Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full products?

Question 7

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full products?

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This shows the difference between my preliminary task and my final task. I feel that I have made some improvement from my preliminary task to now.

Firstly, I feel that my final magazine looks mean professional due to having an actual image as my background, whereas before I only had a graduated colour.Secondly, I feel that my final magazine is more suited to my target audience in that the colour scheme, the fonts and the cover lines are better suited to it; whereas before, I based my colour scheme, fonts and cover lines around the main image that I had chosen.I feel that I have become more experimental with some of the features and tools on Photoshop

that have lead to a better outcome than before. Fore example, i learnt how to edit my photos more in depth so that they were suited better to appeal to my target audience. Secondly, i learnt how to manipulate the text so that i could increase/decrease the width in-between the letters and in-between each row. This allowed me to maximise the space available as much as possible and improve the overall appearance of the page.

However, there are a number of aspects that remained the same such as the position of the barcode, issue and price as this is the conventional place for these features on all magazines. Secondly the strap lines at the bottom both still contain extra, less important cover lines that may appeal to the audience to convince them to purchase the magazine. Overall I feel that the quality of my work has improved significantly due to being more open to experiments and trials as well as having a better understanding of the typical magazine conventions.