qui. aryity noeun

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  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun



    {Function} | {Subfunction} This represents a Navigation path. For example,Journals | Entermeans navigate to theJournalsmenu, open the menu, then go theEntermenu to open the Enter Journals form.

    Menu > SubMenu This represents a path on the Menu Bar of the application.

    TMenu > SubMenu The T stands for Toolbar, whenever you see this it means you must follow the specified path on theToolbar Menu.

    B The B stands for button, whenever you see this it represents a path on the Toolbar Menu Bar.

    The arrow indicates that a pull-down menu is to be used. Clicking on the arrow will take you to analternative zone.

    Process Name This represents the name of a report or process to be run.

    R The R stands for Radio-buttons, This is seen as a round check box, where selection is either one of these

    round check-boxes.

    The .. substitues .

    Tab The T stands for Tab, this tab has replaced arrow pull downs for alternative zones within theform by 95% on the forms currently.

    This represents a keyboard combination that should be pressed function key.


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR1.0 Entering Customers


    Test Step Module Navigation Action



    1.1 2.1

    AR Sign on in Receivable Responsibility

    1.2 2.2

    AR Customers|Standard

    Enter CustomerName,Number

    1.3 2.3

    AR Enter Customer Name, Party Number in the Find/Enter Customers form.

    B Find .

    An alert box with a message will appear suggesting, if you want to enter a new customer or not.

    B New.

    1.4 Complete Customer Details


    1.5 2.4

    AR The Tab next to Addresses is Classification. Position the cursor in the Profile Class field

    or ..

    Select a profile class value.

    B OK

    Enter CustomerAddresses

    1.6 2.6

    AR Go to the Addresses Tab .

    1.7 2


    AR Press the B New

    1.8 2.8

    AR Accept the default for country (Qatar). Enter Address line 1, Address line2 City, and PO Box.

    For Foreign customer, update the country code accordingly and then enter the address details.

    Enter BusinessPurposes

    1.9 2.9

    AR Position the cursor in the Usage field of the Business Purpose zone.

    Billing Location 1.10 2.10

    AR or ..

    Select Bill To

    Press the B OK

    1.11 2.


    AR Press the B Primary

    1.12 2.12

    AR Position the cursor in the second row of the Business Purpose zone.

    Each address must be assigned one or more site usages.

    Site usages consist of the following:

    Bill To: Send invoices to this address.

    Ship To: Send your goods or services to this address.

    Statements: Send your customers statements to this address.

    Legal: Use this address as the customers legal site.


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun



    Test Step Module Navigation Action

    Marketing: Send marketing collateral to this address


    1.13 2.13

    AR or ..

    Select Ship To

    B OK

    1.14 2.14

    AR Press the B Primary


    1.15 2.13

    AR or ..

    Select Marketing

    B OK

    1.16 2.14

    AR Press the B Primary

    Legal Location 1.17 2.13

    AR or ..

    Select Legal

    B OK


    1.18 2.13

    AR or ..

    Select Statements

    B OK

    1.19 2.


    AR Press the B Primary

    Assign site levelattributes.

    1.20 Press the B Open

    1.21 Enter customer site level attributes as needed.

    1.22 Press theB X to close the screen

    Enter ContactNames andTelephone


    1.23 2.15

    AR The Tab Contacts . Position the cursor in the Last field

    Enter Contact Details , lat Name, First Name, Title, etc..

    B OK

    Enter the telephone number and type

    1.24 Select Communication Type

    Communication Type can consist of the following:



    1.25 Enter Communication Details for contact.

    1.26 File > Save- to Save or T floppy icon.


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR2.1 Accounts Receivable Miscellaneous Invoice Entry



    Module Navigation Action


    AccountsReceivableMiscellaneousInvoice Entry

    2.1.1 AR Transactions|Transactions

    2.1.2 AR Tab to Class field and choose Invoice from the Dropdown box2.1.3 AR or ..

    Select a Transaction Type.

    B OK

    2.1.4 AR Tab twice to move past GL Date and into the Ship To Name field

    Enter CustomerName

    2.1.5 AR or ..

    Select a Customer Name into the Ship To Name field.

    B OK

    Access theInvoice Linesregion

    2.1.6 AR B Line Items

    Enter invoicelines.

    2.1.7 AR The Num field should display a 1. Tab twice to the Description field.

    Enter invoicelines. 2.1.8 AR or ..Select a value from the list.

    B OK

    Enter Quantity 2.1.9 AR Tab once to move into the Quantity field.

    Enter the Quantity.

    Enter Price 2.1.10 AR Tab to the Unit Price field and enter the Unit Price.

    Enter Amount 2.1.11 AR Enter the Amount in the Amount Field

    Action > save- to Save or T floppy icon.

    B X

    2.1.12 AR Move to the next record and repeat steps 4.2 through 4.9 for additional Invoice lines.

    Save theTransaction

    2.1.13 AR Action > save- to Save or T floppy icon.

    Close the Transaction Lines Form.B X

    Check theAccountingRegion.

    2.1.14 AR B Distribution(To check the Accounting codes generated)

    2.1.15 AR Check the Accounting Codes.

    (Optional: Any changes to be made to the Accounting Codes can be done here.)


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun




    Module Navigation Action

    Close theAccountingForm

    2.1.16 AR B X


    2.1.17 AR B Complete

    Check theBalances Form

    2.1.18 AR B Balances (To Check the Balance of the Invoice) or Tools > balances

    Tools > view accounting

    B X(To Close the Balances Form)

    B X (To Close the Main Transactions Form)


    2.1.19 AR Transactions|Transactions Summary

    Review invoiceand correct it ifnecessary.

    2.1.20 AR

    Enter the Invoice number in the Number field

    B Open

    Verify that the Invoice has been properly entered.

    In case you

    discover anymistakes in theinvoices doIncomplete forinvoices

    2.1.21 In case modifications need to be made then press the

    B Complete.


    2.1.22 Perform the necessary modificatioins.

    Re-Completeinvoice after allcorrections have

    been made.

    No Transactionsagainst anInvoice(including

    Printing, ReceiptApplication,Credit MemoApplication, etc.)may take placeunless theInvoice is in itsCompleted state.

    2.1.23 Re-Complete invoice after all corrections have been made.

    Press theB Complete.

    Print theTransactions



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    Module Navigation Action

    Register Reportand reviewinvoices

    2.1.25 AR View | Requests

    2.1.26 B Submit a New Request

    2.1.27 AR R Single Request

    B Ok

    2.1.28 AR or ..

    Select Transaction Register in the Request Name field.

    B Ok

    2.1.29 AR or ..

    Select required parameters for the report.

    B Ok

    2.1.30 AR B Ok

    2.1.31 B Submit Request

    2.1.32 AR Note the request id.

    B No

    2.1.33 AR Control | Concurrent

    B Find

    2.1.34 AR Verify that the Phase is Completed and the Status is Normal.

    B View Output

    2.1.35 AR Review report to verify accuracy of transactions entered..


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR2.2 Entering Manual Credit Memo Against Invoice



    Module Navigation Action


    Entering ManualCredit MemoAgainst Invoice

    2.2..1 AR Transactions|Transaction summary

    Query for the

    Invoice to credit

    2.2..2 AR

    Enter the Invoice Number to credit into the number field

    Access the CreditTransactionsForm

    2.2..3 AR Press theB Credit

    2.2..4 AR Enter the credit amount or percentage in the respective fields.

    Press the B Credit Lines to view the credit memo lines

    2.2..5 AR Press the B Credit Balance to credit the entire oustanding balance on the invoice.

    Save CreditMemo

    2.2..6 AR Action > save- to Save or T floppy icon.

    CompleteTransaction 2.2..7 ARPress the B

    Complete to mark credit memo as complete.


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR2.3 Entering Manual On-Account Credit Memo



    Module Navigation Action


    Entering ManualOn-AccountCredit Memo

    2.3.1 AR Transactions|Transactions



    2.3.2 AR Tab to Class field and choose Credit Memo from the Dropdown box

    Select aTransactionType

    2.3.3 AR or ..

    Choose a Transaction Type from the list.

    B Ok

    Select aCustomer

    2.3.4 AR or ..

    Select a Customer Name into the Ship To Name field.

    B OK

    Access theTransactionLines Region

    2.3.5 AR B Line Items


    Enter LineInformation

    2.3.6 AR The Num field should display a 1. Tab to the Description field.

    Enter a Freeform Line

    2.3.7 AR Enter On Account Credit into the Description field.

    Enter Quantity 2.3.8 AR Insert the quantity in the quantity field.

    Enter a NegativeAmount

    2.3.9 AR Tab to the Amount field and enter a negative amount.

    Action > save- to Save or T floppy icon.

    BX Close the Transaction Lines Form

    Complete theTransaction

    2.3.10 AR B Complete

    Inquiry 2.3.11 AR Transactions|Transactions Summary

    Inquiry 2.3.12 AR

  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR2.4 Invoice Amount Adjustment



    Module Navigation Action


    Invoice AmountAdjustment

    2.4.1 AR Transactions|Transaction Summary

    Query theInvoice

    2.4.2 AR

    Enter the Invoice number in the Number field

    Access theAdjustmentWindow

    2.4.3 AR B Adjust


    Adjust theInvoice

    2.4.4 AR or ..

    Select an activity

    B Ok

    Enter a Type 2.4.5 AR In the Type field, use the dropdown box and choose a Type of Balance to be adjusted.

    Tab to the amount field and enter the amount (Positive or Negative).

    Save theAdjustment

    2.4.6 AR Action > save- to Save or T floppy icon.

    2.4.7 AR B X Close the Adjustments Form

    View Balances 2.4.8 AR B Balances

    2.4.9 AR B X Close the Balances Form

    B X Close the Installments Form

    B X Close the Transactions summary Form


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR2.5 Recurring Invoices Entry



    Module Navigation Action


    RecurringInvoices Entry

    2.5.1 AR Transactions|Transaction Summary

    2.5.2 AR

    Enter the Invoice number to use as a model for the copied Invoices in the number field.

    2.5.3 AR B Copy To

    Copy Invoice togenerate NewInvoices

    2.5.4 AR Click on the Drop down menu and select a rule from the List in the Rule field.

    Enter number ofcopies

    2.5.5 AR Enter the number of copies to create in the Number of Times field.

    Access the NewTransactionsregion

    2.5.6 AR Access the New Transactions region.

    2.5.7 Enter Transaction numbers in case manual transaction numbering is in use.

    Save the


    2.5.8 AR Action > save- to Save or T floppy icon.


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR3.0 Automatic Invoice and Credit Memo Creation Using Autoinvoice



    Module Navigation Action


    AutomaticInvoice andCredit MemoCreation UsingAutoinvoice

    3.1 AR Interface|Autoinvoice The Num field should display a 1. Tab twice to the Description field.

    3.2 AR Submit a New Request Screen will appear.

    Press B OKto submit a new request.

    3.3 AR Run Autoinvoice screen will appear

    SelectAutoinvoice Master Programin the Name field.

    3.4 AR Parameters screen will appear.

    SelectInvoice Sourceto import transactions for that specific source.

    3.5 AR Default Date field will be populated with sysdate.

    Update the Default Date as needed.

    3.6 AR Press the B Ok

    3.7 AR Press the B Submit

    3.8 AR View > Requests

    3.9 AR Find Request screen is displayed.

    Press the B Find

    3.10 AR Requests Screen is displayed.

    Once the request is completed then review the output reports to ensure proper completetion and to resolve errors if any.

    Press the B View Output


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR4.1 Print Manual Invoices



    Module Navigation Action


    Print ManualInvoices

    4.3.1 AR Print Documents|Invoices

    4.3.2 AR B Single Request

    B OK

    Select theReport to run

    4.3.3 AR Position the cursor in the Request Name field

    or ..

    Select Invoice Print Selected Invoices.

    B OK

    Enter theParametersfor the report

    4.3.4 AR Tab to the Order by field and

    or ..

    Select the Value Transaction number

    B Ok

    B OK

    4.3.5 AR Click on the Submit Request Window

    Access theConcurrentSummaryWindow

    4.3.6 AR Note the request id.

    B No

    Check yourrequest

    4.3.7 AR Control | Requests |


    B Find

    Check your request id and verify that the Phase is Completed and the Status is Normal.

    View theReport

    4.3.8 AR B View Output

    Review the printed invoice and verify that the invoice and line information is correct.

    4.3.9 AR B X Closes the report

    B X Closes the Concurrent Requests summary Form

    B X Closes the Find requests Form.


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR5.1 Enter Receipt Against Sales Order



    Module Navigation Action


    Enter ReceiptAgainst SalesOrder

    5.1.1 AR DMS Receipts| Receipts

    5.1.2 AR Press theB Newto Enter a new receipt

    Specify SalesOrder to receivedagainst

    5.1.3 AR In the Sales Order field enter the Sales order number.

    Enter the ReceiptAmount

    5.1.4 AR Go to the Payment DetailsRegion

    Enter Payment Details.

    Save CashReceipt

    5.1.5 Save cash receipt.

    Action > save- to Save or T floppy icon.

    Create ARReceipts

    5.1.6 AR Press the B Create AR receipt to create the correspondings receipts in AR.

    Print ReceiptVouchers

    5.1.7 AR Press the B Print to print receipt voucher for customer..


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR5.2 Enter Receipt Against Multiple Sales Order



    Module Navigation Action


    Enter ReceiptInformation

    5.2.1 AR DMS Receipts| Receipts

    5.2.2 AR Press theB Newto Enter a new receipt

    Enter Customer


    5.2.3 AR In the Received summary region enter customer details .

    Specify SalesOrder to receivedagainst

    5.2.4 In the Reference Details Region selecte Sales Order as Doc Type and enter the Sales Orders number and respective payment amount.

    Repeat until all sales orders to be paid have been selected.

    Enter the ReceiptAmount

    5.2.5 AR Go to the Payment DetailsRegion

    Enter Payment Details.

    Save CashReceipt

    5.2.6 Save cash receipt.

    Action > save- to Save or T floppy icon.

    Create ARReceipts

    5.2.7 AR Press the B Create AR receipt to create the correspondings receipts in AR.

    Print ReceiptVouchers

    5.2.8 AR Press the B Print to print receipt voucher for customer..


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR5.3 Enter Receipt Against Workshop Service Requests



    Module Navigation Action


    Enter ReceiptAgainstWorkshopService Requests

    5.3.1 AR DMS Receipts| Receipts

    5.3.2 AR Press theB Newto Enter a new receipt

    Enter CustomerReceiptinformation

    5.3.3 AR In the Received summary region enter customer details .

    Specify SalesOrder to receivedagainst

    5.3.4 In the Reference Details Region selecte Service Request as Doc Type.

    Enter the Service Request number and respective payment amount.

    Repeat until all service requests to be paid have been selected.

    Enter the ReceiptAmount

    5.3.5 AR Go to the Payment DetailsRegion

    Enter Payment Details.

    Save CashReceipt

    5.3.6 Save cash receipt.

    Action > save- to Save or T floppy icon.

    Create ARReceipts

    5.3.7 AR Press the B Create AR receipt to create the correspondings receipts in AR.

    Print ReceiptVouchers

    5.3.8 AR Press the B Print to print receipt voucher for customer.


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR5.4 Enter Receipt Against AR Invoices



    Module Navigation Action


    Enter ReceiptAgainst ARInvoice

    5.4.1AR DMS Receipts| Receipts

    5.4.2AR Press theB Newto Enter a new receipt

    Enter CustomerReceiptinformation

    5.4.3AR In the Received summary region enter customer details .

    Specify SalesOrder to receivedagainst

    5.4.4 In the Reference Details Region selecte Transaction Type as Doc Type.

    Enter the AR invoice number and respective payment amount.

    Repeat until all AR invoices to be paid have been selected.

    Enter the ReceiptAmount

    5.4.5AR Go to the Payment DetailsRegion

    Enter Payment Details.

    Save CashReceipt

    5.4.6 Save cash receipt.

    Action > save- to Save or T floppy icon.

    Create ARReceipts 5.4.7AR Press the B Create AR receipt to create the correspondings receipts in AR.

    Print ReceiptVouchers

    5.4.8AR Press the B Print to print receipt voucher for customer..


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR5.5 Enter Receipt for Customer Advances



    Module Navigation Action


    Enter Receipt forCustomerAdvances

    5.5 .1AR DMS Receipts| Receipts

    5.5.2AR Press theB Newto Enter a new receipt

    Enter CustomerReceiptinformation

    5.5.3AR In the Received summary region enter customer details .

    Specify SalesOrder to receivedagainst

    5.5.4 In the Reference Details Region select Advance as Doc Type.

    Enter advance amount.

    Enter the ReceiptAmount

    5.5 .5AR Go to the Payment DetailsRegion

    Enter Payment Details.

    Save CashReceipt

    5.5.6 Save cash receipt.

    Action > save- to Save or T floppy icon.

    Create ARReceipts

    5.5 .7AR Press the B Create AR receipt to create the correspondings receipts in AR.

    Print Receipt


    5.5 .8AR Press the B Print to print receipt voucher for customer..


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR5.6 Apply Customer Advances



    Module Navigation Action


    Find customerAdvance

    5.6.1AR DMS Receipts| Receipts

    5.6.2AR Enter the customer number or the sales order number and pres the B Find

    Select advance tobe applied tosales order

    5.6.3AR In the Apply Advances region select advances to be applied against sales order.

    Save advanceapplication

    5.6.4 Save advance application.

    Action > save- to Save or T floppy icon.


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR6.1 Apply Receipt to an Invoice



    Module Navigation Action


    Apply Receipt toan Invoice

    6.1.1AR Receipts | ReceiptsSummary

    Enter receipt number and press theB Find

    6.1.2 If receipt is for unidentified customer , then enter the customer name before a pplying receipts to any invoices.

    6.1.3AR B Apply

    Select theTransaction


    6.1.4AR Tab to the Transaction number field

    or ..

    Select the Transaction number on which the Receipt hastobe applied

    B Ok

    Apply theReceipt on theTransaction

    6.1.5AR B Apply

    Action > save- to Save or T floppy icon.

    Verify 6.1.6AR Verify the payment application.

    6.1.7AR Repeat step 2 to 4 till the Unapplied balance of the receipt becomes Zero.

    B X Close the Application Form

    B X Close the Receipt Form

    Access theReceiptsSummary Form

    6.1.8AR Receipts|Receiptssummary

    Query on theReceipt number


    Type the Receipt number in the number field.

    B Open

    B Applications

    Verify that the Receipt has been properly entered and applied to the invoice or invoices.


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR6.2 Reapply Receipt



    Module Navigation Action


    Reapply Receipt

    6.2.1 AR Receipts|Receiptssummary

    Enter ReceiptNumber

    6.2.2 AR

    Enter the Receipt number into the Receipt Number Field

    Access theApplicationsForm

    6.2.3 AR B Apply.

    Unapply theearlierTransaction

    6.2.4 AR B Apply Uncheck the apply Check box by clicking on it.

    Apply theReceipt on a newTransaction

    6.2.5 AR Place the cursor in the Transaction Number field of the next record.

    or ..

    Choose the invoice number on which the receipt has to be applied.

    B Ok

    6.2.6 AR B Apply

    Close the Form 6.2.7 AR Action > save- to Save or T floppy icon.

    B X Close the Receipt Application formB XClose the Receipt Form


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR6.3 On Account Receipt



    Module Navigation Action


    On AccountReceipt

    6.3.1 AR Receipts|Receipts

    Enter the Receiptnumbermanually

    6.3.2 AR Enter the Receipt Number into the Receipt Number field.

    Tab to the Receipt Type Field

    Select ReceiptType

    6.3.3 AR From the Dropdown box, choose Cash as the Receipt Type.

    Enter ReceiptAmount

    6.3.4 AR Tab to the Receipt Amount Field

    Enter the Receipt Amount.

    Select a PaymentMethod

    6.3.5 AR Tab to the Payment Method Field

    or ..

    Choose a Payment Method

    B OK

    Select aCustomer

    6.3.6 AR Position the cursor in the Customer Name field

    or ..

    Select the customer name

    B Ok

    6.3.7 AR Action > save- to Save or T floppy icon.Access theApplicationsForm

    6.3.8 AR B Applications

    Change thereceipt fromunapplied to Onaccount

    6.3.9 AR Tab to the Transaction number field

    or ..

    Select On Account

    B Ok

    6.3.10 AR B Apply

    Action > save- to Save or T floppy icon.

    6.3.11 AR Verify the Receipt

    6.3.12 AR B X Close the Receipt Application form

    B X Close the Receipt Form


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR6.4 Reversing a Receipt



    Module Navigation Action


    Reversing aReceipt.

    6.4.1 AR Receipts|Receipts

    Enter ReceiptNumber

    6.4.2 AR

    Enter the Receipt number into the Receipt Number Field

    Access theReverse Receiptsregion

    6.4.3 AR B Reverse

    Enter Category 6.4.4 AR Tab to the Category Field

    or ..

    Select a choice

    B Ok

    Enter ReversalRegion

    6.4.5 AR Tab to the Reason Field

    or ..

    Select a choice

    B Ok

    B Reverse

    Access thereversal region

    6.4.6 AR Change the Alternative region toReversal through

    Tab on the main form itself.

    6.4.7 AR Verify that the information is correct.

    B X


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    Test Specification AR6.5 Enter Miscellaneous Receipt

    Post Miscellaneous Cash Receipts and View the Cash Posting.



    Module Navigation Action



    6.5.1 AR Receipts | Receipts

    Enter ReceiptNumberManually

    6.5.2 AR Enter a Receipt Number

    Select ReceiptType

    6.5.3 AR Tab to the Receipt Type field

    SelectMisc. from the drop down menu.

    Accept CurrencyDefault

    6.5.4 AR Accept the default currency of AED

    Tab to the Receipt Amount field

    Enter the amount in the amount field.

    Accept theReceipt and GLDates

    6.5.5 AR Accept the default dates for Receipt and GL Dates.

    Tab to Payment Method

    or ..

    Select a Payment Method from the List of Values.

    B Ok


    6.5.6 AR Position the cursor at the Misc. Transaction Tab and click.

    Select aReceivablesActivity

    6.5.7 AR Tab to the Activityfield.

    or ..

    Select an Activity .

    B Ok

    Select aDistribution Set

    6.5.8 AR Tab to the Distribution Set

    or ..

    Select a Value

    B Ok

    6.5.9 AR Accept the defaults for Bank Account and Deposit Date

    Access theDistributionsForm

    6.5.10 AR B Distributions

    Accept theDistributions andthe GL Codes

    6.5.11 AR Accept the %, Amount, and GL Account.

    6.5.12 AR B Ok


    Scenario Test Module Navigation Action

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    Module Navigation Action

    6.5.13 AR Action > save- to Save or T floppy icon.

    B X Close the form

    Access theReceiptsSummary Formfor Inquiry

    6.5.14 AR Receipts | ReceiptsSummary

    Query theReceipt number

    6.5.15 AR

    Enter the Miscellaneous Receipt Number entered in Step 31.2

    Access the Misc.


    6.5.16 AR B Open

    Access theDistributions

    6.5.17 AR B Distribution


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR7.0 Check Payments Remittance to Bank



    Module Navigation Action


    ChecksPaymentsRemittance toBank

    8.1.1 AR Receipts | Remittances

    8.1.2 AR Enter remittance method and select remittance bank.

    Press the B Manual Create for manual selection of checks to be remitted.

    Press the B Auto Create for automatic selection of checks to be remitted

    8.1.3 AR For manual creation query receipts to be remitted.

    8.1.4 Select receipts to be remitted by checking the Select checkbox at the receipt level.

    8.1.5 Close the screen.

    8.1.6 For automatic creation enter the selection criteria and press theB Ok

    8.1.7 Approve Remittance by pressing the

    B Approve

    8.1.8 Requery remittance batch until status is selected. Format Remittance batch by pressing the

    B Format


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR8.0 Customer Refunds



    Module Navigation Action



    9.1 AR Cash Receipts| CashRrefunds

    Enter CustomerRefunds

    9.2 AR Enter details of customer being refunded and enter refund details.

    SelectTransactions tobe Refunded

    9.3 AR In the Refund Lines region select the payments you wish to refund:

    Available Choices:

    Additionl Discounts

    Deposits Deals Cancelled

    Excess Payments

    Sales (RMA) Return

    After selecting document type proceed with selecting actual document for refudning.

    Select RefundAmount

    9.4 Select the refund amound to be refunded against each transaction.

    Save Refund 9.5 AR Save changes by pressing the

    T floppy icon.

    Submit Refundfor Approval

    9.6 Submit Refund for approval by pressing theB Cashier Approval

    9.7 Cash Receipts | CashRefunds Approval

    Query the Refunds waiting for approval.

    Approve Refund

    By Head Cashier

    9.8 Approve/Reject refund by pressing the appropriate button.

    Press the B Approve for approveing refunds

    Press the B Reject for rejecting Refunds

    9.9 Finance Manager queries available refunds for approval.

    Approve Refundby FinanceManager

    9.10 Finance Manager Approves/Rejects Refunds by pressing the appropriate button.

    Press the B Approive for approveing refunds

    Press the B Reject for rejecting Refunds

    Processing of


    9.11 Refund is now processed Approved refund can now be processed.

    Press the B Process Refund


  • 7/28/2019 qui. aryity noeun


    Test Specification AR9.0 Print Receipt Register



    Module Navigation Action Expected Results Comments/Actual Results


    Print ReceiptRegister

    10.1.1 AR Reports | Collections Submit a New Request Window is displayed

    Select SingleRequest

    10.1.2 AR R Single Request

    B Ok

    Print Collection Reports Form is displayed

    Select the Report 10.1.3 AR or ..

    Select Receipt Register Report in the request namefield.

    B Ok

    Parameters window is displayed.

    Insert theParameters

    10.1.4 AR or ..

    Select Receipt Number

    B Ok

    Tab to the Customer Name Low Parameter

    or ..

    Select a Customer name in the Low field.

    B Ok or ..

    Select a Customer name in the High field

    B Ok

    Enter the Receipt GL Date in the Low field and in theHigh field.

    B Ok

    Parameters window is closed.

    Submit Request 10.1.5 AR B Submit Request An Alert Displays Request Submitted.Request ID = n

    Submit Another Request?

    10.1.6 AR Note the request id.

    B No

    Navigator Menu is Displayed.

    Access theConcurrentRequests Form

    10.1.7 AR

    Control | Concurrent B Find

    Concurrent Requests Summary Form isdisplayed.

    Check the Status 10.1.8 AR Verify that the Phase is Completed and the Status is The Report is Displayed


    Scenario Test Module Navigation Action Expected Results Comments/Actual Results

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    Module Navigation Action Expected Results Comments/Actual Results


    B View Output

    Review Report 10.1.9 AR Review the report and verify that all receipts havebeen properly entered.


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    Test Specification AR9.1 Print Applied Receipt Register



    Module Navigation Action Expected Results Comments/Actual Results


    Print AppliedReceipt Register

    10.2.1 AR Reports | Collections Submit a New Request Window is displayed

    10.2.2 AR R Single Request

    B Ok

    Print Collection Reports Form is displayed

    10.2.3 AR or ..

    Select Applied Receipt Register Report in the RequestName field.

    B Ok

    Parameters window is displayed.

    10.2.4 AR or ..

    Select Receipt Number

    B Ok

    Tab to the Customer Name Low Parameter

    or ..

    Select a Customer name in the Low field

    B Ok

    or ..

    Select a Customer name in the High field

    B Ok

    Enter the Receipt GL Date in the Low field and in theHigh field.

    B Ok

    Parameters window is closed.

    10.2.5 AR B Submit Request An Alert Displays Request Submitted.Request ID = n

    Submit Another Request?

    10.2.6 AR Note the request id.

    B No

    Navigator Menu is Displayed.

    Check the



    Control | Concurrent B Find

    Concurrent Requests Summary Form is


    10.2.8 AR Verify that the Phase is Completed and the Status isNormal.

    B View Output

    The Report is Displayed

    10.2.9 AR Review the report and verify that all receipts havebeen properly applied to the correct invoices.


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    Test Specification AR10.0 Aging Report



    Module Navigation Action Expected Results Comments/Actual Results


    Run Process tosupport AccountReconciliation

    10.4.1 AR Reports | Collections

    Select SingleRequest

    10.4.2 AR R Single Request

    B Ok

    The Print Accounting Reports screen willappear.

    10.4.3 AR or ..

    Select Aging 7 Buckets By Account Report inthe Request Name field.

    B Ok

    The parameters screen will pop-up.

    10.4.4 AR or ..

    Select Customer Summary for the Report SummaryField.

    B Ok

    10.4.5 AR Tab to Report Format Field

    or ..

    Select Detailed

    B Ok

    The cursor will automatically move to As ofDate

    10.4.6 AR Replace theAs of Datewith the last of theaccounting period to be reconciled.

    10.4.7 AR Tab to Aging Bucket Name Field

    or ..

    Select Collections

    B Ok

    10.4.8 AR or ..

    Select Age for the Show On AccountField

    10.4.9 AR B Ok Parameter screen closes and returns you to thePrint Accounting Reports screen.

    10.4.10 B Submit Request An Alert Displays Request Submitted.Request ID = n

    Submit Another Request?

    10.4.11 AR Note the request id.

    B No

    Navigator Menu is Displayed.

    10.4.12 AR Control | Concurrent

    B Find

    Concurrent Requests Summary Form isdisplayed.


    Scenario Test Module Navigation Action Expected Results Comments/Actual Results

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    Step Step

    10.4.13 AR Verify that the Phase is Completed and the Status isNormal.

    B View Output

    The Report is Displayed


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