http://www.impossible-quiz.com/answers.asp Test ResultsYour Number Correct:10/20 You are smarter than 68.81% of the population. Find out which ones you got wrong Average Number Correct:8.45/20Percentile:68.81%Time Taken:33:06 1. Which scenario gives you the best chance of survival? 25.9% have gotten this question correct o Flip 5 tails in a row or get your head cut off o Roll snake eyes or eat cyanide for dinner o Roll a 7 twice in a row or be drawn and quartered o Get dealt 2 aces (standard 52 card deck; 2 cards dealt) or jump from the top of the Empire State Building Ignore the methods of death. It is assumed that all will kill you. Don't believe me? Here are some facts on these methods of death. How does cyanide kill a person immediately? Decapitation Drawn and Quartered Photo of man that jumped off the empire state building (Warning! Not for the faint of heart) So, this comes down to probability. The probability of the scenarios above are as follows:


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Test ResultsYour Number Correct:10/20You are smarter than 68.81% of the population.

Find out which ones you got wrong

Average Number Correct:8.45/20Percentile:68.81%Time Taken:33:06

1. Which scenario gives you the best chance of survival?

25.9% have gotten this question correct

o Flip 5 tails in a row or get your head cut off

o Roll snake eyes or eat cyanide for dinner

o Roll a 7 twice in a row or be drawn and quartered

o Get dealt 2 aces (standard 52 card deck; 2 cards dealt) or jump from the top of the Empire State Building

Ignore the methods of death. It is assumed that all will kill you. Don't believe me? Here are some facts on these methods of death.

How does cyanide kill a person immediately? Decapitation Drawn and Quartered Photo of man that jumped off the empire state building (Warning! Not for the faint of


So, this comes down to probability. The probability of the scenarios above are as follows:

Flip 5 tails in a row: You have a 1 in 2 chance each flip. 1/25 = 1/32 Roll snake eyes: you have a one in 6 chance on each die. 1/62 = 1/36 Roll a 7 twice in a row : 1/62 = 1/36 Get dealt 2 aces: There are 4 aces out of 52 cards to start so the chance of the first card

being an ace is 4/52 and the chance the second card will be an ace is 3/51 since we have dealt one card and we're assuming it was the ace. So total odds are 4/52 * 3/51 = 1/220

The answer is flip 5 tails in a row with a chance of survival at 1 out of 32 times. Better hope you don't find yourself in this predicament.

1. Which weighs more?

70.6% have gotten this question correct

o 125 pounds of cement

o 60 kilograms of feathers

Congratulations, you got this one right

This is a pretty simple question. What you're weighing is immaterial. It's a simple unit conversion. According to this site 1 kilogram is equivalent to 2.2 lbs. So...

60kg X 2.2 = 132lbs > 125lbs

The correct answer is: 60 kilograms of feathers.

3. The number of sides in a hexagon multiplied by the number of sides in a pentagon is LESS than which of the following?

51.6% have gotten this question correct

o The atomic number of Manganese

o The number of years of marriage marked in a silver wedding anniversary

o The number of days and nights rain fell during Noah's flood

o The number that represents the first point gained in a game of tennis

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You just have to know the numbers that correspond to the information given and this one is reduced to simple math.

Hexagon = 6 sidesPentagon = 5 sides

So 5 * 6 = 30 which is less than which of the following...

The atomic number of Manganese The number of years of marriage marked in a silver wedding anniversary Noah's flood last 40 days and 40 nights Tennis scores go 15, 30, 40 for some strange reason.

The answer here is the number of days and nights rain fell during Noah's flood.

1. Which word below contains all the letters of the roman numeral for 951?

57.4% have gotten this question correct

o Gonorrhea

o Chlamydia

o Syphilis

o Hepatitis

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Use this: Roman Numeral Chart combined with this: Roman Numeral Rules

1. ?sdrawkcab nettirw iP ni srebmun ruof tsrif eht era tahW

65.9% have gotten this question correct

o 414.3

o 141.3

o 314.1

o 411.3

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This is a sentence written backwards and it wants to know the following:

What are the first four numbers in Pi written backwards?

Don't know what pi is? This is Pi

6. If you score (the number of pawns on the board at the start of a game of chess minus the number of clubs in a standard set of playing cards) on a par 5 hole in golf you have made a(n):

35.8% have gotten this question correct

o Eagle

o Birdie

o Par

o Bogey

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The number of pawns each player starts with in chess is 8. Double that and you have 16. The number of clubs in a standard deck of playing cards is 13.

16-13 = 3

Golf scores and how many strokes under par for the hole are as follows:

-2 = eagle -1 = birdie 0 = Par +1 = bogey

The answer is eagle. This one is pretty easy with basic knowledge of chess and golf.

7. Complete the following sentence: "Read every third spot young..."

24.1% have gotten this question correct

o Vagrant

o Warrior

o Psycho

o Doppelganger

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This was a little tricky. The clue is in the question. It is telling you to read every third spot... literally. So the third spot in every word is as follows:

Read - a Every - e Third - i Spot - o Young - u

a-e-i-o-u - All vowels. Sometimes "y" is a vowel and the third letter in Psycho is a "y" making that the correct answer. There is no other commonality or conclusion that could be drawn from the other choices.

8. Which city is located in a country that does NOT border a country with a coastline on the Mediterranean Sea?

39.8% have gotten this question correct

o Berlin

o Vienna

o Lisbon

o Warsaw

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You got this one wrong

You can figure it out yourself with this map of Europe...

Let's go through the answers one by one

Berlin is in Germany which borders France. France has a coastline on the Mediterranean.

Vienna is in Austria which borders Italy. Italy has a coastline on the Mediterranean. Lisbon is in Portugal which borders Spain. Spain has a coastline on the Mediterranean. Warsaw is in Poland which borders the following countries: Russia, Lithuania, Belarus,

Ukraine, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Germany none of which has a coastline on the Mediterranean.

Your answer is Warsaw.

9. Which would buy you more cases of beer?

38.3% have gotten this question correct

o 12oz of gold

o 40 oz of silver

o 1 oz of platinum

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Use the following handy precious metal conversion tool to solve this one. Let's break them down.

1 oz of gold is currently worth $865 * 12 = $10,380 - Not too shaby 1 oz of silver is currently worth $15.60 * 40 = $624 - Eh, that's not too much.

1 oz of platinum is currently worth $1,539

The 12oz of gold would buy you the most beer.

1. My friend Hannah loves her name, and likes to exclaim, "Was it a car or a cat I saw?". What do you suppose her favorite city is?

51.9% have gotten this question correct

o Arboles, Colorado

o Saxet, Texas

o Cedar Fort, Utah

o Argonia, Kansas

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If you don't know what a palindrome is then this one might be difficult. Or better yet, you should at least be able to spot one.

palindrome pal�in�drome \'pa-lən-ədrōm\ Definition: n. a word, verse, or sentence (as �Able was I ere I saw Elba�) or a number (as 1881) that reads the same backward or forward

Hannah is a palindrome as is the sentence "Was it a car or a cat I saw?"

Of the four cities listed, Saxet, Texas is a palindrome making it the answer that makes the most sense in this case.

1. A game-show host has placed a car behind one of three doors. There is a goat behind each of the other doors. "First you point toward a door," he says. "Then I'll open one of the other doors to reveal a goat. After I've shown you the goat, you make your final choice whether to stick with your initial choice of doors, or to switch to the remaining door. You win whatever is behind the door." You begin by pointing to door number 1.

The host shows you that door number 3 has a goat. What should you do (assuming you want the best odds of winning the car)?

29.6% have gotten this question correct

o Switch to door #2

o Stay with door #1

o It doesn't matter

o Punch the host in the jaw

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This is a tough one and most people probably think it doesn't matter. This is a classic problem called The Monty Hall problem made famous by a gameshow in America called Let's Make A Deal.

Here is a good video explanation of the problem and how the correct answer is arrived at. The dude in the video is pretty creepy, but you'll be smarter for having watched the video.

1. Someone that suffers from Apotemnophobia would head for the hills if confronted by:

42.6% have gotten this question correct

o A slab of meat

o A horse

o My step-mother

o A one-legged woman

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1. Who is not, not, not a person that has not, not set foot on the moon?

64.8% have gotten this question correct

o Neil Armstrong

o Your mom

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This is just an example of figuring out the double negatives, or in this case the quintuple negative. The sentence taken in it's basic form without the negatives is "Who is a person that has set foot on the moon?" Each "not" added alternates the sentence from that basic sentence and the opposite of that sentence which would be "Who is not a person that has set foot on the moon?" regardless of where the not is placed.

So, any even number of "nots" will cancel each other out. In this case, it is an odd number of "nots" making the question reduce down too:

Who is not a person that has set foot on the moon?

Unless your mom is an astronaut, chances are she's the correct answer.

1. I want a glimpse of the future. I live in Los Angeles, California, USA and it's Thursday night around 5pm. Calling which city gives me the furthest glimpse into what's happening on Friday?

40.6% have gotten this question correct

o Athens, Greece

o London, England

o Auckland, New Zealand

o Tokyo, Japan

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This just requires a knowledge of geography and how timezones work.

15. Assuming the smallest Foor is 5 sefens tall, is it possible that the average height of a group of 7 Foors is less than 10 sefens, if 5 of the Foors are at least 11 sefens tall?

59.6% have gotten this question correct

o No

o Yes

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A logic question designed to be difficult in the way it is worded.

What we know:

5 foors are at least 11 sefens. So that is 55 sefens total for 5 of the foors The remaining 2 foors have to be at least 5 sefens tall, so assume they are. That's 10

sefens for the other two Add them all up and you have 65 sefens total for all 7 foors That's an average of 9.3 sefens

So, yes it is possible for the average height of the group to be less than 10 sefens.

15. Assuming the smallest Foor is 5 sefens tall, is it possible that the average height of a group of 7 Foors is less than 10 sefens, if 5 of the Foors are at least 11 sefens tall?

59.6% have gotten this question correct

o No

o Yes

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A logic question designed to be difficult in the way it is worded.

What we know:

5 foors are at least 11 sefens. So that is 55 sefens total for 5 of the foors The remaining 2 foors have to be at least 5 sefens tall, so assume they are. That's 10

sefens for the other two Add them all up and you have 65 sefens total for all 7 foors That's an average of 9.3 sefens

So, yes it is possible for the average height of the group to be less than 10 sefens.

1. If you took The Empire State Building and placed it on its side, approximately how long would it take the average human to walk from the first floor to the roof at an average walking speed?

40.8% have gotten this question correct

o 1 minute

o 5 minutes

o 30 minutes

o 2 hours

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You should know that The Empire State Building is around 100 stories tall, and that there are 10 feet per story. actually 1,250 feet, or about a quarter of a mile. If you ever step on a treadmill at the gym, you should know average human walks at about 3 mph. So, a mile every 20 minutes and a quarter of a mile every 5 minutes. The best answer is 5 minutes. Most people probably thought it would take longer.

17. Start at the second month of the year in the Julian calendar and go backward 4 months. Combine the antepenultimate letter of that month with the ultimate letter of the month during which Daylight Savings Time began in the US prior to 2007. Add to that the antepenultimate letter of the month named for "Venerable Caesar." End with the penultimate letter of the month of the autumnal equinox. The resulting word is:

38.2% have gotten this question correct

o Eukaryota

o An unfocused image

o A boaster

o The fifth color in a rainbow

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antepenultimate = coming before the next to lastpenultimate = next to lastultimate = last

The second month of the year acccording to the Julian calendar is February. Go back four months and you're at October. The antepenultimate letter of that month is "B"

Prior to 2007 Daylight Savings Time began in April in the US. The ultimate letter in April is "L"

The month named for the venerable Caesar is August and the antepenultimate letter of that month is "U"

September is the month of the autumnal equinox and the penultimate letter of that month is "E"

This gives us the word BLUE which is obviously the fifth color in a rainbow. Whew.

18. If you add the number of points awarded for a touchdown in american football to the number of points scored on a behind in australian rules football and subtract the resulting total from the score both players have at Deuce in tennis, what number do you have?

22.1% have gotten this question correct

o The number that is printed on all bottles of Rolling Rock

o The number Michael Jordan wore at North Carolina

o The number of clubs in a standard deck of playing cards

o The number of slots on an American Roulette wheel

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Number of points for a touchdown is 6 Number of points for a behind is 1 Score at Deuce in tennis is 40

After the addition and subtraction we have 33 which is famously the number on all bottles of Rolling Rock beer.

1. The foreman needs to move the ladder. The ladder falls upon the foreman.If you add the two positions in the prior sentences (e.g.,"falls" would equal 10) at which the former use of ladder and the latter use of foreman fall, then count upwards to the first prime number you have:

39.9% have gotten this question correct

o 31

o 29

o 23

o 19

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The former use of something refers to the first occurrence in a specified time span or in this case sentence. The latter use refers to the last occurrence.

In mathematics, a prime number (or a prime) is a natural number which has exactly two distinct natural number divisors: 1 and itself, although since all these answers are prime, you don't really need that knowledge. Anyway, do the math and you get 23.

1. Which word below would you not find in a dictionary?

38.4% have gotten this question correct

o Droogish

o Furbelow

o Snickersnee

o Fartburglar

You did not answer this question

The question is written in the same color font as the background. Take your mouse and click and drag over where the question should be. Now you just need a little vocabulary knowledge.

Fartburglar is a word I made up for a person who farts right after you and steals your thunder so to speak claiming they are responsible for the horrible smell when it is really you.

This is not a real word and you would not find it in the dictionary.