How did you attract your target audience?

Question 5

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How did you attract your

target audience?

Page 2: Question 5

Front CoverMy front cover attracts the target audience

in many ways. Firstly, the name of the magazine is ‘Indie’. This instantly attracts people who class themselves as ‘indie’ and these people are who I am targeting my magazine towards. Another thing that will attract my target audience is the image. Her facial expression is unusual and represents the individuality of the people who will read this magazine. This will attract my target audience as they will be drawn to the magazine because she is pulling a weird face and is making direct eye contact with them. The banner will also attract my target audience because it tells them what’s going to be inside the magazine. I am aiming my magazine at people who enjoy listening to indie rock bands and going to festivals/gigs. Therefore telling them that there is going to be information about these things inside the magazine will attract them. Finally, the price of the magazine will attract the audience because it is quite cheap for a monthly magazine. This means that my target audience, who are mostly students, will be able to afford the magazine.

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Contents PageMy contents page also has many things

that will attract my target audience. Firstly, the main image is a girl holding an acoustic guitar. This would attract my audience because they are interested in acoustic and indie music. This will encourage them to buy the magazine. Also the clothing that the people are wearing in the images portray an ‘indie’ look. This will attract my target audience because they will be able to relate to them and maybe get some ideas of what to wear. The images are of both males and females. This would attract my target audience because I am aiming my magazine at both genders so including both genders on my contents page will be more suitable for males and females. Another thing that will attract my target audience is the bands that are mentioned in the articles. All of the bands are indie rock bands so this will attract my target audience because they will be bands that they are interested in and would like to know more about.

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Double Page Spread My double page spread is

based on an indie rock artist. This will attract my target audience because they are interested in indie rock music so they would like to know the new up and coming artists. In the image she is also holding an acoustic guitar. This will attract my target audience because they will associate the guitar with the music they like. There is an introduction before the article. This will attract my target audience because they will be able to read about the article

before they choose whether to read it or not. Another way my double page spread attracts my target audience is by including an interview. This means that the audience can read exactly what the artist is saying instead of just an interpretation of what was said like in some free flowing articles. Finally, the word ‘exclusive’ in the corner of the page suggests to the audience no other magazine has this information. Thus attracting them to the magazine and encouraging them to buy it.