Quiz 1 - Attempt 1 Question 1 Marks: 2/2 Why did interest in mainframe-based computer-assisted instruction decline during the 1970s? Choose one answer. Schools couldn't locate enough high-quality CAI programs. Teachers lacked control over CAI curricula. Teachers lacked programming skills to develop CAI. Schools weren't close enough to universities that offered CAI. S ubmit Correct Marks for this submission: 2/2. Question 2 Marks: 2/2 To educators who belong to the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), educational technology has been viewed primarily as: Choose one answer. various kinds of media. a set of vocational tools. computer systems. computers and related systems. S ubmit Correct Marks for this submission: 2/2. Question 3 Marks: 2/2 Which is an equity issue related to technology uses in instruction? Choose one answer. Disadvantaged students lack access to higher-level computer uses. Fewer technology courses are available to minority students. Fewer technology courses are available to female students.

Quiz 1 - Attempt 1 - For Studentsedtech2.boisestate.edu/hermanb/edtech592/documents/541_All_Quizes... · Quiz 1 - Attempt 1 Question 1 ... Although many educators tend to think of

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Quiz 1 - Attempt 1 Question 1 Marks: 2/2 Why did interest in mainframe-based computer-assisted instruction decline during the 1970s? Choose one answer.

Schools couldn't locate enough high-quality CAI programs. Teachers lacked control over CAI curricula. Teachers lacked programming skills to develop CAI. Schools weren't close enough to universities that offered CAI.


Correct Marks for this submission: 2/2. Question 2 Marks: 2/2 To educators who belong to the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), educational technology has been viewed primarily as: Choose one answer.

various kinds of media. a set of vocational tools. computer systems. computers and related systems.


Correct Marks for this submission: 2/2. Question 3 Marks: 2/2 Which is an equity issue related to technology uses in instruction? Choose one answer.

Disadvantaged students lack access to higher-level computer uses. Fewer technology courses are available to minority students. Fewer technology courses are available to female students.

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Disadvantaged students lack the ability to use computer applications. Submit

Correct Marks for this submission: 2/2. Question 4 Marks: 2/2 What have we learned from the past history of educational technology? Choose one answer.

Technology is the most expensive instructional method. Teachers will remain an integral part of education. Educators must specialize in one area of technology. Schools must commit more funds to network purchases.


Correct Marks for this submission: 2/2. Question 5 Marks: 2/2 What emerging technology trends will education encounter in the future? Choose one answer.

a decrease in DSL connectivity a decrease in handheld communication devices an increase in mobility through wireless access an increase in dependence on AI systemes


Correct Marks for this submission: 2/2. Question 6 Marks: 2/2 Which is a societal issue that shapes the use of educational technology in schools? Choose one answer.

the importance of technology in comparison to other education programs. concerns of critics of technology. the support of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 for technology. the expectation that more funding will enable increased technology purchasing.


Correct Marks for this submission: 2/2.

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Question 7 Marks: 2/2 Who is sometimes called the "grandfather of CAI" for his pioneering work at Stanford? Choose one answer.

Patrick Suppes Paul Saettler Andrew Molnar Arthur Luehrmann


Correct Marks for this submission: 2/2. Question 8 Marks: 2/2 A statement by researcher Richard Clark denoted that the impact of computers on learning can be described by which of the following statements? Choose one answer.

Cyber-cheating appears to be a good thing. Various forms of media are mere vehicles that deliver instruction. An excellent education can be obtained without a computer. Computer information systems are more than recording devices.


Correct Marks for this submission: 2/2. Question 9 Marks: 2/2 Which is NOT an ethical or legal issue impacting the integration of technology into education? Choose one answer.

increased copyright issues increased viruses and hacking increased plagiarism increased privacy of information


Correct Marks for this submission: 2/2. Question 10 Marks: 2/2 Which programming language came into widespread use in the 1980s as a tool for implementing non-traditional instructional approaches?

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Choose one answer.



Correct Marks for this submission: 2/2. Question 11 Marks: 2/2 Which is NOT a current condition that stresses the importance of agreement on the benefits of technology in education? Choose one answer.

The accountability movement has placed a higher premium on research evidence for educational practices.

Technology costs are decreasing. There is a perceived lack of evidence of technology's benefits. Teachers are not using technology as much as expected.


Correct Marks for this submission: 2/2. Question 12 Marks: 2/2 Although many educators tend to think of technology as devices, Saettler reminds us that the definition of educational technology encompasses the following: Choose one answer.

combination of hardware and software. technology tools and processes. Correct!

changing resources. combination of media and computer devices.


Correct Marks for this submission: 2/2. Question 13 Marks: 2/2 Computer applications were first used in schools in the: Choose one answer.


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1970s 1980s 1960s


Correct Marks for this submission: 2/2. Question 14 Marks: 2/2 Who is said to have coined the term "computer literacy?" Choose one answer.

Andrew Molnar Paul Saettler Patrick Suppes Arthur Luehrmann


Correct Marks for this submission: 2/2. Question 15 Marks: 2/2 This textbook focuses on computers rather than other technologies. Which is NOT a reason for this focus? Choose one answer.

Computer systems take the place of many other kinds of media. It is easier for educators to see how to integrate less-complex media. Educational technology refers primarily to computer equipment. Computer systems are more complex than other kinds of media.


Correct Marks for this submission: 2/2.

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1Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.





Who is most closely associated with systems approaches to learning?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade Gagne 06:55:28 on 20/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade Gagne 07:26:10 on 20/06/09 2 2

2Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

several kinds of conditioning.

innate limitations to development.

zones of proximal development.

varying kinds of intelligences.

Gardner's theory is based on his belief that people have

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.

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Quiz 2

Review of attempt 1

Started on Saturday, 20 June 2009, 06:52 AM

Completed on Saturday, 20 June 2009, 07:26 AM

Time taken 33 mins 18 secs

Grade 30 out of a maximum of 30 (100%)

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History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade varying kinds of intelligences. 06:56:55 on 20/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade varying kinds of intelligences. 07:26:10 on 20/06/09 2 2

3Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

enabling forms of learning.

a relative advantage.



As applied in the TIP model, Everett Rogers refers to the decision to integrate new methods as:

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade a relative advantage. 06:59:15 on 20/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade a relative advantage. 07:26:10 on 20/06/09 2 2

4Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

interactive video-based problem scenarios.

Internet-based strategies.

simulations and instructional games.

drill-and-practice and tutorial software.

Skinner would have probably advocated using:

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade drill-and-practice and tutorial software. 07:02:52 on 20/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade drill-and-practice and tutorial software. 07:26:10 on 20/06/09 2 2

5Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

component elaboration theory.

the building of learning hierarchies.

generative models of learning.

zones of proximal development.

Robert Gagne's theories are most closely associated with:


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Marks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade the building of learning hierarchies. 07:05:23 on 20/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade the building of learning hierarchies. 07:26:10 on 20/06/09 2 2

6Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

doing research online on various kinds of energy transfer

letting students discover mathematics principles through instructional games

using a structured simulation to demonstrate a social studies principle

using drill-and-practice tutorials to promote automatic recall of spelling terms

Bruner would have agreed most strongly with which technology strategy?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade letting students discover mathematics principles through instructionalgames

07:07:13 on20/06/09

2 2

2 Close&Grade letting students discover mathematics principles throughinstructional games

07:26:10 on20/06/09

2 2

7Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

cognitive dissonance




What would Vygotsky call a process of helping students build new math skills by using skills andinformation from their own experiences?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade scaffolding 07:08:05 on 20/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade scaffolding 07:26:10 on 20/06/09 2 2

8Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

mental models.

inert knowledge.

The CTGV research-and-development team refers to problem-solving tasks based on highly visual,motivating scenarios as:

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anchored instruction.

advance organizers.

CorrectMarks for thissubmission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade anchored instruction. 07:11:14 on 20/06/09 0 0

2 Grade mental models. 07:11:51 on 20/06/09 0 0

3 Grade inert knowledge. 07:11:56 on 20/06/09 2 2

4 Close&Grade inert knowledge. 07:26:10 on 20/06/09 2 2

9Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

test items closely matched to objectives.

collaborative work to solve complex problems.

individual work to develop basic skills.

building skills from lower to higher levels.

Which is a characteristic of constructivist learning models?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade collaborative work to solve complex problems. 07:12:20 on 20/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade collaborative work to solve complex problems. 07:26:10 on 20/06/09 2 2

10Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

Students need to see how skills relate to their real-life activities.

Students need to learn to work cooperatively together in groups.

Students need learning to be a more interactive process.

Students need individual practice to learn skills.

Which instructional needs and implications does a directed approach address?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade Students need individual practice to learn skills. 07:13:55 on 20/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade Students need individual practice to learn skills. 07:26:10 on 20/06/09 2 2

11Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.


Who is often associated with information processing models of learning?

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CorrectMarks for thissubmission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade Ausubel 07:15:59 on 20/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade Ausubel 07:26:10 on 20/06/09 2 2

12Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

integration that fosters group cooperation.

integration that reinforces self-paced review.

integration that builds mental models.

integration that optimizes scarce resources.

The integration strategy that most likely fits both learning models is

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade integration that optimizes scarce resources. 07:18:32 on 20/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade integration that optimizes scarce resources. 07:26:10 on 20/06/09 2 2

13Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

Both agree on the fundamental nature of human knowledge.

Both share common views on conditions needed for learning.

Both are based on the work of respected learning theorists.

Both use identical terminology to refer to the same methods.

What do directed and constructivist approaches have in common?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade Both are based on the work of respected learning theorists. 07:22:06 on 20/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade Both are based on the work of respected learning theorists. 07:26:10 on 20/06/09 2 2

14Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

Educators disagree on whether changes to current methods are needed.

Advocates of each have trouble articulating their rationales.

Why do people disagree on whether teaching strategies should be primarily directed or constructivist?

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Advocates of each one come from different levels of education.

Educators disagree on which approach will improve current educationalpractices.

CorrectMarks for thissubmission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade Educators disagree on whether changes to current methods are needed. 07:24:15 on20/06/09

0 0

2 Grade Educators disagree on which approach will improve current educationalpractices.

07:24:27 on20/06/09

2 2

3 Close&Grade Educators disagree on which approach will improve currenteducational practices.

07:26:10 on20/06/09

2 2

15Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

advance organizers

mastery learning

cognitive apprenticeships

stages of development

Which concept is most closely associated with Piaget?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade stages of development 07:25:30 on 20/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade stages of development 07:26:10 on 20/06/09 2 2

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1Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

a tendency toward page turning

the fidelity of the system

the need for automaticity

the classification of the simulation types

Which is an issue related to instructional uses of simulations?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade the classification of the simulation types 16:57:38 on 24/06/09 0 0

2 Grade a tendency toward page turning 16:59:11 on 24/06/09 0 0

3 Grade the fidelity of the system 16:59:18 on 24/06/09 2 2

4 Close&Grade the fidelity of the system 17:18:49 on 24/06/09 2 2

2Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

It prmarily uses tutorial approaches.

It includes a management system.

It runs on 12 or more computers.

What is one characteristic of an ILS?

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Quiz 3

Review of attempt 1

Started on Wednesday, 24 June 2009, 04:51 PM

Completed on Wednesday, 24 June 2009, 05:18 PM

Time taken 27 mins 23 secs

Grade 30 out of a maximum of 30 (100%)

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It includes every kind of software. CorrectMarks for this

submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade It includes a management system. 17:00:35 on 24/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade It includes a management system. 17:18:49 on 24/06/09 2 2

3Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.





When using drill-and-practice software functions, avoid

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade overuse. 17:00:56 on 24/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade overuse. 17:18:49 on 24/06/09 2 2

4Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

as a substitute for worksheets

as a way to review content

to foster the use of learning strategies

to foster automatic recall

Which is a good use of problem-solving software?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade to foster the use of learning strategies 17:03:11 on 24/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade to foster the use of learning strategies 17:18:49 on 24/06/09 2 2

5Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

It does not interfere with learning.

Color is always used.

It is included in most frames.

What should one look for when evaluating courseware's graphics?

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Animation is always included. CorrectMarks for this

submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade It does not interfere with learning. 17:05:23 on 24/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade It does not interfere with learning. 17:18:49 on 24/06/09 2 2

6Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.



an ILS program


If a teacher wanted to demonstrate genetics principles by mating fruit flies and letting studentsanalyze features of their offspring, what would be the best software for the teacher to use?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade simulation 17:06:09 on 24/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade simulation 17:18:49 on 24/06/09 2 2

7Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

It supports small-group work.

It provides a self-paced review of learning.

It fosters process learning.

It provides a supplement to field trips.

What is one classroom application of tutorial software?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade It provides a self-paced review of learning. 17:06:56 on 24/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade It provides a self-paced review of learning. 17:18:49 on 24/06/09 2 2

8Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

build in transfer activities.

teach clearly defined skills.

The constructivist perspective on integrating problem-solving software is to

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promote a reflective learning environment.

match software to desired abilities.

CorrectMarks for thissubmission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade build in transfer activities. 17:08:13 on 24/06/09 0 0

2 Grade teach clearly defined skills. 17:09:16 on 24/06/09 0 0

3 Grade promote a reflective learning environment. 17:10:31 on 24/06/09 2 2

4 Close&Grade promote a reflective learning environment. 17:18:49 on 24/06/09 2 2

9Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.


problem solving



Which software function might be useful if there were no teacher available to teach the topic?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade tutorial 17:11:22 on 24/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade tutorial 17:18:49 on 24/06/09 2 2

10Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

branching drill activities

flash card activities

extensive feedback activities

content-area skills

Which is NOT one of the various types of drill-and-practice strategy software?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade content-area skills 17:12:47 on 24/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade content-area skills 17:18:49 on 24/06/09 2 2

11Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

engaging and fun activities

When selecting instructional games, the following criterion should be considered:

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a highly competitive environment

gender-based topic areas

learning and motivation

CorrectMarks for thissubmission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade learning and motivation 17:14:33 on 24/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade learning and motivation 17:18:49 on 24/06/09 2 2

12Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

confusing games with simulations.

disagreement overs its use with ILSs.

confusing game rules with real rules.

disagreement over the definition.

An issue related to the instructional use of games is:

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade confusing game rules with real rules. 17:14:56 on 24/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade confusing game rules with real rules. 17:18:49 on 24/06/09 2 2

13Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

student motivation


teacher acceptance


The primary criticism of ILSs, in regard to impact on learning, is

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade expense 17:16:05 on 24/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade expense 17:18:49 on 24/06/09 2 2

14Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

It sometimes shows higher achievement than other methods.

It never shows higher achievement than other methods.

What is a common research finding related to ILS use?

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It always shows higher achievement than other methods.

Achievement is usually equal to that with other methods.

CorrectMarks for thissubmission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade It sometimes shows higher achievement than other methods. 17:18:09 on 24/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade It sometimes shows higher achievement than other methods. 17:18:49 on 24/06/09 2 2

15Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

as alternatives for simulations.

for modeling real systems.

for modeling imaginary systems.

None of the above.

Instructional games are most frequently used

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade None of the above. 17:18:30 on 24/06/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade None of the above. 17:18:49 on 24/06/09 2 2

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1Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

data warehousing


data mining

data basing

The procedure of locating information from databases to reveal relationships among data is called

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade data mining 14:09:10 on 1/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade data mining 14:15:34 on 1/07/09 2 2

2Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

insert return.

word wraparound.



When a word processor automatically does a carriage return at the end of a line, it is called

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

Quiz 4

Review of attempt 1

Started on Wednesday, 1 July 2009, 02:08 PM

Completed on Wednesday, 1 July 2009, 02:15 PM

Time taken 7 mins 30 secs

Grade 30 out of a maximum of 30 (100%)

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# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade word wraparound. 14:09:25 on 1/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade word wraparound. 14:15:34 on 1/07/09 2 2

3Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

word wraparound



look up tables

This word-processing feature allows information to be organized in rows and columns.

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade tables 14:09:40 on 1/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade tables 14:15:34 on 1/07/09 2 2

4Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

a software suite

a productivity package

a learning suite

a support package

Which software package can include many separate software applications?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade a software suite 14:09:57 on 1/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade a software suite 14:15:34 on 1/07/09 2 2

5Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.



word processing

a combination of spreadsheets and databases

Which of the following might a teacher use to help students create graphs?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.

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History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade spreadsheets. 14:10:08 on 1/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade spreadsheets. 14:15:34 on 1/07/09 2 2

6Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

word processing



none of the above

Of the basic three software programs, which would be best to use to create a political cartoon?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade none of the above 14:10:23 on 1/07/09 0 0

2 Grade word processing 14:10:34 on 1/07/09 2 2

3 Close&Grade word processing 14:15:34 on 1/07/09 2 2

7Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

look up tables


headers and footers


A word processing feature that can automatically insert a title on each page is called

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade headers and footers 14:10:55 on 1/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade headers and footers 14:15:34 on 1/07/09 2 2

8Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

forgetting to use automatic word wraparound

using search and replace inappropriately

forgetting to insert headers and footers

using copy and paste in the wrong locations

Which error might a word-processing novice make?

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CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade forgetting to use automatic word wraparound 14:11:15 on 1/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade forgetting to use automatic word wraparound 14:15:34 on 1/07/09 2 2

9Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

including the cell with the formula in the formula itself.

failing to enter the formula.

faiing to leave the formula cell before printing.

including extra blank lines in the formula.

Which error might a novice spreadsheet user make?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade including the cell with the formula in the formula itself. 14:11:56 on 1/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade including the cell with the formula in the formula itself. 14:15:34 on 1/07/09 2 2

10Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

a spreadsheet.

word processing.

a combination of a spreadsheet and a database.

a database.

Budget portions of a teacher's annual report could be done effectively with

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade a spreadsheet. 14:12:16 on 1/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade a spreadsheet. 14:15:34 on 1/07/09 2 2

11Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.



word processing

Of the three basic software programs, the best one to use to compare and analyze characteristics ofU.S. Presidents would be

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none of the above CorrectMarks for this

submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade database 14:12:31 on 1/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade database 14:15:34 on 1/07/09 2 2

12Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.





A feature of databases that uses Boolean logic to search for keywords is called

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade queries. 14:12:43 on 1/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade queries. 14:15:34 on 1/07/09 2 2

13Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

word processing



none of the above

Of the three basic software programs, which would be best to predict the average number of items?(for example, the number of marbles in a bag)

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade spreadsheet 14:13:05 on 1/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade spreadsheet 14:15:34 on 1/07/09 2 2

14Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.



A single item of data in a database is stored in a

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CorrectMarks for thissubmission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade field 14:13:43 on 1/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade field 14:15:34 on 1/07/09 2 2

15Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

the time it takes away from content learning.

its compatibility with other software tools.

whether or not ten-finger typing is necessary.

whether or not each student needs a computer.

When using word processing, teachers have to consider

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade whether or not ten-finger typing is necessary. 14:15:22 on 1/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade whether or not ten-finger typing is necessary. 14:15:34 on 1/07/09 2 2

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1Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

an outline.

clip art.

a story starter.

a concept map.

A program that shows a visual outline of ideas in a topic, such as "mammals" is called:

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade a concept map. 08:45:52 on 8/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade a concept map. 08:57:25 on 8/07/09 2 2

2Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

It can automatically correct mathematical errors.

It can create different versions of tests from a pool of items.

both of the above

neither of the above

What advantage does a test generator have over a word processor in creating tests?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

Quiz 5

Review of attempt 1

Started on Wednesday, 8 July 2009, 08:45 AM

Completed on Wednesday, 8 July 2009, 08:57 AM

Time taken 11 mins 51 secs

Marks 30/30

Grade 10 out of a maximum of 10 (100%)

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# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade It can create different versions of tests from a pool of items. 08:46:11 on 8/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade It can create different versions of tests from a pool of items. 08:57:25 on 8/07/09 2 2

3Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

how it formats bibliographies in published documents.

how it makes entering information more efficient.

the wayit treats separate pages of each document.

the way it handles the organization of desktop icons.

What makes desktop-publishing software different from word-processing software?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade how it makes entering information more efficient. 08:46:31 on 8/07/09 0 0

2 Grade the wayit treats separate pages of each document. 08:46:39 on 8/07/09 2 2

3 Close&Grade the wayit treats separate pages of each document. 08:57:25 on 8/07/09 2 2

4Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.





The Acrobat software created for viewing and sending documents as images is called

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade PDF 08:46:55 on 8/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade PDF 08:57:25 on 8/07/09 2 2

5Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.



digitizing systems

graphing calcuators

Which wold be a good tool to use in a lesson involving analyzing water samples?


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Marks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade graphing calcuators 08:47:29 on 8/07/09 0 0

2 Grade probeware 08:49:12 on 8/07/09 2 2

3 Close&Grade probeware 08:57:25 on 8/07/09 2 2

6Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

desktop publishing

a 3-D modeling system

a newsletter generator

a concept mapping tool

Which tool would be a good choice for designing a classroom newsletter?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade desktop publishing 08:49:33 on 8/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade desktop publishing 08:57:25 on 8/07/09 2 2

7Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

test generators.

form makers.

CMI systems.

CAT systems.

Students Information Systems (SIS) were also called

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade CMI systems. 08:50:06 on 8/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade CMI systems. 08:57:25 on 8/07/09 2 2

8Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

confusing or irrelevant graphics or images.

a confusing or distracting use of fonts.

the use of DeksJet printers rather than laser printers.

One common error to avoid in desktop-published documents is:

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kerneling and other fomatting errors. CorrectMarks for this

submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade a confusing or distracting use of fonts. 08:52:29 on 8/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade a confusing or distracting use of fonts. 08:57:25 on 8/07/09 2 2

9Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

planning and organizing tools

materials generator

reearch and reference tools

graphics tools

The best tool category to use to develop ideas for writing and activities would be

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade planning and organizing tools 08:52:54 on 8/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade planning and organizing tools 08:57:25 on 8/07/09 2 2

10Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

a word atlas.

a certificate maker.

statistical analysis.

concept mapping.

Another name for an electronic dictionary is:

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade a word atlas. 08:53:07 on 8/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade a word atlas. 08:57:25 on 8/07/09 2 2

11Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

electronic keyboard.

MIDI synthesizer.

electronic guitar.

Music-editing software is usually used with a :

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CAD system. CorrectMarks for this

submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade MIDI synthesizer. 08:53:50 on 8/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade MIDI synthesizer. 08:57:25 on 8/07/09 2 2

12Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

worksheet and puzzle generators.

graphic document makers.

PDFs and forms makers.

test generators.

When producing exercises and games for students skills practice, a teacher might use:

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade worksheet and puzzle generators. 08:54:10 on 8/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade worksheet and puzzle generators. 08:57:25 on 8/07/09 2 2

13Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

MIDI synthesizer.

GPS system.

CAD system.

GIS system.

Garageband is a Mac tool that would be classified as a :

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade MIDI synthesizer. 08:56:29 on 8/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade MIDI synthesizer. 08:57:25 on 8/07/09 2 2

14Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

a word atlas.

a story starter.

a thesaurus.

Another name for an electronic dictionary is:

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an alectronic encyclopedia. CorrectMarks for this

submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade a word atlas. 08:56:52 on 8/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade a word atlas. 08:57:25 on 8/07/09 2 2

15Marks: 2/2

Choose oneanswer.

test generators.


form makers.


Many teachers prefer to use Gradebook software instead of

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.History of Responses:

# Action Response Time Raw score Grade

1 Grade spreadsheets. 08:57:16 on 8/07/09 2 2

2 Close&Grade spreadsheets. 08:57:25 on 8/07/09 2 2

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1Marks: 2

Choose oneanswer.

text read-aloud for the audience.

many different items on the frame.

graphics and sounds used to keep the attention of the audience.

minimal text on the frame.

An effective slideshow presentation should have

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/2.

2Marks: 2

Choose oneanswer.

documenting school activities.

field trips.



Virtual systems are used for

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.

3Marks: 2

Choose oneanswer.

a blog

Which tool would NOT be classified as a Web 2.0 authoring tool?

Quiz 6

Review of attempt 1

Started on Friday, 17 July 2009, 02:02 PM

Completed on Friday, 17 July 2009, 02:38 PM

Time taken 36 mins 22 secs

Grade 26 out of a maximum of 30 (87%)

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a podcast

virtual reality

an E-Portfolio

CorrectMarks for thissubmission: 2/2.

4Marks: 2

Choose oneanswer.


a level I videodisc.

the Internet.


A good example of hypermedia in actual use is

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.

5Marks: 2

Choose oneanswer.





An example of video-editing software is

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.

6Marks: 2

Choose oneanswer.

GIS system.

full-immersion system VR.

QuickTime VR.

Web-based VR.

A virtual environment that is developed using VRML and XML languages would be a

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.

7Marks: 2

Choose oneanswer.

interactive storybooks.

instructional games.

Interactive books include

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both interactive storybooks and texts.

interactive texts.

CorrectMarks for thissubmission: 2/2.

8Marks: 2

Choose oneanswer.

They increase motivation for learning.

They provide students a variety of ways to show their abilities.

They make it possible for students to understand how they learn.

They prepare many students for careers in film and theater.

What is a major benefit of using multimedia and hypermedia in learning?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.

9Marks: 2

Choose oneanswer.

assessment by the audience.

assessment by the teacher.


assessment by the subject-matter experts.

The most important components of the assessment of student hypermedia projects might be

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/2.

10Marks: 2

Choose oneanswer.


virtual reality.

on-screen media.


Presentation software is used to create

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.

11Marks: 2

Choose oneanswer.

instructional design.

the use of all media channels.

low cost.

Criteria for evaluating commercial hypermedia products include

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portability. CorrectMarks for this

submission: 2/2.

12Marks: 2

Choose oneanswer.

a. TIF

b. MOV

c. AVI


Which is NOT a video file type?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.

13Marks: 2

Choose oneanswer.

Students have greater comprehension when reading words rather thanhearing words.

Learning styles have an effect on whether hypermedia features are effective.

Students learn just as well when the explanations are verbla rather than inmultiple media formats.

A primary advantage of hypermedia is its rapid search capability.

Research on multimedia and hypermedia systems in education suggests which of the following?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.

14Marks: 2

Choose oneanswer.

linked concepts

separate media

separate concepts

linked media

If the definition of multimedia is "a combination of media," what is the best definition of hypermedia?

CorrectMarks for this submission: 2/2.

15Marks: 2

Choose oneanswer.

a blog

a wiki

Which Web 2.0 tools would encourage collaborative contributions via a collection of web pages?

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a podcast

video sharing

CorrectMarks for thissubmission: 2/2.

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Quiz 6

Please select the best answer.

Attempts allowed: 3

Grading method: Average grade

Summary of your previous attempts

Attempt Completed Grade / 30

1 Friday, 17 July 2009, 02:38 PM 26

2 Friday, 17 July 2009, 02:55 PM 28

Average grade: 27 / 30.

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