Looking back at your Looking back at your preliminary task, what do preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the progression from it to the full product? the full product?


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Looking back at your preliminary Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have task, what do you feel you have

learnt in the progression from it to learnt in the progression from it to the full product?the full product?

During the preliminary task, I did not know how to use the website DaFont to get a wider range of fonts. As you can see, I used this website for my music magazine and it gives the magazine it’s own unique look.

I learned about features of magazines that help to draw the audience in such as selling lines and bright, contrasting colour schemes. I used these features in the production of my front cover.

I included a second photograph on the front cover of my music magazine as this is a convention of most music magazines. This also helps to gain audiences and achieve higher sales.

On my double page spread, I added a QR code. I did not include any signs of technology on my preliminary task as did not notice that recent magazines included them until I researched them.

I learned how to write vertically on Photoshop which helped create a more exciting and organised layout.

I was also unaware of the outer glow tool when producing the preliminary task. I found this a very useful tool to help make certain elements such as the cheap price of my magazine stand out.

When producing the preliminary task, I did not do any initial research of existing magazines and publishers whereas I researched extensively to create an authentic and successful music magazine.When taking the photograph for the cover of the preliminary task, I did not plan it to the same extent of the photographs for my music magazine. I also planned out the mise en sen of the photographs however in the preliminary task, I did not include any intentional mise en sen.I did a lot more audience research into my music magazine than for the college magazine through the use of a pitch, questionnaires and interviews. Consequently I created music magazine with a specific audience in mind unlike when I was created the college magazine.

There were more stages to the production of my music magazine unlike the preliminary task was I completed more quickly which created a less effective result.