Applied Categorical Structures 8: 17–44, 2000. G. Brümmer & C. Gilmour (eds), Papers in Honour of Bernhard Banaschewski. © 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 17 Quotient Maps of Locales TILL PLEWE ? Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ritsumekan University, Kusatsu-shi, Shiga 525-77, Japan (Received: 4 October 1996; accepted: 26 November 1997) Abstract. We consider regular epimorphisms in the category Loc of locales. Closed surjections with subfit domain are regular epimorphisms. However, there exists a closed surjection which is the composite of two regular epimorphisms without being regular epic itself. This example answers both of the following questions in the negative: Y. Li’s question of whether weak quotient maps are nec- essarily regular epimorphisms, and P. Johnstone’s related question of whether regular epimorphisms compose. It follows that not all extremal epimorphisms in Loc are regular. The weak quotient maps of Y. Li and the equationally closed subframes of A. Pultr and A. Tozzi are shown to be dual notions. We also give a new characterization of regular epimorphisms in Loc. Mathematics Subject Classifications (2000): 18A20, 18B30, 54B15, 54C10. Key words: locales, closed surjections, simple coverings, singly generated frame extensions, ex- tremal epimorphisms, regular epimorphisms, quotient maps, weak quotient maps, equationally closed subframes. Introduction The question which gave rise to this paper is the question of whether there is a characterization of regular epimorphisms in the category Loc of locales, which is similar to the characterization of regular epimorphisms in the category Top of topological spaces as quotient maps. The problem of characterizing regular epimor- phisms in Loc turns out to be much more complex than its topological counterpart. The additional difficulties one encounters in Loc can perhaps be seen most clearly in the following somewhat unusual proof of the fact that quotient maps of T 0 spaces are coequalizers of their kernel pair (the extra work needed to deal with non-T 0 spaces is purely set theoretic). This proof shows in particular the important role played by the forgetful functor Top || Set. Recall that a continuous surjection Y f X of topological spaces is called a quotient map if it has the following property: (QO) S X, if f -1 (S) is open in Y, then S is open in X. Now let Y f X be a quotient map in Top and let Y × X Y π 1 π 2 Y be its kernel pair. ? Financially supported by the British Science and Engineering Research Council under the ‘Foundational Structures in Computing Science’ reseach project.

Quotient Maps of Locales

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Applied Categorical Structures8: 17–44, 2000.G. Brümmer & C. Gilmour (eds), Papers in Honour of Bernhard Banaschewski.© 2000Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Quotient Maps of Locales

TILL PLEWE?Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ritsumekan University, Kusatsu-shi, Shiga 525-77, Japan

(Received: 4 October 1996; accepted: 26 November 1997)

Abstract. We consider regular epimorphisms in the categoryLoc of locales. Closed surjectionswith subfit domain are regular epimorphisms. However, there exists a closed surjection which is thecomposite of two regular epimorphisms without being regular epic itself. This example answers bothof the following questions in the negative: Y. Li’s question of whether weak quotient maps are nec-essarily regular epimorphisms, and P. Johnstone’s related question of whether regular epimorphismscompose. It follows that not all extremal epimorphisms inLoc are regular. The weak quotient mapsof Y. Li and the equationally closed subframes of A. Pultr and A. Tozzi are shown to be dual notions.We also give a new characterization of regular epimorphisms inLoc.

Mathematics Subject Classifications (2000):18A20, 18B30, 54B15, 54C10.

Key words: locales, closed surjections, simple coverings, singly generated frame extensions, ex-tremal epimorphisms, regular epimorphisms, quotient maps, weak quotient maps, equationally closedsubframes.


The question which gave rise to this paper is the question of whether there is acharacterization of regular epimorphisms in the categoryLoc of locales, whichis similar to the characterization of regular epimorphisms in the categoryTop oftopological spaces as quotient maps. The problem of characterizing regular epimor-phisms inLoc turns out to be much more complex than its topological counterpart.The additional difficulties one encounters inLoc can perhaps be seen most clearlyin the following somewhat unusual proof of the fact that quotient maps of T0 spacesare coequalizers of their kernel pair (the extra work needed to deal with non-T0

spaces is purely set theoretic). This proof shows in particular the important role

played by the forgetful functorTop| |→ Set.

Recall that a continuous surjectionYf→ X of topological spaces is called a

quotient map if it has the following property:

(QO) ∀S ⊆ X, if f −1(S) is open inY, thenS is open inX.

Now letYf→ X be a quotient map inTop and letY ×X Y



Y be its kernel pair.

? Financially supported by the British Science and Engineering Research Council under the‘Foundational Structures in Computing Science’ reseach project.


(i) In order to show thatY ×X Yπ1


Yf→ X is a coequalizer diagram it suffices

to show that the universal property holds for maps into the Sierpinski spaceSbecauseS is a cogenerator in the category of T0 spaces. Now a mapY

g→ Sis a cocone if and only if the inverse imageU of the open point inS has iso-morphic pullbacks alongπ1 andπ2, i.e.π−1

1 (U) ' π−12 (U), which in turn is

equivalent to the statement thatU is equipped with descent data relative tof .

(ii) Since the forgetful functorTop| |→ Set preserves limits and in the category

Set of sets all surjections are effective descent morphisms, there exists asubsetS ⊆ |X| whose pullback along|f | is equal to|U |.

(iii) Since surjections are stable,S is unique.(iv) EquippingS with the subspace topology, we get thatf −1(S) = U , because

embeddings are preserved by pullbacks, and subspaces are determined bytheir points.

(v) Sincef is quotient,S is open.

(vi) If Xh→ S is the characteristic map ofS, i.e. the unique map for which the

inverse image of the open point ofS is equal toS, thenhf = g andh is theunique map with this property.

Now (i) also works in the localic case, but there is no analogue of (ii). One of theexamples of localic surjections given in this paper (4.1) shows that such anS neednot exist, even if the localic version of (QO) is satisfied. (Note that for maps ofsober spaces the localic version of (QO) is quite a bit stronger than the topologicalversion because the set of sublocales of a spatial locale is generally much largerthan the set of subspaces of the corresponding sober space.) (iii) doesn’t hold for allregular epimorphisms of locales because regular epimorphisms are not necessarilystable surjections. If we assume that the problem of finding a sublocaleS of Xwhich pulls back toU has been solved, then we still need to construct fromS aunique open sublocaleV which pulls back toU . A condition which accomplishesthat is described in 4.8. Step (vi) of the proof above works also for locales.

In the present paper we will only address some of the problems mentionedabove. We will consider some variations on condition (QO) for localic surjections,which all deal with the question of how to show that, provided an open sublocaledescends to any sublocale (respectively, complemented sublocale) at all, it alsodescends to an open sublocale. But before doing that we will consider two restrictedclasses of surjections: simple coverings and closed surjections. Restricting our at-tention to the first class gives a simplified picture of surjections, which nonethelessgives some first insights. The second class provides some counterexamples.

A more detailed description of this paper is as follows. In the first section werecall facts about sublocale lattices and stability of epimorphisms under pullbacks.We also describe (the externalization of) Artin-glueing of locales in a localic topos.This will mainly be used to construct a closed surjection which is not a regularepimorphism. After that we consider two special classes of surjections. In the


second section we look at simple coverings; these are surjectionsBf→ A which

factor throughA × S πA→ A by an embedding (S the Sierpinski space). They arethe localic version of the singly generated frame extensions introduced by B. Ba-naschewski [1]. We characterize the restrictions of several classes of surjections tosimple coverings. The most noteworthy result here might be that a simple coveringwhich is a stable regular epimorphism is necessarily a retraction. We also givean example of a simple covering between Hausdorff spaces which is a regularepimorphism inLoc but not inTop. This shows that regularity of epimorphismsis not reflected by the embedding of sober (TD) spaces intoLoc. The third sectionconcerns closed surjections. We show that closed surjections with subfit domainare regular epimorphisms. However, we also construct a closed surjection which isthe composite of two regular epimorphisms without being regular epic itself. Thisanswers both of the following questions in the negative: Y. Li’s question of whetherweak quotient maps are necessarily regular epimorphisms, and P. Johnstone’s re-lated question of whether regular epimorphisms compose. In the last section wecompare four different conditions on localic surjections which are all similar to thedefinition of quotient maps inTop. Two of them, the weak quotient maps of Liand the localic equivalent of the equationally closed subframes of Pultr and Tozzi,turn out to be equivalent notions. We also introduce a property which solves halfof the problem of how to give an internal characterization of regular epimorphismsin Loc.

1. Background

For general results in locale theory the reader may consult [4, 7, 8]. Notation willfollow for the most part [6]. The frame which determines a given localeX andthe topology for a topological spaceX will both be denoted byT (X). The opensublocale corresponding to an elementx ∈ T (X) will be denoted byUx andits closed complement byFx . Conversely, ifU is an open sublocale ofX, thenthe corresponding element of the frameT (X) will be denoted byxU . All spacesconsidered in this paper are sober and will be identified with the correspondingspatial locale.

The latticeS(X) of all sublocales of a given localeX is complete and satisfiesthe (coframe) distributive law:S∨∧Ti =∧(S∨Ti). Each localeX has a smallestdense sublocaleD(X). A sublocaleS ∈ S(X) is said to be nowhere dense inX ifand only if it is disjoint fromD(X), i.e. if S∧D(X) = 0. The closure of a nowheredense sublocale is again nowhere dense. If all points ofX are locally closed (i.e.if X is a TD space), thenX has a largest pointless sublocalepl(X) [6]. It canbe computed either as the meet of all point complements, or as the union of allpointless Boolean sublocales ofX.

Sublocales do not necessarily have complements. But there is a natural substi-tute which can be described in two ways. ForS,R ∈ S(X), putR\S = ∨{T ∈S(X) | T ≤ R andT ∧ S = 0} [6] and sup(S) = ∧{R ∈ S(X) | R ∨ S = X}


(sup(S) stands for the supplement ofS). SinceS(X) is a coframeS∨sup(S) = X.Sosup(S) is the smallest sublocale whose join withS is X. We will show belowthatX\S = sup(S).

A sublocaleC is called complemented ifC ∧ sup(C) = 0. Complementedsublocales can be partitioned into locally closed ones. IfC is complemented, thenthere exists an ordinal-indexed chain of pairwise disjoint locally closed sublocaleswhose union isC and for which the union of any initial segment is open inC[6, 12]. Each sublocale is the meet of all complemented sublocales containing it; infact, it suffices to consider sublocales of the formU ∨F for openU and closedF .

The following lemma collects some further properties ofS(X).

LEMMA 1.1. LetX be any locale andS, Si ∈ S(X) (i ∈ I ) be arbitrary sublo-cales, then

(1) S ∧∨ Si =∨ S ∧ Si if S is complemented;(2) S ∧∨ Si =∨ S ∧ Si if all Si are open;(3) X\S = sup(S);(4) If C andD are complemented sublocales ofX, thenC ∨ S = D ∨ S if and

only ifC ∧ (X\S) = D ∧ (X\S).Proof. A proof of (1) is already contained in [4] and for a proof of (2) see

[5] or [9]. As for (3), the inclusion∨{T ∈ S(X) | T ∧ S = 0} ≤ ∧{R ∈

S(X) | R ∨ S = X} follows from the fact that for any suchT andR we havethat T = T ∧ X = T ∧ (R ∨ S) = T ∧ R ∨ T ∧ S = T ∧ R ≤ R. To showthat the reverse inclusion holds letC be any complemented sublocale ofX suchthatC ≥ X\S. We need to show thatC ≥ sup(S), equivalently thatC ∨ S = X.Let (D,E) be a complementary pair of sublocales ofX suchD ≥ C ∨ S. ThenE ∧ S ≤ E ∧ (C ∨ S) ≤ E ∧D = 0. HenceE ≤ X\S ≤ C ≤ C ∨ S ≤ D, whichimplies thatE = 0. To show (4), letC andD be any two complemented sublocalesof X such thatC ∨ S = D ∨ S. If T ∧ S = 0, then

C ∧ T = (C ∧ T ) ∨ (S ∧ T ) = (C ∨ S) ∧ T= (D ∨ S) ∧ T = (D ∧ T ) ∨ (S ∧ T ) = D ∧ T,


C ∧ (X\S) = C ∧∨{T ∈ S(X) | T ∧ S = 0}

=∨{C ∧ T | T ∈ S(X) andT ∧ S = 0}

=∨{D ∧ T | T ∈ S(X) andT ∧ S = 0}

= D ∧∨{T ∈ S(X) | T ∧ S = 0}

= D ∧ (X\S).Conversely, ifC ∧ (X\S) = D ∧ (X\S), then

C ∨ S = (C ∨ S) ∧ (X\S ∨ S) = (C ∧X\S) ∨ S


= (D ∧X\S) ∨ S = (D ∨ S) ∧ (X\S ∨ S) = D ∨ S. 2Every mapf : X → Y in Loc can be factored as a surjection followed by

a sublocale inclusionX � f (X) ↪→ Y (see e.g. [7]). Images with respect to thisfactorization are not quite as well behaved as images inTop. (Another consequenceof the “absent” forgetful functor toSet.) In particular, this factorization is not stableunder pullback. But we have at least the following results:

PROPOSITION 1.2.LetBf→ A be any map inLoc. Then for all complemented

C ∈ S(A) and allS ∈ S(B) we have:

f (S ∧ f −1(C)) = f (S) ∧ C.Proof.This is [15, Prop. 1.4]. 2

COROLLARY 1.3. Surjections are stable under pullback along complementedinclusions. In particular, ifC and D are complemented sublocales ofA, then

f −1(C) = f −1(D) implies thatC = D for any surjectionBf→ A. Hencef −1

preserves and reflects inclusions between complemented sublocales.Proof. Let C be complemented inA and letg be the pullback off along the

inclusionC → A. If Bf→ A is a surjection theng(f −1(C)) = f (f −1(C)) =

f (B ∧ f −1(C)) = f (B) ∧ C = C. Finally, forC andD as above bothf −1(C −D) = f −1(C)−f −1(D) andf −1(D−C) = f −1(D)−f −1(C) are empty. Becausesurjections are stable under pullback along complemented inclusions,C −D andD − C must also be empty, i.e.C = D. 2

Recall that a mapBf→ A of locales is said to be closed if the image of each

closed sublocale is again closed. An equivalent condition is thatf∗ satisfies theFrobenius identityf∗(b ∨ f ∗(a)) = f∗(b) ∨ a. If f is closed, thenf∗ and themapf ( ) restricted to closed sublocales can be expressed directly in terms of eachother. For any open sublocaleU of B and its closed complementedF we haveaA−f (F ) = f∗(bU).

COROLLARY 1.4. Closed maps are stable under pullback along complementedinclusions.

Proof. Let C be complemented inA and letg be the pullback off along the

inclusionC → A. If Bf→ A is a closed map and ifF is a closed sublocale of

f −1(C), theng(F) = f (F) = f (clB(F ) ∧ f −1(C)) = f (clB(F )) ∧ C which isclosed inC becausef (clB(F )) is closed inA. Sog is also closed. 2LEMMA 1.5. Regular epimorphisms are stable under pullback along open orclosed inclusions.


Proof. A surjectionBf→ A is a regular epimorphism if and only if for all

open sublocalesU of B equipped with descent data, there exists a unique open

sublocaleV of A such thatf −1(V ) = U . If B ′f ′→ A′ is the pullback ofB

f→ A

along an open inclusionA′ → A, then any open sublocaleU ′ of B ′ equippedwith descent data relative tof ′ is also open inB and the descent data also lift todescent data relative tof . SoU ′ descends to some unique open sublocaleV of A,which is necessarily contained inA′. To show stability under pullback along closedinclusions the analogous arguments apply, using the fact that regular epimorphismcan also be described as surjections such that for all closed sublocalesF of Bequipped with descent data, there exists a unique closed sublocaleG of A suchthatf −1(G) = F . 2

We conclude this section with a description of Artin-glueing of locales inSh(Z)whereZ is an arbitrary locale. A localeX in Sh(Z) is determined by its sheaf offramesT (X). Recall that for any pairz, z′ ∈ T (Z) with z ≤ z′ the restriction map

T (X)z′ρz′z→ T (X)z is a surjective frame homomorphism which has a left adjoint

6z′z which satisfies the Frobenius identity6z′

z (a ∧ ρz′z (b)) = 6z′z (a) ∧ b [8].

A fringe map (a map which preserves all finite meets)T (X)µ={µz |z∈T (Z)}−−−−−−−−→ T (Y )

is completely determined by its componentµ1 becauseµz = µzρ1z6

1z = ρ1

zµ161z .

Furthermore, we have61z (1) = 61

zµz(1) ≤ µ161z (1) because eachµz preserves

1 andµz ≤ ρ1zµ16

1z ⇔ 61

zµz ≤ µ161z . (Since the context will always make it

possible to determine the sheaf to which a given restriction map, respectively leftadjoint, belongs, there is no need for the notation to specify the sheaf.)

Conversely, any finite meet preserving mapT (X)1m→ T (Y )1 which satisfies

61z (1) ≤ m61

z (1) gives rise to a fringe mapT (X)µ→ T (Y ) of internal posets

in Sh(Z) by puttingµz = ρ1zm6

1z . To show thatρz

′z µz′ = µzρ

z′z it suffices to

consider the casez′ = 1 because all mapsρ1z′ are surjections. Nowρ1

zµ1 = ρ1zm

andµzρ1z = ρ1


1z . For alla ∈ T (X)z we have



1z (a) = ρ1

zm(a ∧61

z (1)) = ρ1

zm(a) ∧ ρ1zm6

1z (1)

≥ ρ1zm(a) ∧ ρ1

zm(1) = ρ1zm(a).

Since id≥ 61z ρ

1z we get the reverse inequalityρ1

zm ≥ ρ1zm6


1z immediately.

Externalizing these data, we obtain continuous mapsXf→ Z andY

g→ Z

and a finite meet preserving mapT (X)m→ T (Y ) satisfyingmf ∗ ≥ g∗, where

T (X) = T (X)1, T (Y ) = T (Y )1, f ∗(z) = 61z (1) and g∗(z) = 61

z (1) for allz ∈ T (Z) andm = µ1. LetX +m Y be the locale obtained by glueingX ontoYalongm. Its topologyT (X+mY ) = {(x, y) ∈ T (X)×T (Y ) | m(x) ≥ y}. The map

X + Y 〈f,g〉→ Z factors throughX +m Y becausemf ∗(z) ≥ g∗(z) for all z ∈ T (Z).So we get the following commutative diagram:





X + Yqm



gX +m Y




If n is another fringe map satisfyingnf ∗ ≥ g∗, thenqn factors throughqm if andonly if n ≤ m in the pointwise ordering.

In this paper we are mainly interested in the case wherem = g∗f∗. The mapg∗f∗ is the smallest fringe map which satisfiesmf ∗ ≥ g∗. Thatg∗f∗f ∗ ≥ g∗ isclear, and ifn is any map satisfyingnf ∗ ≥ g∗ thenn ≥ nf ∗f∗ ≥ g∗f∗. (Of course,the largest such map is justm = 1 and thenX +m Y = X + Y .) If m = g∗f∗then we will abbreviateX+g∗f∗ Y

〈f,g〉g∗f∗−−−−→ Z toX+• Y 〈f,g〉•−→ Z. The factorization

of a mapA + B h+k−→ X + Y q•→ X +• Y throughA +• B will be denoted by

A+• B h+•k−→ X+• Y irrespective of the locales over whichA+• B andX+• Y areobtained by glueing along smallest fringe maps.

The next lemma shows that this construction is stable under pullback.

LEMMA 1.6. Let t : T → Z be any map inLoc. If the first two of the followingdiagrams are pullbacks then so is the third:















(iii )

R +• S r+•s


X +• Y〈f,g〉•



Proof. It is clear that the pullback ofX +• Y along t has an open sublocalehomeomorphic toR with closed complement homeomorphic toS. So we have

to show thatR is glued ontoS by T (R)ψ∗φ∗−→ T (S). Sinceψ∗φ∗ is the smallest

meet preserving mapn for which there is a continuous mapR +n S → T which

restricts toφ andψ on R, respectivelyS, it suffices to show thatR + S r+s−→X + Y → X +• Y factors throughR +• S. In order words we have to showthat whenevery ≤ g∗f∗(x) for x ∈ T (X) and y ∈ T (Y ) then alsos∗(y) ≤ψ∗φ∗r∗(x). Sinceg∗t∗ ≤ s∗ψ∗ (t∗ ≤ t∗ψ∗ψ∗ = g∗s∗ψ∗), y ≤ g∗f∗(x) impliesthaty ≤ g∗f∗r∗r∗(x) = g∗t∗φ∗r∗(x) ≤ s∗ψ∗φ∗r∗(x) which in turn is equivalentto s∗(y) ≤ ψ∗φ∗r∗(x). 2

More generally, one can show that, given diagrams (i) and (ii) above and any

fringe mapT (X)m→ T (Y ), the pullback of〈f, g〉m is given byR +n S 〈φ,ψ〉n−−−−→ T

wheren is the least fringe map satisfyingnφ∗ ≥ ψ∗ andnr∗ ≥ s∗m.


By applying the preceding lemma twice we can compute the kernel pair of the

mapX +• Y 〈f,g〉•−→ Z in terms of the kernel pairs off andg. The following lemmagives details under the assumption thatX ×Z Y = 0.

LEMMA 1.7. LetXf→ Z andY

g→ Z be continuous maps of locales. IfX×ZY =0, then the kernel pair of〈f, g〉m is given by:

(X ×Z X)+• (Y ×Z Y )πf

1 +•πg1⇒

πf2 +•πg2

X +• Y 〈f,g〉m−−−−→ Z,


X ×Z Xπf1


Xf→ Z and Y ×Z Y




Yg→ Z

are the kernel pairs off andg respectively. If

X ×Z Xπf



Xφ→ A and Y ×Z Y




Yψ→ B

are the coequalizers ofKerf , respectivelyKerg, then

(X ×Z X)+• (Y ×Z Y )πf1 +•πg1⇒


2 +•πg2X +• Y φ+•ψ−−−−→ A+• B

is also a coequalizer.Proof.Applying 1.6 twice we get the following pullback diagram, whereα and

β are the maps defined in(†):

X ×Z X +• Y ×Z Y πf

1 +•πg1

〈απf2 ,βπg2 〉•

X +• Y〈f,g〉•

X +• Y 〈f,g〉• Z.

Here X ×Z X is glued ontoY ×Z Y along πg2∗β∗α∗π


2∗. Since β∗α∗(x) =β∗(x, g∗f∗(x)) = g∗f∗(x), we getπg2


2∗ = πg



2∗ = πgε∗g∗f∗π


ε′∗for ε, ε′ ∈ {1,2}. So it is not really necessary to keep track of the locale over whichthe pullback is obtained by glueing along a least fringe map. Since〈απf2 , βπg2 〉• =πf

2 +• πg2 we get the first half of the lemma. As for the second half, since(πf

1 +•πg

1 )∗(X) = X ×Z X = (π


2 +• πg2 )∗(X), there exists an open sublocaleA ofthe coequalizer which gets pulled back toX. Since coequalizers are stable underpullback along open inclusions,A is necessarily the coequalizer of the kernel pair


of f ; the same argument shows that the complement ofA is the coequalizer of thekernel pair ofg. So it remains to determine the fringe mapT (A)

m→ T (B). There

exist (unique) mapsAa→ Z andB

b→ Z such thatf = aφ andg = bψ . Theunique factorization of〈f, g〉• throughX +• Y → A +m B gives a map whichnecessarily restricts toa onA and tob onB. Universality of the coequalizer nowimplies thatm = b∗a∗. 2

2. Simple Coverings

To get a first approximation of how various classes of quotient maps inLoc looklike we restrict our attention in this section to a class of “simple” surjections: sur-jections whose corresponding frame monomorphism is a singly generated frameextension. These were introduced by B. Banaschewski in [1] in order to analyzethe gap between Hausdorff and strongly Hausdorff spaces, respectively stronglyHausdorff and regular spaces. For lack of a better name (“localic surjections whichcorrespond to singly generated frame extensions” just doesn’t sound right) we callthese surjections simple coverings. Among these maps we characterize severalclasses of quotient maps, for instance, proper surjections, open surjections, reg-ular epimorphisms and stable regular epimorphisms. We also give an example of asimple covering between Hausdorff spaces which is a regular epimorphism inLoc,but not inTop. This shows that the embedding of sober TD spaces intoLoc doesnot reflect regularity of epimorphisms.

DEFINITION 2.1. A surjectionBf→ A of locales is called a simple covering

if and only if there exists an embeddingBı→ A × S (S the Sierpinski space)

such thatf = πAı; equivalently,Bf→ A is a simple covering if and only if the

corresponding inclusion of frames is a singly generated frame extension.

The reason why the restriction of a classC of quotient maps to simple coveringscan serve as a first approximation ofC, lies in the fact that many such classes satisfythe following property (modulo some assumption ong):

if f ∈ C andf factors asZf→ X = Z g→ Y

h→ X, thenh ∈ C. (∗)The simplest examples of such mapsh are given by simple coverings. Ifg is

a surjection, then (∗) holds for each of the following classes: the classProp ofproper surjections [15], the classOp of open surjections [8], the classCl of closedsurjections [2] and the classRegEof regular epimorphisms. To see that (∗) holds

for RegE let Zf→ X be a regular epimorphism andU any open sublocale of

Y equipped with descent data relative toh. Theng−1(U) is equipped with descentdata relative tof which implies that there exists an open sublocaleV ofX such that


f −1(V ) = g−1(U). Sinceg−1h−1(V ) = g−1(U) 1.3 implies thath−1(V ) = U .An example which shows that (∗) fails for RegE without any assumption ong is

given by the factorization of the regular epimorphismXf→ Q of 3.4 asX →

pl(Q)+• X 〈ı,f 〉•−→ Q, see also 3.7. For the classTriq of triquotient maps [13], theclassRet of retractions, the classWQ of weak quotient maps (see the last sectionfor the definition) and the classExtE of extremal epimorphisms (we will show lateron thatRegE is properly contained inExtE) (∗) holds without any assumption ong. For (∗) to hold for the classSRegEof stable regular epimorphisms one has toassume thatg is a stable surjection.

In order to be able to express properties of simple coverings as painlessly aspossible we will introduce some further notation. First, unless the choice of fac-torization throughA × S matters, we will assume that a fixed factorizationB →A × S πA−→ A has been chosen. Pulling back the open sublocaleA × {0} (weassume thatS = {0,1} and that{0} is the only non-trivial open subspace) alongthe chosen embeddingB → A × S decomposesB into an open sublocaleU andits closed complementF . (Of course,U andF depend on the chosen embeddingB → A × S.) We denote the images ofU andF underf by Ao andAc, theirmeetAo ∧ Ac by Am, andcl(Am) by Am̄. The sublocalesAo andAc completely

determine the simple coveringBf→ A and a factorization throughA × S. Every

element ofT (B) can be written asf ∗(a)∨ (f ∗(a′)∧ bU) for a, a′ ∈ T (A), wherewe may also assume thata ≤ a′. In Banaschewski’s notation we have thatAois the sublocale ofA generated by the congruence relation8 defined as follows:a8a′ ⇔ f ∗(a)∧ bU = f ∗(a′)∧ bU . Similarly,Ac is generated by the congruence2 defined bya2a′ ⇔ f ∗(a) ∨ bU = f ∗(a′) ∨ bU . Joins and finite meets of opensublocales are computed pointwise, i.e. for any setI , any finite setF , andai ≤ a′iwe have:∨

i∈I(f ∗(ai) ∨ (f ∗(a′i ) ∧ bU)) =

(∨i∈If ∗(ai)

)∨(∨i∈If ∗(a′i) ∧ bU


∧i∈F(f ∗(ai) ∨ (f ∗(a′i ) ∧ bU)) =

(∧i∈Ff ∗(ai)

)∨(∧i∈Ff ∗(a′i) ∧ bU


Note that choosing a generatorbU for the singly generated frame extension andchoosing a factorization throughA× S amount to the same thing.

Artin glueing yields another description of simple coverings. A mapX +•Y

〈f,g〉•−−−−→ Z is a simple covering if and only iff andg are sublocale inclusions

with join Z, and each simple covering arises in this way. In this caseXf→ Z is the

inclusion ofAo intoA andg the inclusion ofAc.

To conclude this first discussion we look at the kernel pairB×ABπ1


Bf→ A of

a simple coveringBf→ A. The localeB×AB is the union of four pairwise disjoint


locales: openU ×A U ' Ao, locally closedU ×A F ' Am andF ×A U ' Am,and closedF ×A F ' Ac. If we identify these sublocales ofB ×A B with thecorresponding sublocales ofA and if ıo, ıc, ım are the respective embeddings ofAo,Ac, Am intoA, thenπ∗1 andπ∗2 are given by:

π∗1 (f∗(a) ∨ (f ∗(a′) ∧ bU)) = (ı∗o (a′), ı∗m(a′), ı∗m(a), ı∗c (a));

π∗2 (f∗(a) ∨ (f ∗(a′) ∧ bU)) = (ı∗o (a′), ı∗m(a), ı∗m(a′), ı∗c (a)).

Similarly, if S is any sublocale ofB, then

π−11 (S) = (ı−1

o (f (S ∧ U)), ı−1m (f (S ∧ U)), ı−1

m (f (S ∧ F)), ı−1c (f (S ∧ F)));

π−12 (S) = (ı−1

o (f (S ∧ U)), ı−1m (f (S ∧ F)), ı−1

m (f (S ∧ U)), ı−1c (f (S ∧ F))).

So a sublocaleS is equipped with descent data if and only ifAm ∧ f (S ∧ U) =Am ∧ f (S ∧ F).PROPOSITION 2.2.Simple coverings are pullback stable epimorphisms. The pull-

backB ×A X g→ X of a simple coveringBf→ A along any mapX

φ→ A isagain a simple covering. For any factorization off throughA × S there exists afactorization ofg throughX × S for whichXo = g−1(Ao), Xc = g−1(Ac) andXm = g−1(Am).

Proof. This follows by considering the following diagram (and its counterpartobtained by replacing “0” by “1”, “Ao” by “Ac” and “Xo” by “Xc”) all squares ofwhich are pullbacks, and then observing that pulling back along any map preservesfinite joins and (arbitrary) meets of sublocales.

Xo X × {0}

Ao A× {0}

B ×A X X × S X

B A× S A 2One could also use the description of simple coverings as mapsAo+•Ac 〈ıo,ıc〉•−−−→

A and 1.6 to prove the preceding proposition.

Recall that a mapBf→ A is called closed if the imagef (F) of each closed

sublocaleF of B is closed, and similarly that a mapBf→ A is called open if the

imagef (U) of each open sublocaleU of B is open. The next propositions show

that a number of properties of simple covering mapsBf→ A, such as being open


or closed, can be inferred directly from the sublocalesAo,Ac andAm (irrespectiveof the chosen factorization throughA× S).

PROPOSITION 2.3.If Bf→ A is a simple covering then

(1) f is monic if and only ifAm = 0;(2) f is a closed surjection if and only ifAc is closed inA;(3) f is an open surjection if and only ifAo is open inA;(4) f is a retraction if and only if there exists a closed sublocaleH ofA such that

H ≤ Ac andA−H ≤ Ao.Proof.(1) has been shown in [1], but I think that it is easier to consider the kernel

pair of f as described above, and observe that the projections are isomorphisms(which is equivalent tof being monic) precisely if bothU×AF = 0 andF×AU =0, i.e. if and only ifAm = 0. (2) and (3) have dual proofs, so it suffices to do oneof them. ThatAo has to be an open sublocale ofA for f to be open is clearlynecessary. It is also sufficient because each open sublocale ofB is of the formf −1(V ) ∨ (f −1(W) ∧ U) for open sublocalesV andW of A, and by 1.2 we havef (f −1(V )∨(f−1(W)∧U)) = V ∨(W∧Ao)which is open ifAo is. To see that (4)holds, consider any sectionA

s→ B of f . ThenH = s−1(F ) is a closed sublocalewhich satisfiesH ≤ Ac andA−H ≤ Ao. Conversely, if there exists closedH ≤ Acsuch thatA−H ≤ Ao, then the inclusion of(f −1(H)∧ F)∨ (f −1(A−H)∧U)intoB is a section forf . 2

Recall that a mapBf→ A is proper if and only if it is compact as an internal

locale in the toposSh(A). Two equivalent conditions are thatf is stably closed,or thatf is closed andf∗ preserves directed suprema [15]. Triquotient maps are a

generalization of open and proper surjections. A mapBf→ A is called a triquotient

map if there exists a mapT (B)f#→ T (A), called at-assignment, which preserves

directed suprema and satisfies the two Frobenius identitiesf#(f∗(a) ? b) = a ?

f#(b) for ? ∈ {∨,∧}. (These conditions imply thatf# ◦ f ∗ = id [13].) For simplecoverings we have the following equivalences:

PROPOSITION 2.4.If Bf→ A is a simple covering, then

(5) f is a closed surjection if and only iff is proper;(6) f is a retraction if and only iff is a triquotient map.

Proof. (5) By (2) f is a closed surjection if and only ifAc is closed inA. If

Xg→ A is any map then the pullback off alongg is by 2.2 again a simple covering

andXc = g−1(Ac). SoXc is closed inX and hence so is the mapX ×A B → X.(6) We show that anyt-assignment is necessarily a frame homomorphism, i.e.

f# = s∗ for some mapAs→ B of locales. Then(f s)∗ = s∗f ∗ = f#f

∗ = idimplies thats is a section forf . Letf ∗(a)∨ (f ∗(a′)∧bU) ∈ T (B). The Frobenius


identities imply thatf#(f∗(a)∨ (f ∗(a′)∧bU)) = a∨f#(f

∗(a′)∧bU) = a∨ (a′ ∧f#(bU)). Sof# is completely determined byf#(bU ). Now∨

f#(f∗(ai) ∨ (f ∗(a′i ) ∧ bU)) =

∨(ai ∨ (a′i ∧ f#(bU)))




a′i)∧ f#(bU)

)= f#

(f ∗(∨


)∨(f ∗(∨

a′i)∧ bU

))= f#

(∨(f ∗(ai) ∨ (f ∗(a′i ) ∧ bU))

)for any set{f ∗(ai) ∨ (f ∗(a′i) ∧ bU ) | i ∈ I }, sof# preserves arbitrary suprema. Asimilar calculation shows thatf# preserves finite meets. 2PROPOSITION 2.5.If B

f→ A is a simple covering, then

(7) T (B) is a sublattice ofS(A) containingT (A) if and only ifAc = sup(Ao);(8) T (B) is a subframe ofS(A)op containingT (A) (as the opposite of the lattice

of all closed sublocales ofA) if and only ifAo = sup(Ac);andf ∗ is the respective embedding ofT (A) into T (B).

Proof. (7) LetL be the sublattice ofS(A) generated by all open sublocales ofA and an arbitrary sublocaleS. All elements ofL can be written in the formU ∨(V ∧S)with U andV open sublocales ofA andU ≤ V . The latticeL has arbitraryjoins and they are computed as inS(A). (Writing elements ofL in the form givenabove, and using the fact that any sublocale distributes over arbitrary joins of opensublocales, it is easy to check that

∨(Ui ∨ (Vi ∧ S)) = (∨Ui) ∨ ((∨Vi) ∧ S).)

Distributivity of meets over arbitrary joins is also straightforward. HenceL is asingly generated frame extension ofT (A) which is generated byS. NowAc is thesublocale generated by the congruenceU2V ⇔ U ∨ S = V ∨ S, equivalently,by 1.1(4), ifU ∧ (A\S) = V ∧ (A\S), henceAc = A\S. Conversely, for any

simple coveringBf→ A which satisfiesAc = X\Ao (for some factorization off

throughA × S), a straightforward computation shows thatT (B) is isomorphic tothe sublatticeL of S(A) generated byAo andT (A). The proof of (8) is a similar;it is also given in [1, Prop. 2.4]. 2

To characterize those simple coverings which are regular epimorphisms is a bitmore difficult than the corresponding tasks for proper or open surjections, but seealso 4.5.

LEMMA 2.6. A simple coveringBf→ A is a regular epimorphism if and only if

it satisfies the following condition:

(RE) ∀H ∈ S(A): H is closed⇒ Ho −Hm̄ is open inH.


Proof. Let Bf→ A be a regular epimorphism andH a closed sublocale ofA.

We want to show thatHo − Hm̄ is open inH . Since regular epimorphisms arestable under pullback along closed inclusions we may assume thatH = A. Nowf −1(Ao −Am̄) is open and has equal pullbacks along both projections because

Am ∧ f (U ∧ f −1(Ao −Am̄)) ≤ Am ∧ f (U) ∧ f (f −1(Ao −Am̄))≤ Am ∧ Ao ∧ (Ao −Am̄) = 0,


Am ∧ f (F ∧ f −1(Ao −Am̄)) ≤ Am ∧ f (F) ∧ f (f −1(Ao −Am̄))≤ Am ∧ Ac ∧ (Ao −Am̄) = 0.

So there exists an open sublocaleV of A such thatf −1(V ) = f −1(Ao − Am̄).BecauseAo − Am̄ is complemented (its complement isAc ∨ Am̄) 1.3 implies thatV = Ao −Am̄, and hence thatAo −Am̄ is open.

Conversely, assume thatf is a simple covering satisfying (RE), and letf −1(V )∨(f −1(W) ∧ U) be an open sublocale ofB (V andW open inA) whose pullbacksalongπ1 andπ2 are equal. This means that

Am ∧ f ((f −1(V ) ∨ (f −1(W) ∧ U)) ∧ U)= Am ∧ f (f −1(W) ∧ U)= Am ∧W ∧ f (U) = Am ∧W


Am ∧ f ((f −1(V ) ∨ (f −1(W) ∧ U)) ∧ F)= Am ∧ f (f −1(V ) ∧ F)= Am ∧ V ∧ f (F) = Am ∧ V

are equal. ForH = A−V (RE) implies thatHo−Hm̄ is open inH , and hence thatbothV ∨ (Ho −Hm̄) andV ∨ (W ∧ (Ho −Hm̄)) are open inA. We will show thatf −1(V ∨(W∧(Ho−Hm̄))) = f −1(V )∨(f −1(W)∧U). To show that LHS≤ RHSit suffices to show thatf −1(W) ∧ f −1(Ho − Hm̄) ≤ f −1(W) ∧ U which followsbecausef −1(Ho−Hm̄)∧f−1(Ac) = f −1((Ho∧Ac)−Hm̄) = f −1(Hm−Hm̄) = 0and hencef −1(Ho −Hm̄) ≤ U .

As for the reverse inequality, we haveV ∨(W ∧(Ho−Hm̄)) = V ∨(W ∧Ho) =V ∨ (W ∧ Ao). The first equality holds becauseAm ∧W = Am ∧ V implies thatHm ∧W = Hm ∧ V = 0, and hence thatHm̄ ∧W = 0; for the second it suffices toobserve thatHo∨V ≥ Ao. Sof −1(V ∨(W∧(Ho−Hm̄))) = f −1(V ∨(W∧Ao)) =f −1(V ) ∨ (f −1(W) ∧ f −1(Ao)) ≥ f −1(V ) ∨ (f −1(W) ∧ U). 2COROLLARY 2.7. A simple coveringB

f→ A is a regular epimorphism stableunder pullback along inclusions(semi-stable regular epimorphism for short) if andonly if the following condition is satisfied:

(SSRE) ∀S ∈ S(A): So − Sm̄ is open inS.


Proof. This follows directly from the preceding lemma and the description ofpullbacks of simple coverings. 2PROPOSITION 2.8.A simple coveringB

f→ A is a stable regular epimorphismif and only if it is a retraction.

Proof.By (4) it suffices to show thatA− int (Ao) ≤ Ac. Pulling back along theclosed sublocaleA − intA(Ao) if necessary, we may assume thatintA(Ao) = 0.Let X = ∐{S ≤ Ac | S ∧ Ao = 0} and letY be any locally closed sublocaleof A disjoint fromAc. LetX

α→ A be the map induced by the various inclusions

S → A andYβ→ A be the inclusion ofY . Observe thatα andβ factor uniquely

throughB, say byγ andδ, becauseβ and each of the inclusionsS → A used to

constructα have images disjoint fromAm. Consider the mapX +• Y 〈α,β〉•−−−−→ A.The following diagram is a pullback because(X +• Y )o = (〈α, β〉•)−1(Ao) = Y(or by 1.6).

X + Y g


X +• Y〈α,β〉•



Sincef is a pullback stable regular epimorphism the splittingX + Y g→ X +• Yhas to be an isomorphism, henceX is a clopen sublocale ofX +• Y . At the sametimeX is dense inX +• Y becauseβ∗α∗(0) = 0, which follows from the fact that∨{S ≤ Ac | S ∧ Ao = 0} = sup(Ao), as the supplement of a sublocale withempty interior, is dense inA. HenceY = 0. BecauseAc = ∧{A − Y | Y ∧ Ac =0 andY locally closed inA} this implies thatAc = A. 2

The preceding results seem to imply that simple coverings are not useful as faras distinguishing different classes of surjections is concerned: stable regular epi-morphisms are just retractions, closed maps are proper, etc.. . . . But the followingexample shows that they are, nevertheless, useful in this respect. It shows that theembedding of the category of sober TD spaces as spatial locales intoLoc does notreflect regular epimorphisms. (For arbitrary sober spaces not even epimorphismsare reflected.)

Pultr and Tozzi show in [14, 5.2] that the restriction of this embedding to metriz-able spaces reflects regular epimorphisms. More precisely, they first introduce theproperty (AP) of approximation of points. A spaceX is said to satisfy (AP) if forall subspacesM of X and all pointsx ∈ M\intX(M) there existsC ⊆ X suchthatC ∩M = ∅ andclX(C) ∩M = {x}. Then they show that for any continuous

mapYf→ X of spaces for which the codomain is a TD space which satisfies

(AP) the following are equivalent: (i)f is a quotient map inTop, and (ii) f ∗ isthe inclusion of an equationally closed subframe (see Section 4 for the definition).


This implies that the inclusion above restricted to TD spaces which satisfy (AP)does reflect regular epimorphisms. They also show that maps of the same type asthe map constructed in the proposition below satisfy (ii) but not (i) [14, 4.4].

PROPOSITION 2.9.There exists a continuous surjectionY → X of Hausdorffspaces which is not a quotient map, but which is a semi-stable regular epimorphismand a stable epimorphism inLoc.

Proof. Recall that a Bernstein setB is a subspace of a completely metrizableseparable spaceX which meets every Cantor set inX but contains none. IfB is aBernstein set then so isX\B. Choose any complemented pair(B1, B2) of Bernsteinsets in the unit intervalI equipped with the usual topology. LetX be the space withthe same underlying set asI, but whose topology is generated by the topology ofIand all setsX\A, whereA is a scattered (hence countable) subspace ofB1. (Recallthat a space is scattered if each nonempty (closed) subspace contains an isolatedpoint, and that scattered spaces are necessarily sober.) So all open sets inX are ofthe formU − A whereU is open inI andA is a scattered subspace ofB1. NotethatX is Hausdorff (Hausdorffness is preserved under refinement of the topology)but not regular: ifx ∈ B2 and{xn}n∈N = F ⊆ B1 is a sequence which converges(in I) to x thenF is closed inX but any pair of open neighborhoods (inX) of {x}andF meets in a set of cardinalityc because any such pair of open neighborhoodsin I does and open neighborhoods inX are open inImodulo a countable set. Notealso thatX does not satisfy (AP) because forM = B2, int (M) = ∅ and any closedsubspace ofX is either disjoint fromM or meetsM in a set of cardinalityc.

Any subsetS ⊆ [0,1] is scattered as a subspace ofX if and only if it is scatteredas a subspace ofI. Assume that there were a set which is scattered considered assubspaceS of X but not when considered as a subspaceS ′ of I. Restricting toits dense-in-itself part inI we may assume thatS′ is dense in itself. ForS to bescattered there has to exist an open subspaceU − A (U andA as above) ofXwhich meetsS in a single pointx. SinceA is scattered inI, so isA∪{x} and henceU ∧S′ is a nonempty, open and scattered subspace ofS′, contradicting the fact thatS′ was dense in itself.

The natural mapX → I induces an isomorphismpl(X)→ pl(I) between therespective pointless parts. This follows becauseX is the spatial part of the pullbackX′ → I of all mapsIA → I, whereA is a scattered subspace ofB1 and whereIAis the simple covering given byIc = A andIo = I − A. BothB1 andpl(I) areconstant under pullback along any of these mapsIA→ I. Since pullbacks preservelimits, we get that bothB1 andpl(I) are constant under pullback along the mapX′ → I. Since the pointless parts are the intersection of all point complementsand pullbacks preserve intersections we also have that the pullback ofpl(I) is justpl(X′). Hencepl(X′) = pl(I), but sincepl(X′) ≤ B1 ≤ X we also getX = X′.

Now letYf→ X be the simple covering determined by the spacesXo = B2 and

Xc = B1. ThenXm = pl(X). As a map of topological spacesf is not quotientbecausef −1(B2) is open butB2 is not. Sincef is a simple covering it is a stable


epimorphism. To show thatf is a semi-stable regular epimorphism inLoc we use2.7. So letS be any sublocale ofX. ThenSm = S ∧ pl(X) = pl(S). HenceSo − Sm̄ = So − clS(pl(S)) = So ∧ (S − clS(pl(S))) is a scattered subspace ofS.SinceSc andSo have no points in common and sinceS − clS(pl(S)) is scattered,(Sc−clS(pl(S)))∧(So−clS(pl(S))) = 0 andS−clS(pl(S)) = (Sc−clS(pl(S)))∨(So−clS(pl(S))). BecauseSc−clS(pl(S)) is a scattered subspace ofB1 it is closedin X, hence also inS, and thereforeSo− clS(pl(S)) is open inS− clS(pl(S)), andhence inS. So (SSRE) is satisfied by all sublocales ofX. 2

Note that 2.8 implies that the simple covering constructed in 2.9 is not a stableregular epimorphism.

3. Closed Surjections

In this section we consider closed surjections of locales. InTop closed surjectionsare quotient maps, hence regular epimorphisms. So the question of whether closedsurjections are also regular epimorphisms inLoc is a natural one. In this sectionwe show that this is true at least for all closed surjections with subfit domain.However, we also give an example of a closed surjection which is the composite oftwo regular epimorphisms, but not itself a regular epimorphism.

Before proving the fact that binary products of closed surjections with subfitdomain in Loc/X have again global support, a fact which is needed to provethat closed surjections with subfit domain are regular epimorphisms, we give anexample which shows that this is not true for arbitrary surjections.

EXAMPLE 3.1. Two surjectionsYf→ X andZ

g→ X of spatial (respectively,metrizable) locales for whichY ×X Z = 0 (butX 6= 0).

LetX be the partially ordered set of finite sequences of natural numbers orderedby

(i1, . . . , in) ≤ (j1, . . . , jm)⇔ n ≥ m andik = jk for k = 1, . . . ,m.

EquipX with the weak topology in this order, i.e. the topology generated by allsetsX\↓ ((i1, . . . , in)). Every closed subspace ofX is the intersection of familiesconsisting of finite unions of principal downward closed sets; irreducible closedsets are necessarily the intersection of singleton families, and nonempty irreducibleclosed sets are therefore principal downward closed sets in the partial order. SoX issober. The spacesY andZ are discrete and consist of all finite sequences of naturalnumbers of even, respectively odd, length.f andg are the obvious set inclusions.Continuity is clear, as is the fact thatf andg have empty product.f andg aresurjections inLoc becauseZ contains no nonzero complemented sublocale disjointfrom the set theoretic image of eitherf or g. (Any complemented sublocale ofZcontains with every set{(i1, . . . , in, k) | k ∈ N} also the point(i1, . . . , in).)


One can build a similar example replacing the points ofX by Boolean sublo-cales of the rationals. Each sequence(i1, . . . , in) will be replaced by a BooleansublocaleD(Fi1,...,in ) where{Fi1,...,in,k | k ∈ N} is a sequence of closed nowheredense sublocales ofFi1,...,in (F = Q) whose union is dense inFi1,...,in . The localeZ is the union inQ of all D(Fi1,...,in ), while X andY are the coproducts of allD(Fi1,...,in ) for which the indexing sequence is of even, respectively odd, length.The remainder of the construction works as before.

Recall that a locale is said to be subfit [4] if each open sublocale is the join ofclosed sublocales.

LEMMA 3.2. If Yf→ X andZ

g→ X are closed surjections with subfit domains,then the induced mapY ×X Z→ X is again a surjection.

Proof.First note that it is actually sufficient to prove thatY ×X Z = 0 impliesX = 0 because (i) closed surjections are stable under pullback along comple-mented sublocales (1.4), (ii) subfitness is inherited by complemented sublocales,and (iii) the image ofY ×X Z in X is the intersection of those complementedsublocalesC ofX for which the restrictions off andg toX−C have zero pullback.

The topology of the pullbackY ×X Z can be presented as follows:

T (Y )⊗T (X) T (Z) = (T (Y )× T (Z) | Cov),where

Cov(y, z)

= {{(yi, z) | i ∈ I } |∨ yi = y} ∪ {{(y, zi) | i ∈ I } |∨ zi = z

}∪ {{((y ∧ f ∗(x)), z)} | g∗(x) ≥ z} ∪ {{(y, (g∗(x) ∧ z))} | f ∗(x) ≥ y}.

It is straightforward to check that these covers are stable. Now letS be the sieveconsisting of those pairs(y, z) which satisfy the following condition:

∀ closed sublocalesF ≤ Y,G ≤ Z : F ≤ Uy andG ≤ Uz ⇒ f (F) ∧ g(G) = 0.

I claim that the sieveS is closed. To show that it is closed under the coveringrelations of the first type let{(yi, z) | i ∈ I } ⊆ S be arbitrary, and letF ≤ U∨yi

andG ≤ Uz be a closed sublocales ofY , respectivelyZ. If Uyi =∨Fi,j where

eachFi,j is closed, then

f (F) ∧ g(G) = f

(F ∧



)∧ g(G) = f


F ∧ Fi,j)∧ g(G)


f (F ∧ Fi,j ) ∧ g(G) ≤(∨


f (Fi,j )

)∧ g(G)


(f (Fi,j ) ∧ g(G)) = 0,


because eachFi,j ≤ Uyi andG ≤ Uz. Closure ofS under covers of the second typefollows by symmetry. For covers of the third (and by symmetry of the fourth) typelet ((y ∧ f ∗(x)), z) ∈ S and assume thatg∗(x) ≥ z. LetF ≤ Uy andG ≤ Uz bearbitrary closed sublocales. We want to show thatf (F)∧ g(G) = 0. BecauseX issubfit (subfitness is preserved under closed surjections), there exists a set{Hi | i ∈I } of closed sublocales ofX such thatUx = ∨i∈I Hi. Now f (F) ∧Hi ∧ g(G) =f (F ∧ f −1(Hi)) ∧ g(G) = 0, becauseF ∧ f −1(Hi) ≤ Uy∧f ∗(x) for all i ∈ I .Sinceg∗(x) ≥ z means thatg−1(Ux) ≥ Uz and henceUx ≥ g(Uz) ≥ g(G), wefinally havef (F) ∧ g(G) = f (F) ∧ g(G) ∧ Ux = f (F) ∧ g(G) ∧∨ı∈I Hi =∨i∈I (f (F ) ∧Hi ∧ f (G)) = 0.Now S is maximal if and only if(1,1) ∈ S, i.e. if f (Y )∧ f (Z) = 0. But since

f andg are surjective, the latter statement is true (if and) only ifX = 0. Thereforewe conclude thatY ×X Z = 0 if and only ifX = 0. 2

THEOREM 3.3. Closed surjectionsXf→ Y with subfit domainX are regular

epimorphisms.Proof. We want to show thatf is the coequalizer of its kernel pair (π1, π2).

So letF be any closed sublocale ofX such thatπ−11 (F ) ' π−1

2 (F ). Restrictingf to a mapf −1f (F) → f (F) if necessary (subfitness is inherited by closedsubspaces), we may assume thatf (F) = Y . We want to show thatF is necessarilyequal toX. This will follow if we can show thatF ∧ G = 0 impliesG = 0 forany closed sublocaleG of X, because then subfitness ofX implies thatX − F =∨{G closed inX | F ∧G = 0} = 0. So letG be any closed sublocale ofX disjointfromF . We restrict the domain off toF∨G. The resulting mapg = f �F∨G is stilla closed surjection ontoY , and the domain ofg is the disjoint union ofF andG.Furthermore, bothF andG have isomorphic pullbacks alongπ1 andπ2 (the kernelpair ofg) becauseF ×Y G ≤ F ×Y (X−F) = 0. Finally, we restrict the codomain

to Y ′ = g(G) to arrive at a closed surjectiong−1g(G) = X′ h=g�g−1g(G)−−−−−−−−→ Y ′. Then

bothF ′ = F ∧ X′ andG are mapped byh ontoY ′ and becauseF ′ ×Y ′ G = 0bothF ′ andG are equalized by the pair(π−1

1 , π−12 ) (this time the kernel pair ofh).

But since the restrictions ofh toF ′ andG are also closed surjections the precedinglemma implies thatF ′ ×Y ′ G maps ontoY ′, hence we conclude thatY ′ = 0 andtherefore alsoG = 0. 2

Next we show that the restriction to closed surjections with subfit domain is notsuperfluous. To do so we first construct a closed surjection from a scattered spaceto the rationals. Using this map we then construct a closed surjection of localeswhich is not a regular epimorphism by Artin glueing. The first construction is aslightly simplified version (sufficient for our needs here) of a construction of E. vanDouwen [3]. Using the axiom[b = c] (a weak version of the continuum hypothesis)he constructs for an arbitrary first countable regular spaceY of cardinality at most


c, a closed surjection with countably compact fibers from a scattered regular spaceX ontoY . Since we do not require regularity ofX we can stay within ZFC.

PROPOSITION 3.4.There exists a closed surjectionXf→ Q from a scattered

space onto the rationals. Furthermore, for any pointless sublocaleS ∈ S(Q) wehaveX ×Q S = 0.

Proof.If we are given any surjection from a scattered spaceX onto the rationals,thenX ×Q S = 0 for any pointless sublocaleS of Q becauseX ×Q S has to bepointless and every nonzero sublocale of a scattered space contains a point. As

the underlying set forX we take the productQ × c, and the mapXf→ Y will

simply be the projectionπ = πQ ontoQ. The topologyTc onQ× c will be definedby recursion onα ∈ c + 1. Let φ be any surjectionc\{0} → A with fibers ofcardinality c, whereA is the set of all countable subsetsA = {an | n ∈ N} ⊆Q× c with the property that the sequence{π(an)} = {qn} converges, and its limitq /∈ π(A). Replacing allAη = φ(η) for whichAη 6⊆ Q× η by {(1/n,0) | n ∈ N}we may assume thatφ(η) ⊆ Q × η for all η. For limit ordinalsλ, the topologyTλ = 〈⋃α<λ Tα〉. At successor ordinalsα + 1 we constructTα+1 as the topologygenerated by the baseTα ∪ {{q, α} | q 6= qα = lim(qα,n)} ∪ N ((qα, α)) wherethe neighborhood baseN ((qα, α)) of the point (qα, α) consists of setsUα,n ={(qα, α)}∪⋃k≥n Vα,k whereVα,k is some open neighborhood ofaα,k in Q×α suchthatπ(Vα,k) has diameter less than 1/k. The resulting space is scattered since foreachα < c at most one point inQ × {α} is not isolated andQ × η is open inQ× (η+ 1) for all η. The mapf is continuous because limn→∞(π(Uα,n)) = 0 forall α; f is closed because ifF ⊆ X is a closed subspace and{qn} is a sequence inf (F) converging toq /∈ {qn | n ∈ N}, then there exists a sequenceAη in F lyingover{qn} and hence(qη, η) ∈ F and thereforeq = qη ∈ f (F). 2

Note that there is no such map from a completely metrizable spaceX to therationals because completeness is preserved under images of closed surjectionsof metrizable spaces. (If there were such a map then the second sentence of 3.4above would automatically hold because the pullbackX ×Q pl(Q) would then bea pointlessOδ sublocale ofX and hence empty. This argument would also apply abit more generally to strongly Baire spaces. Bit I suspect that strong Baireness isalso preserved under images of closed surjections of metrizable spaces.)

LEMMA 3.5. If Yg→ Z is a closed surjection, then so isX +• Y 〈f,g〉•−−−→ Z for

any mapXf→ Z.

Proof. A sublocaleT is closed inX +• Y if and only if T ∧ X andT ∧ Y areclosed inX, respectivelyY , and if furthermoreg−1(clZ(f (T ∧ X))) ≤ T ∧ Y .So in order to show that〈f, g〉• is a closed surjection it suffices to observe that〈f, g〉•(T ) = g(β−1(T )) for any closed sublocaleT of X +• Y . 2


COROLLARY 3.6. There exists a closed surjection inLoc which is not a regularepimorphism.

Proof.The mappl(Q)+•X 〈ı,f 〉•−−−→ Qwheref is the map constructed in 3.4 is aclosed surjection by 3.5, but it is not a regular epimorphism because 1.7 implies that

the coequalizer of the kernel pair of〈ı, f 〉• ispl(Q)+•X idpl(Q)+•f−−−−→ pl(Q)+•Q.2COROLLARY 3.7. The composite of two regular epimorphisms inLoc is notnecessarily a regular epimorphism.

Proof.The closed surjectionpl(Q)+•X 〈ı,f 〉•−−−→ Q from the preceding corollary

is not a regular epic, but factors as the regular epimorphismpl(Q)+• Q idpl(Q)+•f−−−−→pl(Q)+•Q followed by the simple coveringpl(Q)+•Q 〈ı,id〉•−−−→ Q which is properby (2) and (5) of Section 2. 2COROLLARY 3.8. The inclusionRegE⊆ ExtE is proper.

Proof.Recall that an epimorphismXf→ Y is said to be (i) an extremal epimor-

phism if, wheneverh is a monomorphism in a factorizationXg→ Z

h→ Y of f ,thenh is necessarily an isomorphism, and (ii) a strong epimorphism if for everycommutative square








in whichm is monic there exists a diagonal fill-inh (necessarily unique) makingboth triangles commute. Strong epimorphisms are closed under composition andhence so are extremal epimorphisms inLoc (because in any category with pull-backs these notions coincide). So the closed surjection in 3.6 is extremal, but notregular. 2

The next question which should be answered about closed surjections is thequestion of whether all closed surjections are extremal epimorphisms. I believethis to be true, but have no proof.

4. Weak Quotient Maps, Extremal and Regular Epimorphisms

As already indicated in the introduction, the problem of characterizing regular epi-morphisms inLoc consists of two almost orthogonal parts. The more difficult part,it seems, is the problem of finding properties which ensure that open sublocalesequipped with descent data descend (step (ii) and (iv) of the proof given in theintroduction). We will not pursue this question here.


The more accessible part of this problem is to determine properties which en-sure that the setSU of all sublocales ofAwhich pull back to a given open sublocaleU of B (equipped with descent data) contains an open sublocale provided thatSUis nonempty. This corresponds to step (v) of the proof given in the introductiontaking into account that step (iii) no longer works.

In this section we compare four properties of localic surjections which are po-tential answers to the second half of this problem. The first notion we consider isa direct translation of the definition of quotient maps inTop. This notion turns outto be too restrictive: there exist regular epimorphisms inLoc which do not satisfyit. The next two notions we consider avoid the problems caused by the lack ofuniqueness ofS above by restricting their attention to complemented sublocales ofA. But the corresponding classes (which turn out to be identical, see 4.4), the classof weak quotient maps [9] and the class of localic surjections whose correspondingframe monomorphisms are equationally closed frame inclusions [14], contain allclosed surjections and hence non-regular epimorphisms. The last notion, which Ithink provides the correct answer to this problem, is a modification of the firstnotion which uses the fact that ifSU contains an open sublocaleV , thenV isnecessarily the smallest sublocale inSU .

We start by considering the straightforward translation of the definition of topo-

logical quotient maps intoLoc. We say that a surjectionBf→ A of locales satisfies

(QO) if and only if the following holds:

(QO) ∀S ∈ S(A): f −1(S) is open⇒ S is open.

The next two examples show that (QO) is not satisfied by all regular epimor-phisms inLoc, and also that (QO) is not enough to imply that a given map is aregular epimorphism.

EXAMPLE 4.1. A surjectionYf→ Q of locales which is not a regular epimor-

phism, but which satisfies (QO).

Let Xf→ Q be the map constructed in 3.4. The mapX +• pl(Q) h=〈f,ι〉•−−−−→ Q

satisfies (QO) but is not a regular epimorphism.h is not regular becauseπ∗1 (X) =π∗2(X) (X ×Q pl(Q) = 0 see 3.4), but sinceh(X) = f (X) = Q, X is not theinverse image of any open sublocale ofQ.

To show thath satisfies (QO) letS ∈ S(Q) be any sublocale for whichh−1(S) isopen. Sincef −1(S) is open inX, it suffices to show thatS is a spatial sublocale ofQ because then we can use the fact thatf is a quotient map of topological spacesto conclude thatS is open inQ. Sinceh−1(S) is open inX +• pl(Q), f −1(S) isopen inX andı−1(Q − f (X − f −1(S))) ≥ ı−1(S) ' pl(S), hence in particularQ − f (X − f −1(S)) ≥ pl(S). SinceQ − f (X − f −1(S)) is an open sublocaleof Q it is spatial. If we can show thatS ≥ Q− f (X − f −1(S)) then we are donebecause this impliesS ≥ pt(S) ≥ Q − f (X − f −1(S)) ≥ pl(S) and hence thatS is spatial because any locale is the join of its largest pointless sublocale and its


points (provided, of course, that the largest pointless sublocale exists). But thisfollows from the fact thatS ∨ f (X − f −1(S)) ≥ f (f −1(S)) ∨ f (X − f −1(S)) =f (f −1(S) ∨ (X − f −1(S))) = f (X) = Q.

EXAMPLE 4.2. A surjectionXf→ Q of spatial metrizable locales which is a

regular epimorphism, but which does not satisfy (QO).Take any quotient map (inTop) from a completely metrizable spaceX onto the

rationalsQ. A simple example of such a map is the mapX = ∐q∈QQq

f→ Q

induced by the natural mapsQqfq→ Q whereQq (q ∈ Q) has the same underlying

set asQ, but all points exceptq are isolated andq has the same neighborhoods inQandQq . Since the embedding of the categorySobof sober spaces intoLoc as spa-

tial locales has a right adjoint, it preserves all regular epimorphisms, soXf→ Q is

a regular epimorphism inLoc. All pointless sublocales ofQ pullback to the emptysublocale ofX because (i)pl(Q), the largest pointless sublocale ofQ is anOδ inQ(a countable intersection of open sublocales), (ii) pulling back alongf preservesall meets and (iii)Oδ ’s in complete spaces are spatial [6], hence pointlessOδ ’sare empty. (In fact, for the example above this argument can be simplified because∐q∈Q is scattered and scattered spaces have no nonzero pointless sublocales.) So

if S is any nonzero pointless sublocale ofQ, thenf −1(S) = 0 is open inX, butSis not open inQ, which means thatf does not satisfy (QO).

The reason why (QO) is not satisfied by all regular epimorphisms is that reg-ular epimorphisms are not necessarily semi-stably epic. In the example above allpointless sublocales ofQ are contained inS0. For (QO) to be satisfied all thosesublocales would have to be open inQ. But for f to be a regular epimorphismit is only necessary that among all those sublocales there is one sublocale, in thiscase 0, which is open.

If we replace “open” by “closed” in (QO) then we get a further non-equivalentcondition, call it (QC). These conditions are not equivalent because, unlike sub-spaces, sublocales do not always have complements. (QO) and (QC) are indepen-dent conditions:h in 4.1 satisfies (QO) but not (QC), while the closed surjection in3.6 satisfies (QC) but not (QO).

The next two notions are weakenings of (QO) for which the “open” and the“closed” version are equivalent. These two notions avoid dealing with the fact thatthe setsSU may contain more than one element by restricting (QO) to classes ofsublocales on which pulling back along any surjection induces an injective map.

DEFINITION 4.3. LetBf→ A be a surjection of locales. We say thatf satisfies

condition (WQ), respectively (EQC), if

f −1(S) is open inB ⇒ S is open inA

for all complemented sublocalesS of A, respectively for all sublocalesS = U ∨(V −W) whereU , V andW are open sublocales ofA.


Surjections which satisfy (WQ) were introduced by Li in [9] as weak quotientmaps. She introduced this notion in order to give a sufficient condition which guar-antees that local connectedness descends. Every extremal (and hence every regular)

epimorphismBf→ A in Loc satisfies (WQ) because ifC is a complemented

sublocale andf −1(C) is open inB, thenf can be factored asBg→ AC

h→ A

whereACh→ A is the simple covering given byAo = C andAc = A−C. So iff

is extremal, thenh is necessarily an isomorphism which in turn means thatC hasto be open.

Surjections which satisfy (EQC) were introduced in a different guise by Pultrand Tozzi in [14]. First of all, they were working in the category of frames. Forthese they defined the notion of equationally closed subframe. A subframeM of aframeN is said to be equationally closed inN if

∀m ∈M,n ∈ N : m ∨ n ∈M andm ∧ n ∈ M impliesn ∈ M.

A localic surjection satisfies (EQC) if the corresponding frame monomorphismis the inclusion of an equationally closed subframe [14]. Just as for distributivelattices one can show that a frame is epimorphically embedded in its equationalclosure in any superframe. So localic surjections which satisfy (EQC) are a weakversion of extremal epimorphisms inLoc. They satisfy the condition characterizingextremal epimorphisms where the monomorphisms occurring as the second half of

a factorizationBg→ C

h→ Z are restricted to those monomorphisms for whichh∗has “equationally dense” image inT (Z).

It is clear that each surjection which satisfies (WQ) also satisfies (EQC) becauseany sublocale of the formU ∨ (V −W) (U , V andW open) is complemented. Butin fact both notions are equivalent.

LEMMA 4.4. A surjectionBf→ A in Loc satisfies(EQC) if and only if satisfies

(WQ).Proof. That (WQ) is stronger than (EQC) is clear. For the converse assume

thatBf→ A satisfies (EQC) and thatC is a complemented sublocale ofA for

whichf −1(C) is open. We want to show thatC is already open. LetU = int (C),H = cl(C −U) andP = intH (C −U). Then (i)P is dense inH ; (ii) P is locallyclosed inA; (iii) U ∨P is open inC. The last two statements are clear, and the firstone follows from the fact that every dense and complemented sublocale has denseinterior (the complementD of C −U in H is disjoint fromD(H), and hence so isclH (D)). Nowf −1(U ∨ P) is open inf −1(C), hence open inB. Applying (EQC)yields thatU ∨ P ⊆ C is open inA. BecauseU is the interior ofC we concludefirst thatU = U ∨ P , and then thatP = 0 becauseU andP are disjoint. SincePis dense inH it follows that alsoH = 0, and hence thatC − U = 0. So we canconclude thatC = U is open, i.e.f satisfies (WQ). 2


Originally, Li had posed the question of whether weak quotient maps are neces-sarily regular epimorphisms [9]. Since closed surjections are weak quotient maps,3.6 answers Li’s question in the negative. But this answer doesn’t give quite asmuch insight into surjections inLoc as one might have hoped for. The slightlymodified question of whether weak quotient maps are necessarily extremal epimor-phisms remains open. This question is perhaps the most fundamental unansweredquestion about quotient maps of locales; a positive answer would lend quite a bitof support to the suggestion that extremal epimorphisms are the “correct” notion ofquotient maps inLoc, while a negative answer would leave the question of whichclass of surjections inLoc should be taken as quotient maps wide open.

For simple coverings this question has a simple answer. The next proposi-tion shows that for simple coverings the notions of weak quotient map, extremalepimorphism and regular epimorphism all coincide.

PROPOSITION 4.5.A simple coveringBf→ A is a regular epimorphism if and

only if it satisfies(WQ).Proof.Since extremal epimorphisms always satisfy (WQ) it suffices to show that

(WQ) implies (RE). IfH is any closed sublocale ofA, then(A−H)∨ (Ho−Hm̄)is a complemented sublocale ofA with complementHc ∨Hm̄. Since

f −1((A−H)∨ (Ho −Hm̄))= (B − f −1(H))∨ (f −1(Ho)− f −1(Hm̄))

= (B − f −1(H))∨ ((f −1(H)− f −1(Hm̄)) ∧U)= (B − f −1(H))∨ ((B − f −1(Hm̄)) ∧ U)

is open inB, (WQ) implies that(A−H)∨ (Ho−Hm̄) is open inA, and hence thatHo −Hm̄ is open inH . 2

Finally, we introduce one last notion, (RE1) below, which weakens (QO) justenough to be able to deal with the fact that open sublocales equipped with descentdata do not necessarily descend to a unique sublocale along regular epimorphisms.

DEFINITION 4.6. LetBf→ A be a surjection of locales. We say thatf satisfies

condition (RE1) if

∀S ∈ S(A): f −1(S) is open⇒ f −1(S) = f −1(intA(S)).

We have(QO) ⇒ (RE1) ⇒ (WQ), and neither of these two implicationsis reversible. (RE1) is strictly stronger than (WQ). It is stronger because ifC

is any complemented sublocale ofA for which C and int (C) have isomorphicpullbacks along some surjection thenC = int (C) (1.3), and henceC is open. Itis strictly stronger because it is not satisfied by the closed surjection constructedin 3.6 (f −1(pl(Q)) is open and nonzero, butf −1(int (pl(Q))) = f −1(0) = 0).That (RE1) is strictly weaker than (QO) follows because it is satisfied by the map


Xf→ Q in 4.2. If the mapf is a semi-stable epimorphism, for instance iff is a

simple covering, then (RE1) is equivalent to (QO). This follows because the mapf −1: S(A)→ S(B) is injective for semi-stable epimorphismsf .

The other condition we need in order to characterize regular epimorphisms isthe following:

DEFINITION 4.7. LetBf→ A be a surjection of locales and letπ1, π2 be the

kernel pair off . We say thatf satisfies condition (RE2) if it satisfies one (henceall) of the following three equivalent conditions:

(1) open sublocalesU of B equipped with descent data relative tof descend;(2) for all open sublocalesU of B : π−1

1 (U) = π−12 (U)⇒ ∃S ∈ S(A) : f −1(S)

= U ;(3) for all open sublocalesU of B : U ×A (B − U) = 0⇒ ∃S ∈ S(A) : f −1(S)

= U .

That (2) and (3) are equivalent is straightforward. (1) and (2) are equivalentbecause descent data relative tof for any sublocaleS of B just amount to therequirement thatπ−1

1 (S) = π−12 (S), because the unit and the cocycle condition

(see [10] for the definitions) automatically hold for monic structure maps. Thereason why I keep mentioning descent theory (or at least use its terminology), isthat I believe that an internal characterization of those maps which satisfy (RE2)should provide a first step towards characterizing effective descent morphisms inLoc, a problem which looks rather intractable at the moment.

Now we can give a provisional characterization of regular epimorphisms inLoc (provisional, because of the missing internal characterization of surjectionssatisfying (RE2)).

PROPOSITION 4.8.A surjectionBf→ A in Loc is a regular epimorphism if and

only if it satisfies(RE1)and(RE2).Proof. If f is a regular epimorphism then it clearly satisfies (RE2). To show

that f satisfies (RE1) letS be any sublocale ofA for which f −1(S) is openin B. Sincef is a regular epimorphism there exists an open sublocaleV of Asuch thatf −1(V ) = f −1(S) becauseπ−1

1 (f −1(S)) = π−12 (f −1(S)). Now S =∧{C ≥ S | C complemented inA}, and for any suchC we have thatf −1(C) ≥

f −1(S) = f −1(V ). This implies thatC ≥ V because the restriction of the mapf −1: S(A) → S(B) to complemented sublocales is injective and reflects theordering. ThereforeS ≥ V , and henceS ≥ intA(S) ≥ V . Becausef −1(S) ≥f −1(intA(S)) ≥ f −1(V ) = f −1(S), and intA(S) andV are complemented weconclude thatintA(S) = V . Conversely, iff satisfies (RE1) and (RE2), thenf is the coequalizer of its kernel pair because wheneverπ−1

1 (U) = π−12 (U) for

some open sublocaleU of B, then (RE2) provides a sublocaleS ∈ S(A) whosepullback alongf isU , and (RE1) then says thatS may be replaced byV = int (S).Uniqueness ofV follows becausef is a surjection. 2


It might be worthwhile to point out that the implications(QO) + (RE2) ⇒(RE1) + (RE2) ⇒ (WQ) + (RE2) are also irreversible. That the first implicationcannot be reversed follows again from 4.2. For the second implication we can alsouse 3.6 because each open sublocaleU of pl(Q)+• X equipped with descent datais the union of an open sublocaleU1 of pl(Q) and an open sublocaleU2 of Xequipped with descent data relative tof . U2 descends to an open sublocaleS2 ofQ. A straightforward calculation now shows thath−1(ı(U1) ∨ S2) = U .

Using almost the same arguments as in 4.8 we get the following analogouscharacterization of regular epimorphisms in terms of closed sublocales:

PROPOSITION 4.9.A surjectionBf→ A in Loc is a regular epimorphism if and

only if it satisfies the following two conditions:

(C1) ∀S ∈ S(A): f −1(S) is closed⇒ f −1(S) = f −1(A− int (sup(S)));(C2) closed sublocales ofB equipped with descent data descend.

Condition (C1) is equivalent to the requirement that, for allS ∈ S(A), if f −1(S)

is closed, then so issup(sup(S)) andf −1(S) = f −1(sup(sup(S))). Similarly,f satisfies (RE1) if and only if for allS ∈ S(A), if f −1(S) is open, then so issup(sup(S)) and f −1(S) = f −1(sup(sup(S))). The final example shows that(C1) and (RE1) together are also not sufficient to imply that a map is a regularepimorphism.

EXAMPLE 4.10. A (closed) surjectionYh→ Q of locales which is not a regular

epimorphism, but which satisfies (C1) and (RE1).

Let Xf→ Q be again the closed surjection constructed in 3.4, letP denote

the irrationals, and letP g→ Q be any quotient map from the irrationals to the

rationals (such maps exist, see for instance [11]). LetYh→ Q be the mappl(P)+•

X〈gı,f 〉•−−−→ Q where ı is the inclusionpl(P) ı→ P. The same reasoning which

shows thatpl(Q) +• X 〈ı,f 〉•−−−→ Q in 3.6 is not a regular epimorphism appliesto h. To show thath satisfies (C1) as well as (RE1), it suffices to show that(‡)h−1(S) = h−1(pt (S)) for all S ∈ S(Q) becausef is a quotient map of topologicalspaces andsup(sup(S)) = pt(S) in any spatial TD locale. To show thath satisfies(‡) it suffices to show that bothf andg satisfy it. But that follows from the fact thatf −1(pl(Q)) = 0 andg−1(pl(Q)) = 0, since both pullbacks have to be pointlessand spatial (the second, becauseOδ ’s in completely metrizable spaces are spatial).



I would like to thank Peter Johnstone for sharing his ideas about this topic, pointingout some interesting open questions, and also for presenting the main results of thispaper at the BB Fest.


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