Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and its Subsidiaries INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORM A TJON 30 SEPTEMBER 2016 (UNAUDITED)

Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. …...27 October 2016 Kuwait Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries -~~~ INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED

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Page 1: Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. …...27 October 2016 Kuwait Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries -~~~ INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED

Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and its Subsidiaries



Page 2: Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. …...27 October 2016 Kuwait Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries -~~~ INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED

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Introduction We have reviewed the accompanying interim condensed consolidated statement of frnancial position of Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. (the "Parent Company") and its subsidiaries (collectively the "Group") as at 30 September 2016, and the related interim condensed consolidated statement of income and interim condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the three months and six months period then ended, and the related interim condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity and the interim condensed consolidated statement of cash flows for the six months period then ended. The management of the Parent Company is responsible for the preparation and presentation of this interim condensed consolidated financial information in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, Interim Financial Reporting ("lAS 34"). Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this interim condensed consolidated financial information based on our review.

Scope of Review We conducted our review in accordance with the International Standard on Review Engagements 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity." A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

Conclusion Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying interim condensed consolidated financial information is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with lAS 34.

Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements Furthermore, based on our review, the interim condensed consolidated financia l information is in agreement with the books of account of the Parent Company. We further report that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, we have not become aware of any violations of the Companies Law No. I of 2016, and its executive regulations, or of the Parent Company' s Articles of Association and Memorandum of Incorporation, as amended, during the six months period ended 30 September 2016 that might have had a material effect on the business of the Parent Company or on its financial position.


27 October 2016 Kuwait

Page 3: Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. …...27 October 2016 Kuwait Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries -~~~ INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED

Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C. P. and Subsidiaries -~~~ INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (UNAUDITED) As at 30 September 201 6

ASSETS Current assets Cash and cash equivalents Trade and other receivables Inventories

Total current assets

Non-current assets Due from a related party Financial assets avai lable for sale Investment in associates Goodwill and other intangible assets Property, plant and equipment

Total non-current assets

Total assets

LIABILITIES AND EQUITY LIABILJTlES Current liabilities Trade and other payablcs Bank overdraft

Total current liabilities

Non-current liabilities Employees' end of service benefits Tenn loans

Total non-current liabilities

Total liabiUties

EQUITY Share capital Statutory reserve Voluntary reserve Treasury shares Other reserves Cumulative changes in fai r values foreign currency translation reserve Retained earnings

Equity attributable to shareholders of the Parent Company Non-controlling interests

Total equity

30 September 2016

Notes KD

(Audited) 31 March

2016 KD


9 5



35,809,471 35,460, 196 14,412,635 15,893,749 29,902,182 31,134,988

80,124,288 82,488,933

1,250,000 1,250,000 185,870,773 180,388,934 89,926,350 8 1,609,476

105,627,507 I 06,850,012 69,119,732 68,879,163

451,794,362 438,977,585

531,918,650 521,466,518

32,012,103 26,591,586 7,469,708

39,481,811 26,591,586

9,645,310 8,923,873 62,891,700 65,715,352

72,537,010 74,639,225

112,018,821 101,230,81 I

109,919,258 109,919,258 18,983,391 18,983,391 18,861,689 18,861,689

(11,825,036) ( I I ,825,036) 127,851 124,329

91,032,272 9 1,388,257 8,216,557 8,833,758

78,001,012 77,915,1 47

313,316,994 3 14,200,793 106,582,835 106,034,914

419,899,829 420,235,707

531,918,650 521,466,518

~ Tanweer Ahmed K.halfay Chief Financial Officer

The attached notes 1 to 14 form part ofthis interim condensed consolidated financial information. 2

30 September 2015 KD

20,181,980 17,451,740 24,176,610


1,250,000 204,835,406 76,564,008

108,549,611 69,220,623

460,41 9,648




8,034,821 66,150,388


10 I ,194,903

109,919,258 16,412,430 16,290,728

( I 0,944,265) 37,194

L 15,727,498 8,770,294


321,167,046 99,868,029



Page 4: Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. …...27 October 2016 Kuwait Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries -~~~ INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED

Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries ~~§.QR..l!B INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME (UNAUDITED) For the period ended 30 September 2016

Three months ended Six months ended 30 Sep_tember 30 Sep_tember

1016 2015 1016 2015 Notes KD KD KD KD

Sales 37,778,035 39,462,709 77,916,549 82,238,319 Cost of sales (22,432,242) (25,988,134) (45,797,141) (54,164,974)

GROSS PROFIT 15,345,793 13,474,575 32,119,408 28,073,345 Dividend income 26,491 287,769 336,803 332,611 Interest and other income 99,442 102,559 352,393 253,169 Realised gain on sale of financial assets available for sale 35,606 144,846 54,590

Share of results of associates 4,140,136 2,071,280 7,655,644 5,775,110 General and administrative expenses (10,153,859) (10,335,038) (21,389,627) (21,216,212) Finance costs (208,292) (438,774) (632,757) (833,971) Foreign exchange gain (loss) 30,182 (37,365) 32,192 (89,524)

Profit before provision for taxation and board of directors' remuneration 9,315,499 5,125,006 18,618,902 12,349,118

Provision for taxation 7 (155,974) (46,284) (312,985) (195,458) Board of directors' remuneration (37,500) (37,500) (75,000) (75,000)

Profit for the period 9,122,025 5,041,222 18,230,917 12,078,660

Attributable to: Shareholders of the Parent Company 5,507,284 2,386,552 10,487,657 6,611,666 Non-controlling interests 3,614,741 2,654,670 7,743,260 5,466,994

9,122,025 5,041,222 18,230,917 12,078,660

Basic and diluted earnings per share attributable to shareholders of the Parent Company 8 5.29 fils 2.28 fils 10.08 fils 6.31 fils

The attached notes 1 to 14 form part of this interim condensed consolidated financial information. 3

Page 5: Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. …...27 October 2016 Kuwait Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries -~~~ INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED

Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries ~~gy:~~ INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (UNAUDITED) For the period ended 30 September 2016

Three months ended Six months ended 30 Sep_tember 30 Sep_tember

2016 2015 2016 2015 KD KD KD KD

Profit for the period 9,122,025 5,041,222 18,230,917 12,078,660

Other comprehensive income: Other comprehensive (loss) income for the period that are or maybe subsequently reclassified to interim condensed consolidated statement of income: Financial assets available for sale: - Net changes in fair value of financial assets

available for sale (26,714) {803,251) 19,599 (563,822) - Net gain on sale of fmancial assets available for

sale transferred to interim condensed consolidated statement of income (35,606) (144,846) (54,590)

Changes in associates reserves (166,004) (45,759) (807,566) 525,190 Exchange differences arising on translation of foreign

operations (712,794) 399,318 (470,305) 1,946,493 Net loss on hedge of net investment in foreign

operation 83,341 (48,212) (182,173) (320,678)

Net other comprehensive (loss) income for the period that are or maybe subsequently reclassified to interim condensed consolidated statement of income (857,777) (497,904) (1,585,291) 1,532,593

Other comprehensive loss for the period not to be reclassified to interim condensed consolidated statement of income in subsequent periods:

Asset revaluation reserve (56,958)

Net other comprehensive loss for the period not to be reclassified to interim condensed consolidated statement of income in subsequent periods (56,958)

Other comprehensive (loss) income for the period (857,777) (497,904) (1,585,291) 1,475,635

Total comprehensive income for the period 8,264,248 4,543,318 16,645,626 13,554,295

Attributable to: Shareholders of the Parent Company 5,012,133 1,553,788 9,514,470 7,076,422 Non-controlling interests 3,252,115 2,989,530 7,131,156 6,477,873

8,264,248 4,543,318 16,645,626 13,554,295

The attached notes 1 to 14 form part of this interim condensed consolidated financial information. 4

Page 6: Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. …...27 October 2016 Kuwait Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries -~~~ INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED

Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries i''"'"' fJQ'OR"AiN . ~~~ INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY (UNAUDITED) For the period ended 30 September 2016

Foreign Cumulative currency Non-

Statutory Voluntary Treasury Other changes in translation Retained controlling Share capital reserve reserve shares reserves fair values reserve earnings Sub-total interests Total equity


As at 1 April2016 (audited) 109,919,258 18,983,391 18,861,689 (11,825,036) 124,329 91,388,257 8,833,758 77,915,147 314,200,793 106,034,914 420,235,707

Profit for the period - - - - - - - 10,487,657 10,487,657 7,743,260 18,230,917 Other comprehensive loss - - - - - (355,985) (617,201) - (973,186) (612,105) (1,585,291)

Total comprehensive (loss) income for the period - - - - - (355,985) (617,201) 10,487,657 9,514,471 7,131,155 16,645,626

Dividends payable to non-controlling interests - - - - - - - - - (6,571,987) (6,571,987)

Dividends (Note 12) - - - - - - - (10,401,792) (10,401,792) - (10,401,792) Ownership changes in a subsidiary - - - - 3,522 - - - 3,522 (11,247) (7,725)

As at 30 September 2016 109,919,258 18,983,391 18,861,689 (11,825,036) 127,851 91,032,272 8,216,557 78,001,012 313,316,994 106,582,835 419,899,829

As at 1 Apri12015 (audited) 109,919,258 16,412,430 16,290,728 ( 1 0,094,908) 70,987 116,245,079 7,730,999 68,827,897 325,402,470 98,961,521 424,363,991

Profit for the period - - - - - - 6,611,666 6,611,666 5,466,994 12,078,660 Other comprehensive (loss) income - - - - (56,958) (517,581) 1,039,295 - 464,756 1,010,879 1,475,635

-Total comprehensive (loss) income for the period - - - - (56,958) (517,581) 1,039,295 6,611,666 7,076,422 6,477,873 13,554,295

Dividend payable to non-controlling interests - - - - - - - - - (5,571,365) (5,571,365) Ownership changes in a subsidiary - - - 23,165 - - - 23,165 - 23,165 Purchase of treasury Shares - - - (849,357) - - - - (849,357) - (849,357) Dividends (Note 12) - - - - - - - (10,485,654) (10,485,654) - (10,485,654)

-As at 30 September 2015 109,919,258 16,412,430 16,290,728 ( 1 0,944,265) 37,194 115,727,498 8,770,294 64,953,909 321,167,046 99,868,029 421,035,075

The attached notes 1 to 14 form part of this interim condensed consolidated financial information.


Page 7: Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. …...27 October 2016 Kuwait Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries -~~~ INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED

Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries ~~9Q.fi1JN INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (UNAUDITED) For the period ended 30 September 2016

OPERATING ACTIVITIES Profit before tax and director's remuneration Adjustments for:

Depreciation and amortization Realised gain on sale of fmancial assets available for sale Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment Share of results of associates Provision for employees' end of service benefits Finance costs

Working capital adjustments:

Trade and other receivables Inventories Trade and other payables

Cash generated from operations Employees' end of service benefits paid

Net cash flows generated from operating activities

INVESTING ACTIVITIES Net movement of financial assets available for sale Purchase of property, plant and equipment Purchase of investment in associate Sale proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment Purchase of additional investment in a subsidiary Dividend received from associates

Net cash flows used in investing activities

FINANCING ACTIVITIES Dividends paid Net movement in term loans Purchase of treasury shares Payment of finance costs Dividend to non-controlling interest of a subsidiary Movement in non-controlling interest

Net cash flows used in financing activities

Effect of foreign currency translation Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period

Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period



Six months ended 30 September

2016 2015 KD KD

18,618,902 12,349,118

4,068,329 4,058,283 (144,846) (54,590)

(46,060) (7,655,644) (5,775,110)

989,851 837,401 632,757 833,971

16,463,289 12,249,073

1,491,988 159,319 1,155,374 4,870,921 3,024,584 (890,704)

22,135,235 16,388,609 (246,073) (205,229)

21,889,162 16,183,380

(5,882,036) (450,040) (3,550,675) (1,947,939) (1, 760,951) (23,371)

67,668 (7,725)

751,775 1,353,935

(10,381,944) (1,067,415)

(8,627,050) (8,725,562) (3,005,825) (5,253,800)

(849,357) (632,759) (539,204)

(6,268,777) (5,571,365) (45,487) (43,783)

(18,579,898) (20,983,071)

(47,753) (156,551) (7,120,433) (6,023,657) 35,460,196 26,205,637

28,339,763 20,181,980

The attached notes 1 to 14 form part of this interim condensed consolidated financial information. 6

Page 8: Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. …...27 October 2016 Kuwait Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries -~~~ INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED

Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries ~~gQfiAIN NOTES TO THE INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) As at 30 September 2016


Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. (the "Parent Company'') is a Kuwaiti shareholding company established by Amiri Decree No 332/2004 on 10 November 2004. The Parent Company's shares were issued for public subscription by the Ministerial Decree No. 347/2004 on 28 November 2004. The Parent Company's shares are listed on the Kuwait Stock Exchange.

The Parent Company's objectives are as follows:

• To manufacture all types of chemical and petrochemical materials and any other derivatives. • To sell, purchase, supply, distribute, export and store these materials and participate in all the activities relating to the

same including the establishment and lease of the necessary services. • To participate in Equate Petrochemical Company K.S.C. (Closed), Kuwait Aromatics Company K.S.C. (Closed),

Kuwait Styrene Company K.S.C. (Closed) and Kuwait Olefins Company K.S.C. (Closed). • To contribute in industrial companies as well as fmance, manage and trade in its shares. • To develop industrial and craft zones and projects launched by the State or private sector. • To establish industrial projects or contribute therein after obtaining the necessary approvals from the Public Authority

for Industry and the concerned authorities.

The Parent Company may pursue the above mentioned activities in the State of Kuwait and abroad, originally or by proxy. It may have an interest in or participate in any manner with entities that carry on business activities similar to its own or which may assist the Parent Company in realising its objectives in Kuwait or abroad, and it may buy or otherwise acquire such companies.

The address of the Parent Company's registered office and principal place of business is: 26th Floor, KIPCO Tower, Khalid Bin Al Waleed Street, Sharq, P.O. Box No 29299, Safat 13153, State of Kuwait.

The interim condensed consolidated financial information of the Parent Company and subsidiaries (collectively the "Group") for the six months period ended 30 September 2016 was autho~ised for issue in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors on 27 October 2016.

The new Companies Law No. 1 of2016 was issued on 24 January 2016 and was published in the Official Gazette on 1 February 2016 cancelled the Companies Law No 25 of2012, and its amendments. According to article No.5, the new Law will be effective retrospectively from 26 of November 2012. The new Executive Regulations of Law No. 1 of2016 was issued on 12 July 2016 and was published in the Official Gazette on 17 July 2016 which cancelled the Executive Regulations of Law No. 25 of2012.


The interim condensed consolidated financial information of the Group has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 "Interim Financial Reporting".

The interim condensed consolidated financial information does not contain all information and disclosures required for full consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") and should be read in conjunction with the Group's consolidated fmancial statements for the year ended 31 March 2016. In the opinion of the Parent Company's management, all adjustments consisting of normal recurring accruals considered necessary for a fair presentation have been included. Operating results for the six months period ended 30 September 2016 are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the financial year ending 31 March 2017. The interim condensed consolidated fmancial information is presented in Kuwaiti Dinars ("KD").

The accounting policies used in the preparation of this interim condensed consolidated financial information are consistent with those used in the preparation of the annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2016, except for the adoption of the amendments and annual improvements to IFRSs, relevant to the Parent Company which are effective for annual reporting period starting from 1 April 2016 and did not result in any material impact on the accounting policies, financial position or performance of the Parent Company.

The Group has not early adopted any other standards, interpretations or amendments that has been issued but is not yet effective.


Page 9: Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. …...27 October 2016 Kuwait Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries -~~~ INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED

Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries ~~§Q:"RAIN NOTES TO THE INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) As at 30 September 2016


The preparation of interim condensed consolidated financial information requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expense. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

In preparing this interim condensed consolidated financial information, the significant judgements made by management in applying the Group's accounting policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same as those that applied to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2016.


30 September 31 March 30 September 2016 2016 2015 KD KD KD

Cashin hand 758,783 729,047 1,512 Cash at banks 9,631,565 22,364,466 17,636,011 Cash in portfolios 343,412 177,850 936,235 Short term deposits 25,075,711 12,188,833 1,608,222

35,809,471 35,460,196 20,181,980 Less: Bank overdraft (7,469,708)

Cash and cash equivalents for the purpose of interim condensed consolidated statement of cash flows 28,339,763 35,460,196 20,181,980


30 September 31 March 30 September 2016 2016 2015 KD KD KD

Quoted equity securities 13,100,867 5,647,973 5,825,875 Debt instruments 5,771,118 7,742,123 6,653,750 Unquoted equity securities 166,998,788 166,998,838 192,355,781

185,870,773 180,388,934 204,835,406


30 September 31 March 30 September 2016 2016 2015 KD KD KD

Number of treasury shares 59,095,913 59,095,913 54,212,536 Percentage of issued shares 5.38% 5.38% 4.93% Weighted average cost 11,825,036 11,825,036 10,944,265 Market value (KD) 11,700,991 11,346,415 9,758,256

An amount equivalent to the cost of purchase of the treasury share have been ear marked as non-distributable from voluntary reserve throughout the holding period of treasury shares.


Page 10: Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. …...27 October 2016 Kuwait Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries -~~~ INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED

Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries ~~~QfiAIN NOTES TO THE INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) As at 30 September 2016


Contribution to Kuwait Foundation for Advancement of Science "KF AS")

National Labour Support Tax (''NLST") Zakat

Three months ended 30 September

2016 2015 KD KD

11,739 123,836 20,399


5,134 58,794




Six months ended 30 September

2016 2015 KD KD

25,619 244,897 42,469


9,497 162,231 23,730


Basic and diluted earnings per share is computed by dividing the profit for the period attributable to the shareholders of the Parent Company by the weighted average number of shares outstanding less treasury shares for the period as follows:

Profit for the period attributable to the shareholders of the Parent Company

Weighted average number of shares outstanding Weighted average number of treasury shares

Weighted average number of shares for basic and

Three months ended 30 September

2016 2015 KD KD

5,507,284 2,386,552

Shares Shares

1,099,192,576 1,099,192,576 (59,095,913) (52,107,571)

Six months ended 30 September

2016 2015 KD KD



1,099,192,576 (59,095,913)



1,099,192,576 (51,117,125)

diluted earnings per share 1,040,096,663 1,047,085,005 1,040,096,663 1,048,075,451

Basic and diluted earnings per share attributable to the shareholders of the Parent Company 5.29flls 2.28 fils 10.08 fils

As there are no potentially dilutive instruments, basic and dilutive earnings per share are the same.


6.31 fils

Related parties primarily comprise major shareholders, associates, directors, key management personnel and entities controlled, jointly controlled or significantly influenced by such parties. Pricing policies and terms of these transactions are approved by the Group's management. Transactions between the group entities have been eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed in this note.

Balances and transactions with related parties included in the interim condensed consolidated financial information are as follows:

(Audited) 30 September 31 March 30 September

Associates Others 2016 2016 2015 KD KD KD KD KD

Interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position:

Trade and other receivables 1,767 46,000 47,767 51,572 57,110 Due from a related party 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000


Page 11: Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. …...27 October 2016 Kuwait Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries -~~~ INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED

Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries ~~<SORATN NOTES TO THE INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) As at 30 September 2016


Amount due from a related party does not carry interest and is repayable on demand.

Interim condensed consolidated statement of income: Interest and other income

Compensation of key management personnel

Associates KD

Others KD


Su months ended 30 September

2016 2015 KD KD

67,050 29,940

The remuneration of directors and other members of key management during the period were as follows:

Salaries and other short term benefits Employees' end of service benefits

Three months ended 30 September

2016 2015 KD KD

372,894 403,019 42,516 39,564

415,410 442,583


Su months ended 30 Sep_tember

2016 2015 KD KD

773,373 844,651 79,905 66,004

853,278 910,655

Term loans amounting to US Dollar 208,354,147 (31 March 2016: US Dollar 218,354,146 and 30 September 2015: USD 192,854,147) have been designated as a hedge of the net investment in the Group's subsidiary, Saudia Dairy and Food Stuff Company S.S.C. This borrowing is being used to hedge the Group's exposure to the US Dollar ("USD") foreign exchange risk on this investment. Gains or losses on the retranslation of this borrowing are transferred to interim condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income to offset any gains or losses on translation of the net investments on the basis that the SARis pegged against the US Dollars. There is no significant ineffectiveness during the period ended 30 September 2016.


As at 30 September 2016, the Group has a contingent liability amounting to KD 797,542 (31 March 2016: KD 12,719,852 and 30 September 2015: KD 13,156,694) in connection with certain guarantees and credit facilities availed from which the management is not expecting any material liabilities to arise. At 30 September 2016, the Group has outstanding commitments for future capital expenditure amounting to KD 5,271,944 (31 March2016: KD 5,744,140 and 30 September 2015: KD 3,917,345).


The Annual General Assembly of shareholders held on 21 June 2016 approved the audited consolidated financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 March 2016 and approved a cash dividend of 10 fils per share amounting to KD 10,401,792 (31 March 2015: KD 10,485,654).


For management reporting purposes, the Group is organised into three major operating segments based on internal reporting provided to the chief operating decision maker. The chief operating decision maker, who is the person responsible for allocating resources to and assessing the performance of the operating segments has been identified as the Parent Company's board of directors. The Group does not have material inter-segment transactions.


Page 12: Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. …...27 October 2016 Kuwait Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries -~~~ INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED

Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries ~~gQ.fiAIN NOTES TO THE INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) As at 30 September 2016

13 SEGMENT REPORTING (continued)

The principal activities and services under these segments are as follows:

Investments Investments are mainly for the long term and are in the petrochemical sector.

Mainly manufacture and supply of dairy and foodstuff. Foodstuff and manufacturing

Manufacturing Mainly manufacture and supply of chemicals for fiberglass, paint and petrochemical industries and general use.

Management monitors operating segments separately for the purpose of making decisions about resource allocation and performance assessment. Segment performance is evaluated based on segmental return on investments.

The following table presents information regarding the Group's operating segments:

Segment revenue

Segment expenses Unallocatetl expenses

Total expenses

Segment profit (loss) for the period

Segment assets

Segment liabilities

Segment assets

Segment liabilities

Segment revenue

Segment expenses Unallocated expenses

Total expenses

Segment profit (loss) for the period

Segment assets

Segment liabilities

Investments KD







Investments KD



Investments KD








Six months ended 30 September 2016 Manufacturing Foodstuff


1,191,657 76,825,174

(1,270,910) (63,974,034)

(1,270,910) (63,974,034)

(79,253) 12,851,140

8,185,702 138,847,616

941,235 29,203,758

31 March 2016 (Audited) Manufacturing Foodstuff


8,273,603 131,696,137

904,262 23,922,844

Six months ended 30 September 2015 Manufacturing Foodstuff


1,421,418 80,859,846

(1,565,770) (71,765,690)

(1,565,770) (71,765,690)

(144,352) 9,094,156

8,351,125 119,391,992

791,844 23,153,567

Total KD


(67,787,333) (387,985)





Total KD



Total KD


(76,304,681) (270,458)





Page 13: Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. …...27 October 2016 Kuwait Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries -~~~ INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED

Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company K.S.C.P. and Subsidiaries ~~g~IN NOTES TO THE INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) As at 30 September 2016


Financial instruments comprise of fmancial assets and financial liabilities.

For fmancial assets and financial liabilities that are liquid or having a short-term maturity (less than three months), the carrying amount approximates their fair value. The fair values of other financial instruments, are not materially different from their carrying values.

Fair value is defined as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in orderly transactions between market participants at the measurement date. Fair values are obtained from quoted market prices, discounted cash flow models and other models as appropriate.

Fair value hierarchy The Group uses the following hierarchy for determining and disclosing the fair values of financial instruments by valuation technique:

Level 1: quoted (unadjusted) prices in an active market for identical assets and liabilities;

Level 2: other techniques for which all inputs which have a significant effect on the recorded fair value are observable, either directly or indirectly; and

Level 3: other techniques which use inputs which have a significant effect on the recorded fair value are not based on observable market data.

30 September 1016

Financial assets available for sale: Quoted equity securities Unquoted equity securities

31 March 2016 (Audited)

Financial assets available for sale: Quoted equity securities Unquoted equity securities

30 September 2015

Financial assets available for sale: Quoted equity securities Unquoted equity securities

Levell KD



Levell KD



Levell KD



Level3 Total fair value KD KD

13,100,867 166,998,788 166,998,788

166,998,788 180,099,655

Level3 Total fair value KD KD

5,647,973 166,998,838 166,998,838

166,998,838 172,646,811

Level3 Total fair value KD KD

5,825,875 192,355,781 192,355,781

192,355,781 198,181,656

During the six months period ended 30 September 2016, there were no transfers between the hierarchies and there was no major movement in 1evel3.