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  • 8/14/2019 QueenBee


    Killer Queen-Bee

    Absurdist theatre is a form of theatre developed in the 1940s-60s (Wikipedia,

    2008), derived from the absurdism philosophy, which states that the efforts of

    humanity to find meaning in the universe ultimately fail, because there is no

    meaning. The absurdism belief was born from the existentialist philosophy, which

    is similar in that it states that we are born with nothing, we strive to achieve

    something, but ultimately we die with nothing. The followers of this philosophy

    believed that the only way to escape the meaninglessness of life was through

    fantasy or routine. (Wikipedia, 2008) Both fantasy and routine can be seen in this

    play, through the use of the absurd. Absurdist plays are relevant for todays

    audience to give a social and/or political commentary on absurd or ironic aspects

    of life.

    War is one of these aspects. The aspect of the human condition found at the core

    of the issue of war, is the need for power and control and our tendency to follow

    others. The irony of this however, is that the power is controlled by few, and they

    do not take risks, generally speaking, that will endanger them personally,

    however their actions can kill a large number of innocents.

    This play uses bees to metaphorically present this issue. It is set in a beehive,

    and the Queen Bee represents the head of the colony, and also the people in

    power. She is a projection to help emphasize the disconnectedness and distance

    of the people in charge from the rest of the colony. She sits atop of a honeycomb

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    stack. Honeycomb is also a symbol of order, conformity and lack of individualism,

    shown through the structured, patterned nature of honeycomb. The bees also

    look exactly the same, and move in synchronized patterns and this also helps to

    emphasize the point. The play is cyclic in nature due to the Queen Bee cradling a

    bee egg throughout the play, and when she dies, the egg hatches a new Queen

    Bee. There is always someone to take their place.


    Queen Bee

    The Queen Bee is the head of the beehive. She represents people in power. She

    is a projection, and uses 3D animation to create her character. Her purpose is to

    instruct the bees in the hive of what to do. She sits atop a vertically ascending

    honeycomb, to represent her power. She speaks in a very formal, but loving tone,

    and words her orders in ways to portray them in the best possible light. Even the

    worst orders sound fabulous when she says them.

    Worker Bees

    The other bees are the other bees in the colony. They all look exactly the same.

    They represent the general public and soldiers. They are all real, three-

    dimensional characters. The costumes are bee costumes. They speak in a very

    informal tone compared to the Queen Bee.

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    Killer Queen-Bee

    By Thomas Huxley

    [Blackout. The opening bars to Sugar Sugar by The Archies plays, as the lights fade on to

    reveal the worker bees doing their waggle dance, as well as interpretive dance for the Queen

    Bee. They all have smiles on their faces. She is overjoyed and joins in the song and dance.

    Honey trickles down the honeycomb. The song eventually finishes and they all stop and listen to

    the Queen Bee who commands their attention. She cradles a bee egg in her arms.]

    Queen Bee: Good Bees of Hivetopia, to be Bee, or not to be Bee? That is the

    question I ask you today. We Bees are prosperous in nature and

    Hivetopia continues to expand every day, our population doubling this

    year alone, and I for one welcome all those adorable little larvae. As our

    kingdom grows in size, we must go in search of new flower fields to

    spread our love upon and pollinate. Will you go?

    Worker Bees: [in unison]Yes! Yes! Well go for you! We love you!

    Queen Bee: Excellent! Fly at one my beloved honey bunch! My dance will guide you.

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    [The Queen Bee does her waggle dance for the bees to point out the direction of the flower

    fields. Blackout and a loud buzzing is heard as the bees fly away. A few moments later, the

    buzzing fades back, and the lights fade back on to reveal the bees have returned.]

    Worker Bee 1: [excited]We found them your Highness. They were exactly where you

    said, and they are choice flowers! Sweet as!

    Queen Bee: As a reward my beloved, you can have this sweet and delectable honey I

    have prepared for you. Do not leave any to spare, you have all deserved

    every drop.

    [The bees rejoice and tuck into the honey that trickles down the honeycomb throne.]

    Worker Bee 2: Bee oh bee, this honey gives me a real buzz!

    Worker Bee 1: I love our Queen. She trusts us so damn well.

    Worker Bee 3: Im not so sure about her intentions. She could be leading us astray.

    Worker Bee 2: Why would you question the Queen? She treats us with love and respect

    and gives us delicious honey, so shut your mouth, eat your honey and

    dont complain.

    [The bees finish the honey. The Queen commands their attention with a loud buzz.]

    Queen Bee: Now that you have finished the honey, I have another request of all of

    you. It appears as if we are running low on honey. Honey as you know, is

    needed in Hivetopia for us to continue to live our prosperous lives. I fear

    that we will have to take from our neighbours in Buzzland, to continue to

    live the lifestyle that we have all grown accustomed to. It is for the

    greater good! [Booming voice]Will you fight for Hivetopia and your

    Queen? What say you?

    Worker Bees: [In unison]Of course we will your majesty. Anything for you.

    Queen Bee: Then fly at once my beloved! And in return you shall receive all the honey

    you desire.

    [Queen Bee performs waggle dance, and the bees rejoice at the prospect of all the honey.

    Blackout. Loud buzzing fades out as they fly away. Moments later, the buzzing fades back in as

    the bees return. The lights fade back in. Some bees have missing wings and bee blood and are

    bandaged. Honey flows prosperously from the honeycomb like an oil well.]

    Worker Bee 2: Your highness, we have returned yet we lost many of our comrades in

    battle with the bees at Buzzland. We came away victorious though. Are

    you pleased?

    Queen Bee: More pleased than you could ever imagine my beloved. Please, have this

    honey as a reward for your efforts.

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    [The bees rejoice again and dig into the honey from the honeycomb. When it is all completed the

    Queen Bee commands their attention with another loud buzz.]

    My beloved. You all know that I love you very much. [The bees cheer]

    However the problem appears worse than I first imagined. Our honey

    supply is running low. [Cries from the bees]Do not fear! I have a solution.I know of a place where there is more honey than any of you could ever

    imagine, and if we manage to extract that honey like nectar from a flower,

    you will never have to work another day in the last few months of your


    Worker Bee 1: Where kind of place is this? It must be amazing? Tell us where it is and

    well go and fetch all the honey from it pronto.

    Queen Bee: I will tell you. [Does waggle dance to direct them]You will find the honey

    in boxes. It is strange you may say, but there is more honey there to

    satisfy even the needs of the arch-nemesis of all bees, Winnie the Pooh.

    Fly at one for Hivetopia and bees alike! This flight shall be remembered

    as the Flight of the Bumblebees!

    [The bees rejoice. Blackout. The buzzing sound is heard accompanied by The Flight of the

    Bumblebees. When it is finished the buzzing fades back in and the lights fade back on. More

    bees are injured. They are laughing and giggling. They are very high from the gas used by


    Worker Bee 1: Your highness [giggles with other bees], we have returned. We got the

    honey [laughs out loud uncontrollably], but many of us were killed or left

    behind. Some white smoke attacked us. Benny B. Benson lost a wing

    [chuckles], it was hilarious!

    Queen Bee: This is most unusual, but you have done me and Hivetopia proud. Please

    have some more hon.

    [A giant bear roar is heard, resounding throughout the hive.]


    [A giant brown bear paw sweeps through the hive killing many bees. Bee blood and guts is flung


    My beloved bees! Do not waste your sting on this bear! Die an

    honourable death and fall on your stinger. You will be honoured and

    remembered for all eternity.

    Worker Bees: [In unison.]Anything for you our Queen! You know best. [The bees fall on

    their stingers and die]

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    [The bear paw makes another sweep through the hive sweeping up many bees and scratching

    the Queen Bee with a claw, ripping off her head. The bee egg she has been cradling the whole

    time tumbles down the honeycomb. The roar fades away as the bear leaves. Blackout. Pause. A

    spotlight opens on the egg. It hatches slowly to reveal a new baby Queen Bee. She climbs up the

    throne into the seat of the Queen Bee. The survivors all get up and rejoice. They all sing and

    waggle dance to I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor. The lights blackout except for a spotlight on

    the new Queen Bee. It then fades out.


    Wikipedia. (2008, 09/03/2008)."Theatre of the Absurd." Retrieved 12 March,

    2008, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theatre_of_the_Absurd.

  • 8/14/2019 QueenBee


    Wikipedia. (2008, 09/03/2008)."Absurdism." Retrieved 12 March, 2008, from


    Wikipedia. (2008, 09/03/2008)."Existentialism." Retrieved 12 March, 2008, from
