In what ways does my media product use,develope or challenge forms and conventions of real Media products?

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In what ways does my media product use,develope or challenge forms and conventions of real Media products?

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Here are the professional magazines Q and NME against my magazine Live. Despite mine is not a professional magazine it looks good enough to be, it looks right I did this by following the codes and conventions..........

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The title is one word long this makes it a lot more memorable to the audience. It is the biggest text on the cover to attract the audiences eye, with a unique font to also make it memorable to the audience. So I did this by making it bold to stand out.

The main artist is giving direct address this is too catch the readers eyes creating a connection which pulls them in. There is one artist posing creating a feeling. The artist on my magazine looks smug yet calm creating a feeling that indie fans will relate to. This attracts them to want to then read the magazine.

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My magazine consists of a simple colour scheme Red, black, white with a dash of yellow. This makes my magazine look a lot more professional and well structured, as other professional magazines do as you can see the NME magazine above. It gives it a better effect as it looks more approachable to the audience attracting them to it to make them want to read it. Also throughout the front cover the same font style and size is used makes it look a lot more structured.

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My cover –lines on my magazine are used to intrigue the audience, to make them want to know a lot more about them. It gives them a taste of what my magazine has to offer and what is inside. They are the second biggest text on the page to attract readers eyes. Fewest words as possible are used this is to make it brief to appeal to the audience. On my cover lines I used Indie bands and artists to attract the fan base to this magazine. This ensures that readers will be attracted to it.

This strip line on the bottom of the magazine, is too attract the audience. It shows that the price of the magazine is reasonable as they are getting a lot more than what they bargained for . As well as that it also gives the reader more excitement and intrigues them because they want to know the news, information and so on about them specific bands/artists.

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For my cover lines I added black boxes behind them to make them stand out more and attract the audiences attention. Against the black boxes on the cover-lines I used the font colour Yellow only a small amount because too much would of over done it. I got this idea from Kerrang. Despite it being a rock magazine it really went well and complimented the magazine.

On this cover-line I have used “New year, new sound” to intrigue the audience to read it as the word “new” will hopefully make them wonder and want to know more.

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The bar code is always on the front of the magazine as their is advertisement on the back pages. The reason for this is to make money. However the bar code is very small so it doesn't interfere with the design and feel of the magazine.

The date and price has a very small font size so it does not interfere with the magazine as much, yet is their to obviously inform readers the price, and when this issue of the magazine was released.

The positioning statement is to attract readers as it says “the truth about indie” so they know what to expect from this magazine.

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Here is my contents page next to a professional Qs magazine contents page. Mine next to it also looks professional as I followed the codes and conventions.......

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My Contents page includes features that would attract and appeal to the audience as its full of stories and information about bands and artist they readers all enjoy. I also included extras, The regulars and reviews this is to get the audience familiar with this magazine. This attracts them as they know what to expect every time they read this magazine.

My content is in columns and rows this looks a lot more appealing to audience as it looks a lot more approachable. It also looks a lot more organised.

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As you can see I carried out my simple colour scheme throughout from the front cover to the contents page. This makes the magazine look neat and professional.

The images I chose to use are all of indie bands/artists to attract the indie audience. They are structures neatly and look organised giving of the effect that it looks professional. The numbers on the images are noticeable so it is easy for the audience to access the story they want to read. They are all in the right corner as it looks organised.

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The top strip is a crowd of hands from a festival, this gives of a fun feeling to the magazine. It also includes an image on the front of the magazine. This is to make this contents page known by a wider range of audience.

It includes a website and social networking this creates a bigger fan base for the magazine as it get the readers interested and attracts them to communicate with the magazine.

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The images also includes quotes from inside the articles. This intrigues the audience as they want to know even more.

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This is my double page spread against one of Q magazine double page spreads. Yet by following codes and conventions it looks just as professional.

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I have used one main image on one side of the page and an article beside it to do with that artist.

I made the background bleed across the entire page to make it a lot more effective.

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The headline is the biggest text on the page, this is to attract peoples eyes so they can notice the article.

The stand first is the second largest text on the page and is separate from the other text. It is an introduction to give a brief explanation to the audience what the article is about.

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Here I have broken the article up into clear paragraphs this makes it a lot more visual and approachable for the audience.

The image reflects the genre of indie music as he has a very not interested, laidback, care free attitude. Hence the fact he is not even looking directly at the camera. His outfit also represent indie as he is wearing skinny jeans and a checked shirt, this is very popular with the indie fans.

It includes a by-line which is the journalists names and credits for photographs, with the text size of 8pt.