> , , , - y r.# . - - ^ HINTS HYDE ^lir Bwckeft files ^ A^lnst lasmice Magnate. ALLEGES MISUSE OF FUNDS.HUNDRED LIVES IN PERIU Petftion to State Attorney General 6«yt j No Known Fatalities, How.v.r, Though Vice President of Equitable Made <£«ip*ny Pay For His Costume Ball 4md Other Entertainments. 8ever«l Persons Are Reported t Missing—atafipo at One Hundred and Sixtieth 8tr««t Partly Burned. Cloiing Quotation! of the New Yorirlji atook Exoh.ng,. Nekyork. M«roh». Monty on call nrmtft*p4r-.c«nt; »rli cunt"; •*• smmm in Newipury, Vt.. r being duoended f Bitih nerl In the French Albany. March 29.-Attorney Gcnoml i KewY<)rkp Marefl m _ ,, |re Wtowlll Mayer said that it was true that Sou- a <:O1IIKIOII nnd explosJou In the «nb atpr^Bracfcett had filed with him appli- wny near lite Ona.KhiulMd ond Sixty, cation for leave to bring action agHiiiHt olglitu Htroet an4 Itronfliww Htmlon James a Hyde, Jacob H. Schiff :md rngjil for live Iiour*. .miftlknlly do possibly other directors of the E.iuita- Btroyhig_ the Ono IIniidn.il and KUty bie ?liife Assurance aoci^y. "~ —'•' iction ManMrttenj 161% IT. 8. j M«tr0*Wuui....ihifc Weil , Missouri V a c . . . 100 he should take no action of any sort in the matter for some days. "Ig vie-w of the important confer- ences which I understand are in prog- ress looking *^> "". ,-.~i"' lKl f 5 "ertleiii" 1 !! •«8"r i"* other dfuhflge. j tloi),And doing iuu«:li KV)rtunnl«ly' uo liven General Markets'. Nnw York. JM&ruli 19. HTTTTRR-<7rrn.merjr. common -to extn »n!Sh-.| held, tommon to «xlra, •. JWaXTc ntaio Oitlry. common to cxtr*, Haiti*. . CIIUEHE-Htat* full or.-«w. »m^r col- oral and white, fancy. He.; fln«\ «**<:.;• lute matin. colorM »«(1 whlte.rliulct •••• - J r wnrk t woilt l re re J at the station ma la 1Iw 13S ioot. leading to it. '.Fljo Hlatlon 1B o])iM>8it( me Amer.Mii I4«u.ie park and Is mm »£ -r f > :arKMi o » u w .o..a. ... . £ About 400 fWt »Ot.tll Of the Station fair. t4 f h T KG 7"™T&. air. i\£wZ tull aktaie. 4aSo. KGO8-State, Penniylvanla and nearbyy timbers to.keepJ,the.,amoke caused by J^gi"'. Z blasting fr^ feeing ;dniwu<liitb the dirties.'is^ue*.; qlwoki/ part of the snbway in operation. Just LIVE POULTRY below this bulkhead was a yard north -**£.: ch of the One Hundred and jprty-seventb jJJJJ^ »*•' street station for the storage of cars. soc.; Moter C.c. Run, XU.y. 'SUMD S&Srfc of the matters Involved," said the at- f tornev general. "I shall not take up ] the •»;>;::!;•-:.:•" '.---rediately." i Seusi:.:? :•;-:•.•sv-.:'-; petition for the | ren»Tal of Messrs. Hyde and Schiff is I H2«\3© in \i\& own iDctifllf Q.ii(i tivflt of Mary S. Young. Carles P. Penfield, adir&ni Pearsall Michael E. McTigue ! ana-James L. Scott of Saratoga, Robert! men ' O. BascouL of Fort Edward and Eu- ' "" rente L. Ashley of Glens Palls. Mrs. Young represents. ; herself as a ! policy holder and the <jwner of one j share of the society's stock. She has ' already begun a salt to force a divisiono* tie surplus funds of the society. George Fry of (55 Norman avenue, a' dciphTo, 9 swnchnian, was the only person on 20a2ic; m the train, and his experience will not be soon forgotten by him. He was obliged to fight his way through the flames and smoke back to One Hun- dred and Fifty-seventh street While he was working with the mo- tor and the brakes the train crashed through the heavy bulkhead, smashing It to splinters, and crashed Into a flat car alongside the platform of the.One Hundred and Stxty-eightb. street sta- tion. This car carried dynamite used hi the blasting. Some of the workmen say the motor car of the subway train was on lire , when it collided with the bulkhead. I An explosion followed the collision, 1 shaking the neighborhood for blocks [T—Chickens, Fhlla- 1 to p»h-. per 'pound, lealflc.; other Fonn- id. The flre spread from the burning cars to the dry pine timbers supporting the tunnel and the shaft, and In a few mo- ments the -whole station was a mass of flames. Race ForLife. ; Richard Beyers, with twenty-flve was at work In the shaft install- in elevator system. He "got out with his men jnst In time to escape suffocation. pelled to run for their lives through the broken bulkhead to the One Hun- dred and Fifty-seventh street station and Fiftyseventh lse northward .ta the One Hundred- t tti ' Th I and Eighty-first street station. The lade in j h eavy synoke pourea through the tun- 1 nel as though drawn by a system of Charges of Extravagan After reciting the charges tier suit the petition states: "That James H. Hyde is maa about twenty-eight--years of age, "Reserves from the West One Han- and is the vice president of said socle- : 3red and Fifty-second street station, cy. He has had no extended expert- , en g| ne company No 38 and hook and ance in business, either life insurance . i adder company No . 23 «ere harried nag he rendered serv ' or other, nor has he re »ess of any value to the withstanding whichhi taki the .treasury of the iety, not- ] the fire from found t )ciety during the i last past large sum*-of jjplosion. When arrived they laft spouting gmoke and flre like the crater of a n cano. Many Explosions Follow. Distributers were attached to the money under toe following conditions: "Bald H.-Qe has frequently extrava- gantly entertained persons towhom he ! endl was desirous ot giving social attentions , dropped into tneshaft in the hope of and bas wrongfully taken the expense j drowning the-flame*- BXfihjrtons «* of said entertainments from the treas- ; curred at snort intervals.' Nearly an ary of said society on the claim that bcmr after the coUision there were sbf such entertainment benefited said so- QeaTy explosions, and Chief Turpenny ciety by advertising it and that there- ordered his men to a safe distance expense should be paid by it, frOm ^he mouth of the shaft Firemen Volte, Ryan,. Irwin and oach were ordered to try to reach the ;ene of the &T&by entering the sub- way at One Hundred and Jifty-st-v- ance of alleged misuse. enth street and walking northward ding tothe petition, was over the tracks. Voltz was overcome! by Mr. Hyde at by smoke soon m. Orie Elllxon ts»uie better. Her _iiw« Mlw. Muyford E.plow of Coltorf, spent several days with her rewotly. Mrs. Nor.i LeHun is able to sit up for short time Dennifl Snlttvan has movprt into Mm Wolcott's house. *)«WHr Ynoog and 1 family b»vu retaro^ home from thft woods ainl are in tbeir bouse, vacated oy Mr, 8nlliv»n. _3ndfnK t'oroovo to the villnjr« "He an* bis-wife are to go into W. J. Horton's r eorry the Hannawa yonnsr Bnpper at the taoce, but South C.olron people too ..us on the car.ls "Basket? Sapper". Perhaps DO curds were *ent there, bnt there will be next time, for' we like the HaDnawa people and want' very much to have them come again. Mr. Mile*, as soon as convenient in- ends t buiUl on a kitchen and hopes to be a tile to fur Dish sappers, or allow some one else to do so. Host-a Perkins cot his foot qnite badly while cutting wood in the door yard one day last w.tek "Mrs Evg Hilberr has returned to her otne at Fishers Eddy, Delaware Co. after a few dsys visit with Henry Sev- and family. CnnDinghsmof rhie place andMio&i Adella Daily of (Jgden«bnn£. were marl riefl Miircff 21st; ' Mr tJ5nni»«birtfr*B me of onr good boys sod Miss Oniiv has one o made ninny ster from :uoh practice being the j of M. Cambon, late mln- ' France to the United •hich cost nuch as Sim.'MO." Complaint is also and Ii made that Mr. Hyde spends much time | got in each year in Pans, "and there gives so- within thereof and of his traveling from Paris furthe: to New Tors and return and his ex- panses of living in l^arls have been TTOEgfuIiy charged to said society and irv ;~r>pgT' r i^ y tH^isii from its trsisury, 11 after the expedition and was carried back by By. -tv-in. Roach and a motorm; 400 feet of the flre. Tbe heat intense they were unable to go Mns, inge-sol! Gets $95,000. Boston, Marr-h 28.—Judgment for Mrs. Eiva Ingereoi:, v.-;dow of Robert G. ' IngerBolI jf y<p~ York, in thejsuni of $85,000. wtti .nterest. against the trus- tees of the »<:ate of :ne JatB J. DEVIS, a ^eajjjv mine owner of Bctte, Mont., wa?ordered by Judge Putnam of the United Sta:ea circuit! :-ourt. Snit was instituted ty Mrs. In-' gersoil to recover fees for services. - which she ciaimed were given by her: husband tothe estate, i Stanford Investigation Abandoned. San Francisco, Usr& 2?.—ifcpis' an- nounced at police headquarters jjfcat in- vestigation bythe police force into" the mysterious death of Mrs. Jane h. Stan- ford has practically been ^abandoned. The police say -that therS Is-Httfe prob- ability of solving the mystery of how in this city strychnine poison was iln*ra] water used by That portion of the mystery connected with her tragic death at Honolulu, the. police say, haa been solved on the theory that Mrs. Stanford died from natural causes. Secretary Hay Much Batter. Gibraltar, March 29— The White Star lice steamship Cratic, from New York March 18 for Naples, with Secretary of State Hay and Mrs. Hay on board, ar- rived here. In an interview Mr. Hay said he felt nrach better than whenhe left New York. He thoroughly enjoyed hli trip. Although Secretary Hay has improved, he has by no means recover- ed his health. The Cretic sailed from here for Algiers. Geuler Rcsseau Found Guilty. New York, March £8.—After a triaJ lasting three days Geasler Rosseau, Gesner Russel], which he says Is" his right name, was found guilty of hav- ing sent an infernal machine to the wharf of the Cunard steamship II for transportation on ,the Pmbrl) miled p P s he heard the verdict, which ay mean Imprisonment for five years, and shook:hands. with hia lawyer as he was remanded for sentence. In Pittsburg. 29. Two mill in y peted to quit tlreir duties hi the OvBFcome by Has Pitteburg, March workers have died, serious condition and many ha- PhSI-'psVe E!ftct = -.- i- - - o Yearn. Mi t i i .."-. > . ' : -•". ;•>•.••:••)!- G e n era! Wright has issued a proclamation announcing that the census of the Phil- ippines has been completed and thai _ _ _ in two years, provided peace prevails.: ^ " t i m e , withto'^recolIecyM Uwi an election will be called for a genera) j much suffering has existed among Msenjbly._ j mill empWee* accounT' tif waito * Trains Cra.h on Niagara Bridge. j weather In March. Niagara Falls, N. T., March 2a- excessive" beat. SHie j registered 78 degrees, and it was the g Michigan Central and. a Pere Mar- qtiette train came together hi a i(ead-". on, collision on the American end ot tb^fliatale-rer bridge. Th 4 dandled and pitched over' Into street below, a distance of thirty feet, t h ' carrying with them shanty, hi whfch W ih y switchman's d mly Hear* Judge Sentence Her to Ten Year* In Prison. leveland, O., March 28.—Mrs. Cassie Ghadwick was sentenced to years' confinement in state prison. Her period of servitude may be shortened by good behavior to eight years and Whalen, a switch tender, who was badly cut and bruised and received severe internal injuries. Nebraska Bans Memorial Day Sport.. Lincoln, Neb., March 29.—Both-bouses Gt the legislature have passed at bill prohibiting sports on Memorial day, and the governor will sign It. Horse racing, baseball games and other sports not permitted onSunday Inthis- state must not be engaged in on Memorial day after the bill becomes a law. Pen- alties for violating the terms of to* BMMuran include fines and lmprison- New Trial For Curtis JetL Frankfort, Kr.. Match 3ft-i«H trial for Curtis Jett, nmler'iiiliiie. bass &r, the. asaassm&tipn of %. B. Macrurnfar Breathitt cbtoty, -wa» «-• dMcad bj fba- eonrt/jBC )k»p4ftH, Jfj^ case came up from the Harrison drealt court and Is one of the feud dW atorl Hargis, fflbertlBMgii atta HOtrtff Ed Cailahan are now held *t K«i«r WanU to M.rt R.i.uli. . ©ujgler, Morocco, March WM- f*nreroor of Tangier has dispatched an, /terttation to Bafltall, tbe WBpMNMtftf< y to come In with ^*VJ^jP™g$r four monthSf Mrs. Chadwkk recelVd the sentence from United States restrict Judge Rob- ert W.,T»yler with calmness. It wa» evident, that .she bid fujly resigned? herself to anything, that might come< and; even the denial of a motion for a nerr trial 4ld not move her. -1 The conviction was upon seven,! counts, and the sentence was upon sht: of these. For four of tho counts *j sentence of two years each wan. lm*| po*cd. Upon two counts a. sentence ol • imposed, ff totol of mixed aUea, sylvanla, 7to S pounds to pnlr, fanoy, pel pound, 17e.;-state and Pennsylvania, mix- - Hug, MatSc.; fowU, flry picked and tided, medium stse, 14o.: mixed welfhts, VMtu? poor to ifalr;f IOBIEC,; old cooks, per pound, lOolOWO-1 iqti*b», prime, Irirsre, white, per dozen, 13; mixed, $126; dark, ».5Oal.T6. - • LLOW-Dull; city, 4Hc; country, from u. Brltfsh general In the French and Indian war and a Ue^qlutlooarv ' ' the iRtW^lDir liU K^anil- Hu ISlW&J&in/wlflThis par- ents to Massana, settling on tlie rural t.w,, UIIIOH twinw the 8prti.gR, whfw \ ;h» liveiVuntll 1800. wh«£ he reim>Tt>il > , > the v i l l a s . bnilOlDg tho liouse on' .mlrew street which Jias b«eu IIISS "-IUO fver since. In1848 IIB luarrlfil' > ... .Mtmih Haley; who pore him no. childru and <i\(H] In IOTA They; bronirtil up threw children, John C. i Mclntyrtt who Uocaino a prominent 1 la-wyor of 1'oUilam Imt i\\w\ about '• tcin^ypftrs ajr<>; Jol>. >L Hayley ftiifl! Mi*. k<lwfn K. KusEell. hotli or thin; villaKH. In 1878 Mr. linylpy married ! KIFr.a Dlxou, ot INxon. Out., who sur | viveh^ihu^ltli tvo ehilUren, James and M«Q<i (Ura. J H. Holllclay.) Mr, Hay ley was a warm republican, a : (•tud.4>nt of current topic*, a succ«>flHful' fariiicr liiiilfoitdoMilH family. Itaforo! ilio wnr h«i was a <lJ>uick<rflti nut was a I -fAiinh Kii|iportor of tho Union and' " <*niin- H »>aloiiH re[>ubllcan. Tht> 11(>riil wftH hold from tli<> h-niie TUPS- ' .>• iirutrnoou. H«v. M. H. KIIIOIIKII, .' ^.'oiiKn^itiouiil ffif-tor, onicitiriufr, ' i(4 r i <>nt bcinir tuntUi In tho ot m Pine Grove cemetery, The village election passed off y Tuesday, there being a praoti u mniiuoOB vote for the" follow- icminees 6f ±hd union party Hudus; president David Patterson; i. J ohn MoLaughtin and Allen k; tn-aknitier, Allen K. Phillips; clle Thei E. Phillips; Hourihan. Bas ml proposition* approprlatiug ore IjparKjSUins for village tnain- aDO9 «n«l bond interest wtro Carri- ttt A ! id iti ed, exiefethae «J mixed proposition OHllIng Mr 9C0O0 partly for an old debt H id party for current police, fire and health measures, which was Iden ty lost by a inisandertttandinK Iso a proposition for «4,000 to build fire-engine bouse was beaten 80 to 10. Tfie present village adtuiofstra- lolicy of economy and., careful • • r tlu> r.ix;"in.i'r->' '•"• y l 1 -<-.inf. J«. In- i-if!or><- : •,(;•<.' In-ill j l\ii'n! K IMXOI. i- <••:.! in I ••• *• J lii-iinii. h:- '.•o-ihlii. pi'in «'iiHin a •on I:IK:<>(fi<»w v.i rei' Mil in r LET THIS achine Skim YOttR MILK, to feed your stock. Separator4>Q your L\.77- *- J o a D eklu » the >ntlk f hUefwab. teed the warm nkim milk r "took, and save the omam to ry, or to make Is^Abe machine for jiou to buy. It holds the World's record for clean skimming—twice every day it *ajves yod cream which any other sep- arator would low in the skim-mf Ik. Air parts which oome In contact with the milk are easily and qulUly washed. It runs easy, requires little oil and Is very durable. I have Seen in the Creamery and Sep- arator touslness for over 16 yearf and know the it. 8. is the most satis factory farm Separator la every way. Drop me a postal or call youritelf for complete Information and R. J, 19 Chestnut Street, Potsdam, N. Y. ! Horses lor $ thH*8- A h damage don ll of |*opl« hiut ater setting io Mm. Orie Elllxon ts»< Mfd >ii:ir. Mi-, .nwia reet. Her mother. .. l»y. came from Brush day tc take care of her. D*«li ware & Tim era) an Imve com- d.uipvinK tbelr hardware stock ttldW'niw tjBWters In the White's )lock, where they are very com t ely and conveniently located. Dd Mrs. P. D. Moore, leave ek for their new home in ville, Mass.. near Boston, where are purchased a place contain- jirty-flve acres. Daring their 'ei«lit years In Massena th->y jade, many friends who wish happinesH and prosperity in pew home. Madrid Springs, H. Cllneof Ogdensburg, who Is 1 i to be the man who stole the from Mr. Duffy, ' Station ' a few weeks ago by prying the office window with a chisel ling entrance to the money taking 1100, was arrested Friday as he stepped off the train. He bad bought a ticket pgdensburg for Madrid, and known by the Conductor as n. Duffy lieas notified, and. ned to Doputy Sheriff Charles >od boys friend* an y in the past few 'ears that *he liasfsrigbt school hera. CoDgrotaiati'ios are extended to the tonog couple, and bebt wishes from all heir many friends. Mr. Joseph ^awcett haa hire<3 Mr. tnd Mrs,.CbarlOT Platt to work fur him ;he coming season. Mrs. M. A. Stark ia about the same Helina'Frederick went to Potsdam last we«k 10 work in a millinery store. :. anri Mrs. P. Donahue visited his ler the past week at Potedaui. Weat Stockholm. job, but It fell through. Martin Rutherford is much bet- ter ^fter^being confined to the house Frank Holmes who went to Gou nenr a few weeks a^p/for work mo bi tmilf ^^reiJaat jreek. It iBiaitiattBrxJf r^ic^ng th4 we are now able to get oar mail twice a day. Mrs, M. E Tnckerepent the past ten lave in Utica preparing f >r the Ea9ter -HbBandDoage of North Hero came on a visit to his annt Mrs. Sutherland md will spend the season at work for tfr. Wadletgh. Mr. Goodcongh haa moved into H. Bmdieh's house and oc^npies the chop cropa the way for hw harneas and thoe epairing. , Wade Trnssel is moved to Mrs. Cobbs jonse and will go into the ponltry trade, raiding incubator chickens for the mar- ket. ^. Mm. FrancerMngin exfweta to trim or Simonds, of Norwood this season. Healy Bixby of Norfolk is visiting at iis grandfathers before going to Saranac or the season. Robina and blackbirds are heralding the early spring. Some farmers have begun sugaring. Homes Wanted. The Cathotio Home Bureau wishes to find homes in good Catholic families here orphan children may be adopt- ed and brought up nnrW the Influ- ence of a happy, moral home. Fami lies wishing toadopt or receive a child I of any age, under 12 years, are invited tocorrespond with the Catholic Home Bureau, 105 Bast 22nd fit., N. T. City- Bead Thia If Toa Are Going West. Now is an excellent time to take a trip tothe West, Southwest or North, west, and for the benefit of those wishing to go to that part of the country to look for farm lands, busi- v:::""' "~& " -ad 21st and Ajptril ith^anoTlS 1 and wmsello^WJ Qetttew; ttokets'to H. W. Downey has One Hundred Horses for ajile, twly", Potsdam. 9. Ed Tues- Hfgh wafer" Sunday and Monday, the Racquette river overflowing; the Spring property, but doing no dam- „ aite a bir of moving since March 1st Frank Guay has bought (Mrs. McKioiney's house and moved there, Mr. Qney moving out. Mr. Jones bas rooms at Mr. Alguire's. T John Shamptoe has ret urn eft to his home, and His son to the F^ras- Mrs. Lucy Wheeler has sold! her home to John Shampine and has purchased the Chas. Blake house, to which she will soon move. Mr Sh-et has rented the bouse Mrs. WhWle '68. ^ I Armstrong has the new add tion to ni¥ house nearly completed. /I- Grow is getting niady to build J Universalist Society organized day School la*t Sabbath even- hiob will meet at 6:30. Services durin&the summer. Richardson bos returned from ny- s. J. C Rfehey of Albany, is ng her parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. also Mrs. Austin o7 Gouvei their guests. . aref ^Us Payson of Canton returned honje Monday. s Anna Cunningham of Madrid, ting Mrs. Florence Shaw. .j..Xtote Lee of Fort Jackson, t Sunday with Philo Riggs and taking the train Monday for Sork City. t lay evening fifteen couples short time at Union Hall in guests in town. Meda Seaver laud Merrill of Nioholville, is jg her aunt Mrs. L. Richardson, .jriner schoolmates. tie Y's sp^nt a pleasant and pro- ble evening at the home or L. A. fards last Friday. Miss Benson, President, provides a flae pro- .. E. Clark is entertaining his sis- Misu Hattis Clark. Ivin J. Winslow has hired for the liner with Don Hill at North Rus- [»s. E. F. Van-Brooklin rerurned J m a two week's visit In Canton nesday. rl Freeman of Canton, has been 3ing som«rtime at A. «. Dewey's ' ""sg^wned by George pEBfiiein Corners. ._,'•• renc-e of West Pier- visited her brother. _=__ place. Seorge Tupper of West PierpoBt, _ab been entertaining trieasles at Q. Lawrence's the past week. Miss Lulu B. Ells of Russell, re- ined the school in Upp« "" " ' nday, March 20th. PP ^ _?he recent thaw was vi.^.. netededas water;"Etaa been scarce for Botnettme C', '••-£• f-1 •>-. ^'- : -.-•*?<;• ' 'ilbert Payne-has gone to ]STbrth " to work for 0, Place this sum Bentm Clark is recovering from inumps. Warm Brook. ur school dpened March 18th, is much better at lpfl> Tiriting Sirs."Martinot'pdtsdam. isvisltiDg . Vr. «D« Mrs. Alrin Hau'ckel vlstt- wi^her parents at Hi Kl> Flatn last \. Russell went to Potadam on biisl- to Mr Wm. Dewey and b^"mo*v^ to lowers street. ; Mrs. Joseph Whalen and daughtei Ave eented Geo, Douglas' houfe for the coming year and Mr. Douglas has gone to the old home to residelwith his mother. Clinton Wait made a flying fcifip to Syracuse last week. i Mrs. Wait visited her daughter Ii. Watertown recently, but was tolled home to atttnd her mother who is iriously ill, with no hopes of ilecov- Morrls Whalen is reported to W o the sick list. : Eugene Sullivan's baby has been ill, but is recovering at present. t :-8^ -I - •—-i •• a E u '*£ . S - it. In an; Und of weather—and wr proof, contains no tar. Slate color, repair or build sendfor It will Jflvlfjon money of them are hertf in These Horses liave been in the woods this winter, but are all in good shape actd look finely. Any One granting Horses Would do well to see them,,as they can be bought reasonably. Applly either to H. W.Oownev OR e.F. Adams C. F. i.dams ha^ about 30Cows for Sale. Massena Springs. i G. P. Smith came" up irom km York on buBiness Sunday and retnn a OD f uewjft r on his lot soon?* i has rented his farm West Stockholm. Spring has come at last. Our snow is fast di some are tapping t heii Mrs. Bertha Tuaker has gone to Utioa for her niillinVry goods. l| Mrs. James Magin bas gone td New York to get the styles in hate, she wilt be trimmer for Mr. Simenlis, in Norwood the coming season: 1 We very much regret to have >>er go away She is a first «lass milliner. 7 Mrs. Hattie Ryan^ who has been working at Greorga _ ' weeks has gone to for! eever- ' home; Those who have been sick f ol some time are getting better, but there are several new cases, George Dygert " Albert Moses are both^iek in tpd Our. school has begun with Mr. Hunt asjteacher again. ' Our harness maker Mr. Goofnough has moved in to Mr. Bradish's house He has rented, Mr. Quintal's sbjop for ^is work. ' \ ' '• j Ernest and JeBste Dowd attended Georgia Thomas' funeral hi Potsdam -last. I •• " j ." - Quarterly Conference was field ii the church last Tuesday to' settle up the affairs of the year. Dr. Cctft was r^S^ 1 frotflei^Stherehe hibeet for a treattneut for a bad bane •, ' Oar dentist Dr. J. Rice,, from Win thropis making his moathl - visit. H^hae rooms at L. F. Dygeiis. He hasall liecan do every timsta«come visitfe|c~Biv". " liamUy. Mre. Sueden has been visiting for a few days with, her sister at Page Corners. ••• ' . ' : " ; - • 1 : . .• ^g3&*&&;$&. sroga. J. R Palmer is away on a three weeks trip. ^ Low OolonUt B*tes To The Pacific OooaWTia The Niilkel Plate Boad. jfflH^S&UlS&i Ladd is tho attending physician. Dr. Laidlaw Is on the sick list. We are pleased to see that Dr Bassett is able to attend his patients! . We understand the water was never known to be so high as Satui day night. At eleven o'clock som. fe_.ra were entertained of the iron bridge being swept away. Sunday blasts were put in the ice and th< ihannel cleared. Money enough has been signed a* 6 "™, « new manse Tor Rev. Dr. Wtnbblebine, pastor of the Presbyter- ian church. New nJaple syrup war brought in town afid offered for sale Friday. Miss Stella Weston of Philadelphii was in town this week. Tuesday evening the ladies oftht O. B S. gave at the residence of Mr Veiteh. Judson street, the second ol their Beries of whist and "' their Beries of whist and flinch ties. Mr. J. Rashton andI Z Ai t k fi i M N i c k ™ , and second prizes. Attorney C Chaney took a trip to Hermon last week. Irfslie McOollum spent Sunday wi his family at Hermon. Sunday evening Rev. Stubblebine gave selected extracts from Rev. ' sermon on "Candles. 1 ions were accompanied b- .stei^optieon views. P. R. McMonigal of Ogdensburg. ent S u d ith hi f i l h Spargeon's t The select ioi P. R. McMonigal of Ogdensbu spent Sunday with his family here. Thursday a new safe was placed .„ the room of the Canton Loan Aeso elation, C. H. Perkins secretary. "Saturday Mr. N. Peters, with „. eral assistants placed the bell inth« tower of tne Episcopal Church. Saturday evening the ladies of the h Church g a chicken pie You Start House Cleaning Remember i Varnish Stains^ Enamel Paints, p Plastico. Bath Tab EJnamel, Floor Paint, Bronzes for Radiators and every thing 1 else to put your j home ia a clean sanitary condition. GEO.E. Insure Your House. •pAINT is iusnrance against decay. Brooklyn *• Pure White Lead is theonly paint that gives absolute insurance. No other hous© paint com- pares with it in this respect. Sold by all reputable dealers. Cl; Dressmaking, (Over Maxfleld & Needham's) All the latest New York Models, j Ladies Tailor JMade Suits a specialty. Children's Up-to-Date Frocks. Shirt Waist Suits, newest designs. Prices the lowest con- sistent with good work. Lately with The Potsdam Skirt Co., as Designer and Cutter. of the public fnnds^han in road, Im- provement By Improving and shorten- lng the road to market millions of dol- lars' worth of products that are nowa dead loss would be turned into money and the price of all commodities would be reduced to the consumer, gl-vinj the producer a greater profit than he is now receiving^ The congestion of business during winter months would disap- pear, and people could go to the mar- kets at all times. The material ad vantages which would follow are too numerous to mention and too great to estimate. Jle would be blind Indeed •who could doubt the wisdom of such aq Investment. Rural Delivery Notes The number of pieces of mall deliver- ed by the carriers In the rural districts lost year was 906,424,121, and the aver- age number of pieces per carrier was 3,860. At the same time the carriers collected 133,183,861 pieces of mall, a average of 604 per carrier. L^ A. Clark of Michigan has been, rural free delivery carrier since 18! and during this time has ridden an ag- gregate of 20,000 miles on his bicyqle alone. Jfhe popularity of the rural free de- livery service 1B seen In the fact thnt 8,447 routes were-established d th« past year. Saurday evenin M. h, Church ga supper. Dr Wood's Norway Pine Syrup seems especially adapted to, the needs of the children, Pleaoant to take; soothing in its*inflnence. .Jt ia the remedy of all remedies for every form of throat and lung disease. Louisville Landing. A. T. Gibson and daughter of Wa- tertown, visited with relatives at the Landing last week. -Mrs. Clemant Royceand children ofj Chases Mills, are visiting at A. "Paver's and R. B. Matthews' this eek. v Mrs. C. D. McLeod te spending a tow 4ayp in Fort Covington. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Polley of Mas- Eena, visited at E. C. Gibson's last Misses Hattie Doad and Bessie Wells of Louisville, «re the .guests of Miss Maud Segar. Mrs. Fred Smith of Maasena Point, visited Mrs. C. E. Whalen last week. Her mother Mrs. Emily MoGee, re- turned home with her. Wm. F. and R. D. Vallanoe attend- ed tbe taneral of Mrs. Alex. Vallanco at Woodlands last Friday. Mrs. Hattie Finnie continues very Sick kidneys cause a weak, lame or ftching back, and a weak back makes a weak man: Can't be welt and strong until" the kidneys are cured. Treat them with. Poan's Kidney Pills. Hero's the testimony of one man cared. ' ' ^~ 3. B. Corton. farmer and lum- berman, of Dcppe, N. O, says "I Buffer- ed for ..years' with, my-tact- It was so bad that I could not walk any distance nor even ride In euor.bD|9. I do not believe I could have raised ten^ounds of weight from the ground, the pain was so severe. Thta wu my condition when I began ns- " in's Kidney PHJa, ; They quickly j me and now I am-never troubled M l was. My back .Is strong and I can •walk or ride a Ion* distance and feel just « rtrong; an I did twenty-flve yean ato. f tbJnfc..BO much of. Doan'a Kidney Pill* gat I haw (fven a supply of the remedy tt aome of my aefghbon and they have aWCoond p»d results. Mjm can sift I from this "rambling note that B of any ser?W to yon, ortoany " " - . kidney trouble, yoe Easter Excursion to New York, Bos- ton and New England Points. New York Centi_ cancel the annual sj Washington and su excursion to New York, Springfield, Palmer, Worcester, South Framing- ham and Boston. The date decided nponis Saturday. April 22nd, aad tickets, will be good to return leaving point of destination toand including Tuesday, May 2nd, thus giving r trons Easter Sunday and the folio ing week ia New York, BoBton, the other points mentioned. The rate has been placed at one fare for the round trip, plus 11.00, with a niajiruumof^lOOO which should be within 1 the reanh of all, and passeng- ers will have the privilege of select- tag;, any of the above mentioned points for their destination. The Easter season in New York is the mmt beautiful of all the seasons in the "Greatest City of the World," and inBoston ateo.it Is the most de- sirable season for a visit tothe "Hub f the Dm verse." All who can possibly do so should not hesitate to take advantage of this excursion as their time and money cannot be spent to greater advantage to themselves. Watch papers for farther announce £&"«• More Dangerous FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS. Orders for loose «ut flowers for fa- neral and other, occasions, loft with Miss Hayes at the Bell Telephone Of- Hayes a will be 9 promptly fl]fe<l! Tele M6trt AeHKS HAYHS LADIES WS \ '•: W* LLA FRANCO'S "'•;!sum»j b. Reliable Regulator FIRE! FIRE! When you want FUEL o: any kind go where you can " -> pltotinthef^HowinTooIors < Yellow* j . Blue, Green, Acme Wine, Vermilion Red, Carmine Red, Coach Black, < Easy to spread. Quick to dry. (drives 0 brillant finish. Brown & Perrin, 19 MARKET STREET. ON SMALL SAVINGS An Insurance Contract is the best known way of getting asafe income—for your payments will oarn interest equal to 8avJngs-Bank inteTfMt, and at the same time secure a large protection to yonr family. THE MUTUAL LIFE /nsura/ice Company of New fork .HAS EARNED MORE for Policy-holders than any other com- pany in existence. By mail, to be considered at your leis- re yon can secure informati bt y ure, yon c th,- «v,«*. k get anything you want promptly delivered. COAL ! of all kinds and sizes. All anthracite Coal Thorough- ly Screened and ofihebest quality. the World" ' THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF N E V YORK Richard A. McCurdy. President. NEW YORK, N. Y. j y Write T. HowaTd LewiB Manager Albany, N. Y., or William R. Weed," Special Representative. Potsdam, N. Y. WQODJ Dry Hard-Block, split or in block, Hard Mill Slabs, all dried under cover. LIBMISHQ. Depot St. or Alley Peed Store. CUPEEME COUBT. TEIAL *+* L&wmice County. John C against Dan E. BalcS, as trurtei and Julia, Batchy Aziel B. Balch. v *™* n " T. Bateh and Aldora a Oorenna Blh At son, Elgte Baloh Atwood, Lena Balcb Christy, . and Hiram Steemburh, defendant* To the above named defendants: You are here >y Summoned to answer the complaint ia this ^T., ft*._8,1905. "Tae- agricultural colleges should ..u- ocate men to be farmers, and they shouM also educate 'farmers to bs men," says B. B. NicholJs. THIS REMEDY Is Stnuc To CATARRH ELY'S CREAM BALI !TM Relief »t onek It cJeanaa, soothes and heal* the di»as. ed membrane. Ourea • ^ £ £ 5 : . H A Y FEVER Iqulokly. It is absorbed. Heals and Pro tects the Membrane. Restores thesenses of taste and BmeU. Full Idas 60e., at druggists or by mail; Trial liie 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS. U Warren9t KsirYork. k M £ OtUwa Mmi SHORT LIME TO OTTAWA, CORN- WALL and Points East and West. A Cough Suggestion. This is the season when chronic throat and lung troubles get their start. Any cough is serious enongh to have prompt attention and ft ie .also important rhat the best possible reaaedy be secured. We hope yon will try our Time Table, effects NOaiHBI » Expresi Lv. Tapper Lake .«flifa!t re Jan. ist, 1904. JT7RD. n. 2:10 D.'m. I^ReSfes^ft 10 - i^ PJn - St. Kejfts ITallfl t:c3 a,m, 3:63 p.m, SoteJ 18011 .^-.^^-— ? -5- Helena. .. .:8:4<a.1 Nyand* 8:48 a.' Cornwall &fi6 a.i rtnaii. 9:47 a.i A r &ttSLTXrfL 11H £W n £33 n. tfiSpja ?• Sf 5- m - OJ- vrv**w»..-.. - i i w a Ili< v.w ^.IU, 8OIFTHBOUKD. E x p r e s s EXIMT688 Lv. Ottawa E JX_S^ !V.:..M °^--'' 4 ' "" M;:; 11 ... ".:i, Ar. ! '. '•: .V .' " '. Connections at Moira points North and Uoatn. ii. H. PHILLIPS, Sen. Pass. A** "; ."' .rj," |."."'" \. ,':*•" -s' » . . and flelei A. K< not. MUed 8nn. Ex 6^0 a.na 8^ 338i $& Mfc46 i •• * :• i- ia for al 1ABP AflPA 'America's Greatest Dailroad." NEWYORH & HUDSON BIVER R. R. THE SIX-TRACK TRUNK LINE. VIA N U G 4 B A CAI4I1S. TSAINSLEAVB Gray's Honey of White Pine Cough Syrup. We feel that this is in many ^ respects a snperior remedy and that efamilkrwith ityon will rely i it as yoi• general honsehold h care. It is pleasant to cores ac quickly as any safe remedy' can, and it is guaranteed. Money back if yon want it. '• - . PRICE 25 CENTS. j W. T. HINMAN & CO., Oak Hall Pharmacy, A JMl EXPRESSED a few days ago tha*t "She was tempt- ddto break her Je-welry purposely just to get us to make it looit so fine". We turn Jewelry repairs out equal to new. Irook ap tbe old Jewelry von have laid away thinking It next to worth-, less, oroutofatyl.. We can remodel IJfVZU it, and reflnUff sothaf you will think iSSS^SSJ?' It new. ' - - I use'only Gold insoldering broki Jewelry ueuce you cannot dtstlugafsh tbe break after bcinK repaired. So lead botch, work in my establishment Every Article repolishod by special machinery, Equal to new. Hf facilities for repollshluR Jewelry are muob superior to the average Jew elry ISstablisbmeat, and am certainIf Rutland R. R. On and after Feb. 5th, 3804, and untfl fortftf r notice, trains will leave Norwood daily except Sunday, as follow —IOOING BAST:— J^V*OSI^-^WS«^.M» with NewJSj the people generally were aware of tlie nut I woqtot hare nluety-nlne oat *»jp-XinU88. ArrirM. o.jJS.^-aff'"*' 1 ' 1 L T«Sa»iSS:^ 0.T.JAHVI8, d w i i r g r . ':>!i-N proften In Potsdam torepair. : Having up to date machinery to re- JBntsh'Jewelry and & through knowl- otemlcalfl used In reoolorfng us to turn out Jewelry repairs etfualronew. ^ w&u£?;

r.# . - -^ HINTS HYDE smmm You Startnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035824/1905-03-31/ed-1/seq-4.pdf"Bald H.-Qe has frequently extrava- gantly entertained persons to whom he ! endl

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HINTS HYDE^lir Bwckeft files ^A lnst lasmice Magnate.


Petftion to State Attorney General 6«yt j N o K n o w n Fatalities, How.v.r, ThoughVice President of Equitable Made<£«ip*ny Pay For His Costume Ball4md Other Entertainments.

8ever«l Persons Are Reported tMissing—atafipo at One Hundred andSixtieth 8tr««t Partly Burned.

Cloiing Quotation! of the New Yorirljiatook Exoh.ng,.

Nekyork. M«roh».Monty on call nrm tft * p4r-.c«nt; »rli

cunt"; •*•

smmmin Newipury, Vt..r being duoendedf B i t i h nerl In the French

Albany. March 29.-Attorney Gcnoml i K e w Y<)rkp M a r e f l m _ , , | r e W t o w l l l

Mayer said that it was true that Sou- a <:O1IIKIOII nnd explosJou In the «nbatpr^Bracfcett had filed with him appli- w n y near lite Ona.KhiulMd ond Sixty,cation for leave to bring action agHiiiHt olglitu Htroet an4 Itronfliww HtmlonJames a Hyde, Jacob H. Schiff :md rngjil for live Iiour*. .miftlknlly dopossibly other directors of the E.iuita- Btroyhig_ the Ono IIniidn.il and KUtybie ?liife Assurance aoci^y. "~ —'•'


ManMrttenj 161% IT. 8.j M«tr0*Wuui....ihifc Weil, Missouri Vac. . . 100

he should take no action of any sortin the matter for some days.

"Ig vie-w of the important confer-ences which I understand are in prog-ress looking *> "". ,-.~i"'lKlf5 "ertleiii"1!!

•«8"r i"*other dfuhflge.


tloi),And doing iuu«:liKV)rtunnl«ly' uo liven

General Markets'.Nnw York. JM&ruli 19.

HTTTTRR-<7rrn.merjr. common -to extn»n!Sh-.| held, tommon to «xlra, •. JWaXTcntaio Oitlry. common to cxtr*, Haiti*. .

CIIUEHE-Htat* full or.-«w. »m^r col-oral and white, fancy. He.; fln«\ «**<:.;•lute matin. colorM »«(1 whlte.rl iulct •••• -J

r wnrkt woiltl ™ r e re Jat the station ma la 1Iw 13S ioot.leading to it. '.Fljo Hlatlon 1B o])iM>8it(me Amer.Mii I4«u.ie park and Is mm »£- r f > : a r K M i o » u w . o . . a . . . . . £

About 400 fWt »Ot.tll Of the Station fair.t 4 f h T KG

7"™T&.air. i\£wZ tull aktaie. 4aSo.KGO8-State, Penniylvanla and nearbyy

timbers to.keepJ,the.,amoke caused by J^gi"'. Zblasting f r ^ feeing ;dniwu<liitb the dirties.'is^ue*.; qlwoki/part of the snbway in operation. Just LIVE POULTRYbelow this bulkhead was a yard north -**£.: c h

of the One Hundred and jprty-seventb jJJJJ »*•'street station for the storage of cars. soc.;

Mote r C.c. Run, XU.y. ' S U M D S&Srfc

• of the matters Involved," said the at- ftornev general. "I shall not take up ]the •»;>;::!;•-:.:•" '.---rediately." i

Seusi:.:? :•;-:•.•sv-.:'-; petition for the |ren»Tal of Messrs. Hyde and Schiff is IH2«\3© in \i\& own iDctifllf Q.ii(i tivflt ofMary S. Young. Carles P. Penfield,adir&ni Pearsall Michael E. McTigue !

ana-James L. Scott of Saratoga, Robert! m e n 'O. BascouL of Fort Edward and Eu- ' " "rente L. Ashley of Glens Palls.

Mrs. Young represents.; herself as a !policy holder and the <jwner of one jshare of the society's stock. She has 'already begun a salt to force a division •o* tie surplus funds of the society.

George Fry of (55 Norman avenue, a' dciphTo, 9swnchnian, was the only person on 20a2ic; mthe train, and his experience will notbe soon forgotten by him. He wasobliged to fight his way through theflames and smoke back to One Hun-dred and Fifty-seventh street

While he was working with the mo-tor and the brakes the train crashedthrough the heavy bulkhead, smashingIt to splinters, and crashed Into a flatcar alongside the platform of the.OneHundred and Stxty-eightb. street sta-tion. This car carried dynamite usedhi the blasting.

Some of the workmen say the motorcar of the subway train was on lire

, when it collided with the bulkhead.I An explosion followed the collision,1 shaking the neighborhood for blocks

[T—Chickens, Fhlla-1 to p»h-. per 'pound,lealflc.; other Fonn-

id.The flre spread from the burning cars

to the dry pine timbers supporting thetunnel and the shaft, and In a few mo-ments the -whole station was a mass offlames.

Race For Life. ;Richard Beyers, with twenty-flve

was at work In the shaft install-in elevator system. He "got out

with his men jnst In time to escapesuffocation.

pelled to run for their lives throughthe broken bulkhead to the One Hun-dred and Fifty-seventh street stationand Fiftyseventh

lse northward .ta the One Hundred-t t t i ' ThI and Eighty-first street station. The

lade in j h e a v y synoke pourea through the tun-1 nel as though drawn by a system of

Charges of ExtravaganAfter reciting the charges

tier suit the petition states:"That James H. Hyde is

maa about twenty-eight--years of age, "R eserves from the West One Han-and is the vice president of said socle- : 3 r e d a n d Fifty-second street station,cy. He has had no extended expert- , e n g | n e company No 38 and hook andance in business, either life insurance . i a d d e r c o m p a n y N o . 23 «ere harried

nag he rendered serv 'or other, nor has he re»ess of any value to thewithstanding which hi takithe .treasury of the

iety, not- ] the firefrom f o u n d t

)ciety during thei last past large sum*-of

jjplosion. Whenarrived they

laft spoutinggmoke and flre like the crater of a ncano.

Many Explosions Follow.Distributers were attached to the

money under toe following conditions:"Bald H.-Qe has frequently extrava-

gantly entertained persons to whom he ! e n d lwas desirous ot giving social attentions , dropped into tne shaft in the hope ofand bas wrongfully taken the expense j drowning the-flame*- BXfihjrtons « *of said entertainments from the treas- ; c u r r e d a t s n o r t intervals.' Nearly anary of said society on the claim that b c m r a f t e r the coUision there were sbfsuch entertainment benefited said so- Q e a T y explosions, and Chief Turpennyciety by advertising it and that there- ordered his men to a safe distance

expense should be paid by it, • frOm ^he mouth of the shaftFiremen Volte, Ryan,. Irwin andoach were ordered to try to reach the;ene of the &T& by entering the sub-

way at One Hundred and Jifty-st-v-ance of alleged misuse. enth street and walking northwardding to the petition, was over the tracks. Voltz was overcome!

by Mr. Hyde at by smoke soon

m. Orie Elllxon ts»uie better. Her_iiw« Mlw. Muyford E .plow of Coltorf,spent several days with her rewotly.

Mrs. Nor.i LeHun is able to sit up forshort timeDennifl Snlttvan has movprt into Mm

Wolcott's house. *)«WHr Ynoog and1

family b»vu retaro^ home from thftwoods ainl are in tbeir bouse, vacatedoy Mr, 8nlliv»n.

_3ndfnK t'oroovo to the villnjr« "He an*bis-wife are to go into W. J. Horton's

r eorry the Hannawa yonnsrBnpper at the taoce, butSouth C.olron people too

..us on the car.ls "Basket?Sapper". Perhaps DO curds were *entthere, bnt there will be next time, for'we like the HaDnawa people and want'very much to have them come again.

Mr. Mile*, as soon as convenient in-ends t buiUl on a kitchen and hopes

to be a tile to fur Dish sappers, or allowsome one else to do so.

Host-a Perkins cot his foot qnite badlywhile cutting wood in the door yard oneday last w.tek

"Mrs Evg Hilberr has returned to herotne at Fishers Eddy, Delaware Co.

after a few dsys visit with Henry Sev-and family.CnnDinghsmof rhie place and Mio&i

Adella Daily of (Jgden«bnn£. were marlriefl Miircff 21st; ' Mr tJ5nni»«birtfr*Bme of onr good boys sod Miss Oniiv hasone o

made ninny

ster from

:uoh practice being the jof M. Cambon, late mln- '

France to the United

•hich costnuch as Sim.'MO." Complaint is also and Iimade that Mr. Hyde spends much time | got ineach year in Pans, "and there gives so- within

thereof and of his traveling from Paris furthe:to New Tors and return and his ex-panses of living in l^arls have beenTTOEgfuIiy charged to said society andirv ;~r>pgT'ri y tH isii from its trsisury,11

after the expeditionand was carried back by By.

-tv-in. Roach and a motorm;

400 feet of the flre. Tbe heatintense they were unable to go

Mns, inge-sol! Gets $95,000.Boston, Marr-h 28.—Judgment for Mrs.

Eiva Ingereoi:, v.-;dow of Robert G. 'IngerBolI jf y<p~ York, in thejsuni of$85,000. wtti .nterest. against the trus-tees of the »<:ate of :ne JatBJ. DEVIS, a ^eajjjv mine owner ofBctte, Mont., wa? ordered by JudgePutnam of the United Sta:ea circuit!:-ourt. Snit was instituted ty Mrs. In-'gersoil to recover fees for services.

- which she ciaimed were given by her:husband to the estate, i

Stanford Investigation Abandoned.San Francisco, Usr& 2?.—ifcpis' an-

nounced at police headquarters jjfcat in-vestigation by the police force into" themysterious death of Mrs. Jane h. Stan-ford has practically been abandoned.The police say -that therS Is-Httfe prob-ability of solving the mystery of howin this city strychnine poison was

iln*ra] water used byThat portion of the

mystery connected with her tragicdeath at Honolulu, the. police say, haabeen solved on the theory that Mrs.Stanford died from natural causes.

Secretary Hay Much Batter.Gibraltar, March 29— The White Star

lice steamship Cratic, from New YorkMarch 18 for Naples, with Secretary of •State Hay and Mrs. Hay on board, ar-rived here. In an interview Mr. Haysaid he felt nrach better than when heleft New York. He thoroughly enjoyedhli trip. Although Secretary Hay hasimproved, he has by no means recover-ed his health. The Cretic sailed fromhere for Algiers.

Geuler Rcsseau Found Guilty.New York, March £8.—After a triaJ

lasting three days Geasler Rosseau,Gesner Russel], which he says Is" hisright name, was found guilty of hav-ing sent an infernal machine to thewharf of the Cunard steamship IIfor transportation on ,the Pmbrl)miled

p Ps he heard the verdict, whichay mean Imprisonment for five years,

and shook:hands. with hia lawyer as hewas remanded for sentence.

In Pittsburg.29. — Two mill


peted to quit tlreir duties hi the

OvBFcome by HasPitteburg, March

workers have died,serious condition and many ha-PhSI-'psVe E!ftct = -.- i- - - o Yearn.

M i t i i . . " - . > . ' • • : • - • " . • ; • > • . • • : • • ) ! - G e n

era! Wright has issued a proclamationannouncing that the census of the Phil-ippines has been completed and thai _ _ _in two years, provided peace prevails.: ^ " t i m e , withto'^recolIecyM Uwian election will be called for a genera) j m u c h suffering has existed amongMsenjbly._ j mill empWee* <» accounT' tif waito* Trains Cra.h on Niagara Bridge. j weather In March.Niagara Falls, N. T., March 2a-

excessive" beat. SHiej registered 78 degrees, and it was the

gMichigan Central and. a Pere Mar-qtiette train came together hi a i(ead-".on, collision on the American end ottb^fliatale-rer bridge. Th 4dandled and pitched over' Intostreet below, a distance of thirty feet,

t h 'carrying with themshanty, hi whfchW ih



mly Hear* Judge Sentence Her toTen Year* In Prison.

leveland, O., March 28.—Mrs. CassieGhadwick was sentenced to

years' confinement in state prison. Herperiod of servitude may be shortenedby good behavior to eight years and

Whalen, a switch tender, who wasbadly cut and bruised and receivedsevere internal injuries.

Nebraska Bans Memorial Day Sport..Lincoln, Neb., March 29.—Both-bouses

Gt the legislature have passed at billprohibiting sports on Memorial day,and the governor will sign It. Horseracing, baseball games and other sportsnot permitted on Sunday In this- statemust not be engaged in on Memorialday after the bill becomes a law. Pen-alties for violating the terms of to*BMMuran include fines and lmprison-

New Trial For Curtis JetLFrankfort, Kr.. Match 3ft-i«H

trial for Curtis Jett, nmler'ii i l i i ie. „bass &r, the. asaassm&tipn of %. B.Macrurn far Breathitt cbtoty, -wa» «-•dMcad b j fba- eonrt/jBC )k»p4ftH, Jfj^case came up from the Harrison drealtcourt and Is one of the feud d W

atorl Hargis, fflbertlBMgii attaHOtrtff Ed Cailahan are now held * t

K«i«r WanU to M.rt R.i.uli.. ©ujgler, Morocco, March WM-f*nreroor of Tangier has dispatched an,/terttation to Bafltall, tbe WBpMNMtftf<

y to come In with ^*VJ^jP™g$r

four monthSfMrs. Chadwkk recelVd the sentence

from United States restrict Judge Rob-ert W.,T»yler with calmness. It wa»evident, that .she bid fujly resigned?herself to anything, that might come<and; even the denial of a motion for anerr trial 4ld not move her. -1

The conviction was upon seven,!counts, and the sentence was upon sht:of these. For four of tho counts *jsentence of two years each wan. lm*|po*cd. Upon two counts a. sentence ol

• imposed, ff totol of

mixed aUea,sylvanla, 7 to S pounds to pnlr, fanoy, pelpound, 17e.;-state and Pennsylvania, mix-

- Hug, MatSc.; fowU, flry picked andtided, medium stse, 14o.: mixed welfhts,VMtu? poor to ifalr; f IOBIEC,; old cooks,

per pound, lOolOWO-1 iqti*b», prime, Irirsre,white, per dozen, 13; mixed, $126; dark,».5Oal.T6.

- • LLOW-Dull; city, 4Hc; country,

from u. Brltfsh general In the Frenchand Indian war and a Ue^qlutlooarv

' ' the i R t W ^ l D i r liU K^anil-Hu ISlW&J&in/wlflThis par-

ents to Massana, settling on tlie ruralt.w,, UIIIOH twinw the 8prti.gR, whfw \;h» liveiVuntll 1800. wh«£ he reim>Tt>il > ,

> the v i l l a s . bnilOlDg tho liouse on '.mlrew street which Jias b«eu I I I S S"-IUO fver since. In 1848 IIB luarrlfil' >

... .Mtmih Haley; who pore him no.chi ldru and <i\(H] In IOTA They;bronirtil up threw children, John C. iMclntyrtt who Uocaino a prominent1

la-wyor of 1'oUilam Imt i\\w\ about '•tcin^ypftrs ajr<>; Jol>. >L Hayley ftiifl!Mi*. k<lwfn K. KusEell. hotli or thin;villaKH. In 1878 Mr. linylpy married !KIFr.a Dlxou, ot INxon. Out., who sur |viveh^ihu^ltli t v o ehilUren, Jamesand M«Q<i (Ura. J H. Holllclay.)Mr, Hay ley was a warm republican, a :(•tud.4>nt of current topic*, a succ«>flHful'fariiicr liiiilfoitdoMilH family. Itaforo !ilio wnr h«i was a <lJ>uick<rflti nut was a I-fAiinh Kii|iportor of tho Union and '" <*niin- H »>aloiiH re[>ubllcan. Tht>

11(>riil wftH hold from tli<> h-niie TUPS- '.>• iirutrnoou. H«v. M. H. KIIIOIIKII, .'

^.'oiiKn^itiouiil ffif-tor, onicitiriufr, 'i(4 r i <>nt bcinir tuntUi In tho

ot m Pine Grove cemetery,The village election passed off

y Tuesday, there being a praotiu mniiuoOB vote for the" follow-icminees 6f ±hd union party

Hudus; president David Patterson;• i. J ohn MoLaughtin and Allenk; tn-aknitier, Allen K. Phillips;

c l l eThei

E. Phillips;Hourihan.

B as ml proposition* approprlatiugore IjparKjSUins for village tnain-aDO9 «n«l bond interest wtro Carri-

ttt A! i d itied, exiefethae «J mixed propositionOHllIng Mr 9C0O0 partly for an olddebt H id party for current police, fireand health measures, which was

Iden ty lost by a inisandertttandinKIso a proposition for «4,000 to buildfire-engine bouse was beaten 80 to

10. Tfie present village adtuiofstra-lolicy of economy and., careful

• • r tlu> r.ix;"in.i'r->''•"•y

l1-<-.inf. J«. In- i-if!or><- : •,(;•<.' In-illj l \ i i 'n ! K IMXOI. i- <••:.! in I

••• *• J lii-iinii. h:- '.•o-ihlii. pi'in «'iiHin a•on I:IK :<> (fi<»w v.i rei' Mil in r


achine SkimYOttR MILK,

to feed your stock.Separator4>Q your

L\.77- * - J o a D e k l u» the >ntlkf hUefwab. teed the warm nkim milk

r "took, and save the omam tory, or to make

Is Abe machine for jiou to buy. It holds the World's record for cleanskimming—twice every day it *ajves yod cream which any other sep-arator would low in the skim-mf Ik. Air parts which oome In contactwith the milk are easily and qulUly washed. It runs easy, requireslittle oil and Is very durable. I have Seen in the Creamery and Sep-arator touslness for over 16 yearf and know the it. 8. is the most satisfactory farm Separator la every way.

Drop me a postal or call youritelf for complete Information and

R. J,19 Chestnut Street, Potsdam, N. Y.




thH*8- Ah damage don


of |*opl« hiutater setting io

Mm. Orie Elllxon ts»<M f d

>ii:ir. Mi-, .nwiareet. Her mother.

. . l»y. came from Brushday tc take care of her.

D*«li ware & Tim era) an Imve com-d.uipvinK tbelr hardware stockttldW'niw tjBWters In the White's

)lock, where they are very com

tely and conveniently located.Dd Mrs. P. D. Moore, leaveek for their new home in

ville, Mass.. near Boston, whereare purchased a place contain-jirty-flve acres. Daring their'ei«lit years In Massena th->yjade, many friends who wishhappinesH and prosperity in

pew home.

Madrid Springs,

H. Cllneof Ogdensburg, who Is1 i to be the man who stole the

from Mr. Duffy, ' Station 'a few weeks ago by prying

the office window with a chiselling entrance to the moneytaking 1100, was arrested

Friday as he stepped off thetrain. He bad bought a ticket

pgdensburg for Madrid, andknown by the Conductor as

n. Duffy lieas notified, and.ned to Doputy Sheriff Charles

>od boysfriend* an y

in the past few'ears that *he liasfsrigbt school hera.CoDgrotaiati'ios are extended to thetonog couple, and bebt wishes from allheir many friends.

Mr. Joseph ^awcett haa hire<3 Mr.tnd Mrs,.CbarlOT Platt to work fur him;he coming season.

Mrs. M. A. Stark ia about the sameHelina'Frederick went to Potsdam last

we«k 10 work in a millinery store.:. anri Mrs. P. Donahue visited hisler the past week at Potedaui.

Weat Stockholm.

job, but It fell through.Martin Rutherford is much bet-

ter ^fter^being confined to the house

Frank Holmes who went to Gounenr a few weeks a^p/for work mobi tmilf ^^reiJaat jreek.

It iBiaitiattBrxJf r^ic^ng t h 4 we arenow able to get oar mail twice a day.

Mrs, M. E Tnckerepent the past tenlave in Utica preparing f >r the Ea9ter

-HbBandDoage of North Hero cameon a visit to his annt Mrs. Sutherlandmd will spend the season at work fortfr. Wadletgh.

Mr. Goodcongh haa moved into H.Bmdieh's house and oc^npies the chopcropa the way for hw harneas and thoeepairing. ,

Wade Trnssel is moved to Mrs. Cobbsjonse and will go into the ponltry trade,raiding incubator chickens for the mar-ket. ^.

Mm. FrancerMngin exfweta to trimor Simonds, of Norwood this season.

Healy Bixby of Norfolk is visiting atiis grandfathers before going to Saranacor the season.

Robina and blackbirds are heraldingthe early spring. Some farmers havebegun sugaring.

Homes Wanted.

The Cathotio Home Bureau wishesto find homes in good Catholic families

here orphan children may be adopt-ed and brought up nnrW the Influ-ence of a happy, moral home. Families wishing toadopt or receive a child

I of any age, under 12 years, are invitedto correspond with the Catholic HomeBureau, 105 Bast 22nd fit., N. T. City-

Bead Thia If Toa Are Going West.

Now is an excellent time to take atrip to the West, Southwest or North,west, and for the benefit of thosewishing to go to that part of thecountry to look for farm lands, busi-

v:::""' "~& "-ad 21st and Ajptril ith^anoTlS1 andwmsello^WJ Qetttew; ttokets'to

H. W. Downey has OneHundred Horses for ajile,

twly", Potsdam.9. EdTues-

Hfgh wafer" Sunday and Monday,the Racquette river overflowing; theSpring property, but doing no dam-

„ aite a bir of moving since March1st Frank Guay has bought (Mrs.McKioiney's house and moved there,Mr. Qney moving out. Mr. Jonesbas rooms at Mr. Alguire's. T

John Shamptoe has ret urn eft tohis home, and His son to the F^ras-

Mrs. Lucy Wheeler has sold! herhome to John Shampine and haspurchased the Chas. Blake house, towhich she will soon move. Mr Sh-ethas rented the bouse Mrs. WhWle

'68. ^ IArmstrong has the new add

tion to ni¥ house nearly completed./ I - Grow is getting niady to build

JUniversalist Society organizedday School la*t Sabbath even-hiob will meet at 6:30. Servicesdurin&the summer.Richardson bos returned from

ny-s. J. C Rfehey of Albany, isng her parents, Mr. and Mrs, A.

alsoMrs. Austin o7 Gouveitheir guests.

. aref

^Us Payson of Canton returnedhonje Monday.

s Anna Cunningham of Madrid,ting Mrs. Florence Shaw.

.j..Xtote Lee of Fort Jackson,t Sunday with Philo Riggs and

taking the train Monday forSork City.

tlay evening fifteen couplesshort time at Union Hall inguests in town. Meda Seaver

laud Merrill of Nioholville, isjg her aunt Mrs. L. Richardson,

.jriner schoolmates.tie Y's sp^nt a pleasant and pro-ble evening at the home or L. A.fards last Friday. Miss Benson,President, provides a flae pro-

.. E. Clark is entertaining his sis-Misu Hattis Clark.Ivin J. Winslow has hired for theliner with Don Hill at North Rus-

[»s. E. F. Van-Brooklin rerurned

Jm a two week's visit In Canton

nesday.rl Freeman of Canton, has been3ing som«rtime at A. « . Dewey's

' ""sg^wned by GeorgepEBfiiein Corners.

._,'•• renc-e of West Pier-• visited her brother.

_=__ place.Seorge Tupper of West PierpoBt,

_ab been entertaining trieasles at Q.Lawrence's the past week.

Miss Lulu B. Ells of Russell, re-ined the school in Upp« "" " 'nday, March 20th. PP^

_?he recent thaw was vi.^..netededas water;"Etaa been scarce forB o t n e t t m e C', '••-£• f - 1 •>-. '-: -.-•*?<;• '

'ilbert Payne-has gone to ]STbrth" to work for 0, Place this sum

Bentm Clark is recovering frominumps.

Warm Brook.

ur school dpened March 18th,

is much better at

lp f l> Tiriting

Sirs."Martinot'pdtsdam. isvisltiDg

. Vr. « D « Mrs. Alrin Hau'ckel vlstt-wi^her parents at HiKl> Flatn last

\. Russell went to Potadam on biisl-

to Mr Wm. Dewey and b^"mo*v^ tolowers street. ;

Mrs. Joseph Whalen and daughteiAve eented Geo, Douglas' houfe for

the coming year and Mr. Douglas hasgone to the old home to residelwithhis mother.

Clinton Wait made a flying fcifip toSyracuse last week. i

Mrs. Wait visited her daughter Ii.Watertown recently, but was tolledhome to atttnd her mother who is

iriously ill, with no hopes of ilecov-

Morrls Whalen is reported to W othe sick list. :

Eugene Sullivan's baby has beenill, but is recovering at present.

t :-8^ -I - •—- i •• a E u '*£ . S -

it. In an; Und of weather—andwr proof, contains no tar. Slate color,

repair or build send forIt will Jflvlfjon money

of them are hertf inThese Horses liave been in the woods this winter,

but are all in good shape actd look finely.

Any One granting HorsesWould do well to see them,,as they can be bought reasonably.

Applly either to

H. W.Oownev OR e.F. AdamsC. F. i.dams ha^ about 30 Cows for Sale.

Massena Springs. i

G. P. Smith came" up irom kmYork on buBiness Sunday and retnn

a OD f uewjft r

on his lot soon?*i has rented his farm

West Stockholm.

Spring has come at last.Our snow is fast di

some are tapping t heiiMrs. Bertha Tuaker has gone to

Utioa for her niillinVry goods. l|Mrs. James Magin bas gone td New

York to get the styles in hate, shewilt be trimmer for Mr. Simenlis, inNorwood the coming season:1 Wevery much regret to have >>er go awayShe is a first «lass milliner. ™ 7

Mrs. Hattie Ryan^ who has beenworking at Greorga _

' weeks has gone tofor! eever-

' home;

Those who have been sick f ol sometime are getting better, but there areseveral new cases, George Dygert "Albert Moses are both^iek in tpd

Our. school has begun with Mr.Hunt asjteacher again. '

Our harness maker Mr. Goofnoughhas moved in to Mr. Bradish's houseHe has rented, Mr. Quintal's sbjop for^is work. ' \ ' '• j

Ernest and JeBste Dowd attendedGeorgia Thomas' funeral hi Potsdam-last. I •• " j .." -

Quarterly Conference w a s field iithe church last Tuesday to' settle upthe affairs of the year. Dr. Cctft was


frotflei^Stherehe hibeetfor a treattneut for a bad bane •, '

Oar dentist Dr. J. Rice,, from Winthropis making his moathl - visit.H^hae rooms at L. F. Dygeiis. Hehasall lie can do every tims ta« come

visitfe|c~Biv". " liamUy.Mre. Sueden has been visiting for a

few days with, her sister at PageCorners. ••• ' . ' :";- • 1 : • . .•

^g3&*&&;$&.sroga.J. R Palmer is away on a three

weeks trip.^ Low OolonUt B*tes To The

Pacific OooaWTia The NiilkelPlate Boad.


Ladd is tho attending physician.Dr. Laidlaw Is on the sick list.We are pleased to see that Dr

Bassett is able to attend his patients!. We understand the water wasnever known to be so high as Satuiday night. At eleven o'clock som.fe_.ra were entertained of the ironbridge being swept away. Sundayblasts were put in the ice and th<ihannel cleared.

Money enough has been signeda*6"™, « new manse Tor Rev. Dr.Wtnbblebine, pastor of the Presbyter-ian church.

New nJaple syrup war brought intown afid offered for sale Friday.

Miss Stella Weston of Philadelphiiwas in town this week.

Tuesday evening the ladies ofthtO. B S. gave at the residence of MrVeiteh. Judson street, the second oltheir Beries of whist and "'their Beries of whist and flinchties. Mr. J. Rashton andI ZAi t k fi i MN i c k ™ , andsecond prizes.

Attorney C Chaney took a trip toHermon last week.

Irfslie McOollum spent Sunday wihis family at Hermon.

Sunday evening Rev. Stubblebinegave selected extracts from Rev.

' sermon on "Candles.1ions were accompanied b-

.stei^optieon views.P. R. McMonigal of Ogdensburg.ent S u d ith hi f i l h

Spargeon's tThe select ioi

P. R. McMonigal of Ogdensbuspent Sunday with his family here.

Thursday a new safe was placed .„the room of the Canton Loan Aesoelation, C. H. Perkins secretary."Saturday Mr. N. Peters, with „ .eral assistants placed the bell in th«tower of tne Episcopal Church.

Saturday evening the ladies of theh Church g a chicken pie

You StartHouse Cleaning Remember

iVarnish Stains^ Enamel Paints, p

Plastico. Bath Tab EJnamel, Floor Paint,Bronzes for Radiators and every thing1 else to put your j

home ia a clean sanitary condition.


Insure Your House.

•pAINT is iusnrance against decay. Brooklyn*• Pure White Lead is the only paint that givesabsolute insurance. No other hous© paint com-pares with it in this respect.

Sold by all reputable dealers.


(Over Maxfleld & Needham's)

All the latest New YorkModels, j Ladies TailorJMade Suits a specialty.Children's Up-to-DateFrocks. Shirt WaistSuits, newest designs.Prices the lowest con-sistent with good work.

Lately with The PotsdamSkirt Co., as Designerand Cutter.

of the public fnnds^han in road, Im-provement By Improving and shorten-lng the road to market millions of dol-lars' worth of products that are now adead loss would be turned into moneyand the price of all commodities wouldbe reduced to the consumer, gl-vinj theproducer a greater profit than he is nowreceiving^ The congestion of businessduring winter months would disap-pear, and people could go to the mar-kets at all times. The material advantages which would follow are toonumerous to mention and too great toestimate. Jle would be blind Indeed•who could doubt the wisdom of suchaq Investment.

Rural Delivery Notes

The number of pieces of mall deliver-ed by the carriers In the rural districtslost year was 906,424,121, and the aver-age number of pieces per carrier was3,860. At the same time the carrierscollected 133,183,861 pieces of mall, aaverage of 604 per carrier.

L^ A. Clark of Michigan has been,rural free delivery carrier since 18!and during this time has ridden an ag-gregate of 20,000 miles on his bicyqlealone.

Jfhe popularity of the rural free de-livery service 1B seen In the fact thnt8,447 routes were-established dth« past year.

Saurday eveninM. h, Church gasupper.

Dr Wood's Norway Pine Syrup seemsespecially adapted to, the needs of thechildren, Pleaoant to take; soothing inits*inflnence. .Jt ia the remedy of allremedies for every form of throat andlung disease.

Louisville Landing.

A. T. Gibson and daughter of Wa-tertown, visited with relatives at theLanding last week.

-Mrs. Clemant Royceand childrenofj Chases Mills, are visiting at A."Paver's and R. B. Matthews' this

eek. v

Mrs. C. D. McLeod te spending atow 4ayp in Fort Covington.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Polley of Mas-Eena, visited at E. C. Gibson's last

Misses Hattie Doad and BessieWells of Louisville, «re the .guests ofMiss Maud Segar.

Mrs. Fred Smith of Maasena Point,visited Mrs. C. E. Whalen last week.Her mother Mrs. Emily MoGee, re-turned home with her.

Wm. F. and R. D. Vallanoe attend-ed tbe taneral of Mrs. Alex. Vallancoat Woodlands last Friday.

Mrs. Hattie Finnie continues very

Sick kidneys cause a weak, lame orftching back, and a weak back makesa weak man: Can't be welt and stronguntil" the kidneys are cured. Treat themwith. Poan's Kidney Pills. Hero's thetestimony of one man cared.

' ' ^~ 3. B. Corton.farmer and lum-berman, ofDcppe, N. O,says "I Buffer-ed for ..years'with, my-tact-It was so badthat I couldnot walk anydistance noreven ride Ineuor.bD|9. Ido not believe

I could have raised ten^ounds of weightfrom the ground, the pain was so severe.Thta wu my condition when I began ns-

" in's Kidney PHJa,; They quickly jme and now I am-never troubled

M l was. My back .Is strong and I can•walk or ride a Ion* distance and feel just« rtrong; an I did twenty-flve yean ato.f tbJnfc..BO much of. Doan'a Kidney Pill*g a t I haw (fven a supply of the remedytt aome of my aefghbon and they haveaWCoond p»d results. M jm can sift

I from this "rambling note thatB of any ser?W to yon, or to any" " - . kidney trouble, yoe

Easter Excursion to New York, Bos-ton and New England Points.

New York Centi_cancel the annual sjWashington and suexcursion to New York, Springfield,Palmer, Worcester, South Framing-ham and Boston. The date decidednponis Saturday. April 22nd, aadtickets, will be good to return leavingpoint of destination to and includingTuesday, May 2nd, thus giving rtrons Easter Sunday and the folioing week ia New York, BoBton, „the other points mentioned. Therate has been placed at one fare forthe round trip, plus 11.00, with aniajiruumof^lOOO which should bewithin1 the reanh of all, and passeng-ers will have the privilege of select-tag;, any of the above mentionedpoints for their destination.

The Easter season in New York isthe mmt beautiful of all the seasonsin the "Greatest City of the World,"and in Boston ateo.it Is the most de-sirable season for a visit to the "Hub

f the Dm verse."All who can possibly do so should

not hesitate to take advantage of thisexcursion as their time and moneycannot be spent to greater advantageto themselves.

Watch papers for farther announce


More Dangerous

FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS.Orders for loose «ut flowers for fa-

neral and other, occasions, loft withMiss Hayes at the Bell Telephone Of-Hayes a

will be9 promptly fl]fe<l! TeleM6trt AeHKS HAYHS


"'•;!sum»jb. Reliable Regulator


When you want FUEL o:any kind go where you can "

- >

pltotinthef^HowinTooIors <

Yellow* j .



Acme Wine,

Vermilion Red,

Carmine Red,

Coach Black, <

Easy to spread. Quick todry. (drives 0 brillant finish.

Brown & Perrin,19 MARKET STREET.

ON SMALL SAVINGSAn Insurance Contract is the best knownway of getting a safe income—for yourpayments will oarn interest equal to8avJngs-Bank inteTfMt, and at the sametime secure a large protection to yonrfamily.

THE MUTUAL LIFE/nsura/ice Company of New fork

.HAS EARNED MOREfor Policy-holders than any other com-

pany in existence.

By mail, to be considered at your leis-re yon can secure informati b t

yure, yon cth,- «v,«*. k

get anything you wantpromptly delivered.

COAL !of all kinds and sizes. Allanthracite Coal Thorough-ly Screened and ofihebestquality.

the World" '


Richard A. McCurdy. President.NEW YORK, N. Y.

j y Write T. HowaTd LewiB ManagerAlbany, N. Y., or William R. Weed,"Special Representative. Potsdam, N. Y.

WQODJDry Hard-Block, split or inblock, Hard Mill Slabs, alldried under cover.

LIBMISHQ.Depot St. or Alley Peed Store. •

CUPEEME COUBT. TEIAL*+* L&wmice County. John Cagainst Dan E. BalcS, as trurteiand Julia, Batchy Aziel B. Balch.v*™*n" T. Bateh and Aldora

a OorennaB l h Atson, Elgte Baloh Atwood, Lena Balcb Christy, .

and Hiram Steemburh, defendant*To the above named defendants: You are here

>y Summoned to answer the complaint ia this

^ T . , ft*._8,1905.

"Tae- agricultural colleges should ..u-ocate men to be farmers, and theyshouM also educate 'farmers to bsmen," says B. B. NicholJs.




!TM Relief »t onekIt cJeanaa, soothes

and heal* the di»as.ed membrane. Ourea

•^££5:.HAY FEVERIqulokly. It is absorbed. Heals and Pro

tects the Membrane. Restores the senses of tasteand BmeU. Full Idas 60e., at druggists or bymail; Trial l i ie 10 cents by mail.

ELY BROTHERS. U Warren 9 t KsirYork.


WALL and Points East and West.

A CoughSuggestion.

This is the season when chronicthroat and lung troubles get theirstart. Any cough is serious enonghto have prompt attention and ft ie

.also important rhat the best possiblereaaedy be secured. We hope yonwill try our

Time Table, effects

NOaiHBI» Expresi

Lv. Tapper Lake .«flifa!t

re Jan. ist, 1904.JT7RD.

n. 2:10 D.'m.

I^ReSfes^ft10- i^PJn-St. Kejfts ITallfl t:c3 a,m, 3:63 p.m,

SoteJ18011.^-.^^-—?-5-Helena. .. .:8:4< a.1Nyand* 8:48 a.'Cornwall &fi6 a.irtnaii. 9:47 a.i

A r &ttSLTXrfL 11H £W n

£33n. tfiSpja?• S f 5-m-

OJ- vrv**w»..-.. - i i w a Ili< v.w ^.IU,


Lv. Ottawa E J X _ S ^!V.:..M ° ^ - - ' ' 4 ' " "

M;:;11 ... " . : i ,

Ar. ! '. '•: . V .' " '.Connections at Moira

points North and Uoatn.ii. H. PHILLIPS,

Sen. Pass. A**

"; ."' .rj," |."."'"

\. ,':*•" -s'

• • • » . .

and flelei

A. K<


MUed8nn. Ex6^0 a.na8 ^


i •• *

:• i -

ia for al


'America's Greatest Dailroad."




Gray's Honey of

White Pine Cough Syrup. ^»

We feel that this is in many • ^respects a snperior remedy and that

efamilkrwith ityon will relyi it as yoi• general honsehold

h care. It is pleasant tocores ac quickly as any safe remedy'can, and it is guaranteed. Moneyback if yon want it. '• - .



Oak Hall Pharmacy,

A JMl EXPRESSEDa few days ago tha*t "She was tempt-ddto break her Je-welry purposelyjust to get us to make it looit so fine".

We turn Jewelry repairs out equalto new.

Irook ap tbe old Jewelry von havelaid away thinking It next to worth-,less, oroutofatyl.. We can remodel IJfVZUit, and reflnUff sothaf you will think iSSS^SSJ?'It new. ' - -

I use'only Gold in soldering brokiJewelry ueuce you cannot dtstlugafshtbe break after bcinK repaired. Solead botch, work in my establishment

Every Article repolishod by specialmachinery, Equal to new.

Hf facilities for repollshluR Jewelryare muob superior to the average Jewelry ISstablisbmeat, and am certain If

Rutland R. R.On and after Feb. 5th, 3804, and untfl fortftf r

notice, trains will leave Norwood daily exceptSunday, as fo l low


J^V*OSI^-^WS«^ .M»with NewJSj

the people generally were aware oftlie nut I woqtot hare nluety-nlne oat

*»jp-XinU88. ArrirM.


0.T.JAHVI8, dwiirgr.


proften In Potsdam to repair.: Having up to date machinery to re-JBntsh'Jewelry and & through knowl-

otemlcalfl used In reoolorfngus to turn out Jewelry repairs

etfualronew. ^w&u£?;