Issue: 12 July-Sept 2019 QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER Malō ē Lelei Greengs to you all and welcome, belatedly, to the September Quarterly Newsleer of the Office of the Ombudsman. The Office had achieved some mile- stones in all facets of operaon especially in efforts to further promote key principles of good governance in government services and administrave decisions. We have recruited new staff members with seasoned legal background including the Director of Invesga- ons as well as Invesgaon Officers. Through our outreach programs to inform and assist people in honing their understanding and appreciaon of our services, we have met and connected with many peo- ple throughout the Kingdom. Addionally, we have connued to work cooperavely with the shareholder and stakeholders through our various mandates as enshrined in the Ombudsman Act 2001. We hope that you would take a bit of your me to read this newsleer. Do contact us on 0800 662, 26980 or invesga- [email protected] if you need to say hello, make enquiries or lodge a complaint. Malō aupito. Highlights Corporate Division (CD) Retreat - The office held a two-day retreat at Likualofa Beach Resort on 15-16 August to present the Corporate Plan for 2019/2020. The aim was to ensure that all staff members are aware of how their work are all es- senal to the achievement of targets and strategies of the organizaon. A new theme – Honoured to serve Tonga by advocang Integritywas introduced. APNIC Conference and Workshop 5 - 12 September 2019 Systems Administrator, Mr. 'Akuila Pohiva, parcipated in the APNIC 48 Conference hosted in Chiang Mai, Thai- land on 5-12 September. This fellowship was partly funded by APNIC with the support of the office. The training covered wide range of IT skills regarding roung and network security to avoid the impacts of cyber hacking. USOA 2019 - The Office of the Ombudsman was rep- resented for the first me at the United States Om- budsman Associaon (USOA) annual conference and also become an associate member of this renowned organizaon. USOA invited the Ombudsman, Mr. Aisea Taumoepeau, SC, to aend its 40 th Annual Conference and Workshop held in Honolulu, Hawaii. The event also marked the 50 th Anniversary of the opening of the Hawaii Ombudsman Office. The Acng Chief Execuve Officer and Director of Inves- gaons, Mrs. Alisi Taumoepeau, SC, also aended the conference. (Photo below)

QUARTERLY NEWSLETTERombudsman.we.bs/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/OMB-Newsletter-Se… · Tel: 0800662 or 26980 Email—[email protected] Website— Facebook—Office of the

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Page 1: QUARTERLY NEWSLETTERombudsman.we.bs/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/OMB-Newsletter-Se… · Tel: 0800662 or 26980 Email—investigation@ombudsman.to Website— Facebook—Office of the

Issue: 12

July-Sept 2019


Malō ē Lelei …

Greetings to you all and welcome, belatedly, to the

September Quarterly Newsletter of the Office of the

Ombudsman. The Office had achieved some mile-

stones in all facets of operation especially in efforts to

further promote key principles of good governance in

government services and administrative decisions.

We have recruited new staff members with seasoned

legal background including the Director of Investiga-

tions as well as Investigation Officers. Through our

outreach programs to inform and assist people in

honing their understanding and appreciation of our

services, we have met and connected with many peo-

ple throughout the Kingdom. Additionally, we have

continued to work cooperatively with the shareholder

and stakeholders through our various mandates as

enshrined in the Ombudsman Act 2001. We hope

that you would take a bit of your time to read this


Do contact us on 0800 662, 26980 or investiga-

[email protected] if you need to say hello, make

enquiries or lodge a complaint. Malō ‘aupito.


Corporate Division (CD)

Retreat - The office held a two-day retreat at Liku’alofa

Beach Resort on 15-16 August to present the Corporate

Plan for 2019/2020. The aim was to ensure that all

staff members are aware of how their work are all es-

sential to the achievement of targets and strategies of

the organization. A new theme – “Honoured to serve

Tonga by advocating Integrity” was introduced.

APNIC Conference and Workshop 5 - 12 September


Systems Administrator, Mr. 'Akuila Pohiva, participated

in the APNIC 48 Conference hosted in Chiang Mai, Thai-

land on 5-12 September. This fellowship was partly

funded by APNIC with the support of the office. The

training covered wide range of IT skills regarding routing

and network security to avoid the impacts of cyber


USOA 2019 - The Office of the Ombudsman was rep-

resented for the first time at the United States Om-

budsman Association (USOA) annual conference and

also become an associate member of this renowned

organization. USOA invited the Ombudsman, Mr.

‘Aisea Taumoepeau, SC, to attend its 40th Annual

Conference and Workshop held in Honolulu, Hawaii.

The event also marked the 50th Anniversary of the

opening of the Hawaii Ombudsman Office. The

Acting Chief Executive Officer and Director of Investi-

gations, Mrs. ‘Alisi Taumoepeau, SC, also attended

the conference. (Photo below)

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Investigation Division (ID)

Ombudsman Investigators Training Workshop, Fiji, 31st

July – 1st August 2019

The two (2) day program was conducted by the New Zea-

land Ombudsman and participants from other Pacific Om-

budsman institutions attended the training. The workshop

covered investigative skills such as interviewing and gather-

ing information, early resolution techniques, report writings

and exchanges of ideas between the various Ombudsman

Organizations throughout the Australian, New Zealand and

Pacific region. Four (4) staff members of the Office of the

Ombudsman attended - namely Mrs. Mele’ofa Mohenoa –

Senior Investigation Officer, Mr. Sione Hamani Topui – Sen-

ior Investigation Officer, Mr. Samiu Latu – Investigation

Officer and Mr. Mosese Uili – Investigation Officer.

Human Rights and Climate Change Conference 5th – 7th August 2019 - The Director of Investigation, Mrs. ‘Alisi

Taumoepeau, SC, attended a training in Nadi, Fiji, on Human Rights and Climate Change. The program covered

how Climate Change can directly and indirectly threaten the full and effective enjoyment of a range of human

rights throughout the world. Other participants from Pacific countries and human rights organisations took part

and was conducted by the United Nations’ representatives.

Complaints - During the September quarter, the

ID recorded the following statistics regarding the

complaints from the public:

Recruitments – Three (3) recruitments were made during the quarter. The vacant position of Director of Investi-

gation (DI) was filled by the former Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Mrs. ‘Alisi Taumoepeau, SC, effec-

tive as from July. Mrs. Taumoepeau, below left, brings to the office a wealth of legal expertise and skills. Mean-

while, Mr. Hamani Topui and Mr. Samiu Latu (below right) also joined the office respectively as Senior Investiga-

tion Officer and Investigation Officer. Both formerly worked for the Ministry of Justice and the Office of the Legis-

lative Assembly of Tonga.

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Communication & Media Division

The Communication & Media Officer, Ms. Nanise Fifita,

attended the “2019 Young Leaders Program" for senior

and young civil servants from eight (8) PICs, 19th of Aug

to 8th September. It was hosted by the Guangdong Uni-

versity of Foreign Studies in Guangzhou, the capital city

of Guangdong province. The program consisted of a se-

ries of seminars, lectures and dialogues, site visits and

field trips to historical, cultural and technological organi-

zations. The aim was to showcase and brief the partici-

pants about latest developments in Guangdong's econo-

my, society and cultures. Lectures covered natural disas-

ters control and prevention, environment protection,

tourism and sustainable development. Other representa-

tives from Tonga included senior officers from the Minis-

try of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Department and

the Office of the Governor of Vava'u.

Visit from the Brisbane Tongan Community – The Om-

budsman held a luncheon meeting with Mr. Sulieni Layt,

Mrs. Mele Manu Nguano and Mrs. Maile Molitika of the

Brisbane-Tongan Community Association in July. In

March, Mr. Layt and members of the Tongan community

in Brisbane assisted an Outreach Program led by the

Ombudsman, Mr. ‘Aisea Taumoepeau, SC. This was an

effort to reach out to Tongans living abroad so they are

well aware of how the Office could help them if they

wish to complain against any of the administrative deci-

sions and services of government ministries, depart-

ments, agencies including public enterprises. It is under-

stood that overseas based Tongans still hold a lot of in-

terests in Tonga including lands and properties, looking

after the wellbeing and welfare of family members and

relatives, amongst others. The toll-free number to con-

tact our Office is 0800 662 or (676) 26980 or 26982.

Social media contacts – Social media users are most welcome to stay abreast with the latest news and infor-

mation from our office from time to time through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram postings. We appreciate

your time as the following numbers show:

Facebook July-September

Followers 1,925

Likes 1,866

Reach 1,865

Instagram July September

Posts 46

Followers 180

Engagements 100

Twitter July September

Tweets 26

Impressions 5,622

Likes 106

Replies to tweets 8

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Outreach Programs – 12 OPs were carried out during the quarter including setting up of information booths during

the Royal Agricultural Shows of Ha’apai, Vava’u, Niuatoputapu, Niuafo’ou and ‘Eua. It was an honour when Their

Majesties, King Tupou VI and Queen Nanasipau’u, briefly viewed the display of promotional items displayed at the

booth. The OPs are to inform and enlighten the public about the principles of good governance that are essential

to guide the decision making process and services of the government. The items, consisting of pens, school bags,

coffee mugs, environmental bags, umbrellas and brochures, are to aid the people in their understanding and

awareness on how the Office of the Ombudsman could help them. Photos shown below were from the shows in

the outer-islands during July and early August.

Health & Sports Activities —The OMB sports team continued to take part in the 2019 Fiefia sports competi-

tion with promising results being expected. All the best to the OMB teams taking part in touch rugby, net-

ball, volleyball, hockey and badminton .

Editor – Acting Chief Executive Officer & Director of Investigations Content & Layout – Communication & Media Officer Office of the Ombudsman, Level 2, Retirement Fund Board Building, Cnr Mateialona & Lelue Rds., Kolofo’ou, Nuku’alofa Tel: 0800662 or 26980 Email—[email protected] Website—www.ombudsman.to Facebook—Office of the Ombudsman Twitter—@OmbudsmanTonga