'•**«**«HI-*J faem ihm Athmmy Argu*. UBil"*Stoat DiiBcaUir* Caplarc of twelve "iudlau*." The following letter wu received by a «ntleaian of thi* city; Dti.ui, March H, 1845, * 1 cannot clone without informing yon of a - ACCIDENT IN A COAL TUNJIEL.—An explo- sad accident' which occurred in tho Coort aion occurred a few days ago in the coal tun House to-da^. During tho examination of ncl, now in progress of construction at BflJkr- the prisoner*!. Mr. Eruntus Rodgora, of tho , mount, at tho head of tho! Bear Mountjin town of Walton, while nitting on tho case- [railroad, in Schuylkill county 10 o'clock, l\ M. A heavy blast had been prepared at the extremo end of tho tunnel, some 500 f$e ment of one, of tho windows in tho court room, lot hid riflo slip (from tho bench on l>e«r irirj Yesterday morning being'th© ! Wu,cn >< W M resting. and tho cock striking into tho mountain, whom a .Workman by ho a y Skftor tbe r«tum of the •horifF'n p^,,^ ' the edgoof tho bench rjn>duccd a discharge, nnmo of Diedlcr, incautiously approached rotn Kortright. another posse of about £>0 ! t n o o a ^ entering his lx>dy on tho left side in J with a lighted lamp to look into the tiiVo ' front, and passing upwards lodged in tho , containing tho firo, a spark from the lump ]ei\nhonldor.j j-It Was th .sight tho wound was | fulling upon tho train caused an ini.tunt >j. lounted men m two detJudmient*. under the •mm oi.l of d e p u t y «lw>n»T O n m a n N. Steele nd E. H. Edgerton, »t«nod from Delhi for loxbury. by different route*, for th© purpose f m a k m g arr«if<«. AathtU'jowu U tho most rrhulent pun of tho ami-rent district, where u-go numbers of dlsguUod men are fro- uently collected, ami as ih« r <mds are ox- ccdm^iy bad. some &nxioty has been felt >-day ni Ut tho success of tho oxpeitition. Tho party has ju*t entered tho villajrawith *olvo Indian* whom thoy have taken pris- msr*. disgui»-d and armed. The particular* of tho skirmish which howud much skill and intrepidity on tho art ot othcem and mon. I cannot at present! i .» • i 4 r* \ > i > r i c o tins :e. After they bad last evonjng arrest fatal. Tho pbvaiciana, however, entertain some hope* inat he may survive* W o a r o all •oldiaee So-night, and 1 havo no time to acid more. In haste, yours truly. I TllK TROV'5LKH IN DCLAWAUC CoCSTY. We understand that tho authorities of pcla- waro county ( havo applied to th Governor for aid, to pnoHorvo tbe pence and maiaitain KupromaCY of the law in thut c»un Wo learn also that tho Gowmor baa plied with tl^o application HO far as to ty.— com- BOiid 200 muskets '< th'* Sheriff. men. detailed and a supply of ammunition to Tho armn, &c, wore desp Utch- mort ing, under an escort of oieht from tho Republican Artillery. ill bo « t. i < Cm . mew, uouiMC< iroin uiu ti "i OIK .ni :\ i ii <1 t ronton on a bench warrant, tho blowing w i . ' r ,\ . 1« f, i . . , ,.o i W o presume thut some further sttajts w I horns ami other movements in tbe neich- < . » u iu ' i? ..• I . r. i • , i , . V ! taken by th«Executive, but are nbt advised orbood announced great preparations for' ,ji i * .u In i' .^ u AH as to what they aro likely to be.—•Alb. Jour. FEMALB MEROISM.J—When tho Indians endeavored So aac nd the stairs of Mr. iiluni- ing's tavern m Anden to seize Steele and .Parker, whbjjhad tiiken refuge in the garret, they were rbeisted by tMr. H. for a uniy, but which were found loaded with balls >fficor Steele also closed io vvith another, vho wa* armed to the fc-etb, and on strip- ing off his sheepskin mask, found be had apturwd a constable and collector of Rox- •ury. T b e 8 Indians, with tho prisoner ap- prehended on the bench warrant in Koxbu- y. and four others taken at Bloomvillo on beir return aro now lodg-d in jail. Tbe heriffis now at the Court House detaching ion to guard the jail ami tbe village during be night. At tho same time horns aro blow- Tg and guns firing on tho mountain op po- lio tho village, informing us what wo may xpect if tbe insurgent* can muster in nuffi- ient numbers to pui their threats iw execu- K"J. Very respectfully youra. Cttrrtspmulinte of l'*t F.ttntttg Journal. Dr.uu, March lG—iH P . M . Doar Sir—I am out on duty as one of the uard to protect our village, and being re- eved for a short time, I improve it in ad- 'reating you a short noto of the state of af- tirs in our midst. Our officers of justice avo been engaged during the day in tho ex- mihation of prisoners captured in, Roxbury nd elsewhere. Five who wero taken with hoir rnrisks and dress<;s on during tho on- ;agement yesterday morning, have been du- y committed; four others, arrested nt Uloom- 'ille on tho return of tho Sheriff's posse, iave been discharged, and ono admitted to >at!. One of tho Indians arrested yesterday nd four pistols, a sword and a riile, which vitro taken from hi* person. Two aro now »i» examination, who weredriven into a house vitb their disguise 1 * on, where they wero im- uediately taken, no other male persons bo- ng in tbe house. Tho Sheriff'a posse dis- mayed groat coolness and courage during he engagement; no shots worn fired by hem, although nevoral w< re fired upon them >y the Indians, none taking effect. We have {renc reason to be apporebensivo for tho se- :urity of our villag •. The eastern portion of •ur county is in a terrible commotion, no- hing less than absolute rebellion. Wo need nore arms and ammunition. Tho following.is a copy of a Jotter just Vo- •eived from the neat of war :— ** 9C*OA» rtwmiin^, 9 oVlock. "flonrXir— Afar y<»« Irf\,i)i<t Irnl'sns «aow<*d ilxim- •fvts it v if wiu« p.•,!,!, Thsy (Iti'illy colkctiHl »t KJII- »r*: 14 miU'«(t*low. (Hhsrl<»vill«) it «at«l about V00. 1V0 vw^rr* »t»f>r»'b''T>'»iv»» of *a stuck, am nisii in their itnks ftianuly tn iw», <ttu\ wlm I «dj>{)oin» k t i i w t/i«ir •••• ".1' 1. -«<lyi'<«l ti* !«» krt«|> •% ?n ir«l ; Uwy »onl lh«y **i+ f|^tirm«nc<j to nMook us, srnl lh<*r wwri* i»fr:u«lih<"V rwitnt to burn mrt" baildUtfSa hud 11 f<>rt"« of I Tit) n nv*tt i\*rm 1 ,Mor»**vil!« »f<HHl by I K . »n<l a frw nt»- ^iwof I'mtuvijlo wvtn h*>rr. Tho lrwi>an« •(•altered hirsmt th« night smi BUHIM »><» attempt Io atltvck u». ! hinktfwi hit not prsearad for th«m tlw^y wroukl IM»VP rt«il»(l ns. Our folk* by»*n nil nnr»« hoimi ami it all ^i»»t K*f now, Whit 'hn Indian* innui to do I IMIV !•<:<••.I Twi» AHti-rvnltrt wrnt post h:t*t« to ni<-nh«?mi 1 »n«f«rttsy, an/I it is l>«lt* , v* , d h"fvj to gr\ Hcbohnrif In- liaiDS, wiwth** to com* to our town or jro to Dollu jail n atTompt to n'scue tho prisoner, who was trictly guarded during the night. In the morning, after somo reconnoiter- >g. a party of about 130 Indians, w.-ll arm- d. were discovi-red, and immediately charg- dJupOfl by officers Steelo and Sdgertoo.and bout £0 of the mounted mrin, ami t h e y fled j h o w a s finalli c«»mp*1lcd to give way.^vli' n j thoLwood». During tho skirmish, thero j tj 10 Indians ttbund a m«>ra formidable foe in 'M *omo bring by tho Indians. onoofwhf«ie t h 0 pcrMO n ofMrs. Hunting, Uho seized the Ms narrowly missed h. S. E«lg«;rton, who j .Chief by trk> collu|r and wielding a largo rapplcd an Indian, and disarmed h i m o f his butchor-kiiifij which- she held in her land, •threatened t4 pierce* it to his heart if hp did not retreat; peclariiigtbnt neither b e n >r h i s clan should'oass hoc as Jong as there ' v n s a drop of blood] in her |V< iin>». and if they ilitl so it woultl be <){V r her dead body! And thus armed sho fyept t h e m «t bay.' and gu irded the ingress'IO tbo< room where Steele and Parker wero secreted, wo believe, most if not all nighlfand doubtless prevented tljoir seizure by use Iiidiafmu-^-J7c/A* Exprnt. Visit IO Dorr—n new mode for hift J Rehiatc. cojtlu Hpdtttttf Daily Dcmocvt. fPaovi&KNci:, R . I . March 17. Of course] all strangers passing her:?, uro asked if they havo $eon Dorr.; I cap answer in the affirmative. \-1 visited the prison to- day, and there took a peep atitho blartyr, us bis friends c ssignato him. Ho wa 1 tilting in tbe work-1 hvp'ia aJi armed chuiy, giving tho finishing itrokejjtu tho painting of i ins, u branch of bta inoss extensively carried on in the prison, and a''lucrative ono to the state. Dorr occupied tut; only- armed cboar in tho shop. He islquite an'adept vjrith tlie brush. and is in an bmployment well suited to his taate—ho al^ay* having a relish for' the pen- cil. There is no uniform dress of the prisrn, and no shavifig of beads, as at Aubttrti.-*- Dorr had on[;>tri Chopatchet coat, and a lino broud-cloth cloak huiig on too' back of his chair, whicbigavo it rather a martial appear- ance. Ho iiboks fine and hearty, With a good-naturea countenance. Among oiher coilsv where the prinoners retire for tbb night, I passed that of Dorr. In all of thejm but bis, iron cot bedsteads aro used. »Io b«s ono of cherry, with a, rocking chair;, table, ore. There is is library in thc> prison, which is used by all ^he piriifonor*, nud a good one it is. Light*!inr<! furnisbe<| to the occupants in their ceHiij after tho Work-shop is closed until 10 o'c ock.jand oacn prisoner amuses himself by jrfcndibg or writing. This is the Alccrinr treatment of prisoners, of which we b<ar luch r<jtoliijig accounts ot out west.— This is probiply V\to most,humane prison in the world. j Tbe election rA governor comes on ngajn next mouth.jhnd considerable* interemt is felt in consequence of the compb:te somerset M r . D o r r ' s njfiom s bavo made in their norni- j,j Gov. Fenner, tho prcs- rr plosion Dioblor was thrown nearly lifeless ngai 1st tho Opposite side of the tunnel, und upm) beiop; brought out was found no severely jured nn t o endanger his life; tlmre w found to bo about two hundred woun h mostly cuts, in different parts of him body, Philadelphia Inquirer of Monday. ; JtnsEY WO.MK.V JUHTICKB ov TUW PEAck:! «—According to tho P h i l a d . L e d g e r <»f Jp s- terday, Sally iJrown and Betsey ] French, maiden ladies, were elected Justices atjtjhe Woolwich town meeting, in Gloucester Cjo N. J., last week ! The y were run against tho regular nominations. ij . t~r~: 7 — ^ i .'; . Friend Humphrey is the Whig candidate for Mayor in Alpany. >• I j J Mfa* ;,i ^*?s DatlHVlIIe -iSe 5>- T|ulDansvillo Slip and Basin 1 was the p(C :|: l o r d e r in the Asset lbly on Saturday, oe explained the bil mid tho action of mul CA>nimittt:e, at lome lcn$th< Comstock enquired vyhother some of Oris engaged in tlie affair last spring jtDoert indicted ? aid Mr. Nivon oj>- >d«f.-|l she bill at some.length. In the course •fll if (remarks, he allud< d to thoindictm^nts no.|»itqo fact that o n o >f t h e individuals 1 ad Tlie Whig meeting in Now York, Tuesday evening, passed offhurmoniousl m 1 mil 1 I 11 1 1 1 mum on DiKD—In Livonia on Friday;TuVitist-, '.Mr. IbliLO GmiK, a Rovoluuonnry imldior, uged 81'ycani. * ItcccipfN f o r t h e IIcB>ut>Iicun; From March 17 to March '&, inclusive. Bcnj. Boner (*) S3.0J J. II. Roberts (") Henry Dixon (*) Win. C. Dwight F.rantn* West (") Win; Bar 1 onX".) T. F. Cm ry K. Gill Jn!,n Hniibv A. A. Htidec (*) r^-Ti odviuici-. •2,;">0 i.:.o 1.G0 1,75 3.">0 &.<X) Dntiicl Young (*) Win. Lyman. L. Tiirnur 1 , Norton (Iil)l>» I.«ww Chandler (*) *.. r >(l J. D. Mc.Ma»tcr I .23 H.A.WilmerdinicC) .-<5 3.25 Oren Shcldeh (") |,*.KJ B.r>o oi»o marked thus (") have paid one ydri? New A Extct*»ivc Arri AT THE 1 Old Established Watch & Jewelry Store! a IT JO»NH<)Niiir.»nimlii«oldc%wt«)in , J QP * rr* and die public gnu-rally that U*; ju»t received mi exU'naivo uaaortni'int o( JL GOLD AM) SILVER WATCHES, mi l|i rider an indictment- ate FitEDtmcK IIo JKI:. Esq alluding bf course Clocka, Witch Clmlrw and K*y*, Itinp*, Brj*n*t Pin*. Silver, (jeriniin ailver mid jilnted HfuKitM, i4fWf ji|:ite«|. Bhttonia and i^raaa tJandlraticka, 'I «-u B*ilU,ailv«r/ I*en- cil«, rip«TtiwleM, Tliimhlen, Itazora mi<l I'oiikr'v«-«, rici*«oi», bboll, born iutd ivory COIO1M< I'ockV' Book*, I'araoa, »Ve. A^\, together wlthaitnO*t evurV *»tli««i orn- C'len ilanally found In a Jeivrlry rtlor«, which li« "ill 1 [It will Up irce- Ildiibd that Mr. House \j/us nomSuateu for f en btracke< isn|p)[)ly last fall, by the h belongs.] 3 subject was not a tspcciul order for I\ Tia ith warmth to the J& Young replied w k*s of TCivon, und p.*i id n merited tjrib- th ' memory of the man who hqd (bus 1 in bis jrtuvi N<-a I l u m p »i>in- (jifju.'.. S t c o l e is cloctct rity, but Woodbury, >:irty to Which'Mr. i disposed of, but onday ^10 2'ljth. "ell at u.1 low jiO'ep for retwly fu»y M«I rim \>f l«»iii;l>l ul I wild di**>*»#. A* »f1 tiny «ihoj> in lh« county, llu will »J»ogiveLia jj«!r»on«d j x ,.„i „,, n.ur <U«i<.«» ( utdlilicii to i W AT(;;i Kill* Aim N c . and jtledj'en liim«el("tint. nil vriiN in idj^ line «'IBII IK» n'- t<"ll<lii(l'l«i protil[)tlv, and tlie work liotu-m tlH? yrry l*-n\ maimer. All wholiaVtj oecaaion to pnrcba^o nrrylbinjf in J«« line, or to (jet repnirinx <Ii>tie, nr«o>»iir<*d th»t »t v\ ill 1J«- thiir infatreM to cull. II«* lia» adopt< d tin- READY i*A\1 tjyiJTffiM, "mi wdl do bu«iu<:*< al a rwn'ii/iiWc prolij. [-^"Sliop opposite E. P. <V C. Metn.irx.Sloro, 0a«4i paid Tnr old Gold and Hib «T. Hilverworl* nwiitifactiircd Io ord«r. (i.me.^eo.Jimuarv'iil. 1^1".. 'ZV>\f V, d»ri»g the emi ti,,»»».C« vf >f\otmn *»d fl«! tho chaiinrla <.f bo«Ofn«M>4|baUlf' l t^l »* *« »»*'""< a*t t**j$>*>.Unt > l«it for »!>«4v]"«0"l*i4<l<<rit ^»»i w * «;*»<j«'*|»«" t "°1 ll.ltitf Ie»* l|.un tlnit lha »r/rrn'lndinjf f 4\tWMf *>»" t>o «»v.-rwlirU|ied wtlj tho fin"* In \k* r«»o»»"^ w#th \\\* Imoiao »KMJ|r-tf «><*> j»JH», Kidnry*. *ni jBk)Wel« nllf fi»ltin<{'KM let i"t • I'KKLI SH AN* CORUM'* W.Wm,*.) |»rC.mi« ».» i«U IIK.'>I|() aat.» U i l U» alh'ffK'lt • ' ,,! * jmri!<ei» w h i r h <!/»• >o all «***"* HI: <»F tncpx&M • ; no «rlf»«'r r * i - i u » l b « o i h * * »*»•• ».i..,w.f «.f U t « r f|*>#r»*H*!"»*»> Il>n fi»*» J'ljf* »f »',* »n»«;lil jttv * r iinift reui«.»* «K /Amifmtfnn* ,,f iiii> ^'i(>*•»»t«irt«U«i •«i»>f», 1. »MI] kit ji njmi, »\) \b* mvr di-vllflrje t^I'llin^ I THE CM] 1*0 r o r e l r ••i'O ***t**'* *vho|d Unmti * it) •*•* G o v . Ivy jx Btnall who vvtis -put on Iliird-Waro A Cutlery. j I|ALSTEDS <V DASH. No. r >7 CEDAR STREET./Ar« doort IMM <>f V,c nrtr Poet Office. v* TTTTAVE now in »torc a very !«r^e mid H. 1 <'olilple|e utoi'li (if ^IIOIU in their line Compri»inp nil the vnrirtien of Shelf und Heavy I Ianlware. to which they rcntM'Cl/tilly inviii> the attention of Country MerclinnU, Cut «i»<l Wrought NmU. Anvil- nnd Viee». Hoi»U» mid liitiffes. Truce, Lo« nod Iluller Clinitm.Axcuiind Hntchot'.Bloo*! und other celebrated milkers, <>r»ii» und (»rn*-»Hejilie», Mill nnd CrofM cut S.n\>, Sliovel* mid Kpndc«, liny ill to tltfl frrv jtifchtitt' •-.> in III" f^ftini |»lx i!i-. ... . WA|MIO»l •>(•< l u l < l r « i l l « «»1 too h'«l » . V\ Hlt.KH'S INDIAN VEGETABLE HLLN, Sn/th A wtrtttm Catttg*. iif 11**1 ih >} ttie («'•!. if rr<|l I lie xtlJ k"»»l, IN THE WOULD. Inr rnrryinir »>nl tlir. tiejoitful iwl »urtpl« theory ;— f o r t h e y r/.in|'I»>te! M O/lh will ho ff>«iivd on MfcDfCIN r)tinnrf the hl»i»H>)i »nd ilttw . im(rt)it) H Vl i h»oii Niiiii'irii »o^ other »f»i}*ifilie*. U ut tlitt«i»oiMt>rd<i p f j u i o t o m I.eatlKy di*eluojJ<» (fOffl the flfc/i|{<v!*k.n »'n<l K i d o t y n ; r . . o « * c » « , nily, i«»»il orntjVlf ulriK «fe iiiii'iiml, iti*fi( the f n»f»»« trf»veiy imm» ml ihn <-oo»it»y t«l. trtrlt (•>/ t h « ingress in jilac ' o f llule. is DjEFJEjVT- I !,i„| Muiittrc Fork*. ROOM 1\>K\< A-., winch th< y wii ' •«>»-j .1 i I , i; . . .i : i ncll nt the Iowcnt tiricc» lor Cii#h oruppro^ed credit. Ibis is not tho (a it disaster: which " "' ' . ,.,,' Ji ,\.i.o V i \ . New % ork, Mnreli ]. JHJ.,. IA«..}.II H V; MKJ Ldcdfocoistn for its subiur^ienry tc ^ui-y. ; .4|'onTANT.—Gen. Almonte, the Mexican niter arrived in New -York on .Friday, apdjoxpresficd the confide Now York Market—March 20,:» P. M Tl)0 «llc» of Cotton yesterday reached 5000 hlile-, and to-^hiy thev are flOOO bttlcunt irr<*f;nlur prices—<-litif luirlv catablichitig anpdvancu on tho lu*t newnof Ac lb '1 he Boston market yoaterduy wi» entirely qtilet, Hales inndu quite below our pr^cc*. Flour i* Ktendy. bat not nclive: nnlet* Genevccut Tftinl. !i500bus. rya brought 70cCufn delivered. Jdntey corn w oifured tu 4H e. UixU, dull at ItDuIlLlc. New pork U held at S511 and I? 13 An offer mnkc to take any qttantitv on Change, from 10 ) t<> I0OO bbl«. $ 1 0 ^ 0 und J?12f.."0. There ban not been inucb dono in any article of virion*. I-HI.11- in demand, with miliu at ~} x in and :w iilke«n. TallAw dull. There were lnri(o Knlen of ricoicb pig iron ycHterdtijj nt $37^)0 caxh, ufterwiirdy at ^-10. A canto of Swocdll iron hint been run ntl'l'roiii tho nliip at something over ."^^0- Rngliflh bar S 7 5 . HaJeK. 400 boxen lluvnna »ti(;ar nold at b^ cU lb.; N . O . iMo : laMe»k in hhdd. at *2Q ct*. 1000 hnfi* Jjiniiatrti colTee at 0 l-4c{ no m o r e t<> b^j had under G^c- | . i . . . . . i * Koclievtes- 33nritet—iSafurday. Frwin the liocltittcr Democrat of Mutidutj. March tit inn. ?4, wn I bbiJ; Flour, wbolenalo rctuil Beef Pork Uud IJuttcr CheetM Wheat 0.iu Ibirlcy Corn Bean* Potatoe* Onion* Hides, ulatighter " dry C..lfSk.n« Sheep Skins Suit l'i?«* Hams Wood llav bbl J 00 lbs at pound • * it bushel $4 (M) H 4 2. 4 i.'."> ti 4 : 2 f.0 d 3 . r 4 ( nations, last jwco mo do not loww,' Ono «rre«t wan wtxAo to-day. AVo intend to prtwMjcute tlM» war, only jrivo uti tooU to do j u i«po«cd 1^1 lie rriiknonirtot^g and heal the it wish. Wo aro orgjfnizing in this und otb-1 i m ,t c be» tl itjl nd,w; prodtjeb the discoid in -r »« w "'». . . I politicitH mnIICTrt. The Sheriff'* powto will proceed ugain to j t ap^ouU thntj Gov. I'ennor in a Toxns mak» further arrests on bench warrant", n nd AnnexiUuii rt.ontli he i« (jhuiged \eiib pock- th«y will without doubt IK? again resisted by I H j n t hi>«i ifoMOri of tbelato legwlaturo on the Indian«4ind MrHotii coimeipiencrn nuiy ' ,},;, « u tij«o<]*nd iot'forwunling'tbo fenolu follow. I hopn tho timo has no^,arrived when j t j (m , un ^\\ : tfficr I hp v« wn aro to be gnvornod by aruthUjM bftnd of {, rcw-> On tllo < ti< r avnge*. The law* muni and «h ill bo «us- nnti-Anticxisitlon, nbd L5 pre ent incombebt, is rtj-pomin'atj d.nn<l thel)o party have Jibmiicujcd Mr. jjacknon. a thor- ough Whig;! and ?<lso the other names Oil their ticket, n& oi tho law u|nd order ticket. It is rntbor pj tin ;t)ilur moVej but Mr. Jack- son and many ojf tho Whig party afejeonwr- vntivo in lhq|ir fettling" towtufds Doit. The lawn being moint lined, and l)io jirisobcr now utitler sentence, ttomo are of opinion bo ht» suffered! sun$cien :lvj and us they buvo ttbown to the world that laws will bi- respected ot nlf evcbta H Tin tbi» H'ate, ^-party of them nro pound barrel dozen pound cord ton son J jould declare war. j New Orleans has ind "jonc home >r nt belief khat Mex- I The Mexican Con- i i also closed;his (mis- •Wel learn Itbnt JNITEO STATES MAHSII it. 4|Jacob' Gould, of Uoibester, yvtix nbini- Cfl and confirmed as U. S. Matkbalj for lortbern District of Saw Yojrw, in)me k'itiHyj after the rejectioti of J. II. Frcbtisa y el some office. Ca•iled by the death of II t I i. An excellent nomination be t lcptcd. Hon.JOHN DAVIS 1 as been boitnintitcd Whigs of tho Maa<aclius0tts Lcgisla- to fill tho vacancy in the UJ S. Senate W i a i d o i v IJIi»i«lH, SIINSJ and I>ooi», j Manufactured tit I fit SPIUNGWATKk HASH FACTOltV. » |v H by 10 light: at id, and «li hv A T the following jinee*. viz 5 Window .S.i»li yt rotuil wj cent" pe wholcMfo IScenti per lijrht,con»tnrilJy <m ha *-i/i'i» of Hosli iiLpt'iportton, made to order, 7 hv 0 Iv! light window hlnnj* lOsbillttigsp H by 10 12 " " II 8 by 10 J5 " " J:i 7 by '.) I. r » " " 12 7 hy '.I 20 " Mby 10 20 " « by 10 21 " Poor* from 10 shillings to or. •• fts - ! it; IGsliilliitgi at rtl/.e window is literally j'Jnvi n lonri the !.<.<ly fljTpAUTIUN.jj A»> ilia rff^t |"'|'4l>oi , 5'. *«d < «ii^«*'j'>er)tly {r»r«t demand, <>B WrightlK JIHIMII V«"g«jl«ld« IMU, b*« ran-ed H)» niji-n-t j-if litiintrrfelter«. Country tgGMm Hfid »>tfifeti«|«(H-r» w<i|l Ire "H t l n i r (JOOfl Hf,'*!)!*! tlm iiii]M»*t<'f» Ali'int-t 1 ' |I«V«<|IHI(( »l«. Illlj^ t» lltoklOkUSjKtOllOtf il »J«irillU rM'ltuiflo It »ti.f>>!.j \>*> reoli tithtifrd that nil nm\ hftf)T« d A. gents ar» nr *nle<l *itfi o t>rtlfVcstfl of Ajc^ey, l>l[Jlieil by 'iV|l JJ»tf \VsiOIIT. Viro J'| pfldfrit Ot Aim Noitll Aifuricri College ..f J|e»!lh < '•.r|««f>>*rit ly tkoru »lin offer lr><!i.iiii V'ej/efable Fill* a n d o i l ft'il »h"Wa c*f tiii.enle, ui abot w described. Will I** aoown i(ii|K)S(efi». The fotutiwjng h|f;!itv roapeclabl* f<ior*li**f*rs have lieen l([l[>tlllltt , 'I BC«>HI» fof the *nle ot wniiiiiT'H iN'biA.N VE<;ETAEE PIIJ.H, and ni'wliiiin It ia ciilifiilenlly U'ti«'»«<J the ^xoufo* otenicino IJJII v% ith «icrl*ititf bf obtained : j<lr.HT« r<tR M^UuMTpM eOL'NTT. If I ). }.'ti'*A» t". (.'ruMcfi ; t'unfrin l f » « l > i , Avon; W 111. li tlmiroN. Lima ; I. I>, ROM, J.'ilieville ; El;4*llli Nil.I", I)a»IB»»ll»J <J. urdiiig to linilders and Merchant* who wiali to Yrwr money will patrom/.e tho di'iUNCWATER VAI.I.I.V JjABU FACTOltV. h<. K. CHAMHEREIN, A. WHl'll,.. January 25. lHir.. | ly:Wrt. <», |}i ACKKarr.n, <'«><lniiu ; J. V> i t t.K, Avifi; lie >n. ISAAC! C. B4TE8. J Johb( Tai 1 V ! i o l e » u ! c U i i n N W n r i ' «tor<' KOCH K HT Ell. ENRY HAICHTd: CO.. No. C Hotttb tit. Fatil street, in tlie Minerva ihiildiiitfis Imp«nter» tin<! r* ol'Hitrd-Wnre and (.'iitletx. have <,in hntiil and Ho will bf course ! oiler forsale. on the liiofl reaaonable U'rin:- Win. F. Have niy;rr is the Loco can- for Mayor of Neu York. 8 AT HCIXNC ANTI-RI-.NT TntAi. lean from 1 Hudson that ijt w a s tnjit (I'CL <:k last evening that a Jury \ytts KOAUWARRANTS A LARGE supply of Road Warrant* 1 jtiat bpnt^d and for aalu ut dio Ropublicun Ollicn. Mar.jli 24. PENMANSIIIPIN TWELVE NUM»i:i v/-y T HIS i«yntcni ba-« been adopteil by tl« toad the leading town-and village! tlirotif lion; t lantic coast. It IK in uso ill tlio public He tool* ton, Albany and Rochester. A* a labor-*)viiiy uU<^ and economical system it is lirwtirptti'S d For sale by Uio ae: or sm;,'lo iiiimber. b> 303 L. 'I 145. I N CHANCERY-—d«li Circuit William Mm, eoni|ilaiii:lnt. VH. Jonejth Altirkliaili. Jll other*, defendant-i.—In pursiutiico <>f a de<rci< aiadd tin* can-Hi hv the Vice Chancellor ol the KighUi <.'tr<!i 1 uw- /Hlt'Ul- irUR^ERi s. b rje Flnf-AKi* I'BOWK, Y»»rk Contrsi jA»tji.« FOMI.HU FowlerrHU 1 iu\m >rtNft.i., hpcncflr Tort; 1». jf) I ' M f" 1 '. Elola ; II. K\'. (»OHi»oN, t oy errvilli 1 1 lil'KV Tll.TyN Mmi'iiw j J. i\. ,M»*i> M<"mi Mfirri*} il JAl.l »"». Key»«.»»-i )• Odlcen ijeviitfil exciu«IV«ly to ll>f »»i" «f lh«< MeJ. Irin.-, wh'iyWsale and r «-t 011. No. U^H <»r«enwirh.ri.. New Y«nW; No. lDtt.Tr*1nort'»t j Ronton ; and thw Prmririul i){V\,-f. No ttill Knee U., fliiladsiohU. il )'On«>|tivr...v— |*oreliM»e only ol th" sdv*rtt*44 *• Iff l i t * . Hf'iof'ifiher thht i)<>ri«' ur* genuine entrjil v\'ruthl*a fegolahlo Indian 1'ilU. 30o s.4Wc ^intil six lilaltird j inilict- ie 8ber- lius not Ut'banCc.— Ei.i:eiiA^T.—We totnN* the hrst of these cases, vijj met|t agaitlst Houghton forrobbil iff of bis papers at Copalt'e. Th| jieen tl»<: slightest attempt at dis lit In Js> vr - , I AMAN Ku.i.r.o IIY *y learn by a gentleman w Inst ev'etiiug on tl Baton Roufeo, that the Inrgo multi pf Moijsrs. popkins & C ).'s niqiijigerio, on! the ponjohi who bad j nyed tojtake ebnrye | two ejtmliautit and 1 ' 1' Ji 1 I mtvance olj the: oth- | female 1 10 caui<; he steatVier Prim Saturday morning killed for some time be n empl of it. (it appears that th •a cahiel had been sent in er Aniinaliijcn route for C [elephant t nd the camel tibainetl |\Vft<-n nbiutfoujr miles f the! male rlephiint refum 1 iHtninifv.r L ~ I HS, lll.ltlJ j ulephant J itiiuii. Auvilit, viced, traee and h'^ chain*, Mill. cro«* cut and hand ».1»>, Hhovelfi, «prtilea, hook* and hiri/re*, Jtu*«ia an<l I'.n:rh»h *beet iron, Till plato, h.ir uiul *Jieet lead, F d c tool*, lile* and racprf, < '111 and wrought n.n!*, Fnt'li'-h. Swede* and American iron. Nail rods, ^juke r«ul<, hoop and band iron, I'liu'li-h. Cermni and Aniericati aleel. h.inder->oii, Hrother* A t^o.'araal steel. Hollow ware. (tinned and enameled,) Rope and cordage III all *l/.e», 1 Window fflaw, A<'. Ac. <Ve. Toirether with a large and full n*«ortmen1 ofah-df! |[<iMiln, trimniinirs.lntrlieN, lock*, Ate,whichw* uil)l»itl i to dealer* at New York prices We miiiort <mr jiwn good*,and will sell thetli a* low 11* iinv hou»e in J<ew j Fork or Albany. I'I«-:Hc give 11* a mil, and find ttom 1 peinolial observation th.it we do a* we promo**. kiENUY iiAK.irr A <<>. 1 Rochester. Jan. 2^, Hi:.. :!i.r.Hd. '5 <;oicve«, .Tluy "15, IH11. 1HEH WIJ.| 'IIS('llll!i:ilHI,nr received tli< , f ow.al \ of M*HI.\<. and HI M.MLK KTAFI.K >H\ <iO<>Im| alwi « fc«tMTT>l i«*>M'rl- nil ot vi IIH h tjn'y « A\ \n- ,1m})- J)V to chow plic: 1 a* jf it). AND FAriCY I mem attiRMt'MlKH White K Vermilti«ri, I*nj{ Pari* liujfn, ('hrotne do <lo Vi'tlow. Yellow t Wih!, W n e l i i i l i |(<'<l \l, pure A extra, AtlK't "__ i E'ttb., HiliM-ed A Halloo Oil |.if< III ! JEutest Arrival of full Ootids. I TURNER, i* now receiving hi* stock of FAI.E j (iOt^DH, umorig which iua\ he found a i'ery ! large slock of good and c h e a p C E O I ' I I ^ . Cn«i«iin<*r«**, ' Satinet* and Yestinirs > fevery qiinlitv nnd price. A great variety of DKKSS d O O l l H , con*ii»tintf in part of rich Cadmi'-re D'l'Vo***', I'laitt and Printed Nlu-lm De Eaine*, ('li.iiiiefiori and Halm StriiK' R~ al rrsftn v Ak- dflloh- Willijiii. or. aji|d tained. oven at the sacrifice of our m<rtt wor- thy citijfon*. In haate, your«. »V < Pr«Kr««« of Itir Wrtr It* Doiau.t:.'. Extract from a letter dared Dr.uur, >ioiidt»y night, 1.2 o'clock. orr»ngrt«el«. it i* bnrd to conjecture tbe re- MtllL Jf >l|r. Ji^ckHOii Hiicceeils in' get ting &00 to! lOOvVniptj^jpi' icctiunt of his Texa» The dftft£«r 1* now far ffrcat'T than ha.i j opinion atii" ncvorltl otjier local mutters that l>oen heretoforo anticipated. Largo moiem- 1 w jjj cot jjo up durincrithecanvaas. benides tho /> .' I t l_ . »• " r ,. .1 I ! r ...1 -11 L„ iou» onthi»jquoi|iieM. for bint. AN the phrtir^ noAr to wiiit taken in Con- hand, Mr. Jackpon is aotne who arc punctil- it supposed will go land, under the new tho ea»t bv the line of the town of Avon, on tin *outli hvlitmUof Fayette Key*-*; on Iho west by U uti of Orplw Whnley and Ileiuan Ston«). And alsoib 111 oili- er piece or parcel of land ajttiatfl, lying and boif;: in th« town olTJmn. county und Hlatc tilore*:iid, anfl^cijcfi- bed a* follows: HeRiiiniiq at the north past cjiincrjof U ilhum I Inruilton'st linil. ruitnlni north «ij(hfi'lsix| de c| male ciennn briflgo; tjio keeper, wn«> was on etirjed a bjirso. (one which the olej) pon uCcusjomcd to) for tbe purp )*o incj it over, und in attempting to m jjio^c khcyed, and threwjthe man iti J 'ho elephant immo«llat ly rutjljed upon , cnuirjut bite upon liiU tusks, !>ad throw bit 1 forty ..lu-iiii i"- i.iine*, I ll.'lioeliori anil . M n|ill MliJ !**'*"— i r ,,:,I " rrt - AlUfhan Saiml Seha-nan*. Hliie. Rlaeik. Fluid om IJatol R<|»Ug', Figured and Chnngeulile AU|.u< a, l;irfr«a rich, Hdk tl to C'osl a small ' Warp,Plain and Fluid l.u-in--, A<-. A<". Alalia large stock of HIIAWEH, llomul Ribbons, Etce*. tfloves. Hosiery.A'c. Hi* *toott ofI)().MKH- TIC <»0^H)H. (iroceries. Crockery Af. i- istipplied a* iistinl with Clioij) '..(•/ (J<HHI (iiHult. All of vshnh will be sold at the low c*t Cn«ll Prices, Ftircba«er* are inv ited to call Imd exai^iiiie ((Oodn and price* before purchasing elrewhere. (iene*eo, < Jctobcr o, l - 1 J. or fifty feet in the air, w n great nutiiber of times), lich was rejfeuted [a great; nunibot of timhftj, tho fusks ire pientl;r pansing through hi:. lliadyJ It tin n carried tbe body towards the wpodn, J il it fell . snvid it Flu- iiifutjivted hy. op at tli«- city of Rochester, dated on the ehrventh day' >f .March, A. 1>. ItUu: I, tlie'snbscribtr, one nftlie i|ia*tera of tin* t.'otirt, will M-II ut rlnblic vendue at the i<ju*4 if Altfjuindar McLean in, UK town of Culj'dgtiia 'in bit; count* of Liv illusion, on the tenth day of May n-xt, it; i> o'clock in the forenoon of that day, ' AH the fillowbigj and described land* as hcrcitiiilter in'njtiotit'p!: cixly acuta of land ly-iiy: mul being m 'lie town of AK'oii »od county of Livingston and State of Natjv Yon, and bounded on the north hy land* of Wvjnan Adi ni*;joii jjjtiojn ofthji caravan now doming! f r o m fujrt nltl then mi le elej to 1 tree on them, el, knock thtr cbiiin foot, pro- ; lant was 1 of driv- Mint, the the r":td. 1 jtossing it in the air nt intervals, nil! [betwejotj two fallen trejes. wh}ep 1 r violence returned to thojroad, \ hunt and camel bad 1 ly another keeper, am his tusks parsing through jig down the female fj |iu two. The enraged made ofl ' 'towards Uip Woods, ramol byjits trunk, ftud throwing va sintl^j air with its tusks. T Wii VsJie*» o f d t out JKIVO been discov- bi» chance of nucccsu will be DouatT^ KeMtN^TJONs.—At a convention eld at Prpi-idence. if*. I.., on Thursday, the teket wa* nominated to bo J»Up- .iat;uuH.M jHjrnon.*j Jinvo Oeen Oiscov- j ty ol r partyj <ired lant evening and to-day in squads with- ' good, in a fe/v mil?« of our village, nnd ftom the boat informorion I can gather it i« feared we abail be attacked Wforo morning. Our wbolo village 11 on duty to-night, jmorly following _ armed, including a* many others from the ad-; ported nt $0 compij, fpriup; elecU<m : ' joining town* as. the Shoriffba* U'en nblo to I For Go\jdrno(r—jCpairlci* Jacksopk of Prov- collcct, in all about .^00, about ono half of idence. i f whom have arm-) whilo tbe others aro drill- For Lb jatcnant'Governor—Koflort Haz- ing with pitchfork* f It i* very certain that , ard, of W«?»t Grcenivicb. wo aro throatwnrd with an attack ; whether f For Se<rotary-rHenry Bowcn, of Prbvi- it will bo mado to-night or- at »om« future [ denco. time, Qo*l only know*. It, in very certain! ForCotteralTreasurer—StophetiCaboono. wb noed morn Iwrlp tlian the Shtfrifl i* able : of Newport- tocommaml. We bavo no ansiatanco from i For Attorney General—Cbarlea S. Brad- tbo aoutheirttorn »i«l« of tlio river, most of, loy, of I'Vovidcnce. L tlio militia in that quarter being Anti-Kent- J 'H"^~i ?~^ T~. <T». . A largo collection of "Indian*" wore DonatuM AT A Di»<cot:Nf.—A petition was wen in liovina la*8night nnd thi* moniing ' presented*to Jhe AnHiymbly on Saturday last, —another collection of about 300 wero from 20xf M>cp Fc<otWBrookfiejd, Maditptr s*»cn in Kortrigbt this afternoon. In anotb- county, asking tho Ljeglslature to toko some -rr neighWliood in tbe western part of tho J action m\ ltela,tion to tho limprisonment of town tWtrrj wtui a great commotion, and per- j Thomaa W. I>orr.bytho authotities of Khodo «on# wore seen leaving their homos taking f Inland. After Homo little disebtwiioio. the small bundles whb them. A messenger on \ petition vraa laid upop the table ; tho major- whom we can re^lvringa nn news, ami there ' ,ty being evidently of opinion that this was can Ivo no doubt ot it« ^w»th. One thing in j ft question with which the Legislature of .ertaJn. tb*«io collections cannot bo for any j S o w York had no shadow of right or reason rood motive, nnd the threats we hear mnde I to inteirfei'e.—p/ovrnrt/. from all quarters induce v> nelievo that I j r* f jrr"JT"*T"i—~* NV TT icr<rt>J the newlyi elected U wo are to be visited hy them. New outra- ge* arc comtnntly committed. I undcrstaqd <hat deputy Sheriff OrhTen of Middletccwn, had bi« bor»« slvot from under him a day or twn itneo. 13^'Gop. Cam 8. Soimtot' of Penn^lvania, terveda regular apprenticeship to the printing busineiW, and wa# pcacocal printer 'for a!number of yearf : i 1 , 111 - LL. I.I jth* olpWiintreturnejdjand mude tinns id i\. attack upon! it. win were brought into rcqtxisitioti. of show >)ere fired upot);it, but aut- re the fe- cbainud shed up- tbe cam breaking imaf then tying the at inter- rrlillinery and DrcttN Ttlajkitiu M IMH M. I.. AMi:s ba* j.i*trrtiime,if»om thefitv with the LATEST JTAI.L AND WI.NTr.H I'AMIKlN'S; and wobld be ba|ijiy attend to the call* of her old iii»toiner* Un nmial (•elieseo, November I. 1^-11. 117-1 Hnainsb \\ Inline, i M fiint« TiftJiCnlinw Id.., I'mat Ttirkei I tttbrr. Paint ftinilief, Alum, < .tu.'. hu\it;<>. L'imjil.ln L";r Wool, K.,1 do ('tun <lo Madder ('iijiiH'ra*. Ink PoHijer Hath PricK*. I'n:ii h Vnjimh I'll! inline d<l INniu'e ai Soil Prtre (*i,»lde Mi rip, < lid W n e l r ' o r <b> their cilrlomera, mid to sell tin rn nt us low Mid« ol like «{iistlff«-<• are Belling in tin* VK.O- r11 uddilinn to tlie fnrep.iiojj m-ficfr*. the! bale re«'eived n £<iod as*o|iir»#llt of IHlll.S A Ml'.DK 1NJ.H, PAlNTH, OI1.H A U W.-rSTVYVn. Aioonj ^^hl<'ll may bo li.ntid the follovrinj ^v«o- ine artu'lc* N nntiaJiOil, llariem Od. < Irpbidic HnulT. (.'Inns;'* W nrm \s>yi>r\{tt*, I Ji. r i n n i i * M«'«lnnt«'<J H>> HtMibn'* Ipitdin lit usilirdy, I b i o p c r ' s 1MI«, Jv-./ll's do l^'C'. do riuiitn\'»do O,.,„!,l,loe, < plllime. M.IIHU' H,ilsap(ild|s, t'liine'* do Cop^r. atifts, Wi»iar"a lisUoin ui \V'ild < ll> If V. II n^'li'» Liiiimenti Kittridjfc's do I Inl '*> do for I'd**. |)<iller'* J'u.n l.»tiiM)Ui), Hnljilnir, < «'.'.n.l. < 'aiiijihnr, < IjMlllll, (r Tnitrir, l!r»Mtin * (i\*\t\y*r RalU», Morphine. 1 Ropou HtOne, Mpanifh Kui»»j>a»»Ua Uool, ri lioalr fins, niinil/rc, >ln.lai'j 11 till'« iniprol ( d 11 il**.*, Unieman's I >roji», avi (olifill, KnllBd <>d. Ca»t..i < »il. Jthilbiob. Mi d Hoy IVixin, \\ llll|<IV< («||U« <V C > f A«". i MrTCAir*. Price of School Hooka ICvduceU : I \% ill M'!1 Krown's t.'raiuinar for r.()<V. (tuition's " It) - Hander'jS Ull Header (.0 " Morw'J Hohool (in'Oftrnphv '•>> " 'l'owu's A 11.1K»i« !il " Always on hand, a lar^e 11 other books, utUiu lowest ptn:es, fjetieseo, Dec. T.O. J-11 SMirtmeiil of NYhonl ami L. 'I'l'UM'.lt. ^.*.»- .* ^rec• wr«t twelve chain* to iiataU J thenCe 1101)6 tw.ju. laT^"!, n i l t l e<>m< lydtvil decrees eli.l MMcntci'll <l|nn*t thelK'H *i|l|ll| |W)J|t tfj djlSplltC -iehtj-..ix >t.-);rr<— cii.tlouf.-liiiiii. ulul OlYv.tl.r..« lotII* I I •• jelihol' thence aoitlli fifteen cbliin* and rt,Vt:liU'<|!| lillM to t&t) Ji « )Ia<C of b«ffinililiff, and containing ihirt.ren tit-r.-r. J o f ,( P t 1 f>h " f ^ ,,! ' •ct, ^jVortl wiis then jtotit to tin** thirty ol forty H iljl It wiih ciicir miistt us other per- j 0 bridge, moristrtl- iro ninis number without any nd. containing in the wliob; sorenty-tlireo at-o-i* jof ||d/f re firfd tntr land."— 1 )ated March '20, jld-iS. j , . 8K1NNKK, 'M. Master in Clnnccrvj JNO H SAM'I. SKiNMf.it. Solicitor] m A Farm foi- ?4alc. f^TirV n p i i r . subscribers oiler forsale a FARM sitin JL'.'lsC X ted in Spriii-rwitter Valley, one nkile Votltli of the l're-hvteuaii Mcetin-r Iloti*c.in this coipity. bjll taining l'l.i acres ol land; $KJ mcre-t itppriv^d Uin rcttlaiiider i* covered with valuable timber. TlmnJin oh the f.oma good'frauitnl boune and barn: also two fruit Orchards. . Any pornonwishing to purchase ajfood riiim,c)|c»p, will do well to call uud examine. ' Forfurtin r pn^ciai lars. «Mluint of tlie sub-Hrrdiera re^idingou the preittirWi L B. & 5. CULVFJti %riii//water, March 1*2> 1845. flwyibJ' vix-fto inquire, into Ute iK-st inefjiod of iiubartipp I stnMon, governing and di*ciplining scliciols. I i» ahullVndnavor to carry ot^t more fully tlie pljuia oTdg ration punned in UMJ) Tcju-Iiers'^nieoting* held |n s<?viirnf towns of this fourity for tho last two ycaril. It will be expectedihat ^ enchcjm will bring wttlj tli tlie, school books which tlpry Iwvft been aoeiiston|e ii^t; pnrticiilarly Ciolbtijru's Mental Arithiiictij: Porter s Kbetorical Render- \ l\\ \ • L. , Several di*un«ui*bcd ^n«lividoid« from abroad 11 be.sn bvited, and will probably attend tlie iHstitkita lecturers and instructors. | J.I » J •j-hr exp.-n-*-s will lie vrrv sBwdl. Doanl can Y} on raasonablo tenns at tho Uniutouon. T>« «X|i«h; for teachers wilt bera|c)r*H'noiaiaal, if anyAliingdt,h All schoololficerajand thecitiaMinn of thefcouutV ^ erally, are invited to attend the ^^p^jLj.. < tp» l i^ : €oiunioil Scliools. N OTICF, is hereby Rif en that n, Tcachurl' bi^illjtjri will l>e opened uwbp tJic dinjctioil of tlio '•*' 0 f r H| SupcrniU'iidenta and County WupfTintemle it, okit. 3d day of April next at a n o'clock A. M .fctTeidji Hill Academy in Geoe*e.d. to contitnte two WeckiJ. AH persons who intend; to teach School the cojnoi Year, are respectfully inMitisI to attend. The *I> ,*tl " ill W the same as in InsfitMtcs held in Other codni ijr»,1 .»t, 1 t.j»-ii<-«l ...nt ^vitl. abd Hpmti fifty OT H Pr rather upon Wells we: e fiefpVmtlv llujjtcued 11 jjijrjd fell to* the ground. j;At len millet upon to send to t h e ir;t fp Id fliCfO to dispatch him, win hi eper.* iCued 'M wounding ' At dsuec be eauHod it to scream w . i , 1 i • . . il mlly to d uven 0 T lis if* t Its ke(*p Wgiefp, edfrom bid bcei I ith Vleld to mibjection f with the babuico a>i" tl> I'e same animal which I hi'somo twp or t h r e e y< >ppoMte thihcitV, ami wi briber mischief after foil fired into it.—J A. f). lei II..S. gar- 10m w o r e •In, The ioir rillen <.{y blio'ts blm, for tin: pen striking, it wi^s de- son for a •no of the id a borne rty ni< )baut nn- n and fi- n it] was . 1 nimillrt.-— I'd r^lrie of ttjHi agb, at L ii<ionly stay- tb ecu yhots I Ilopn tiiAl Mtmnr-HH lit HANOV b\v.x ;Si br.—We learn from ditrtffl the Quincy patriot, atrirki* eve, three men, Irish M tl: la ,—TaiRKK Gjrcen, {at on St. >orors on \\e IrfcrWl, visited tbb rum fjhpp of Mr. orrfb that town, and 1 that a < Wotwtet Porry and the men, th Ijowciitliemsomo dtstancja and tjiorajdcfid in tho road With a Irbledjijjtjin. Another gun was jbrojntrod nnd J 10 vfrtt 10 tiijb 1 man wounded in tho d nloticurn the namos of tho t I < t ;nln lnfjU r mrc cjr ijave ik nded man. A Coronc March U\ 1815. -> ' ' - - . . ,t . , ri mm "•Hi ct j»t and returned a vord Perry has hern arj-eiji further particulars.— KBCEIVED, thO Itevised of New York. redn«-<l to < nr«)ons r>ndhn« tho use of HcbooU; by Wm II. Kv*edirwt)iod for sale bv * TfyRtfER. o, Novmber 20.1«44. I'oote'n wrlf-roiriilrttlilir Parlor Stove, itulton. I?cllp*Ci tiii<1 P a r l o r , C(X)K1N(1 ST<)\'i:S! A LSO, An Tiftlil Hlo\ea. of various *i/.e«, Sifunn Ittilhl Slorf», fhi'lft. Htove JH|ie lliaih tri (ttdcr and Johbing in all Its I.Nncbe*—t»'x\ door i<> t.'ow A. Warner'*. MUKTIM l.lt PUl.I.l. A CO. (Miieseo, November 0 ."!, If« t .'iTtl Iteilne<-<1 I'tffrrw* F 1* A C.UI/iUsl«iii< oiinf) Ilif/Il McllOOtl. I l f I'. W i n t e r T e l 111 oflbi* I let it olio 11 Will« I'liimoii • on \V<'<liifMla), tin'tah of ,\o\ < UIIK r, undsa tl»«» eliarpe of I ! Mlt (•HAlU.r.M II 1'AI.MlK. A M , fnojIrHi]. Ulld Tencljer'd Mfitbemitic*. Mil lt(('IIAKI>H.H. J)lCKIM*O.N.A B.,Ta*rh. r ol I .no in ape* MISS .JH KTII.I.A MIM.H, Prim .pal In i)4 I'«- rtiale D'l'iiriiiM oi MISS ilAIti A. SPA l i t A N< J , T..,H,»r .dMu- tje .iO»0«r %\ Ot) .'. (XI I V, [VI ()W oil hntid 11 few ol the I nl| o \MI 1 £ \\ or It* ^\|twh (Iruliattt'a Mugu/.eio for l H ll,al I'x'tspcr No. Columbian 1"> lady's Hook " J". The nlat<* in each .No. are worth tlie r.rire, L. TI.'Jt.NF.R. <iene*eo, J a n . 'J.'.. III, 1 ".. HAPPFUM' ILU .MlNATIl) lllltl.l . VKKI'LANCKM llXl MTilATjil) KllAKHl^AltU. TVfO.S. of tbe abov 1 -eeeoed n* soon a* pubbrlu .1 / J. 1 for sale at Ni.w luiix e01« k», bv I.. 'lTUM'.K. No *'0 of Pihleain! No. 11 ofHhnknpenre jil»t rve'd. ..... , - .. . . ... .... "P'STICKS* PI. \*SI\S.—fjtu n, Sii|iiMrnas, \'<- T ySTICKS'lILA nini*, l!xeciitton . JI<!•) Altai IniH'ilt Jllalllc*. l o r K k U at tlio Republican ollfce, (aeii^M-o, uajrrel arose it dp 10 'orry fol- t two of iblo bnr- cHoek.'j We de:eag<)d or ury j held of willful cd. \\ io Boston Trdn- Midlife* of the NCII«»«»I Idbt'iuie*. TERMS OF TUITIOM ('otiimiin r.lijdidi HHI»H1IIS» 1 li|;l'i r |l nifbi-b Hiaie !'• *, (.r.'i li, I/1I111 nnd I I - ll« b, I I tor) 1-11 1 i| ll..' \ n » l . (111 in i), fM>f|W «»*l., I{o*tu r r n l a r t d Slo%«»,fM'«« Htod'ot* fnrr)i«l«' O.'ir , *w n rli'iiiti*. No .nini < bio*'* »if I'ov l«md, •'•e^jrin.^ fur Musifl, %)*', ami llravtin£ and Patotlng, f4 f>+* I i 1 |ii'*r!«'r 'Phi* loi-til'ltioii 1* rilmtlffd on nn .1. . atror; o.ipr.ol.. Utu lJ>" * t'i*W •>! <»«•»>< •>*'«< J *»r>'l <l.«. »*.II«-^ . . ( > ! . . l,.frm j •«•'• KiVere—n loiiiiion, which tor bounty «>f **-«iti«'rr, j |it^.4'iiri1.ii'^«, nf».i .iili.lilil.. if tnt\ wilt t**\n*wJi l>^ njty ; Other III \\ 1 -li rll ,N. \\ \ o>U, 'Phi. Al lldf'llij bl)|t<1i»i/t» pirt< o( hrids. tbren «torir» bi(/b 1 "lie for tbe »er«iiiiu.i.- nation of the MaU, and die other foi tlia IVinai* pu Jul*, 'i'hi r.'.'lre tine.. 111 ilatioll.tWo »( Imid, at«l iUlirlV study roolita, The Teacher* reside nnd l«i»id In tlm ilri'titiitiurl, and Stmb nt« arn «l oil tioi»* >mdr< tJnu/ t-are. The c(,|irfe ofimfrtiction >M1I embo»c«> every UraocK bf a thoro|igb Fneli«l» au-l <*lt»*»ir»l i d m a t i o n j kwl laiiiteiidejl tofonii'h Htndetit* of this loMiintioii. with p\erv ii'Kjiiit'iro, and facility, for a^'jninmr a .r^rert so«t ib'iroiifrbjUtiowlrdffs ol th.**.' •iu.i 1 ..« ....... '.. |.i)r»n>d I n 0111 lufi fetnmarii'a «»f IA urning. Sm'dVma de- eifriinip tfi ruler <'olUre, »nnb« tilted for an advsirv^d Mandillg |>l linn or tv>.. > <»i*. mol no effort *\ ill br *pa- p |fed to reiidsr ilirir ijr^j'aration occoraie »nd thototofh, In \ i<-W of'ks v.-r| l>«iiiiUid lor-Mimn—the *.*|| .* n moral IIII^ "'brfn^i* ' (iini.« U'i of the pla*'e- !.«>:*»««i L TL'RNKR ba«"!i b'itul nnd will fiirniali for the !|,. mr , )r ,d||«vn „f the Hiiildlnrs. library, and ApjtraUiv use of Schools J, —and tb« : higb chnna« trr «no enjioo r>. <• o| ib»«ri»»..»e- Harper's S.J.....I Ubniries, Ist.^l, 3d, '«tb * .tbscric.. |, )V „ fv,,^,, .,, t ft ,. babrt.d, tl.M nositmlaj AmMany wl- I). ApjllvtOtl & C/O. " ' *' " '* j jfer*(»o ar»r fiicbti/is, for af.pnimif « tbororvf hasw yr*r~ 'i.lii.n, C,H. Francis A. Co • t i l * . «-* ' - 'I '( • ' nlako s and alarce (i*«ortmeni of Mifocllaneou* works. Also. GU)BKS and MAI'S. All of which will H« sold oalow as can bu bought in Rix.'fiestor or W»f»*rw New York, (ieiie^ert, Marchfcl,1844. A p r i l \ i i m b i t s of GRAHAM'S MAGAZ1NF.. CODY'S LA DY'HIIOOK. THK.COLIJMIIIAN'MAGAZLNK. J 11 st Re,cjoi v e.l, Th" above works fire received rr.rvdvlv na »«.on s> published. Subs. riber*iire(*unn £ 'bed at ('do v»^r or 2 •* hilling* pernmnlM>r, frrcfrotn Pottage. .- ' . i^ I' 1 tie<d idn. Geneseo, |rj ir». 1„ TFKNf.K. G IlOCKIUKS—jVi*t r.-ceUirMr my riiriiiK supply o every variety, al low pri«e» for cash. Mayo. WILLIAM WALKER ——— •».. 1.1 aaa m 1 1 on» w .»a«si • -• • *i «. ..•• . •^^,- . .. . .*— A GOOD assortment of Accordeon*, with aod without souil-UrnW or a*le chenp by I L D._ E D W A R D S . " N. B. A-xonleonittn3»d and ra<pwrtd. ,i'.i.i' ft i'i'.|n.fl.Af.l ;• 1 tliaaitbi* Irviitntioii, Al.LFN A W t U L T . F W Ooro v 1 AI W o r r y . See'^ . trroeJs.. 0»».*b 1-44 ptXJ j.Tfnrtile 1.•!:,:,;,•.:•: r ,,. oi. ( A LL i\ha nnv »vi«b to iirmttr.' Mi'iiinnnln Su|i M. IIILM) STOM'.H. LMONrMUNTS, T|»MH TADLF.B. A<„ »lt' »|i|nbt^ M«TKI.I*0«I|IJI i.r..| 4> f.po. un-iirpH^>ed, nil r»'M*onHbU» lrru««, end wWr.^f up. ;J jieriniiu. to u,U hue,run Ixj il»«* accoinmodLa'ud jbr ». 'jd\itn;iof i4;tt:i HA *.MAXt.KY.GfMw. v .v. V. . . j . . . ........ 1 ^ " VollHt»lldlo. M rfc#ivrd;M'.-»wrV NV«v P«K»rt», M Von»U*idU t»4 W*tri4fS»>f UM Cir hs»«t«>." it u»ir *4t»i* ft**.. T t * Menu u laid in (h* vilhy «F ^, w « ••*-*+*+**• .. ..- J LH'I or t ••nti'intli r*iilmy., th* Grmjae*'. Lvsryit.n* mf^aitofsnsUininKiiotivt. tulerf jaJ\*oU pnrrbaM the P«»*pi. It U prooouor*^ by Critla* »« baa a» slegaht pruducuo* For.-iaby L. TfRMl^K. r t t.n**«, P e c H . Ir»l4 f\ / 1 I j : m Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

r Je for hift - fultonhistory.comfultonhistory.com/newspaper 10/Geneseo NY Livingston Republican... · Our folk* by»*n nil nnr»« hoimi ami it i« all ^i»»t K*f now, Whit 'hn

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faem ihm Athmmy Argu*.

UBil"*Stoat D i i B c a U i r * C a p l a r c o f t w e l v e " i u d l a u * . "

T h e following le t ter w u received by a «n t l ea i an of thi* c i ty ;

D t i . u i , March H , 1845, *

1 cannot clone wi thou t informing yon of a - A C C I D E N T IN A C O A L T U N J I E L . — A n explo-sad acc iden t ' which occur red in tho Coor t aion occurred a few days ago in the coal tun H o u s e to-da^. Dur ing tho examinat ion of ncl , n o w in progress of construction at BflJkr-the prisoner*!. Mr. Eruntus Rodgora, of tho , mount , at tho head of t h o ! Bea r Mountj in town of Wal ton , while nitting on tho case- [ r a i l r oad , in Schuylki l l county

10 o 'clock, l\ M.

A heavy blast had been p repared at the e x t r e m o end of tho tunnel , some 500 f$e

m e n t of one, of tho windows in tho cour t room, lot hid riflo slip (from tho bench on

l>e«r irirj Y e s t e r d a y morning be ing ' t h© ! W u , c n >< W M rest ing. and tho cock s t r ik ing into tho mounta in , whom a .Workman by ho ay Skftor tbe r « t u m of the •horifF'n p ^ , , ^ ' t h e e d g o o f tho bench rjn>duccd a discharge, nnmo of Died lc r , incautiously approached rotn Kor t r ight . another posse of about £>0 ! t n o o a ^ en te r ing his lx>dy on tho left s ide in J with a lighted l amp to look into t h e tiiVo

' front, and passing u p w a r d s lodged in tho , conta ining tho firo, a spark from the lump ]ei\nhonldor.j j-It Was th .sight tho wound was | fulling upon tho train caused an ini.tunt >j.

l o u n t e d m e n m t w o d e t J u d m i e n t * . u n d e r t h e • •mm oi.l o f d e p u t y «lw>n»T O n m a n N . S t e e l e n d E . H. E d g e r t o n , » t « n o d f rom D e l h i for l o x b u r y . by dif ferent r o u t e * , for th© p u r p o s e f m a k m g arr«if<«. A a t h t U ' j o w u U t h o m o s t rrhulent pun of tho ami-rent district, where u-go n u m b e r s of d lsguUod m e n a re fro-uently col lected, ami as ih« r<mds a re ox-ccdm^iy bad . s o m e &nxioty has been felt >-day ni Ut tho success of tho oxpeit i t ion.

Tho party has ju*t entered tho villajrawith * o l v o Indian* w h o m t h o y h a v e t a k e n p r i s -msr*. d i s g u i » - d a n d a r m e d .

T h e p a r t i c u l a r * o f t h o s k i r m i s h w h i c h h o w u d m u c h sk i l l a n d i n t r e p i d i t y o n t h o a r t ot o t h c e m a n d mon. I c a n n o t a t p r e s e n t ! i .» • i „ 4 r* \ > i > r i c o t ins

:e . A f t e r t h e y b a d las t e v o n j n g a r r e s t

f a t a l . T h o p b v a i c i a n a , h o w e v e r , e n t e r t a i n s o m e h o p e * inat h e m a y su rv ive* W o a r o all •oldiaee So-night, and 1 havo no t ime to acid m o r e . I n h a s t e , y o u r s t r u l y .

I T l l K T R O V ' 5 L K H IN DCLAWAUC C o C S T Y .

W e unders t and that tho authori t ies of p c l a -waro county ( havo appl ied to th • Governor for aid, to pnoHorvo tbe pence and maiaitain

KupromaCY o f t h e l a w in t h u t c»un W o l e a r n a l so t h a t t h o G o w m o r baa p l i e d w i t h tl^o a p p l i c a t i o n HO fa r a s to

ty.— com-BOiid

200 muskets '< th'* Sheriff.

men . detailed

and a supply of ammuni t ion to T h o armn, & c , wore desp Utch-

mort ing, unde r an escort of oieht from tho Republ ican Art i l lery.

ill bo « r» t. i < Cm . m e w , uouiMC< i r o i n u i u ti • " i O I K .ni :\ i ii

<1 t ronton on a bench war ran t , tho blowing w i . ' r ,\ . 1« f, i . . , ,.o i W o p re sume thut some further sttajts w I horns ami o the r movements in tbe neich- < . » u iu ' i? ..• I . r . i • • , i , . V ! t aken by t h « E x e c u t i v e , but are nbt advised orbood announced g rea t p repara t ions fo r ' ,ji i * .u In i ' . ^ u AH

as to what they aro likely to be.—•Alb. Jour.

F E M A L B M E R O I S M . J — W h e n tho Ind ians endeavored So aac nd the stairs of Mr. iiluni-ing 's tavern m Anden to se ize S tee le and

. P a r k e r , whbjjhad tiiken refuge in the gar re t , they were rbeisted by tMr. H. for a uniy, but

which w e r e found loaded with balls >fficor S tee le also closed io vvith another , vho wa* a rmed to the fc-etb, and on str ip­i n g off his sheepsk in mask , found be had apturwd a cons table and collector of Rox-•ury. T b e 8 Ind ians , w i th tho pr isoner ap­prehended on the bench w a r r a n t in Koxbu-y. and four o thers taken at Bloomvillo on beir re turn aro now lodg-d in ja i l . T b e heriff is now at the Cour t H o u s e de taching ion to gua rd the j a i l ami tbe village du r ing be night. A t tho s a m e t ime horns aro blow-Tg and guns firing on tho mounta in op po­lio tho village, informing us what wo may xpec t if tbe insurgent* can mus te r in nuffi-ient n u m b e r s to p u i thei r t h rea t s iw execu-K"J. Very respectfully youra.

Cttrrtspmulinte of l'*t F.ttntttg Journal.

D r . u u , March l G — i H P . M. D o a r Sir—I am out on du ty as one of the

uard to pro tec t o u r vil lage, and be ing re­eved for a short t ime, I improve it in ad-'reat ing you a shor t no to of the s ta te of af-tirs in o u r midst . O u r officers of ju s t i ce avo been engaged du r ing the day in tho ex-mihat ion of pr i soners cap tu red in, R o x b u r y nd e l s e w h e r e . F ive who w e r o t aken with hoir rnrisks and dress<;s on dur ing tho on-;agement yes te rday morning, have been du-y c o m m i t t e d ; four o the rs , a r res ted nt Uloom-'ille on tho re tu rn of tho Sheriff ' s posse, iave been d i scharged , and ono admit ted to >at!. One of tho Indians a r res ted yes te rday n d four pistols, a sword and a riile, which vitro t a k e n from hi* person . T w o aro now »i» examinat ion , who w e r e d r i v e n into a house vitb the i r disguise1* on, w h e r e they we ro im-uediately taken , no other male persons bo­ng in tbe house. T h o Sheriff 'a posse dis­mayed groat coolness and courage dur ing h e e n g a g e m e n t ; no shots worn fired by hem, a l though nevoral w< re fired upon them >y the Indians , none tak ing effect. W e have {renc reason to be apporebens ivo for tho se-:urity of o u r villag •. T h e eas tern portion of •ur county is in a ter r ib le commotion, no-hing less than absolute rebellion. W o need nore a rms and ammuni t ion .

T h o following.is a copy of a Jotter j u s t Vo-•eived from the neat of war :—

** 9 C * O A » rtwmiin^, 9 oVlock. " f l o n r X i r — A f a r y<»« Irf\,i)i<t I rnl ' sns «aow<*d ilxim-

• f v t s i t v if wiu« p.• ,! ,! , T h s y (Iti'illy colkctiHl »t KJII-»r*: 14 miU'«(t*low. (Hhsrl<»vill«) it i» «at«l about V00. 1V0 vw rr* »t»f>r»'b''T>'»iv»» of *a s t u c k , am nisii in their i t nks f t ianuly tn iw», <ttu\ wlm I «dj>{)oin» k t i i w t/i«ir •••• ".1' 1. -«<lyi'<«l ti* !«» krt«|> •% ?n ir«l ; U w y »onl lh«y **i+ f|^tirm«nc<j to nMook us , srnl lh<*r wwri* i»fr:u«lih<"V rwitnt t o b u r n mrt" baildUtfSa W » hud 11 f<>rt"« of I Tit) n nv*tt i\*rm 1 ,Mor»**vil!« »f<HHl by I K . »n<l a frw nt»-^ i w o f I 'mtuvi j lo wvtn h*>rr. T h o lrwi>an« •(•altered hirsmt th« night smi BUHIM »><» a t t empt Io atltvck u». ! hinktfwi h i t no t p r s e a r a d for th«m tlw^y wroukl IM»VP rt«il»(l n s . O u r folk* by»*n nil nnr»« hoimi ami it i« all ^i»»t K*f n o w , W h i t 'hn Indian* i n n u i to do I IMIV !•<:<••.I Twi» AHti-rvnltrt w r n t post h:t*t« to ni<-nh«?mi 1 »n«f«rttsy, an/I it is l>«lt*,v*,d h"fvj to gr\ Hcbohnrif In-liaiDS, wiwth** to c o m * to o u r t o w n or jro to Dollu jail

n atTompt to n ' s c u e tho pr isoner , who was t r i c t l y g u a r d e d d u r i n g t h e n i g h t .

In t h e m o r n i n g , a f t e r s o m o r e c o n n o i t e r ->g. a p a r t y o f a b o u t 1 3 0 I n d i a n s , w.-ll a r m -d. w e r e d i s cov i - r ed , a n d i m m e d i a t e l y c h a r g -dJupOfl by off icers S t e e l o a n d S d g e r t o o . a n d

b o u t £0 o f t h e m o u n t e d mrin, a m i t h e y fled j ho w a s finalli c«»mp*1lcd t o g i v e w a y . ^ v l i ' n j t h o L w o o d » . D u r i n g t h o s k i r m i s h , t h e r o j t j 1 0 I n d i a n s ttbund a m«>ra f o r m i d a b l e foe in ' M * o m o b r i n g b y t h o I n d i a n s . o n o o f w h f « i e t h 0 p c r M O n o f M r s . H u n t i n g , U h o s e i z e d t h e M s n a r r o w l y m i s s e d h. S . E«lg«;rton, w h o j . C h i e f b y trk> collu|r a n d w i e l d i n g a l a r g o r a p p l c d a n I n d i a n , a n d d i s a r m e d h i m o f h i s bu tchor -k i i i f i j which- s h e h e l d in h e r l a n d ,

• t h r e a t e n e d t 4 pierce* it t o h i s h e a r t if h p d i d n o t r e t r e a t ; p e c l a r i i i g t b n t n e i t h e r b e n >r h i s c l a n s h o u l d ' o a s s h o c a s Jong a s t h e r e ' v n s a d r o p o f blood] in h e r |V< iin>». a n d if t h e y ilitl so it w o u l t l b e <){V r h e r d e a d b o d y ! A n d t h u s a r m e d s h o fyept t h e m «t bay. ' a n d gu i r d e d t h e ing res s ' IO tbo< r o o m • w h e r e S t e e l e a n d P a r k e r w e r o s e c r e t e d , w o b e l i e v e , m o s t if n o t all n i g h l f a n d d o u b t l e s s p r e v e n t e d tljoir s e i z u r e by u s e Iiidiafmu-^-J7c/A* Exprnt.

V i s i t I O D o r r — n n e w m o d e f o r hi f t

JR e h i a t c .

cojtlu Hpdtttttf Daily Dcmocvt.

fPaovi&KNci:, R . I . March 17. Of course] all s t rangers passing her:?, uro

asked if they havo $eon Dorr.; I cap answer in the affirmative. \-1 visited the prison to­d a y , and the re took a peep atitho blartyr, us bis friends c ssignato him. H o wa 1 t i l t ing in tbe work-1 hvp ' i a aJi a rmed chuiy, giving tho finishing itrokejjtu tho paint ing of i ins, u branch of bta inoss extensively car r ied on in the pr ison, and a ' ' lucrat ive ono to the state. Dorr occupied t u t ; only- a rmed cboar in tho shop. H e islquite a n ' a d e p t vjrith tlie brush. and is in an bmploymen t well suited to his taa te—ho a l ^ a y * having a relish for' the pen­cil.

T h e r e is no uniform dress of the pr i s rn , and no shavifig of beads , as at Aubttrti.-*-D o r r had on[;>tri Chopa tche t coat, and a lino broud-cloth cloak huiig on too' back of his chair , whicbigavo it ra ther a mart ia l appear­ance. H o iiboks fine and hear ty , With a good-na tu rea countenance . •

A m o n g o iher coilsv where the prinoners re t i re for tbb night, I passed that of Dorr . In all of thejm but bis, iron cot b e d s t e a d s aro used . »Io b«s ono of cherry , with a, rocking chair;, table , ore.

T h e r e is is l ibrary in thc> prison, which is used by all ^he piriifonor*, nud a good one it is. Light*!inr<! furnisbe<| to the occupants in their ceHiij after tho Work-shop is closed unti l 10 o'c ock. jand oacn pr isoner amuses himself by jrfcndibg or writ ing. This is the Alccrinr t r ea tment of prisoners, of which w e b<ar luch r<jtoliijig accounts ot out west .— This is p r o b i p l y V\to m o s t , h u m a n e prison in the world. j

T b e election rA g o v e r n o r comes on ngajn next mouth.jhnd considerable* interemt is felt in consequence of the compb:te somerset Mr. Dorr ' s njfiom s bavo made in their norni-

j,j Gov. F e n n e r , tho prcs-rr

plosion Dioblor was thrown near ly lifeless ngai 1st

tho Opposite s ide of the tunnel , und upm) beiop; b r o u g h t o u t w a s found no s e v e r e l y j u r e d nn t o e n d a n g e r h i s l i f e ; t l m r e w f o u n d t o bo a b o u t t w o h u n d r e d w o u n h mostly cuts, in different parts of him body, Philadelphia Inquirer of Monday. ;

J tnsEY WO.MK.V JUHTICKB ov TUW PEAck:! «—According to tho Phi lad . L e d g e r <»f J p s -

t e rday , Sally iJrown and Betsey ] F rench , maiden ladies, w e r e elected Jus t ices atjtjhe Woolwich town meet ing, in Gloucester Cjo N . J . , last week ! The y were run against tho regular nominat ions. ij

. — t~ r~ : 7 — ^ i .'; . Fr iend H u m p h r e y is the W h i g candidate

for Mayor in Alpany . >• • I j J

Mfa* ;,i


D a t l H V l I I e -iSe 5>-

T | u l D a n s v i l l o Sl ip and Basin1 was the

p(C :|: l o r d e r in the Asset lbly on Sa turday ,

oe explained the bil mid tho action of

mul CA>nimittt:e, at lome lcn$th<

Comstock enqui red vyhother some of

Oris engaged in tlie affair last spr ing

jtDoert indicted ? a i d Mr. Nivon oj>-

>d«f.-|l she bill at some . length. In the course

•fll if (remarks, he allud< d to t h o i n d i c t m ^ n t s

n o . | » i t q o fac t t h a t o n o >f t h e i n d i v i d u a l s

1 ad

Tlie W h i g meet ing in N o w York, T u e s d a y evening, passed offhurmoniousl

m 1 mil 1 I 11 1 1 1 mum


D i K D — I n Livonia on Friday;TuVitist- , '.Mr. IbliLO G m i K , a Rovoluuonnry imldior, uged 81 'ycani . *

I t c c c i p f N f o r t h e IIcB>ut>Iicun; From March 17 to March '&, inclusive.

Bcnj. Boner (*) S3.0J J . II . Roberts (") Henry Dixon (*) Win. C. Dwight F.rantn* West (") Win; Bar 1 onX".)

T . F. Cm ry K. Gill Jn!,n Hniibv A. A. H t i d e c (*)

r^-Ti odviuici-.

•2,;">0 i.:.o 1.G0 1,75 3.">0 &.<X)

Dntiicl Young (*) Win. Lyman. L. Tiirnur 1 , Norton (Iil)l>» I.«ww Chandler (*) *..r>(l J . D. Mc.Ma»tcr I .23 H.A.WilmerdinicC) .-<5

3.25 Oren Shcldeh (") |,*.KJ B.r>o

oi»o marked thus (") have paid one y d r i ?

N e w A E x t c t * » i v c A r r i


Old Established Watch & Jewelry Store! a I T JO»NH<)Niiir.»nimlii«oldc%wt«)in

, J QP * rr* and die public gnu-rally that U*; ju»t received mi exU'naivo uaaortni'int o(


mi l|i rider an indictment-

ate FitEDtmcK I Io JKI:. E s q

alluding bf course

Clocka, Witch Clmlrw and K*y*, Itinp*, Brj*n*t Pin*. Silver , (jeriniin ailver mid jilnted HfuKitM, i4fWf ji|:ite«|. Bht tonia and i^raaa tJandlrat icka, 'I «-u B*ilU,ailv«r/ I*en-cil«, rip«TtiwleM, Tliimhlen, I tazora mi<l I'oiikr'v«-«, rici*«oi», bboll , bo rn iutd ivory COIO1M< I 'ockV' Book*, I 'araoa, »Ve. A ^ \ , together wlthaitnO*t evurV *»tli««i orn-C'len ilanally found In a J e i v r l r y rtlor«, which li« " i l l


[It will Up irce-Ildiibd that Mr. House \j/us nomSuateu for f en btracke<

isn|p)[)ly last fall, by the h belongs.]

3 subject was not

a tspcciul o rde r for I\ Tia

ith wa rmth t o the J& Y o u n g replied w

k*s of TCivon, und p.*i id n meri ted tjrib-

th ' memory of the man who hqd (bus

1 in bis jrtuvi

N < - a I l u m p »i>in-

(jifju.'.. Stcole is cloctct

rity, but Woodbury ,

>:irty to Which'Mr.


disposed of, but

onday ^10 2'ljth.

"ell at u.1 low jiO'ep for retwly fu»y M«I rim \>f l«»iii;l>l ul I wi ld di**>*»#. A* »f1 tiny «ihoj> in lh« county, l lu will »J»ogiveLia jj«!r»on«d j x,.„i „,, n.ur <U«i<.«»(

u t d l i l i c i i t o

i W A T ( ; ; i Kill* Aim N c . and jtledj'en liim«el("tint. nil vriiN in idj^ line «'IBII IK» n'-t<"ll<lii(l'l«i protil[)tlv, and tlie work liotu-m tlH? yrry l*-n\ maimer.

All wholiaVtj oecaaion to pnrcba^o nrrylbinjf in J«« line, or to (jet repnirinx <Ii>tie, nr«o>»iir<*d th»t »t v\ ill 1J«-U» thiir infatreM to cull. II«* lia» adopt< d tin- READY i*A\1 tjyiJTffiM, "mi wdl do bu«iu<:*< al a rwn'ii/iiWc prolij.

[-^"Sliop opposite E. P. <V C. Metn.irx.Sloro, 0a«4i paid Tnr old Gold and Hib «T. Hilverworl* nwiitifactiircd Io ord«r. (i.me.^eo.Jimuarv'iil. 1^1".. 'ZV>\f

V, d » r i » g t h e emi ti,,»»».C« vf >f\otmn * » d fl«! tho cha i inr la <.f

bo«Ofn«M>4|baUlf' lt^l »* *« »»*'""< a*t t**j$>*>.Unt > l«it for »!>«4v]"«0"l*i4<l<<rit ^ » » i w * «;*»<j«'*|»«" t " ° 1 ll.ltitf Ie»* l | .un tlnit lha »r/rrn'lndinjf f 4\tWMf *>»" t>o «»v.-rwlirU|ied wt l j tho f i n " * In \k* r«»o»»"^ w#th \\\* Imoiao »KMJ|r-tf «><*> j»JH», Kidnry* . *ni jBk)Wel« n l l f fi»ltin<{'KM let i"t •

I'KKLI SH A N * CORUM'* W.Wm,*.) |»rC.mi« ».» i«U IIK.'>I|() aat.» Uil U» alh'ffK'l t • ' , , ! *

jmri!<ei» w h i r h <!/»• >o all «***"*

HI: <»F tncpx&M • ; no «rlf»«'r r*i- iu» lb«o ih** »*»••

».i..,w.f «.f Ut«r f|*>#r»*H*!"»*»>

Il>n fi»*» J'ljf* »f »',* »n»«;lil jttv

* r iinift reui«.»* «K /Amifmtfnn* ,,f iiii> ^'i(>*•»»t«irt«U«i • « i » > f » ,

1. »MI] kit ji njmi, »\) \b* mvr

di-vllf lrje t^I'llin^ I

THE CM] 1*0 r o r e l r ••i'O ***t**'* *vho|d Unmti * it) •*•*

Gov. Ivy jx Btnall

who vvtis -put on

Il i ird-Waro A Cutlery. j I | A L S T E D S <V DASH.

No.r>7 CEDAR STREET. /Ar« doort IMM <>f V,c nrtr Poet Office.

v* TTTTAVE now in »torc a very !«r^e mid H. 1 < ' o l i l p l e | e utoi' l i ( i f ^ I I O I U i n t h e i r l i n e

Compr i» inp nil the vnrirtien of She l f und Heavy I I a n l w a r e . to which they rcntM'Cl/tilly

inviii> the at tent ion of C o u n t r y MerclinnU, C u t «i»<l W r o u g h t NmU. Anvil- nnd Viee». Hoi»U» mid liitiffes. T r u c e , Lo« nod I lul ler Clinitm.Axcuiind Hntchot ' .Bloo*! und o ther celebrated milkers, <>r»ii» und (»rn*-»Hejilie», Mill nnd CrofM cut S.n\>, Sliovel* mid Kpndc«, liny


to tltfl frrv j t i f c h t i t t ' •-.> i n III" f^ftini |»lx

i ! i - . . . . . WA|MIO»l •>(•<

l u l <lr«i l l« «»1 t o o h'« l » .

V\ Hlt .KH'S INDIAN VEGETABLE H L L N , Sn/th A wtrtttm Catttg*. iif 11**1 ih

>} t t i e ( « ' • ! . i f rr<|l I l i e xtlJ k"»»l,

IN T H E WOULD. Inr r n r r y i n i r »>nl t l i r . t i e j o i t f u l i w l » u r t p l « t h e o r y ;—

f o r t h e y r / . in | ' I»>te ! M


will ho ff>«iivd on MfcDfCIN

r)tinnrf the hl»i»H>)i »nd ilttw

. im(rt)it) H Vl i h»oii Niiiii'irii » o ^ other »f»i}*ifilie*. U

ut tlitt«i»oiMt>rd<i p f ju io to m I.eatlKy di*eluojJ<» (fOffl

the flfc/i|{<v!*k.n »'n<l K i d o t y n ; r . .o«*c»« ,nily, i«»»il orntjVlf ulriK « f e i i i i i ' i im l , i t i * f i ( t h e f n»f»»« trf»veiy imm»

m l i h n <-oo»i t»y t « l .

t r t r l t (•>/ th«

i n g r e s s i n j i l a c ' o f l l u l e . is D j E F J E j V T - I !,i„| Muiittrc Fork*. ROOM 1\>K\< A - . , winch th< y wii ' •«>»-j • .1 i I , i ; . . .i : i ncll nt the Iowcnt tiricc» lor Cii#h o r u p p r o ^ e d credit .

I b i s is not tho (a it disaster: which " "' ' . , . , , ' J i , \ . i . o V i \ . New % ork, Mnreli ] . J H J . , . IA«..}.II HV;MKJ Ldcdfocoistn for its subiur^ ienry tc

^ u i - y . ;

.4 | ' onTANT.—Gen. A l m o n t e , t h e M e x i c a n

niter arrived in New -York on .Friday, apdjoxpresf icd t h e confide

Now York Market—March 20,:» P. M Tl)0 «llc» of Cot ton yesterday reached 5000 hlile-,

and to-^hiy thev are flOOO bttlcunt irr<*f;nlur prices—<-litif luirlv catablichitig a n p d v a n c u o n tho lu*t n e w n o f Ac lb

'1 he Boston m a r k e t yoaterduy w i » entirely qtilet, Hales inndu quite below o u r pr^cc*.

F lou r i* Ktendy. ba t not nc l ive : nnlet* Genevccut Tft inl . ! i500bus . rya brought 70cCufn delivered.

Jdntey c o r n w oifured tu 4H e . UixU, dull at ItDuIlLlc. N e w po rk U held at S511 and I? 13 An offer

mnkc to take any qttantitv on C h a n g e , from 10 ) t<> I0OO bbl«. $ 1 0 ^ 0 und J?12f.."0.

T h e r e ban not been inucb dono in any article of virion*. I-HI.11- in d e m a n d , wi th miliu at ~}x in and : w iilke«n. TallAw dull.

T h e r e w e r e lnri(o Knlen of ricoicb pig iron ycHterdtijj nt $37^)0 caxh, ufterwiirdy at ^-10. A can to o f Swocdll i ron hint been run ntl'l'roiii tho nliip at someth ing ove r ."^^0- Rngliflh bar S 7 5 . HaJeK.

400 boxen l l uvnna »ti(;ar nold at b^ cU lb.; N . O . iMo:

laMe»k in hhdd. at *2Q ct*. 1000 hnfi* Jjiniiatrti colTee at 0 l-4c{ n o m o r e t<> b^j

had unde r G^c- | . — i • . . . . — . i *

K o c l i e v t e s - 3 3 n r i t e t — i S a f u r d a y . Frwin the liocltittcr Democrat of Mutidutj. March tit



w n I


Flour, wbolenalo rctuil

Beef Pork Uud IJuttcr CheetM Wheat 0. iu Ibirlcy Corn Bean* Potatoe* Onion* Hides, ulatighter

" dry C..lfSk.n« Sheep Skins Suit l'i?«* Hams Wood llav


J 00 lbs a t

pound • *



$ 4 (M) H 4 2. 4 i.'."> ti 4 : 2 f.0 d 3 .r

4 (

nations, last jwco

mo do not l o w w , '

Ono «rre«t wan wtxAo to-day. AVo intend to prtwMjcute tlM» war , only jrivo uti tooU to do j u i«po«cd 1 1 lie rriiknonirtot^g and heal the it wish. W o aro orgjfnizing in this und otb-1 i m , t c b e » tl itjl nd,w; prodtjeb the discoid in

- r »« w " ' » . . . I politicitH mnIICTrt. T h e Sheriff'* powto will proceed ugain to j t ap^ouU thntj Gov. I ' ennor in a Toxns

m a k » further arrests on bench warrant" , n nd AnnexiUui i rt.ontli he i« (jhuiged \eiib pock-th«y will wi thout doub t IK? again resisted by I H j n thi>«i ifoMOri of tbe la to legwlaturo on the Indian«4ind MrHotii coimeipiencrn nuiy ' , } , ; , «utij«o<]*nd i o t ' f o r w u n l i n g ' t b o fenolu follow. I hopn tho t imo has no^,arrived when j t j ( m , un^\\ :tfficr I hp v« wn aro to be gnvornod by aruthUjM bftnd of {,rcw-> O n tllo < ti< r • avnge*. T h e law* muni and «h ill bo «us- nnti-Anticxisitlon, nbd

L5 p r e ent incombebt , is rtj-pomin'atj d.nn<l t h e l ) o par ty have Jibmiicujcd Mr. jjacknon. a thor­ough Whig;! and ?<lso the other names Oil their t icket , n& o i tho law u|nd order t icket. It is rntbor pj t in ;t)ilur moVej but Mr. J ack ­son and many ojf tho W h i g party afejeonwr-vntivo in lhq|ir fettling" towtufds D o i t . T h e lawn being moint l ined, and l)io j irisobcr now utitler sentence , ttomo are of opinion bo ht» suffered! sun$cien :lvj and us they buvo ttbown to the world that laws will bi- respected ot nlf evcbtaHTin tbi» H'ate, ^-par ty of t hem nro


barrel dozen pound cord t o n

son Jjould declare war.

j N e w Orleans has

ind "jonc home


nt belief khat Mex-I

T h e Mexican Con-i i

also closed;his (mis-

•Wel learn Itbnt J N I T E O STATES MAHSII it.

4 | Jacob ' Gould, of Uoibes te r , yvtix nbini-

Cfl and confirmed as U. S. Matkbalj for

lor tbern Distr ict of Saw Yojrw, in)me

k'itiHyj after the rejectioti of J . I I . Frcbt isa


el some office.

Ca•iled by the death of I I t I i .

An excel lent nomination be t lcptcd.

H o n . J O H N DAVIS 1 as been boitnintitcd

Whigs of tho Maa<aclius0tts Lcgisla-

to fill tho vacancy in the U J S. Senate

W i a i d o i v IJIi»i«lH, SIINSJ a n d I > o o i » , j Manufactured tit I fit

S P I U N G W A T K k HASH FACTOltV. » |v H by 10

light: at id, and «li

hv A T the following j inee*. viz 5 W i n d o w .S.i»li yt rotuil wj cent" pe

wholcMfo IScenti per lijrht,con»tnrilJy <m ha *-i/i'i» of Hosli i iLpt ' iport ton, made to order , 7 hv 0 Iv! light window hlnnj* lOsbillttigsp H by 10 12 " " II 8 by 10 J5 " " J:i 7 by '.) I.r» " " 12 7 hy '.I 20 " Mby 10 20 " « by 10 21 "

Poor* from 10 shillings to

or. •• fts -!it;

IGsliilliitgi at



is l i t e r a l l y j 'Jnvi n l o n r i t h e !.<.<ly

fljTpAUTIUN.jj A»> i l ia rff^t |" ' | '4 l>oi , 5' . * « d < «ii^«*'j'>er)tly {r»r«t

d e m a n d , <>B WrightlK JIHIMII V«"g«jl«ld« I M U , b*« ran-ed H)» niji-n-t j-if l i t i in t rr fe l t er« . Country tgGMm Hfid »>tfifeti«|«(H-r» w<i|l Ire "H t ln ir (JOOfl Hf,'*!)!*! tlm

iiii]M»*t<'f» Ali'int-t1' | I«V«<|IHI(( »l«.

Illlj^ t» lltoklOkUSjKtOllOtf il »J«irillU


It »ti.f>>!.j \>*> reoli tithtifrd that nil nm\ hftf)T« d A .

g e n t s a r» nr *nle<l *i tf i o t>rtlfVcstfl o f A j c ^ e y , l>l[Jlieil by 'iV|l JJ»tf \VsiOIIT. Viro J'| pfldfrit Ot Aim

Noit l l A i f u r i c r i Col lege ..f J |e»! lh < '•.r|««f>>*rit ly tkoru » l i n offer lr><!i.iiii V'ej/efable Fill* and o i l ft'il »h"Wa c*f tiii.enle, ui abot w descr ibed. Will I** a o o w n u» i(ii|K)S(efi».

T h e fotutiwjng h|f;!itv roapeclabl* f<ior*li**f*rs have lieen l([l[>tlllltt,'I BC«>HI» fof the *nle ot

wni i i i iT 'H iN'biA.N V E < ; E T A E E P I I J . H , and ni 'wliiiin It ia ciilifiilenlly U'ti«'»«<J the ^ x o u f o * o tenic ino IJJII v% ith «icrl*ititf bf obtained :

j<lr.HT« r<tR M^UuMTpM eOL'NTT.

If I ). }.'ti'*A» t". (.'ruMcfi ;

t'unfrin l f » « l > i , A v o n ;

W 111. l i t lmiroN. Lima ; I . I>, R O M , J.'ilieville ; El;4* l l l i Ni l . I" , I)a»IB»»ll»J

< J .

urdi i ig to

linilders and Merchant* who wiali to Yrwr money will patrom/.e tho d i ' i U N C W A T E R VAI.I.I.V JjABU FACTOltV.

h<. K. CHAMHEREIN, A. WHl ' l l , . .

January 25. lHir.. | ly:Wrt.

<», |}i ACKKarr.n, <'«><lniiu ; J . V> i t t.K, A v i f i ;

l i e

>n. ISAAC! C . B4TE8. J J o h b (

T a i

1 V ! i o l e » u ! c U i i n N W n r i ' « tor< ' K O C H K H T E l l .

ENRY H A I C H T d : CO.. No. C Hotttb tit. Fatil street, in tlie Minerva ihiildiiitfis Imp«nter» tin<! r* ol'Hitrd-Wnre and (.'iitletx. have <,in hntiil and

H o wi l l b f c o u r s e ! oiler forsale. on the liiofl reaaonable U'rin:-

Win. F . Have niy;rr is the Loco can-

for Mayor of N e u York.

8 AT HCIXNC ANTI-RI - .NT TntAi. l e a n from1 Hudson that ijt was tnjit (I'CL <:k last evening that a J u r y \ytts

K O A U W A R R A N T S A LARGE supply of Road Warrant*1 jtiat bpnt^d

and for aalu ut dio Ropublicun Ollicn. Mar.jli 24.


THIS i«yntcni ba-« been adopteil by tl« toad the leading town-and village! tlirotif lion; t

lantic coast. It IK in uso ill tlio public He tool* ton, Albany and Rochester. A* a labor-*)viiiy uU< and economical system it is lirwtirptti'S d

For sale by Uio ae: or sm;,'lo iiiimber. b> 303 L. 'I


IN CHANCERY-—d«li Circuit William Mm, eoni|ilaiii:lnt. VH. Jonejth Altirkliaili. Jll

other*, defendant-i.—In pursiutiico <>f a de<rci< aiadd tin* can-Hi hv the Vice Chancellor ol the KighUi <.'tr<!i

1 u w -/Hlt'Ul-





Flnf-AKi* I ' B O W K , Y»»rk C o n t r s i jA»tji.« F O M I . H U F o w l e r r H U 1 iu\m >r tNf t . i . , hpcncflr T o r t ; 1». jf) I 'M f"1'. Elola ; I I . K\'. (»OHi»oN, t oy errvil l i1 1 l i l ' K V Tll.TyN Mmi'iiw j J . i\. ,M»*i> M<"mi Mfirr i*} i l JAl.l »"». Key»«.»»-i ) •

Odlcen ijeviitfil exciu«IV«ly to ll>f »»i" « f lh«< M e J .

Irin.-, wh'iyWsale and r «-t 011. No . U^H <»r«enwi rh . r i . . New Y«nW; N o . lDtt.Tr*1nort'»t j Ronton ; and thw Prmrir iu l i){V\,-f. No ttill Knee U., f l i i l a d s i o h U .

il )'On«>|tivr...v— |*oreliM»e only ol t h " sdv*rtt*44 *• Iff l i t * . H f ' i o f ' i f i h e r t h h t i)<>ri«' u r * g e n u i n e e n t r j i l

v\'ruthl*a f e g o l a h l o I n d i a n 1'ilU. 30o

s . 4 W c ^intil s ix

l i la l t i rd j inil ict-ie 8 b e r -lius no t

Ut 'banCc.—

E i . i : e i i A ^ T . — W e

totnN* the hrst of these cases, vijj met|t agaitlst Houghton forrobbil iff of bis papers at Copalt'e. T h | jieen tl»<: slightest a t t empt at dis lit In Js>vr- ,

I A M A N Ku.i.r.o IIY *y learn by a gent leman w Inst ev'etiiug on tl Baton Roufeo, that the Inrgo multi pf Moijsrs. p o p k i n s & C ).'s niqiijigerio, o n !

the ponjohi who bad j nyed tojtake ebnrye | • two ejtmliautit and

1 ' 1' Ji 1 I mtvance olj the: oth- |

female 1

10 cau i< ;

he steatVier Prim

Saturday morning killed for some t ime be n empl of it. ( i t appears that th •a cahiel had been sent in e r Aniinaliijcn route for C [elephant t nd the camel tibainetl |\Vft<-n nbiutfoujr miles f the! male r lephi int refum


iHtninifv.r L ~ I

HS, l l l . l t l J j

ulephant J

i t i i u i i .

Auvilit, viced, traee and h '^ chain*, Mill. cro«* cut and hand ».1»>, Hhovelfi, «prtilea, hook* and hiri/re*, Jtu*«ia an<l I'.n:rh»h *beet i ron, Til l plato, h.ir uiul *Jieet lead, F d c tool*, lile* and racprf, < '111 and wrought n.n!*, Fnt'li '-h. S w e d e * and Amer ican i ron. Nail rods, ^juke r«ul<, hoop and band iron, I'liu'li-h. C e r m n i and Aniericati aleel. h.inder->oii, Hrother* A t^o. 'araal steel. Hol low ware . ( t i nned and enameled , ) R o p e and cordage III all *l/.e»,

1 Window fflaw, A<'. Ac. <Ve. Toirether with a large and full n*«ortmen1 ofah-df!

|[<iMiln, trimniinirs.lntrlieN, lock*, Ate,whichw* uil)l»itl i to dealer* at New York prices We miiiort <mr jiwn good*,and will sell thetli a* low 11* iinv hou»e in J<ew j Fork or Albany. I'I«-:Hc give 11* a mil, and find ttom 1 peinolial observation th.it we do a* we promo**.

kiENUY i i A K . i r r A <<>. 1 Rochester. Jan. 2^, Hi : . . :!i.r.Hd.

' 5 < ; o i c v e « , .T luy "15, IH11.


' I I S ( ' l l l l ! i : i l H I , n r rece ived tli< , f ow.a l \ of M * H I . \ < . and HI M.MLK K T A F I . K

>H\ < i O < > I m | alwi « fc«tMTT>l i«*>M'rl-nil ot vi IIH h tjn'y « A\ \n- ,1m})-

J)V to chow pl ic : 1 a* jf i t ) .

AND FAriCY I mem attiRMt'MlKH

White K Vermilti«ri, I*nj{ Pari* l i u j f n , ( ' h ro tne do

<lo Vi't low. Y e l l o w t W i h ! ,

W n e l i i i l i |(<'<l

\l, pu re A extra,

A t l K ' t

"__ i E'ttb., HiliM-ed A Halloo Oil

| . i f<


JEutes t A r r i v a l o f f u l l O o t i d s .

I TURNER, i* now receiving hi* stock of FAI.E j J » ( iO t^DH, umorig which iua\ he found a i'ery !

large slock of good and cheap C E O I ' I I ^ . Cn«i«iin<*r«**, ' Sat inet* and Yestinirs > f every qiinlitv nnd price.

A great variety of D K K S S d O O l l H , con*ii»tintf in par t of rich Cadmi ' - re D'l'Vo***', I'laitt and Printed Nlu-lm De Eaine*, ('li.iiiiefiori and Halm StriiK' R~


rrsftn v Ak-


Willijiii. or. aji|d

ta ined. oven at the sacrifice of our m<rtt wor­

thy citijfon*. In haate, your«. »V <

P r « K r « « « o f I t i r W r t r It* D o i a u . t : . ' . E x t r a c t from a le t t e r dared

Dr.uur, >ioiidt»y night , 1.2 o 'clock.

o r r » n g r t « e l « . it i* b n r d to c o n j e c t u r e t b e r e -MtllL J f >l|r. Ji^ckHOii Hiicceeils in' get t i n g

&00 to! lOOvVniptj^jpi' icct iunt of his Texa» T h e dftft£«r 1* now far ffrcat'T than ha.i j opinion atii" ncvorltl otjier local mutters that

l>oen heretoforo ant ic ipated. Largo moiem-1 w j j j c o t j jo up durincri thecanvaas. benides tho /> . ' • I t l_ . »• „ " r , . .1 I ! r . . . 1 - 1 1 L„

iou» onthi»jquoi|iieM. for bint.

AN the phrtir^ noAr

to wiiit taken in Con-hand, Mr. Jackpon is aotne w h o a r c p u n c t i l -it i» s u p p o s e d wil l g o

• l a n d , u n d e r t h e n e w

tho ea»t bv the line of the town of Avon, on tin *outli hvlitmUof Fayette Key*-*; on Iho west by U uti of Orplw Whnley and Ileiuan Ston«). And alsoib 111 oili­er piece or parcel of land ajttiatfl, lying and boif;: in th« town olTJmn. county und Hlatc tilore*:iid, anfl^cijcfi-bed a* follows: HeRiiiniiq at the north past cjiincrjof U ilhum I Inruilton'st linil. ruitnlni north «ij(hfi'lsix| de

c| male ciennn briflgo; tjio keeper, wn«> was on etirjed a bjirso. (one which the olej) pon uCcusjomcd to) for tbe pu rp )*o incj it over, und in a t tempt ing to m jj io^c khcyed, and threwjthe man iti

J 'ho e lephant immo«llat ly rutjljed upon , cnuirjut bite upon liiU tusks, !>ad throw

bit 1 forty

. . lu- i i i i i"- i . i ine* , I ll.'lioeliori anil .Mn|ill MliJ ! * * ' * " — i r , , : , I"rrt- AlUfhan Sa iml Seha-nan*. Hliie. Rlaeik. Fluid

o m IJatol R<|»Ug', Figured and Chnngeulile AU|.u< a, l;irfr«a rich, Hdk tl to C'osl a sma l l ' Warp,Plain and Fluid l.u-in--, A<-. A<".

Alalia large stock of HIIAWEH, llomul Ribbons, Etce*. tfloves. Hosiery.A'c. Hi* *toott ofI)().MKH-T I C <»0^H)H. (iroceries. Crockery Af. i- istipplied a* iistinl with Clioij) '..(•/ (J<HHI (iiHult. All of vshnh will be sold at the low c*t Cn«ll Prices,

Ftircba«er* are inv ited to call Imd exai^iiiie ((Oodn and price* before purchasing elrewhere.

(iene*eo, < Jctobcr o, l - 1 J.

o r fifty feet in t h e a i r , w n g r e a t n u t i i b e r o f times),

lich w a s rejfeuted [a great; nunibot of timhftj, tho fusks ire pientl;r pansing through hi:. lliadyJ It tin n carried tbe body towards the wpodn,

Jil it fell . snvid it

Flu- iiifutjivted hy. op

at tli«- city of Rochester, dated on the ehrventh day' >f .March, A. 1>. ItUu: I, tlie'snbscribtr, one nftlie i|ia*tera of tin* t.'otirt, will M-II ut rlnblic vendue at the i<ju*4 if Altfjuindar McLean in, UK town of Culj'dgtiia 'in bit; count* of Liv illusion, on the tenth day of May n-xt, it; i> o'clock in the forenoon of that day, ' AH the fillowbigj and described land* as hcrcitiiilter in'njtiotit'p!: cixly acuta of land ly-iiy: mul being m 'lie town of AK'oii »od county of Livingston and State of Natjv Y o n , and bounded on the north hy land* of Wvjnan Adi ni*;joii jjjtiojn of thj i c a r a v a n n o w d o m i n g !

f rom fujrt nl t l then mi le elej to 1 t ree on them, el, knock thtr cbiiin

foot, pro- ; l an t w a s 1 of d r i v -

Mint, t h e t h e r" : td . 1

j tossing it in t h e a i r n t i n t e r v a l s , nil! [betwejotj two fallen trejes. wh}ep

1 r violence re turned to thojroad, \ hunt and camel bad 1 ly another keeper , am his tusks parsing through jig down the female fj |iu two. T h e enraged

made ofl ' ' t owards Uip Woods, ramol byjits t runk, ftud throwing va s i n t l ^ j air with its tusks. T


VsJie*» o f d t o u t JKIVO b e e n d i scov- bi» chance of nucccsu will be

Doua tT^ KeMtN^TJONs.—At a convention eld at Prpi-idence. if*. I.., on T h u r s d a y , the

teket wa* nominated to bo J»Up-

.iat;uuH.M jHjrnon.*j Jinvo Oeen Oiscov- j ty o l r pa r ty j <ired lant even ing and to-day in squads with- ' good, in a fe/v mil?« of our vil lage, nnd ftom the boat informorion I can gather it i« feared w e abail be at tacked Wforo morning . O u r wbolo village 11 on du ty to-night, jmorly following _ a r m e d , including a* many others from the ad - ; ported nt $0 compij , fpriup; elecU<m : ' j o i n i n g town* as. the Shoriffba* U'en nblo to I F o r Go\jdrno(r—jCpairlci* Jacksopk of Prov-col lcct , in all about .^00, about ono half of idence . i f whom have arm-) whilo tbe others aro drill- F o r Lb ja tcnant 'Governor—Koflor t H a z ­ing with pitchfork* f I t i* very cer ta in that , ard, of W«?»t Grceniv icb . w o aro throatwnrd with an at tack ; w h e t h e r f F o r S e < r o t a r y - r H e n r y Bowcn , o f Prbvi-it will bo m a d o to-night or- at »om« future [ denco. t ime, Qo*l only know*. It , in very c e r t a i n ! ForCot t e ra lTreasure r—Stophe t iCaboono . wb noed morn Iwrlp tlian the Shtfrifl i* able : of Newpor t -t o c o m m a m l . W e bavo no ansiatanco from i F o r At torney Genera l—Cbar lea S . Brad-tbo aoutheirt torn »i«l« of tlio r iver , most of, loy, of I'Vovidcnce. L t l io militia in that q u a r t e r be ing Ant i -Kent - J 'H"^~i ?~^ T~. <T». . A la rgo collect ion of " I n d i a n * " wore DonatuM AT A Di»<cot:Nf.—A peti t ion was w e n in liovina la*8night nnd thi* moni ing ' presented*to Jhe AnHiymbly on Sa tu rday last, —ano the r collection of about 300 w e r o from 20xf M>cp F c < o t W B r o o k f i e j d , Maditptr s*»cn in Kortr igbt this afternoon. In anotb- county , asking tho Ljeglslature to toko some -rr n e i g h W l i o o d in tbe wes te rn pa r t of tho J action m\ ltela,tion to tho l imprisonment of town tWtrrj wtui a great commotion, and per- j Thomaa W . I>orr .bytho authoti t ies of Khodo «on# wore seen leaving the i r homos t ak ing f Inland. After Homo little disebtwiioio. the small bundles w h b them. A messenge r on \ peti t ion vraa laid upop the table ; tho major-whom we can r e^ lv r inga nn news , ami there ' , ty b e i n g evident ly of opinion tha t this was can Ivo no doubt ot it« ^w»th. O n e thing in j ft quest ion with which the Legis la ture of . e r t aJn . tb*«io collections cannot bo for any j S o w York had no shadow of right or reason rood motive, nnd the threats we hear mnde I to inteirfei'e.—p/ovrnrt/. from all quar te rs induce u« v> nelievo that I j r* fjrr"JT"*T"i—~* NV TT

icr<rt>J the newlyi e lec ted U w o are to be visited hy them. N e w outra­ge* arc comtnnt ly commit ted . I undcrs t aqd <hat depu ty Sheriff OrhTen of Middletccwn, had bi« bor»« slvot from unde r him a day or t w n itneo.

13^'Gop. Cam 8. Soimtot' of Penn^lvania, terveda regular apprenticeship to the printing busineiW, and wa# • pcacocal printer 'for a!number of yearf



1 , 1 1 1 - LL.


jth* olpWiintreturnejdjand mude tinns id i\. attack upon! it. win w e r e b r o u g h t i n t o rcqtxisitioti .

of show >)ere fired upot);it, but

aut­re the fe-

cbainud shed up-t b e c a m b r e a k i n g imaf t h e n t y i n g t h e

at inter-

r r l i l l i n e r y a n d DrcttN Ttlajkitiu

M IMH M. I.. A M i : s ba* j . i * t r r t i ime , i f»om t h e f i t v with the L A T E S T JTAI.L A N D

W I . N T r . H I ' A M I K l N ' S ; and wob ld be ba|ijiy attend to the call* o f her old i i i» to iner* Un nmial ( • e l i e s e o , N o v e m b e r I. 1^-11. 117-1

Hnainsb \\ Inline, iMfiint« TiftJiCnlinw Id . . , I'mat Ttirkei I tttbrr. Paint ftinilief, Alum, < .tu. ' . hu\it;<>. L'imjil.ln

L";r W o o l , K.,1 do ( 'tun <lo Madder ('iijiiH'ra*.

Ink PoHijer

Hath PricK*. I'n:ii h Vnjimh I'll! in l ine d<l

INniu'e ai

Soil Prtre

(*i,»lde Mi rip,

< lid W n e l r ' o r <b>

their c i lr lomera, mid to sell tin rn nt us low Mid« ol like «{iistlff«-<• are Belling in tin* V K . O -

r11 uddil inn to tlie fnrep.iiojj m-ficfr*. the ! b a l e re«'eived n £<iod as*o|iir»#llt o f I H l l l . S A Ml'.DK 1NJ.H, PAlNTH, OI1.H A U W.-rSTVYVn. Aioonj ^^hl<'ll may bo li.ntid the follovrinj ^v«o-ine artu'lc* N

nntiaJiOil, l l a r i e m O d .

< Irpbidic HnulT. (.'Inns;'* W nrm \s>yi>r\{tt*, I Ji. r innii* M«'«lnnt«'<J H>>

HtMibn'* Ipitdin lit us i l i rdy , I b i o p c r ' s 1MI«, Jv-./ll's do l^ 'C' . do r i u i i t n \ ' » d o O , . , „ ! , l , l o e ,

< p l l l ime.

M.IIHU' H,ilsap(ild|s,

t ' l i ine '* do Cop^r. atifts,

Wi»iar"a lisUoin ui \V'ild < ll> If V.

II n^'li'» Liiiimenti Kittridjfc's do I Inl '*> do for I'd**. |)<iller'* J'u.n l.»tiiM)Ui), Hnljilnir, < «'.'.n.l. < ' a i i i j i h n r ,

< IjMlllll,

( r Tnitrir, l!r»Mtin * (i\*\t\y*r RalU», Morphine.

1 R o p o u HtOne, Mpanifh Kui»»j>a»»Ua U o o l ,

ri l i o a l r f i ns , n i i n i l / r c ,

> l n . l a i ' j 11 till'« in ipro l ( d 11 il**.*, Unieman's I >roji»,


( o l i f i l l ,

KnllBd <>d. C a » t . . i < »il.

Jthilbiob. Mi d Hoy IVixin, \ \ llll|<IV< (« | |U« <V C



A«". i


P r i c e o f S c h o o l H o o k a I C v d u c e U :

I \% ill M'!1 Krown's t.'raiuinar for r.()<V. (tuition's " It) -Hander'jS Ull Header (.0 " Morw'J Hohool (in'Oftrnphv '•>> " ' l ' owu ' s A 11.1K»i« !il "

Always on hand, a lar^e


other books, utUiu lowest ptn:es,

f jet ieseo, Dec. T.O. J - 1 1

SMirtmeiil of NYhonl ami

L. ' I ' l ' U M ' . l t .

^ . * . » - .*

^ r e c • wr«t twelve chain* to i i a t a U J thenCe 1101)6 tw.ju. l a T ^ " ! , ni l t l e<>m< lydtvil decrees eli.l MMcntci'll <l |nn*t thelK'H *i|l|ll| |W)J| t tfj djlSplltC -iehtj-. . ix >t.-);rr<— ci i . t louf . - l i i i i i i . ulul OlYv.tl.r..« lotII* I I •• j e l i h o l ' thence aoitlli fifteen cbliin* and rt,Vt:liU'<|!| lillM to t&t) Ji « )Ia<C of b«ffinililiff, and containing ihirt.ren tit-r.-r. J of ,( P t 1 f > h" f ^ , , ! '

•ct, ^jVortl wiis then jtotit to tin** thirty ol forty H iljl It wiih ciicir miistt

us o ther per- j 0 bridge, moristrtl-iro ninis

number without any

nd. containing in the wliob; sorenty-tlireo at-o-i* jof | |d/f re firfd tntr land."— 1 )ated March '20, jld-iS. j , .

8K1NNKK, 'M. Master in Clnnccrvj JNO H S A M ' I . SKiNMf.it. So l ic i tor] m

A F a r m foi- ?4a lc . f TirV n p i i r . subscribers oiler forsale a FARM sitin • JL'.'lsC X ted in Spriii-rwitter Valley, one nkile Votltli of the l're-hvteuaii Mcetin-r Iloti*c.in this coipity. bjll • taining l ' l . i acres ol land; $KJ mcre-t itppriv^d Uin rcttlaiiider i* covered with valuable timber. TlmnJin oh the f.oma good'frauitnl boune and barn: also two fruit Orchards. .

Any pornonwishing to purchase ajfood riiim,c)|c»p, will do well to call uud examine. ' Forfurtin r pn^ciai • lars. «Mluint of tlie sub-Hrrdiera re^idingou the preittirWi

L B. & 5 . CULVFJti %riii//water, March 1*2> 1845. flwyibJ'

vix-fto inquire, into Ute iK-st inefjiod of iiubartipp I s tnMon , governing and di*ciplining scliciols. I i» ahullVndnavor to carry ot^t more fully tlie pljuia oTdg ration punned in UMJ) Tcju-Iiers'^nieoting* held |n s<?viirnf towns of this fourity for tho last two ycaril.

It will be expectedihat ^ enchcjm will bring wttlj tli tlie, school books which tlpry Iwvft been aoeiiston|e i i^t; pnrticiilarly Ciolbtijru's Mental Arithiiictij: Porter s Kbetorical Render- \ l\\ \ • L . ,

Several di*un«ui*bcd ^n«lividoid« from abroad 11 be.sn bvited, and will probably attend tlie iHstitkita lecturers and instructors. | J.I » J

•j-hr exp.-n-*-s will lie vrrv sBwdl. Doanl can Y} on raasonablo tenns at tho Uniutouon. T>« «X|i«h; for teachers wilt be ra|c)r*H' noiaiaal, if anyAliingdt,h

All schoololficerajand thecitiaMinn of thefcouutV ^ erally, are invited to attend the ^ ^ p ^ j L j . .

<tp»l i :

€ o i u n i o i l S c l i o o l s .

NOTICF, is hereby Rif en that n, Tcachurl' bi^illjtjri will l>e opened uwbp tJic dinjctioil of tlio '•*'0frH|

SupcrniU'iidenta and County WupfTintemle it, okit. 3d day of April next at a n o'clock A. M . fct Teidji Hill Academy in Geoe*e.d. to contitnte two WeckiJ.

AH persons who intend; to teach School the cojnoi Year, are respectfully inMitisI to attend. The *I> ,*tl " ill W the same as in InsfitMtcs held in Other codni ijr»,1

.»t , 1 t.j»-ii<-«l . . . n t ^ v i t l .

abd Hpmti fifty OT H Pr rather upon

Wells we: e fiefpVmtlv llujjtcued 11 jjijrjd fell to* the ground. j;At len

millet upon to send to the ir;t fp Id fliCfO to dispatch him, win hi eper.*

iCued 'M wounding ' At d s u e c be eauHod it to scream w . i , 1 i • . . •

il m l l y to d uven 0 T lis if* t Its ke(*p Wgiefp, edfrom bid bcei I

ith Vleld to mibjection

f with the babuico a>i" tl> I'e same animal which I hi 'somo twp or three y< >ppoMte thihcitV, ami w i b r i b e r mischief after foil fired into it.—J A. f). lei

II..S. gar-10m wore •In, T h e i o i r r i l l en

<.{y blio'ts blm, for tin: pen striking,

it wi^s d e -son fo r a •no of the id a borne

rty ni<

)baut nn-n and fi-n it] was

. 1

nimillrt.-— I'd r^lrie of

ttjHi agb, at Lii<ionly stay-tb ecu yhots I

I lopn tiiAl Mtmnr-HH lit HANOV

b\v.x ;Si b r . — W e learn from di t r t f f l the Quincy pa t r io t , atr i rki* eve, three men , Irish

M tl: la

,—TaiRKK Gjrcen,

{at on St. >orors on

\\e I r f c r W l , visited tbb rum fjhpp of Mr. o r r f b that town, and1 tha t a <

Wotwtet Por ry and the men, th Ijowciit l iemsomo dtstancja and tjiorajdcfid in tho road With a Irbledjijjtjin. Another gun was jbrojntrod nnd

J 10 vfrtt

10 tiijb 1 man wounded in tho d nloticurn the namos of tho

t I • < t ;nln lnfjU r mrc cjr ijave ik

nded man. A Coronc

March U\ 1815.

- > ' • • • ' - • -

. . ,t . , ri



ct j»t and re turned a vord P e r r y has he rn arj-eiji

further par t iculars .—

KBCEIVED, thO Itevised of New York. redn«-<l to < nr«)ons r>ndhn«

tho use of HcbooU; by Wm II. Kv*edirwt)iod for sale bv * TfyRtfER.

o, N o v m b e r 20.1«44.

I ' o o t e ' n wr l f - ro i r i i l r t t l i l i r P a r l o r S t o v e , i t u l t o n . I?cl lp*Ci tiii<1 P a r l o r ,

C(X)K1N(1 ST<)\ ' i:S!

A L S O , An Tiftlil Hlo\ea . of various *i/.e«, Sifunn Ittilhl Slorf», fhi'lft. H t o v e JH|ie l l i a i h tri ( t t d c r

and Johbing in all Its I.Nncbe*—t»'x\ door i<> t. 'ow A. Warner'*. MUKTIM l.lt PUl . I . l . A CO.

(Miieseo, November0."!, If« t .'iTtl

I t e i lne<-<1 I ' t f f r rw*

F 1* A

C . U I / i U s l « i i i < o i i n f ) I l i f / I l M c l l O O t l .

I l f I'. Winter T e l 111 oflbi* I let it olio 11 Will« I'liimoii •

on \V<'<liifMla), tin'tah of , \o\ < UIIK r, undsa tl»«» eliarpe of I ! Mlt (•HAlU.r.M II 1'AI.MlK. A M , fnojIrHi].

Ulld Tencljer'd Mfitbemitic*. Mil l t (( ' I IAKI>H.H. J)lCKIM*O.N.A B.,Ta*rh.

r ol I .no in ape* MISS .JH KTII.I.A MIM.H, Prim .pal In i)4 I'«-

rtiale D'l'iiriiiM oi MISS i l A I t i A. SPA l i t A N< J , T..,H,»r .dMu-


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[VI ()W oil hntid 11 few ol the I nl| o \MI 1 £ \\ or It* ^\|twh

(Iruliattt'a Mugu/.eio for l H l l , a l I 'x ' tspcr No. Columbian 1"> lady's Hook " J". T h e nlat<* in each .No. are worth tlie r.rire,

L. TI.'Jt.NF.R. <iene*eo, Jan. 'J.'.. III,1"..

HAPPFUM' I L U .MlNATIl) ll l l t l . l . VKKI'LANCKM l lXl MTilATjil) KllAKHl^AltU.

TVfO.S. of tbe abov 1 -eeeoed n* soon a* pubbrlu .1 / J. 1 for sale at Ni.w lui ix e01« k», bv

I.. ' lTUM' .K. No *'0 of Pihleain! No. 11 ofHhnknpenre jil»t rve'd.

. . . . . , - .. . . ... . . . . "P'STICKS* PI . \*SI\S.—fjtu n, Sii|iiMrnas, \'<-Ty S T I C K S ' l I L A

nini*, l!xeciitton . JI<!•) A l t a i IniH'ilt J l la l l lc* . l o r KkU

at tlio Republ ican ollfce, (aeii^M-o,

uajrrel arose it

dp 10

'o r ry fol-t two of iblo bnr-

cHoek.'j W e de:eag<)d or

ury j held of willful cd. \\ io

Boston Trdn-

Midlife* of the

N C I I « » « » I I d b t ' i u i e * .


( 'o t i imiin r.lijdidi HHI»H1IIS» 1 li|;l'i r |l nifbi-b Hia ie !'• *, ( . r . ' i l i , I/1I111 nnd I I - ll« b, I I tor) 1-11 1 i| l l . . ' \ n»l . (111 in i ) , fM>f|W «»*l.,

I{o*tu r r n l a r t d Slo%«»,fM'«« Htod 'o t* fnrr)i«l«' O. ' ir , *w n rli'iiiti*. No . n i n i < b i o * ' * »if I'ov l«md, • '•e^jrin.^

fur Musifl, %)*', ami l l ravt in£ and Patot lng, f 4 f>+* I i1|ii'*r!«'r

' P h i * lo i - t i l ' l t io i i 1* r i lmt l f fd o n nn . 1 . . atror; o . i p r . o l . .

Utu lJ>" * t'i*W •>! <»«•»>< •>*'«< J *»r>'l <l.«. »*.II«-^ . . ( > ! . . l,.frm

j •«•'• KiVere—n loiiiiion, which tor bounty «>f **-«iti«'rr, j |it^.4'iiri1.ii'^«, nf».i . i i l i . l i l i l . . if tnt\ wilt t**\n*wJi l>^ njty

; Other III \ \ 1 -li rll ,N. \\ \ o>U, 'Phi. Al lldf'llij bl)|t<1i»i/t»

pirt< o( hrids. tbren «torir» bi(/b 1 "lie for tbe »er«iiiiu.i.-

nat ion of the MaU, and die other foi tlia IVinai* pu Jul*, 'i'hi r.'.'lre t ine . . 111 i latioll . tWo »( Imid, at«l iUlirlV s tudy roolita, T h e Teacher* reside nnd l«i»id In tlm ilri'titiitiurl, and S t m b nt« arn «l oil tioi»* >mdr< tJnu/ t-are.

T h e c(,|irfe ofimfrtiction >M1I embo»c«> every UraocK b f a thoro | igb Fneli«l» au-l <*lt»*»ir»l i d m a t i o n j kwl i» laiiiteiidejl t o f o n i i ' h Htndetit* of this loMiintioii. with p \ e r v ii'Kjiiit'iro, and facility, for a^'jninmr a . r ^ r e r t so«t ib'iroiifrbjUtiowlrdffs ol th.**.' •iu.i1..« .......'.. |.i)r»n>d In 0111 lufi fe tnmar i i ' a «»f IA urning. Sm'dVma de-eifriinip tfi r u l e r < 'o lUre , »nnb« tilted for an advsirv^d Mandillg |>l linn or tv>.. > <»i*. mol no effort *\ ill br *pa-

p |fed to rei idsr ilirir i jr^j 'aration occoraie »nd thototofh, In \ i<-W of'ks v . - r | l>«iiiiUid lor-Mimn—the *.*|| .* n

moral IIII^ " 'brfn^i* ' (iini.« U'i of the pla*'e- !.«>:*»««i

L TL'RNKR ba«"!i b'itul nnd will fiirniali for the !|,.mr, ) r,d||«vn „f the Hiiildlnrs. library, and ApjtraUiv • use of Schools J , —and tb«:higb chnna« trr «no enjioo r>. <• o| ib»«ri»»..»e-

Harper's S.J.....I Ubniries, I s t . ^ l , 3d, '«tb * .tbscric.. |,)V„ fv , ,^ , , .,,t ft ,. b a b r t . d , tl.M nos i tmla j AmMany wl-I ) . ApjllvtOtl & C/O. " ' *' " '* j jfer*(»o ar»r fiicbti/is, for af .pnimif « tbororvf h a s w yr*r~

'i .lii .n, C,H. Francis A. Co • t i l * . «-* ' - ' I ' ( • '

nlako s and alarce (i*«ortmeni of Mifocllaneou* works.

Also. G U ) B K S and MAI'S. All of which will H« sold oalow as can bu bought in Rix.'fiestor or W»f»*rw New York, (ieiie^ert, March fcl, 1844.

A p r i l \ i i m b i t s o f GRAHAM'S MAGAZ1NF..


J 11 st Re,cjoi v e.l , T h " above works fire received rr.rvdvlv na »«.on s>

published. Subs. riber*iire(*unn£'bed at ( 'do v»^r or 2 •* • hilling* pernmnlM>r, frrcfrotn Pottage.

. - ' . i ^ I ' 1

tie<d i d n .

Geneseo, |rj ir». 1„ TFKNf .K.

G IlOCKIUKS—jVi*t r.-ceUirMr my riiriiiK supply o every variety, al low pri«e» for cash.

Mayo. WILLIAM W A L K E R — — — • » . . 1.1 aaa m 1 • 1 o n » w . » a « s i • -• • *i • «. . . • • . •^^ , - . .. . .*— —

A GOOD assortment of Accordeon*, with aod without souil-UrnW or a*le chenp by

IL D._ E D W A R D S . " N. B. A-xonleonittn3»d and ra<pwrtd.

, i ' . i . i ' ft i ' i ' . | n . f l . A f . l ;• 1

tliaaitbi* Irviitntioii , Al.LFN A W t U L T . F W

Ooro v1 AI W o r r y . See'^ . t r r o e J s . . 0 » » . * b 1-44 ptXJ

j . T f n r t i l e 1 . • ! : , : , ; , • . : • : r , , . o i . (

A L L i\ha n n v »vi«b to iirmttr.' Mi'iiinnnln S u | i M .

IIILM) STOM'.H. LMONrMUNTS, T|»MH TADLF.B. A<„ »lt' »|i|nbt^ M«TKI.I*0«I|IJI i.r..| 4> f.po. un-iirpH^>ed, nil r»'M*onHbU» lrru««, end w W r . ^ f up.

;J jieriniiu. to u,U hue,run Ixj il»«* accoinmodLa'ud jbr ». ' jd\ i tn; iof i4; t t : i

H A * . M A X t . K Y . G f M w . v . v . V. . . j . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ^

" V o l l H t » l l d l o . M

rfc#ivrd;M'.-»wrV NV«v P«K»rt», MVon»U*idU t»4 W*tri4fS»>f UM Cir hs»«t«>." it u»ir *4t»i* ft**..

T t * Menu u laid in (h* vilhy «F

^ , w « ••*-*+*+**• .. ..-

JLH'I or t

••nti'intli r*iilmy., th* Grmjae*'.

Lvsryit.n* mf^aitofsnsUininKiiotivt. tulerf jaJ\*oU pnrrbaM the P«»*pi. It U prooouor*^ by Critla* »« baa a» slegaht pruducuo*

F o r . - i a b y L. TfRMl^K. rtt.n**«, P e c H . Ir»l4








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