Qualities of Indiscriminate Mercy

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  • 8/14/2019 Qualities of Indiscriminate Mercy


    Qualities of Indiscriminate Mercy.

    I call myself a humble scion of the New Age to Come. I bear

    with me a very old, but very new piece of teaching and learning.

    Each of us is a Universe, complete unto itself, but swimming

    through a much larger series of about 23 separate larger versions of

    ourself. Lets analyse how our own Sphere works, in order to make

    worthwhile comparison.

    Earth used to be a tiny sun split off from the power arc from

    the larger; then it was a star, then it was a cold ball of rock with a

    very hot centre and externally warmed by the sun as well. Then plant

    growth began in the waters and photosynthesis built a tenable

    atmosphere of air that organic beings could breathe; locking away

    carbon dioxide gas within the bodies of trees; which also housed

    water and mobile nutrients like carbohydrates and immobilenutrients like minerals.

    Then animals came from the overcrowded waters, where it was

    too predatory an environment and too dark for many things to

    remain. But let us not forget, the seas are the communal, collective

    womb of everything that comes from them. Only organic beings need

    wombs with internalised waters fit to convey and gestate theelectrical spark and gametes that form life in continuance.

    So the world purified its own air for us to breathe. And now,

    after only 500,000 years of a 4,3000,000 year life cycle of the

    earth in the shape we know her, we have dug up all the carbon from

    out of the earth as coal and diamonds. But we should remember that

    to us, carbon is a poisonous gas; and revel in the fact that from

    trees we get first wood, then coal later, and finally diamonds which

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    are the alchemical transmutation over time through extreme heat

    and pressure, of carbon gas into a mineralistic polymer with a

    crystalline lattice, that is akin to how lava is molten sand, but can

    also become glass. The oxygen is always allowed to be liberated andsurvive, like the light, traversing from form to form endlessly, with

    the help of the trees people say that death is the opposite of life;

    and I say No! A Tree is the opposite wheel that balances an organic

    being out!

    The fire of Prometheus, which was so celebrated by the

    Olympic Games, is in actual fact, a curse; rather than a blessing. Itmay have let us use primitive friction-derived means to make heat by

    infusing wood with kinetic energy until it combusts, but now our

    world may not survive another 40 odd years of it if we arent paying

    close enough attention to whats going on right now (as people

    werent for the last 50,000 years or so)! No wonder Prometheus

    deserved, for his Crime, to be lashed and chained helpless to a rock

    while a Sea Eagle would peck out His Immortal Liver every morning!

    Let that be a lesson to all who would pervert the Power of the


    Humans take all that the world can give them and think it their

    right; that they were born to possess it. But heres the rub; even

    when the Earth is so depleted that She seems to have nothing left

    worth taking, when Her soil is barren because it hasnt had thechance to lay fallow because of the needs of an ever expanding

    populace, She can still make sand from which we can manufacture

    Solar Panels. Even when we leave Her choking and coughing in the

    muck we allow to wreathe her, she makes the very rawest

    components for us to be able to find another way! How incredible is

    that, on careful reflection and genuflection!

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    Here are four drawings to give a partial example of the thing;

    pardon the fact these sketches are crude and crap, I wanted to

    relay information as fast as I could and then start to work on them.

    A being who could use the reflective properties of metal and

    the energetic power of sunlight in concert to melt rocks couldprobably part oceans, as well! Even though the challenge is more

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    physically difficult. Pythagoras said Give me a lever and I will move

    the earth [if the lever is long enough and Im stood in the right

    position to be able to lever it!] You could try to start an avalanche

    on a mountain using two ways; the first of which is to try to pick upthe whole damn mountain and hold it by its smallest point and try to

    shake it to make the snow cascade off of it, or else you can drop a

    single flake in exactly the right spot to overbalance the whole

    extent of the rest of the accrual.

    So then, we come to the point of duality and divergence. Now,

    for all of the time of the Earths long life; the crap didnt hit thefan, because it was left on the ground. Some people might say

    Eugh. I will remind people, theres nothing cleaner than shit on the

    Planet. The nutrients that pass through living organic animals are

    passed down to living vegetable forms, who digest it after mycology

    (fungus like a mushroom with a penis on top of it. A fun-guy!)

    breaks it down for re-absorption into the soil, so it can chelete in

    the veins roots of plants again.

    But not any longer. Human civilisation has made sewering to

    process crap to do the world a favour; and in fact robs it of

    something vital to its continued ability for green life to thrive and

    multiply. We dont seem to bury the dead and their bones anymore,

    either. The minerals must be allowed to amass with those hidden

    anyway, to become the wealth of new generations of the world in thefuture.

    David Attenborough said that when he was born 80 years ago,

    there were 2.5 B humans on the planet, and now there are three

    times that number. But he said that the globe is static and doesnt

    grow. But that is only because human intervention has gone against

    the rule of nature to hold the sphere in a stasis that it shouldnt be

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    in, so it can support all of the many numerous forms that deserve to

    inhabit it. The secret behind the rise of human civilisations was the

    ability to farm; but now, in our complacency, our populaces are

    getting too big for the available resources to be able to comfortablymaintain, and the World is crying out in accusation against Her

    pillagers and plunderers. Cant you hear the planet groaning like a

    broken-down machine; rusted with the guilty tears of fallen Kings

    and Queens. But you and I stand innocent! Baby, its a brand-new

    world! (Gimme the future with a Modern Girl!)

    The Earth has no hands to help Herself other than those welend Her; and only in freely giving to Her and each other, can we

    allow ourselves to really become receptive to receiving; just as those

    who take by force will be met with force (Those who live by the

    sword, shall die by it!). CAIN it was, who was the first to turn to

    the Almighty and say Am I my brothers keeper now? The answer

    shouldve shot back into his mind, if not you then who? There is no-

    one else! And Cain picked up Abels plough-shear and killed him with

    it. So the Revelation reminds us That he will break their swords

    into plough-shears, just as Cain first turned a plough-shear into a

    sword! You can only reap what you sow, in life; so be diligent, by

    attentive, be dedicated, be purposeful; and be merciful to put those

    who arent to shame, and make them realise their own folly!

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