Sincerely, Salutations! I hope you all have had an absolutely fabu- lous summer! I know I have! But hey, do you smell that? That’s the new school year com- ing in! And that means a huge service year! We’ve got loads of new things ahead of us. Remember, North Regional Training Conferences will take place at Roxbury High School from 9 am to 1 pm. Breakfast and lunch will be served! Attendance at one Re- gional Training Con- ference is required for all officers. See you then! The Lieutenant Governor Lowdown President’s Council Meeting Reminders Thank you to all who attended last Tuesday’s PCM! Here’s a quick wrap-up and a few reminders for you all: I will distribute advocacy bracelets at our next PCM. RTCs are Sept 23rd at Roxbury High School from 9am to 1pm! Write your officer penpal letters by RTCs! I will be collecting them then. YOF grant applications are due October 15th. International Subcommittee apps are also due October 15th. Tell your clubs! June 20th, 2012 Volume 1, Issue 3 Quirkey Division 16 Newsletter Important Dates 9/10: August Club Monthly Report Forms Due 9/23: North Regional Training Confer- ences, PCM II 10/7: FALL RALLY! 10/15: International Subcommittee Apps due, YOF due Inside this issue: Important Dates 1 President’s Council Meeting Reminders 1 Advocacy Bracelets Officer Penpals 2 The PR Committee Fall Rally 3 ICON Recap 4 Meet the Neighbors 8 Meet the Neighbors Officer Spotlight 9 Me maraca’ing it up in Mexico! special ICON edition!

Quirkey - July/August Newsletter

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A monthly newsletter reporting district happenings, future events and deadlines, and tips and tricks pertinent to division 16 of the district of New Jersey.

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Page 1: Quirkey - July/August Newsletter



I hope you all have

had an absolutely fabu-

lous summer! I know I


But hey, do you

smell that? That’s the

new school year com-

ing in! And that means

a huge service year!

We’ve got loads of new

things ahead of us.

Remember, North

Regional Training

Conferences will take

place at Roxbury High

School from 9 am to 1

pm. Breakfast and

lunch will be served!

Attendance at one Re-

gional Training Con-

ference is required for

all officers.

See you then!

The Lieutenant Governor Lowdown

President’s Council Meeting Reminders

Thank you to all who attended last Tuesday’s PCM! Here’s a quick wrap-up and a few reminders for you all:

I will distribute advocacy bracelets at our next PCM.

RTCs are Sept 23rd at Roxbury High School from 9am to 1pm!

Write your officer penpal letters by RTCs! I will be collecting them then.

YOF grant applications are due October 15th.

International Subcommittee apps are also due October 15th. Tell your clubs!

June 20th, 2012 Volume 1, Issue 3

Quirkey Division 16 Newsletter

Important Dates

9/10: August Club

Monthly Report

Forms Due

9/23: North Regional

Training Confer-

ences, PCM II


10/15: International

Subcommittee Apps

due, YOF due

Inside this issue:

Important Dates 1

President’s Council

Meeting Reminders 1

Advocacy Bracelets

Officer Penpals 2

The PR Committee

Fall Rally 3 ICON Recap


Meet the Neighbors 8

Meet the Neighbors

Officer Spotlight 9

Me maraca’ing it up in





Page 2: Quirkey - July/August Newsletter

Some fun facts about

the Eastern Canada dis-


Eastern Canada’s

DCON is held in

both English and


Each of Eastern Can-

ada’s divisions has a

name, like Division

Fleur de Lys


Eastern Canada is

quite different from New

Jersey, primarily because

of our difference in size!

With your new penpal,

you can learn all about

their district’s quirks,

share event ideas, con-

Upcoming Calendar

vince them to adopt a

mascot, and much, much


If you are interested

in having an officer

penpal, please contact me

(Facebook, e-mail, text,

etc) as soon as possible!

I will be collecting

and mailing the letters at

North RTCs on Septem-

ber 23rd, so please have

your letters written by

Page 2

Officer Penpals with the Division 5 Maple Leafs

As announced at last

Tuesday’s President’s

Council Meeting, our

division will be penpal-

ing with the Division 5

Maple Leafs in the East-

ern Canada district!

This is a great op-

portunity to learn more

about Key Club outside

of New Jersey, make a

new friend, and bring

back good ol’ letter writ-


1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31


2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

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District events; 9/23 - North RTCs; 10/7 - FALL RALLY!

Due date; 10/15 - YOF Grant & International subcommittee apps

Club monthly report forms due

Page 3: Quirkey - July/August Newsletter

What is the Public Relations Committee?

Page 3

roller coasters.”

Fear not, my dear Key

Clubber! There are plen-

ty of reasons to attend

Fall Rally that don’t in-

volve those queasy, iron

monstrosities, like:

Shows! Six Flags is

home to plenty of live

events, like musical

performances, charac-

“Hey, are you going

to Fall Rally? It’s going to

be at Six Flags!”

“Umm… I don’t like

ter meet-and-greets,

even a sea lion show!

FrightFest is on! Dur-

ing October, Six Flags

gets overrun by zom-

bie gravediggers, pi-

rates, and Confeder-

ate soldiers! Not to

mention the fountain

is also stained Kool-

Aid red.

Meet the district

board and 3,000 oth-

er Key Clubbers from

all over New Jersey!

Attendance at Fall

Rally is a requirement

for officers to be dis-

tinguished. *wink


Earn up to three ser-

vice hours!

Fall Rally—Alternatives to Roller Coasters

motional videos, or a presentations. The Public Rela-

tions Committee is the voice of the New Jersey Dis-

trict; when you get information about district hap-

penings, it’s usually through us.

We are a resource that anybody can use – it

doesn’t matter whether you’re a club editor or a lieu-

tenant governor. We provide all sorts of materials

that you can use throughout your service year to

more effectively serve your home, schools, and com-


If you have any questions regarding the Public

Relations Committee or advertising in general, please

feel free to contact our Committee Chairpersons,

District Editor Zak DeGiulio ([email protected])

and District Webmaster Lucas Dos Santos.

([email protected]).

23 lieutenant governors, 5 executive board mem-

bers. Who are they? What do they do? And what's the

New Jersey Dis-

trict up to this


The Public

Relations Com-

mittee has the

answers! When it comes to advertising and educating,

we’re the experts. Need a flyer template for an upcom-

ing event? Or confused on how to advertise a fund-

raiser? We’ve got you covered! The Public Relations

Committee creates all sorts of resources for everyone

to use – PowerPoints, videos, brochures, you name it!

We actively work to spread Key Club throughout

New Jersey, whether that’s through club building, pro-

Page 4: Quirkey - July/August Newsletter


“Super super super awesome”

- LTG Justin Munn (PNW)

“Christina Xiao is crazy.”

- KFF Chair James Chen (CaliNevHa)

“Super-best last Key-Club event!

- IP LTG Grace Chon (PNW)

“Where friends are made.”

- District Treasurer Kat Murray (MO-AK)

“Christina Xiao is crazy.”

- KFF Chair James Chen (CaliNevHa)

Page 5: Quirkey - July/August Newsletter

“Where the magic happens.”

- President Valerie Wong (NJ)

“Craziest funnest week ever.”

- LTG Ashna Bhatia (NJ)

“The best thing ever.”.

- LTG Rocky Trifari (NJ)

“A fantastically marvelous event.”

- LTG Heather Krannich (NJ)

Page 6: Quirkey - July/August Newsletter


“Awesome. The noun, awesome.”

- IT Marc Chen (Eastern Canada)

“Talismanic and powerfully mesmerizing.”

- LTG Zack Waldorf

“Amazing, inspirational, intense, pins!

- LTG Chris Addonizio (NJ)

Page 6

Page 7: Quirkey - July/August Newsletter

“The best experience ever.”

- Gov Daniel Ivan Lin (NY)

“Service to the maximum!”

- LTG Aimee Kurtz (Carolinas)

“Breathtaking, extraordinary,

dazzling, spectacular!”

- LTGAmy Dang (Carolinas)

“Inspirational, exhilarating, self-discovering togetherness!

- LTG Ali Perri (NJ)

Page 7

Page 8: Quirkey - July/August Newsletter

Meet the Neighbors

New Jersey: 12,000 Key Clubbers, 23 lieutenant governors. Who are these 23 lieutenant governors?

Every newsletter, I will feature three lieutenant governors and ask them one question.

This newsletter’s question: How did you get involved in Key Club?

Zack Waldorf - Division 12 LTG

I initially joined Key Club because my friend was going to join it, but upon my

first step into this club, there was really no getting out. My first real service event

that solidified my lifelong participation in this club was my predecessor, Zak's,

service event, America's Grow-a-Row. We harvested winter squash for cities who

do not have access to much fresh produce. That service event inspired me to run

for lieutenant governor. Key Club has allowed me to make great friendships and

has also made me love volunteering and service. It has helped me branch out and

break out of my timid shell.

Bria Metivier - Division 14 LTG

Key Club is one of the biggest clubs at my high school, and when I was asked to

join, my first question was, “Do you guys make keys?” (typical, I know!). After

learning that it was a service club, I decided, “Hey, why not!” My Key Club experi-

ence as a general member and a lieutenant governor has changed my output on

life completely. I’ve learned that there are so many things in the world that are

bigger than ourselves that we can fix very easily, if we work together. Yes, we’re

only high school students, but that can’t stop us from making the world a better


Diti Shah - Division 13 LTG

To be honest, I joined Key Club because it was one of the most popular clubs in

my school. All my friends and I decided to join together but my passion for this

wonderful organization has grown tremendously over the years. After, attending

my DCON for the first time my sophomore year I realized how much I could

truly do to help make a difference in this world. Key Club has inspired me to do

more to help those around me and has taught me so much over the years. Key

Club has introduced me to such wonderful people that I have the pleasure of

working with.

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Page 9: Quirkey - July/August Newsletter

Meet the Neighbors: Eastern Canada

Winker Xiao - Division 5 Maple Leaf LTG

I joined Key Club initially because I needed to complete the mandatory 50 hours

of service to graduate high school. (Canadian rule, I know…) I did not know much

about the club at the time and at one point I thought that key clubbers gathered

to make keys in a dark room. Surprisingly, I would stumble upon something that

revolutionized my life. Through Key Club, I found friendship in my best friend; I

found love in my first girlfriend, and I found success in raising $4000 for my

school club. To sum it up, I would like to quote Kanye, as Key Club helped me

“believe in my flyness… and conquer my shyness.”

Page 9

New Jersey isn’t the only home to lieutenant governors!

All over the northern hemisphere, there are hundreds of lieutenant governors.

Each newsletter, I will feature one, and ask them the same question.

tary of Tenafly High

School Key Club. I’m

going to be a junior this

fall, and the past two

years of Key Club have

been absolutely amaz-

ing. At the beginning of

my freshman year, I had

no idea that Key Club

would be more than just

community service.

Hey everyone!

My name is Marisa

Wong and I’m the secre-

Through Key Club, I

have made new friends,

become a better leader,

and learned what service

actually is.

Besides Key Club, I

am also in Chinese Cul-

tural Club, Chemistry

Club, Color Guard, and

the Junior Volunteer Pro-

gram at Englewood Hos-

pital. I love eating cook-

ies and cream ice cream

and my favorite Pokémon

is Minun.

However, despite all

of these activities, Key

Club is one of my main

priorities. I look forward

to all the exciting events

and projects in the year


Officer Spotlight - Tenafly Secretary, Marisa Wong

Page 10: Quirkey - July/August Newsletter

How-to: Sell Advocacy Bracelets

Christina Xiao



Nicole Ventrone







Lucas Dos Santos



Joe Toumanios



Zak DeGiulio



Important Contacts

At North Regional

Training Conferences, I

will be distributing the

advocacy bracelets

which were ordered ear-

lier this month. As a

club, you purchase them

each for $1, and can sell

them for a higher price

to build your club treasuries.

So how can you get those bracelets out there?

Set up a stand after school or during lunch.

Tell passersby about the Advocacy Project! (see

my June newsletter if you need information)

Sell them in conjunction with other events,

such as a bake sale. Double whammy!

Offer them as a membership bracelet, and give

them out when you charge dues (you can in-

crease the cost of dues up to $16)

Use them as tickets to events!

Before the start of each

class, ask your teacher if you

can announce that you are

selling advocacy bracelets.

These bracelets help to ben-

efit the Eliminate Project!

Sell them to teachers or

other faculty members.

Teachers love hearing about

what you do outside of the classroom!

Go up to people and say, “Quick! Help me

save a life!” When they ask what they have to

do, tell them to buy a bracelet. Each bracelet

pays for one round of vaccinations against


Tell your mom and dad to buy one!

Photoshop an image of an advocacy brace-

let onto a celebrity. Convince everyone that

this is the latest crazy in jewelry.

Get ready to sell those bracelets!