QUALITY ASSURANCE PRO.reCT PLAN FOR SOIL SAMPLING AT … · 10.0 Quality Assurance Performance Audits, System and Frequency 0 10.1 Performance Audits 10.2 System Audits 10.3 Audits

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Page 2: QUALITY ASSURANCE PRO.reCT PLAN FOR SOIL SAMPLING AT … · 10.0 Quality Assurance Performance Audits, System and Frequency 0 10.1 Performance Audits 10.2 System Audits 10.3 Audits

EPA Ctontract No. 68-02-3168 Technical Service Area 3 Work Assignment No. 78

Quality Assurance Project Plan for Soil Sampling at The Reilly Tar Site

St. Louis Park, Minnesota

Approved by:

GCA Program Manager

GCA Project Manager

GCA QA Manager

EPA Project Officer

EPA QA Officer





Bedford, Massachusetts 01730

Page 3: QUALITY ASSURANCE PRO.reCT PLAN FOR SOIL SAMPLING AT … · 10.0 Quality Assurance Performance Audits, System and Frequency 0 10.1 Performance Audits 10.2 System Audits 10.3 Audits



1.0 Project Description

2.0 Project Organization and Responsibility

2.1 QA Manager's Responsibilities 2.2 Geotechnical QC Coordinator 2.3 Subcontractor QA/QC

3.0 Quality Objectives in Terms of Precision, Accuracy, Completeness, Representativeness

3.1 . Precision and Accuracy 3.2 Completeness, Representativeness and Comparability

4.0 Sampling'Procedures

4.1 Sampling Plan 4.2 Sample Collection Procedures

5.0 Sample Custody Procedures

5.1 General 5.2 Chain of Custody Procedures 5.3 Document Control Procedures 5.4 References

6.0 . Calibration Procedures and Frequency

6.1 Sampling Equipment 6.2 Physical Testing Equipment 6.3 TOC Analyzer

7.0 Analytical Procedures

7.1 Physical Measurements 7.2 Analytical Measurements 7.3 References

8.0 Data Reduction, Validation and Report

8.1 Data Reduction 8.2 Data Validation 8.3 Identification and Treatment of Outliers 8.4 Data Reporting Scheme 8.5 References




0 0 0


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Section Revision

9.0 Internal QC Measures 0

9.1 Well Drilling, Geologic Logging, Piezometer Installation

9.2 Sample Collection 9.3 Physical Measurements and TOC Analysis

10.0 Quality Assurance Performance Audits, System and Frequency 0

10.1 Performance Audits 10.2 System Audits 10.3 Audits External to OCA

11.0 Preventive Maintenance Procedures and Schedules 0

11.1 Drilling and Sampling Equipment 11.2 Physical Testing and TOC Analytical Equipment

12.0 Routine Procedures Used to Assess Data Precision, Accuracy and Completeness 0

12.1 Precision 12.2 Accuracy 12.3 Completeness

13.0 Corrective Action 0

14.0 Quality Assurance Reports to Management 0

14.1 Internal GCA Eleporting 14.2 Braun Companies Reporting 14.3 Reports to EPA

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Michael Kosakpwaki, OWPE/Wash. D.C.

Julie Klaas, OWPE/Wash. D.C.

Alice Gagnon, lERL/RTP

Malcolm HuneycutC, QID/RTP

6 copies

1 copy

1 copy

1 copy


Thomas Hopper

Russell Wilder

RoseMary Ellersick

Field Staff (P. Huidobro, D. Goode)

Kenneth McGregor

Gary Hunt

Mazy Kozik

Laboratory Staff

1 copy

1 copy

1 copy

3 copies

1 copy

I copy

1 copy

2 copies

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Section 1.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 1 of 3


The primary objective of this program is to supervise soil sampling for

analysis to determine the presence of coal tar derivatives beneath the Reilly

Tar Site in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. The program includes installation of a

maximum of 18 wells which will be drilled during the performance of this

project. GCA will also construct a data processing computer program that will

be used by Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on existing data files.

Soil cores will be taken at a maximum of eighteen (18) locations on or

near the former Reilly Tar Site in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. Each boring

will be made to bedrock which is approximately' 60 feet below surface level.

Steel pipe and well screen shall be installed in selected well bores for

future monitoring of the ground water.

This drilling program includes three (3) background holes and three (3)

holes in a swamp area with the balance of the holes being on dry, level

sections of the former Reilly Tar Site.

The technical effort has been broken down into the following tasks.

1. Data Management

2. Soil Boring

3. Piezometer Installation

4. Sampling

5. Laboratory Testing

A brief overview of each task is given here. More detail maybe found in

Section 6 of the Work Plan.

Data Management System

GCA will prepare a workable computer program with capabilities of editing

and managing data according to a specified coding system. The software

package will have editing features in proper sequence to aid in stratigraphic

and lithological analyses, hydrogeologic parameters and water quality data.

The operational data base will include.existing data files and will be

formatted in a compatible fashion with the University of Minnesota computer

system for implementation of this information system.

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Section 1.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 2 of 3

Boring and Soil Sampling

The Subcontractor shall provide the complete hydraulic rotary drilling

unit, all tools, accessories, power, lighting and other equipment, experienced

personnel and all other items necessary to conduct efficient drilling and

coring operations. The Subcontractor shall be properly equipped to collect

and handle cores as specified in the Work Plan. Cores shall be taken at

approximately 5-foot intervals to bedrock in glacial drift using a hollow-stem

auger without drilling mud and split-spoon and/or Shelby tube sampler, and -

installing temporary H-type (4 inch I.D.) casing with nonrecirculated drilling


Piezometer Installation

The Subcontractor shall provide and install a 2-inch I.D. screened

piezometer in selected holes specified by GCA. It is anticipated that

piezometers will be installed in approximately half of the holes with the

remaining holes to be backfilled. The Subcontractor shall furnish and install

clean sieved sand to approximately 3 feet above the well screen and a mixture

of 6 parts cement and 1 part bentonite, emplaced with Tremi line, to fill the

remainder of the hole. Piezometers emplaced a short distance below the water

table will be backfilled with dry bentonite and sand. These wells will be

fully developed. At the direction of the GCA Field Representative, the

Subcontractor shall perform the following physical measurements on selected

corings that have not been frozen.

Type of Measurement No,, of Samples/Tests

vertical column conductivity measurements 8

horizontal column conductivity measurements 2

organic carbon 12

particle size 12

porosity 8

Total number of tests 42

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• Section 1.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 3 of -3

Samples collected from each boring will be shipped by the Subcontractor

to GCA/Technology Division in clean sterile containers. Document Control and

Ghain-^f-Custody procedures shall be strictly followed.

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' Section 2.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page I of 3


Figures 2-1 and 2-2 present CCA and Braun's organization chart for this

project showing the individuals responsible for €'ach key element of the

overall task. It should be noted that the OCA QA Man iger reports directly to

the Division General Manager.


GCA'S Division QA Manager is the responsible Quality Assurance Officer

for this project. She will aid in the development of the QA Project Plan and

review and approve the plan before it is submitted to EPA. She will ensure

that any necessary revisions are made and she will check on implementation of

the QA Plan during the life of the project, scheduling performance or system

audits as necessary.

She will initiate or follow-up on corrective actions and aid in

preparation of a section of the Interim and Final Reports summarizing QA/QC

activities and including estimates of the precision, accuracy and completeness

of data achieved. Quality problems found and corrective actions taken will be



GCA's Field Technical Representative, Pablo Huidobro, will serve as

onsite QC Coordinator. He will observe well drilling and S2impling operations

and ensure that the QC measures outlined in this Plan are followed. He will

initiate corrective actions as necessary. He will report to the QA Manager in

this capacity.


The Braun Companies have assigned overall responsibility for QA/QC on

their project activities to David Vieau; Ms. Brenda Himrick will be

responsible for analytical QC measures. These individuals will ensure that

Braun's standard QC procedures as outlined and amplified in this Plan are


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Section 2.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 2 of 3













Figure 2-1. Project Organization Chart (GCA).


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Cameron G. Kruse, P.E.

Principal Investigator

Dr. R. V. Blomquist

Brenda Himrich Kent Larson

D. Ruchti R. Kwilins'ki

David Vieau

1 1 1 Laboratory Testing

Drill Rig Foreman ,

Quality Assurance Health & Safety

Dr. Roger V. Blomquist

Figure 2-2. Project Organization Chart (Braun).

5? PI O !xf n a> CO

fP OQ rt < n n> 2, rt

Ul o" CO (D H- s-

o ^ s p

Ht rs3 VO O •

to CO NO


Page 12: QUALITY ASSURANCE PRO.reCT PLAN FOR SOIL SAMPLING AT … · 10.0 Quality Assurance Performance Audits, System and Frequency 0 10.1 Performance Audits 10.2 System Audits 10.3 Audits

becclon J.U Revision 0 October 1982 Page 1 of 1



Defined precision and accuracy goals are noL appropriate to the physical

testing to be performed on soil samples in this program. The objective will

be to perform the tests to the specifications provided in the Measurement

Methods'. Section 7 of this Plan lists the methods to be used. The Braun

Companies will provide precision and accuracy goals for Total Organic Carbon

(TOC) analysis of soil samples; this information will be provided as a

revision to the QA Plan.


The onsite supervision, the QC Measures outlined in this Plan and the

responsible QA/QC personnel should ensure that a high percentage of total

measurements made are valid measurements. However, soil sample are difficult

to work with and some may be lost in handling. The objective is to have

85-90% of the total measurements made be valid measurements.

GCA'S Field Technical Representative will identify drilling and sampling

sites which are representative of the area being sampled. The use of standard

testing methods, listed in Section 7 of this Plan, will ensure that the test

results are comparable with results of the same tests performed on the same or

similar samples.

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Section 4.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 1 of 3



The objective is to sample the soil that underlies the Reilly Tar Site

for physical testing and for chemical analysis to determine the presence of

coal tar derivatives at the site.


4.2.1 General

a. Cores of the materials penetrated during boring operations

will be collected at intervals of approximately 5 feet, at changes in

lithology, and at depths directed by the GCA Field Representative who will

also determine the type of sampler to be used for each sample.

4.2.2 Split-Spoon Sampling

a. The 3-inch I.D. split-rspoon samplers will consist of three

sections of 12, 6, and 6 inches, respectively. In order to facilitate

extrusion of the cores from the liners, the Subcontractor will provide a

special tip such that the internal diameter of the tip is reduced-by twice the

thickness of the liner wall. In addition, the Subcontractor will supply a

commercial, spring loaded retaining ring which, at the direction of the GCA

field representative will be inserted between the barrel and the sampler tip.

All split-spoon samplers will be fitted with segmented brass or stainless

steel liners. The liners will consist of three segments of 12, 6, and 6

inches each to be provided by the Subcontractor.

The samplers and liners will be thoroughly washed in water and rinsed in

hexane in the laboratory of the Subcontractor prior to each use. The

split-spoon sampler will be washed with clean water and both the sampler and

the liners rinsed in hexane provided by the Subcontractor in the field

immediately prior to use. After the sample is taken and the liner is removed

from the sampler, the Subcontractor will store the liners in a clean, enclosed

work area provided by the Subcontractor.

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• ^ Section 4.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 2 of 3


In the clean area, the Subcontractor will extrude the sample into clean,

sterile, labeled, glass jars provided by the Subcontractor. The GCA Field

Representative will then proceed to log the core samples. After logging, the

Subcontractor will store the jars in d^ ice until shipment. S^lmples with

excessive amounts of moisture may require partial dry ice freezing prior to

extrusion from the liner sections.

b. The sampler will be driven by a 300^ound hammer having a

30-inch drop. The number of blows required for each 6 inches of penetration

will be recorded by the Subcontractor for 24 inches of penetration. The

subcontractor will supply certification of the weight of the 300-pound hammer.

c. Once every 2 weeks, the Subcontractor will ship the processed

cores packed with dry ice and packaged in conformance with EPA National

Enforcement Investigation Center (NEIC) and Department of Transportation (DOT)

requirements. Prepaid shipment will be made in locked coolers via a

DOT-approved carrier to GCA/Technology Division, 213 burlington Road, Bedford,

Massachusetts 01730 (Attention Sample Bank).

4.2,.3 Thin-Wall Sampling

a. At locations and depths to be determined by the GCA Field

Representative, undisturbed samples will be taken with a thin-walled, open

drive tube sampler.

b. The 3-inch (O.D.) by 36-inch samplers will be constructed of

seamless steel, with a 14 gauge wall thickness, and a bit clearance not

greater than 0.5 percent.

c. The drill rig should be provided with a hydraulic pressure

device capable of exerting a driving force of 8,000 pounds.

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Section 4.0 • Revision 0 October 1982 Page 3 of 3

d. The sampling tube and sample head must be smooth and

thoroughly cleaned inside and outside before sampling and must be in proper

working condition. The tube edge must be properly sharpened and have the

correct inside clearance for the soil being sampled.

e. The drive should be made without rotation and with a

continuous stroke. No additional drive will be attempted after the s^pler


f. The sampler containing the soil sample will be carefully

removed from the hole and shipped to the Subcontractor's laboratory for

testing. For this purpose, the tube ends will be sealed with expanding


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Section 5.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 1 of 10


GCA'B QA Manager will oversee the implementation of the chain of custody

and document control procedures described in this section. These procedures

follow the NEIC guidelines presented in References 1 and 2.


After geologic logging of the cores by the Technical Representative,,

samples collected in the field will be immediately cooled to approximately 4°C

with ice and stored in styrofbam coolers. Samples for shipment to GCA's

laboratory facility will be frozen with dry ice and maintained in a secure

freezer,. Samples for soil testing will be maintained in a secure location

away from other samples until testing is complete.

The following steps will be followed by the Subcontractor to ensure

sample integrity and validity from the point of sampling to safe storage in

the laboratory.

1. The number of people involved with handling the samples will be kept at a

minimum. David Vieau will serve as Sample Custodian.

2. Samples will be obtained using standard approved field techniques

detailed in Section 4.of this Plan. Any deviations due to site

conditions, weather, etc. will be reviewed with the GCA Technical

Representative to obtain approval and notations made in the Field Log and

initialed and dated.

3. Every sample taken will have a unique identification tag attached to the

sample container. The tag will contain such information as the project

number, sample number, date, source or site of sampling, preservatives

used and the name of the person who took the sample (Sampler); sample

tags and custody records are discussed in more detail in Section 3.2 and


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Section 5.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 2 of 10

4« A chain of custody form will be used to record tlie following

information:' project number, Sampler's name and signature, ample

identification, site or location of sampling, data and time, type of

sample matrix, type of container, preservative steps taken, method of

shipment and requested analysis.

3. The field Sampler has total responsibility for the samples until such

time as sample custody is transferred to another responsible person

involved in the next step of sample transport to the lab.

6. After sampling is completed, the samples will be packed in ice in a

transfer container (typically a styrofoam cooler inside a heavy cardboard

box). The transfer container will be secured against tampering or

spillage. Every effort will be made to expedite the shipment of samples

to the lab and maintain sample environment as close to ^''C as possible.

7. Upon arrival at the Subcontractor laboratory, the designated Sample

Custodian is responsible for evaluating the condition of the samples with

respect to:

a. integrity of containers and seals,

b. condition of sample matrix and,

c. completeness of chain of custody information.

Once satisfied that the samples are valid, the Sample Custodian will sign

the chain of custory form signifying acceptance for analysis or

shipment. Should there be a question about sample integrity or

information received on the chain of custody forms, the samples must be

held in abeyance pending the resolution of the question as noted in

Section 5.2 of this Plan.

8. Once received in the Subcontractor laboratory, samples will be logged and

scheduled for analysis or shipment and remain in sample storage until

such analysis or shipment is performed.

9. Samples shipped to GCA will be handled as described in Step 7 above by

the GCA Sample Bank Manager.

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Section 5.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 3 of 10


5.2.1 Sample Identification

Sample collection tags will be preprinted to insure that the

required information is provided on each tag. Each collected sample,

including duplicates and field blanks, shall have a completely filled iii

sample tag securely attached to it. Duplicates and field blanks shall be

identified in the remarks section on the reverse side of the tag. (See

The person who physically collects the sample is the Sampler who

signs the sample tag. He may presign the tag if he will be in a hazardous

condition when sampling. The exact time of sample collection will be recorded

and all team members present shall be recorded in the field log book. The

Sampler initiates the custody record for transfer of samples.

The Subcontractor Sample Custodian or the GCA Technical

Representative will maintain a bound sample log listing all samples collected

and their respective tag numbers and disposition of the samples to the

laboratory for analysis. The onsite trailer or van will operate as a sample-

bank with new sample tags assigned to the blank or duplicate samples so that

they are not recognizable to the testing laboratory as blanks or duplicates. I

5.2.2 Sample Transfer/Custody Records

Customized record sheets following NEIC format will be provided by

the Prime Contractor for this project. They are two-part carbonless copy

forms which correlate with the sample identification tags. (See F^ure 5-2)

Requested information has the same heading on both. On this project the

custody record will document transfer of samples to the Subcontractor

laboratories, to storage in a freezer maintained at the Subcontractor

headquarters, and shipment of samples to GCA's laboratory. Internal

laboratory records will then track the samples.

-The custody records will be used for a packaged lot of samples.

More than one sample will usually be recorded on one form; more than one

custody record sheet may be used for one package. Their purpose is to

Page 19: QUALITY ASSURANCE PRO.reCT PLAN FOR SOIL SAMPLING AT … · 10.0 Quality Assurance Performance Audits, System and Frequency 0 10.1 Performance Audits 10.2 System Audits 10.3 Audits

in >

t s «9


i c

u oe


Volatile Orgenics

Extracttble Org


Trace Elementt



Oil end Creese






NH3, Org. N

Nitrate, Nitrite

Sulfate, Surfactants


Br". F", Color


Sample Code Sei}. No OCA Control No.

Section 5.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 4 of 10

Figure 5-1. Sample Collection Tag.

Page 20: QUALITY ASSURANCE PRO.reCT PLAN FOR SOIL SAMPLING AT … · 10.0 Quality Assurance Performance Audits, System and Frequency 0 10.1 Performance Audits 10.2 System Audits 10.3 Audits




Codi SiR. Mo Dm


SMIICO Donripuoa Sin G/P



OiM/nm RtcMby-








Figure 5-2. Chain of Custody Record.

O M tn P> n Jo ro OQ rt < o fl) O H- rt

O" 01 H-Oi (D H- O

HOP O 9 H» l-i Ol

VO o • H- 00 o O tsj

Page 21: QUALITY ASSURANCE PRO.reCT PLAN FOR SOIL SAMPLING AT … · 10.0 Quality Assurance Performance Audits, System and Frequency 0 10.1 Performance Audits 10.2 System Audits 10.3 Audits

Section 5.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 6 of 10

document the transfer of a group of samples traveling together; when the group

of samples changes, a new custody record is initiated. The original of the

custody record will always travel with the samples. The initiator of the

record will keep the copy. Vftien custody of the same group of samples changes

hands several times, some people will not have a copy of the custody record. '

This will be acceptable as long as the original custody record shows that each

person who had received custody has properly relinquished it.

5.2.3 Using the Custody Record

The Sampler will fill in all requested information from the

sampling tags. The person receiving custody will check the s^ple tag

information against the custody records, he will also check sample condition

and note anything unusual under remarks on the custody form.

The originator (Sampler) will sign in the top left "Relinquished

by" box and keep the copy. The person receiving custody will sign in the

adjacent "Received by" box and keep the original. The date/time will be the

same for both signatures since custody must be transferred to another person.

When custody is transferred to an analytical laboratory, blank

signature spaces may be left and the customized last "Received by" signature

box must be used. The unused signature boxes may be lined out to show they

were not used. In all cases, it must be readily seen that the same person

receiving custody has relinquished it to the next custodian.

5.2.4 Shipped Samples

Whenever a group of samples along with its custody form is to be

shipped, the samples will be accompanied to the carrier so that if requested,

the number and identification of the samples can be verified. The commercial

carrier is not required to verify this nor to sign the custody records.

Receipts of bills of lading will be maintained as part of the permanent

documentation. The package will be closed with strapping tape and custody

seals so that the carrier is transporting a secure container. The person

receiving custody of shipped samples will be required to document the

condition of the strapped and sealed box upon arrival.

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Section 5.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 7 of 10

5.2.5 Laboratory Custody

The onsite trailer or van, the Subcontractor's and GCA's

analytical laboratories are considered to be working laboratories. Each will

have a designated Sample Custodian who accepts custody of the samples and

implements a system to maintain control of samples within the laboratory. The

laboratories will not be open to the general public and will have access

restricted to employees known to each other. Each handling of the sample to

renumber, subdivide, preserve, etc. will not be documented in this situation*


The purpose of document control is to insure that all project documents

will be accounted for when the project is complete. GCA has designated Pablo

Huidabrp as Document Control Officer (DCO) for this project; Braun Companies

have designated David Vieau as their DCO. As appropriate, both will be

responsible for issuing, controlling and maintaining records of controlled


At the conclusion of the project, the Subcontractor will provide all

controlled documents with records to GCA for inclusion in their overall

Project Document Inventory. The Braun Companies DCO shall maintain the log of

all serialized documents used. If any of these controlled items are damaged,

lost or voided, this will be so noted in the log. In addition, the DCO will

serve as sample custodian for samples collected in the field.

Each key technical person working on the project will be required to

maintain an individual project log book. One field log book for each drilling

team will be maintained. The project numbering system is outlined below.

5.3.1 Project Code

The project code for the Reilly Tar study is RT 1-619-078. This

number will appear on sample identification tags, custody records, log books,

field data sheets, driller logs, core logs, project memos and reports,

document control logs, corrective action forms and logs, QA plans and all

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Section 5.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 8 of 10

other project records. In addition, the Contractor code will be placed oii all

documents except sample collection tags and custody records. (See Section

5.3.3 below)

5.3.2 Preserialized Documents

Sample collection tags and custody records will have preprinted .

' serial numbers on them. It is not necessary that a tag number match a custody

record number. It is necessary that the Subcontractor DCO maintain records

which account for all serially numbered items received from GCA. If tags or

custody records are damaged, lost or destroyed before used for their purpose,

the serial number of the item and its disposition must recorded.

5.3.3 Other Documents

Other documents will use a numbering scheme similar to that

identified herein to enable unique identification of each item. The numbering

scheme includes the project code, contractor code, document code and serial

number as shown below.

Project Code Contractor Code Document Code Serial Number


RT 1-619-078 -02-(Braun) -A- -00001

Table 5-1 presents a suggested document code. The Subcontractor's

DCO will finalize the system to be used for their documents; it is desirable

that suggested document codes be used to facilitate compiling the overall

Project Document Inventory.

At the conclusion of the project the Subcontractor DCO will

account for all project documents and number them, and a contents listing of

the documents will be prepared. The Subcontractor will photocopy any

documents it wishes to retain in its project file. The DCO will keep a copy

of the contents listing and place one copy in a shipment box containing the

original dociiments. The complete Braun Project Document Inventory will then

be shipped to GCA.

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Section 5.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 9 of 10


Document Code Letter

Project Work Plans A

Project Logbooks B

Sampling Logbooks C

Drillers Logs Dl, D2, etc.

Field Data Sheets F

Laboratory Notebooks G

Laboratory Data Sheets. HI, H2, etc.

Sample Logs LI, L2, etc.

Internal Memos M

External Written Communications N

Confidential Information 0

Photos, Maps, Drawings P

QA Plan Q

Reports R

Final Report FR

Miscellaneous X

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Section 5.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 10 of 10

GCA's DCD will compile the overall document inventory

incorporating both Braun and GGA documents and prepare a contents listing as

noted above. GGA will ship the overall Project Documt'nt Inventory to the EPA

Project Officer at the conclusion of project activity.


1. NEIC Policies and Procedures Manual, EPA-330/9-78-001R, National

Enforcement Investigations Center, Denver, Colorado. 1980.

Section II.

2. Enforcement Considerations for Evaluations of Uncontrolled Hazardous

Waste Disposal Sites by Contractors, National Enforcement

Investigations Center, Denver, Colorado. 1980. Sections VIII and


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Section 6.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page I of I



The equipment to be used is specified in Section 4 of this Plan; no

calibration of this equipment is needed. There will be no volume measurements



Braun Companies will provide calibration procedures for their testing

equipments. These procedures will be distributed as a revision to'the QA Plan.


A standard curve in the expected concentration ranges of the samples to

be analyzed is perfotmed each day to standardize the instrument. Random

standards are run periodically during analysis to check for drift in

instruirant response. The analytical curve is also run after all samples have

been analyzed as a final check on the stability of instrument response.

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Section 7.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 1 of 1



The Subcontractor will perform physical measurements on selected Shelby

tube corings at the direction of the GCA representative. The laboratory tests

listed herein will be performed in accordance with the appropriate ASTM, or

equivalent, standard methodology. Braun Companies will document the exact

procedures used.

Measurement Parameter (Method) Reference ' (2)

1. Vertical column conductivity 1. EM 1110-2-1906, Appendix VII (2)

2. Horizontal column conductivity 2. EM 1110-2-1906, i^pendix VII

3. Particle size 3. ASTM Method -422^^^] (2)

4. Porosity 4. EM 1110-2-1906, Appendix II


The only quantitative measurement to be made on the soil samples under 3 this project is TOC analysis, using a modification of the EPA Method 415.1.

Braun Companies will provide their modification to this method; this will be

distributed as a revision to this QA Plan with the physical measurement method



1. 1982 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 19, American Society for

Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA. 1982.

2. Engineers Manual EM 1110-2-1906, Laboratory Soil Testing, U.S. Army

Corps of Engineers.

3. Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, EPA-600/4-79-020, Cincinnati,'

OH. 1979.

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Sect-ion 8.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 1 of 3




Braun Companies will document .the data reduction and .reporting procedures

they will use for physical testing and TOC analysis of soil samples. This

information will be included in the QA Plan Revision.


Data validation is the process of filtering data and accepting or

rejecting it on the basis of sound criteria. GCA/Technology Division and

Braun Companies supervisory and QC personnel will use validation methods and

criteria appropriate to the type of data and the purpose of the measurement.

Elecords of all data will be maintained, even that jud^^ed to be an "outlying"

or spurious value. The persons validating the data will have sufficient

knowledge of the technical work to identify questionable values.

GCA'S Technical Representative will validate the Drillers logs onsite and

initiate any corrective action necessary to obtain complete and correct data.

The Braun Companies staff will validate physical testing and TOC analysis

results. GCA's Project Manager will review and validate all the field data.


A data point which deviates markedly from others in its set of

measurements may be referred to as an outlier. An outlier may result- from an

error in the measurement system or technique, or it may be a valid value due

to unique circumstances at the time of sampling, analysis, or data

collection. A suspected outlier value will be recorded and retained in the

data set while it is investigated.

Drillers logs, field and laboratory notebooks will be checked to see if

they indicate any unique circumstances which occurred during drilling,

sampling or testing. A simple statistical test will be performed on suspected

outliers: GCA/Technology Division staff members usually use one or both of the

following tests to identify outliers.

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Section 8.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 2 of 3

1 2 Dixon s test for extreme observations ' is an easily computed

procedure for determining whether a single very large or very small value is

consistent with the remaining data. The one tailed t test for difference

may also be used in this case. The calculation formats and tables of critical

values given in Reference 2 will be used for these tests. It should be noted I

that these tests are designed for testing a single value. If more than one

outlier is suspected in the same set of data, the statistical sources listed

)in References 1 through 6 are consulted and the most appropriate test of

hypothesis is used.

If the suspect value is statistically identified as an outlier, further

investigation will be initiated. The operator, analyst, or data gatherer who

worked with the sample will be consulted for his knowledge of the specific

sample and his experience with similar samples. This may give an experimental

reason for the outlier and a decision can then be made as to whether the

outlying value should be kept in the data set.

Further statistical analyses are performed with and without the outlier

to determine its effect on the conclusions. In many cases, two data sets will

be reported, one including and one excluding the outlier.


The data reporting scheme and key people who will handle the gathering

and evaluation of data are shown in Figures 2-1 and 2-2, the Project

Organization Charts.


1. Dixon, W. J. Processing Data for Outliers, Biometrics, 9(1):

74-89. 1953.

2. Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems,

Volume I - Principles, EPA-600/9-76-003, Research Triangle Park,

North Carolina. 1976. SEctions C, D, F, H.

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Section 8.0 Revision 0 October 1982 ]fage 3 of 3

3. Handbook for Analytical Quality Control in water and WasJewater

Laboratories, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Technology

Transfer, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1979. Section 6.

4. Industrial t^giene Service Laboratory Quality Control Manual,

Technical Report No. 78, DHEW, PHS, National Institute for

Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, Oh. 1974. Section XI.

5. Juran, J. M. Quality Control Handbook, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill,

New York. 1974. j

6. Freund, J. E. Modern Elementary Statistics, Fourth Editioni

Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 1973.

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Section 9.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 1 of 4


Use of Project Workbooks—GCA has found the use of bound workbooks to be

a valuable QC measure to facilitate the completeness and accuracy of project

documentation. Workbooks have been assigned to key technical personnel as

noted below and will be used to make notations of pertinent information such

as telephone and other conversations, meetings, significant references,

.process information, calculations, etc. The workbook assignments for this

Task are as follows:

• Arlene Levin 1-619-078-01

• Pablo Huidobro 1-619-078-02

• David Cogley 1-619-078-03

• Dan Goode 1-619-078-04

• Nancy Krusell 1-619-078-05

• Russell Wilder 1-619-078-06

The overall Program Manager, Thomas Hopper, will maintain a log of all

workbooks issued on this task so they can be identified and located. The Task

Manager is responsible for all workbooks used on his work assignment and will

indicate in the Master Log their disposition and location upon completion of

the work assignment.

The Braun Companies DCO will issue and control project workbooks used by

key technical staff members. All project workbooks will be included in the

Project Document Inventory.


The specifications in the work plan for constructing borings and

piezometers will be strictly adhered to. Recording' of geologic information

from the drilling operation and from samples obtained will be conducted by the

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Section 9.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 2 of 4

Field Representative, Pablo Huidobro, a trained geologist. Field Logs will be

checked periodically by the Project Manager, Rusell Wilder, also a trained



Samples will be collected as directed by the Technical Representative and

as detailed in Section 4 of this Plan. The specified sampling equipment and

saitiple containers will be cleaned as described in Section 4 before use on

samples. Sampling equipment will be cleaned in the field before each use. QC

measures will include blanks and duplicates as described below.

1. Procedural Blanks—To monitor sampling equipment cleanup. After every tenth split-spoon sample has been collected, 100 to 200 ml deionized water will be used to rinse a clean sampler and liner. The water will be collected in a clean sample container of the same type used for field samples and processed as a field sample. The Sampler will note on the sample tag and in the field log that the sample is a procedural blank.

2. Field Blanks—To monitor general sample handling, including container cleanup. On each split-spoon sample collection day, 100 to 200 ml deionized water in an appropriately cleaned sample container of the same type used for field samples will be brought to the field and processed as a field sample. . The Sampler will note on the sample tag and in the field log that the sample is a field blank.

3. Field Duplicates—To estimate precision of the overall measurement process. Ten percent of the split-spoon samples and the thin^alled tube samples will be collected in duplicate. The Technical Representative will identify the sites where duplicates will be collected; the Sampler will note on the sample tag and in the field log that the samples are duplicates.


Physical testing will be performed on soil samples using the methods

specified in Section 7 of this Plan. The person responsible for analytical QC

will ensure that each person working on the samples documents all testing or

analytical work in an individual laboratory notebook or a project laboratpfy

notebook. Each notebook page shall be identified by the Project Code

(RT-1'619-078) and dated and signed by the analyst.

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Section 9.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 3 of 4

Sample and standard preparation and dilution, instrument operating

conditions, and calibration curves will be documented in notebooks or

instrument logs. All raw data pertaining to this project will be identified

with the Project Code and will form part of the Project Document Inventory.

Standard laboratory QA/QC procedures are briefly discussed below; they

will be applied as appropriate to the project work.

Class A volumetric glassware will be used throughout wherever volumetric

dilutions or transfers are required. All processes calling for nonvolumetric

glassware will be performed in borosilicate labware. The cleaning process of

the various types of laboratory glassware and sampling containers will' be

specified to eliminate interferences due to contamination. All glassware will

be detergent washed followed by tap water and deionized water rinses. Pipets

and other glassware which may become coated with organic films will be

subjected to an alcoholic potassium hydroxide bath for 24 hours followed by an

acid bath (diluted hydrochloric acid) for 4 to 6 hours, and tap and deionized

water rinses.

AIL reagents used will be analytical reagent grade and, where

appropriate, spectroquality reagents will be utilized. Laboratory deionized

water must pass ASTM Type II water specifications (ASTM D1193-74). Standard

curves in the expected concentration ranges of the samples t-o be analyzed will

be run each day to standardize the instruments. Random standards will be. run

periodically during analysis to check for drift in instrument response. The

analytical curve will also be run after all samples have been analyzed as a

final check on the stability of instrument response. QC measures will include

blanks, duplicates and spiked samples as described below.

1. Deionized laboratory water blank will be run after every 10 field samples to monitor the overall analytical system.

2. Reagent blank—To determine background effect or contamination caused by the reagents used in sample preparation and analysis. One reagent blank will be processed with each block of 10 field samples analyzed by a particular method.

3. Laboratory duplicates—To estimate precision of- the testing or analytical work. TVo aliquots from 1 field sample in each block of 10 samples analyzed by a particular method will be carried through the entire testing procedure.

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4. Spiked samples—One field sample from each block of 10 samples analyzed by a particular method will be artifically spiked with analytes found in the unspiked field sample. The spiking level will be approximately 50 percent greater than the level found in the unspiked sample.

Acceptance limits will be established for these blanks and spiked sampls;

if these limits are exceeded, corrective action will be initiated. Sample

^ results will be blank-corrected, unless corrective action indicates this

should not be done. Corrective actions will be documented and approved by the

responsible QA/QC person.

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Section 10.0 Revision 0 October 1982. Page 1 of 1


GCA/Technology Division's quality assurance program includes both

performance and system audits as independent checks oL the quality of data

obtained from sampling, analysis, and data gathering activities. Every effort

is made to have the audit assess the measurement process in normal operation.

Either type of audit may show the need for corrective action.



The sampling, analysis, and data handling segments of a project- are

checked in performance audits. A different operator/analyst performs these

audit operations to ensure the independence of the quantitative results. The

Braun Laboratory QC Coordinator will direct the inclusion in the sample load

of QC samples so that they are not recognizable to the analyst. In this

project, performance audits are only appropriate to the TOC measurements made

on the soil samples.


A system audit is a qualitative review of project work to ensure that the

planned QC measures are in use and are functioning effectively.

GCA personnel onsite will ensure that the sampling procedures and chain

of custody procedures identified in this QA Plan are followed; a formal audit

report will not be prepared. GCA's QA Manager will conduct a system audit

during the program and prepare a written audit report which will be included

dn the appropriate monthly report and in the QA section of the Final Report.


GCA will cooperate fully with any system or performance audits arranged

by EPA. The QA Manager will aid in scheduling as required.

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Section 11.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 1 of 1


GCA/Technology Division follows an orderly i?rogram pf positive actions to

prevent the failure of equipment or instruments during use. This preventive

maintenance and careful calibration helps to assure accurate measurements from

field and laboratory instruments.


The GCA Field Representative will ensure that all drilling and sampling

equipment is in proper working condition and is maintained in that condition

throughout the performance of this program.


firaun Companies will document maintenance procedures and schedules for I

their physical testing equipment and their TOC analyzer. This information

will be distributed as a revision to this QA Plan.

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Section 12.0 Revision 0 October 1982

i Page 1 of 2



Overall measurement precision will be determined by the collection and

analysis of replicate soil samples for TOC analysis. The analysis of

laboratory duplicates (replicate aliquots from one collected sample) will

enable the estimation of analytical precision. Precision will be expressed as

the standard deviation, s, which is determined according to the following


jr±5H N-l

where S <* standard deviaton

X}^ ° individual measurement result

N ° number of measurements

Relative standard deviation may also be reported. If so, it will be

calculated as follows:

(1) RSD = 100

where RSD > relative standard deviation, expressed in percent

S standard deviation

X arithmetic mean of replicate measurements


Accuracy will be estimated from the analysis of "blind" QC samples whose

true values are known to the Laboratory QC Coordinator. Accuracy will be

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Section 12.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 2 of 2

expressed as percent recovery or as relative error. The formulas to calculate

these values are:

Percent Secoveiy - 100^ j

/Measured Value - True Value

j^Measured Value\

Relative Error " lOOl True Value


Completeness will be reported as the percentage of all measurements made

whose results are judged to be valid. The procedures to be used for

validating data and determining of outliers were described earlier in this QA

Plan. The following formula will be used to estimate completeness:


where C " Completeness expressed in percent

V " Number of valid measurements

T " Total number of measurements

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Section 13.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 1 of 1


The Subcontractor will assign responsibility for initiating corrective

action on each aspect of project activity. The Technical Representative,

Pablo Huidobro, or other designated individual, will observe aR field

activities and initiate corrective actions as necessary.

All corrective- actions taken will be documented in laboratory notebooks

,or project workbooks or on Corrective Action Forms; the project code

(RT-1-619-078) will identify the written description of the problem found and

the actions taken. The documentation will be subiaitted as part of the Project

Document inventory.

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. ' Section 14.0 Revision 0 October 1982 Page 1 of 1



I As noted in Section 2, GCA'a Geotechnical QC Coordinator will report on

an ad hoc basis to the QA Manager whenever a problem or question arises.

All Corrective Action Forms are submitted to the QA Manager for initial

approval of the corrective action planned and a copy is provided to the

Department Manager. All system audit reports are provided to the Project I

Maxuger, Department Manager and the Technology Division General Manager.


The individuals responsible for QA/QC implementation are identified in

Section 2 of this Plan. They will provide to GCA all QC sample results and

documentation of any problems encountered and corrective actions taken.



Each monthly report will contain a summary of QC activities; this summary

will include:

• Estimates of precision, accuracy and completeness of reported data

• Quality problems found

• Corrective actions taken

The final report will include a section summarizing QA/QC activities

during the program. The Geotechnical QC Coordinator and the Division QA

Manager will participate in preparing this section.

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GCA GCA CORPORATION Technology Division

213 Burlington Road Bedford. Massachusetts 01730' Telephone 617-275-5444