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I. 1. ...M.

LEE' HARVEY O. u.ald Vol. V.11

5/12 tO Slant. Lit




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- Letterhead dated 11-13, ussorialised glitch was enclosure to Utter: 4 3 • to VP7s.

, Dallas, lee Orleans And inkornatioa treat Alarm falser

t 'Oswald 57-411, Shen working with i la So hints mild like to kill President

bls-"enpIeitati of seekift p.opls.". -

• ' "

ors& The KM is

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ftW47-f-74-77--- '•: • - * - . !!, SEE IIKVERSI SID: CLSSICTLOa ACTIOt


Cali:1.711:G Sr.


Classified by 0-1Y

Declassify on: OADR

100101LUSX11 TO D. MIK= 3-13-64

tIle between serials SD so1 - The tollowisig an items net isterat, !La .110_0,1141t4> FA,

Serial SO - 'Teletype to Dallas 11-312 speaks W imiespossis aarianiiV 4Y

mentaarierPcc. teruf NI

re, aim lork, close• eINPY of

- '0 -

to Sullivan prepared by oar/ at assist VC. s, • .::‘..-e- : ' 4 , -4


i . . • ee . 4 • 14' ,

lips Test aed Natal: suedes ._ •• -... .. -

. .. _qailkia?) b.*

■ • 11-33 lame Iowan 44) Delnont, /lineerialiii■d• se Asaraisinntion with 3 American defector. dosing aroma gars one Of shoo V..


retrulli, renounced his eitisenship 1-3-19, retsfnedtoi • . g• --1 -' -t-- .: . 11-23-119, Director oossents that le Smoot understand rimismObsi Itit 4

sitiseaship by retinal' and State Department allowing Ms to Vreturn to D. S. on 9-22.

11-33-SSsenarandlas usserislimed.. Thie

• - • V. 4-•

Seattle teletype $dentities istessant

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s source 0 s.ew York letter 7-5-63, which is the product

mewl , Oswald's ',otter to "ilbs Worker" O-16-011 Or


DC osure

at the *auras

• ,

leisure swan Von Orleans 11-9-63, thiah identifies

aissdos wafidestial r.:41 as a source of laformatisa 1phol rogusstOil #04T

,1 • of.17 4

• 114'_,%:- 'milli aeon 1145-43

S 0:14E11

Sm. 'bet teletype sat

: it 114:43-;,.1- 4

,Ift •


;_: atrial 54 Letter iriskw Orleans UAW enololiss 47 itelie t • •• Dow Orleans ill.* (intro-office) which vesee cot

'...Z.31(." x.111L/11111Lillr

ilesorandys Griffith to Conrad 11-15 r Asoassimaties, set . '- lberialimod. Deals with study of photograph of rills isatossessisi of Oswald and states that sus is picture is similar is all ranmato and 'possibly depicts the murder stapes. Director ccomionts cceolusion was practically %melees. _ 0 : -- -i




-44,44144; '

Tos. latter mhos specildc /*fermis to tolopbene'eall res Assistant Director Jars N. Oslo The 11 oselcsoresp-:-..:4-

all serialised as aortal H. anal 7-5-63, and

)This is *non

PIN PIE *--11 r1"7", '77111

e!, '04^ f":4. ;4 vs t

• ,t....1 ';"! 41:- • ' .s.Virzo * A


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Serial ST - Bureau teletype sa shows anonymous source at INC

• •

41;.. •


Memorandum Wannall to Sullivan 11-215, not serialised, re PFCC. Shows anonymous mourns at PPM Wimp, Mew Sift.

• 1".. re' 1"- 4- -.2.••••• -ar • pr -* • . .

Dallas 11-$3S.Areto es.rilleirY:- , Meadqoarters, New Ilkorli. , ••-;'' :

. , e

- ,, _,..„,_,... .-fib- :,Ar.., * 'w ,.. - '-f-.9. ' ,- - ..

Serial 111 is 11 -21 Mraaigan to Sullivan &IRO re Assaasinatiss/4f

- . Se ir. !truer, reviewing Oswald lavestigatisa, Mr. Tolima mks 4611

tieSedis rah

_ ym

aep nn au rives gation )

did not contain this information. b


• e • • - -

Tart 11-27 re MOO, unser/slimed. SetersIka-' 7,,-A probably anonymous soars* at 'WC Seadvaxiss14- _ .


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0 •

IINNIONft lees ND. /0 1811••••1116



Memorandum r0ktrinF_NTIAL1.= tr t Yo A. B. Belmont

V. C.. Bullivaa .

DATE: S-13-64

1 - DeLoach 1 - Sullivan 1 - Malley 1 - Branigan



In accordance with your request for information concerning

defectors to the Soviet-Sino-bloc nations, the following inf raat

is sot forth: Classified by

By memorandum dated February 28, 1964, a separate file

captioned as above was opened in order to correlate into one tile

the identities of persons who detect to Soviet bloc countries and th

return to the U. S. Most pertinent indicia of disaffection would

be (1) renunciation of U. S. citizenship (2) seeking citizenship

in a Sino-Soviet-bloc country (3) repudiation of or expressed antipathy

'for the U. S. or (4) extended residence in a Soviet-bloc country because

of preference for the communist system. Prior to February 28, 1964,

the cases involving defectors were handled on an individual basis.

When we receive information that an individual who was living

in Soiriet-bloc country returns to the U. S., we notify Secret Service

and put that person on the Security Index unless there is a specific

decision made at the Bureau not to include that name on the Security

Index. Prior to the assassination of President Kennedy we did not

disseminate to of the



Regarding defectors to Communist China, 21 American servicemen

chose to remain there at the end of the Korean War. Of this number

one died in China, 12 returned to the U. S. and the remaining number

are still in Communist-bloc countries. We investigated each of the

12 returnees and one was determined to be a Belgian citizen and he

d home. We also have a pending investigation of

a former member of the U. S. Army who deserted and

to Communist China.

With regard to those who defected to the Soviet Uniod and re-

defected to the U. S. in addit ld, we have investi-

gated four other individuals; a menta disturbed,

individual and a member of flag Air o e Reserve, ►


(9) . HE

POLICY RE DEFECTORS: ' Declassif45,21WRelfig I k


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b c/

apararinira mentally disturbed veteran of the Armed Forces; Robert Edward Webster, employee at American Expo

sition in Mosoow whc

deserted his wife and married a Soviet citizen;

American citizen taken to Russia by his parents and

o roma ne there to complete his education when his parents came


At the present time, we have under investigation 19

individuals who have returned-from various Bloc countries as


Czechoslovakia 2 Poland East Germany 16


The bulk of defections have been by members of the Armed

Forces. It is the responsibility of the individual services to

investigate these persons at the time of their defection and while

they are still members of their respective services. When they are

discharged from their service, the military is supposed to notify u

in order that appropriate investigation may be conducted by the



For information.

- 2


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Mr. Conrad . 5/2E/64

R. H. Jevons



By letter dated 4/30/64, Mr. J. Lee Rankin, General Counsel, The -

President's Commission, requested the Bureau to obtain a "sporterized" rifle

from Robert Adrian Taylor, Dallas, Texas (allegedly purchased from Lee Harvey

Oswald), compare this rifle's physical characteristics with those of a U. S. Rifle,

caliber .30-06, in original condition and furnish photographs to illustrate any

It has been determined in the Laboratory from an examination of Taylor's

rifle that it is a U. S. Rifle, caliber .30-06, Model 1903, Serial No. 66091,

manufactured at Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois. The upper and lower

bands have been removed, the front portion of the stock has been cut off, the

wooden hand guard originally covering the top of the barrel has been removed, •

the rear stta has been removed and replaced with telescopic sight mount blocks

and the bolt handle has been ground down and bent so that it would not strike the

telescopic WI tube when operating the bolt. All other parts appear to be original, unaltered parts. The rifle has the standard length of 43 1/4". Its '4t, •

barrel has not been shortened. The length of the longest portion (barrel and

receiver) is 31 7/8". The stock portion is 28 3/4" long which is less than the

standard length of 40 1/8" for a "non-sporterized" stock. Two photographs di

Taylor's rifle assembled and two photographs disassembled are being furnished

the Commission, as well as similar photographs of a U. S. Rifle, caliber .30-06,

Model 1903 (Rock Island), from our Reference Firearms Collection. .

- Dallas furnished the information that Taylor purchased the rifle during

March or April, 1963, and that a son-in-law of Taylor's, Benjamin Moku, had - -

the rifle at his residence on 11/22/63. Taylor stated that he cannot be positively


1-Mr. Belmont 1-Mr. Rosen

ri2Mr. Sullivan Mr. Malley

\ 1-Mr. -Raiipach, CBCdch (10) Room 5730

differences in length and appearance. Mr. Rankin also requested that Mr. Taylor

be recontacted concerning the date on which he obtained the rifle and whether he bad

seen Oswald on any other occasion. He also desired to know where Taylor's rifle

was located on 11/22/63. Taylor's rifle was not available when he was first

interviewed, at which time Taylor erroneously described it as a Springfield

Model 1906 rifle.

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Memorandum to Mr. Conrad Ra: AS3ASoLNATI3N OF PRCSIDLNT JOHN F.

KENNLDY; 11/22/63; DALLAS, TEXAS 62-109060 4.s.k

Sure that the man he purchased the rifle from was Lee Harvey Oswald. Further Tay for stated that he is rather doubtful that the individual from whom be purchased the rifle was ever seen by him, either prior or subsequent to the time he purchased the rifle. Taylor stated that be may have seen him another time, but he is not sure.

Two copies of the letterhead memorandum furnished by Dallas are being forwarded to the Commission, along with the results of the Laboratory • • 77 examination. A Laboratory report setting forth the results of the Laboratory examination is being furnished the Dallas Office.


For information.


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c - 1 lielasst 1 .• Saar / Callable

W. C. Valliwaa

W. A. eraalasa

Sara WEALD. abs =MAU. MINI MITI a, NOM ame.


e=?be 4130/44 report is this case •t Special At ($A) Jobs 16

lms at Maa AateaLe was snAmlaativally defective is the lellewiss %

1. A 12/13/13 latent,' report fora prepared by to Robert L. Chapean dealing with a bus lime bac‘age manifest Sasorreatly reported that the ecalfest showed there were 13 pear:engem oa the bes sad tha


linen drauu at six suet cleans so tare smallest reprocented ladividmale travail:Leg with people listed ia the previous seats. Ibis vu Ineerr


tor. as the report shoes elsewhere Wrote, the bus is normally tilled

to eapioulty (41 people) sad the 1$ entries es the list related to Wain

eheacid en the bus mad set to passeaaera. 'Me Artery/au to was also

incorrect is that three *salsas Costae* lambert and two baggage abaft

ambers were mot set forth therein. stick vu discovered by shoe lag the

reported list 'widest the original dooming.

2. A 41/IW4 latarview report term prepared by it Jame C. teasedy was is error La that it eae place it referred to the date al *a

isclCont as the day befowe the Taxao-WW feetbell game (Merodber 1) and is another place at the day •i the trot' s11 gaaeiriciveriber 3). The interview tors was Incomplete as it did eat reward that the witness

Doug Latin-rimed stated be could set recall the caliber of sone amemaltlon

being sought by a rata thought to be Oswald. The actual date of the

tacit:eat into WoveWber 1, the day before the feeftbell gamee sad this was

leportent as vs can place Oswald at works* lietwomber 1, a Tridsy. sad

'Wallet 'lave his on the Sad.


ItYp-r.„2533 JCZ:klie (10)

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Mr. Herbert E. tioffrian Legislative and Legal Section

Director, MI

June 4, 1964



In response to your u4morandem of Jens 3, 1954, eoseeralog "Presidential Protection," plates be advised that this Bureau atlIcreres to the position taken to aiy letter of April 22, 1144, to the Deputy Attorney General concerning "Pr.votted Legislatioa Te Provide For A Federal Las rrohibiting Assaulting Lir Killing The President Or 'tee President Of The United etas.'' ire are opposed

to divided jurisdiction and believe that the law should contain a clear

and unequivocal statement designatim the agency having the investigative

responsibility. We also fee it to be inverative that the proposed lefi:statian deeignate the FresIdent *al specifically ear.tle the official

positicra of the aruccera,nr4 to the °Mee of the Presidency who are to

be within the pernew of the statute.

Ike alms. so *plata" concerning the request of the Secret Service that its officers be given power to czaae arrests without

warrant in connection with their diitits. %innerly, we have so views concerning their opinion that they should act be given power to give the

Presided security advice which would be binding yg:loa .

1 - Mr. Callahan 1 - Mr. LeLoach

Mr. Evens

kir. Rosen dit eMs. Sulliran


O NOTE: Based on memo Casper to Mohr, 4/3/64, re: Proposed Legislation

to Provide for a Federal taw Prohibiting Assaulting or Killing the President or Vice President of the United States, DJD:nme.


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Mr. Mohr 6/3/64

J. J. Casper



By attached memorandum al 6/3/64, Mr. Herbert Z. Hoffman, Chief, Legislative and Legal Section of the Deputy Attorney General's Office, transmitted proposed Treasury Department reply to

the Warren Commission's inquiry regarding a law making it a Federal

crime to assault or kill the President "and his possible successors," and commenting particularly on which Federal law enforcement agency should have jurisdiction. The Bureau of the Budget wants the Department's

views by today, 6/3/64, or tomorrow morning. Mr. Hoffman wants the

Bureau'. comments as soon as possible.

The proposed Treasury Deportment reply to the Warren

Commission is essentially quite simple. It recommends a Federal statute creating the crime of assaulting or killing the President and others

in line but without designating those other persons. The report recommends

that the Secret Service and the FBI have dual jurisdiction over such offenses.

It recommends that the Secret Service not be given binding authority to advise

the President on his personal security.E also recommends that Secret -Service Agents be given authority to make arrests without warrant to protecting the President. The Bureau is concerned with only the first two

of those recommendations.

This issue hasiiin. ie up before. By the Director's letter

of 4/22/64, to the Deputy Attorney General We stated that "we are opposed

to *s diividedjursAction" anti that the legislation "should contain a clear andun4sivocafititement &signal* the money having investigative regionsibtlity.." ...Me also advised the Department that it is imperative that

Enclosure 7C- •

1 - Mr. Callahan

Posen 1 :ire 813.1i 1T-%,

JD:nme V

- Mr. DeLOaCh - ::vans



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J. J. Casper to Mr. Mohr Memorandum Es: Proposed Legislation to Provide for a Federal Law

Prohibiting Assaulting or Killing the President or Vice President of the United States

the proposed legislation designate the President and specifically name the official position of the successors to the Office cf the Presidency who are to be within the purview of the statute. This view wu repeated -to kir. Hoffman on 4/27/64, by Sect-ion Chief Shroder and Supervisor Schutz of the Criminal 'action, General Investigative Division, at a conference requested by Mr. liceman.

It is recommended that the Bureau adhere to the position already taken. This is done in the attached proposed letter to Mr. Hatmaa.


That the attached letter be sent to Mr. Herbert E. Hoffman, Chief, Legislative and Legal Section, Office of the Deputy Attorney General.

- 2

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1-11/eilirasigaa 141*.=r4bar 19-Ve•

awees Sis last Is polities 16 &oldie :stuaritiassi Assforeatiss la earreties milth MLA

• .1. Lo• inawiseli issio,

• .7 4kraillP4

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JAS:3411 (7) tlit: Ft?

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I • 11r. Iblasst 1 • Ir. as 1 • Mr. Callahan

dame 1T, 111114

1 • 11r. beldam* 1 • Oki Sallives 1 • 111r. Trotter

R. A. *autos 1 • Milo R. S. &Nabs*

(41st tb

V. C. -114111vas

1k. 411. Ilrosigas

Lit OMIT DONALD sammAL socuirre- mom gni

Olt Jame 10, /064, Lettio tibiae Caw, 1111-6, Visserpriod

Clerk, was latervleoed by Osperelsers %mikes sad 41oblo AM MS. Tanker's *Mee, 4126 Zdeatlficaties build

ing. Oasis et the

'Atomise was information tarnished by Mrs. IM Teaser that 6

Dome Cogar, employed is Merrillio latorporated, Clarksburg,

Vest Virginia, made statomost that "his slater, abs is employed

by the rat, vas Slows to Mailss to work es the ease imwelwing

the aseaseinatios of Osamidest Messed,.

Miss Cesar affirmed that her brother, Mama Cr,ega earls

is Merrill's Samorporatod La Clarksbers. Me is aware that mho

works or the NU bat abs s4wisod that she hies sews, discussed

her work with him. &loco Movember, 1063, oho ban osos his oily

ogee, os the Meammial Day 1064 weekesd La her parents boos as* mho

did mot talk to his at length thee. Is additios to this, Is

"wry, /064, slum made as effort to talk auk his by telephone.

Oho said she was peseta' through Clarkabitsg sad willed his at hi.

Work. MO was mot there whoa she called sad she to with his

employer sad askod him to tell Vasa Cesar that his sister bad

sailed. Ikea aka said this tbo no to *boa eke was speaking Imbed

her if mho was the sister who worked tor the 711 sad married 0

derringer. Oho said that mho thought at the time that this was a

otraeSe 'nestles, slave mho did set possess a derrlsges. Obe

said that sbe guessed the mail had bees told this by bar brother

sod she hod se ids* whore her broths, had gotta. this sorties.

Miss Cesar stated that she has mover disclosed the

assassiastios of Prooldeat Masud, with her brother. She advisod

that she savor did any wort os the Osee141 also and did set $0 to £s alas, Texas.


1 w Porsonsel Pilo (Lettie Jaw Cogar • 67-636107)

TMO:fas (IS)

3.1ne Boa

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ilemoraadum ter W. Outlives kit Lit SMUT OSWALD 10142$1141

Are pointed Mgt that ber bream Is seriously Met sad attended a special ecbool becamme si this. She noted Oat be Age bad trouble *Malaise aad bolding a Jab Meese* at thle dealames. Are meted be wee married is awry, 11164. sad — lives is as apartment with big wife is Clarksburg. Vogt Urrisia. She bag sever visited this apartimist.

Sbe stated as tar as Obe knows use bretber kiss Omar bees is Texas. Are stated that oho tars 'sem II .22 caliber rifle_ mood by ber brother. Obo advises: whom sire an this villa it . did mot have a teleseopie sight.

Are said her brother bag se interest Is Russia as See M she brows.

She woks advised by Mr. Voelhor set to diocese the interview with ber brother se amose else.


by teletype dated Ouse 12, 1244, Pittsburgb was leetrected to reinterview Mrs. Teagervbe allegedly beard Sane Cow make statements indicating be bad istermatioa about the Oavald ease. Pittsburgb was also gives lastructiose regardiag the interview at team Cogar. tben this investigation is reported by tittehargb, it will be dieeemleated to the Presideat.s Commission and at that time the Comeissios will be advised 02 the later-view with Lett la "so Cesar.

Pittsburgb being advised by area this date of results el interview with !ling Cope.