QC Competency

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  • 8/10/2019 QC Competency


    Set - I

    1. Consider that you want to smoke test the login functionality of an online application. You build a test set to include teststhat validate the login functionality. You build another test set to include tests that verify the login functionality in a particularwindows environment. This test set includes tests that validate the login functionality on different windows OS. Do you thinkthis approach is right and it tests all aspects of the online application?




    2. Consider a test and its instance. A defect is associated with the test instance. During the testing process, the associationbetween the test instance and the defect is removed. Does any association still exist between the test and the defect?



    1417063 3 2 1 Consider a test a

    3. Why do you create a release tree?

    A.To define the framework of releases

    B.To define the workflow for the project

    C.To define the requirements hierarchy

    D.To define the test plan for the release

    1417064 3 3 1 Why do you crea

    4. In designing a test, where can you specify parameters? (Select two)

    A. Call to testB. Test NameC. Step NameD. DescriptionE. Expected Result





    1417065 3 4 1 In designing a tes

    5. As the project administrator of a project that is linked to a template project, what can you do? Same as 541

    A.Synchronize project customizations with the linked template project on demand

  • 8/10/2019 QC Competency


    B.Roll back project customizations if problems are detected

    C.Request suspension of template customizations being applied

    D.Run verification prior to synchronization with the template project

    1417066 3 5 1 As the project ad

    6. You are the QA manager and your team found many defects in the asset management application. There was inconsistencyin the defects management process. Hence, you created following rules to track defects raised by your team in quality center:

    A.Only the QA manager can set defects to CLOSED

    B.All defects in your project should start with a NEW status.

    C.Defects cannot be closed without first being verified/fixed

    D.All the above

    E.None of the above

    1417067 3 6 1 You are the QA

    7. In the Requirements module, you create _______ by selecting tests to link to a requirement


    B.Requirements coverage

    C.Test coverage


    1417068 3 7 1 In the Requireme

    8. A project manager can generate a defect report to collate information regarding the new, open and re-open defects logged inquality center. Similarly QC graphs help us to analyze the progress of the project. Which graph shows the history of changes tospecific fields over a specific period?




    9. Which statements about linking defects are true? Select two.

    A. Linking defects enables you to link only one entity of any type to one defect.

    B. Linking defects enables you to use History to search for defects with no known links.C. Linking defects enables you to link multiple entities of the same type to the same defect.D. Linking defects enables you to search defects that are related to specific Quality Center entities.



  • 8/10/2019 QC Competency




    1417070 3 9 1 Which statement

    10. The software development team has developed Release 4.0 of the online banking application. They haveenhanced the functionality of the Transfer funds. There is a necessity to test the existing functionality of theTransfer funds to ensure that it continues to function as before. While analyzing the impact of a changeproposed in a specific requirement. Which option present in Quality center helps you to identify the otherrequirements that the change might affect?



    C.Impact analysis

    D.None of the above

    1417071 3 10 1 The softw are de

    11. The Online banking application requires that users must be able to access the application for at least 23hours a day. If the application stops working, it has a negative impact on your business. The availability of theonline banking application is a highly critical requirement. Which process is involved here?

    A.Failure probability

    B.Impact analysis

    C.Establish business Criticality

    D.None of the above.

    1417072 3 11 1 The Online banki

    12. When should you use a private favorite view for defects?

    A.Need one more

    B.Use for private sessions of Quality Center

    C.Use for data on which only you are working

    D. Use for data on which your group is working

    1417073 3 12 1 When should you

    !ldcConnNull! 1 !ldcConnNull! 49852 516900 66914

    57C90B78-4852- 0 QA.Testing Proc 30 4 3

    30 43:50 45 7A73DBB5-A990 43:43 0

  • 8/10/2019 QC Competency


    True 4624,4608,4273, 1 False



    1 False

    13. A defect D1 has linked to a requirement R1, R1 has two child requirements. Will the D1 be inherited by the childrequirements of R1?




    1417074 3 13 1 A defect D1 has14. What is required to create a Baseline Report?

    A.The baseline must support the history template.

    B.All report sections must support test configurations.

    C.All report sections must support baselines.

    D.The baseline must support the standard template.

    1417075 3 14 1 What is required

    15. Your project manager wants you to use an existing set of requirements and tests across five projects in your organization.Which function should you use to accomplish this?





    1417076 3 15 1 Your project man

    16. What is the test type that is not listed by default when planning your tests in adding a test in the Test Plan module?


    B.Business process


  • 8/10/2019 QC Competency





    1417077 3 16 1 What is the test t

    17. In Quality Center, Folders can contain subfolders, and each subfolders can contain further subfolders. How many maximumsubfolders can a folder contain?



    C.None of the above

    1417078 3 17 1 In Quality Center,

    18. After you install the Excel add-in, what is the first step that you need to perform to export data from excel to quality center?

    A.Format the data in excel.

    B.Highlight the data in excel.

    C.Review the exported data in QC and make the necessary additions and adjustments.

    D.From the excel menu bar, select tools->export to quality center.

    1417079 3 18 1 After you install t

    19. How can you verify that the Excel add-in is successfully installed?

    A.Quality Center-> Tools -> Export to Quality Center

    B.Excel Spreadsheet -> Tools -> Export to Quality Center

    C.Quality Center -> Tools -> Import to Duality Center

    D.Excel Spreadsheet -> Tools -> Import to Quality Center

    1417080 3 19 1 How can you ve

    20. What happens if a user tries to delete a representative requirement?

    A.The deletion succeeds. The requirement coverage of the model entity is lost .

    B.The deletion fails. The representative requirements are read-only and are therefore protected from deletion.

    C. The deletion fails. The representative requirement is automatically made read-only, and an alert is optionallytriggered.

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    D.The deletion succeeds. The representative requirement is moved to the obsolete folder

    21. The software development team has developed Release 4.0 of the online banking application. Theyhave enhanced the functionality of the Transfer funds in the release 4.0. There is a necessity to test theexisting functionality of the Transfer funds to ensure that it continues to function as before. Your managerwants you to test the functionality to ensure that the process meets all the quality requirements defined forit. What will be your first step to test the Transfer fund functionality?

    A.Create requirements that specify the functional and performance metrics of the functionality.

    B. Add traceability links between requirements to ensure that any changes to a requirement areupdated in the related requirements.

    C. Create a release tree that includes testing cycles for testing the new features, existing featuresand performance metrics of the functionality.

    1417082 3 21 1 The softw are de

    22. There might be situations when you want to add attachments to a cycle. For e.g. you use MS Excel to plan

    the time and resource estimates for a release and you want to attach this spreadsheet to a cycle within therelease for developers to track time. What are the default types of attachments that you can add?

    A.Snapshot, Clipboard image, URL, File and System properties

    B.Test plans, URL, File, System properties and Release versions

    C.Clipboard image, Snapshot, File, Linked requirements and Test plans

    1417083 3 22 1 There might be si

    23. While reviewing new defects, if duplicate defects appear in the project, change their status to either ____,or delete them from the project.




    D.Both A & B

    1417084 3 23 1 While review ing

    24. Consider a test with the name test_01. Let us assume that requirement R_01 is associated with test_01. Adefect_01 is linked to R_01 is now associated with test_01. Now there are three instances of test_01 in threedifferent test sets. When an instance of this test is executed in any of the three test sets, will the defect_01 be

    directly linked to that particular test instance?




  • 8/10/2019 QC Competency


    1417085 3 24 1 Consider a test

    !ldcConnNull! 1 !ldcConnNull! 49852 516900 66914

    57C90B78-4852- 0 QA.Testing Proc 30 4 6

    30 42:01 45 7A73DBB5-A990 41:53 0

    True 4624,4608,4273, 1 False



    1 False

    25. What are the default mandatory fields present while specifying the Cycle details in the releases module?

    A.Start date, end date and description

    B.Start date, Duration and Target Cycle

    C.Target Cycle and Cycle description

    1417086 3 25 1 What are the def

  • 8/10/2019 QC Competency


    26. Which feature determines the good, bad, or warning level for a KPI?


    B.Scope item


    D.KPI type

    1417087 3 26 1 Which feature de

    27. You need to generate a report to monitor requirements and test coverage. Which report type should you use to accomplishthis? (Select two.)

    A. StandardB. PredefinedC. Non-standardD. Non-customizedE. Custom





    1417088 3 27 1 You need to gen

    28. Once you have created a test plan tree containing the main test subjects, you are ready to create ____.

    A. Tests


    C.Sub Modules

    D.Sub Plans

    29. Select from below an example of set additional test set properties

    A.Schedule execution date and time

    B. Define rules that specify the number of test re-runs and cleanup tasks that need to be performed when anautomated test fails

    C.Both A & B

    D.None of the above

    1417090 3 29 1 Select from belo

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    30. Which view of the requirements module enables you to edit multiple requirements?

    A.Requirement Grid view

    B.Requirement detail view

    C.Both A & B

    1417091 3 30 1 Which view of th

    Set- III

    1.Each Quality Center module, except releases module, has an analysis menu



    1417425 3 1 1 Each Quality Cen

    2. Consider that the online banking application has an existing feature to print the savings account statement. To test thisexisting functionality, you assign a requirement to a cycle that tests the overall functionality of the online banking application. Dowe need to assign requirements to a cycle that tests only new features?



    1417428 3 2 1 Consider that the

    3. You can automatically create tests based directly on your requirements in the Requirements module.



    1417411 3 3 1 You can automat

    4. In Quality center, you know that a test in your test plan might fail, but you want to ensure that the other tests still continue toexecute, you should:

    A.Disconnect the test from the flow

    B.Ensure that the execution condition running into the test is set to FINISHED

    C.Ensure that the execution condition running into the test is set to PASSED

    5. Your project manager wants to see a list of test instances and the results. Which type of report should you create to

  • 8/10/2019 QC Competency


    accomplish this?

    A.Cross Test Set


    C.Test Plan

    D.Execution Status

    1417417 3 5 1 Your project man

    6. Quality center consists of the following test execution elements, which you use to provide information about test sets:

    A.Execution grid, Execution flow and Linked defects

    B.Live analysis, Execution grid, Graph of selected and Linked requirements

    C. Execution Grid, Execution flow and Linked defects

    D.Linked defects, Execution grid, Execution flow, Test set properties and live analysis

    1417432 3 6 1 Quality center co

    7. As the project administrator of a project that is linked to a template project, what can you do?

    A.Synchronize project customizations with the linked template project on demand

    B.Roll back project customizations if problems are detected

    C. Request suspension of template customizations being applied

    D.Run verification prior to synchronization with the template project

    1417408 3 7 1 As the project ad

    8. While reviewing new defects, if duplicate defects appear in the project, change their status to either ____, or delete them fromthe project.




    D.Both A & B

    9. What are the two different ways in which grid filter helps us to organize the defect grid?

    A. Use entry boxes under each field heading in grid filter to select the criteria for filtering the data in the defects gridB. Use the Clear Filter/Sort button to first clear the default settings and then use the Filter dialog box to set a filter condition

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    C.Use the Filter dialog box to set a filter condition

    A.A, C

    B.A, B

    C.B, C

    1417420 3 9 1 What are the tw o

    10. Consider a test and its instance. A defect is associated with the test instance. During the testing process, the associationbetween the test instance and the defect is removed. Does any association still exist between the test and the defect?



    1417421 3 10 1 Consider a test a

    11. The software development team has developed Release 4.0 of the online banking application. They have enhanced thefunctionality of the Transfer funds. There is a necessity to test the existing functionality of the Transfer funds to ensure that itcontinues to function as before. While analyzing the impact of a change proposed in a specific requirement. Which optionpresent in Quality center helps you to identify the other requirements that the change might affect?



    C.Impact analysis


    None of the above1417429 3 11 1 The softw are de

    12. Which statement is true about the important guidelines for running automated tests?

    A.Run a test concurrently on multiple hosts; dont add multiple instances of the test to your test set.

    B.Run the same test set concurrently on multiple hosts, set and execute an individual test run for each test set

    C.You can set a test to run on a remote host group to ensure that the test runs on every host in the group.


    None of the above.13. A project manager can generate a defect report to collate information regarding the new, open and re-open defects logged inquality center. Similarly QC graphs help us to analyze the progress of the project. Which graph shows the history of changes tospecific fields over a specific period?



  • 8/10/2019 QC Competency



    1417436 3 13 1 A project manag

    14. What is the relationship between requirements, releases, and cycles?

    A.Requirements, releases, and cycles can be assigned to libraries.

    B.Libraries can be assigned to requirements, releases, and cycles.

    C.Releases and cycles are used for version control of requirements.

    D.Requirements can be assigned to releases and cycles.

    1417415 3 14 1 What is the relati

    15. A manual test started but did not complete the test run. Which feature will allow you to proceed with the test run?

    A.Cancel Run

    B.Run Manually

    C.Repeat Begin Run

    D.Continue Manual Run

    1417414 3 15 1 A manual test sta

    16. Which view of the requirements module enables you to edit multiple requirements?

    A.Requirement Grid view

    B.Requirement detail view

    C.Both A & B

    17. You need to generate a report to monitor requirements and test coverage. Which report type should you use to accomplishthis? (Select two.)

    A. StandardB. PredefinedC. Non-standardD. Non-customizedE. Custom




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    1417418 3 17 1 You need to gen

    18. In Quality Center, Folders can contain subfolders, and each subfolders can contain further subfolders. How many maximumsubfolders can a folder contain?



    C.None of the above

    1417431 3 18 1 In Quality Center,

    19. What is the best practice for running an automated test simultaneously on multiple remote hosts?

    A.Adding multiple instances of the test, selecting a host for each instance

    B.Running a test separately on each of the multiple remote hosts

    C.Running a test set sequentially on each of the multiple remote hosts

    D.Using the Host Manager Wizard to configure hosts and run tests and test sets

    1417407 3 19 1 What is the best

    20. What are the default mandatory fields present while specifying the Cycle details in the releases module?

    A.Start date, end date and description

    B.Start date, Duration and Target Cycle

    C.Target Cycle and Cycle description

    17. You need to generate a report to monitor requirements and test coverage. Which report type should you use to accomplishthis? (Select two.)

    A. StandardB. PredefinedC. Non-standardD. Non-customizedE.Custom





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    C.To define the requirements hierarchy

    D.To define the test plan for the release

    1417419 3 22 1 Why do you crea

    23. Consider that the software development line of business (LOB) of an organization is developing version 10.5 of the onlinebanking application for a specified bank. Version 10.0 of the same software already exists and enables a user to perform basiconline banking transactions. In Version 10.5 of the banking application, new functionality such as linking savings and sharetrading accounts is provided. In Quality Center, a version of an application is referred to?

    A.Test set Instance



    D.None of the above

    1417423 3 23 1 Consider that the

    24. Which statements about linking defects are true? Select two.

    A. Linking defects enables you to link only one entity of any type to one defect.B. Linking defects enables you to use History to search for defects with no known links.C. Linking defects enables you to link multiple entities of the same type to the same defect.D. Linking defects enables you to search defects that are related to specific Quality Center entities .





    25. Your project manager wants you to use an existing set of requirements and tests across five projects in your organization.Which function should you use to accomplish this?





    1417416 3 25 1 Your project man

    26. Select from below an example of set additional test set properties

    A.Schedule execution date and time

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    B. Define rules that specify the number of test re-runs and cleanup tasks that need to be performed when an automatedtest fails

    C.Both A & B

    D.None of the above

    1417430 3 26 1 Select from belo

    27. Which feature determines the good, bad, or warning level for a KPI?


    B.Scope item


    D.KPI type

    1417409 3 27 1 Which feature de

    28. The software development team has developed Release 4.0 of the online banking application. They have enhanced thefunctionality of the Transfer funds in the release 4.0. There is a necessity to test the existing functionality of the Transfer funds toensure that it continues to function as before. Your manager wants you to test the functionality to ensure that the process meetsall the quality requirements defined for it. What will be your first step to test the Transfer fund functionality?

    A.Create requirements that specify the functional and performance metrics of the functionality.

    B. Add traceability links between requirements to ensure that any changes to a requirement are updated in the relatedrequirements.

    C. Create a release tree that includes testing cycles for testing the new features, existing features and performancemetrics of the functionality.

    29. While testing the online banking application, you wanted to schedule few tests to be run based on the execution completionstatus of other tests and also want to schedule regression tests to run after office hours. Which feature from below best fit toaccomplish this task?

    A.Test plan module

    B.Execution Grid tab

    C.Execution flow tab

    1417433 3 29 1 While testing the

    30. In the Online banking application, Funds Transfer involves transferring money from one account to another and paying bills.What kind of requirements you need to create from following:1. Business Requirement2. Functional Requirement3. Testing Requirement4. Performance Requirement

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    A.1 & 2

    B.1, 2 & 3

    C.1, 3 & 4

    D.1 & 3


    1. In designing a test, where can you specify parameters? (Select two)

    A. Call to testB. Test NameC. Step NameD. DescriptionE. Expected Result





    1417448 3 1 1 In designing a tes

    2. Consider that you want to smoke test the login functionality of an online application. You build a test set to include tests thatvalidate the login functionality. You build another test set to include tests that verify the login functionality in a particular windowsenvironment. This test set includes tests that validate the login functionality on different windows OS. Do you think this approachis right and it tests all aspects of the online application?




    1417461 3 2 1 Consider that yo

    3. Your project manager wants to see a list of test instances and the results. Which type of report should you create toaccomplish this?

    A.Cross Test Set

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    C.Test Plan

    D.Execution Status

    1417447 3 3 1 Your project man

    4. In the Online banking application, Funds Transfer involves transferring money from one account to another and paying bills.What kind of requirements you need to create from following:1. Business Requirement2. Functional Requirement3. Testing Requirement4. Performance Requirement

    A.1 & 2

    B.1, 2 & 3


    1, 3 & 4

    D.1 & 3

    1417454 3 4 1 In the Online ban

    5. Consider that the software development line of business (LOB) of an organization is developing version 10.5 of the onlinebanking application for a specified bank. Version 10.0 of the same software already exists and enables a user to perform basiconline banking transactions. In Version 10.5 of the banking application, new functionality such as linking savings and sharetrading accounts is provided. In Quality Center, a version of an application is referred to?

    A.Test set Instance



    D.None of the above

    1417451 3 5 1 Consider that the

    6. ____ enables you to analyze the progress of defect repairs, and view how long defects have been residing in a project.




    D.Both A & B

    1417444 3 6 1 ____ enables yo

    7. The ____ feature enables you to calculate at which level to test each requirement,based on the importance of the requirementand the resources you have available

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    A.Level-based quality management

    B.Calculate-based quality management

    C.Risk-based quality management

    D.None of above

    1417442 3 7 1 The ____ feature

    8. Consider a test with the name test_01. Let us assume that requirement R_01 is associated with test_01. A defect_01 is linkedto R_01 is now associated with test_01. Now there are three instances of test_01 in three different test sets. When an instanceof this test is executed in any of the three test sets, will the defect_01 be directly linked to that particular test instance?



    C. No

    9. While testing the online banking application, you wanted to schedule few tests to be run based on the execution completionstatus of other tests and also want to schedule regression tests to run after office hours. Which feature from below best fit toaccomplish this task?

    A.Test plan module

    B.Execution Grid tab

    C.Execution flow tab

    1417462 3 9 1 While testing the

    10. What choices are available in Test Set Properties if any test fails?

    A.Rerun the test up to 5 times

    B.Run the next Test Set, Do Nothing

    C.Run cleanup test before each rerun of the test

    D.Do Nothing, Stop the Test Run, Rerun the Test Set

    1417441 3 10 1 What choices ar

    11. What are the default mandatory fields present while specifying the Cycle details in the releases module?

    A.Start date, end date and description

    B.Start date, Duration and Target Cycle

    C.Target Cycle and Cycle description

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    1417452 3 11 1 What are the def

    12. Which type of data can be added to a Dashboard page?





    13. As the project administrator of a project that is linked to a template project, what can you do?

    A.Synchronize project customizations with the linked template project on demand

    B.Roll back project customizations if problems are detected

    C.Request suspension of template customizations being applied

    D.Run verification prior to synchronization with the template project

    1417438 3 13 1 As the project ad

    14. When should you use a private favorite view for defects?

    A.Need one more

    B.Use for private sessions of Quality Center

    C. Use for data on which only you are working

    D.Use for data on which your group is working

    1417449 3 14 1 When should you

    15. After you install the Excel add-in, what is the first step that you need to perform to export data from excel to quality center?

    A.Format the data in excel.

    B. Highlight the data in excel.

    C.Review the exported data in QC and make the necessary additions and adjustments.

    D.From the excel menu bar, select tools->export to quality center.

    1417466 3 15 1 After you install t

    16. Which statements about linking defects are true? Select two.

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    B.Business process





    21. What happens if a user tries to delete a representative requirement?

    A.The deletion succeeds. The requirement coverage of the model entity is lost.

    B.The deletion fails. The representative requirements are read-only and are therefore protected from deletion.

    C. The deletion fails. The representative requirement is automatically made read-only, and an alert is optionallytriggered.

    D.The deletion succeeds. The representative requirement is moved to the obsolete folder.

    1417437 3 21 1 What happens if

    22. You can automatically create tests based directly on your requirements in the Requirements module.



    1417443 3 22 1 You can automat

    23. During which step of the risk based testing process do you determine the time needed for testing a requirement in QC?

    A.Establish business Criticality

    B.Perform risk analysis

    C.Establish failure probability

    D.View analysis results

    1417458 3 23 1 During w hich ste

    24. What is required to create a Baseline Report?

    A.The baseline must support the history template.

    B.All report sections must support test configurations.

    C.All report sections must support baselines.

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    D.The baseline must support the standard template.

    25. Which view of the requirements module enables you to edit multiple requirements?

    A.Requirement Grid view

    B.Requirement detail view

    C.Both A & B

    1417455 3 25 1 Which view of th

    26. A manual test started but did not complete the test run. Which feature will allow you to proceed with the test run?

    A.Cancel Run

    B.Run Manually

    C.Repeat Begin Run

    D.Continue Manual Run

    1417446 3 26 1 A manual test sta

    27. The Online banking application requires that users must be able to access the application for at least 23 hours a day. If theapplication stops working, it has a negative impact on your business. The availability of the online banking application is a highlycritical requirement. Which process is involved here?

    A.Failure probability

    B.Impact analysis

    C.Establish business Criticality

    D.None of the above.

    1417459 3 27 1 The Online banki

    28. The software development team has developed Release 4.0 of the online banking application. They have enhanced thefunctionality of the Transfer funds. There is a necessity to test the existing functionality of the Transfer funds to ensure that itcontinues to function as before. While analyzing the impact of a change proposed in a specific requirement. Which optionpresent in Quality center helps you to identify the other requirements that the change might affect?



    C.Impact analysis

    D.None of the above

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    29. You are the QA manager and your team found many defects in the asset management application. There wasinconsistency in the defects management process. Hence, you created following rules to track defects raised by your teamin quality center:

    A.Only the QA manager can set defects to CLOSED

    B.All defects in your project should start with a NEW status.

    C.Defects cannot be closed without first being verified/fixed

    D.All the above

    E.None of the above

    1417464 3 29 1 You are the QA

    30. What are the two different ways in which grid filter helps us to organize the defect grid?

    A. Use entry boxes under each field heading in grid filter to select the criteria for filtering the data in the defects grid B. Use the Clear Filter/Sort button to first clear the default settings and then use the Filter dialog box to set a filter conditionC. Use the Filter dialog box to set a filter condition

    A.A, C

    B.A, B

    C.B, C