Questions and Answers What is Tachyon energy? According to Tachyon Code 1 this energy moves 1.28 times faster than the speed of light. When described as a particle, it is able to create or behave in field patterns also. T plus, T minus and T zero are three attributes or aspects which make it possible to describe or even define the possibilities of Tachyon fields. Tachyon energy is one type of energy of an immense quantity of energies, which are present in our universe and other universes. What are Tachyon products? Tachyon products are material objects, which are able to attract Tachyon energy. We can say that these products observe Tachyons in order to invite them. A quality of Terra Tachyon products is their ability to interact with humans, animals, plants and places. These products respect the choice of the user, giving them only the amount of energy they need. Why are these products called Terra Tachyon products? Martina Bochnik and Tommy Thomsen were the first people in Europe, at the beginning of the 90s, who were deeply interested in the spiritual background of the energy. Terra Tachyon was the general title for the work with Tachyon energy on Earth and also the title of the first book. In this book the principles of the energy were described for the very first time. (Terra Tachyon, the first book is now part of Tachyon Code 1). The goal has been and will be to fundamentally explore Tachyon energy, which seems to hide behind the barrier of the speed of light. About us: Martina Bochnik has been working with Tachyon energy since 1992. She began creating her own products in 1996. Ever since, she has been exploring,teaching and writing books with her partner Tommy Thomsen, who died in summer 2008.She is constantly working on new products, teachings and books – exploring ever more deeply the possibilities of Tachyon energy. Her activities lead her all around the world to invit everybody to experience and to explore this very new energy. Meaning of Colors: Visible light is a small part of a wide spectrum of frequencies. What we call colors are parts of visible light. Actually the color you can see (the red apple f.e.) is a reflection. The molecules of the apple absorb all frequencies, only what we call „red“ is reflected. A white object reflect all frequencies/ all colors and appears as white. A black object absorbs all frequencies/colors, reflects none and appears as black.

Questions and Answers What is Tachyon energy? According to ... · What is Tachyon energy? According to Tachyon Code 1 this energy moves 1.28 times faster than the speed of light

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Questions and Answers What is Tachyon energy? According to Tachyon Code 1 this energy moves 1.28 times faster than the speed of light. When described as a particle, it is able to create or behave in field patterns also. T plus, T minus and T zero are three attributes or aspects which make it possible to describe or even define the possibilities of Tachyon fields. Tachyon energy is one type of energy of an immense quantity of energies, which are present in our universe and other universes. What are Tachyon products? Tachyon products are material objects, which are able to attract Tachyon energy. We can say that these products observe Tachyons in order to invite them. A quality of Terra Tachyon products is their ability to interact with humans, animals, plants and places. These products respect the choice of the user, giving them only the amount of energy they need. Why are these products called Terra Tachyon products? Martina Bochnik and Tommy Thomsen were the first people in Europe, at the beginning of the 90s, who were deeply interested in the spiritual background of the energy. Terra Tachyon was the general title for the work with Tachyon energy on Earth and also the title of the first book. In this book the principles of the energy were described for the very first time. (Terra Tachyon, the first book is now part of Tachyon Code 1). The goal has been and will be to fundamentally explore Tachyon energy, which seems to hide behind the barrier of the speed of light. About us: Martina Bochnik has been working with Tachyon energy since 1992. She began creating her own products in 1996. Ever since, she has been exploring,teaching and writing books with her partner Tommy Thomsen, who died in summer 2008.She is constantly working on new products, teachings and books – exploring ever more deeply the possibilities of Tachyon energy. Her activities lead her all around the world to invit everybody to experience and to explore this very new energy.

Meaning of Colors: Visible light is a small part of a wide spectrum of frequencies. What we call colors are parts of visible light. Actually the color you can see (the red apple f.e.) is a reflection. The molecules of the apple absorb all frequencies, only what we call „red“ is reflected. A white object reflect all frequencies/ all colors and appears as white. A black object absorbs all frequencies/colors, reflects none and appears as black.

Red: color of earthly and bodily power (1.Chakra)

Orange: color of creative awareness, sexual expression and joy (2.Chakra)

Yellow: color of moods and unclear emotions, associated with the Solar Plexus (3.Chakra)

Green: color of emotional awareness, kindness and a balanced heart. Also good for relaxation on different levels (4.Chakra)

Light Blue: color of easy self-expression and self-recognition. Associated with balance of the neck and shoulder area (5.Chakra)

Sapphire Blue: color for inner peace, freedom and awareness. Associated with an increased activity of the brain in order to balance it (6.Chakra)

Amethyst: color of consciousness and the path to be aware of consciousness everywhere (7.Chakra)

Gold-Topaz: color of abundance which shows up in possibilities of various situations and levels.

Pink: color of heaven on earth or the divine daily life. Associated with commingle soul, mind and matter.

Aqua: color of curious awareness and expanded communication in a global way. Associated with mingling heart and brain qualities.

Opal: color for diving into the invisible to perceive it’s essence and make it visible. Associated with the beginning of creative processes.

White: color of the power to act, to react and to response in a self-responsible way. Associated with the conscious process of being the observer.

Crystal-Clear: color for cleaning, clearing and releasing shadows and chronicle problems. Associated with the purity of diamonds and therefore with the purity of the self.

Lilac: color for new opportunities, possibilities, probabilities and discoveries. Associated with joyfull change of various levels.

Red-Gold: color for the subconscious power in everyone – to be recognized and directed well in order to evolve as a multi-dimensional being (only with the Star rings)

Black: color of conscious transformation and creation. Associated with the fulfilled emptiness all matter was born of/from.

                                   Donuts: You are a soul, an energetic being who is residing in a home which is called the body. To take care of the body is one major job each of you is doing during the day – consciously or unconsciously. All the sizes of the Donuts support you doing that.

Small: this Donut is the most intensive one. Good to directly place on spots of the body which you wish to support or take care of. If you place the little spiral towards the body you create an even intensified effect. Price: 27€

Medium: this size of Donut is for people who like it the easy way. Care about the body but without a focus on it. This Donut is a pendant for the entire day soft and supporting. Because of it’s softness ideal for children. Price: 34€ Small Chakra Set Price: €175 Medium Chakra Set: €223 Recommendation: Use two to three Donuts and place them between the Chakras you’d like to balance. The subtle movement and rhythm of the Chakras will tune into the Tachyon energy right away.

1ºChakra: Red, 2ºChakra: Orange, 3ºChakra: Yellow, 4ºChakra: Green, 5ºChakra: Light Blue, 6ºChakra: Sapphire Blue, 7ºChakra: Amethyst

Tree of Life: This very old symbol out of the Kabbalah was designed in a 3-D-shape. Humanity Love trees of all kinds. You may even think of the tree-like shapes in your brain that are called Neurons. Trees of Life in general have to do with the probability of your personal creation and finding your spiritual path.

Small Tree of Life Price: €52

Large Tree of Life Price: €61

Small Planetary Set: €328

Large Planetary Set: €384

Tree of Life Planetary Set: each planet of the solar system is associated with a certain quality and color. This set combines the shape and it’s meaning with these planetary reflections – one Tree of Life for each day. Recommendation: wear one each day and then change it with the other one.

Large Transformation Set Price: €110 Small Transformation Set Price: €94

Tree of Life, Transformation Set: the black Tree of Life represents and

supports deep insight and transformation. The white one action in this set supports and initiate personal transformation on deep levels.

  Starring’s: Planets, stars, stellar objects and galaxies symbolize different qualities of energies as you can find in ancient myths of the world. The Starring’s could remind you that you are a real cosmic being who lives here on earth at the moment. Worn as a pendant during the day the Starring can provide you with deep insights about the origins of your perception, behavior and conditioning. Starring’s Price: €57 Starring Cosmic set: each day of the week is supported by a special star quality you are reflecting some qualities. Cosmic set Price: €718

Sunday -Topaz - Sun - balancing of all forces

Monday - lilac - Venus - bringing old cycles into new pathways

Tuesday - Orange - Mars - building bridges of strength

Wednesday - Red - North Star - Orientation

Thursday - light blue - Sirius - various types of communication

Friday - opal - Orion - working with the unseen

Saturday - reddish gold - Milky Way - maintaining the forces within one’s own system

Sunday - White - center of the universe - creation of all types of templates the planets for the human race

Sun - Sunday - Topaz - Life force; self-realization; vitality self-confidence; paternal, life-giving qualities

Moon - Monday - Opal Spiritual force; intuition; transformational capacity; rhythm; growth; maternal and reflective qualities

Mars - Tuesday - Red Dynamism; energy; drive; fighting spirit courage; enthusiasm for work; libido; active and aggressive qualities

Mercury - Wednesday - Orange Insight; intellectual curiosity; communication; mobility; “small print;” communicative qualities

Jupiter - Thursday - Sapphire Developmental potential; growth; morals; standards; travel; organizational ability; Imaginativeness; main issues; developmental and originating qualities

Starring Yin-Yang set: the black Starring as feminine power and the white as masculine lead you to more awareness and balance of your inner female and male aspects. Recommendation: for balance hold one Starring in each hand (women: the black in the right hand / men: the black in the left hand).

Starring Yin-Yang set Price: €132 Silk Materials- Provides color to the body, helps its regeneration, protection and centering.The silk, no matter what size, helps to comfort and to protect you. Silk in general has every long tradition in making clothes. This natural material doesn’t disturb the electromagnetic field of the body like many of the synthetic fabrics. It supports your ability to stay centered and calm. Very good to create a good sleep and nice dreams during times of traveling, the silk cord is loved by children of all ages and is very soft in it’s effect.

The Purple and The Rainbow Silk Cord 1 Unit. Price: €9 The Purple and The Rainbow Silk Cord 10 Unit. Price: €75

The Cord Rainbow and Purple- is made of silk and measures 1 meter in length, It´s a tachyonized product and its effect is tranquilizer, very used to hang the donuts, trees of life and stellar rings.

Shawl Rainbow 90x180cm - Rainbows symbolize good luck in all cultures. They are also associated with the kind of regeneration we feel in the sunlight after a thunderstorm. The silk products can be used for tachyon “baths” that infuse the body with color, promote tissue regenerate. Price: €146

Scarf Rainbow 90x90cm Vert. and Horiz. Stripes Price: €107 Rainbow Silk blanket 140x210 cm: has horizontal stripes and are made of thick silk that is both robust and durable. Price: €481




All Colors Shawl 90 x 180 cm Price: €122

All Colors Scarf 90 x 90 cm Price: €107

The Star Sun is our first piece of jewelry – combining excellent design and the power of Tachyon energy. Because of its classic style in the colors green/gold, sapphire/gold and black/gold it is an eye catcher and suitable with with each kind of wardrobe. The Tina Tachyon Collection was initiated by Martina Bochnik who was longing for the combination of fashion and energy, as a woman I am interested in jewelry which underlines my personal style. And if I can wear unique jewelry, which also supports me with Tachyon energy I will prefer it. I am very happy that we created the Collection with the idea to combine fashion and energy.

The deeper meaning of the Star Sun: This pendant represents the connection between your body and the galactic forces and systems.

What happens if you wear this unique pendant? It balances your whole system as every Tachyon object does. But furthermore it supports your individual ability to create and observe the process of creation in a more conscious way. So it is not only a Star Sun but a „creative sun“. The colors have the same meaning as usual with the Tachyon objects. I wish you a lot of joy and inspiration with the Star Sun.

The Star Sun Price: €59

Heart - We are actually one being, one and never separate. Nowadays, many of us have the feeling that we are alone, separate and from this misperception comes a greater sense of loneliness, desperation, frustration, anger... The Crystal Heart is dedicated to the awakening of our integrity and the perception of unity. Reality is One not Two. Heart Price: €33 Alchemist arrow: Supports clarity and becoming still and focused to do whatever you want to do. Hanging it in a room, a window or into the car supports your awareness what is going on. Used on the body or pointing and moving it above the body has the same effect: to trigger your awareness.

Alchemist arrow Price: €52

Starwand: You have a kind of wand in your body: the spine. The condition and position of the spine are essential for the whole body. And as a beside effect also for your personal evolution because the Chakras are connected to the spine at the front and on your back. Holding the Starwand vertically between your hands supports the erection of the spine. Holding it horizontal supports to synchronize the left and right hemisphere of the brain. It’s special function is to clean the energetic bodies around you while moving it around the body in a certain distance. Starwand Price: €141

Spheres: enfold everything within them, symbolize completion, and are like gateways to new realms. Spheres encompass realms that have been incarnated, like souls that are reincarnated in bodies, and thus in this sense spheres have a bodily dimension. Spheres also symbolize worlds and planets. In conjunction with tachyons, spheres help us to let go and to come back down to earth.    

The MTI spheres strengthen the mind and body and help the user to live in the here and now. Both sizes of spheres are helpful for meditation and letting-go processes and are highly beneficial for therapy and counseling. The spheres also create positive energy when used as decorative objects. Mode of action: gentle to intense, broad surface areas.

Small Spheres Price: €51

Medium Aqua Sphere Price: €66

Large Spheres Price: €73

Domes: at some point in human history, people began erecting tents whose forms forged a link between heaven and earth, and provided their owners with transportable shelter. High tents such as teepees enable us to maintain our relationship with the celestial energies, unlike conventional enclosed buildings which confine and cramp these energies. Tachyon spheres enable us to reactivate the relationship between heaven and earth, which in turn restores a personal sense of well being and a sense of being at home in the world. This cone-shaped product promotes self-healing, relieves pain and eliminates energy blocks. Holding the apex of the cone toward you enables the spiral energy field to activate a tachyon effect in specific areas. The product’s effect can be enhanced by filling the inner cone with oil essences and homeopathic remedies. This helps the tachyons to deliver the active agent’s information to the body. Price: €47 / Chakra Set Price: €301 The pyramids: combine the power of an ancient geometric shape with tachyon energy. The main purpose of the pyramids is to enable users to plumb the depths of their memory. All of the pyramid sizes are beneficial for medical and psychological therapy sessions

Large Pyramids: The large pyramid helps us to recall specific geographic regions and is ideal for extensive meditation or bodywork. Price: €72

Crystal Clear: Orion Green: Atlantis Turquoise: the Pacific ocean the British Isles

Lilac: the Eridanus star system Topaz gold: Mayan culture, Egypt

Small Pyramids: The small pyramid can help the spirit to visit other planes so that the user can seek out and integrate their past secrets. The inverted pyramid inside the base of the product serves as an energy intensifier. Price: €47

Cosmic Pyramids: Like the other pyramids, the cosmic pyramid is used for meditation and to strengthen room energy. The special property of this pyramid, however, is that it links the user with cosmic forces and enables him or her to gain a deeper understanding of human life on earth. In conjunction with tachyons, the pyramids help open our minds and souls to new ideas and perceptions, and provide us with new pathways to manifestation The cosmic pyramid, which constitutes an intermediate form between the standard pyramid and the dome, provides our souls with a new abode. In conjunction with tachyons, the pyramids help open our minds and souls to new ideas and perceptions, and provide us with new pathways to manifestation. Inclusion of the various additional symbols translates and activates these concerns in specific ways. Price: €159

Electrolixx Mobillexx Harmonixx

Electrolixx / Mobillexx / Harmonixx Price: €65

Elektrixx: 12-point glass star with a symbol engraved on it. The product harmonizes man-made electromagnetic fields. Taping an Elektrixx to your fuse box will lend the electricity in your home a biological quality, which in

turn promotes regeneration and helps the body deal with electromagnetic fields. The effect takes 42 hours to reach completion. Tape the Elektrixx in or on the fusebox or fusebox door. Also tape or glue one Elektrixx to the car battery. The product also improves combustion in gas and oil furnaces.

Harmonixx: Dimensions: approximately 1 inch in diameter This product is a 12-point glass star with a symbol engraved on it. Harmonixxes optimize the sound of musical instruments and stereos and in so doing make the body more receptive to the effects of overtones, thus heightening musical. When placed on auto air conditioner coolant reservoirs, the product harmonizes the energetic effects of these chemicals on vehicle occupants awareness. The effect takes 42 hours to reach completion. Tape (or attach) one Harmonixx, with the lettering facing outward, to each musical instrument or stereo speaker/ receiver. When used with the Re-Nature set, the product is beneficial for soil that is contaminated with heavy metals.

Mobilexx: Dimensions: approximately 1 inch in diameter 12-point glass star with a symbol engraved on it. This product is used to optimize the combustion of refined or synthetic fuels, thus enhancing the performance of motor vehicles and furnaces of all types. The product also harmonizes combustion residues. The effect takes 42 hours to reach completion. Attach one Mobilexx, with the lettering facing outward, to the engine cover (one Mobilexx per cylinder) and gas tank, and near the catalytic converter or exhaust pipe. Mobilexx harmonizes benzene soil contaminants.

Large FEEquency Price: €47

Large FEEquency: The products harmonize the disturbing frequencies broadcast by cellphone relay stations, satellite dishes and similar devices, which can hinder physical regeneration. It can take up to 14 days for the disks to achieve their full effect. This product harmonizes all types of man-made frequencies and makes them tolerable for the human body. This means that electronic devices and modern communication technology need

no longer place undue strain on the human body. Place one or more disks on the device or wall (about seven feet apart) that generates electromagnetic waves or in the room in which such waves are present. The lettering should be facing outward. Place a disk under the hood of your car to harmonize engine functions. In the event you or a member of your household has an allergy attack of unknown cause, tape a disk to an exterior wall of your house or apartment.

Cleanoxxes: are green glass beads that blend chemicals in cleaning agents and household detergents. The product should not be used in cleaning agents with high chlorine content. Place a Cleanoxx PRO 500 ML per liter of cleaner or detergent (liquid or powder)Place the contents of one sachet (30g)in a container or cabinet where you store various cleaning products. Dimensions : approximately 3/8 inch diameter Price: €15

Loudspeakers Price: €2,589

Loudspeakers: To really prepare an energtic bath of sounds for the body is not an easy task. Energized sound is able to remove and release stress, tension and emotions we produce or pick up every day. Tachyonica Sound System consists of two High-End-Quality loudspeakers which are completely working with Tachyons. This extra ordinary combination creates an oasis of sound and music in your home and supports you in exploring again one major aspect in your life which you might have lost on the way: music.

Tachyon mattresses: special mattress was developed by orthopedic and physiological indications: single layer structure provides optimal ventilation and during sleep position regardless of user weight. Polipiramidal ergonomic surface micro -massage facilitates over night, helps the person to achieve maximum relaxation and correct body posture that strengthens metabolic processes therefore provides peace of mind and greater ability to download the daily experiences during sleep. The detoxification process gives staff better sleep and promotes the regenerative capacity of the body. The Tachyon Energy promoting interactivity and enable harmonization of body, soul and spirit while sleeping. Price: €1,493

DNA Activator 1 Price: €214 DNA Activator 2 Price: €236 DNA Activator 1 and 2: Activator supports reprogramming of DNA. Energy is an instrument that serves also for meditation. Transparent glass box with the DNA helix laser engraved.

The Philosophers Stone Price: €602 The Philosophers Stone: Alchemical symbols represent and hold part of the power of the alchemists procedures and substances. The Philosophers Stone is for contemplating your body wisdom, the inherent force which gives life to your body, and to support and honor it. A daily meditation of 20 minutes is recommended while placing your hands near the cube. As an object of art (with lighted base) it is an inspiring energetic object to just look at and relax.