Redeeming the Force Crisis response for the Leichester Police


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Redeeming the ForceCrisis response

for the

Leichester Police

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SituationAn undercover reporter exposed instances

of misconduct and sexism in the Leichester police force on the television program “Dispatches.” Footage showed male police officers watching pornography, playing games instead of working, mishandling rape cases, displaying insensitivity to victims and treating female officers disrespectfully.

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Increase positive police presence in the community

Convert public mistrust to confidence Build a reputation of civil service and

attention to public safety Establish credibility and build

relationships with all sectors of the community

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Key Publics Community members

All ages, races and ethnicities, genders, social and economic standings

Community leaders Police officers

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Strategy Establish strict standards for

police conduct and enforce harsh consequences for violations

Involve the community in holding the police force accountable

Involve an objective third-party in investigation of police force

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Issue public apology through various media channels: press releases, internet, press conference

Select an exemplary police officer to serve as the spokesperson for the department

Issue a video news release detailing department reforms

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Implement a three strike policy for officers caught with pornography while on duty First offense: loss of vacation time Second offense: demotion to a lower rank Third offense: fire the officer

All officers complete mandatory diversity and ethics training sessions

Implement periodic performance reviews

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Change department standards to reflect quality of policing not quantity of arrests

Create a tipline and online comment posting for public to report incidents of police misconduct

Conduct thorough investigation involving an objective third-party of all allegations

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Tactics Hold public meetings led by community or

neighborhood leaders for public to voice concerns, no police officers present

Sponsor rape prevention training for women in the community

Use a multi-cultural approach to communication, including messages in other languages

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Tactics Host a reading day for police officers to

read with children at the local library Sponsor youth volunteering projects in

the community, have police officers participate

Police visits to elementary schools, encourage students not to be afraid of officers

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Addressing Special Issues1) Source Credibility

-select a reputable member of the police force as a spokesperson, officer with exemplary record, charisma and sincerity

-publicize third-party reviews of the department

2) Cognitive dissonance

-increase officers presence in community activities: school appearances, library reading day, volunteering,


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Addressing Special Issues3) Flow of opinion

-involve community and neighborhood leaders

-reach out and involve the immigrant population, offer messages and programs

in their language

4) Suggestion for action

-Tipline to report police misconduct

-Community meetings to voice concerns

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Administrative expenses: $50,000 Investigative expenses: $75,000 Publicity expenses: $60,000 Production costs: $80,000

Total Cost: $255,000

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Survey public attitude toward police department

Attendance at public meetings, rape prevention training

Tract number of employee misconduct reports to gauge effectiveness of new policies

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Tract media coverage of the issue Survey crime victims to assess

satisfaction with the handling of their case

Tract employee and department performance through periodic reviews