THE sUN FRIDAY APRIL 15 1902 0 r I ftA HA- hogany ns ez- mouuta 2 side odeled Richly of 3 torn In Empire Season1- lleries NEW roar TODAY AT 2 PM public talc lodern Petit Point Tiger Rugs den Dinner intes Rare numeroUS household of the UU nee o- tinscn 14 fcf- Ik ir aslk Mill U A- ml ir I I C I n M I i I I rnm- or 5 a a a a UUU ilk r Hammond lUh ut 10 1 t4118r4- S 11t- J I to 4- J J I 1- f w- I 6II- AI 11 II 1 UtI- I ojfo V ofllo I ITIoN- SB Q RE Yl N J l os Maurs Cia y 7 Y 4 5y- t I Ij I I I JdD hd- a > = REDUCTION IN THE TAX RATE nv WELL REVIEWS TIlE WORK Or TIlE LEGISLATURE ptrrntr and the BmtiP Taxpayer elKicd of the Harden or a Direct TMTtiU none Ultliout In Any Manner ttirfallliK Necetiary ExpentllturciA- LBisr April IT Gor Odell announced hU feigning of tho direct tax levy rji la doing oo the Governor flied or ndum reviewing the financial legisl- ation of the past Mission of the Logtg- torfi and comparing it with mat year and Mr when the Democrats were In of the Stato Government In hU- ropmonndum tho Governor says Atirll IS 11- Xmbljp IUI the act the Legislature Sough it Action hn afforded relief to Iho ffrinrrCcnmpil l lnit thin result to curtail In nr limner necessary expenditures I n- narftii l r moI examination of the bllU It has mt the Jeiind for bettor educations facilities for Improvement of the of the of the Hlcble n r Jorge npproprlntlon J ooo a well n i Htate Sire of roiid building expense from i to M- iTmfBlfd by the Plank bill enacted nt Muslim IU02 It tins met all de- mand while trlvlnc to keep the expenditures of the great number of between tin year 1M2 and 1801 within reason Following the established of the Fame political filth It tin sought to gIve effect to many e law to the of Indirect through amendments which have Incrwfrtl tli tax from corporations during the rear Uct I inoj over Inn year by the Bum of iV7717il2 sand the cnn look with confldence for n- ituf further tim nr s hit the state Tren ur will be richer Us ul o tho pro- duced the socalled Iialnc Liquor Tax which uid to the locullllex addlni to the Mutes Indirect revenue yearly morn than was received counties annually during the nun I tin law refuti- ng clmrgn that it has the lo- miiiies nf their the burden from the State to the ruumcliialllles It rnny not be amiss to state that In ad to the financial effect of law other features have not been neglected and a reduction In the number of places at W shown That tho reduction In the State tax rate It pot a mere of figures Isshown of the records of Oov Flower Ince that administration seems to be the one chosen for this purpose by those who question tho accuracy of the the two of iwi anti IWJ For Oov Flowers honesty and character I entertain the ro For determination to correct tie abuses of the sorailed for the Insane as well us In condemning the tho management Stats Institutions which grown 1RS3- M of his Incumbency I have the greatest admiration owes to e 111 a- mp with In bs1 00 tM tAX raIl III a null for the tar oct 100 I take OJ of tlta of tsc t IIi mall tztXfwycr n well aa the or the burdrns 1 hat therc hn no to alt law the under ni rel rom khIlC by leMt the pont had f taO bra 0 18 atur the a debt for the sere 1b21 I this congratulating tumor real ottte taetfl use hew sOuretO at S3OOOflO over esst 540 admnlniMlratlon b L7 deprived him of gratitude ¬ > ¬ > > ¬ ¬ of New neces- sarily followed that there should be a corre Increase in tho of govern neat It well to remember that Blnco the State has assumed the entire care ol the insane and charitable institutions and that the localities life titus relieved their It must also be understood- that the Constitution the people In IE9 Increasing membership Legislature creating new as well as the number of Court by forty has caused a large additional Extravagance even In assuming these additional burdens does not a the expense for ear wa less by SIOI8IDA69 in loot than In two end will SI le In- 1W2 than in 1800 In the rharltoblo Institu- tions the am9 corresponding decrease Is shown and this too In any war or manner tatting front the Inmates nece- urlf of life the which has di- rected these reductions being the demand for fewer castles and more bread As an Illustration of the growth of the ex- penses of the Judiciary it b stated that they were M 57R in ion II 072832 not Inconsiderable reform been effected In the consolidation anti elimi- nation of unnepe ary cornml lon A the result of the action of this ellaturn of hot the threw or were consolidated a singleheaded rnm- miiicnu the lists Iore t and maine and a single salarlwl Commissioner ami th De- partment of health Is now a liniiil t riNl fine competent person with time result that hll eipen es nf theM roinml lons for Ifroo were I44IAM 7 li appropriations for WH were hut t3il n a tavmsof izw714 10 Uloixxl of whirl is dun to lime rrlMlon for the of lurid nrid nv 4 10 lo a decrease In administrative ev- l iif In not altering the total of the tin sears tM nnd IK 4 show Iota of fiM s fur the various Iristltu- llorn nd lo cnu e liffori limo rnsrtnicnt of the sorillccl Illtfeins nf I J rhkplcr SMI they vpr allnwrd to hold thfir r iiiis tliH nindn- Y time l iri Here In niiilltlnn to Ins I the HIiiKlns luw luiwivir are wivwd into slid nr uixiri npproiirl tloii HO thiil for l nirH si c iji ii II Is lint fair to uli nii ho rcfiitnH cnvrr the v- tifit iii Dm bmiklritr Itinrnnro and vail ilirariniMiu unit lie iarnluio of In iti i pr i rl rharit whet th- Kiiiir in lie appropriation l ri i lur md riot trn u r i riMinnn uf tin htflti What U 11 H tiluni alto InrliiiitM il tains- il V llm mridlK nuUldM I SP rk over nnd lime mm alumni Y the Ht for wiUrlf i Miiiriiic Iuurt JiiUix rnsldllitf In such 11 i 1 work nay I mp rd with Ili- aii i lh IKWW4 f f it t rlirurrs r iioin fur l l 1411 MI2 tlM II- IllWt MtH 14 ll its M- IMiMlkll II But pal nut n or tinder I all I they I J all a AH Ir I AiA lit has a lot Iloarde wire 5 iota all not tim law I bits hiecfl ruler a rails hi a huh sa t 5 I I visa I lii I i lire I I lime atiIItl team he- r I t you a gliug DTatiam 1- 1itreImumke liv Seq tall 14 Iii Ibtmt ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ <> < > < > < < > > < > nrit u iHf Inwrd fxf IMII- i sii rt fur firm 1 Wu4l lMI ibWWMO HIMtrr- i 4i il iriHlMi MM IMIM- IUI In lit I 4l4 r HM lt f- f liftli l- II 111 rl uHM M t HiitOf MMI- Ii i ir M- M iiyi i li 4 I W Slots 4 u- i 41 MSI HSI 4lmttl 4M- I nl sMv u- iltlpiil 14 i 4h t 1 MI 1 t f t 10 I I 11 I I r oJ lu- I 4I H 1 I I- I t I 4 w 1 I i iss1554 k i 4 I i dt4 inst moe hlwe a 451550mHSIMuS Nseae4s- I I i4 I- IH Ja 54 S mJuuMi 044 J4 0 p 5g 54 1 4 a elms she l5 md i N50M- aai ea 54 ius a4- oi4 lpisIp Ii4 d- e 45j45 Se 0- M- ea ea4 114- J Ii- S 0 g0 1 a J ii4- J p I o I I L < < < < > ++ of tbo economy of the Legislature of and 1002 the are thus shown to bo less In of this explanation it may In the form of Treasury for unfore- seen and as also of time present legislature limo following figures speal for themselves In IM3 tho rate In iddi It was 21S or 40 mill difference while In loom th rate was 120 and present year 11 mills cud except for Did r it This Is a record that I unprecedented without H parallel In this of To nollilne In tax roll values has been taken from the The sank tax of I cent ed by the to comply with thn United Htates goes to locality The real estatn of Insurance companies trust companies Is upon Looks of assessments a returned to the State Board of Assessors shows no decrease but on thus contrary the name annual Increment I a insect to the criticism that State has benefited In Its tux laws at the of the localities All theso facts are ratifying and It U s sincere to affix signature to this bill belIeving legislature of ton merits appro- bation will doubtless bo the constituency they have so faithfully represented B B WrEn STOHWE COVVSSIOV It If to SuscMt Legislation Will Ite suit In Irucntlns Floods ALBANY April 17 Gov Odoll today onnounood the names of tho memxr of the Water Storage Commission au thorized by a law passed by the last Legis- lature The object of tho commission is to suggest legislation which will result- In work that will prevent In the future the floods which haw devastated tho State during tho past winter The members of tho commission art State Superintendent- of 1ubllo WorkH lloyd State Engineer Bond Davies Forest of Union College John li Ring of the Solvay Process in county ex W Rafter of llochester and Charles Finch a lumberman of Glens The outcome of tho work corn mlbulon It Is expected will bo tho Impound- ing of waters at head of have frcuheta inundated the surrounding country BO that tho tile bo preserved until the season ondclectrt generated as tho reservoirs aro gradually Now 4V OLD LINE COV 4V1 Mutual rtrsrrve Fund Lire Anoclatlon- Helnrorporated With New TVame- AtBANT April Superintendent- of Insurance Hendrlcks has Issued hU cer- tificate reincorporating tho Mutual He- Bcrve Fund Life Association of New York as a legal reserve or old line mutual lifo Insurance company The name of tho company Is changed to tho Mutual Reserve Life Insurance Company In order to make its time com bios undergone an exhaustive exami- nation by Insurance Department which was on Jan 20 on April 3 A valuation of all tho policies wan the rcult shows has a In excess of all liabilities including time full statutory ro serve of l688 i The value corn real estate was Increased by the department and tho death claims were to be less than that claimed Tho examination otherwise showed the able to with alt the requirements of the law for relncorpo tOt low not to to lurl1UI cril for I ale result t all cud the b Tat SUddleton State Elnathan Fail 17State lblo be anilsa tax rates and lmoever much timO be cise l mnaintnluing a time time liii nmu tact that Commissioner Olin Il EnIneer out purposes ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < New York Central1 Increase of Capital Approved ALBANY April 17 The State Railroad Commission has approved the Increase of capital stock of the Now York Central by 135000000 and making Ita whole capital 10000000 and the Mohawk and Malone by makes lu capital Central capital Is to used in changing- its power In tho Park avenue and terminal facilities at the Fortysecond street Btatlon In Now York New Heal Estate Company ALBANY April 17 Tlie Fiftyfifth Street Company of Now York city was Incorporated today with a capital of tsooooo to deal In estate are E Hovt William H liullwlnkel and Frederick- II Ihlllps of 11 William street York unovr An snAXSTiiou Latter Thinks Ho Did Threaten to Itealirn Grouts Cuntrailletlon Comptroller Grout sent a letter to TUB Scv yesterday denying tho report that h lied urged In the Hoard of Ketlmate that coiMtructlon of tho Fact River tunnel should IM delayed for a year and that inMNwuiry for time building f tiinml should Im lnvoli d to certain other needed linprovonionts In the iJllferitnt- twrtiughs In report It was also stated that Proitldint if HrooUlyn throat HH In neigh hi onion If theta should iso delay In tho tunnel Mr- liroui diiilKM that timer way any Mich threat un l ndds that ns ii inattiir of fact whnl- niiiiitoii I not within control of time i f li 11 11 i lni Mr HwHiirlroin told thn reporters on Mloy that lie did ti for time icaM n stated In a iili h Inturvlvvr Mr Hwaikntrom l iUi li l asluv- Ing in d HiMiniiinnt tiMik thn t ml I did In and tlneatniwl to rvMgn mile llnxiklyn thii upiir i IxwaUM I OOIIVIIHIM that time tuniinlii- iriniiit w mom luiiuitaiit iiuin ntlier al which The In ho ew tie- S I imsu St hut Ir W I I r Mll I UOO000 tim 50iOtX this Hwanmt ruin U flY I this etitliOti4 sill lit slim visit cHili I his enI S Iou gnat tar ant I U let big I to seas lust oils Issue < > < < > < liilliui Is UM a II- HrHsOlaK April II Ilm wily KU- VfrniiHiil f Full wan lMaiiKKiaii l4 nUjr- Maywr Jain tWor lily JH K yt tlratlirr- yt ISM 1 Ml MsM I M- I M t I 1 M A- hI I 1 t ra Ha 8H I fl t I t J 4 I I n w hew A stool ImiIi Ilium ea4 ijajelsel IMSsUOhs4450m isIII a4es4ieli IS jlmf5 Use Its 5454 l lime I44 a 4 054 1 sea bV i I0 u- 5Asew 04 hs lidS iM ssd s ha s ia NS5 e- sa S Ms4 I 50 IM sea sent ss54 Nd- p id hs tjd S4 W 550i 110- Wk1l S a 10 Nd 4 WIl NaSa SIMs 10 iee NdcdI lee 11s I NN IN1S PWt 54 555 o4 Nd10 Na tl 55 iswN 4 N 1j15 IS USI M Me- SN t NW 5 rit W d1S0 o- INe 1110 11 sd sN o asds NdMsdjv 0 h0 SM sdN- u N N 1 M 11 0 Wl5 11ietit y 5 Nd N- dflj 4 as u d I s h TIlL PNNa DSSl I i4- S 5 D s a- s 4o 5 N N 0 aSsa 10 0010 dIU5dJILJ1 5 5 Jsg Et 5- C 555 50 5 a u I ke 1 Ps- I 5 > SEEM TO lIE PLENTY BVTTIXO INTO MAVLIFFE CASE XewMt Identifier u the Third t at- ru7Jci Mr Jerome Is Why Ttiry- Shuulil All IIa c Assembled sear a IolloeSUllon Inquiry All Ua Today DistrictAttorney Jerome has learned Mm Mary of 110 Garden street Holxiken the latest identifier of Detective Sergeant Klnrnan as a person who helped to put a a cabat tho West Fortyseventh street police station Just before James McAuliffe tho witness was found dying a short distance away in an exoonvlct lt is most remarkablo that no many oxoonvlcts should happen to l o escon- Hcts said Mr Jerome yesterday and that they should all happen to have centred from no many different places at the earno time Sunday morning at a police station- a place naturally avoided by oxconvlctn Time District Attorney made this state- ment after he had told rejxmers yesterday that Mrs had stated under oath sentenced In Iloboken for disorderly duct and bad done time on one of thou sentences that she had arrested and convicted before Cowing In General Kesnlons for what she called ing and and what Mr Jerome called burglary nnd was put under a mw sentence and that was once snore arrested In Iloboken at a later period Mrs Lulgs is well known to the police that In 1R94 she had Downer a Hunday school superin- tendent of was employed as servant haled to for care her child Downer liar accusation and said she was trying to blackmail him The was com- promised time for woman In the follow- ing March the Lulgs woman was arrested- for grand larceny on tho complaint of wife who accused of tliH Downer homo of silverware and other property tier maiden name was witnesses against the police in tho McAuliffe case BO far Mr wild Unnon Cohen and Mrs were ixconvicts and Stark who has sworn to a statement corroborative of their cal story Is still It la admitted how over that none of the exconvict wit known Us record who brought them forward have tow of many who have offered- to make statements have l een rejected after an Investigation of their careers It has been brought out before Justice that Lennoti he know MoAulifTe and him while he was being taken to the cab from tho ela- tion house told Policeman Estobrook and Heddy that he was a cabdriver with Li- cense 101 mind that ho had picked McAxilifT- ont on Saturday night to find that his Into was After investigation showed this to be false I Minon who ho is a deserter from the United Army in addition- to being an knew the driver the fourwheeler and that his name was Mac and that he had a scar under lila left ear and was nmootliehaven Cohen who he sew the cabdriver as ho was driving the party from the eta as a man heavy dark mustache A witness described the driver as light complexioned with a small light Owing to the lateness of adjournment- of tho Court of out regard for time of several wit no M slon of tho John Don Inquiry into the death of Janice McAulllTe was yesterday Justice adjourned that tho would begin at 330 oclock title afternoon and continue until midnight if necessary MRS LUGS AN TIC I man into I that she had ben ono I cur mater chilI b Lul to I hn he Inr Stall ton hou waR n Jew or nn a Splat EXCONVICTTOO ant be- fore Justice twice nooses nmaio been chimer Italian with ed after > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ FEAIIED jfAVUFFES FATE Drunken Womans Cry Causes Crowd to Attack Policeman Policeman Delaney of the West Thirty seventh Htrcet station found a man and woman outside John Petrys saloon at Tlilrtynlghth street and Ninth avenue last night crying out that fft robbed Tho man said that 100 and a gold watch had been htolen from him while ho was In the saloon drinking They mado so much that Delaney placed tho man under whereupon tho woman tried to rescue the prlHoner Policeman Meara went to DclatiHyH assistance but the couple fought hard that Delaney UP his club on the man When time woman saw this she yelled nnd begged thu crowd to inter- fere Oh she screamed thpv are going to do Us OH they did Thu thou hroko In on the police- men and sucfwdwl In dragging th man away from went to Do- lalieyii nMlstntira again and both xillon WITH Ixlng roughly tim d th mob time ii irvi this Vst Thirty miventli station arrived had t HliiiHMl to H rgt hyatt that u riot was In proKiHHS Tim K drove this crowd and got time muse who llum agrt xl uhmg to time fetation jx It took four to tarry lImo woman to llm- HtatlDii Tim man MI hn was John Vrt- n captain or a oHiial boat lying In lime North Itlvfr thai was hU wife Holh wvro up fclrno railirr al Plead iiiarlrr- CMI Ml ha l K KiMxir of W l- T1ilrtyMvnnth ln l stat Ion aoiNirii- l anii i by a clerk a lmt grapli r train lime iittW nf IH k 1 JniUr in- lvoirnlsy In roiiiiiiUeii 4i r i Hl i v r KI- MNt a liMliti steP i Hiilly ttatlmitiiM- iHaturlal fur hU iliifmou In his n llii- guul fur itrglMH f iluiy they had nol crowl nUn h hal ulan looked sail alI sis st ret oms lie lend s time sfai bosh otim tim ¬ ¬ > A s l OU llulilirr In llruuklii- l lUtMiMKN W4 llm afl iiHM4i Axl- TU t4 4 umm hMmt IMU- tm ll 4uwfMl Ittif kr- MttH bless In llrr HIM I a r- H A IM tt4 it- f s- Mtal iu M I tut Hi- t a M i I I IhIIII ll St < 1 I- I 1 t h1- 111II f t t a H I I I fr r I 1I 1 1 I I 1 iSt haul So ttm Pus lm5455 SI HuIIssigwUh sit is a- M 500 cuos l J04444w4 SI I lhoy who 5 4 hJi a si ale u1 e- I hShaSEa s H idma M is baSW5W 5505 she tesea4 sid 4ss miqia4p eAaSSS J505I So I is4- Ms i ks 5lu soss 4 5 aS ia4 III o- 1k II 0 4 Sea I s4i 11 5 iessoses4 hlIm e4sw- id59a4W 51 114SSHsIhI- Ia4S I bm d 1- sd 54 k 4 N- 5IL5rt I55ISW Ilsi 54 sI- I4 I Id As II hir 0 10 pdP 0 Its I10 iI- seq sd s a11 d s- el d k- f 59 e 5 Nd to- Sd htas11u Md aii 5 Lo 4 5 eios 4 b I e- I t jm p s i < > > > DREXEL CRUnCH SET ON The Property Loss In the Philadelphia Structure li aoo Mto PHILADELPHIA April 17 Tho ire whloh this morning completely destroyed the Protestant Episcopal Church of tho Saviour Thirtyeighth and Ludlow streets caused- a loss that will exceed 1200000 Throe beautiful stained glass windows anti A Mexican onyx font presented at different times to tho church Drexel family were shattered nnd and all the decorations added In 1P80 at a cost of 110000 Wore eaten up by the flames As the lUunoa mounted up In the Gothic tower and belfry they started- a In tho Sherwood apartment house on Chestnut street Hundreds of university students aided the firemen costly furnishings from residences a lime were threatened Ahelcctrio lighting plant recently Installed In time building started the fire but It is believed to have been time work of Incendiaries A told a servant employed in a house at Thirtyeighth and is to tho effect at 1025 oclock more than an hour before the fire was discovered shu saw two men in tho churchyard acting suspiciously One was and stocky When they saw her t hey moved to rear the and the matter from her mind A however caused her to return- to the yard when she saw the men walk away church DR GEORGE If SLATER ACCUSED William notcnbaum 8a He Struck Him Will an Iron Oar Dr George W Slater of 017 Union street was arraigned yesterday In the Myrtle avenue court in Brooklyn on a charge of felonious assault William Rosenbaum who also lives In the Union street house was time complainant He says that on Sunday night during a controversy with over a matter time struck him with an Iron bar fracturing somo bones In the wrist was released In 00 pending examina- tion on Monday Dr was In the same court on Monday lant on a of Intoxication and sentence was suspended Seine years ho was wldoly as a temperance worker nature of the mat- ter which provoked tho row with Mr Roeenbaum not disclosed FIlEr ruined rat think Ing were working In dim later Dr a plea of not and net o o that the church tater > ¬ ¬ CHURCHILL NOT SATISFIED Wants Another Examination for Promo- tion to Captaincy Acting Capt the Fifth street station huts applied to the Municipal Civil Service Commlxision for new examination- for promotion to captain on time ground that u covere attack of nervousness prevented him from making a good showing examination In isle letter to tho commission he do dared that three of continued desk duty had kept down his street In contrast to he gave his record as acting showing 23 arrests in all fortyfour of which were taken from dis cloven from policy shops and seven from gambling TO SHOW JEWISH SKILLED LAnOR Lot of time 1UhtblU Collected by the Educational In the exhibition to by the Edu- cational Alliance at East Broadway and Jefferson street on Friday Saturday and Sunday of this week a committee of tho directors has together tho best works of East and a number- of rare Jewish antiquities The antiquities coiuUt of the for homo services Tho exhibition will bo held with a view to making known- to the general public the skill of the Jewish race in all skilled labor Needle- work and fine art will bo an Im- portant feature of time exhibition record Inter Alan e gather ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ TO HEAT 1IAFFEN FOR LEADER ExSenator Mitchell Invites Sid Contribu- tions to That End ExState Senator Richard II Mitchell ha announced himself as a candidate for the Tammany leadership of time Thirty fifth against Haffcn President of time borough and will start a club at Boston avenue and IMth street Ills circular MH that iho Initiation fee will bo 110 and the dUN 60cents a month Wife Cant Control Drunken lliubanil Elizabeth F Kane was removed yester- day as committee of the person and estate of her Michael J Kane a saloon- keeper who was dolan to lx an habitual drunkard In Is08 and who has 000 HI brothers Peter F anti William Kane were ap olnti l In her stoad by Justine Scott of the Court Justice Scott says It in perfectly obvious that the present unable to Tim Judge directs that tho wife have 1020 n year for time malntenanon of list mlttwM sMind IM a year In maintaining Dm and IftU a npill l on ilebu Tha creditor irr nl Kuprcnm Court time claim Iwlng 54 so for legal services liuaril Iu Crlrbralr IU ronndlnf- Th Old lutril will ra l In full on Tue lajr lo cilebratn time vetity lilh- annlvurMiry of fiiiiiilinc nf limo orKanlu linn Ity order of Mayor H 1UIU Mfti lime latmlliHi will a wiiibl at llm at S M mid inartli In All Angel Chiirili- Wmt 1jnl mriiue ami tit H simon ini ii rtl TV will Iw lirtil flmit iiirll lice HlMlMnwy luwn- MIM h i I tltajiUin i i OH Iliunl- In llm IVHIIH al uiK ry lie Ullullix- ilnirl rl inlar Mm I Assembly diet net lull l old that time t er I 1 I I 111 husband overtime avid oat yasorus coin isis Jostles Clarke lime lid dress tim lit o he I cdl KS aimiutisi ¬ ¬ ¬ < > I I u I ss4i r- rM 555i leNt S 4 I s S S 1l Wq 1 0- 4J 5 o40d ha 0 5r T 11 i t- s 1 tr a 55l 5m ae 405 laS 5- 1s i 1ff- S 550 b i p i 5se 4se4 4- a a 5 1I 5 INSURANCE CHANGE- The tot Important Chinse of Tears Took Place at Albany Yesterday ALKANT nfurnoon tho Mutual Reserve Fund lAte Association of Kow York received Its charter as an old line company Under Its new title Mutual Insurnncn Iho organization now is a mutual life Insurance Institution Incorporated under the reserve statute The examination by this New York Insurance Department to the of reincorporation occupied three months determined from time of Usability to with the requirements of statute governing rewrve iom anlM The uf a most careful and tlxTCUili examination nndertakcn by time Depart- ment shown that the M n a surplus In excess of all liabilities Including statutory reserve of about half a million Tho Insurance Depart- ment Increases time value of the estate holdings l the estimate of the coon the management of tho Dei artineiit the utmost strictness of Inquiry Into Its affairs and this course was adhered- to Superintendent Is satisfied that able to comply with nil tho requirements of the law for rein as a reserve or old line mutual life insurance On this tho charter was granted yesterday afternoon and now Life Insurance Company takes Its as the third mutual surance of New York President Frederick A has thus fulfilled his to time of placing the Mutual Iteserve under the out depriving the policyholders of any part of Mutual Reserve Life Insurance Company Iwglns lie now career prosperously In 1881 It hat within a paid in death claims to Its members dollars It has thousands of members in practically every state of tho Union and in Europe are Im- portant Viir YORK DAI AT CHARLESTON Plant for time Entertainment of Mho Will Help Celebrate It Tlio special train which tho Merchants Association has engaged for the New York committees visiting tho Charleston Expo sition on New York Day will leave the Penn- sylvania Station In Jersey City at 1014 on Monday morning It will be composed- of a baggage car three sleeping cars a f eat I j J ew hal I I I At the ot thu place ear t TOe I ion Was beginning examination > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Pullman diner and an observation car The train will arrive In Charleston on day morning On the return stop for two hours In Washington to give delegation a chance to a drive around urn The Charleston programme includes a sail around Harbor on the Forward an Inspection- of Fort up the to the magnolia on evening re- ception exercises at and others will speak and a by the State Commission At the military In Charleston Harbor Gay received with the honors duo to his rank MARINE INTELLIGENCE MIXUTCRB lUtAHAO THIS DAT 619 I Sun ti6 411 Moon sets 1M limos WATXK THIS OAr Hook4lT I Cor Id44 I Hell Oats e 4- 3ArrlTrd TaouoAT ArntL IT- Ss Abcsslala Hamburr April a- Ss R rtirrokrr Ames Ss Klnt Frtderlck Procrfsa April 10 SlJuno Kl 1aw Ntw April U Hamilton NsCUC ol April It- Si City of rnllidtlpau It- ABRITXD OCT Mi St Louis from New York at Southampton truism New at SiAuKUite Victoria from New York at Ply- mouth Ss tram New York Havre- 6s Lahn from New York at Niplei Tel cuter ew Band 2 MarIa Apr z ort Apt ork revenue Sun rises Innera 85 isOa Lisbon So t SI Majestic t ¬ < ¬ lAnKD reams masters roars from Ouefnstown for New York Si Il nd m from for New York otrrootxo irxiuinirs Sail also Vnirl Clan fiaiti- KAntlito Niusu lioou inori- Mstinuj Tsmpleo I200U sooiI sun Marcos Uruniwtck I in I lUmtltoa Norfolk tour Sad TOtnorrov- St Itottrrdim 1 oo A M 4 80 A lonl Liverpool llucow su AM li no X- IAller Naples lift AM JOOIl- Ulsnd 11 no AM JWII- Tro n Prince AlertS 17 00 U IMP llf nomlarc London V on A Uinello Hull IlrltLsb llnlirmUn Liverpool Havins 1000 I 00 I I Iorto flIes 00 A M li M Cokrtdir Ii4hl too AM situ SWAM IJOOV- IAdlrondwk llsvtl iAH liOAM Arieutlni IMAM I2IOVI uu Curitoa 10 W A 11 I oo I IrorrrM IOOUAM IJOuv- lOllndMtUn s i 14 IM SMI- NUMrs Otlveaton I Ml- Comui Nw Ortrtni inojl Jrllrrsan Norfnlk I Hi I lOul- r M 111 April J Jamestown Norfolk a iroP llliUIHiri- Utlt T 1- Kllufllla Ntrnurhr- UsnlitiuH llrntrr- KM A4SCtlf Pkl r nvrvv- veallir MI To h t A An I I Kin UPI o A S Slab M- rJ U tOO lbrlar Wh SI and tlr 0111 bunl I Arl UIn 1 Alr I h lai UrKI Trade I I A au A t 1m- AI I I R t F m as Oceanic dIW Step II U S 5 U I cm U S U S l0 02 iSO Li Jamaica 5 I U At Sad rew Orleans Monday U S Ilseti I smpaIa lhapl Aprti 0lIlmapOP iemiimm Apti UlmirJOttl Alp1 I5oshSM S- cw4J Aaul 7 tttsHp Apsis- SiNeall a A 15W 1 an A Is- NiOsesa a IN City sat WSUIgI4 I I to lass bass A2wJ- ul4smu 15 aeI s1a 1j1ui has 1e444 ri5 W 4015550 a > > > > > i i- NI H M l I HIMMNs- WI ttt Nsf MlMM s s- 1HMMll 1 i4T IM HU t RI- P l i I 1M- II I 4 I t I H c t t I I I Ifels I itss I sJ 13 s 1501- 1sio d 4NM11Sf Jsjst 1sf j J p3 a4 M5 sat i lSNm 0- IeMj lN 1 toPt h 14t stud m04fE 1 1 1- d MtsuNd Ito Pt IS 4- N555 i e 4 04555 Ss4 I < + HITS AT THE BUTTER TRADE DEALERS AGAINST OLEO MAGAIHNE RILL AS It Demands All llelVorUrd Stutter Khali lie Ailulleratcd lix porters Mar That time lieu Iluttrr U- nrUorhr l to Keep Us Color tnlform Certain amendments In time Oleomar- garine hill now before Congress have created consternation among tho leading exporters- of real butter In this city They say that If time bill IB parsed In its present form It will practically kill tho present enormous export trade In butter and will increase greatly Its price as well as that of oleo- margarine That part of the lull to which the exporters object most seriously Is Section 4 which reads In part Adulterated butter Is hereby defined to moan a crude of butter produced by mixing reworking rechurning In milk or cream rnflnlni or In any way producing a uniform purified or Improved product of butter I TIT Tat I ¬ ¬ Time bill adds that all packages of such butter shall bo butter According to a prominent exporter of the product no butter now guaranteed as tho pure product and so exported can be sold as such if tho proposed law goes into effect The reworking referred to In the section makes all tho trouble sold this exporter Really it Is perfectly harmless and abso- lutely necessary for the production of butter for this reason The best grade of ordinary butter in collected In small quantities time West It comes in in small lots each of which is different in color When this Is to be massed It U natural that it must all be of uniform color For that purpose It Is reworked In mostcasea more salt IN also applied Reworking is done simply to preserve the looks of the product No one would buy butter which was not of an even color Yet under this law butter which is now absolutely pure and the quality of which is guaranteed under oath must hereafter be marked adulterated and taxed at time rate of 10 cents a pound We dont object BO much to the tax as we do to labelling it We couldnt sell It In foreign countries If that were lablloo adulterated ¬ The DIII now Congress was started some four years ago time the to put an additional tax of eight cents a on oleomargarine and drive the business out of existence This bill has passed the been before the amended and Is now hack in time House before tho Agricultural Committee The bill Is of tho Western creamery men and renovated butter men that by driving out oleo- margarine they will value of their to a summer price of 30 cents and a winter of 40 to cents and absolutely control tho business during the last especially since January been the the world American con- sumer 4s paving today 10 cents a cents a pound more than the English con- sumer not seem from these prices as If the American creamerymen any There U no but that a serious offence has been committed by the sellers- of oleomargarine In selling to the publlo this article for and the has been Imposed upon This under the law Is a bill Is supposed to drive out that fraud but in has tho penalties the oleo- margarine manufacturer or seller either or no increased term of cent tax Is Whatever quantity of oleomargarine- may be out of bill that consumption will turn to butter and have to on Increased price for butter or go with- out It If consumer of wishes to continue to eat oleomargarine- he must the MO cents for oleomargarine on this bill Either public will be the vic- tims of the but bill now reads the not the offender must pay the more U pound more timan the Danl8n and ut Imprllt mllnt It made In this bill A 10 R cents a it- S us ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Time export business by this bill will b entirely ut value of ansi time arbitrary branding of butter as adulterated when U not Budington A Book About Colorado For Six Cents During put few mora Interest bit been takers In Colorado ai a health am rilruur resort thin baler Amtriran sip UginixlBg that her lo LaIr own country within eujr- rtaih U a country timer than RwlUirland In s nl ttlriftioti and with a pure dry climate which hn- U UiuUhln jriMt ol effect on ll sad spirits of visitors Wb Ml a trip lUr out umnurt Our UbdMir IIUU 72HMt Look isis all Olur 4o IB i- r Urnitiog vkjr bd II U full W taut upttfrtttikal iiupuf lUKuu I libu i i4 JA y for Kt 7 ll UJt tut I kiu MI v it HMtfc I tMOkbl biir tsi i IC Qk 300 It Route the ever to rllllll mOlt lilmastuatiasms It altO IM AI 1- dl I tIt tw tI- C I Y years deligimlimil health bet asset Sit sod ash 4s saIa Is I I440I Ms 141- p I Hulk lilt III M H U iM- Ihc Mfl I HJUkfft tt Ml t- I MUt 11111 fj1tt t I Nit6 Ih I hh roWnir2 K 12- I IiJoa 1 6 iiii til1IIy- 1UCSi f M4 hIm ip ts fsjl I51 gsa ssJ- it S4j145 44 C45M VSC4 54- a 0 4 1e C > A TUllE OF DANGER in Peril from Btod Diseases and Nerve Troubles Developed During the Whler Milk Paines COlDlY Compound- The Great Spring Blood Purifier Nerve Bracer and Health Builder tifi I 1 t 1 I Palnoe Celery Compound Is the wonder of the ago Its manclous virtues are dis- cussed amongst Interested medical men and Its euros are talked of at every fireside An a spring health giver Paine Celery Compound far ahead of all other known remedies it has no worthy com- petitor In the vast field of medicine To u large extent tho present popularity of 1alnou Celery Compound is duo to thn fact that It has accomplished noino of Us most nstcmUhln g cures In tho spring season a Iliac when men and women usually com- plain of ill health loss of vitality tired feel- ings a unto when people feet dull listless despondent and nmbltlonlosn Today them aro thousands of business- men mechanics farmers and dear wives and mothers too who though able to walk around are nevertheless sadly out of health At this season Paines Celery Compound Is the great houllh restorer and strength tho o who aro perilously porno organic disease Compound nt once will quickly remove every trace of poison from brace weak nerves tho tissues and tono the digestive organism If you reader that your health In not as robust and vigorous as it should be let us use of Paines Celery Compound that has wonderfully assured it makes sick people well stand for the out or health u honltl so our and lie o giver ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Ink 10 cts a Quart EVENING MI SUN TODAY Reviews of Important 3 New Publications i t Mr Henry Harlands brilliant J now novel The Lady Para 4i mount In which he surpasses his Jf previous suocevs Tho Cardinals I 4 Miss Dlauvelts T hlslory of time development of make t t tt TH E t a 4- M1 1 4 iHHHH H iift- ii HH m j m m t it Snuff Box I Diamond flei the beat ink C 45f4 04tI44e 54 4304 44iS4i 5 4S10 0s 5 a 44444 04444 44 4- a 444S44 444 S w44444 F use- ful + < + + + + + + + + ++ i that political anomaly tho English Cabinet whelm though allpower 4 ful Is unknown to Kngllsh law Jfr Mr Carnegies book of essays In 2 which he describes various Ihlngs f which are necessary for tlioso who 2 44 want to get on A now story by f Frankfurt Moore Mr Jotlah 2 j 4 contains two lovers and time touch overworked Oeorgo Wakhlriglon J- i Of Interest to Women H- T TODAY t KIH lll- J dewrriliHMOiuiifaitcy iM ddrvAMs 31 for llm ne K t wlalfuiictlonaud 4 l nw outofdoor with lllu trutloiui Ih ru m another IU j JJ lint r Mini faxlilon artrld which Hull of time w a oi g IWIM NIW TIIJNfH IN Till HllOPi jjI- IOltKIIOUi TIIK- IIOtSKIIOII MMUCI1 ftinl- otiuT 4irlloii cf lnt iist all srilnnr- AM THU IMIMIHTAVr M1H- NOlTill MAI l d Ida JJ- f iiiirt UNASI TIIIA I UK Wl li III HU1NO MOIUI- Itr CuLiinuU cltfkr- lh v nw drug wlilch lisP r Wly- in uh n- H s C ltl- Ilissl tlUstaf 2 Viymmt 2 of trAmp I1fl Anothtrlloel which I oO t- o Till a 1o- O mil tells hut thl wuil Il if o- i Itt to f 1 0 o t 1 I 3 time hobo exrts new study a 1 S lusts 4- o 4 4 isisurs 5 i OPt 04 4 5 4 5 a regular 4 a 145 I 440 4 a44a sa 4- a i I I a P C a- U Hut lavumuliuga I wilL iJ 0 t I I S iiLity IauiIb iiiid- IAIAUIsH i to Y- S pyY 44 IIib Jim i 4JUoulr + < < ± + ± °

R I oJ F Y RI-P iJ - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1902-04-18/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · are wivwd into slid nr uixiri npproiirl tloii HO thiil for l nirH si

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ptrrntr and the BmtiP TaxpayerelKicd of the Harden or a Direct

TMTtiU none Ultliout In Any MannerttirfallliK Necetiary ExpentllturciA-

LBisr April IT Gor Odell announcedhU feigning of tho direct tax levy

rji la doing oo the Governor fliedor ndum reviewing the financial legisl-

ation of the past Mission of the Logtg-

torfi and comparing it with mat year andMr when the Democrats were In

of the Stato Government In hU-

ropmonndum tho Governor saysAtirll IS 11-

Xmbljp IUI

the act the LegislatureSough it Action hn afforded relief to Iho

ffrinrrCcnmpil l lnit thin result to curtail Innr limner necessary expenditures I n-

narftii l r moI examination of thebllU It has mt the

Jeiind for bettor educations facilitiesfor Improvement of the of the

of the Hlcblen r Jorge npproprlntlon

J ooo a well n i HtateSire of roiid building expense from i to M-

iTmfBlfd by the Plank bill enacted ntMuslim IU02 It tins met all de-mand while trlvlnc to keep the expendituresof the great number ofbetween tin year 1M2 and 1801 within reason

Following the establishedof the Fame political

filth It tin sought to gIve effect to manye law to the of Indirect

through amendments which haveIncrwfrtl tli tax from corporations duringthe rear Uct I inoj overInn year by the Bum of iV7717il2 sand the

cnn look with confldence for n-

ituf further timnr s hit the state Tren ur will be richer

Us ul o tho pro-duced the socalled Iialnc Liquor Taxwhich uid to the locullllex addlnito the Mutes Indirect revenueyearly morn than was received

counties annually during thenun I tin law refuti-ng clmrgn that it has the lo-

miiiies nf theirthe burden from the State to the

ruumcliiallllesIt rnny not be amiss to state that In ad

to the financial effect of law otherfeatures have not been neglected and areduction In the number of placesat W shown

That tho reduction In the State tax rateIt pot a mere of figures Isshown

of the recordsof Oov Flower

Ince that administration seems to be theone chosen for this purpose by those whoquestion tho accuracy of the

the two of iwi antiIWJ For Oov Flowers honestyand character I entertain the ro

For determination to correcttie abuses of the sorailedfor the Insane as well us In condemning the

tho management StatsInstitutions which grown 1RS3-

M of his Incumbency I have thegreatest admiration owes to





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of New neces-sarily followed that there should be a corre

Increase in tho of governneat It well to remember that Blnco

the State has assumed the entire careol the insane and charitable institutionsand that the localities life titus relievedtheir It must also be understood-that the Constitution the peopleIn IE9 Increasing membershipLegislature creating newas well as the number ofCourt by forty has caused a largeadditional Extravagance even Inassuming these additional burdens does not

a the expense for earwa less by SIOI8IDA69 in loot

than In two end will SI le In-

1W2 than in 1800 In the rharltoblo Institu-tions the am9 corresponding decrease Isshown and this too In any waror manner tatting front the Inmates nece-urlf of life the which has di-

rected these reductions being the demandfor fewer castles and more bread

As an Illustration of the growth of the ex-penses of the Judiciary it b stated that

they were M 57R in ion II072832 not Inconsiderable reformbeen effected In the consolidation anti elimi-nation of unnepe ary cornml lon Athe result of the action of this ellaturnof hot the threw or wereconsolidated a singleheaded rnm-miiicnu the lists Iore t and maine and

a single salarlwl Commissioner ami th De-partment of health Is now a liniiil t riNlfine competent person with time result that

hll eipen es nf theM roinml lons forIfroo were I44IAM 7 li appropriations forWH were hut t3il n a tavmsof izw714 10Uloixxl of whirl is dun to lime

rrlMlon for the of lurid nrid nv4 10 lo a decrease In administrative ev-

l iifIn not altering the total of the

tin sears tM nnd IK 4 showIota of fiM s fur the various Iristltu-llorn nd lo cnu e liffori limo

rnsrtnicnt of the sorillccl Illtfeins nfI J rhkplcr SMI they vpr allnwrd to holdthfir r iiiis tliH nindn-

Y time l iri Here In niiilltlnn toIns I the HIiiKlns luw luiwivir

are wivwd into slid nruixiri npproiirl tloii HO thiil

for l nirH si c iji ii II Is lint fairto uli nii ho rcfiitnH cnvrr the v-

tifit iii Dm bmiklritr Itinrnnro and vaililirariniMiu unit lie iarnluio of In

iti i pr i rl rharit whet th-

Kiiiir in lie appropriationl ri i lur md riottrn u r i riMinnn uf tin htflti What U

11 H tiluni alto InrliiiitMil

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of tbo economy of the Legislature ofand 1002

the are thus shownto bo less In of this explanation it may

In the form of Treasury for unfore-seen and as also

of time present legislature limofollowing figures speal for themselves

In IM3 tho rate In iddi Itwas 21S or 40 mill difference while In loomth rate was 120 and present year 11mills cud except for Did r

itThis Is a record that I unprecedentedwithout H parallel In this ofTo nollilne In taxroll values has been taken from theThe sank tax of I cent ed by the

to comply with thnUnited Htates goes to locality Thereal estatn of Insurance companies trustcompanies Is upon Looks of

assessments a returned to the State Boardof Assessors shows no decrease but on thuscontrary the name annual Increment I a

insect to the criticism thatState has benefited In Its tux laws at the

of the localities All theso factsare ratifying and It U s sincereto affix signature to this bill belIeving

legislature of ton merits appro-bation will doubtless bo

the constituency they have so faithfullyrepresented B B


It If to SuscMt Legislation Will Itesuit In Irucntlns Floods

ALBANY April 17 Gov Odoll todayonnounood the names of tho memxrof the Water Storage Commission authorized by a law passed by the last Legis-

lature The object of tho commission isto suggest legislation which will result-In work that will prevent In the future thefloods which haw devastated tho Stateduring tho past winter The membersof tho commission art State Superintendent-of 1ubllo WorkH lloyd State EngineerBond Davies Forest

of Union College John li Ring of the SolvayProcess in county ex

W Rafter of llochester and CharlesFinch a lumberman of Glens

The outcome of tho work cornmlbulon It Is expected will bo tho Impound-ing of waters at head of

have frcuhetainundated the surrounding country BO

that tho tile bopreserved until the season ondclectrt

generated as tho reservoirs arogradually


Mutual rtrsrrve Fund Lire Anoclatlon-Helnrorporated With New TVame-

AtBANT April Superintendent-of Insurance Hendrlcks has Issued hU cer-tificate reincorporating tho Mutual He-

Bcrve Fund Life Association of New Yorkas a legal reserve or old line mutual lifoInsurance company The name of thocompany Is changed to tho Mutual ReserveLife Insurance Company In order tomake its time com

bios undergone an exhaustive exami-nation by Insurance Departmentwhich was on Jan 20on April 3 A valuation of all tho policieswan the rcult shows

has a In excess of allliabilities including time full statutory roserve of l688 i The value corn

real estate was Increased by thedepartment and tho death claims

were to be less than that claimedTho examination otherwise showed the

able to with altthe requirements of the law for relncorpo


lownot to to

lurl1UI crilfor




all cud the




State Elnathan




be anilsa tax rates andlmoever much timO becise l mnaintnluing a




tact that

Commissioner Olin Il














New York Central1 Increase of CapitalApproved

ALBANY April 17 The State RailroadCommission has approved the Increaseof capital stock of the Now York Centralby 135000000 and making Ita whole capital

10000000 and the Mohawk and Maloneby makes lu capitalCentral capital Is to used in changing-its power In tho Park avenueand terminal facilities at theFortysecond street Btatlon In Now York

New Heal Estate CompanyALBANY April 17 Tlie Fiftyfifth Street

Company of Now York city was Incorporatedtoday with a capital of tsooooo to deal In

estate are EHovt William H liullwlnkel and Frederick-II Ihlllps of 11 William street York

unovr An snAXSTiiouLatter Thinks Ho Did Threaten to Itealirn

Grouts CuntrailletlonComptroller Grout sent a letter to TUB

Scv yesterday denying tho report that h

lied urged In the Hoard of Ketlmate thatcoiMtructlon of tho Fact River tunnel

should IM delayed for a year and thatinMNwuiry for time building f

tiinml should Im lnvoli d to certain otherneeded linprovonionts In the iJllferitnt-twrtiughs

In report It was also stated thatProitldint if HrooUlyn throat

HH In neigh hi onion If theta should iso

delay In tho tunnel Mr-

liroui diiilKM that timer way any Mich threatun l ndds that ns ii inattiir of fact whnl-niiiiitoii I not within control of time

i f li 11 11

i lniMr HwHiirlroin told thn reporters on

Mloy that lie did tifor time icaM n stated In a iili hInturvlvvr Mr Hwaikntrom l iUi li l asluv-Ing in d HiMiniiinnt

tiMik thn t ml I did Inand tlneatniwl to rvMgn mile llnxiklyn

thii upiir iIxwaUM I OOIIVIIHIM that time tuniinlii-iriniiit w mom luiiuitaiit

iiuin ntlier al

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XewMt Identifier u the Third t at-

ru7Jci Mr Jerome Is Why Ttiry-Shuulil All IIa c Assembled sear aIolloeSUllon Inquiry All Ua Today

DistrictAttorney Jerome has learnedMm Mary of 110 Garden street

Holxiken the latest identifier of DetectiveSergeant Klnrnan as a person who helpedto put a a cabat tho WestFortyseventh street police station Justbefore James McAuliffe thowitness was found dying a short distanceaway in an exoonvlct

lt is most remarkablo that no manyoxoonvlcts should happen to l o escon-Hcts said Mr Jerome yesterday and

that they should all happen to have centredfrom no many different places at the earnotime Sunday morning at a police station-a place naturally avoided by oxconvlctn

Time District Attorney made this state-ment after he had told rejxmers yesterdaythat Mrs had stated under oath

sentenced In Iloboken for disorderlyduct and bad done time on one of thousentences that she had arrestedand convicted before Cowing InGeneral Kesnlons for what she calleding and and what Mr Jeromecalled burglary nnd was put under a mw

sentence and that was oncesnore arrested In Iloboken at a later period

Mrs Lulgs is well known to thepolice that In 1R94 she had

Downer a Hunday school superin-tendent ofwas employed as servant haled tofor care her child Downerliar accusation and said she was tryingto blackmail him The was com-promised time for

woman In the follow-ing March the Lulgs woman was arrested-for grand larceny on tho complaint of

wife who accused oftliH Downer homo of silverware and otherproperty tier maiden name was

witnesses against the police intho McAuliffe case BO far Mrwild Unnon Cohen and Mrs wereixconvicts and Stark who has sworn toa statement corroborative of their calstory Is still It la admitted howover that none of the exconvict wit

known Us recordwho brought them forward have

tow of many who have offered-to make statements have l eenrejected after an Investigation of theircareers

It has been brought out before Justicethat Lennoti he know

MoAulifTe and him while hewas being taken to the cab from tho ela-tion house told Policeman Estobrook andHeddy that he was a cabdriver with Li-

cense 101 mind that ho had picked McAxilifT-ont on Saturday night to find that

his Into wasAfter investigation showed this to

be false I Minon who ho is a deserterfrom the United Army in addition-to being an knew thedriver the fourwheeler and that hisname was Mac and that he had a scar underlila left ear and was nmootliehaven

Cohen who he sew the cabdriveras ho was driving the party from the eta

as a man

heavy dark mustacheA witness described the driver as

light complexioned with a small light

Owing to the lateness of adjournment-of tho Court of outregard for time of several wit

no M slon of tho John Don Inquiryinto the death of Janice McAulllTe was

yesterday Justiceadjourned

that tho would beginat 330 oclock title afternoon and continueuntil midnight if necessary





man into


that she had ben




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fore Justice twice

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ed after













Drunken Womans Cry Causes Crowd toAttack Policeman

Policeman Delaney of the West Thirtyseventh Htrcet station found a man andwoman outside John Petrys saloon atTlilrtynlghth street and Ninth avenue lastnight crying out that fft robbedTho man said that 100 and a gold watchhad been htolen from him while ho was Inthe saloon drinking They mado so much

that Delaney placed tho man underwhereupon tho woman tried to

rescue the prlHoner Policeman Mearawent to DclatiHyH assistance but the couplefought hard that Delaney UP his clubon the man When time woman saw thisshe yelled nnd begged thu crowd to inter-fere

Oh she screamed thpv are going todo Us OH they did

Thu thou hroko In on the police-men and sucfwdwl In dragging th manaway from went to Do-

lalieyii nMlstntira again and both xillonWITH Ixlng roughly tim d th mob

time ii irvi this Vst Thirtymiventli station arrivedhad t HliiiHMl to H rgt hyatt that u riotwas In proKiHHS

Tim K drove this crowdand got time muse who llum agrt xluhmg to time fetation jx It tookfour to tarry lImo woman to llm-HtatlDii Tim man MI hn was John Vrt-

n captain or a oHiial boat lying In lime NorthItlvfr thai was hU wifeHolh wvro up

fclrno railirr al Pleadiiiarlrr-

CMI Ml ha l K KiMxir of W l-

T1ilrtyMvnnth ln l stat Ion aoiNirii-

l anii i by a clerk a lmt grapli r trainlime iittW nf IH k 1 JniUr in-lvoirnlsy In roiiiiiiUeii 4i r

i Hl i v r KI-MNt a liMliti steP i Hiilly ttatlmitiiM-iHaturlal fur hU iliifmou In his n llii-guul fur itrglMH f iluiy

they had



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The Property Loss In the PhiladelphiaStructure li aoo Mto

PHILADELPHIA April 17 Tho ire whlohthis morning completely destroyed theProtestant Episcopal Church of tho SaviourThirtyeighth and Ludlow streets caused-a loss that will exceed 1200000

Throe beautiful stained glass windowsanti A Mexican onyx font presented atdifferent times to tho church Drexelfamily were shattered nnd and allthe decorations added In 1P80 at a cost of110000 Wore eaten up by the flames

As the lUunoa mounted up In theGothic tower and belfry they started-

a In tho Sherwood apartment houseon Chestnut street Hundreds of universitystudents aided the firemencostly furnishings from residences

a lime were threatened Ahelcctriolighting plant recently Installed In timebuilding started the fire but It is

believed to have been time work ofIncendiaries

A told a servant employed in ahouse at Thirtyeighth andis to tho effect at 1025 oclock morethan an hour before the fire was discoveredshu saw two men in tho churchyard actingsuspiciously One was and

stocky When they saw her t hey movedto rear the and the

matter from her mind Ahowever caused her to return-

to the yard when she saw the men walkaway church


William notcnbaum 8a He Struck HimWill an Iron Oar

Dr George W Slater of 017 Union streetwas arraigned yesterday In the Myrtleavenue court in Brooklyn on a charge offelonious assault William Rosenbaumwho also lives In the Union street housewas time complainant He says that onSunday night during a controversy with

over a matter time

struck him with an Iron barfracturing somo bones In the wrist

was released In 00 pending examina-tion on Monday

Dr was In the same court onMonday lant on a of Intoxicationand sentence was suspended Seine years

ho was wldoly as a temperanceworker nature of the mat-ter which provoked tho row with MrRoeenbaum not disclosed




thinkIng were working In


laterDr a plea of not and


o o

that the church






Wants Another Examination for Promo-tion to Captaincy

Acting Capt the Fifth streetstation huts applied to the Municipal CivilService Commlxision for new examination-for promotion to captain on time groundthat u covere attack of nervousnessprevented him from making a good showing

examinationIn isle letter to tho commission he do

dared that three of continued deskduty had kept down his streetIn contrast to he gave his record asacting showing 23 arrests in allfortyfour of which were taken from dis

cloven from policy shopsand seven from gambling


Lot of time 1UhtblU Collected by theEducational

In the exhibition to by the Edu-cational Alliance at East Broadway andJefferson street on Friday Saturday andSunday of this week a committee of thodirectors has together tho bestworks of East and a number-of rare Jewish antiquities The antiquitiescoiuUt of the

for homo services Tho exhibitionwill bo held with a view to making known-to the general public the skill of the Jewishrace in all skilled labor Needle-work and fine art will bo an Im-

portant feature of time exhibition


InterAlan e







ExSenator Mitchell Invites Sid Contribu-tions to That End

ExState Senator Richard II Mitchellha announced himself as a candidate forthe Tammany leadership of time Thirtyfifth against HaffcnPresident of time borough andwill start a club at Boston avenue and IMthstreet Ills circular MH that iho Initiationfee will bo 110 and the dUN 60cents a month

Wife Cant Control Drunken lliubanilElizabeth F Kane was removed yester-

day as committee of the person and estateof her Michael J Kane a saloon-keeper who was dolan to lx an habitualdrunkard In Is08 and who has 000 HI

brothers Peter F anti William Kane wereap olnti l In her stoad by Justine Scott ofthe Court Justice Scott says

It in perfectly obvious that the presentunable to

Tim Judge directs that tho wife have1020 n year for time malntenanon of list

mlttwM sMind IM a year In maintainingDm and IftU anpill l on ilebu Tha creditor

irr nl Kuprcnm Courttime claim Iwlng 54 so for legal services

liuaril Iu Crlrbralr IU ronndlnf-Th Old lutril will ra l In full

on Tue lajr lo cilebratn time vetity lilh-annlvurMiry of fiiiiiilinc nf limo orKanlulinn Ity order of Mayor H 1UIU Mftilime latmlliHi will awiiibl at llmat S M mid inartli In All Angel Chiirili-Wmt 1jnl mriiue ami tit Hsimon ini ii rtl TV will Iw lirtilflmit iiirll lice HlMlMnwy luwn-MIM h i I tltajiUin i i OH Iliunl-In llm IVHIIH al uiK ry lie Ullullix-

ilnirl rl inlar Mm I

Assembly diet net lull

l old that time

t er







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The tot Important Chinse of TearsTook Place at Albany Yesterday

ALKANT nfurnoontho Mutual Reserve Fund lAte Associationof Kow York received Its charter as an oldline company Under Its new title Mutual

Insurnncn Ihoorganization now is a mutual lifeInsurance Institution Incorporated underthe reserve statute Theexamination by this New York InsuranceDepartment to the

of reincorporation occupied threemonthsdetermined from time of Usabilityto with the requirements ofstatute governing rewrve iom anlMThe uf a most careful and tlxTCUiliexamination nndertakcn by time Depart-ment shown that the M n asurplus In excess of all liabilities Including

statutory reserve of about half amillion Tho Insurance Depart-ment Increases time value of the estateholdings l the estimate of the coon

the management of tho Dei artineiitthe utmost strictness of Inquiry Into Itsaffairs and this course was adhered-to Superintendent Is satisfiedthat able to complywith nil tho requirements of the law for rein

as a reserve or old linemutual life insurance On this

tho charter was granted yesterdayafternoon and nowLife Insurance Company takes Itsas the third mutualsurance of New York PresidentFrederick A has thus fulfilled his

to time of placing theMutual Iteserve under theout depriving the policyholders of any partofMutual Reserve Life Insurance CompanyIwglns lie now career prosperouslyIn 1881 It hat within a

paid in death claims to Its membersdollars It has thousands of

members in practically every state of thoUnion and in Europe are Im-



Plant for time Entertainment ofMho Will Help Celebrate It

Tlio special train which tho MerchantsAssociation has engaged for the New Yorkcommittees visiting tho Charleston Exposition on New York Day will leave the Penn-sylvania Station In Jersey City at 1014on Monday morning It will be composed-of a baggage car three sleeping cars a


eat I







At the ot thu




I ion Was

beginning examination









Pullman diner and an observation carThe train will arrive In Charleston onday morning On the returnstop for two hours In Washington to give

delegation a chance to a drivearound urn

The Charleston programme includes asail around Harbor onthe Forward an Inspection-of Fort up theto the magnolia on evening re-

ception exercises atand others will speak and a

by the StateCommission

At the military In Charleston HarborGay received with the honorsduo to his rank



619 I Sun ti6 411 Moon sets 1Mlimos WATXK THIS OAr

Hook4lT I Cor Id44 I Hell Oats e 4-

3ArrlTrd TaouoAT ArntL IT-

Ss Abcsslala Hamburr April a-


R rtirrokrr AmesSs Klnt Frtderlck Procrfsa April 10SlJuno

Kl 1aw Ntw April UHamilton

NsCUC ol April It-

Si City of rnllidtlpau It-


Mi St Louis from New York at Southamptontruism New at

SiAuKUite Victoria from New York at Ply-mouth

Ss tram New York Havre-6s Lahn from New York at Niplei





2MarIa Apr z




Sun rises

Innera85 isOa Lisbon


SI Majestic





lAnKD reams masters roarsfrom Ouefnstown for New York

Si Il nd m from for New York

otrrootxo irxiuinirsSail

also VnirlClan fiaiti-

KAntlito Niusu lioou inori-Mstinuj Tsmpleo I200U

sooiIsun Marcos Uruniwtck I in IlUmtltoa Norfolk tour

Sad TOtnorrov-St Itottrrdim 1 oo A M 4 80 A

lonl Liverpoolllucow su A M li no X-

IAller Naples lift AM JOOIl-Ulsnd 11 no AM JWII-Tro n Prince AlertS 17 00 U IMPllf nomlarc London V on A

Uinello HullIlrltLsbllnlirmUn Liverpool

Havins 1000 I 00 I I

Iorto flIes 00 A M li M

Cokrtdir Ii4hl too AMsitu SWAM IJOOV-IAdlrondwk llsvtl iAH liOAM

Arieutlni IMAM I2IOVIuu Curitoa 10 W A 11 I ooI IrorrrM IOOUAM IJOuv-lOllndMtUn s i 14 IM SMI-NUMrs Otlveaton I Ml-Comui Nw Ortrtni inojlJrllrrsan Norfnlk I Hi I

lOul-r M 111 April J

Jamestown Norfolk a iroPllliUIHiri-

Utlt T 1-

KlluflllaNtrnurhr-UsnlitiuHllrntrr-KM A4SCtlf

Pkl r nvrvv-





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It Demands All llelVorUrd StutterKhali lie Ailulleratcd lixporters Mar That time lieu Iluttrr U-

nrUorhr l to Keep Us Color tnlformCertain amendments In time Oleomar-

garine hill now before Congress have createdconsternation among tho leading exporters-of real butter In this city They say thatIf time bill IB parsed In its present form Itwill practically kill tho present enormousexport trade In butter and will increasegreatly Its price as well as that of oleo-margarine That part of the lull to whichthe exporters object most seriously IsSection 4 which reads In part

Adulterated butter Is hereby defined tomoan a crude of butter produced by mixingreworking rechurning In milk or creamrnflnlni or In any way producing a uniformpurified or Improved product of butter







Time bill adds that all packages of suchbutter shall bo butter

According to a prominent exporter ofthe product no butter now guaranteedas tho pure product and so exported can besold as such if tho proposed law goes intoeffect

The reworking referred to In the sectionmakes all tho trouble sold this exporterReally it Is perfectly harmless and abso-

lutely necessary for the production ofbutter for this reason The best gradeof ordinary butter in collected In smallquantities time West It comes in in smalllots each of which is different in colorWhen this Is to be massed It U naturalthat it must all be of uniform color Forthat purpose It Is reworked In mostcaseamore salt IN also applied

Reworking is done simply to preservethe looks of the product No one wouldbuy butter which was not of an even colorYet under this law butter which is nowabsolutely pure and the quality of whichis guaranteed under oath must hereafterbe marked adulterated and taxed at time

rate of 10 cents a poundWe dont object BO much to the tax

as we do to labelling it Wecouldnt sell It In foreign countries If thatwere

lablloo adulterated


The DIII nowCongress was started some four years ago

time the to put anadditional tax of eight cents a onoleomargarine and drive the business outof existence This bill has passed the

been before theamended and Is now hack in time Housebefore tho Agricultural Committee Thebill Is of tho Westerncreamery men and renovated butter men

that by driving out oleo-margarine they will value oftheir to a summer price of 30cents and a winter of 40 to centsand absolutely control tho business

during the lastespecially since January been the

the world American con-sumer 4s paving today 10 cents a

cents a pound more than the English con-sumer not seem from theseprices as If the American creamerymen

anyThere U no but that a serious

offence has been committed by the sellers-of oleomargarine In selling to the publlothis article for and thehas been Imposed upon This under thelaw Is a bill Is supposed todrive out that fraud but inhas tho penalties the oleo-margarine manufacturer or seller either

or no increased term of

cent tax IsWhatever quantity of oleomargarine-

may be out ofbill that consumption will turn to

butter and have toon Increased price for butter or go with-out It If consumer ofwishes to continue to eat oleomargarine-he must the MO centsfor oleomargarine on this bill Either

public will be the vic-

tims of the but bill now readsthe not the offender must pay the

more U poundmore timan the Danl8n and ut

Imprllt mllnt It made In this bill A 10


cents a









Time export business by this bill willb entirely ut valueof ansi time arbitrary branding ofbutter as adulterated when Unot


A Book AboutColoradoFor Six Cents

During put few mora Interestbit been takers In Colorado ai a healtham rilruur resort thin balerAmtriran sip UginixlBg thather lo LaIr own country within eujr-

rtaih U a country timerthan RwlUirland In s nl ttlriftiotiand with a pure dry climate which hn-

U UiuUhln jriMt ol effect

on ll sad spirits of visitors

Wb Ml a trip lUr out umnurt

Our UbdMir IIUU 72HMt Look

isis all Olur 4o IB i-

r Urnitiog vkjr bd II U full W

taut upttfrtttikal iiupuf lUKuuI libu i i4 JA y forKt 7 ll UJt tut I kiu MI v

it HMtfc

I tMOkbl biir tsi i IC Qk





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in Peril from Btod

Diseases and Nerve Troubles

Developed During the

Whler Milk

Paines COlDlY Compound-

The Great Spring BloodPurifier Nerve Bracer

and Health Builder







Palnoe Celery Compound Is the wonder ofthe ago Its manclous virtues are dis-

cussed amongst Interested medical menand Its euros are talked of at every fireside

An a spring health giver Paine CeleryCompound far ahead of all otherknown remedies it has no worthy com-petitor In the vast field of medicine

To u large extent tho present popularityof 1alnou Celery Compound is duo to thnfact that It has accomplished noino of Usmost nstcmUhln g cures In tho spring seasona Iliac when men and women usually com-plain of ill health loss of vitality tired feel-

ings a unto when people feet dull listlessdespondent and nmbltlonlosn

Today them aro thousands of business-men mechanics farmers and dear wivesand mothers too who though able to walkaround are nevertheless sadly out ofhealth

At this season Paines Celery CompoundIs the great houllh restorer and strength

tho o who aro perilously pornoorganic disease Compound

nt once will quickly remove everytrace of poison from braceweak nerves tho tissues and tonothe digestive organism

If you reader that your healthIn not as robust and vigorous as it should belet us use of PainesCelery Compound that has wonderfully

assured it makes sick people well


for the out or health



our and lie







Ink 10 cts a Quart




Reviews of Important 3

New Publications i

t Mr Henry Harlands brilliantJ now novel The Lady Para4i mount In which he surpasses his

Jf previous suocevs Tho Cardinals I4 Miss Dlauvelts T

hlslory of time development of


tttt TH Et

a 4-




iift-ii HH

mj mm t


Snuff BoxI

Diamond fleithe beat ink

C45f4 04tI44e544304 44iS4i



0s 5 a

4444404444 44 4-a 444S44 444 S w44444 F




++ +





+ + +

i that political anomaly tho EnglishCabinet whelm though allpower

4 ful Is unknown to Kngllsh law JfrMr Carnegies book of essays In

2which he describes various Ihlngs fwhich are necessary for tlioso who 2

44 want to get on A now story by fFrankfurt Moore Mr Jotlah 2

j4 contains two lovers and time touch

overworked Oeorgo Wakhlriglon J-

i Of Interest to Women H-


J dewrriliHMOiuiifaitcy iM ddrvAMs 31for llm ne K t wlalfuiictlonaud

4 l nw outofdoor withlllu trutloiui Ih ru m another IU j

JJ lint r Mini faxlilon artrld which

Hull of time w a oi g IWIM



otiuT 4irlloii cf lnt iist allsrilnnr-


CuLiinuU cltfkr-lh v nw drug

wlilch lisP r


in u h n-

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Ilissl tlUstaf


2 of trAmp I1fl Anothtrlloel which





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