FYLDE NEWS INSIDE QUIZ RESULTS * RAMADAN MENOPAUSE * PAY RESULT PAY BALLOT RESULTS HAVE YOUR SAY! MEET PAUL VARGERSON Union victory as crisis hit prison returned to public control PCS FYLDE BRANCH Twitter @PCSFylde Web www.pcsfylde.com FaceBook www.facebook.com/pcsfylde

QUIZ RESULTS * RAMADAN MENOPAUSE * PAY RESULT PAY …UK shale gas fracking industry, the expansion of it’s North sea oil and for a brand new coalmine. ... Prison officers’ union

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Page 1: QUIZ RESULTS * RAMADAN MENOPAUSE * PAY RESULT PAY …UK shale gas fracking industry, the expansion of it’s North sea oil and for a brand new coalmine. ... Prison officers’ union






Union victory as crisis hit prison

returned to public control


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Page 2: QUIZ RESULTS * RAMADAN MENOPAUSE * PAY RESULT PAY …UK shale gas fracking industry, the expansion of it’s North sea oil and for a brand new coalmine. ... Prison officers’ union

Grants Easter Eggstravaganza Quiz – the results

Back with the results of my Easter Eggstravaganza quiz Here are the answers.

Answer 1

Elmer Fudd was Bugs Bunny’s adversary Answer 2

Bob Hoskins starred in the 1988 film, Who Framed Roger Rabbit Answer 3

Mel Blanc provided the voice of Bugs Bunny for the first 50 years.

Answer 4

Masquerade is a book written by Kit Williams about a Golden Hare

Answer 5

Judy Garland starred in the Film Easter parade with Fred Astaire

Answer 6

Easter Island is part of Chile


The winner who received a mystery prize of chocs was Lesley Tague from Warbreck. Well done!

Wellness programmes at work don’t, well, work

A new Harvard University study suggests that the increasingly popular workplace wellness programmes yield unimpressive results and don’t leave workers in better health.

The authors say their findings, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, raise questions about the effectiveness of these programmes offered by 80 per cent of large US employers via an $8 billion workplace wellness industry.

The analysis, the first peer-reviewed, large-scale, multisite randomised controlled trial of a workplace wellness programme, shows that people who worked at sites offering the programme exhibited notably higher rates of some healthy behaviours, but no significant differences in other behaviours compared to the control group.

The programme had no significant effects on outcomes including 27 self-reported health and behavioural measures such as employees’ overall health, sleep quality and food choices; 10 clinical markers of health; 38 measures tracking spending and utilisation for doctor’s visits, medical tests, procedures and prescription drugs; and three employment outcomes - absenteeism, job tenure and job performance.

The Harvard research is not the only recent study to cast doubt on the evidence-base for and effectiveness of wellness programmes. ‘Not just free fruit: Wellbeing at work’, a December 2018 report from the British Safety Council, said wellbeing initiatives at work were ‘comprised’ by ‘incoherent’ practices. And a July 2018 study from RAND Europe commissioned by Public Health England warned that well-being initiatives should not substitute for better management of work. This came five years after the TUC said in order to improve well-being, the first step must be to look at the management of the workplace, how work is organised and how workers are supported.

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Climate Change forced back onto the Agenda

Extinction Rebellion and Greta Thunberg had a busy April and succeeded in getting climate change back into the news and back on the agenda. Extinction Rebellion is a socio-political movement which uses nonviolent resistance to protest against climate breakdown, biodiversity loss, and the risk of human extinction and ecological collapse.

Extinction Rebellion was established in the United Kingdom in May 2018 with about one hundred academics signing a call to action in support in October 2018, and launched at the end of October by Roger Hallam, Gail Bradbrook, Simon Bramwell, and other activists from the campaign group Rising Up!

Following on from the Rebellion Day 1 and 2 towards the end of 2018, this year saw XR taking action by occupying council meetings throughout the UK and a peace full one hour occupation of the Scottish Parliament. February saw them disrupting London Fashion Week, March saw a demonstration outside 10 Downing Street and April 1st saw a naked demonstration in the House of Commons viewing gallery. A series of occupations resulted in several arterial routes through London closed and this was followed up with events across the country.

British Transport Police even suspended access to public Wi-Fi at London Underground stations in an attempt to subvert communications between the protesters. Although initially well supported, a poll found that towards the end of April, support for XR had declined and that 52% of respondents now opposed the protest.


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Greta Thunberg

Greta is a 16 year old Swedish climate activist who has been described as a role model for worldwide student activism, she initiated the school strike for climate change movement back in November 2018. Around age 11 Greta was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder and selective mutism. However this did not stop her wanting to speak out and act on what she believes in. Her activism began in August 2018 by not attending school until the Swedish general election on 9/11/18 after heat waves and wildfires in Sweden. Her demands were that the Swedish government reduces carbon emissions in accordance with the Paris agreement. , she protested by sitting outside the Riksdag everyday during school hours, after the generals elections she continued to strike only on Fridays, gaining lots of media coverage. More recently her influence has caused over 1.4 million students from across the world to join her in striking and protesting. This month Greta met up with UK MPs to discuss the UK’s stance on climate change. In one of her speeches she says “This on-going irresponsible behaviour will no doubt be remembered in history as one of the greatest failures of humankind. You lied to us. You gave us false hope. You told us that the future was something to look forward to. You don’t listen to the science because you are only interested in solutions that will enable you to carry on like before.”. She was also commenting on the UKs active support of exploitation of fossil fuels, for example the UK shale gas fracking industry, the expansion of it’s North sea oil and gas fields, the expansion of airports as well as the planning permission for a brand new coalmine. Gretas visit has had a visible impact with the Welsh Assembly, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn all declaring a Climate Emergency. The Governments Fracking Tsar, Natascha Engel has quit, blaming eco activists. Natascha Engel told the business secretary, Greg Clark, that developing the industry would be “an impossible task” despite its “enormous potential”. In her resignation letter, she said environmental activists had been “highly successful” in encouraging the government to curb fracking.

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Please send your answers to Duncan Griffiths, Room A208R Warbreck (or e-mail Duncan Griffiths - details in the GAL) to arrive no later than 14th March 2019

The winner will receive a mystery prize.

Please remember that Branch Executive Committee members cannot enter/ win the quizzes

Union victory as crisis hit prison returned to public control

Prison officers’ union POA has said the return of a crisis-hit Birmingham prison to the public sector is a ‘major success’ for the union.

HMP Birmingham is being brought back into government control permanently after G4S saw its contract terminated.

The prison had plunged into crisis under private management, with HM Prison and Probation Service taking over in August 2018.

Prisons minister Rory Stewart confirmed G4S will pay the government a £9.9 million settlement to cover the additional cost to the Ministry of Justice of its ‘step-in action’.

HMP Birmingham was privatised in 2011, with a 15-year contract being awarded to G4S.

Welcoming the move to take it back into the public sector, POA national chair Mark Fairhurst said the announcement “heralds a success for the POA and its membership. We have campaigned tirelessly since it was wrongly privatised in 2011 to have it returned to the state.” He added: “We now urge the government to listen to the POA and abandon its mixed market dogma by ensuring all new builds remain in the public sector which ensures safety, order, control, rehabilitation and accountability. We look forward to welcoming our members at HMP Birmingham back into the public sector.”

Prison officers staged a walk-out in late summer 2018 in protest at the conditions inside HMP Birmingham. A chief inspector's report found many staff were “anxious and fearful” as they went about their duties. There were 1,147 assaults, including fights, recorded at Birmingham in 2017. This was the highest figure for any prison in England and Wales that year, or on record under modern reporting standards. It represented a five-fold increase since 2012, the first full year it was run by G4S.

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TUC sounds warning

over new fatalities statistics.

The TUC has said that new quarterly fatality figures released by the HSE reinforce earlier concerns that injuries are increasing as enforcement and inspection activity falls.

Data for the first 9 months of 2018/19 shows an increase in fatalities in the HSE enforced sector compared with the same period in 2017/18 and is the highest since 2011/12.

In agriculture, the 27 fatal injuries between April-December 2018 are higher than at any time in the past eight years, while in manufacturing, the 22 fatalities in the nine-month period are already well above 15 for the full year in 2017/18.

The figures for members of the public are also alarming with 35 fatal injuries between April-December 2018, compared to 25 over the same period in 2017. TUC head of health and safety said that, although these are not the complete annual figures, there is no doubt that there are serious grounds for concern. For decades fatal injuries have been falling but in recent years we have not only seen the numbers plateauing, but now they seem to be going up. Only by taking action now can this be prevented from becoming a long-term trend. While the responsibility for these deaths lies with the employer, the HSE and Government have a considerable role to play in ensuring that employers obey the law. That means a robust inspection and enforcement regime.”

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Brits work longest hours in the EU, TUC reveals

The following has been supplied by the TUC

Workers in the UK are putting the longest hours in the EU, according to a new TUC analysis of official figures. The union body found full-time employees in Britain worked an average of 42 hours a week in 2018, nearly two hours more than the EU average – equivalent to an extra two and a half weeks a year. Britain’s “long-hours culture” is not delivering extra productivity, the TUC said. In similar economies to the UK, workers are much more productive for each hour they work. For example, full-time employees in Germany work 1.8 hours a week less than those in the UK but are 14.6 per cent more productive. And in Denmark – the EU country with the shortest hours – workers put in over four hours less than UK workers, but productivity in Denmark is 23.5 per cent higher. TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said: “Britain’s long hours culture is nothing to be proud of. It’s robbing workers of a decent home life and time with their loved ones. Overwork, stress and exhaustion have become the new normal.” She added: “It’s time for a change. Other countries have shown that reducing working hours isn’t only good for workers, it can boost productivity. As new technology changes our economy, the benefits should be shared by working people. That means shorter hours, more time with family and friends, and decent pay for everyone.” The TUC backs moves to reduce working time, including a shift towards a typical four day week.

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Mick’s Muppet Quiz – the results Mick, Call me Sam The Eagle here, with the results of my quiz, I think my picture ruffled a few feathers! Here are the answers to my quiz Answer 1

Jim Henson created the Muppets in 1955.

Answer 2

Fozzie was a bear

Answer 3

Animal played the drums

Answer 4

The Muppets took Manhattan according to the 1984 film

Answer 5

Statler and Waldorf were the cantankerous characters who used to heckle. Answer 6

Michael Caine played Ebenezer Scrooge in the 1992 film The Muppet Christmas Carol.

The winner who received an Easter Egg was Jill Grimshaw from Warbreck. Well done!

Rise in stress at work linked to poor management

Nearly two-fifths of UK businesses (37 per cent) have seen an increase in stress- related absence over the last year, with heavy workloads and poor management to blame, according to a new report.

Personnel professionals’ organisation CIPD and Simplyhealth surveyed 1,078 human resources professionals and found heavy workloads were the top cause of stress-related absence, reported by 62 per cent of respondents. The second biggest contributing factor was ‘management style’, up from 32 per cent to 43 per cent in the last year. CIPD said the ‘worrying increase’ in management style as a key cause of workplace stress highlights the need for businesses to invest properly in management training, as well as wider wellbeing initiatives. More than four-fifths (83 per cent) of respondents said they had observed ‘presenteeism’ (going to work when ill) in their organisation and a quarter (25 per cent) said the problem has got worse since the previous year. Nearly two-thirds (63 per cent) has observed 'leaveism', such as using holiday leave to keep up with work, in their organisation. CIPD said these ‘disturbing’ results undermine the fact that the survey records the lowest number of average sick days (5.9 per employee per year) in the 19-year history of the report. Only 50 per cent of managers had undergone training to support their staff to better manage stress, the survey found. Rachel Suff, senior employment relations adviser at the CIPD, said: “Managers should be helping to alleviate stress among their staff, not contributing to it. But too many managers are being set up to fail because they haven’t received adequate training, despite them often being the first person employees will turn to when they have a problem.” .

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Oh no it’s not, oh yes it is!

Mick and Grant back with a Pantomime quiz.

This year we have been starring in the Layton production of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.

Here are the questions. Oh yes they are…

Question 1

In which continental country was modern pantomime developed.? Was it?

a) Spain

b) Portugal

c) France

d) Italy

e) Belgium

Question 2

What animal do we most associate with Dick Whittington. Is it a?

a) Cat

b) Dog

c) Horse

d) Pig

e) Donkey

Question 3

What is Jack’s surname in “Jack and the Beanstalk”.

a) Sproggins

b) Higgins

c) Stringer

d) Springer

e) Spriggins

Question 4

What article of clothing/ or footwear is Puss most famous to wear? Is it?

a) Shoes

b) Jackets

c) Breeches

d) Skirts

e) Boots

Question 5

Which “Mother” is associated with stories and nursery rhymes popularised in the 17th century. Is it?

a) Chicken

b) Duck

c) Pigeon

d) Goose

e) Hen

Question 6

Which Brothers wrote Snow White, was it?

a) Wright

b) Charlton

c) Grimm

d) Goss

e) James

Please send your answers to Duncan Griffiths, Room A208R Warbreck (or e-mail Duncan Griffiths - details in the GAL) to arrive no later than 14th May 2019

The winner will receive a mystery prize.

Please remember that Branch Executive Committee members cannot enter/ win the quizzes

Mick and Grant’s Pantomime Quiz

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Gender pay gap and pay cap hits women twice

The government has recently announced

that it wants to eliminate the gender pay

gap within a generation. We have heard this

many times before. In fact, as far back as

1955 Chancellor R A Butler announced that

men’s and women’s pay scales would

become identical within seven years.

Almost 70 years later we can see it is no more than rhetoric.

The gender pay gap across the civil service is 12.2% on average. In some departments women are earning almost 17% less than their male colleagues. This means that women in the civil service are hit twice as hard – by the pay gap and the pay cap. This can only be addressed by a fully-funded pay rise.

Our campaign is not only for equal pay but also for fair pay. Gender pay gap reporting helps us to build our case for fair pay but it doesn’t go far enough. We also urgently need the introduction of pay monitoring for Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) and disabled civil servants. Equality reporting across the protected characteristics would provide an accurate picture of the pay gap and expose what we know to be true about the unfairness that continues to blight our members.

Years of the pay cap has meant that departments have not had the funding to address inequality and offer at least some sort of increase across the board at the same time. So how on earth does the government think that the gender pay gap can be eliminated except by not paying any increase at all to staff already at the top of their pay grade?

We are also demanding an end to delegated pay bargaining. In the past 20 years it has allowed departments where the majority of staff are women to pay less than departments where the majority are men.

It is time for a fully-funded pay increase of 10%, with an underpin of £2,400, to ensure that inequality is addressed as well as starting to restore standards of living. The underpin will be of most benefit to women, BAME and disabled workers who make up the majority of our lowest-paid members.

It is simply outrageous that civil service pay remains the poor relation of the public sector. The government is relying on our members’ sense of public service in continuing to keep our pay increase capped at 1%, to pay for the mistakes of the past and under-regulation of the financial markets.

We need to be a little less polite in our language. Continuing pay inequality for members in all protected characteristics, 10 years of massive erosion in the value of civil servants’ salaries, unfunded – and lack of – pay progression, and failure to regard the maximum for the grade as the rate for job – it all adds up to one conclusion: state exploitation of our members’ labour.

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Question 1

Which Stan was the editor/ director of Spiderman. Was it?

a) Laurel

b) Boardman

c) Smith

d) Collymore

e) Lee

Question 2

What sort of animal did Howard look like? Was it?

a) Dog

b) Duck

c) Cow

d) Pig

e) Horse

Question 3

In what year did Marvel Comics first start? Was it

a) 1919

b) 1929

c) 1939

d) 1949

e) 1959

Question 4

According to the TV series who’s alter ego was the Hulk’s?

a) Dr. David Banter

b) Dr. David Bowie

c) Dr. David Dre

d) Dr. David Banner

e) Dr. David Brown

Question 5

Who Captain Steven “Steve” Rogers was also known as?

a) Captain Marvel

b) Captain Pugwash

c) Captain Mainwairing

d) Captain Courageous

e) Captain America

Question 6

What “Parker”, was Spiderman’s alias. Was it?

a) George

b) James

c) Michael

d) Paul

e) Peter

Please send your answers to Duncan Griffiths, Room A208R Warbreck (or e-mail Duncan Griffiths - details in the GAL) to arrive no later than 14th May 2019

The winner will receive a mystery prize.

Please remember that Branch Executive Committee members cannot enter/ win the quizzes

Tony’s Captain America Quiz I call myself the Office Manager, but really I am a Super Hero, just like all the other Marvel Heroes.

I am marvellous you see

Here are the questions.

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I read with interest the latest issue of the Fylde PCS News, particularly Vikki’s Green Piece, which I feel is an extremely one sided view with just the negatives to eating Dairy products and Meat. I would like to see more of a unbiased view in future so that people can make an informed choice, not having someone else’s views forced upon them. For example some of the benefits of eating Dairy are;

Fight Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is debilitating bone ailment that affects many people all over the globe aged 60 and older. Even though there is presently no real cure for osteoporosis, health experts recommend that a sufficient consumption of calcium all through life, particularly in childhood, is a good step to forming strong bones. This action helps to avert the development of osteoporosis.

Fight Hypertension

Individuals who consume a nutrition rich in vegetables and fruits have reduced and healthy blood pressure levels. Simply adding milk products helps to double the effect of lowering blood pressure. This causes a reduction in cases of stroke as well as heart attacks. Dairy products also reduce homocysteine levels, which causes heart disease.

Highly Nutritious

Dairy products act like good sources of several vital nutrients that include calcium, potassium, vitamins D and A, protein and phosphorous. Besides assisting in building strong bones, dairy products may assist to lower your probability of certain cancers. Moreover, calcium also plays an essential role in weight management.

Prevent Kidney Stones

High calcium consumption does not cause kidney stones. In fact, kidney stones comprise of a compound called calcium oxalate, with oxalate being responsible for kidney stones formation. However, since calcium from dairy products binds with oxalate and reduces its absorption in the small intestine, it prevents the kidney stones from forming.

Some of the benefits of eating meat are;

Rich source of proteins

The human body requires proteins in high amounts and meat contains this essential nutrient in very high quantity. Proteins play a key role in performing the various bodily functions and in maintaining the general well being. The most significant function is production of new body cells and repair of worn out cells and body tissues. Proteins also help in the formation of antibodies, which are responsible for fighting against many infections. About 20% content of meat is protein which is present either as the form of amino acids or small peptides, both of which are readily absorbed in the blood.

Improves immunity

Meat is a high quality protein as it contains nearly all essential amino acids that are required by the body. Intake of meat helps to improve the immunity of the body and the ability to fight diseases.

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Rich in minerals

Meat is a rich source of minerals especially iron. Human body requires high quantities of iron as it is the main component for the formation of hemoglobin. It is this hemoglobin which transports oxygen from lungs to different cells and tissues of the body. Meat also contains zinc, which helps to improve the metabolic function in the body. Zinc also plays an important role in tissue formation. Meat also contains some amount of selenium, which helps in the decomposition of fat in the body.

Rich source of vitamins

Mat provided the body with vitamins like vitamin A, B and D. Vitamin A supports vision, development of bones and teeth and keeps the skin healthy. Vitamin B is good for the development of central nervous system and improves mental health. Vitamin D improves the absorption and usage of phosphorus and calcium, which helps to maintain the health of bones and teeth.

Provide fats to the body

Meat contains rich amounts of are palmiotelic acid and linoleic acid. Both these fatty acids prevent the body from harmful disease causing viruses and fatal diseases like cancer. Sufficient amount of fat is also required for the proper development of brain.

Thanks, Marisa Reid

The views expressed by our columnists do not necessarily reflect those of the PCS Union. If you agree or disagree with any of the content of Fylde PCS News then exercise your right of reply by emailing: [email protected]

This is YOUR Newsletter

Have Your Say!

Ramadan 5 May 2019 – 4 June 2019

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What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic lunar calendar during which Muslims have to fast from dawn till dusk. Muslims see Ramadan as the holiest month of the Islamic year. This year Ramadan is expected to start in the UK 5 May 2019 and finish 4 June 2019.

Because fasting - from sunrise to sunset – takes place during this period it will mean periods of around 19 hours without food and drink.

Eid (Eid al-Fitr) – celebrating the end of the fasting period will then take place Wednesday, 5 June 2019. This may lead to increased annual leave requests which should be accommodated where possible.

ACAS guidance

ACAS guidance states ‘some religions require extended periods of fasting. Employers may wish to consider how they can support staff through such a period. However, employers should take care to ensure that they do not place unreasonable extra burdens on other workers which may cause conflict between workers or claims of discrimination.’

Civil Service Islamic Society guidance states that ‘individuals must take responsibility for their own well being and mangers should be aware that fasting may cause drowsiness, loss of concentration and possible fainting. Our normal first aid procedures would apply in these circumstances and managers are responsible for ensuring that individuals who are unable to continue working are able to return safely’.

Local flexibility possible

It is important that we understand the significance of Ramadan and what it means for our colleagues who are observing Ramadan. Colleagues may ask to work different hours, and may request time off and/or early finish. The Department’s employee policies allow managers to exercise some flexibility towards staff fasting during the period of Ramadan and managers should consider such requests sympathetically and in line with the rules for granting annual leave, flexi leave or special leave without pay whilst ensuring the effective running of business operations

Voice Care

PCS members can ask for their times on the telephone to be reduced significantly or for alternative duties during the month of Ramadan. DWP guidance on Ramadan is on the intranet. PCS representatives should fully support Muslim members in making such requests and encourage line managers to find ways to accommodate such requests wherever possible.

PCS reps should also be mindful of additional pressures such requests may have on other members and consider requesting easements for them also during this period.

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Further DWP GEC Elections Update

Please bring this to the urgent attention of members

Further to our update of 30 April 2019 (DWP/BB/27/19) we can confirm that ERS have now taken the necessary actions to contact all those members affected by the original errors with the DWP GEC ballot.

The errors made in the original ballot materials for the GEC positions resulted in one candidate being omitted from both the ballot paper and the election address booklet. A further candidate’s election address was also omitted from the election address booklet.

All those issued with a postal ballot paper will be sent a new ballot paper for the GEC positions by first class post today. These will also contain a first class reply envelope. We urge all members to vote in the GEC elections, using this new ballot paper. Any postal votes for the GEC positions made using the original ballot paper will not be counted.

All those members who voted on-line before the on-line corrections were made have been sent an e-mail, to the e-mail address they were originally contacted on, explaining this error with the ballot, and encouraging them to revisit the voting site and re-cast their votes. If members who voted on-line choose not re-cast their vote, then the original vote will be retained and included in the count.

We apologise for this error, and urge everyone to take part in the democratic process of electing your representatives.

As previously notified the ballot will now close at 12 noon on Thursday 16 May 2019

Ian Bartholomew

Group Secretary

DWP briefing Department for Work & Pensions Group


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If your ballot paper goes to your home address, please take this document home with you!

The purpose of this article is to inform members that from Thursday 25th April 2019 onwards you should receive your DWP Group Executive Committee Election ballot paper.

The DWP Group Executive is an important body within PCS negotiating and campaigning on items such as:

a. Departmental Pay

b. Conditions of Service, Annual Leave, etc

c. Health and Safety matters such as risk assessments across the Department.

The Branch Executive Committee and the Annual General Meetings support the following list of candidates:

Group President Martin Cavanagh

Vice President (4): Marie McDonough

Annette Rochester

Katrine Williams

Ian Wilkinson

Asst Secretaries (7): David Burke

Angela Grant

Sam Hall

Grant McClure

Ian Pope

Steve Swainston

Carrie-Anne Watkins

Organiser: Matt Cunningham

Treasurer: Bashir Chilwan

Journal Editor: Sarah Spencer

Committee (17): Bridget Corcoran Kevin McCafferty Jenny Pollard

Louise Douglas Liz McGahey Carol Revell

Louise Evans John McInally Sian Ruddick

Levoy Getton James Meller Rob Russell

Rachel Heemskerk Sarah Morton Steve West

Fran Heathcote Brian Nairn

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The above candidates have:

Mounted a huge campaign over low pay in DWP in which thousands of members got involved, forcing DWP to go to the Treasury and get agreement to break the 1% pay cap, one of only two departments to be successful in getting agreement for pay flexibility.

Defended terms & conditions for all DWP staff, preventing the worst elements of Cabinet Office policies from being introduced in DWP

Continued to prevent compulsory redundancies within DWP and secured permanent jobs for FTA staff, for example ensuring that all Universal credit FTAs were made permanent.

The candidates above will continue to work with you to negotiate and campaign for more staff and job security for us all.

They will fight for a decent pay rise for all whilst protecting your working conditions.

They will continue to campaign for the best terms and conditions for all staff and for more improvements to attendance management.

They will continue to fight to stop office closures and oppose any privatisation of our work.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact your Branch office.


If your ballot paper goes to your home address please take this document home with you!

The purpose of this article is to advise members that the ballot papers for the PCS National Elections should be issued circa 16th April 2019, which means that very shortly you will be afforded the opportunity to elect the people who will represent PCS at the highest level within the union.

The National body deals with issues such as:

• National Pay Bargaining (campaigning for the restoration)

• The Civil Service Pensions Scheme

• The Cuts in Civil Service Jobs

As you can see from the above it is vitally important that the people we elect are prepared to advance members’ interests.

The Branch recommends (as agreed at the Annual General Meeting) that you participate in the elections and furthermore that you vote for the following candidates:

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Assistant General Secretary: Chris Baugh

President: Fran Heathcote

Deputy/Vice Presidents (4): Martin Cavanagh Zita Holbourne

Jackie Green Kevin McHugh

National Executive Committee:

(General Constituency - 30) Mark Baker Austin Harney Marianne Owens

Fiona Brittle Kris Hendry Ian Pope

Paula Brown John Jamieson Annette Rochester

Clive Bryant Tahir Latif Alison Roder

Harvey Crane Neil License Dave Semple

Alan Dennis Marion Lloyd Steve Thorley

Felicity Flynn John McInally Candy Udwin

Jimmy Gill Kenny McKay Karen Watts

Angela Grant John Maguire Hector Wesley

Sam Hall Lorna Merry Paul Williams

Under the leadership of the above candidates PCS has continued to grow in strength and reputation as a fighting, campaigning, and democratic union.

The recommended list below, whilst on the NEC has: -

Prevented thousands of compulsory redundancies ;

Forced a review of the hated performance management system;

Protected 300 jobs in BIS, stopped privatisation of Land Registry – twice, and won major concessions through determined campaigning in DWP, HMRC and other areas;

Defeated the vindictive attempt to smash our union through withdrawal of check-off and ensured the union’s financial stability.

worked with other unions, campaign groups and the PCS Parliamentary Group to defend our welfare state, campaign for tax justice and many other issues.

The candidates are committed to promoting and alternative to Austerity and will continue to work with other unions, campaign groups and politicians who support our Alternative and step up the fight to build widest anti-austerity alliance in the trade union movement and wider society.

Their priorities continue to be to build maximum unity in action both within and across the union to defend jobs, conditions and services; continue to demand coordinated action across the public sector to defeat the pay freeze alongside campaigns at departmental levels; promote equality, oppose discrimination; defend members in the Commercial Sector; defend union democracy and improve services to branches and reps and build union strength in our workplaces.

If you want a strong union, please vote for the candidates above.

If your ballot paper goes to your home address, please take this document home with you.

If you require any further details please do not hesitate to contact Branch Office.

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PCS Learning launches a new, free, e-learning tool for our members which includes an online course on Menopause in the Workplace

PCS has expanded our partnership with online learning experts Wranx to offer six exciting e-learning courses for our members.

Wranx is an online platform that uses the scientifically-proven 'spaced repetition' technique to help you improve your knowledge retention in a few minutes per day.

There are over 800 modules or credits available for our members to access six online courses, including the newly available Raising Awareness: Menopause in the Workplace. Designed to help learners understand what menopause is and to increase awareness of the potential effects of menopause in the workplace, it’s a useful tool to help you retain and develop your knowledge after attending a PCS-run Menopause in the Workplace event.

If you want to download the Wranx app you can do so via the Play Store or App Store and register for free.

Raising awareness of menopause in the workplace

CASE STUDY Menopause Awareness Day in Liverpool

Older women between 55 and 64 years old are the fastest growing section of the workforce, yet TUC Education has found that women’s experiences of menopause transitions are often seen as a taboo subject in workplaces with little or no support for menopausal women.

Mary Billington is a union learning rep, working for the MOD in Merseyside. She said: “It had been highlighted that we have a large number of female staff in the age group that would be experiencing the menopause, so we decided to organise a learning event.”

PCS industrial officer Mary Doolin led the session, which was very well received by the 42 delegates.

Reps at the branch now plan to find out what the MOD policy is on menopause in the work place and how this relates to polices on sickness, attendance management, reasonable adjustments, occupational health and gender equality.

ULR Mary is pleased with the event, saying: “It was a really good event, well received and it has encouraged me to carry on. It shows that the union really can have a positive impact on people’s lives.”

Contact your local PCS regional office for details of any upcoming PCS Menopause in the Workplace workshops.

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Ballot results and the next steps in the pay campaign


The result of our ballot for industrial action over pay was a 78.9% ‘yes’ vote for strike action and a 91.3% ‘yes’ vote for action short of a strike.

Although this result shows clear support for our campaign, as the turnout was 47.7% we have fallen just short of the statutory threshold of 50%. This means we cannot take industrial action.

Huge effort

The failure to reach the threshold for lawful industrial action is disappointing, but many areas of the union achieved fantastic results. The turnout overall was up 6% from the last ballot in 2018.

The data collected by our new digital technology, mainly the ballot app, shows that where branches reminded members to vote, face to face, the turnout was higher. This suggests that it is our workplace organisation that is instrumental in delivering the turnout.

The campaign continues

The national executive committee met this week to hold a full discussion on the ballot result and make decisions on the way forward.

The ballot result does not mean the end of our pay campaign. Civil servants deserve a pay rise and PCS is determined that the fight for pay justice will continue. We must continue to build our organisation in readiness for a further national ballot. We will be looking at areas where there was a low turnout and investigating how we can work to improve engagement in those areas.

We will continue to press the government to provide more money for pay which does not involve cuts to terms and conditions.

We will write again to the Head of the Civil Service, Sir Mark Sedwill, advising him of the strength of feeling among members and demanding discussions on pay.

We will look at what individual departments can achieve, particularly in areas that did get above a 50% turnout in the latest ballot.

Conference motion

At our national conference later this month, delegates will debate a motion on the way forward for the pay campaign. The motion includes instructions for the national executive committee to campaign for the repeal of the UK’s anti-trade union laws, to lobby politicians to intervene to break the pay cap and to support industrial campaigns (including strike action) over pay at delegated levels. The motion also commits the NEC to hold a further statutory ballot for industrial action over pay at the earliest appropriate time.

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Working well together for a healthier workplace

Promoting Good Sleep 9:30 – 10:30

Understand the importance of sleep and why good sleep is one of the most effective ways to improve health and wellbeing. What happens when we sleep and common blockers to effective sleep. Learn ways to develop good sleep habits (even if people

work shifts) to enable the best quality sleep.

Better Backs at Work 11:00 – 12:00

Understand the background and key facts relating to back health and common back-related issues. Explore the role of the core, common posture shapes vs a healthy posture, correct seating posture, and simple exercises to do to support a healthy back (both at a desk and as part of an exercise routine).

Healthy Ageing 01:00 – 2:00

Understand what factors can lead to ageing and common changes during the aging process including awareness of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. Explore how nutrition, physical activity and challenging your cognitive function can help slow aging, to help you live longer with a higher quality of life and age well at work.

Staying Motivated at work 2:30 – 3:00

Learn how to identify your extrinsic and intrinsic motivators and how these can influence how you feel at work. Explore practical tips you can apply through your working hours to remain engaged and driven.

Please contact Garry Wild [email protected] for more info or to book a place.

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Name: Paul Vargerson

Age : Over 60…

Catchphrase : Morning Young (inset name), no good at remembering names

Branch Role: Currently Branch Rep and BEC member (ex Deputy Sec)

Where : Warbreck House in C218

What did/do you want to be when you grow up: Not grown up yet to be honest, currently thinking of becoming a professional cyclist and race in the Giro and Le Tour when I retire.

Favourite Holiday : Mirandela, Portugal, where I met the love of my life.

Favorite Book: The Naked Lunch by William S Burroughs


Paul Vargerson


Interesting Facts…

Biggest Disaster : Taking my at the time fiancée on a British Rail romantic hotel weekend break to Scunthorpe. (Millwall were playing there on the Saturday), we spilt up the following week ( I was dumped) and even worst Wall lost 0-3. Awful experience losing to Scunthorpe.

Favorite Quote : The wonderful and sadly missed Linda Smith (London water – it’s hard but fair)

Favourite Food : BBQ Sardines with peppers and corn bread

Favourite Drink : Raki and ice

Best Band : Velvet Underground with Nico

Favourite Movie: The Big Lebowski or Withnail and I

1. Commercial Manager in the late 1970’s for Millwall FC at the Old Den, 2. I got the name of a band wrong and printed thousands of posters, fliers and other newspaper advertising for The Manic Street Peaches when I booked them to play at Sequins Night Club on the prom, 3. I hold 3 passports (UK, Portuguese and Northern Cyprus) so ready for any political upheaval , 4. Proudly represented South London Schools in the National Chess Championships on 3 occasions also under 12’s South London Schools chess champion in 1968. 5. Educated at the wonderful Summerhill Independent Boarding School in Leiston, Suffolk from ages 13-17 and I boarded in an old railway carriage at the school, (The rules where made up by the pupils and staff, it was a really chaotic and wonderful time).