind. The match lamore of nn exiwrlmeul In the tournament,but from all accounts It will bo popular.

A challenge lias gone In from Company,K for the Abeel trophy. The match willho held during the of January 28.

The scores :

liM.ert 'la- r- V. 15. I.nn iiMhy, C'omrnvfl, JJ 31 . !.. C Itutler. Cunipiiiy K, 33,3J 81, A. II. I.esvltt. Company L, 33. 3u .

Stntrptliootor- - II. ll, Ittitchlnsoii, Company11, 37. 34 -- c, W II. Taller. Cnnipnny K, 30.3f. i: VV II llnrlun. I'ompunv A, 2i. 35---

N'n Iri' China--- It VV. llurrnughs, CompnnyC. 31. jr. S. I' lirrnen. cnmiuny O, .11,31 l.i. M. K Crnmer. Cnaipany M. Jo,

Wlnnera of I'lral r.ntry Prices IZtpertelnna. P. 17. I.iingworthy. Company (!, 3.1,

h'irt9hiiittcr. It. n, lliitchlann,Cotirptny II. 30, nnvlre rlaaa, it. E.I'Hniir, Ciimpinv ,M. J". 34 SI

Leading Seoret In Tlilied l'lre Clan CupMatch No. I Unpen clam. A II. Leavltt,Company P. 35. SI--- 4: P R.Company O, St, 24 4J; P. W Allison, Com-pany A. 34, !l -- 4.

Hhnrpahontr--- It. Itarton, Company A.24, 2.. 41, II. (i. Itutehlimon, Company It,SI. JJ 17. W II Taller. Company F. 21.M 47

Novice clas n V. Ilurrouxh, CompanyC. 70. 2144.

IImioIIIoii llusbey Crltlcnlly III.SriiiNnriKU), (ihlo, Jan. 16. Hamilton

rtiishev. a well known turf writer. It crltl- -

eallv III at the home of his brother, MayorT. A. Iliisbey of South Vienna, thiscounty

.Mr. Ituabey. who has been winteringhere, attended the meeting of stewards ofthe Crnnil Circuit at Detroit on Tuesdaynnd contracted pneumonia. Ho Is 75yearn old.


HWf '!'



'Ihe llesplandI'rlnre lieorue ISO




Hit East Coast." Located

holts, colcotirsps in tne anuini,

sen rininr, nuomeiInformation, Hin vvay.r.





Ilry, daliihrloua cllmatei

weekly. I


"(ini.l'Kllr)'he t from reuuru lvltiRKie rietiooi minuet n.iii fMUHBTt lM7

to alH eayiiHt virtorv y win JLAU ffjiiari'ii usitivu.

had neverbad, I r.fly.three







PAIlt ri.A. Open,tlolf Turf l'uttln.

Par Infonnnllon.


The Knickerbocker Club Is anew golf recently organized Vlth' ft

course In Tonafly, N. .1. Thin lies nearthe Tenneck llldge ami ntsluts of holes In n sltti' n;rilyitifr between Knickerbocker nndTennfly road, of tho course Is hillyand part Is Hut. It laid out Donaldltbss, thfc well profeslonalnrchltcct. Thote arc nt presentIhnn 100 members, and If tho ex.

Is expected nil nddltlonM trnctof sixty-si- x acres to the west of thoKnickerbocker road will bo employed toenl.irgn the eourso to eighteen holes.

Tho leading spirit formation of11- .- - 11 .1 I . O M. t..l.nAnil" vniii in ii,iii unil . . , .iiiii.iit ntiwi.il i

miner, me imp ijoiihki waspresident of Stock Hxchango

and a prominent philanthropist In Kngle-woo- d,

llis son l.t proceeding on some-what the same llne.s, as ho has ilrrnnged tomake the possession of the property nneasy nnd Inexpensive nmlti the

It puis us he expects. Theolllcers of the club are Daniel W. Kvnns,president : P. ter K. !uryet,

P. II. treasurer, nnd CJIlberttf. These .mil eightother men re trusties. They arc Mnlcolm S. .Mnekny. V. II. Noyet. J. H. V.Lnnsllig, J. Hugh Peters, William Kver-del- l,

Jr., fleorge A. Zabrlskle, HerbertCoppell and Krederlck Snare

Tho nine holes nt present laid out makea course 3, til yard. The Hint hole Is

varils long and Is to the south of theclubhousii through .1 fairly narrow fair-way, with rough vn right nnd trapsto the lert to a built up green, Thesecond holo Is down 3n yards,a second nhot tieross a brook to n welltrapped green. A taige tiee "lands directly In tho line of third hole, which i

It 365 yards long. Thin calls anuivurntely placed hooked tee shit and an

second to hold u green wherathe slopes sharply to theI. ft. The fourth hole Is u teverely tmppod I

nfTnlr of 136 vanls. The Jlflli Is 360'yards long, apaln down hill, with crossbunker iiIkjuI IK0 out and tha j

nhott ncrost the brook.The sixth holo Is one or the

on tho It Is 166 yards long, hutIt crosses a, dry ditch and u brook, while I

to the ft of the green Is tho main brook,which nms prnrtlcilly through the whole

. .. ,HU t ,1,,. I

course. ini'-- i nun ntart UiO yards make the seventh hole,which Is .isr. yards long, n twoshot hole. Tho eighth l.t tho longest. 475yards, cftlllng for ft mighty loo shot downgrade toward Hie brook, nnd a long anddtmcnlt second to u green sur-

rounded by nnd The ninthi.. iA ir.n vnr.la toin?. crosses brookonco more nnd npproaches abuilt up green, rne ciuonoiiK- - is

tho corner of the course.

Stnyvcsnnl llenls Tim iisemlStuyvetant High Sclifwd defeatitl Town-sen- d

Hall yesterday In n P. S. A I

luifcknllMll game at C. C N. V. by a scoreof 25 to 15. Kpecht and lierglind starred




Just think of it! No snow, No frostnone of that danip,dTirwln thillinea that we ao often yiperienc.,. i .h. . nir.ti. euiduiio Florida offers you bright aun- -

anuie. niuo axy ana an inn rmicrnimi u. uiiiihci .

THE LAND Or OUT O' DOOR SPORTfirnatrj Golf links and Prrfrct Trnnrs


Special program for the aaaaon.

Surf Bithiiti! SaUisi! flstlatl Rltlinf I Re.


St. Ancnatlnei PoncedeLeon and AlraiarHotel Onnond

Pnlm Brealieraand Itoyal PolnclanaMlnml ItoyalPalm

Itahniiiua i TheLone Ken - .An Ideal fiahlnr ramp

Havana. Cuba I Via Key Weat & V. A O. S. 3. Co.

EAST COASTFlagler Byatem

243 Fifth Ava., N. Y. 1M W. AdamiSt. Chicacasu r la. '. ,

1VM 1 UlNA.rrflk1 1 lar V1 a4IJ 1 W


Lirft'ii a mi





Constant Sunshine?



HALIFAXThe Prettiest Winter Resort World '

The Movt delightful Spot In Horlda IMvtona'a natural beautiesareuneipialcd In a of iincndlnir altractivencjs,

inu i unift'c is i;t)unuic never too mm im. i.,.". ..

liumlillty enmnion to winterHi re nut. ddiir lite mav hnenioved alike liv the old and younc, the In

valid or ihe must strenuously Inclined,





I rcr u.mu ciinccris iwicc uauy nu me uiver ironiThe llalltax Itlv er and ll trlbutarlea abound In Hull, unit both l.vme and kmoll

came mai be found In plenty wltlilu a nf (cw miles. The Mlantle Isleit than mile away The Surf llathlnr It evccllent. and the Celehratcd Dnytonallrach n ouartrr mile wide. 30 miles lonii and aa bard as macadam, Is unturpasscilformntiirlnr New Trolley Line to Uracil Coif I Inks

Modern and kept hotels idler accommodations to meet nil conditions, fromthe eonv enlences of tho nandsomrly unpointed M rtropolttnn lintel to the more

atmosphere of the family bouse. Prices nre vlltnln the reach of all,. or runner iiirnrniauon, nonuicxs, etc.. aunrrsa


lis)Ihe U

ihe I'olinetlii a'lHotel hrhiilldt MJ

Ihe llnirard 73the 1 6

Hamilton ;iil.jndhiirtl U)

liourht without rhniicr.titop-o- ll privilrireinay had. desired, without additional




llorlda'i Onlyrirrcrsel

Brsorl Hotel

Hotel ClarendonSenbreezc, Daylona Station,

direclljonlbeOceanandinetarnoniBcacu.Golf(0 ineuest



Maunnlla Npr'nut I'lorlda.from t.

Uolf, Tennis, KUIilnr. HFlm-min- e

manly .sports, nanrlnt,Hates Ul-U- a Private baths


HOt'Tlir.ItN PAltAIIISK."boils'' Adam. UTIIIj1!

rlcheneli iioukui H'lBll Ii'jfTKlligab lli:I,t, IIKHIHTH, Now

Tim Courses wllb(ireens. Ao.,



presentnine trnct


known golf


.vincKav, aformer

r golfclub

lliirdett, secretary.


excellentground away




reachtrees tni.













a (Icenn



Hotel TouristMoriianllennetOaksLane

Hotel WindsorI'lnesProsper!MaunnllaHlllUins



Delictum railroad be throuzh Ilaytonahe

. s


and all


ilaj In leuiu ivou hidHie rlnu he luid Mini or wnen ll'i



booklet.KddrrM 11, II.

con-- i

was by


pands nn

In the


forIf out














i i


i heIheiheIry InnIheTheiheihe

i.iii in









any may to orIt com




soutTTcarolina'sPAJIOPS IlKSOHT

The KirkwoodCAMHKN, H V.

I.onc Leaf Pine HellCompletely appointed

connected with Hoteland entirely cared for by hotel,



I'rltate balks; bestial s;stemit practice holes far colters on pur own

(Itrtis. Toorlne cars. Attractlssf:noods, Inrlung siirruuadliiisTllOlUfl It, UOOHR.


Hotel Bon AirAUGUSTA. GA.

Nor open. Why not spend your holidaysther T Two fln rolf courses, beau,ilful clubhouse, aacallant drlvlns and motor-In- c.

abootlnf and, all nutdoor sports.Address C. C. TRUSS ELL, Manager.


f.Y.tk lal.,fen-1Sa.,-7


, III'.IIMUIIALocation Ideal Write for llluatrated book-let and trm

A, PKNlflTON, Mnnantng Dlreetor.



TWKNTV At'HKH OP IlltUPVllfl.Large rooms, twin beds. Mnsle or In

ult of private parlor, hulroom and bathPrivate telephonea, electrlo light and run-nln- i

water throjghout Plnrat clay ten-nl- a

courn In ItermudaPIHVATB PL'TTI.Vn ClttRnNS.

Table supplied nllh freah Vfsetablea.poultry and eca from Ihn home farm,i:. II, 'AltI.1SI.I7. I'rnlirlrlor.ANo proprietor of The LP.IOIITON at Tolnt

Pleaaant. N. J.AMERICAN


newelranbin: roomn.central location.

UluUTnu even nioJcrn Imnrnvement.uamiLiun n, t)(,,t culalno In all ltrmnrt.v.ror more thnn 21 years the AmericanIlniian management hta kept apate of thelilaheat Ideals and beat efntlency of Amar-Ira- n

Hntela th tho revutt that tho Amerl''n Houje I the mod highly recom-Mienu-

nioderala priced family lintel InItermuda. It It a, centre of colony

and offera an Idial realdence forwinter tourliti.

lte.rvatlon now for any part of the'"tcr A. PA.Mt'HAL. Proprietor.


HAItllOIt OK HAMILTONPlrtt I'laea lintel. American PlanIdeally located on an Inland of sit aerea.

thren minutes' rid by Private motor bo.Uafrom the city of Hamilton

Private bathing beach with the flneatall ibe-ve- bathing In llerintida

Connerted to the bote' are a number oftmall prlvnto ImnfraioHa aet among theredar treea th which th lelaml lthickly entered. Thete nre tn be had byvleltora at the aame ratea as room.

Ni (i. Hlt.Mll.r.V, Proprietor.'Jt'HT I.IKK IHIMK"

Thai t what natrons eay ofTHE ARGYLE ,

ItrrmudA'p nftml romfnrtabU and btlorftt'tl e!rt lio(l Hpln'll1 room. iun-n- y

)(rAndn, with frontici- - on Victor!Park, ii n up u ally fine rulstnr nnd restfulnurmunilltiftii. 1Ut frnni so a Hay.

I. (1. l'IKUC'K. Ilnmlllon.

VICTORIA LODGE, Hamilton.MtUfttfil In Hu own (trouinln

overlook. nc Miioria r.ric. While In closeproximity tn tho Huilnet nml Hotel nerHon. VI' toriA lolre I Icntlj- retiredro ennur quifi ami reitIf. (.OltlHtN t Tr.HllItinGC. Pmprtetnr.

Onble AdflresK! Ixlne, Ilermudn.Al,1,i;.VlIl UST IIUTUI.. Hamilton, cen

tr&Uv loonted. heautlfiil lew. .ill Imrrovfrnenttt, Horn cjtnfortF. no br $13,00 upper wer k, tnpiruy bv.

W II HlUMtai:, Prop.





n l . . . I l ,.t- - '.Iat


l'A uwi o . v.. i. 1

a ofN. cast n



wilh iheery nccthe f and

EuratK at 13.00 110.00 upplan etoani heated

baths,tnbl. or

J P rol'IT.


HOTELUna table, tor

rates, mid pencilJJth 3t0 A K MAIIION


J.lu the

trtnvea,well kept drives,

rrrens tennis courts.Is hole coif ronrsr

and teas.l' II II of New




i..i,.UJL K. K, isl'AMIK.NIIKIIO. Mir

NKW ljke

Zaks T.rk.


BERMUDAA Flrst-Clmi- s Family Hotel

vnlk wharf ofS. S.

Livery in Connection.A. McNICOL, Prop

POINT Pl.HASANTIlnmlllon, llermmla

Surrounded on threa alilea th wlteraof Hamilton Harbor, anaclouajnd auu only three nilnutea walkfrom wharf Kucellent table, allconvenlcncea, Iloatlnr and at thedoor, tl.OO to 14.00 per day, Hendfor booklet.

JIIIIN I. ri'TTKII. Proprlelor.

NEWEagles Hotel

a Acre of Land Hathlnt,

Aak lor at Dock Write for

Only European Hotel in BermudaIf you not acquainted with Itermuda

and Itermuda hniele. aund your trunk, totho M:V vVlMiMHt and inaka tha hotel

headi)uartrra you havenvar tho ltireo of uttractlve

plan huu.cn and have ahotel

Centrally located lu the heatrealdenlliil .rrtlon of Hamilton.

A. Mlioltf:, Proprietor.of The Nanlatket


"CKKAnHLItST"llnnillton, llermuda.

rKDAnill'ltMT laPark, within walk fromLanding, Pot Ofnc

and llutldlnK. The home ha.Improvementa. olTerlnir every coin,fori and com enlenco to Ita cueata, lofetharHlth a II mt claaa table.K. C. Proprietor.

INVERURIE HOTELMont atlrartlvoly located on Hamilton

ll.in evtry and con-venience to h In lln...t Americanhotel, lleet table In Ml larre,outalde rooma with .plrndld of landand eea Conducted bv nn American lorAmericana. and C. M




Itatea onManagement of

r.IKH ,lll .VU'HTEn(formerly of New York

BERMUDARestful Iile of lovclineii. oflcring all outdoor tportJ.

.'fll 'll in ?liv fend lor brautituiiy iiiuitraiea uermuaa uov louruu uuiaee7 and Circular ihowin Induiive Tourj Rates,

TWIN Fmi A WSCREW JUP JLu JLA-J- L' JL JLJkiTJlltS rVCIV YOHK aVEftY WCDNCSDAVfaslest.M'HVSt ancfonly Steamer hiding passengers witfout transfer

IlellehtfBl crnl.ei. about .ew S.S. "CUIANA'JWcol IINUlCO .all. from New Vork I'eli. Mh.Apply to A. tlnlerbrldite Co At cnu, Uuebrc h. M. :., l.ldM n H'wayJ. Y.ni,I UOK Ml, it.i. ft ii way w n... iurnni level AVer

I 17 M C Beauty Spot

VILLL, 11 L.The Land of Sky

On vast plateau in the Dluc Ridge MountainsWestern C. Delightful climate (driest of Rockies) with tonicthat red blood in your veins vigor, vitality in your body.Purest from 11,000-acr- e city-owne- d wi.tershed 20 miles away.Sparkling sunshine, blue skies; motor with NationalHighway; horseback trails; every form indoor and outdoor sports,including Golf on sportiest 18-ho- all-tu- course In South.

Stop-ove- r privileges on all-ye- tourist tickets to all points south.For write GROVE PARK INN, finest tourist hotel in the

world; BATTERY PARK HOTEL, C. K. Railing, Prop'r, formerly withPlaza, City; THE MANOR, in large pnrk; tho LANGREN,fireproof; MARCO TERRACE, delightfully homelike.

For illustrated Ashevllle booklet "A" write N. Buckner, Sec. Boardof Trade; or to

SOUTHERNPremier Carrier of the South.

ALEX S. THWEATT, E. P. A., Fifth Ave., Cor. 29th St.NEW YORK


Open all.ear Providing ever modern appointmentt.iK"thar Unit eoinfurt unaryIn thorough enlortalnment Winterspring up dally,weekly, Amerhftii 100front roomn. private nunparlora, t evenlne dlnnera.Uiestrn lUvoklet mailed

"iffiSlborousb- -ATI.ANTIO


BOSCOBEL TuXr"'llaths, tlavator, Writ aperUI

booklets, menu touvrnlraeason. Papiulty

JKItMKV laikeviood.

Laurel-in-The-Pin- es

LAKEWOOD, N.Ieatisl terldcutlal fectlon.

Surrounded by pine lake-sld- o walksnndM'l'KHIOIt fPl.SlM!

Prlvato piittlnir and

Pally eoncertsIlrnrhcd by Jersey

Fr.ink F. Sliuto,




MODERN HOTELWith a homelike atmorpherc.i..t,,D





minutes' from NewYork Lines.






Tennle, Onlf

BERMUDA$15.00 WeekPurler booklet.

New WindsorPlan


your until lookednumber Amer-

ican eelected per-manent

A. .VI.

ormcrly Horkljnd llouir,

altuated oppoait vic-toria live nilnutea'Hleamer f'hurchea,

all Public allmodern


Harbor. romfortfound


Itatea boukleta fromJOIl.NBOS,







COlC'tni America's

AOOti the

mountain-circle- d

puts vim,water

ronds connecting

hotel rates

New York








Now Open

Hamilton HotelBermuda

Larcest and Leading Hotell ine ii Hour Hall from Now Tork.

New York Office, 389 Fifth Ave.Tslcphaa U.rrsj Hltl I M0

WESTMEATHPembroke, neur Prlneeaa Hotel and halfway between that and the (iolf l.lnkai 10

mln. walk from dock.7 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dlntnr-room- .

ele, elec lUht, hot water, flower cardans,tennis I'ourt vcrnndas. Purnlahed nswly,with good beds, rattan furniture, completeouttlt of silver, sluts, china, linen, blanketaand kitchen ware.MIIS. HltOSVKNOK TI'CKKU. HAJIIXTON.



Situated nn shore nf HamiltonHarbor, larce house and 3 cot- -i sues in crnunas, name, tin-nl-

cardens; elecplnj porrtand hnthttis; house

PALM It I lie, I : rnarinlnitly loratril on harborflinre: 4 master and 1

lied room a; tsielvanilnutea drive from tovovbrautltiil views: Ideal so.bathlnc

iLi:.MI1lt Altraetlvr modern 5 or amaster and 2 servants

verandas: near Prlnccsn Hotel, comfortably fur-nished.

Post of coltae-re- larire and small for rent,MILS tiHCWVr.NOIl TUCKKH. Hamilton.Cable, Tcucro, llermuda

fOll IIKNT HEIlMUnA.Spacious two-stor- y dwolllnK I.ar draw.

Inn room, dlnlnir room, sltilns room, rntries, kitchen five lire- - bedroom,, bath-room, servant1 rooms, Ac stables tennlcourt. Facing Hamilton Harbor, with wharfand boat liuuso u mln fmnl. 1C nlnat;' rtrlv to town. Tor terms apply I. B. IIUOSI.I.NU, lUinllton. Jleim 'da. TslspnousU J'atst er t: Hamlltoo.





' ', '!

I ' I,