Question Bank Windows XP 1. Use the keyboard print screen facility on the current screen and paste it into the word document\virus\ views.doc. Save and close the document and word. 2. What happens when you format a removable disk? Enter the letter of your choice in the question 2 answer box provided on the answer form. a) The disk is made read only. b) The disk is scanned for virus. c) The disk is locked for protection. d) The disk is prepared for storing data. 3. Find out the operating system installed on the PC that you are taking this text on. Enter the answer in the question 3 answer box provided on the answer form. 4. View the computer’s desktop configuration, and find out what resolution the screen area is set to. Enter the answer into the question 4 box provided on the answer form 5. Under which control panel section would you change the keyboard language? Enter the answer into the question 5 box provided on the answer form a) Regional & language Options b) Scheduled Tasks c) User Accounts d) Network Connections.

Question Bank- XP

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Question Bank Windows XP

1. Use the keyboard print screen facility on the current screen and paste it into the

word document\virus\views.doc. Save and close the document and word.

2. What happens when you format a removable disk? Enter the letter of your choice

in the question 2 answer box provided on the answer form.

a) The disk is made read only.

b) The disk is scanned for virus.

c) The disk is locked for protection.

d) The disk is prepared for storing data.

3. Find out the operating system installed on the PC that you are taking this text on.

Enter the answer in the question 3 answer box provided on the answer form.

4. View the computer’s desktop configuration, and find out what resolution the

screen area is set to. Enter the answer into the question 4 box provided on the

answer form

5. Under which control panel section would you change the keyboard language?

Enter the answer into the question 5 box provided on the answer form

a) Regional & language Options

b) Scheduled Tasks

c) User Accounts

d) Network Connections.

6. Using the windows help index functions, search using the index for calculator.

Copy and paste the first sentence. You can use Calculator. Enter the answer into

the question 6 box provided on the answer form.

7. Launch the Notepad application. Enter the text ‘Exterminating Virus’ on the first

line and save as viruses.txt in nccwork\virus.

8. Close the file saving any changes if prompted.

9. In the folder My Document\nccwork\virus\types find the sound file and enter it’s

name in the answer box provided for question 9 on the answer form.

10. Print to file tips.doc from the directory path My Documents\nccwork\virus\tips,

saving in to My Documents\nccwork\virus\tips and calling it virus.prn when


Page 2: Question Bank- XP

11. Use the find or search tool to find the file common.txt and move it to My

Documents\nccwork\virus\Types. Close down the search result.

12. Why does virus Scanning software need to be updated regularly?

Select one of the options below and enter it into the answer box for question 1 on

the answer form.

a) To ensure reliable detection of new computer viruses.

b) To ensure the virus scanner cannot be uninstalled.

c) To ensure reliable detection of computer files.

d) To ensure computer files can detect viruses.

13. Which of the following are advantages of making backup copies? Enter the letter

of your choice in the question 2 answer box provided on the answer form.

a) Create files to give to other users easily.

b) Create files to restore from it your computer fails.

c) Allow files to become publicly available across the network.

d) Corrupts the files that you backup.

14. If you are disinfecting a file you are : Select one of the options below and enter it

into the answer box for question 2 on answer form.

a) Ensuring that there are no spelling errors in the file.

b) Restoring a previous version of the file from a backup.

c) Cleaning the file of known viruses.

d) Removing any unnecessary data from the file.

15. Click on the tab question 4 and identify the My Computer icon by selecting an

option beneath it.

16. Click on the tab question 5 and identify the title bar, put your answer into the

answer field at their bottom of the form.

17. Click on the tab question 6 and close window.

Page 3: Question Bank- XP

18. Click on the tab question 7 and move icon so it is the top left of the window.

19. Click on the tab NCC Virus and set the virus scanning application provided to

scan compressed files.

20. Use the virus scanning application to scan the folder My Documents\nccwork.

21. Open the file ‘The Basics.txt’ from the directory path My Documents\nccwork\

learning\basic. Enter the text ‘Basic Syllabus’ on the first line and then save and

close the file.

22. Select all the images files on the directory My Documents\nccwork\Learning\

Intermediate and copy them to My Documents\nccwork\images.

23. Count the number of jpg files in the folder My Documents\nccwork\video\

prompts and enter in question.

24. Sort the files in My Documents\nccwork\video\labels into size order and enter the

size of the smallest file into the question 2.

25. Identify the file with the incorrect file extention .txz in the folder My Documents\

nccwork\video\copies\commedies and enter the file name and file extension in

the question 3.

26. Which of the following describes why making backup copies of files is

important? Enter the letter of your choice in the question 4.

a. Creates duplicate copies of the file to be distributed to other users.

b. Creates a template of the file to be used by other users.

c. Enables more than one user to access the file.

d. Creates a copy of the file to be used if the original file is become


27. Change the file \video\labels\labels.doc to read only.

28. Open the folder \video and delete the file older.

29. Create the folder structure below in.


Disk Returns Tape

Page 4: Question Bank- XP

30. Copy the file \filmso2.htm and paste it into the folder \video\promos.

31. Move all the text files from \video\releases to the folder \dvd.

32. Use the find or search tool to find the file rental index.xls rename the file to


33. Under which control panel section would you change the keyboard language?

Enter the letter of your choice in the question 1.

a. Scheduled Tasks.

b. Regional & Language Options.

c. User Accounts.

d. Network Connections.

34. Find out the amount of RAM installed on the computer that you are taking this

test on. Enter the amount in the box provided for question 2 on the answer form.

35. Find the short date format on your computer. Type in todays date in this format in

the answer box for question 3 provided on the answer form.

36. Using the windows help index function, search using the index for calculator and

copy and paste(Using right click) the first sentence. You can use calculator : Enter

the number in the box provided for question 4 on the answer form.

37. Using the find or search tool to find the file ‘Year 02.txt’ and enter the path into

the answer box provided on the answer form.

38. What happens when you format a removable disk? Enter the letter in the question

a. The disk is made read only.

b. The disk is scanned for virus.

c. The disk is locked for protection.

d. The disk is prepared for storing data.

39. Go to the file \Finance\accounts.xls and set the properties to read and write


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40. Use the Keyboard print screen facility on the current screen and paste it into the

word document \and it\ views.doc. save and close the document and word.

41. Lunch the Note pad application and enter the text ‘Index’.

42. Save the file as finance index.txt in the \finance and close.

43. Copy the folder \finance expenses and paste it into the My Document\nccwork


44. Print the file \finance\ and it report.doc to file name the file report.prn and save in

the directory path \nccwork. Close the file after printing the document of file.

45. Create the directory structure below in.

46. Go to the folder \sickdays and delete the file sickdays02.txt.

47. Open the folder ‘current’ found in \employment in a new window. Find the size of

the file company.jpg and type the answer in question 3.

48. Move the spreadsheet file \employment\pay\payscale to eomployment \pay\


49. Count the number of spreadsheet files in the folder \employment pay. Place the

answer in the question 5 answer box provided on the answer form.

50. Set the file \employment\pay\payamounts\payscales.doc to read only.

51. Sort the file in \employment into size order and then move the largest file to \


52. Rename the file employment dates.txt in the path \employment to recruit.txt.

53. Select the folder employment\contracts and copy it to the folder \employment\




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54. Click on the tab question 1 and identify the recyclebin icon by selection an option

beneath it.

55. Click on the tab question 2 and select the word processing application by

selecting an option beneath it.

56. Click on the Tab question 3 and identify which arrow points to the scroll bar, put

you answer into the answer field at the bottom of the form.

57. Click on the tab question 4 and expand it so that the approximate width of the

window is 4000 and height is 5000.

58. Which of the following describes file compression? Click on the tab question 5

and enter letter of your choice in the answer box provided.

a. Enlarges files from their original size.

b. Stores data in a format that takes less space than the original file.

c. Stores data in a text format.

d. Links more than one file together.

59. Delete the files chairman.bmp and chairmanold.bmp from the directory \news\

quarter1 to the recyclebin (waste basket).