We created the production title using Adobe after Effects CS5. The sound was from a sound downloading website which allowed us to download sound and sound effects for free. The website is called www.sounddogs.com . Some of the sounds downloaded were edited later on to make it matching with the footage. Using white writing on a black background makes the title much clearer.

Question 5 original

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Page 1: Question 5 original

We created the production title using Adobe after Effects CS5. The sound was from a

sound downloading website which allowed us to download sound and sound effects for

free. The website is called www.sounddogs.com. Some of the sounds downloaded were

edited later on to make it matching with the footage. Using white writing on a black

background makes the title much clearer.

Page 2: Question 5 original

Here we see the protagonist for the first time. We see her straight after the first title. The

location used here shows a very dull looking place. It’s very deserted and empty looking.

The trees have no leaves which indicate winter, which is the dullest season of the year.

The way the character stands in the middle help illustrate that she isn’t in a comfortable

environment. Because she stands in the centre we are forced to notice here and see her as

the main object. We see the character as a young female (teenager) who has dressed

casually. The sound we hear is downloaded legally from the website

www.sounddogs.com. We downloaded only 3 tracks and the edited them in final cut pro

in order to make it matching to the footage.

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Here we get to see our main character from a point of view shot. The camera is being

handheld which gives it a shaky effect. The audience is supposed to get a feeling as if they

were spying on her. Here the sound is very gentle and slow paced but it still remains

creepy and scary, especially after we start to hear the voiceovers saying “can you hear me

now” and etc. Due to this Point-of-view shot (POV) we are told to follow the protagonist.

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This is a running clip which filmed by using a handheld camera. The camera person was

told to run on the graveyard’s pathway as fast as they could so that the footage would

come out very shaky. We decided to diegetic sound here in order to create tension. What

we can hear in this footage is heavy breathing, feet scraping the floor and the wind. The

footage so far is already very mysterious but with this clip cutting in 3 times at sudden

timing makes the whole experience even more mysterious. The footage has been

reversed as well to give it an extra twist in terms of being ambiguous. According to the

target audience who watched the final outcome, they thought the film was going to be

about time travelling, as the footage was reversed. People also thought there was going

to be a flashback since the colour of the footage changed to give it a 3D and distorted

look. Over all the inclusion of the running clip makes the audience confused but in a

positive way. It makes the wonder why it’s there and that leads them to wanting to watch

the rest.

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This shot here can be described as an establishing shot even though it may not look like

one. It sets out the location I which the character is opening the gate to. We can see by

the look of it that’s it’s a graveyard. We the tombstones dug to the ground in different

postures, which could state that it’s a very untidy graveyard. It changes the mood from

being very mysterious to being scarier; people start to get sense of the creepiness of the

video. Some members of our target audience said they thought that the way she was

looking around all confused had a great impact, because it looked like she was reacting to

the voiceovers that we had overlapped though out the title sequence with. The sound

track used in this clip is called ‘Satanic Chorus’. This sounds very creepy and stimulating.

The sound is very unusual, all we here is different types of instruments and church bells.

There is also part where we are able to hear choir singers. This sounds very scary.

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This is the first time we use a transition, this surreal transition makes the two separate

clips fade slowly and gently. This gives it a ghostly effect as it the transition is white.

During the transition we the whole graveyard seems to glow and it suddenly looks like a

better place, this is only for a while until the fading is over. We carry on hearing strange

voiceovers combined with the satanic chorus sound track in the background. We wanted

to experiment with two completely opposite themes to make this sequence. As results

this came out very well. According to our target audience this transition was one of the

highlights of this sequence.

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This is the title of our film. Wraith is a word related to ghosts and spirits. We thought the

name would go well with our sequence. Most members of our target audience had no

idea of what the word even meant. After the main title they wanted to see more as they

wanted to know what the word “Wraith” had to do with this. There are effects added to it

so that it makes it look blurred which gives it a distorted and abnormal appearance. The

font we used here is the same as what we used for the other titles. The font has a cranky

appearance so that nit looks broken, worn out and distorted.

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Instead of using another transition we used two separate sounds to make the next cut

seem continues. Here we see a 360° POV shot, we used this shot technique so that it

would look like the character looking around. The panning shot we used here is very slow

as we wanted to make it look like the character was looking around.

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In this shot our character (protagonist) goes near the church door, it’s almost like as if she

is forced to touch the door. She strokes the church door gently until a sudden

uncomfortable scream is heard. This screaming sound is a sound track that we download

legally from www.sounddogs.com. According to the target audience feedback, they

thought the girl was being possessed by the voiceovers that we hear. The wooden church

door makes the graveyard look old. This is a typical Mise-en-scene for thriller films, to use

big, wooden doors, when it comes to clips that are related to graveyard themes or

churches. As it states above I the annotation we chose have this slow reaction to the

sound as we are letting the audience know that the character isn’t very normal. She is

taking her time to react which tells the audience that she doesn’t quite trust her own

feelings and senses. She is also made to look paranoid.

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This shot was filmed on the upper deck on the bus. We wanted to make it look like she

was a very lonely character. We can see on her body language that she prefers to be

alone. She wants to be separated from everything; she doesn’t trust anyone, which is why

she prefers to sit on the upper deck, at the back where there is less people. We shot this

by making the camera man sit on a seat that was in front of the character. This makes it

look like someone is spying on her. A lot of our shots are filmed using POV as that’s the

way we create the tension and the thrilling parts. One member of the target audience

thought that someone was stalking her, something that neither we nor the character

could see. During this we decided to add the same clip in but reverse it this time.

The audience really likes this just the way they liked the running clips with 3D effects added to it. We make the

character listen to music on her iPod, to show she is ignoring the sound that we can hear. It shows she is fed up with it

(she’s in her own world now). This can be related to our target market as most of them listens to music, very commonly

on the bus.

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We can see props such as the glass with water and the pills. This shows that she has some

kind of medical condition. The blanket shows that she is cold. The headphones next to her

also illustrate that she is a typical teenage girl.

The title appears again as it does in

the film Se7en. We kept the same

effect but we made it smaller this

time. We decided to have many of

the jumping around.

At this point we have tiny breaks in

the sound. We did this in order to

make it sound distorted which

relates to what the character is

feeling like at the moment.

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Here is another POV shot; here we see what the character is seeing. The camera is

handheld again to give that realistic effect. We use the same sound as we used in the start

to show that the title sequence is about to end.

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Here we see our character being distressed. She decides to take a pill with some glass of

water we don’t know why she is taking it though. Many members of our target audience

thought that she was committing suicide. They could relate this to bullying and people

and teenagers committing suicide as a result of that. We can tell that she will not die as

she is our main character in the film.