Quick Overview of Renaissance.doc

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  • 8/14/2019 Quick Overview of Renaissance.doc


    Quick Overview of Renaissance (1558 1660)

    Historical / Political1) Elizabethan Period (Tudor Dynasty) 1558 1603 Golden ae o! Enland "table Enland under Elizabeth

    End o! ri!t bet#een Protestant and $atholi% &n're%edented 'ros'erity and international 'restie (e oyal E*%hane (sto%+e*%hane) !ounded in 1565) $hane !ro, !ar, based e%ono,y to international trade -o %ostly #ars but #on the s+ir,ish #ith the "'anish .r,ada -o %lash bet#een ,onar%h and 'arlia,ent En%ouraed o/erseas /entures ("ir ran%is Dra+e and alter aleih)

    2) "tuart Period (a,es 4 o! "%otland) .lso +no#n as a%obean 'eriod $harles 1625 167 $lashes bet#een ,onar%hy and 'arlia,ent Dis,issed 'arlia,ent ent to #ar #ithout the 'er,ission o! 'arlia,ent

    Period o! la/ishness and e*tra/aan%e (e 9as:ues 1605 ; 1670 #ere a sy,bol o!the ri%h#ealthy< e*%ess and de%aden%e 9as:ues #ere a union o! the arts ,usi%< dan%eed to "ir ran%is Dra+e %ir%u,na/iated the lobe in 7 years

    o 9artin robisher e*'lored the .rti%

    o 1statte,'t albeit a !ailed one at %olonisation in -orth .,eri%a oana+e

    sland 158= "%ien%e /s $hur%hBs 'rohibition taboo o! see+in hea/enly se%rets or 'layin God$hur%h dis%ouraed the 'ryin into the ,o/e,ents o! hea/enly bodies or se%rets o!$reation "%ien%e %an no loner be deri/ed !ro, the boo+s o! .ristotle or Pliny but ,ust result!ro, !irsthand obser/ation and e*'eri,ent (?a%onian ,ethod o! s%ien%e)


    Printin 'ress in/ented by ohannes Gutenbero n%reased the 'ublishin o! #or+s and literature

    Pro'oation o! ne# ideas "tabilised the Enlish lanuae /ersus ha/in #or+s in >atin Gree+

    o Translation o! Gree+ >atin into Enlish e $ha',an translated Ao,erBs

    Cdyssey !ro, Gree+ to Enlish

    +iterature Aea/ily in!luen%ed by talian enaissan%e

    talian enaissan%e redis%o/ered an%ient Gree+ o,an theatre E/ol/ed !ro, ,ira%le 'lays or ,iddle aes Theatre ins'ired by "ene%a 9aster o! Traedies (Ty'i!ied by ?lood and 4iolen%e)

  • 8/14/2019 Quick Overview of Renaissance.doc


    Enlish 'lay#rihts #ere ins'ired by talian ,odel e ebsterBs Du%hess o! 9al!i