Team: R . Buijs , M . Collodo , S. Garcia, S. Gasparinetti , J. Heinsoo , S. Krinner , P. Kurpiers , M. Mondal , M. Oppliger , M . Pechal , A. Potocnik , Y. Salathe , M. Stammeier , A. Stockklauser , T . Thiele, T. Walter (ETH Zurich ) A. Mezzacapo , U. Las Heras, L. Lamata , E. Solano (Bilbao) Quantum Simulation with Superconducting Circuits Andreas Wallraff (ETH Zurich) www.qudev.ethz.ch

Quantum Simulation with Superconducting Circuits...Quantum Simulation with Superconducting Circuits Salathe et al., PRX 5, 021027(2015) Digital simulation of exchange, Heisenberg,

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  • Team: R. Buijs, M. Collodo, S. Garcia, S. Gasparinetti, J. Heinsoo, S. Krinner, P. Kurpiers, M. Mondal,

    M. Oppliger, M. Pechal, A. Potocnik, Y. Salathe, M. Stammeier, A. Stockklauser, T. Thiele, T. Walter

    (ETH Zurich)

    A. Mezzacapo, U. Las Heras, L. Lamata, E. Solano(Bilbao)

    Quantum Simulation with Superconducting CircuitsAndreas Wallraff (ETH Zurich)www.qudev.ethz.ch

  • Former group members nowFaculty/PostDoc/PhD/IndustryA. Abdumalikov (AWK Group)M. Allan (Leiden)M. Baur (ABB)J. Basset (U. Paris Sud) S. Berger (AWK Group)R. Bianchetti (ABB)D. Bozyigit (MIT)C. Eichler (Princeton)A. Fedorov (UQ Brisbane)A. Fragner (Yale)S. Filipp (IBM Zurich)J. Fink (IST Austria)T. Frey (Bosch)M. Goppl (Sensirion)J. Govenius (Aalto) L. Huthmacher (Cambridge)

    D.-D. Jarausch (Cambridge) K. Juliusson (CEA Saclay) C. Lang (Radionor) P. Leek (Oxford)P. Maurer (Stanford)J. Mlynek (Siemens)G. Puebla (IBM)A. Safavi-Naeini (Stanford)L. Steffen (AWK Group)A. van Loo (Oxford)S. Zeytinoğlu (ETH Zurich)

    Collaborations with (groups of): A. Blais (Sherbrooke)C. Bruder (Basel)M. da Silva (Raytheon) L. DiCarlo (TU Delft)K. Ensslin (ETH Zurich)

    J. Faist (ETH Zurich)J. Gambetta (IBM)K. Hammerer (Hannover)T. Ihn (ETH Zurich)F. Merkt (ETH Zurich)L. Novotny (ETH Zurich)T. J. Osborne (Hannover)B. Sanders (Calgary) S. Schmidt (ETH Zurich)R. Schoelkopf (Yale)C. Schoenenberger (Basel)E. Solano (UPV/EHU)W. Wegscheider (ETH Zurich)


  • Quantum Simulation

    simulatinga quantum system

    … difficult on classicalcomputer!


    … sufficient controllability, flexibility!


    describes physical system of interest

    (physics, chemistry, biology,…)

    encodes hard classical problem

    interesting toy model

    universalquantum computeruse

    Feynman, Int. Journal of Th. Phys. 21, 467 (1982)Llloyd, Science 273, 5278 (1996)

    … OR …

    … still to be realized!

  • Systems for Quantum Simulation

    Blatt & Roos, Nat. Phys. 8, 277 (2012)

    Bloch et al.,Nat. Phys. 8, 267 (2012)

    Aspuru-Guzik & Walther, Nat. Phys. 8, 258 (2012)

    Ultracold gases Trapped ions

    Optical photons

    Nuclear magnetic resonance

    Vandersypen & Chuang, RMP 76, 1037 (2004)

    Solid state quantum devices

    Georgescu et al., RMP 86, 153 (2014)

    more established

    under development

  • Quantum Simulation with Superconducting Circuits

    Salathe et al., PRX 5, 021027 (2015)

    Digital simulation of exchange, Heisenberg, Ising spin models

    … two-mode fermionic Hubbard models

    Analog simulations with cavity and/or qubit arrays

    Houck et al., Nat Phys. 8, 292 (2012)

    Barends et al., Nat. Com. 6, 7654 (2015)

    Eichleret al., Phys. Rev. X 5, 041044 (2015)

    Quantum simulation of correlated systems with variational Ansatz based on MPS

  • Digital Quantum Simulation of Spin Models

    Ising (up-down) XY (Compass) XYZ (Heisenberg)

    + magnetic field term, e.g.

    interaction term

    Potential applications in physics, chemistry and material science.

    classical simulations intractableNumber of spins > 100

  • works for all Hamiltonians with local interactions (universal)

    Digital Quantum Simulation

    realizable in ‘hardware’model Hamiltonianto be realized in ‘software’

    higher-order terms

    “digital quantum simulation”

    Lloyd, S. Science 273, 1073 (1996)

    time evolution: Suzuki-Lie-Trotter approximation

  • 4 Qubit Device with Nearest Neighbor Connectivityfour qubitsfour resonators→ mediate couplingtwo readout linesfour microwave drivelinesfour flux bias lines

    → tune qubit transition

    1 μm

  • Single Qubit Gates

    L. Steffen et al., Quantum Device Lab, ETH Zurich (2008)

    experimental Bloch vector: experimental density matrix and Pauli set:

    Pulse sequence for qubit rotation and readout:

  • 1/26/2016

    Fast, High-Fidelity, Single-Shot Readout

    Readout • High fidelity: 98.3 %• Fast: 72 ns integration time

    With Purcell filter …• Read out res. BW ~ 35 MHz• Qubit T1 ~ 8 µs

    … and parametric amplifier:• Phase sensitive• BW ~ 20 MHz

    T. Walter, P. Kurpiers et al., Quantum Device Lab, ETH Zurich (2016)

  • Fidelity At Different Measurement Times

  • XY Interaction (Hardware) Controlled by Detuning

    qubit 1 qubit 2




    evolution of states during interaction:


  • XY Interaction: Calculation

  • XY Interaction: Experimental Data

    maximally entangled state

    Indicated by

    state fidelity: 99.7 %

  • XY Interaction: Calculation

  • XY Interaction: Experimental Data

    state fidelity: F = 99.4 %

  • Digital Simulation of Heisenberg XYZ Interaction

    Hamiltonian to be simulated:

    Las Heras, U., et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 200501 (2014)

    operators commute -> no Trotter decomposition required, exact result in one step

    Gate sequence:

  • Heisenberg XYZ Interaction: Calculation

  • Heisenberg XYZ Interaction: Experimental Data

    maximally entangled state

    state fidelity: 94.7 %

    Salathé, Y. PRX 5, 021027 (2015)

  • Heisenberg XYZ Interaction: Calculation

    initial state

    red: Q1blue: Q2

  • Heisenberg XYZ Interaction: Experimental Data

    state fidelity: 95.3 %

    Salathé, Y. PRX 5, 021027 (2015)

  • Ising Model with External Field

    repeat n times(Trotter steps)

    Gate sequence:

    Hamiltonian to be simulated:

    Salathé, Y. PRX 5, 021027 (2015)

  • Fidelity of Simulation vs. Trotter Step and Int. Angle

    Fidelity of simulated state:

    fewer Trotter steps needed for small phase angles(higher-order termsare less important)

    more Trotter steps needed for large interaction phase angles(higher order terms are important)

    Optimal final state fidelity reached at finite number of Trotter steps due to limited fidelity individual gates









    wire frame:ideal Trotter fidelity

    colored bars:experimental fidelity

    Salathé, Y. PRX 5, 021027 (2015)

  • Conclusions: one of the first digital quantum simulation with superconducting qubits simulated time-evolution of paradigmatic spin models typical state fidelities above 80% for XYZ and Ising used up to 10 two-qubit gates with a continuous interaction parameter

    combined with 25 single-qubit gates challenge: gate calibration with continuous control parameter

    Interesting perspectives: simulation of Hamiltonians with local interactions using Trotter

    decomposition combine analog and digital methods explore time-dependent Hamiltonians use bosonic building blocks explicitly expand to larger number of spins

    Summary and Outlook

    Collaboration: Salathé, Mondal, Oppliger, Heinsoo, Kurpiers, Potočnik, Mezzacapo, Las Heras, Lamata, Solano, Filipp, Wallraff Phys. Rev. X 5, 021027 (2015)

  • The ETH Zurich Quantum Device Labincl. undergrad and summer students

  • Want to work with us?Postdoc and PhD positions are available!