qt r XSTABUSHEI) MAY, ta9S^ VOL. xxrr. N K T MANASS,48, VA^ J i a D i Y , JULY 6, 1W8^ flEITOF F e u r * 1 S t 5 o e S R S I » s ADMINISTRATOR ABim People tcriLFse S i t e t i t a t « tor Floiir, Beef and SuguCot Oat AU WMt«8. ^ To the Peoi^e of Prioce WilMsm County: The United States Food Ad- minlBtratioQ is using every avail- able means to get before the peo- ple of the United State» the ne- cessity of food conservation, stoppage of all wastes, and the use^of every substitute for fiotir, sugar and beef that is possible. The-Pood Administration figures tiiree pounds of sugar per per- stm per mooth- as the right quantity. Wake up to the existing con- ditions of the food situation— dp not be a slacker—if you can not get just what flour or sugar fpwn tlie retailer or miller jthat you think you need, do not criti- dse the food administration but take your proportion with the proper amount of substitutes and try to'^o what the food ad- niinisbrlition asks you to dte —tf you dp not understand the^itur agon, read the pap«n> aMit for literature on tiie itart f}ukt?ycm do not tmde^itanji, nak y((Mtr re- [ANTED 11.00 A YEAK IN ADVANCE FOR GOVERNOR Ui Di-e.JTan lo Give DMctnd- Twenty-foar Coionels to Glitter ants ef^Vcterana Ciyuicc s t Varioos 'Schools. "The following scholarships are offered by the United Daughten of the Confederacy to worthy de- scendants of Confederate Veter- ans. This is the jtnost enduring of all memorials ta these brave men,' since it helps perpetuate the ideals for which they lived Gubsmatorial Gatherings— lliree Frem Lecsbarg. A R M SERVICE DAY LAUNCHING AN OLD CmZEN Te^ garding these scholarships apply to Miss Elizabeth Goode, Staun- ton, Va. chairman 6t educt- tional committee, Virginia Divi- sion,. United DaughtCTs oif the Confederacy, l i e list follows": State Normal School at Farm- ville, value per anhum, $140; State Normal School at Harri- sonburg, va^ue per annum, $140; -State NoiTrial ScBobTat Radford; value per annum, $140; State Normal School at Fredericks- burgi value per annum, $140; Richmond School of Social Eeon- ition, $fiO; flhatham Governor V^estmoreland Davig has appointed his staff of twen- ty-four Colonels with David H. Leake, of Richmojafl, as Chief of Staff. The other members from the different sections of the state arras follows: Le Roy Hodges, Petersburg; S. L. Olovei, Norfulk; W. Madl- ilwi^ your ^aDer or some <Hie on th^ lx)eal£oo)i idm^^iistrstor's staflf. ']^ V , The administration dioes not want to think that any <Hie will wilfully waste or violate on« |^, t ^ cofltoerration rulings; thiey put it ta every aonnd thinking man, or |oman and child jto do his \3iL Ask ji rmorej^haainy .K yom- quota of flour wilt Bot_su8t«in yon get 0Mne rye floor fron^ tiie mills and mix it with wheat flour half tod h^f; it makes b^tfer K^ht bread man all wheit flbim -^— Neillj^ every tdtisen in tke United^Sti^ Mft^ same friend, comtecfion, or loved oneengi^ied in tbi» vrar. is sense capacity. Why shoukt not itui peoidi^ ev- ery-one as a whole, consei^ to feed qicr soldiers and oiar «lUes at this great tinie of penl'T "Join' the J9^v!c«i Army. ET^ erybody must pull Uqpulhfef— the cMuBuiner musthdp to see, -in if that ibe iMrmir gtsb reas- doaible prices for his products; the farper most help tke gav- «?aaeiit to protect the censumer &om ^j^rtion of dnscruj^doos » 4 dMpyal Hpfmiat/^ni, Be contented Witir simile food, ;^pie pleai^res, simple Episcopal Institute, for tuiticm, $65; Dayt<Hi O^^iigtg Institute (1) f(ff tuition, $100; Dayton son Scott, Richmond; Thomas H Nottingham, Eastville; Gordon Blundon, Reidsville; F. N. Bib- soly, Portsmouth ;;G. S. P. Hol- land,' jr., Suffolk; B. Morgan Shepherd, Ashlluid; W. Frank Powers, Richmond; Horace L. Smith, Petersburg; D. J. Hol- combe, Danville; John T. Trout, Roanoke; W. L_Maupin, jr., "Charlottesville; Donald' Rich ards, Warrenton; Cecil Conner, Leesburg; E. E. Garrett, Lees- burg; ban Slaughter, Culpepert Buford Williantr, PeJarisburg; NapoleQP Bond, CocbumTT. M Ten White Mtn ^^lected for Caa^^ Hvaphreys and Ten^' Colored for Camp Lee. Pursuant to the selective draft law, ten Prince William boys will go to Camp Hum- phreys July 16th. Ten colored boys from the county wiUJe^je for Camp Lee about the same time, though definite orders have not' been re- One Hundred Ships Jake to Mr. WiUian. Feote, a VeneraW. Water Ja)y Fonrth—Speaks Defiance to the Hon. "No dtizen of Manassas, Dies at Advanced Age, more defiant answer Mr. William Foote, a promi- could be given to the enemy's „ ";• ^ v "H, ^^' * T"^ chaUen«re." sairt a ^„hU^™ .^ "«"* *"<! ^^^^ly respected citi- challenge," said a cablegram re- ceived yesterday from Gen. Per- shing in reply to one sent by Chairman Hurley,-of the ship- ping board, informing the Amer- cei their departure ' The men whose names are ipven below will be called to go to_Camp Hum|)hrey8» Accotink, Va., July 16, 1918 Powell Montjfomery Metz, Ma- nassas; Arthur Layton Lawler, Bristow. David Lee Whetzel, Bristow. Ernest Thomas Evans, Manas- Collegiate Institnt|L_4tagO> for riaon, Le^sBugg, tHiOmarirooi^avidsOTj C^k^e, ^orth Carolina, for tuition, $76; iStaimtpn Mililfary Academy, for tuition, $100; F^shbUrfr HQUtary Academy, value per annum,. H^; Brandon/ tuition, $5a; ^lilthem Seniihary.in part, $90; New Suffina. partial. $50: ^g pering to eadii^other forthe past CoUege, tuition, _$50;Hollins, . noil; st^KyfMy apd typ«wl1t^if0W^ d^s as s.resiiK of a! Ma, TtnaanrFIBM^^^ttgi kjw --— '••••-- —'- ' loan fund fui RIULUKHMI Schod <rfSo<3al Economy, $150 ; fefapd^ Dobyna, Dublin; Steve T^nber- iake; Staunton; ^ 8 . ^Adiuns, Lynchburg; and Han^^ T. Har VINEGAR Foot WHISKSY Fonr Akxandrians .Vtctiadxed by Washinston "Bootlegger. •"Stj^ng"—^that is what foitf yduiig'^Alexandriaris are whis- stiip loain fund for Richmond School of Sodkl Economy, $71; Lor^ia CarroD for Richm(»<l, School of Social Economy, $200; IWhdollfe-Macuii A«ademy, Ash^ land, v^ue p«r amaa, ${$!»; t»- tal$2,24«. -^^ Of ffie fifty-seven scholar- ships offered 1^ tlte general United Daughters M j ^ C^i^ federacy, twefttyrwic have t^- ready been awaaided,^^ - •- The 'following thirty-one schobushipa ate.^n(»K apea,~tt^ th^ gwning ymr __Ao60rdii^ to repcnrts the mta wait to Washington in an aato»- mobile Saturday nis^t for the purpose of securing a supply of red ^gnor. Jbiaeh man pugcha^ ed frw^^Ec JbooUegger" two play hard: Work; est, raczeate,. oasly. We have a vietocy to The sitaatkm iuia become crit- can be tfeeted by substituting J ^ . T3>«ni is sittpiy.not eneu^ —^ *^trf irf ftinl fsr Miothar te food in Eunqje, yet the soktien our dtat. Tke ^m hia of the ameiB most be mamtainad pat aiUe afi selfishneaa and dis- fuIT stfengE&TQidr wives indfitqiil^. The tune has eonie for 8hiMrea-at-fawne-must not lace FuD scholarship,, value'$250, covering board and 'tmtua, the Loretta Mother Howte, 'Neainx,' Tuition" ^Schcdarahip, - value «nd. jj finally »l50^Neav^inini» Qnlh^ Tnition- sdiohuiiiip, value Atlanta, Ga. h^yLl^taTwiiiifinir a4mind tofaj of .eight l u ^ pintsu The party did not t u r y in WRshlnfl^Qn7 but returned to Aleiandria m Robert Lee Edwards, Gaines- ville. Qfeorge Crura, Catlett Biide Hereford, Wdlington. Calvin Rav Timinnna, qiT«n«/v. Jamm Hartwell Boley, Nokes- -viler - ColSns Grant POlen, Areola. ' '^e following coIoriBd.inffli v^ J)e sent to camp Lee on <»: aSJBUt July 15, 1918: Tifinum Jordan, Manaasiw. WjOter Allen, 7%orojii^tfa»%: L)^d(» - L e ^ Johnaon, Jfanas- J^pes Jjckson, Manassas^- HMTison Naamm Barnes, aCa- zen of Manassas, died at his home Wednesday evening in t^g 76th-year of his age. His death was due ta complications appear- ican fighting men in France that "^ ^^^ " ^"^'[^"" "^ ^^^ ^^'^ -the. ohipbtiildcro ot home would ^ . ^ T^"" T' '^'^ "^^^^^ launch 100 merchant ships «n '<=1«1"» The Journal. July 4. "THe launching of 100 ships on July 4, is the most inspiring news there ha^ come to~ uiT^ Gen. Pershing said. "All ranks of the army in',F*ance send their congratulations and heartfelt thanks to their patriotic broth- ers in the yards at home. No more' defitot answer cbiild be given to the enemy's challenge. With such backing we cwinot fail to wiii. All hail American shipbuilders." Horiey to Pwsfcingr .Chairinan Hurle/s meissage to. the army said: "Not by delaying a single ship,'! but by tqieflding tn the utmost B«y«aod^ Blackwell, BrBi^ ^mtmm Clias7 Edwin ^karris, Blanaiuis; Jamea Dayis, DumMes. £ari Queed, Qnantkb. Alteamate—Claytan West i > y ^ ;fhejmachine and npcm arriy^^ here, according to reports/ de- cided to "wet their whistle." the *twy kas^sad^ endini: f M 4 ; Mrs. Lydia A. BeD, AT ADVANC^ A6E thi Ammcan shipyards willj ^IlilAJi POOTE hiunch neariyon^ hundred«h^ ^ p ^ ^ wss born m Lcw- on July 4. On this one day, eel- don, England, December 4; 1842. ebratmg a natipns independence ^^^ „,^^ ^ ^g^^ jju^ and bacl^ng up-the boyt inti»e befe Clothier of L^idon, July W tr^ches^tke m«i m fte ship- i8€», «,d had he lived untU i«. yards wfll launch 460.000-deadr day would have celetoited tke weight tons, as much »• was i f t y » t h .anniversary <rf : W lauo^ed 4» -«x^ BHtelJ^ la«$ "Your inspiring leadership of ypars agn^^ Mr. Phiit^i wwirt. n^ the American ar^Tm irimce ^ - ^ ' ^ w V J •''^ T^Z hi« thrills! th* «t.inv«^»nrV.°°'*^/Bethel.Mame, where he has thrilled the shipyai^ work ers, and if the time coij^ when ^ " « ^ ' ^ ^ ° y"^^"!?" you need even the shipyard men ? ^^ e?f°«^ ^*f^^^ over there, they wiff^ to the County Virguu^locatmg first loaf man Wo =«.«• ^J,, ^.^Ij-k. ° ° '"® **'™ "*•" ^^WU rOCOltiy last man. We want-you anrf-tho _, _, . „_ „, ,.— „ „_ chant. After a shOTt stay on si Bemdejat of Virginia for ^c>riy FIlrtjMrcars—Husband ^MTeB Tean Affeu M ssffh wan opqiod hisi^f^tja and took a '^ip" the '^hiskey^ turiwd out to be yinegur. -The •irtimft of tile "boptteggaH'^^hig- pered the ^»ry to^'ir few-friotds have taken solemn idedges to ^"T^^fT nampln piirrhnfim of '^Knet goods" made in Washing- ' tof. in the' tncure before paying. ive power of all its peo- must na«t b« starved; and fiaafly, oor ow«atmy in France must never Thtra^ just one way in which thaae requirements can be met. North A4{i«ica must furnish tke food. AM it Btiost fumiaH It Inor sacrifice. The allias na meat tod fats and sugar. They mbat have more of all these than of] we -have been seiKQag; mor« than we Oadi be a^Ie to send an- we rectiict our o%rn con- sumption. As a nation we are today eating and-wastiag ranch nMt fabd th*tt we deed: « Eh« r»tPt «f $T f. | » | ^ fry » w . laiming vinetv hito tha ' tar tiw late tim«f~t>i^BdS, died at the heme «f. her ste^-daua^ita', Mia. fioward iP. Young, SundlQr nK»miair. in the dghty-^rst year of her age! Her death w a the result of an injury to ho: hip, lqK:i jbA about tkxea The' deceased Warrea county. was boTB kn Nes Jersey; that: Uie men in the yards art : ° r , ^ iLr.>..L.tiu. „rf o* goingtiie limit to Provide record ^ ^ " ^ ^ ' J ^ ^ ' f ^ ^ ^ ' t j J breaking time the ships that will -^""^^ neafjichmond. wh«tf> cany more men. food and mmii- l^^ was,en«.»edm business, he .tioM fi. the intTTPfd Ameriain "1°"*^ H wJ^J^T^^^^-^ expeditiimi^y fbrSs^- nea«n ana na. Deai^a resutort Of the month's output, steel ?^ the t ^ i«>re^thaa forty years, unfiF his death. ships totaled 262,900 tons and ships 17.S0O tons. ui pntji^ri. WiHImn Foote was higidy^ thpught of in this seetim; cnn.' ' A __,. . , ^ ^ in* in contact freQoently with A^'^^J^^^ f *^"' ™"y 0^ our-dtixensTMrgenial was disctosed by d ^ e d fig»r«. ^,„„,, , „ ^ . ^ ^ g ^ - ^ ^ g " ^ ^ ^ ^ f ? d««l-weight to«*„h^ found pk«surrinW!«c!: w m (Miv«.rPd^thf ,erond week : L a k « r - m leligiou wianrteni- S.?^. ?f .!^^. ^TV^?' i ^ that of t h e ^ r i t a ? ^ ^ she easM to Virginia mau-ly f ^ - l|eetii» sf Civfc Ciyic League~w3I held a mAting in the Town Hall on IfsnrlT, July 8th, st 8 o'dock. A nwnber of members of this r- already neot its normal surplOs. ^ do not need to starve our yA ses9i», JVe 4viv« pien^ .teselves, and it is the first pol- ly Of the Flood Admhtntration to retain for our people^ by it* control of exports, a sufficient supply of every essential food- stuff. We want nobody in our._ <^o<atry to eat less tiian is neces- sary for good hMlth tod foD The wh<riB $nat pmbteg tf winning the war rests lainuudly. OB on* thing—tfae-ioyal^ and in-4he matter of food. It is ab- soIa«^;apttaotal obUgationon ^ P«rt of «Kh of OS tit man» <Mie in Europe whom we are bound-to h a ^ " T. 0. T ATPAiy Local Food Administixttv for Prince WiUiara Couaiy. greatly needed orfantiatkm have expressed regrM at the proqwet to. its poesihii iishaBdiiif for lack of financial support, atatiag that ihey woidd rhrinfnni pay thorl&idraaeB, if tkey EKW tke aatoont, Hw uflkeis, thetefure, gladly her haabaad nude their home on 1^ deMtk, w k i ^ ooeorred fdboBT it«B yavL^ta^ la die hflilwia Bring with her st^>-ckB^«n. Mrs. SeB was a manker of tke Mgtkodist Church, and-faad-a _- .. ^. ^ could brook no innovations fttinT average for the month was made n,odera «1dsfaer critidam"—^ ffl8A^diy_bt^»e completion of Athe^oklJiatMHgiqn; ty yean ago,-and sinee then has It'was in ttie last week of tke niaided lu this county:—Sheand five •^!* Jf*^^^'fVrr;eabugh for hfap." f Wr "saB iti tlw last- vrA^b rA tko' ' \ .fleiM and rtisred hi^a for^gn: ftionth, however, that the shi^ , ^ " "^ '*•«" [* ftenagir Mnlrim. reelly hit >heir strid^ \^,}b. Foote w « thinfougfaliP largip riirJa nf friends who wiB avail themseltes uf this owwr tunity to renew the league's ac- tivity in getting and keep&g the 4dy-aad Our energetic Mayor haa^le- dared that the league bad fips.„- , quently "fiffonned luoT ~o2~local _ conditions, of whid he had no knowledge, and cMMsd kia to _ tmpmyA tliai^ WhSe doing oor part in hel^ ThgTtBe gevwnment , ^ Bed be pataed to read af ker death. Her sttfMJiildren, who survive hw are: Mra. HaljauBiy, Mra. H P. Young, Messrs. <2. W. BeB. J ILB^andD.P.BeO. ' The funeral services were hetd In Bradley Church e'eleeh, p.-ti^ American la fteailtt and deedt ed 129,978 tons, which is at the IIIL'I,"^^' ' jiL! '"*•'' rate uf ueaib 7 000800 toBS-»-^^- ^ ^ addgteilfiaoBtxy ye„. ' ' J2_? tkough native to iti soil, ; • Tke same growth also has "Hw deceased^ was-a life h » c been shown from month tp "«n'»o^ of_ •the IVediyterian church; he was aa dder month. thry tinw Ml. Maasiuk aud the RB;. Mr Burr effiriatittg. She was bu- ried'in the diurchyard by the tate kuibtiML ! Gea. Parakkw Ofaa Carter €^ fbBr - danghters and Settsb 1^ Bdstaw, for Bravsiy. His chOdrai are:^-Mr8. H. G. -i^ '" I^Mi. of Alexandria;.Mrs. D. H. at ^y^The War Dqiartmeat receiv- Pwecott, .of Medford, Mass.: etf- tronr ^^Senr-" Pershing thr-****, I^ R. ^ ^ < ^ of Msnsqaas t h r Y J t C^Auiirt « begins ik heme, though it shodld never etid there. X kiss Theda P. Watm is visit- 'mg Mends in Sterling. The en^Mt m June wis that hi jfh^mry tnistw in the eburrh siid BMBM intotdeat of the Sunday SCIKMI for many years. He is survived fay, his infe«. whkh amotMcd to 8B„S07 tana. names of thirty-five-oflkers and Mrs. C. G. Griffith, of Washing- men who have been cited f « ton. D. C, and Mr. Wm. H. bravery in acUon by the general Foote, <rf~Washrngt<«. commanding the French army Jle_ fuoeraLsarvkes will be with which the Anserican unit held frwn th« I^icsbyterian is serving. The names previous- Okocah Sunday at 8 o'clock p. that ehari^—4eve— "&.Tuidbeen carriedaiTAaBociatod w., the i»stor, Rev. Alford Kel- Preta dispatches fron Prwce. ley, offldatlng; the burial win be Ni'i^t additions to the list in the cemetery near town. { from Southern states included Manassas haalost a good citj-' Qyter a Selfa, «f Jteistow, t « , whose death will be moum- PriHce William County.^ V». . . ed by the community at large.

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    XSTABUSHEI) MAY, ta9S^ VOL. xxrr. N K T MANASS,48, VA^ J i a D i Y , JULY 6, 1W8̂

    flEITOF F e u r * 1 S t 5 o e S R S I » s ADMINISTRATOR

    ABim People tcriLFse Sitet i tat« tor Floiir, Beef and Sugu—

    Cot Oat AU WMt«8. ^

    To the Peoi^e of Prioce WilMsm County:

    The United States Food Ad-minlBtratioQ is using every avail-able means to get before the peo-ple of the United State» the ne-cessity of food conservation, stoppage of all wastes, and the usê of every substitute for fiotir, sugar and beef that is possible. The-Pood Administration figures tiiree pounds of sugar per per-stm per mooth- as the right quantity.

    Wake up to the existing con-ditions of the food situation— dp not be a slacker—if you can not get just what flour or sugar fpwn tlie retailer or miller jthat you think you need, do not criti-dse the food administration but take your proportion with the proper amount of substitutes and try to'^o what the food ad-niinisbrlition asks you to dte —tf you dp not understand the^itur agon, read the pap«n> aMit for literature on tiie itart f}ukt?ycm do not tmde^itanji, nak y((Mtr re-



    FOR GOVERNOR Ui Di-e.JTan lo Give DMctnd- Twenty-foar Coionels to Glitter

    ants ef^Vcterana Ciyuicc st Varioos 'Schools.

    "The following scholarships are offered by the United Daughten of the Confederacy to worthy de-scendants of Confederate Veter-ans. This is the jtnost enduring of all memorials ta these brave men,' since it helps perpetuate the ideals for which they lived

    Gubsmatorial Gatherings— lliree Frem Lecsbarg.


    Te^ garding these scholarships apply to Miss Elizabeth Goode, Staun-ton, Va. chairman 6t educt-tional committee, Virginia Divi-sion,. United DaughtCTs oif the Confederacy, l i e list follows":

    State Normal School at Farm-ville, value per anhum, $140; State Normal School at Harri-sonburg, va^ue per annum, $140; -State NoiTrial ScBobTat Radford; value per annum, $140; State Normal School at Fredericks-burgi value per annum, $140; Richmond School of Social Eeon-

    ition, $fiO; flhatham

    Governor V^estmoreland Davig has appointed his staff of twen-ty-four Colonels with David H. Leake, of Richmojafl, as Chief of Staff. The other members from the different sections of the state arras follows:

    Le Roy Hodges, Petersburg; S. L. Olovei, Norfulk; W. Madl-

    ilwî your ̂ aDer or some

    •"Stĵ ng"— t̂hat is what foitf yduiig'^Alexandriaris are whis-

    stiip loain fund for Richmond School of Sodkl Economy, $71; Lor^ia CarroD for Richm(» cany more men. food and mmii- l̂ ^ was,en«.»edm business, he

    .tioM fi. the intTTPfd Ameriain "1°"*^ H w J ^ J ^ T ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ expeditiimi^y fbrSs^- nea«n ana na. Deai^a resutort

    Of the month's output, steel ?^ the t ^ i«>re^thaa forty years, unfiF his death. ships totaled 262,900 tons and

    ships 17.S0O tons. ui pntjî ri.

    WiHImn Foote was higidy^ thpught of in this seetim; cnn.' '

    A __,. . , ^ ^ in* in contact freQoently with A^'^^J^^^ f *^"' ™"y 0^ our-dtixensTMrgenial was disctosed by d ^ e d fig»r«. ^ , „ „ , , ,„^ . ^ ^ g ^ - ^ ^ g

    " ^ ^ ^ ^ f ? d««l-weight to«*„h^ found p k « s u r r i n W ! « c ! : w m (Miv«.rPd^thf ,erond week : L a k « r - m leligiou wianrteni-S . ? ^ . ?f .!^^. ^TV^?' i ^ that of the^rita?^^

    she easM to Virginia mau-ly f ^ -

    l|eetii» sf Civfc

    Ciyic League~w3I held a mAting in the Town Hall on IfsnrlT, July 8th, st 8 o'dock.

    A nwnber of members of this


    already neot its normal surplOs. ^ do not need to starve our

    yA ses9i», JVe 4viv« pien^ .teselves, and it is the first pol-ly Of the Flood Admhtntration

    to retain for our people^ by it* control of exports, a sufficient supply of every essential food-stuff. We want nobody in our._

  • PMnMi^^Sg, ^^


    * 5 Y ; msam (By Walter S. Smoet.)

    i>tc8a, and bieM agam thiB HOiW j , ^ . - (i[«rm«iin 3|ghr,jKifcy-

    These are the ideaU of Prus-sianized Germany? The corres-

    -. anndln*- fcanition of AnMricaaZid What is wflitari8tnY_Ja_itJ»et -ttif Allvftd-naaws 4©wafd war

    « ^ occafiiona^ ffive his anever

    In The Journal, that yvor read-ers generally may know that "there are two sides t« a pan-cake* Whom did Mr, Cariin support for governor? DW hei


    havint of an armr? What mat-ters the size of a etwatey's army ao kmc as, collectively and indi-vidually it Is held in subordina-tion to the civil authority of the people? Militarism essentially consists in the exidtation of .tlie army to the chief place iii the state and the subordination to it of the civil authorities. Insepa^ rable from this is the reliance upon military force in every dis-pute.

    SinceTRg~aawa of.ystory in western Europe the Germans have been the military school-masters of the continent. More

    And than two hundred years ago, un-der the Great Elector, Prussia aspired to become a great power through the might of her army. FredensarOsrCraCEsoBTtie-w^ preme military gefiius ei the eighteenth isaitiny- Tiirough the mea&s of "the nation in arms" Bismarck and Emperw William I secured an effective army of over K̂),OftO men. Wkh this force they defeated Austria in 1866 and waged the success^ ful war of 1870 i«ainst France which secured Rrus^ Alsace-j^ G^ Whita Lorraine and a staggeaaag in-demnity and united "tte Ger-manics" into the-pwsent Ger-man Eminre w i ^ tibe KhttT of Prussia at its haad. 'Otm

    ed two hundred y€A|« ttfi hy MiKon in his «Mat «|)ic lEtra-dise RegafaMd": Thty «rT wbo coont it rlorious to

    •obthM By conquMt far and wid*, to ovanua L u c e cauwtriM, and J a l M d g M S t tat-

    tl«s win, G n a t cities by auaul t ; what do thMe

    worthies ' Bat rob and s|>oil, bura, slaughter,

    aad enslave ' * Peaceable aatioiM. BeHrhbrnrtac or re-

    mote Made captivtf, yet dewrvihc freedom

    Biore ' " " Than tboae tbair owqaerora wbo le^v*

    bebiad Nothing but ruin whereaoe'er- they

    an the floorifihing paaee destroy.

    woriia of


    Hoadley, July 1,1918. Mcnassas Journal Goiv

    GWitlemen>—In the editorial columns of^lie Journal of June 21, iQ^MarTthe foUojring para-IP*ph: . _ _ _

    "GoL White hdd the position of food administrator snd re-signed it to enlist in the service

    l^esire to state in behalf not only of myself, who am an ar dent stqworteroMfar. WWte, hot of many others who are sub-soc^rs to The Journal, apoMi also

    Bismahrk's 'Wood-aBA ifirf^|l«|iporter» of Mr. White, ttat policy justified. Bendi a r d i. speaks thus in his famous book •Germany and the Next Wai^ (1911): "The GrwO" Elector iaid the foundations me the people's

    Evaryana acqusint-

    avis? "sauce for the goose" t h ^ "sauce for gander." So far as Vniite's position toward Wag. J. Bryui is conoeme4. that will not hurt him with many of us poor f ettonrs wbo were tied to the tafl of Bryui's kit£, and before we dropped him, we found that we might as well try to foUow a feather in a whirlwind as to fw.

    >t»»pt •li*l»irnnnilMel>i>«Bfci •Mavaaeb



    • w a

    Having deteriBina4 to derota oar whale tiihe to the Real Estate and Insoxaiica boaineas, we hsra-by soHdt all pru|)erty for aala l^r Irae «nl»aees Sta|iie --.—— —..—-'vr-^.— —

    Hfoamdwaxe ^ w< nuiin to dwifawr wMt ••.

    TIM^ fact is tkat Mr. Widte^ stresgth is Bo^-siaqfiy-ia~tli? fact iA his ample qoalifleatien—

    ia^tte minds of hundreds of voters t h r o u ^ pat tms Gongressiwial that thi time has coaae to '^wap


    never hesitated to,make "swap" whether in the atreaa or aut ef it. if 1 fawid tiMt tiw borae that I was riding was aoi safe, bat'waa-eoatittaally floqa

    r write this article aot oidy for myself hot by request of a

    treaLoar candidate with respect.

    •••w •*• h«avy W-U


    UNIVESSITT XfF ViSCaNIA Uatrersky, Va.

    ~ Spedal War Cearaes arc of-fered in additioir~to the usual courses in theCoBage, Gxadaate, Lawi Mediad and Ehigtneoiag Departments. Ten dollars cov-ers all costs to Virginia students in the Academic Departments.

    Send for catalogue Howard Winston, Rejriatrar.



    Send for eatak>gue and partk Qlara. Metal Carriers will last for vArs—wo h i ^ i f y }ln wrappingor labelling necessary

    DsyiHdiAimNce. ^ B i ^ r S t Vfl I2r4-]8 6̂ St .

    ^ ow«ww»ttTow;T5. t:

    Manassas Transfer Co^ W. &. ATHZY, ProvKtotor.

    of BieiTh&ndiae or other com moditlM promptly transferred or

  • FIU0AT, iVLX 5, . i ">•"


    The Manassas J o u r n a l ! - ' " ^ ^ t . ' S t ' S ' ^ ^ p J : : " " ^ " " " ^ ° ' - -

    Entered at the Post Office at M̂ . ^ ^, .̂

    $1.00 A Yivi iMnKe

    Friday^ Jidjr 5, IBtt

    p{e tooth and toenail at th« ait-aei, but be fought for theai.tii-torward like an uatamed and m-

    Truth to teil, TiU^nan did wiiat Comparatively few a j ^ ever do

    threw awaĵ aoost of tha-&*d m

    •urvivonj it j îpeara eertain t)xat the auĥ mariDe ;nta et^jfti in sinUnJr them.

    German frii^tfubieaa seem* -4o hare AMBBdiRi HmYery. dqiChi

    of depravity and cruelty. It if impoflsible for the human loiih^ to; ^.•..•^i^^mtt'^ct'i.ut^^^v^fyBdaf. 4eeda .UUU»^OM wUeh the Hun

    the good: He issued a rerfied and improved second editioii of himself which lacked nothing of

    his beat he was not a great man or a great stateanoan, but'be waa honest and loyal through and through, and he had in him the itoman spirit of independence

    him and retained jM^b" only. ^ omnmittcd. The plank-Walk* ing jests of Capt. Kidd and th^ eccentrtcitiies 6f th« BariMry pU rates no longer r^preaebt tha

    ©eiil a ppand |goflt ft fin imr^y onaUe one and constitutes prot

    triotism and understandiikg. AtlpTod with ikuT t^entieUf edfrHteieHivr

    ^iie file of the ftrtt/but "was-in- acme qf imrUnlMn, for Qkbypga stinct with greater breadth, pâ into iaaigniftcanee when com-

    and courage which &aurwi:iMTi2r\Wvsis:b^lfonTogL ed the senate in the ante-war period, aAd which, ia how so cm-^>icuouS by rarity. "^ .

    CRITICIZES OUR POLICY In another column of thia tMt-

    BOILJM foimd » letter Iteonx Boadley, attacking, viotentiy, tiie editorial poiiey at The Jeor-aat. We piririiflii it, knowing fall

    /wefl that it ia harmless; a raido-soope could find nothing in it but wot^i wordB, old and new; a fliix of wordst but a^fsmine of

    Jact. The Journal will attempt no

    detailed revise the letter itself will be found ^sufficient, in the minds arapa I * fallaw.

    . Who have done such noble i f ? f ^ * ? ^ , * ^ f i » * ^ f y * * * .1- *^ ».,^n^„^ i> +k- .,,w«ji • • Laat Wonaiw or Com

    la alaa «• ha atrangly raaommaaaatf. rmatfjitf hava prwtlocA. tMa

    tka aowlng of Oow Paaa tha ylaM of earn,

    UmO It NMkW • aoH • bniprovliia ar

    WHU for •mVQOO'^S OROP »mOUU.- flMnt »Maaa wia Inf4 MMiM abetit an

    T.W. Wood& Sons,

    bnt itt does

    bridee. Tha« was m> poeatfaffi-ty of a mia^e . ~ T h e duwacto-of the vessel waa kpown to the mardexpos band whidi sent her to the bottom. l%e bent in whidi the ea^^in, the shq>'s of-ficers and aoae of the medical of-ficers esciqwd was overiiwiled^- the exeeaa pi^ta tidt law waa

    a tiwhaf̂ a dam whether tSa moral and poBtieal|int tii^tJkmaiiaaLJStM^S^

    were~poPifai ui unj|»uiH»-A fleree, fiery heartad, nn-1—This was a U», and the Ger.

    ^omprominng product of a yolr •anfe copunonwealth. he was gifted with a magnificent capac-ity forhmMtaoranwdhate:;^ imqk^iiiug~6^t ia ~6(egliatittg he a raiil quality amongamen,

    of an Mg in wMch

    the submarine, whoae caaOBt^] der interrogated tfaion. Hie did not eir&i pretend fb be unaware .of the chaiHuUu' &f"ge veaad he had sunk, bat f edinig dbiiged to make swne aert of eituag lie ac^ CMBod igapt. Syhreatfr nfr far

    man U-boat «ionimaiHl

  • ^ - ^ GEIJRCtflB— .̂

    KUEF — Â son was bom to Mr. and

    Mrs- Jame*^ BffkeW, jr ,̂ July 1.

    —NQticfi.ibe slip oft-yetH- fwk-per and see whether your sub-scription has expired.

    —W?rd has been reCeivea M the si^e arrival over seas pf Pri-vate Lynn Cushing, by his fath-er, Mr. Robiert Cushlnfc

    —Notice ha8_ been received that the pay of the section worlc-men on the railroad wiH be ad-vanced to $3.00 per day .after July 10th.

    —A son, Raymond Fitzhugh, was bom to Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Wren at Hemdon on Jvtne 25th.


    ^ ^ - - - 1 > , ^ • — III I III l i t II *

    —Amonj: the contributions to the Red Cross melting p o t « a silver candle snuffer and tray, the gift of Miss M. E. Rixey, The candle snuffer, which has been the object of maity cttrioaH [ Roimi questions, dates back to the

    allj^'ti^d^ foFn5unrfniirti6n~and [~ were made in the Tibmes by a less successful process than


    Mrs. Wren wa^Miss Winnie Hol^ den before marriage.

    —The young ladies of the Baptist -Young People's Union-will sen ice cream Monday even-ing on the Lipscomb lot for the benefit of the Red Cross.

    those of today, «nd frequently had to have the snuff removed to kaap tjiMP burning.—_ •—

    TaMe- DiseBwion • -New Brandies Announced—Ap-


    The semi-monthly meeting of the Manassas Chapter of the American Red CroSs was held St ttee Town Hall Monday evening,-the ehairman, Mr. George G. Ty ler, presiding. The meeting opened with prayer by Rev. Al-ford Keney,jifter which the mln-utes o f tfie prevTous" meeting

    • #-|»cThe Journal wishes to ex-plain to its subscribers that it does not make A. practice of re,-tuming receipt* for subscrip- "^es oi me previous mee«ng ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^^^^^ tions recei\fed, as the date of the w«r« read by the secretary and| - ^^^ P A T H E NEWS. slip on thf paper will indicate j "PP^oved _ _ _ _ _

    ' — • ' " —^IHJRSDAY A PARAMOUNT


    4h& 4inw J r̂twî -thiPJwIwuripthTTF will expire. The mailing list is, however,' not reprinted and changed, sometimes, for three or four weekiu therefore, subscrip-tions paid in the interim are not indicated on the aiip^until the ch^ange is made. If the date on

    —At the union .missionary meeting in I h e Baptist Church «n Sunday night at 8 o'clock, the address will be given by Rev. McLeod Harvey, Ph. D., of Washington.

    ySiiT^Ts «ot *fii^ wim ̂ !^f• s^ : :«^^„±,5 ' the time mentioned above, write us.


    —The Presbyterian picnic ar-" ranged for yester^y has been postponed on acdsiunt of the death of Mr. Wm. Fote. The time for the picnic will be ar-ranged later.

    The XAdies* Aid Society of Grace M. E. Church, South, will meet at the h6me.ofMr8. Annie Maloney next Thursday, July 1th, at 8 p. in. Every member is urged to be present.

    —A patriotic mieeting wiU be held at Bra.(Jley M. E South, next -Suniiay, inst. The paatanffld prbbahiy others will speak OTTthat occar sion. Everybodyjw Jnvitod.

    Mr. Chas. R. McDonald, oi Catharpin, was in town Tuesday.

    Mr. John Garrett, of Fairfax, ptud Tlie Jourilal office a call to-day-

    Mrs. Walter Akere spent Sun-day with-her pwrents ia^Atexte-xlria. ' •" •.,:.'

    Mr. B. N. Merchant, of Balti-more, ^as a Manassas visitor Moniiay-

    Mr. J ( ^ A. Nicol, of Wash-ington, was a Mfuiassas visitw

    Reports .wcrg given in thf! fq^m of a round table discussion, in which the following members took part: Mrs. G. Raymond Ratcliffe, Mrs. T. E. Haines, Mw. BL,T. H. Hodge, Prof. Hodge, Mrs. J. E. Jordan, Mrs. C. R. C Johnson, * Miss Isabel Kelley,

    MRS. VERNON CASTLE aiipported by

    ANTONIO MORENO . .in..

    "THE MARK OF CAIN" lliia is the first appearance on

    aprewi yf this famous arttat Yott-wUl ewfay

    «tlc tit thiSi AJse PATHE NEWS.

    U you Iik« a ««MI k»v» atoigf, ^'^m of J j * "f^^^^

    Harrell,' Mi«. R. B. Sprinkel, Mrs. E. L. Hombaker, Mr̂ G Raymond Ratcliffe, alid Rev. Al-ford Kelley.

    Wca. Haines made an appeal for contributions for the Red Crusa melting pot, Set .̂ AJfbrd Kelley reported the failure to

    ed by'a dainty, clever and beau tiful actress with good support, seenilili:~ToiniBWT»irice8 vfiH-9rvmli/ Let us see hsnr you apptedate it, W$ wiak to entertain you with the best.

    obtain films desired for the Red Cross at ttiis time, and Mr. Rat-cliffe presented for ^ Finance ~ Committee bills ani^nting' to 4 5 7 ^ forsiinplififi.

    ChurcliqM Wi G fiamp son, in Washington, ^

    Private D. N. Reeder, XJniver-, sity.tnumng camprwas a-M» nassas viutor Sun^nr.

    MIsS: Edna Davis was ihe guest (tf' ttte Misses Ball«ger, of Alexandria,^Sunday.

    Dr. L. F. Houj^, who attend-ed a masonic gathering at Wil̂ Qamspert; P«nw baŝ letumed.

    Arehdeaeen Hew,-of Ivy a ^

    TtejExeciitive Comnattee an-noimced t ^ authorizaiabn of the Stone Housie Red Cross organi-zation to serve as a branch in-stead of an auxili«ry as previ-ously recognized, and the grant-ing of letters of recognition to to^ch^^^' at Moicesinile «id Brentsvile.

    NokesviUe. Branch, wi th /a memberaSp o n ? > M S ejected the following takers: Mr. J. A

    chairman; Bir. W. R.


    Rev. Geo." W. Crabtree, stssist-ed by Rev. W. R. McElroy, of University, Va., the evangelist

    4of Pofcomae-PM»byt«ry, lias just concluded a two-weeks' series- of

    igelistic se.g^e8 at JehogjJ* ^̂

    greatest thing ever Those who are interested in the gr—1 pr"̂ i«"" nf foods or. Ul.the chjW labor phaat otthis picture should not fall to see H. A film for everybody. Don't miss this one.


    . . in . . "THEY'RE OFF"

    CATLETT ''•

    agmfces r dftueit.

    FtfK SPECIAL I Th«re were seventy-six' pro-"T̂ HS-ATING THE PUBLIC" Sessions of faith, about half et ^ ^ AB S t « ^ them adults. Of this number..

    ««*>««: ^ y >n.. forty have already joined .tiUT Food profiteers ^ ^ g " ^ ^ Presbyterian church, t h Q aiL

    who are to join by letter will be given an opportunity a little la-teK^ It* "ts altogether probsbleF that about sixty wiH be on « » petition to Potomac Presbytery the first of September to organ-ize, this chapel into a church at


    pregnant with mysten^, by ja Blaster 8t^4iUer«idlwci«»tm. ^^^m^O^^^t^f^^^'^^^^^^

    gr«it moment of this picture is

    habit and rides her father's horse in the race, bringUig joy and- hmn>iness to alL Some-thing different. Don't miss it. A Comedy, "His Hiddm Talent," will also be shown.

    Matinee 3:15

    .The summer examinations for teachers wiirbe lield In the Ben-nett Building, Manaasas, Va., on July 25th-26th.

    All iq^icants who- desire to take the high school examina-tion^ must notify the Division Supermtendent not later than July rst, and state the names of the 'subjeeto on which l^ey. de-aire questions. If proper notice is"not gfven the high school questibns can not foe qbtained

    • CHAS-Jt. McDONAU>, Diviusn Supcrfiitendent,vQftiae»-

    ville, Va. B-td

    springers at~pH^vafe sale-every Monday at our yard in Nokes-viUe. The "kind you dairymen w»nt; the kind thiat never seen a

    Free, • treasurer; Mrs, fl.—S. Blark, secretary, «»d Mr. B^M Herriag, doarmait of

    >̂ -The

    committee. Brentsvile Branch, which lias

    66 members, has dented officers aa fcdlows: Mr. George B. M&-Donald, chairman; Mrs. K. M. 'Bradshaw, treasurer; Mr. H. J. Carr, secretary, and Mr. D. &, EariMurt chaJmaaiL of fiiumce

    cording to its prediction, after [Blue Ridge Episfeopal Miasiims, Albftnatje eaunty, TO» a feeeat he had taken a competiUve ec-

    amiration sometime agOi It is understood that Mrr Brewer^ rating was nintli out of about three hundred enndidateg .He received his comnrisroHT »' iew days ago. .__ :..^.—„_ M r̂kHT

    Mr. C.E^^jS8R^whi^'en^a^] Washington, formeriy ing his car yeateiday,^ vofaem-tory to enjoying a Fourth of .July excursion had the misfortune to dislocate

    •^€=tronw ita iua-«u!iia or •one Dr. Lewis..at,t: ed member comiortahle

    ided to the injur and the patient is

    visitcff to ManasHas.

    Mrs. A. J. Adams and daugh-ter, Mrs. I. C. Hawktns,-orS^gar-


    committee, . Announcem^t was made by

    the chairman that fifty, mep̂ would be sjent to canlp^rom Prfnce \^lliam county during the month of July, and the fol-lowing committej^. waff appoint-ed to_OTogdefor_the^nter^n-

    The Jomal i—t l *•< wuiHi It worik tt

    XOWS—"Fresh cows and

    once. ' Mr, Crabtree organized his

    Sunday School the last of De-cember. The enrollment is now more than one hundred. Rev.' A. R. Bird of the second Presby-terian Church, of Washington, x*ffrytp-fiown last y^eek cated the chapel. Tlevs. I. R Cooke, oif Greenwich, John A. Bowman, of Mealeton, and L. F. Hateher, of Hemdon, attended the all-day meeting Sunday. Mr. McElroy will go home for a fffw-jtay's nist and then Twl tent meeting just outside of Washington.

    BREAD tfVto'ni the kind Qottnu tight tg —MEed4nanjip^tChdate Q T O V woi^ when yoa s twt to feed them. Come early, as we have the kind tiiat go quick. Will taEe"your dry stock in exehaage, ^ _ whai you wish ife—Calvm Ap^ •- aatia^ year appctitq, pleton A Son, NokesviUe, VaJ*^ ' " ~ ' "* ~-rf-«««~»n,

    is made froni best materialif.

    Handled by nea^ clean, care-ful ¥torianen. Ask for i t ^ •ecept no o^er. We i ^

    _Jiav^a nice QUICK LUNOH COUNTEH where yoa eui

    line of confeetioQery.

    J. MBELL



    Open to engagements during the summer months, and any lime. Dwq) me.a line and m diup juu

    If yoa reafly want tbe NSW8

    give it to foa tmarr ^ndt ior a


    molt.of the naen during their stay m Manassas: Mi[^ iiuy Larldn, chairman. Mr. G. Ray-mond RateliSe, fllra. B. T. H. HoAre. Mrs, R / B . Spripkel, Mrs. T. ̂ Haines, Miss Isabel KeB^^

    C. M-t Ijuirinx^and Mrs. ^RatdifTe.

    It is earportad thaL


    the week-end guest of Ifiw Mar-with lus f a m i ^ j^aret Temple Hb|ddBS.

    Ml- »tid Mm. ftTTt^'>^Y *''"^''i of BoW it^gputt Va., and Miss Kamue MMuf, umndgww Va., were Arey the flnri, u f l f a weeur

    Missea Alice and Louise Ash-ford win leave tonaorrow after-

    t hing with a kick in itl

    —Arthur Keys, who appeared m the police court, several time*

  • FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1918 THE


    c a t ^ With Solemn Cn»^


    IN CONVENTION M««tinK tot BcHrffc -̂ derpcygLatratlon in caponizing

    ym» District Held Jun* SOth -

    Aî evedt of mote tium usiuU iaterest occurred at Tbe Plains, Fauquier county, Friday at 11 o ' c l o ^ when tlie new Grace Protestant EplBCopid church wai-30, 1918, at Hebron Seminary. •consecrated by the Bt. Rev; Robert A. Gibson, D. D., biahop of. the £pfscopi^ diocese of Vit-ginia. Besides Bishop Gibson, there were present Bishop Coad-jutator BroMm, of Virginia; tlje Rev. Edmund Lee Woodward, D. D., rector of Grace church; -ibe Rev. Berryman Green, D. D., dean of the Episcopal Seotinary, near Alexandria; the Rev. Ut

    ~ S : A. Wallto, pfbtiSasor at the «>»^itf*p^a buAuip ABd eleinF^«oiuta of lUchnond odt x«e was;

    itenaateilyr aftfr •whw^alLtook appuiulud |diuM»

    ohaiiG'̂ jntd',dio&:. The in^ru:^ meat of donation waa then ^ead b v Mr. A- Walton Flgminy, reyr. iatrar of ^ e vestry, and hiatded to Bishop Gib'fon by Mr. Jtunes

    - B. Foster, the senior warden. ~f1re hid3K^ then t i id i the piqier

    on the communion -taMe" a8~& part (rf^tte service. The am-inciaQoh 8< r̂n(U p a ^ waa4beh read by him, and at the dose, he delegated the ' rector of the « h a n ^ the Rev. 9 r . E. S.-Weoid-ward to read the senteace of cooseciatiiaL, Tbfi, v^H mora-ing service of the Epiaoopal chorch, followed by the iudy eommumon waa iiusa read by

    Principal Morton, who is as-sisting Mr. Ratcliffe in the W. S. S. sales, reports a gratifying re-sponse among the colored peo-ple of Prince William in this war duty.

    Special food conservation demonstrations and exhibitions aro to bo ligfricd «B at the schoartraent. Meridian College, Meridan, Tenn,

    Eighteen tuition scholarships in aradwrric courae, value $86

    ^f"'tlr6' Extension Department of the state and of the.U. S. Food Administration.

    Under the auspices of the State Department of Health, Dr. W. J. Innes, of Harrisonburg, delivered a course of five lectures

    each. VTavtr^y~-a£ Virginia, one

    for each of the fo^Iowjng states

    onMedical Inn^^artinn in Schools and Preventive Medicine to the stud^nt-teaehers at the Manas-

    Mr. Phillip M. Conley of the Bureau of Civilian Retief, Na^ ti/.i. uritln a reading whlchjwas highly ap-predaied. Tliere

    thai We hope to acquire in Ihn cartwumnaatjflft oEf^ita.iarai^a»ia^ Count no duty too,difficHtt and

    taiiClbd, if poesiUe, td exceed, that record for patriotism and loyalty tiiat we have^teade; that recoxd extrads from Crisptis Ai-tudcs to Privates Hem-y J tw noaggBg below the-afferage.-

    Parents in this k)cality deur-partment auperintendentajdnlt:("y TIIH^ VjnPiU Mark; home dppMtment»

    ed and raeisttred n u ^ aecure in-fonhatiMi regarding the natioii-al t«tt hit ^Mrmm^y,^ *lu, P r n » ^

    Fovth of Jaljr CcWktatieii.

    A Fourth of Jaiy.celd»ation waa given a^ytfie home of Mr. and Mm, Alhert Spwden oa Bat*- Emety

    The It

    BofBmg new as regards German Imitality couM have

    CaniMUan Ixwpitd, ship Lland-overy Castle was an onapeaka-

    Metlilng gained, he added, by talking

    fnlnesa *"Ihe wild beast is atJazge,"

    ter Nebon Speiden ofleiating. This ceremony was ftdlowed

    -by a patriotic ptofram tsrBHd=fimff childrea viaited in Stafford

    whe lives in thiLJteighborhood. xould not be p r a e n t a t the ser-vice owing to in health. He.] »» rnrnpn—rf «rf t.«y^|ty>ft mi however, had sent word to Dr, 'Woodward flxpreaaing hii plaaa- ^About i t ura that the new church was so hai^ily completed.

    00 use arguing or reasomng Thej>nly thing to do is

    to destroy it. That is the duty, and it is up to all the allies to Set their teeth until that end achieved."

    tk street yesterday taxxnfag. The i M ^ p a l feature of the eel-dHatton was the raising of Old

    MJTy Ersest Beid. vJ Gamp Lee last ^eek, adds one more star to the Greenwich' ser-vice flag.. ' '^ /<

    MP. Cufl Hanaborpiigh, of Washington, was a Gremwieh viator last Sunday. _ _ _ .

    Miss Fannie Nails is visiting in Baltinwre. .

    We are-gted JnJieam that lit-t^ Mima M«ry JaTm Niyrw, whn

    la i bgeajs tii^ SSE£ list fin-the past-wecdK, is improving. _

    Mr. G. H. ^a8hingt(»r was a

    WW. ^~ Mr. C. E. Hall sp&it Sunday

    wiui im i>MHiU,». J. w. niUL ^-MrrlWb^yt Les,~Tanfanaasaa,

    q > a t Smiday with h& piarents


    Messrs. W. C. Williams

    Misses Myrtle and Borothy If eiv refl.'Sunday.——=~-.

    AUA. cQsneB i/uisi 18 visiuny 2l2M»_th«^S|>«dfBnfc^^^ ^ ' ^ ^ ' ^ * " « * * « • Mrs. W, R B n c j . :

    «_--j ^_. . , in WkahingtoB thia week. ' - Mr. and Mra. J. F. Anderaoa

    tngs and music, following young

    in which the people took

    4MUS aad

    Mary EUzabeCh^KelaoB and- Vir- Msi^Sr&rWrSeys Sundiy: Speilfei,

    Houghton and Edwin Nelson and Maurice Smith. "Qie aadimGelhoine of Mr,

    friesds. Refreshm^^ were served

    and after the cefehratioo the young people sent to tiie Red

    is I Cress the sum of $S.76, obotrftf^ uted by those present.

    Sunday. Mr. Henry Anderson and son.

    iCK&anl, vntted at the home of

    Mr^aiid^Mi's. J. C. Dunn and Miss ArzuOah Dunn dalied at the

    R. S. Abdl Sunday.

    Bellhaven Bi^ytist second Sunday i^

    Rsvi services at Church _the July.

    All reported a fine time at thej^ — W. S. U'^terta inment F r i < ^ night at Forest Hill Schoc^.

    TIM N E W |>e Laval is tbe

    Dont fsfl to aten fai SBd M* tlM NSW !>• U ^ tk« Mxt t im aniatowb. V*«a S }«• art M* tat ttw awikMt fer • M M -


  • pj^r-w-WX^ THE MANASSAS iOl I I I J M ^ ] ^



    Ficadisli TniatBMnt of Snnrhron by. SabBUurfaM CpMtouaJer

    fonOwfl! ••nqrm&ny'a awful d ^ to the

    world contmuea To WtSS^ Axr-oth«r haspiUl ahip hjui l>«en tor<


    '> nSSBTTSBlAK

    UftsMMa PrcakytartM Cboreh. B«T.

    Atterd KriWiT, P«M««-Sunday—8«»d«r School »t 9:46 ••


    A German submarine 70 miles from the Irish coast on the night of June 27 torpedoed the 11,000-ton hospttri ship Llandovery Castle, which had been charter-ed by the Canadian government and had been in the service of carrying wounded and sick from England to Canada for many months past. The. ship was t̂ ien on her way to England, She had on board 25t̂ persona, including 80 men 'of the Cafta-dian army medical corps and fourteen female nurses. ,

    U^ 24 of those on board, including the-captain, have" SHrvived tlie treacherous attack, which came without wwming. ' False Ckaige by Han Captain.

    The submarine commander, who ordered the captain of the Llandovery Castle, several of his officers and Maj. Lyon, of the medical corps, aboaird, decl«:ed that he had sunk the ship be-cause she was carrying ,Ameri-can aviation officers and others in the fighting service of the al-lies.

    Swa thr "tu^^OD^^ people turMd adrift in their boats t6 sink or swim, as best they noight

    "And although, as it happen-ed, die was a Canadian hospital ship returning from Halifax, with no wounded aboard, the taletjf crime levealrwantSB de^ liberation on the part of the sub-mari^e-eoBunandar-and almost suggests the hope on his part that he would And ,her full of

    ijured and halpleas men. •The Llandovery Castle, E. A.'

    lylvester, master, was charter-the Canadian government

    tivgy ihtdr nick ami wound' «d f r ^ England to Halifax.

    "The Llandovery Castle had on board a total of 26aKper»PliW.


    Hie War-time Vahe olGpo4 Tires • U> r

    including 80 Canadian army medical corps men and fourteen female nurses. One boat, con-taining 24 survivoiB, has .reach-ed port so far.

    Could Not Mistake the Ship. It was during the night qdT

    June 27, ±owanri0:30, that ̂ iSe crime occurred- The Llandov-ery Castle, steaming on her

    He added to this laterl!^ course a*̂ aome fourteen knots.

    ooBtribote to war wofk tad Maka it ghre tba HmH of


    PreacWtrg sirf a»cr*mwit of t h ^

    Lord's S>q>]^«t ^H â "^ l ^ T ^ ^

    ohrUtUn End«av«r.»t 7:JJ0 p. « . S n h ^ . "All fw ChitaC-1 Our Abffitto«." .

    U^oa HiMKHtwy inMtiBS ft « P-B. ia tiM Bwtirt Choreh.

    m. S«bj«t, "N»tk>Ml Pro«i«ifty.tl»« Reaute ammrH ciNGBAil8r4hie4~PLAlN VOILES, hi t«ae.Hght Mae,

    the officer's strenaoua deaiala. The Germana evoi thraatiped to shoot Maj. LyoBSĵ jcojBtBBdfaĵ that he fighting unit, not a medkal offi-cer.

    aia. The admiralty report oo the

    thecaptaa'a hai been pMnd u^ ~'«ave.fer any of tiie ahip̂ a

    celnigaay -or tbte

    by the expkaian of the tnpedp. it ia dear that every oae set nw>Y. One of the amaP faoate.

    sinking deacribea the ferael treat ba>k far thaae last nviwt at MA«. LTOQ. and dedaraa atate. Bvt ahea a

    caUed. aeddent boata, waa h«ld

    meat of Maj- Lyon, and that'the vAamria^jtttet ing the veaiit, aheBed BL — . known target. wi|tgi» the repgrtaijHMi, on retarning to^deck. fooad

    afei^ Bat wkm aB the otfaeea away, the dvtaia went to

    hia uJdR far Jot eleetoe lo idr

    rrhe misaiag boata The captahi'a boat, caadaiaing,boat in En^sh:

    the survivors, was picked np by aide," it ordered the desttoyer Lyaander, the commander of which haa r^wrt-«d that he had f oond no trace of the remaining five boats.

    submarine hailed UM 'Conie aik>nf-[

    Thrsatcna Death to a u K v a s . T h e boat waa palling down to I ± up a drowning man The J (Continued oo Page Seven) ^^^

    a Naw 3tylaJBoafc df

    oBRaqvaat ' URHtntQB MTCfAlof tlMBIOttdi WUflll - wfa be wrnn lUs faU and^wMw I9

    itiachniiintlnt people luee, " Wi t t4 t^«r<

    fjMMrfluCv.tM ^t^

    Geo. D. Baker

    •eial. eeavi effeeta. Ight aMdi


    cvuy calor feaad hi the liac ef ^ahi wtth arhkh

    ilKa arc larftely aeed. llMqneaa alei be ased for majdm ap ^ whale drsas er far aipifaii wahrta. A£\^ A yard I V C

    KANN*S—SntBir FLOO«

    Laa AvB., aua ^ pRMipt tnmtiiMj^Mm all

    tfju iaiAUCca8KKTSjc^utm>'n sfort

    National War Savinga Day ia only one day; otnr men in ^tta Army and Navy have their day every day.

  • pTTSlIC S A L T ! By authority of « certain deed

    of trust from H. D. Gibson and wife to the undersigned trustee, dated the 13th day of December,

    rflice of. the Circuit Court of •rince WilHam County, Va., in Deed Book 64 and page 306 and the noted tharon securccl, I sell at public auction^ to the highest biddtr, in front of the courthouse of Prince William Counte, at Manassas, Va., on

    O B » « « i r *

    Up ft man fMM th& v̂ Atar. " "Orme alongside,' repeated

    the bruBQitf̂ yoice frym tlw sub-

    Tfre boat held on its way and forthwith two revolver shots were fired at or over it.

    "•Come alongside. I will

    ?S^l2'!?SJS«l:U«™^«™^'^'«'''^« lowing dMcribed tracts of land, to-wit:

    FIRST—579 acre^ more or less, beinr the swaejw^iwty- the man pltked up) was ordered conveyed to S. Eugene Foster by Ferman R. Homer and Marj' Homer by deed of date April 21, 1911, of record in tiie clerk's of-fice ef Priae» William County, Va., in Deed Book 61, page 24.

    SECOND—143 acres of land, more or leas, being the same property conveyed to S. Eugene 9mter-hr'Smai» M. Bargor, by deed of April 20, I9IO, recorded

    s, in Deed in the same clerk's Book 60. page 512. —THIRD—Xbree (8) pareds of landi cohtaihmg together 4j£'< acres, more or less, and two (2) parcels of land, containing 292* acres and 23 V̂ perches, as ap-pearing aa by deed of date March 27, 1907, from A. T. Holtsman and W. C. Wibert and wife to O. D. Foster and, 3. Eu-gene Foster of record in same clerk's office in Deed Book 56, iwge 267, containing aggregated acres of all the said bacts of l a n d ^ IMi acres and 28V^ povhes, more ^i^lesa, tpgetfasr with all im|»reTemeftts thereon, irights and privileges incident thereto.

    . TERMS OF SALE.—Gash saffleient ^ pay off baluice doe

    eat from Noveniber 28, 1913, taxes and coats ca sale.

    TEis1l~a valuable tract of land sftii8ted,aJi>out, seveo tiaieAirom two n^road statiiaia on the Southei^: railroad,-' in Prince William County. Va. -The tract contains much valiuible t^ber, a hurge number of railroad ties, und is estiinated to contaiik a laolie amoimt of pulp wood.

    For .further infairmation write ' te- tJK mdeanlgiied

    Attorney at La«^ Frederteb-bart, VK-

    HOSITT-rv rr.#«**St?NK BY

    u PMge Six) (CoatiiiUtn*

    second officer ~Stoe was, tgid thprip %aa -one.

    D. GOBDOS GOULDMAN, 5-t8 Trtutee.

    BI6B GRASS 9EBD. cfms ftrtha

    •INT a a L ANO BUC^t.^ai& HALL SSnkTB

    FARSfS BPWARD GQGKBKT l̂f. lfaHU«fr.

    — P. O, Nofcca^m^ Ta.. '. - . J. K08S UNTNm,

    CshiMnrilWi, Va. lAKiUSOft'S YVLUm •

    HAKKisoir» wmm AB ttani

    captain.-" 'Yes'—-the commander did

    not attempt Ito appear surprised —'but you are carrying ei£iit American flight officers.'

    " 'We are not,' repUed the captain. 'We have seven Cana-dian medical officers on bdard. The ship was chartered by the Canadian government to carry side and woimdied Canadians frbqi Ehifl^d to Canada.'

    "To the submarine comman-der's reiterated:. "You have been cartying Ai officers,* he.added, *i have been runninK to Canada .-fof six monti U 6 N . UiMoa Steeat.

    canteen saved him. .. :̂ "After abusing my heavy

    pack ^ ixtoieh as I.have, it'saved gay hfe, I suroose. After I re-gained jnyswaes I stufed for ward bat was "waged deiwai a g slung BSy pack and placed.it just in front-of me. You. could hear the bullets play a tune on it and my hebnet ,Lay these until af-. tor dark and crawled, into a lit-tle hole where there* waa a

    -ALEXAmCtRIA. v a

    it Wast. m two places

    with my first-aid. Shells were| bursting eyeryviikere luttil about lb:$a p, m. HMS I erawktd fo~ a-first-«id statidD. where .1 was

    'bandagpd. -".." '"; '- • 'AT'taofninif^ was

    sud Jas. Luck, sr., of J. B. Nor-man and wife.

    FM* further, information, ap-ply to the ondersignda trasteea. .


    7-4 -" ' Troateet.

    ?5Rector & Co. HAYMARKCT, VA.


    away ia an ambolaaee. It is atin^ woodeifal tiw way I have been treated.daee.: (Jade-Sam certaittiy has this igrat^ in good fnnimig dMer.

    . * C | M ^ k |,MB g i l l II

    Lots of .myjeomrades wtatt *weef and icHte more eame to 'bligbty' with me. but voa should wbatyte did lu Heine. He l ^ n ^ torwtt ttat doae for a k»g time."

    Corporal Galloway ia with the sevanly-Blnth comp^^, Six& iigiMiiit 'ot luat'lncB, atatioiied at

  • rp*|y:i.Gffr HAYMARKEIL- , The tiarcontaiiied eleven'stars [sas, was a ijuest at uaKS^ade,

    . a«d repre«mta(| 4he foltowmg the home of Mr, G. W. Shu-lay, Ueut. Wade C. Payne, M. D..'boy8 and young men, given «*^ on Thursday night of laat week.

    spent th€ week-end at his home cording ta) their enhr" i^i-*-Mrs. PRyne,B sist^s, Misa

    Bany, Inc



    "Guy Wood are visitpri at "Mill Park."

    Mrs. Alfred Tawresy with her little daughter, Marie Hall Taw-resey, has joined the family par-ty at "Shirley." Paymaster Thom Williamson, tJ. S. N., and Mrs. Williamson, were recent guests at "Shirley."

    Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Walfer have returned from their f̂ed-ding trip, and are making their home with Miss Hulfish.

    Mrs. F. B..fti?e haa hkd 0 ^ cial notice oi iha —ff arriTll over seas of h « wm, SergeaSf

    - P. M- ftice. • Mr Hraily H. Dodge has en-

    listed in the U. S. Naval Marine Corps, and is in camp at Paris Island. , . -—

    The Haymarket Branch of the American Red Cross now has a »>^nihpr«hî of 180, which ,in-cludes iiew members and thoae who have renewed their mein

    XGariand Sp»k«r~enU8ted in ^he U. S. Navy April, 1917, and is now aboard the Louisiana.

    Lieutenant Walter A. Rich-ards, entered training camp at Ft. McPherson, Ga., May 15, 1917; received his commission as 2nd lieutenant during sum-mer; was promoted to Ist lieu-tenant and acting adjutant Jan., 1918; sailed for France April, 1918.

    Chas. Woods Adams, enlisted in U. S. Navy Sept., 1917, was put on S. si. Pittsburg about^ari. 1,1918^ and ia now on the w i ^ .

    yimcr-ThmtiftH AvTff. finlJHted in the Navrî Reserve Fom* Jan., 1918, and is s1^ dbih{( d^rieid woric In WasUngtoot. but expects soon to be called out for active service.' ". - -

    ^yr̂ M^H. RichMTds, enitHtpd in 'Aviation Oxip* and is studying meteorolpgy in Texas ITnlyef-sity vn^ expeHw tagBL-ta ui a'ahort Jime as adentific 6b-

    bership for 1929^ still quite a tinmher

    ^Si^eet who n»

    doubt consider theioaselves mem-

    server of weather oohditiona for

    bers and intend'to renew. The attaidai>ce at the surgi-

    cal dressing work room is very good; 2,50a4res8iBg8 were made injune, wid a large s h ^ u n ^ of the same,, as'well as^bedslurts and knitted artidee, *riU b« made, as soon as division head-quarters are located . in their new quarters. :

    Mr. E. R. Rectoi- has kindly donated th2€;0 -,

    r M i «

    rooms over his store Iwilding.for the use of .theL^HByrnafgef Branch.. One' o f wfiScE will be used exclusivdy

    Lee within the past w e ^ Owing to the rain, the «idi-

    ence^af tte iniBBaOTi«ry-raee4to|r last'Wednesday was small, bat i^whoeifflie were highly rq;>aid for coming. Mra. Raddiffe gave us fin excellent .talk on seed, i a the. morning, and •«[ the after-non Miss McGuei)i gave an excel-lent talk on_Japfn; she had been a teachte in' Japan for several .years and knows many thingB of

    interest. ladies' ec6tume~fei

    She had^a Jî iMUseK I

    O $5e(X)


    OVER OXFCMty SHOBS $4.98.

    Not a shoe la the lot thai ga» be •if

    boogfat today Aid soM f