QMPs for Large D-B & D-B-B Projects Brown Bag

Qm ps for large db dbb projects

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QMPs for Large D-B & D-B-B ProjectsBrown Bag


“… If it is signed by George Little, then it is a requirement not a guideline.”

(Bill Raleigh 2012)

QMP is a Project Requirement

Project Quality Management Plan is:• An extension of our internal protocols• Tailored to meet project requirements• Contract requirement

FTA Denver RTD D-B

Company vs. Project


We typically refer to our internal QC processes as “QC Reviews”.


At the project level, we distinguish between Checks and Reviews.• Detail Checking• Constructability Review• Crossdisciplinary Review• Technical Review

Design Quality Management Plan

• Quality Statement - “Quality is the responsibility of each person working on the Project”

• Quality Goal - “… produce deliverables in a well-defined and systematic fashion that meet the contract requirements”

• Quality Objectives - training, submittal reviews, etc.

Design Quality Management Plan

• Narrative• Appendices

Design Control Procedures Forms and Tools List of Deliverables

ISO Compliant

ISO Certified

FTA Compliant

Design Quality Management Plan

Design Control Procedureso DCPR-01 Quality Records

o DCPR-02 Checking of Reports and Studies

o DCPR-03 Checking of Calculations

o DCPR-04 Independent Design Check

o DCPR-05 Checking of Drawings

o DCPR-06 Checking of Input to Computer Programs

o DCPR-07 Checking of Special Provisions

o DCPR-08 Spreadsheet Checking

o DCPR-09 Revisions to Released for Construction Documents

o DCPR-10 Computer Software

o DCPR-11 Constructability and Cross Disciplinary Reviews

o DCPR-12 Quality Control Reviews

o DCPR-13 Design Quality Assurance Audits

o DCPR-14 As-Built Documents

o DCPR-15 Corrective and Preventive Actions

o DCPR-16 Parallel Model Checking

More on the way!

Detail Checking

• Not performed until production toward

a milestone is complete.• Checker is independent of the Originator.• Checker shall not have developed any portion

of the deliverable being checked.• Our work needs to be readable.• Be clear what the intent is.• Spelling counts!

oh, so that is an “H”

Detail Checking

• Rechecker must confirm the edit on a hard copy!

First Page Only: Design Package No. or Description

No. Date

CHECK PRINT Dwg. Only: Checked against calcs. and calc. check confirmed by _________ Date ________

Originator Date

Checker Date

Backchecker Date

Updater Date

Rechecker Date

The Checker and Rechecker must be independent from the Originator, Backchecker and Updater.

The Checker and Rechecker do not have to be the same person, but it is preferred,

Originator, Checker and Backchecker always required. Updater and Rechecker based on Checker’s red lines.


A color coding system is used for marking on a Check Print to identify various actions to be taken and to identify the various stages of the checking process. We can tailor to a client requirement or project preference, but our internal color coding is: Yellow is used by the Checker to indicate agreement.

Red is used by the Checker to mark-up corrections, changes and additions.

Red is also used by the Backchecker to indicate approval (√) or disapproval (x) of Checker's mark-ups.

Yellow is also used by the Updater to indicate that changes to the original drawing have been made.

Green checkmark (√) is used by the Rechecker to verify that the changes made to the original drawing are correct. A green checkmark (√) is used by the Rechecker to verify that the changes agreed not to be made are not made.

***** Blue or (blue) cloud is used for non-record comments or instructions. *****

Non-record questions, for example, need to be answered in blue. If there is an action by the Backchecker, Updater and Rechecker, then the QC process is followed on the comment. If the comment results in a “significant” correction or addition to the document, then a check print with the change specifically checked is required.

The same color coding is used for all documents and by all members of the design team.

Constructability Reviews

The Contractor can help

see problems:

Crossdisciplinary Reviews

Looking for conflicts


Technical Reviews

Project Requirements;

Standard of Care; Industry



Responses are Important

“There aren’t any utilities on that side of the road;

so put the pole wherever you want”.

Responses are Important

“Just do what it shows on

the drawing!”

Quality Assurance

DQCM will:• Create DQMP• Perform review of QC Documentation• Review submittal prior to submittal• Certify QC performed per DQMP• Perform internal audits, report the results

and resolve nonconformances

May be required to have ASQ, or equal,


Oversights Happen

Don’t beat yourself up; there is a

reason we perform checks

and reviews.


David Irish, PE, CMQ/[email protected](208) 387-7004 off(208) 869-1197 cell