Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

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Page 1: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Quantitative Methods

Using more thanone explanatory variable

Page 2: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Why use more than one?

• Intervening or “3rd” variables (schoolchildren’s maths)• Reducing error variation (saplings)• There is more than one interesting predictor (trees)

Page 3: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Statistical elimination

Page 4: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Statistical elimination

Page 5: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Statistical elimination

Page 6: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Statistical elimination

Page 7: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Statistical elimination

Page 8: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Sequential and Adjusted Sums of Squares

Page 9: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Sequential and Adjusted Sums of Squares

Page 10: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Sequential and Adjusted Sums of Squares


Page 11: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Sequential and Adjusted Sums of Squares

Page 12: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Sequential and Adjusted Sums of Squares

Page 13: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Sequential and Adjusted Sums of Squares

Page 14: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Sequential and Adjusted Sums of Squares

Page 15: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Sequential and Adjusted Sums of Squares

MTB > glm lvol=lhgt;SUBC> covar lhgt.

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F PLHGT 1 3.5042 3.5042 3.5042 21.14 0.000Error 29 4.8080 4.8080 0.1658Total 30 8.3122

MTB > glm lvol=lhgt+ldiam;SUBC> covar lhgt ldiam.

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F PLHGT 1 3.5042 0.1987 0.1987 30.14 0.000LDIAM 1 4.6234 4.6234 4.6234 701.33 0.000Error 28 0.1846 0.1846 0.0066Total 30 8.3122

Page 16: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Models and parameters

Page 17: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Models and parameters

Y = +

Unknown quantities we would like to know, in Known quantities that are estimates of them, in Latin

Page 18: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Models and parameters

Y = +


Fertil Coeff

A α1

B α2

C −α1 −α2

⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢

⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥


Water Coeff

A α1

B α2

C α3

D −α1 −α2 −α3

⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢

⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥

AMA=μ +β ×YEARS+γ ×HGHT+ε

LVOL=μ +β ×LDIAM +γ ×LHGT+ε

WGHT=μ +β ×LLEG+γ ×RLEG+ε

Page 19: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Models and parameters

LVOL=μ +β ×LDIAM +γ ×LHGT+ε

MTB > glm lvol=ldiam+lhgt;SUBC> covar ldiam lhgt.

Analysis of Variance for LVOL, using Adjusted SS for Tests

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F PLDIAM 1 7.9289 4.6234 4.6234 701.33 0.000LHGT 1 0.1987 0.1987 0.1987 30.14 0.000Error 28 0.1846 0.1846 0.0066Total 30 8.3122

Term Coef SE Coef T PConstant -6.6467 0.7983 -8.33 0.000LDIAM 1.98306 0.07488 26.48 0.000LHGT 1.1203 0.2041 5.49 0.000

Page 20: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Models and parametersMTB > glm lvol=ldiam;SUBC> covariate ldiam.

Analysis of Variance for LVOL

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F PLDIAM 1 7.9254 7.9254 7.9254 599.72 0.000Error 29 0.3832 0.3832 0.0132Total 30 8.3087

Page 21: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Models and parametersMTB > glm lvol=ldiam;SUBC> covariate ldiam.

Analysis of Variance for LVOL

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F PLDIAM 1 7.9254 7.9254 7.9254 599.72 0.000Error 29 0.3832 0.3832 0.0132Total 30 8.3087

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QuickTime™ and aAnimation decompressor

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QuickTime™ and aAnimation decompressor

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QuickTime™ and aAnimation decompressor

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Page 22: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

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QuickTime™ and aAnimation decompressor

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QuickTime™ and aAnimation decompressor

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Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F PLDIAM 1 7.9254 7.9254 7.9254 599.72 0.000Error 29 0.3832 0.3832 0.0132Total 30 8.3087

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F PLDIAM 1 7.9254 4.6275 4.6275 698.63 0.000LHEIGHT 1 0.1978 0.1978 0.1978 29.86 0.000Error 28 0.1855 0.1855 0.0066Total 30 8.3087

Using more than one explanatory variable

Models and parameters

Page 23: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Geometry in 3-D

Page 24: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Geometry in 3-D

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F PLHGT 1 3.5042 0.1987 0.1987 30.14 0.000LDIAM 1 4.6234 4.6234 4.6234 701.33 0.000Error 28 0.1846 0.1846 0.0066Total 30 8.3122

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F PLDIAM 1 7.9289 4.6234 4.6234 701.33 0.000LHGT 1 0.1987 0.1987 0.1987 30.14 0.000Error 28 0.1846 0.1846 0.0066Total 30 8.3122

Page 25: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Geometry in 3-D

Page 26: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Geometry in 1-D

Page 27: Quantitative Methods Using more than one explanatory variable

Using more than one explanatory variable

Next week: Designing experiments

Read Chapter 5

• Two or more x-variables are often useful and often necessary, and are easy to fit

• Statistical elimination, Seq and Adj SS, plug-in parts• Two variables may duplicate each others’

information (right and left legs)...• ... or they may unmask it (poets’ dates)

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