QM Management   SAP BASIS  ABAP FICO MM HR PP BW XI NetWeaver  SD JOBS QM Showing posts with a!e QM Workflow" Show a posts Showing posts with a!e QM Workflow" Show a posts Sunday, November 11, 2007 QM Workflow For Material Setup  Here is the QM wor#$ow $or %ateria set&p $ro% !eginning '(reation o$ new %ateria n&%!er) to en* 'generate a COA $or a ship%ent eaving the pant)" +his *oes not in(&*e Q&ait, Noti$i(ations" SA QM !onfi"uration Most %aterias re-&ire S(enario One" So%e %aterias aso re-&ire S(enario +w o" +hese two S(enarios together are the B&siness Pro(ess Fow $ro% the initia %ateria (reation to the $ina ship%ent o$ $inishe* pro*&(t with asso(iate* QM *o(&%entation $or the (&sto%er" S(enario One . /se* $or %aterias whi(h re-&ire an inspe(tion" +his genera, appies to in. pro(ess an* $inishe* goo*s %aterias" In so%e (ases it appies to raw %aterias" +he steps $or the %ost part are iste* in se-&entia or*er0 at ho&gh so%e parts %a, !e optiona $or (ertain (ases" 1") MM23 . Materia Master0 Stor age 4iew 3") MM23 . Inspe(tion +, pe 5") C6210 C6230 C625 Materia Cass 7") C632N 'C632) . Ao(ate Materia to Cass 8") QS510 QS530 QS550 QS57 . Inspe(tion Metho*s 9") C+27 . Cass 'or :enera) Chara(teristi( s ':C) ;") QS310 QS330 QS35 . Master Inspe(tion Chara(teristi( s 'MIC) <") QP210 QP230 QP25 . Inspe(tion Pan =") QS910 QS93 . Materia Spe(i$i(ations 'o!soete) 12") C3210 C323 . Master Re(ipe S(enario +w o . /se* $or Materias whi(h aso re-&ire a &sage *e(ision0 !at(h sear(h strateg,0 an* (erti$i(ate o$ ana,sis 'CoA)" +his genera, appies to $inishe* goo*s %aterias" +he steps $or the %ost part are iste* in se-&entia or*er0 atho&gh so%e parts %a, !e optiona $or (ertain (ases" 11") 4CH10 4CH30 4CH5 . Bat(h Sear(h Strateg,

Qm Work Flow

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7/25/2019 Qm Work Flow

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QM Management   SAP  BASIS  ABAP  FICO  MM  HR  PP  BW  XI  NetWeaver   SD  JOBS  QM 

Showing posts with a!e QM Workflow" Show a posts 

Showing posts with a!e QM Workflow" Show a postsSunday, November 11, 2007

QM Workflow For Material Setup 

Here is the QM wor#$ow $or %ateria set&p $ro% !eginning '(reation o$ new %ateria n&%!er) toen* 'generate a COA $or a ship%ent eaving the pant)" +his *oes not in(&*e Q&ait,Noti$i(ations"

SA QM !onfi"uration 

Most %aterias re-&ire S(enario One" So%e %aterias aso re-&ire S(enario +wo" +hese twoS(enarios together are the B&siness Pro(ess Fow $ro% the initia %ateria (reation to the $inaship%ent o$ $inishe* pro*&(t with asso(iate* QM *o(&%entation $or the (&sto%er"

S(enario One . /se* $or %aterias whi(h re-&ire an inspe(tion" +his genera, appies to in.pro(ess an* $inishe* goo*s %aterias" In so%e (ases it appies to raw %aterias" +he steps $or the%ost part are iste* in se-&entia or*er0 atho&gh so%e parts %a, !e optiona $or (ertain (ases"

1") MM23 . Materia Master0 Storage 4iew

3") MM23 . Inspe(tion +,pe

5") C6210 C6230 C625 Materia Cass

7") C632N 'C632) . Ao(ate Materia to Cass

8") QS510 QS530 QS550 QS57 . Inspe(tion Metho*s

9") C+27 . Cass 'or :enera) Chara(teristi(s ':C)

;") QS310 QS330 QS35 . Master Inspe(tion Chara(teristi(s 'MIC)

<") QP210 QP230 QP25 . Inspe(tion Pan

=") QS910 QS93 . Materia Spe(i$i(ations 'o!soete)

12") C3210 C323 . Master Re(ipe

S(enario +wo . /se* $or Materias whi(h aso re-&ire a &sage *e(ision0 !at(h sear(h strateg,0an* (erti$i(ate o$ ana,sis 'CoA)" +his genera, appies to $inishe* goo*s %aterias" +he steps $orthe %ost part are iste* in se-&entia or*er0 atho&gh so%e parts %a, !e optiona $or (ertain(ases"

11") 4CH10 4CH30 4CH5 . Bat(h Sear(h Strateg,

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13") QC210 QC230 QC25 . Certi$i(ate Set&p

15") QC180 QC190 QC1; . CoA Assign%entPoste* !, a!ap a i ve a t 8>31 AM 2 (o%%ents  

6a!e s > QM Wor#$ ow 

Newer Posts O*er Posts Ho%e 

S&!s(ri!e to> Posts 'Ato%) 


• ? 322; '55)

o ? Nove%!er  '55)

/se QM %o*&e $or ISO 

Pro(e*&re For So&r(e Inspe(tion  What is So&r(e Inspe(tion 

How to *o So&r(e Inspe(tion in QM 

Inspe(tion 6ot in Inventor, Move%ent 

QM Inspe(tion +,pe $or SD Deiver, in Ret&rne* :oo""" 

QM Inspe(tion %etho* printing 

Q&ait, Certi$i(ate 

QA> Ma#e@B&, Materia . Inspe(tion Pro!e% 

Reverse :oo*s Re(eipt Postings or :RN Fro% Inspe(t""" 

Settings Re-&ire* $or a Materia Inspe(tion 

QM view in %ateria %aster  

Maintaining the Materia Master Data 

QM in Pro*&(tion 

Bat(h Manage%ent . Bat(h Cass$i(ation Con$ig&rati""" 

 A**ing tra Fie* On Noti$i(ation 

4en*or Bo(#e* $or Q&ait, Reasons 

Cai!ration o$ test e-&ip%ent 

So&tion $or wrong (on$ir%ation an* wrong &sage *e""" 

De$ine Stat&s o$ S&pp, Reationships 

De$ine QM S,ste%s 

De$ine Do(&%ent +,pes in sap -% 

De$ine Deiver, Bo(# 

De$ine e,s $or Certi$i(ate Pro(essing 

Contro e, $or Q&ait, Manage%ent in Pro(&re%ent 

6ist o$ SAP QM +ransa(tion Co*es 3  6ist o$ SAP QM +ransa(tion Co*es 1 

I%portant QM +a!es 

Main F&n(tions o$ QM F&n(tiona Cons&tant 

Feat&res an* Bene$its o$ SAP QM 

Intro*&(ing QM in Pro(&re%ent 

QM Wor#$ow For Materia Set&p 

Overview o$ Q&ait, Manage%ent 

Page 3: Qm Work Flow

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• Feat&res n !eni$its '1)

• ISO '1)

• QM $&n(tions '1)

• QM In 6ogisti(s '11)

• QM In Pro(&re%ent '1)

• QM IN pro*&(tion '5)

• QM Inventor, posting ';)

• QM +.Co*es '1)

• QM +a!es '1)

• -% t(o*es '1)

• QM Wor#$ow '1)

• Q&ait, Mngt '1)

• So&r(e Inspe(tion '5)

S%#& S#A#%S#%!S



RSS Fee* '%) 



S i t e D e s i g n > C h a r % S # i n s