Q1. I am creating a comma separated file. My requirement is to generate the file, where each filed should have double quotes. Can someone help me how to do it? below is the example "I","am","Dan" "You","are","student" Q2. I have 2 tables residing on different databases. Table1 is having 10 records and Table2 is having 10Million records. I have used the joiner transformation to join these two tables using the common column (Need to fetch only matching records i,e 10 records out of 10 Million), but the process is running for more than 2 hours which is not acceptable. Can anyone guide me how to implement this in a better way. Q3. I have a situation here. Let me try to explain. I have a mapping with multiple sources. There are four joiners TR and Router. It was working earlier and suddenly I got an error "Unexpected Error terminated session" and session got failed, when I saw the session log , there were no error messages. I kicked off the job again and saw no records in the target. I used verbose data and found that the Router TR , the last one before target has data for output, but target does not loaded. And the irony, the statements after the Router output show that Joiner has 0 outputs. Below is the section of session log showing that it has output to pass on, but ultimately there was no records loaded. Can you

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Q1. I am creating a comma separated file. My requirement is to generate the file, where each

filed should have double quotes. Can someone help me how to do it? below is the example



Q2. I have 2 tables residing on different databases. Table1 is having 10 records and Table2 is

having 10Million records. I have used the joiner transformation to join these two tables using the

common column (Need to fetch only matching records i,e 10 records out of 10 Million), but the

process is running for more than 2 hours which is not acceptable. Can anyone guide me how to

implement this in a better way. 

Q3. I have a situation here. Let me try to explain. I have a mapping with multiple sources. There

are four joiners TR and Router. It was working earlier and suddenly I got an error "Unexpected

Error terminated session" and session got failed, when I saw the session log , there were no error

messages. I kicked off the job again and saw no records in the target. I used verbose data and

found that the Router TR , the last one before target has data for output, but target does not

loaded. And the irony, the statements after the Router output show that Joiner has 0 outputs. 

Below is the section of session log showing that it has output to pass on, but ultimately there was

no records loaded. Can you please help me and let me know, if you need any more clarification

on the question. 

Message: rtr_Ext_Id_P6: Send OUTPUT row to External_ID: Control=[None]rtr_Ext_Id_P6:

Send OUTPUT row to Shortcut_to_IPS_External_ID_Dbg: Rowdata: ( RowType=0(insert) Src

Rowid=1 Targ Rowid=1 o_Ext_ID__c3 (ID__c:UniChar.255:): "OPSI91334238385"

o_Account_Status__c3 (Status__c:UniChar.10:): "Active" MBR_CITY3 (City__c:UniChar.40:):

"MINNEAPOLIS" IPS_DT_ReturnValue__c_Ctry3 (Country__c:UniChar.40:): "UNITED

STATES" MBR_POSTAL_CD3 (PostalCode__c:UniChar.15:): "55402-4662" MBR_STATE3

(State__c:UniChar.20:): "MN" o_Address_Street3 (Street_1__c:UniChar.255:): "225 S 6TH ST

STE 2800 " o_Phone3 (Phone__c:UniChar.50:): "1 (612) 333-2111" o_Fax3

(Fax__c:UniChar.50:): "1 (612) 333-6798" IPS_DT_ReturnValue__c_Firm3

(Firm_Entity__c:UniChar.10:): "(NULL)" o_Mbr_FirmId3 (OPSI_Firm_Id__c:UniChar.255:):

"91334" o_Mbr_Office_Id3 (OPSI_Office_Id__c:UniChar.255:): "23838 

5" IPS_Ext_Account_name__c3 (Account_name__c:UniChar.255:): "(NULL)")

Q4. I want to load first 100 and last 100 100 records in target from source. I dont know how

many rows will be there in source. Can anyone please help with right approch.

Q.5 what is the use of having Return port enable in Connected Lookup if we cannot use them?

Can we have Multiple return ports?

Q6. When the informatica runs the session, its creating the *.bin files in SessLogs directory but

not *.log. Could anyone help me what might be the reason. 

Q7. Is there a limit on number of files that can be in a list file while loading through indirect

method? I have around 800+ files each day and i m doing a indirect method to load these flat

files. After loading 212 files the workflow status is success and does not load the rest of the files.

Not sure what is going on. Infa is running on windows server. 

Q8. XSD is XML schema definition; you can use it as a source for your mapping. When you use

XSD as a source you actually import the structure of your XML file . Now you can pass the xml

file name in your session that has the same schema as the XSD you have provided. You can also

use the XML files directly as a source as informatica also has an inbuilt parser. Please tell us the

error you are getting in doing so.

Q.9 I want to identify the user who saved the last time one object (mainly wfs, sessions and

mappings) in the repository. The version is 8.1.1 not versioned. I know that through object

properties i can see the date when it was changed and little other info. Metadata extensions are

not correct, via Repository/Integration services log, this info is not reachable, because it is in

backup already, i mean, it was already purged. Somebody could help? I'm afraid that without

versioning this information’s are not available, maybe only via querying the table/view in the

repository or taking a look into the purged Integration Services log. 

Q10. SQL override query in the source qualifier transformation so that you are handling only the

distinct values to start with. 

Any body give the idea how to implememt the logic in Informatica to get the 

below output ? 

*Note:* Julian format in oracle. But *JSP* function is not available in 




*empno sal* 

105 5430 

102 4506 



*empno sal* 

105 Five thousand four hundred thirty 

102 Four thousand five hundred six 

Q11. I am facing issue with performance.The job is running since 5 days still not completed.I

checked the log and found the 

below message. 

Severity Timestamp Node Thread Message Code Message 

INFO 1/3/2011 7:14:53 PM node01_USILAP289-DEV WRITER_1_*_1 WRT_8165


Please help how to avoid this above timeout commit point. 

Q12. We are using Powercenter 8.6.1. 

I have to implement some Data Quality checks. One of this quality checks has to prove that the

content of a 'String' Data-Type column is numeric. (FlatFile is provided)

IIF(IS_NUMBER(WHATEVER),TRUE,FALSE) -- > This would work perfect. 

But it is not working with Pushdown Optimization! 

As I have to use it I'm looking for other possibilities 

Are there any other possibilities I can consider? 

One wierdly different suggestion coming to my mind somehow would be, why not go the other

way round and check if input has String/Spcl Char/Null and throw an error when it is, otherwise

pass it as a number!! 

we may ise ISNULL() and InStr() functions in IIF() blocks for this!! 

IIF(IISNULL(input) AND INSTR('a',input) OR INSTR('b',input),False,True) ....something like
